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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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2906: Macroeconomics effects of private sector participation in Latin America's infrastructure Downloads
Lourdes Trujillo, Noelia Martin, Antonio Estache and Javier Campos
2905: Financing patterns around the world: the role of institutions Downloads
Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Vojislav Maksimovic
2904: Law and finance: why does legal origin matter? Downloads
Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Ross Levine
2903: Financial globalization: unequal blessings Downloads
Augusto de la Torre, Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Sergio Schmukler
2902: Aid, policy, and growth in post-conflict societies Downloads
Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler
2901: Decentralized credtor-led corporate restructuring - cross-country experience Downloads
Marinela E. Dado and Daniela Klingebiel
2900: Economic structure, productivity, and infrastructure quality in southern Mexico Downloads
Uwe Deichmann, Marianne Fay, Jun Koo and Somik Lall
2899: The political economy of fiscal policy and economic management in oil exporting countries Downloads
Benn Eifert, Alan Gelb and Nils Borje Tallroth
2898: Relative returns to policy reform - evidence from controlled cross-country regressions Downloads
Samy de Castro Alxandre, Ian Goldin and Luiz Awazu Pereira da Silva
2897: Gender dimensions of child labor and street children in Brazil Downloads
Emily Gustafsson-Wright and Hnin Hnin Pyne
2896: The wage labor market and inequality in Viet Nam in the 1990s Downloads
John Luke Gallup
2895: Telecommuications reform in Cote d'Ivoire Downloads
Jean-Jacques Laffont and Tchetche N'Guessan
2894: Telecommunications sector reforms in Senegal Downloads
Jean-Paul Azam, Magueye Dia and Tchetche N'Guessan
2893: Banking on foreigners: the behavior of international Bank lending to Latin America, 1985-2000 Downloads
Maria Martinez Peria, Andrew Powell and Ivanna Vladkova Hollar
2892: Productivity in endowments: sectoral evidence for Hong Kong's aggregate growth Downloads
Hiau Looi Kee
2891: Trends in the education sector from 1993 - 98 Downloads
Nga Nguyet Nguyen
2890: Sector organization, governance, and the inefficiency of African water utilities Downloads
Antonio Estache and Eugene Kouassi
2889: Environmental performance rating and disclosure - China's green-watch program Downloads
Hua Wang, Jun Bi, David Wheeler, Jinnan Wang, Dong Cao, Genfa Lu and Yuan Wang
2888: A poverty analysis macroeconomic simulator (PAMS) linking household surveys with macro-models Downloads
Luiz Awazu Pereira da Silva, B. Essama-Nssah and Issouf Samake
2887: The demand for commodity insurance by developing country agricultural producers - theory and an application to cocoa in Ghana Downloads
Alexander Sarris
2886: Examining the feasibility of livestock insurance in Mongolia Downloads
Jerry R. Skees and Ayurzana Enkh-Amgalan
2885: Poverty, AIDS, and children's schooling - a targeting dilemma Downloads
Martha Ainsworth and Deon Filmer
2884: Privatization and labor force restructuring around the world Downloads
Alberto Chong and Florencio Lopez-de-Silanes
2883: Assessing the distributional impact of public policy Downloads
B. Essama-Nssah
2882: Politically optimal tariffs: an application to Egypt Downloads
Dorsati Madani and Marcelo Olarreaga
2881: Returns to investment in education: a further update Downloads
George Psacharopoulos and Harry Patrinos
2880: The hidden costs of ethnic conflict - decomposing trends in educational outcomes of young Kosovars Downloads
Soumya Alva, Edmundo Murrugarra and Pierella Paci
2879: Externalities in rural development - evidence for China Downloads
Martin Ravallion
2878: On the governance of public pension fund management Downloads
Gregorio Impavido
2877: Patterns of industrial development revisted: the role of finance Downloads
Raymond Fisman and Inessa Love
2876: Can we discern the effect of globalization on income distribution? evidence from household budget surveys Downloads
Branko Milanovic
2875: Does Liberte = Egalite ? A survey of the empirical links between democracy and inequality with some evidence on the transition economies Downloads
