Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2305: The impact of banking crises on money demand and price stability

- Maria Martinez Peria
- 2304: Disinflation and the supply side

- Pierre-Richard Agénor and Lodovico Pizzati
- 2303: Malaria and growth

- F. Desmond McCarthy, Holger Wolf and Yi Wu
- 2302: Why liberalization alone has not improved agricultural productivity in Zambia: the role of asset ownership and working capital constraints

- Klaus Deininger and Pedro Olinto
- 2301: Identifying welfare effects from subjective questions

- Martin Ravallion and Michael Lokshin
- 2300: Single mothers in Russia - household strategies for coping with poverty

- Michael Lokshin, Kathleen Mullan Harris and Barry Popkin
- 2299: Household savings in transition economies

- Cevdet Denizer, Holger C. Wolf and Yvonne Ying
- 2298: Fiscal deficits, monetary reform, and inflation stabilization in Romania

- Nina Budina and Sweder van Wijnbergen
- 2297: Sources of ethnic inequality in Vietnam

- Dileni Gunewardena and Dominique van de Walle
- 2296: An ecological and historical perspective on agricultural development in Southeast Asia

- Yujiro Hayami
- 2295: Resolving bank failures in Argentina - recent developments and issues

- Augusto de la Torre
- 2294: Reforming the urban water system in Santiago, Chile

- Mary M. Shirley, Lixin Xu and Ana Maria Zuluaga
- 2293: Should capital flows be regulated? - a look at the issues and policies

- Roumeen Islam
- 2292: Dividing the spoils - pensions, privatization, and reform in Russia's transition

- Ethan B. Kapstein and Branko Milanovic
- 2291: Incentives for pollution control - regulation and public disclosure

- Jerome Foulon, Paul Lanoie and Benoit Laplante
- 2290: Decentralization and corruption - evidence across countries

- Raymond Fisman and Roberta Gatti
- 2289: Exchange rate overvaluation and trade protection - lessons from experience

- Howard J. Shatz and David Tarr
- 2288: Ten years of transformation - macroeconomic lessons

- Charles Wyplosz
- 2287: The vicious circles of control - regional governments and insiders in privatized Russian enterprises

- Raj Desai and Itzhak Goldberg
- 2286: Transparency, liberalization, and banking crisis

- Gil Mehrez and Daniel Kaufmann
- 2285: Industrial environmental performance in China - the impact of inspections

- Susmita Dasgupta, Benoit Laplante, Nlandu Namingi and Hua Wang
- 2284: The use of asset management companies in the resolution of banking crises - cross-country experience

- Daniela Klingebiel
- 2283: New tools and new tests in comparative political economy - the database of political institutions

- Thorsten Beck, George Clarke, Alberto Groff, Philip Keefer and Patrick Walsh
- 2282: Managing fiscal risk in Bulgaria

- Hana Brixi, Sergei Shatalov and Leila Zlaoui
- 2281: External sustainability: a stock equilibrium perspective

- Cesar Calderon, Norman Loayza and Luis Serven
- 2280: Willingness to pay for air quality improvements in Sofia, Bulgaria

- Dale Whittington and Hua Wang
- 2279: Broad roads in a thin country - infrastructure concessions in Chile

- Sergio Hinojosa and Andres Gomez-Lobo
- 2278: Liquidity constraints and investment in transition economies - the case of Bulgaria

- Nina Budina, Harry Garretsen and Elke de Jong
- 2277: Determinants of Bulgarian Brady bond prices - an empirical assessment

- Nina Budina and Tzvetan Mantchev
- 2276: Evaluating the case for export subsidies

- Arvind Panagariya
- 2275: Who gained from Vietnam's boom in the 1990s? An analysis of poverty and inequality trends

- Paul Glewwe, Michele Gragnolatti and Hassan Zaman
- 2274: How access to urban potable water and sewerage connections affects child mortality