Branko Milanovic
2874: Risks and macroeconomic impacts of HIV/AIDS in the Middle East and North Africa: why waiting to intervene can be costly Downloads
David Robalino, Carol Jenkins and Karim El Maroufi
2873: A little engine that could: domestic private companies and Vietnam?s pressing need for wage employment Downloads
Liesbet Steer and Markus Taussig
2872: Regional cooperation, and the role of international organizations and regional integration Downloads
Maurice Schiff and L. Winters
2871: Pricing of deposit insurance Downloads
Luc Laeven
2870: Electronic security - risk mitigation in financial transactions: public policy issues Downloads
Thomas Glaessner, Tom Kellermann and Valerie McNevin
2869: Stabilizing intergovernmental transfers in Latin America: a complement to national/subnational fiscal rules? Downloads
Christian Y. Gonzalez, David Rosenblatt and Steven B. Webb
2868: Universal(ly bad) service - providing infrastructure services to rural and poor urban consumers Downloads
George Clarke and Scott J. Wallsten
2867: Cotton sector strategies in West and Central Africa Downloads
Ousmane Badiane, Dhaneshwar Ghura, Louis Goreux and Paul Masson
2866: Transforming the old into a foundation for the new - lessons of the Moldova ARIA Project Downloads
David Ellerman and Vladimir Kreacic
2865: Bankruptcy around the world - explanations of its relative use Downloads
Stijn Claessens and Leora Klapper
2864: Telecommunications reform in Uganda Downloads
Mary M. Shirley, F.F. Tusubira, Frew Gebreab and Luke Haggarty
2863: Getting connected: competition and diffusion in African mobile telecommunications markets Downloads
Frew Amare Gebreab
2862: Tenure, Divesity, and commitment - community participation for urban service provision Downloads
Somik Lall, Uwe Deichmann, Mattias Lundberg and Nazmul Chaudhury
2861: Trade-related technology diffusion and the dynamics of North-South and South-South integration Downloads
Maurice Schiff, Yanling Wang and Marcelo Olarreaga
2860: Privatization in competitive sectors: the record to date Downloads
Sunita Kikeri and John Nellis
2859: Ethnic and gender wagedisparities in Sri Lanka Downloads
Mohamed Ihsan Ajwad and Pradeep Kurukulasuriya
2858: The state of corporate governance - experience from country assessments Downloads
Mierta Capaul and Olivier Fremond
2857: Markups, returns to scale, and productivity: a case study of Singapore's manufacturing sector Downloads
Hiau Looi Kee
2856: Banking policy and macroeconomic stability - an exploration Downloads
Gerard Caprio and Patrick Honohan
2855: Financial crises, financial dependence, and industry growth Downloads
Luc Laeven, Daniela Klingebiel and Randy Kroszner
2854: Rich and powerful? Subjective power and welfare in Russia Downloads
Martin Ravallion and Michael Lokshin
2853: Private inter-household transfers in Vietnam in the early and late 1990s Downloads
Donald Cox
2852: Regional agreements and trade services - policy issues Downloads
Aaditya Mattoo and Carsten Fink
2851: Economic Development and the World Trade Organization after Doha Downloads
Bernard Hoeckman
2850: Determinants of commercial bank performance in transition - an application of data envelopment analysis Downloads
David Grigorian and Vlad Manole
2849: Pooling, savings, and prevention - mitigating the risk of old age poverty in Chile Downloads
Truman G. Packard
2848: Administrative barriers to foreign investment in developing countries Downloads
Jacques Morisset and Olivier Lumenga Neso
2847: The nature and dynamics of poverty determinants in Burkina Faso in the 1990s Downloads
Hippolyte L. Fofack
2846: Is India's economic growth leaving the poor behind? Downloads
Gaurav Datt and Martin Ravallion
2845: The spatial division of labor in Nepal Downloads
Marcel Fafchamps and Forhad Shilpi
2844: Money demand in Venezuela: multiple cycle extraction in a cointegration frmaework Downloads
Mario Cuevas
2843: A practical guide to managing systemic financial crises: a review of approaches taken in Indonesia, the Republic of Korea, and Thailand Downloads
David Scott
2842: Financial sector inefficiencies and the debt Laffer curve Downloads
Pierre-Richard Agénor and Joshua Aizenman
2841: Contractual savings in countries with a small financial sector Downloads