- Anqing Shi
- 2273: The value of preventing malaria in Tembien, Ethiopia

- Maureen Cropper, Mitiku Haile, Julian A. Lampieti, Christine Poulos and Dale Whittington
- 2272: Ownership versus environment: disentangling the sources of public sector inefficiency

- Ann P. Bartel and Ann E. Harrison
- 2271: Corporate risk around the world

- Stijn Claessens, Simeon Djankov and Tatiana Nenova
- 2270: The optimal income tax when poverty is a public"bad"

- Waly Wane
- 2269: Context is everything: measuring institutional change in transition economies

- Nauro Campos
- 2268: The structure of social disparities in education: gender and wealth

- Deon Filmer
- 2267: Do high interest rates defend currencies during speculative attacks ?

- Aart Kraay
- 2266: The impact of adult deaths on children's health in Northwestern Tanzania

- Martha Ainsworth and Innocent Semali
- 2265: The political economy of distress in East Asian financial institutions

- Paola Bongini, Stijn Claessens and Giovanni Ferri
- 2264: Do more unequal countries redistribute more? does the median voter hypothesis hold?

- Branko Milanovic
- 2263: When is growth pro-poor? Evidence from the diverse experiences of India's states

- Martin Ravallion and Gaurav Datt
- 2262: How inadequate provision of public infrastructure and services affects private investment

- Ritva Reinikka and Jakob Svensson
- 2261: Is knowledge shared within households?

- Kaushik Basu, Ambar Narayan and Martin Ravallion
- 2260: Regional integration agreements - a force for convergence or divergence?

- Anthony Venables
- 2259: Predicting currency fluctuations and crises - do resident firms have an informational advantage?

- Daniel Kaufmann, Gil Mehrez and Sergio Schmukler
- 2258: Market access bargaining in the Uruguay Round - Rigid or relaxed reciprocity?

- Joseph Finger, Ulrich Reincke and Adriana Castro
- 2257: Infrastructure, geographical disadvantage, and transport costs

- Nuno Limão and Anthony Venables
- 2256: Geographical disadvantage - a Heckscher-Ohlin-von Thunen model of international specialization

- Anthony Venables and Nuno Limão
- 2255: Risk and efficiency in East Asian banks

- Luc Laeven
- 2254: Does"grease money"speed up the wheels of commerce?

- Daniel Kaufman and Shang-Jin Wei
- 2253: Revenue recycling and the welfare effects of road pricing

- Ian Parry and Antonio Bento
- 2252: Productivity growth, capital accumulation, and the banking sector - some lessons from Malaysia

- Ejaz Ghani and Vivek Suri
- 2251: Will the Euro create a bonanza for Africa?

- Daniel Cohen, Nicolai Kristensen and Dorte Verner
- 2250: Universal service obligations in utility concession contracts and the needs of the poor in Argentina's privatization

- Omar Chisari and Antonio Estache
- 2249: Argentina's transport privatization and re-regulation: ups and downs of a daring decade-long experience

- Antonio Estache, Jose C. Carbajo and Ginés de Rus
- 2248: Privatization and regulation of transport infrastructure in the 1990s - successes...and bugs to fix for the next millennium

- Antonio Estache
- 2247: Does deposit insurance increase banking system stability ? An empirical investigation

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Enrica Detragiache
- 2246: Infrastructure's contribution to aggregate output

- David Canning
- 2245: Opportunities for improving environmental compliance in Mexico

- Susmita Dasgupta
- 2244: True world income distribution, 1988 and 1993 - first calculations, based on household surveys alone

- Branko Milanovic
- 2243: Designing pro-poor water and sewer concessions: early lessons from Bolivia

- Kristin Komives
- 2242: Confronting competition - investment response and constraints in Uganda

- Ritva Reinikka and Jakob Svensson
- 2241: How land registration affects financial development and economic growth in Thailand

- Frank F.K. Byamugisha
- 2240: The effects of land registration on financial development and economic growth - a theoretical and conceptual framework