Gregorio Impavido, Alberto R. Musalem and Dimitri Vittas
2840: Public spending and outcomes: does governance matter? Downloads
Andrew Sunil Rajkumar and Vinaya Swaroop
2839: Marketing externalities and market development Downloads
M. Shahe Emran and Shilpi. Forhad
2838: Economic mobility in Vietnam in the 1990s Downloads
Paul Glewwe and Phong Nguyen
2837: Reform, growth, and poverty in Vietnam Downloads
David Dollar
2836: Ethnic minority development in Vietnam: a socioeconomic perspective Downloads
Bob Baulch, Truong Thi Kim Chuyen, Dominique Haughton and Jonathan Haughton
2835: A decade of fiscal transition Downloads
Asad Alam and Mark Sundberg
2834: Investor protection, ownership, and the cost of capital Downloads
Charles P. Himmelberg, R. Glenn Hubbard and Inessa Love
2833: School choice, student performance, and teacher and school characteristics: the Chilean case Downloads
Emiliana Vega
2832: Poverty and survival prospects of Vietnamese children under Doi Moi Downloads
Adam Wagstaff and Nga Nguyet Nguyen
2831: Health outcomes in poor countries and policy options: empirical findings from demographic and health surveys Downloads
Limin Wang
2830: Labor market implications of switching the currency peg in a general equilibrium model for Lithuania Downloads
Lodovico Pizzati
2829: The spatial distribution of poverty in Vietnam and the potential for targeting Downloads
Nicholas Minot and Bob Baulch
2828: Beyond Oaxaca-Blinder: accounting for differences in household income distributions across countries Downloads
François Bourguignon and Francisco Ferreira
2827: Learning to export - evidence from Moroccan manufacturing Downloads
Marcel Fafchamps, Said El Hamine and Albert Zeufack
2826: Potential GDP growth in Venezuela: a structural time series approach Downloads
Mario Cuevas
2825: Demand for imports in Venezuela: a structural time series approach Downloads
Mario Cuevas
2824: Trade policy and labor services: final status options for the West Bank and Gaza Downloads
Maurice Schiff
2823: Real exchange rate uncertainty and private investment in developing countries Downloads
Luis Serven
2822: An econometric analysis of IBRD creditworthiness Downloads
David McKenzie
2821: Income, wealth, and socialization in Argentina: provocative responses from individuals Downloads
Daniel Lederman
2820: The privatization of the Russian coal industry: policies and processes in the transformation of a major industry Downloads
Igor Artemiev and Michael Haney
2819: Goals for development: history, prospects and costs Downloads
Shantayanan Devarajan, Margaret J. Miller and Eric V. Swanson
2818: Corporate governance, investor protection, and performance in emerging markets Downloads
Leora Klapper and Inessa Love
2817: Does sequencing matter? regulation and privatization in telecommunications reforms Downloads
Scott Wallsten
2816: Explaining the migration of stocks from exchanges in emerging economies to international centers Downloads
Stijn Claessens, Daniela Klingebiel and Sergio Schmukler
2815: Pricing currency risk: facts and puzzles from currency boards Downloads
Sergio Schmukler and Luis Serven
2814: Estimating the endogenously determined intrahousehold balance of power and its impact on expenditure pattern: evidence from Nepal Downloads
Gayatri Koolwal and Ranjan Ray
2813: The collective model of the household and an unexpected implication for child labor: hypothesis and an empirical test Downloads
Kaushik Basu and Ranjan Ray
2812: Can financial markets be tapped to help poor people cope with weather risks ? Downloads
Jerry Skees, Panos Varangis, Donald Larson and Paul Siegel
2811: The epidemiological impact of an HIV/AIDS vaccine in developing countries Downloads
John Stover, Geoff P. Garnett, Steve Seitz and Steven Forsythe
2810: Growth, distribution, and poverty in Africa: messages from the 1990s Downloads
Luc Christiaensen, Lionel Demery and Stefano Paternostro
2809: On the measurement and impact of fiscal decentralization Downloads
Robert Ebel and Serdar Yilmaz
2808: A capital accord for emerging economies? Downloads
Andrew Powell
2807: The role of natural resources in fundamental tax reform in the Russian Federation Downloads
Benoit Bosquet
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