- Frank F.K. Byamugisha
- 2239: The EU factor in the trade policies of Central European countries

- Bartlomiej Kaminski
- 2238: A review of the role and impact of export processing zones

- Dorsati Madani
- 2237: Reforming tax systems - the World Bank record in the 1990s

- Luca Barbone, Arindam Das-Gupta, Luc De Wulf and Anna Hansson
- 2236: Valuing water for Chinese industries: a marginal productivity assessment

- Hua Wang and Somik Lall
- 2235: Beyond capital ideals: restoring banking stability

- Gerard Caprio and Patrick Honohan
- 2234: The green revolution and the productivity paradox: evidence from the Indian Punjab

- Rinku Murgai
- 2233: User's guide to an early warning system for macroeconomic vulnerability in Latin American countries

- Santiago Herrara and Conrado Garcia
- 2232: Market access advances and retreats: the Uruguay Round and beyond

- Joseph Finger and Ludger Schuknecht
- 2231: What's behind MERCOSUR's common external tariff?

- Marcelo Olarreaga, Isidro Soloaga and L. Winters
- 2230: Bankruptcy reorganization through markets: Auction-based Creditor Ordering by Reducing Debts (ACCORD)

- Donald B. Hausch and S. Ramachandran
- 2229: Do school facilities matter?: the case of the Peruvian Social Fund (FONCODES)

- Christina Paxson and Norbert Schady
- 2228: Fiscal contingency planning for banking crises

- Patrick Honohan
- 2227: The Sri Lankan unemployment problem revisited

- Martin Rama
- 2226: Money, politics and a future for the international financial system

- Michael Klein
- 2225: How did highly indebted poor countries become highly indebted?: reviewing two decades of debt relief

- William Easterly
- 2224: Growth forecasts using time series and growth models

- Aart Kraay and George Monokroussos
- 2223: Integrated financial supervision: lessons of Northern European experience

- Michael Taylor and Alex Fleming
- 2222: Labor market integration in the presence of social capital

- Maurice Schiff
- 2221: The dynamics of poverty and the effectiveness of Poland's safety net (1993-96)

- Wlodzimierz Okrasa
- 2220: A Quantitative evaluation of Vietnam's accession to the ASEAN Free Trade Area

- Emiko Fukase and Will Martin
- 2219: The effect of the United States'granting Most Favored Nation status to Vietnam

- Emiko Fukase and Will Martin
- 2218: Who avoids and who escapes from poverty during transition? - evidence from Polish panel data, 1993-96

- Wlodzimierz Okrasa
- 2217: Border, border, wide and far, how we wonder what you are

- David Parsley and Shang-Jin Wei
- 2216: Corruption and trade tariffs, or a case for uniform tariffs

- Roberta Gatti
- 2215: Implementation of Uruguay Round commitments: the development challenge

- Joseph Finger and Philip Schuler
- 2214: Trade policy and market access issues for developing countries: implications for the Millennium Round

- Constantine Michalopoulos
- 2213: Fiscal solvency and sustainability in economic management

- Hinh Dinh
- 2212: Is African manufacturing skill-constrained?

- Howard Pack and Christina Paxson
- 2211: Competition policy, developing countries, and the World Trade Organization

- Bernard Hoekman and Peter Holmes
- 2210: The slippery slope: explaining the increase in extreme poverty in urban Brazil, 1976-96

- Francisco Ferreira and Ricardo Paes de Barrios
- 2209: Does corruption relieve foreign investors of the burden of taxes and capital controls?

- Shang-Jin Wei
- 2208: Ethnic partition as a solution to ethnic war - an empirical critique of the theoretical literature

- Nicholas Sambanis
- 2207: Jamaica's food stamp program - impacts on poverty and welfare

- Kene Ezemenari and Kalanidhi Subbarao
- 2206: Household childcare choices and women's work behavior in Russia

- Michael Lokshin
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