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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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2806: Dirty exports and environmental regulation: do standards matter to trade? Downloads
John Wilson, Tsunehiro Otsuki and Mirvat Sewadeh
2805: To spray or not to spray? - pesticides, banana exports, and food safety Downloads
John Wilson and Tsunehiro Otsuki
2804: Liberalizing trade in agriculture: developing countries in Asia and the post-Doha agenda Downloads
John Wilson
2803: Determinants of agricultural growth in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand Downloads
Yair Mundlack, Donald Larson and Rita Butzer
2802: Telecommunication reforms, access regulation, and Internet adoption in Latin America Downloads
Antonio Estache, Marco Manacorda and Tommaso Valletti
2801: Policies to promote saving for retirement: a synthetic overview Downloads
Dimitri Vittas
2800: Did social safety net scholarships reduce drop-out rates during the Indonesian economic crisis? Downloads
Lisa Cameron
2799: The impact of the Indonesian financial crisis on children: data from 100 villages survey Downloads
Lisa Cameron
2798: Fever and its treatment among the more and less poor in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Deon Filmer
2797: Regional integration and development in small states Downloads
Maurice Schiff
2796: Do rural infrastructure investments benefit the poor? Evaluating linkages: a global view, a focus on Vietnam Downloads
Jocelyn A. Songco
2795: Inequalities in health in developing countries - swimming against the tide? Downloads
Adam Wagstaff
2794: Land policies and evolving farm structures in transition countries Downloads
Zvi Lerman, Csaba Csaki and Gershon Feder
2793: Agricultural markets and risks - management of the latter, not the former Downloads
Panos Varangis, Donald Larson and Jack R. Anderson
2792: Determinants of life insurance consumption across countries Downloads
Thorsten Beck and Ian Webb
2791: The static and dynamic incidence of Vietnam's public safety net Downloads
Dominique van de Walle
2790: Estimating the poverty impacts of trade liberalization Downloads
Jeffrey Reimer
2789: "Learning by dining": informal networks and productivity in Mexican industry Downloads
Somik Lall and Sudeshna Ghosh
2788: Macroeconomic adjustment and the poor: analytical issues and cross-country evidence Downloads
Pierre-Richard Agénor
2787: Do farmers chooseto be inefficient? evidence from Bicol, Philippines Downloads
Donald Larson and Frank Plessmann
2786: The composition of foreign direct investment and protection of intellectual property rights: evidence from transition economies Downloads
Beata K. Smarzynska
2785: Improving air quality in metropolitan Mexico City: an economic valuation Downloads
Herman Cesar, Victor H. Borja-Aburto, Kees Dorland, Roberto Munoz Cruz, Luke Brander, Maureen Cropper, Ana Citlalic Gonzalez Marinez, Gustavo Olaiz-Fernandez, Ana Patricia Martinez Bolivar, Xander Olsthoorn, Alberto Rosales-Castillo, Gloria Soto Montes de Oca, Victor Torres-Meza, Ricardo Uribe Ceron, Pieter Van Beukering, Eduardo Vega Lopez, Max Magin Nino Zarazua, Miguel Angel Nino Zarazua and Walter Vergara
2784: Financial and legal constraints to firm growth - Does size matter? Downloads
Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Vojislav Maksimovic
2783: Ownership, competition, and corruption: bribe takers versus bribe payers Downloads
George Clarke and Lixin Xu
2782: Global capital flows and financing constraints Downloads
Ann E. Harrison, Inessa Love and Margaret McMillan
2781: Maritime transport costs and port efficiency Downloads
David Dollar, Alejandro Micco and Ximena Clark
2780: Determinants of technology adoption in Mexico Downloads
Gladys C. Lopez-Acevedo
2779: Technology and skill demand in Mexico Downloads
Gladys Lopez-Acevedo
2778: Technology and firm performance in Mexico Downloads
Gladys Lopez-Acevedo
2777: Teachers'incentives and professional development in schools in Mexico Downloads
Gladys Lopez-Acevedo
2776: Child nutrition, economic growth, and the provision of health care services in Vietnam in the 1990s Downloads
Paul Glewwe, Stefanie Koch and Bui Linh Nguyen
2775: Patterns of health care utilization in Vietnam: analysis of 1997-98 Vietnam Living Standards Survey Data Downloads
Pravin Trivedi
2774: Child labor in transition in Vietnam Downloads
Eric Edmonds and Carrie Turk
2773: Household enterprises in Vietnam: survival, growth, and living standards Downloads
Wim Vijverberg and Jonathan Haughton
2772: Governance matters II - updated indicators for 2000-01 Downloads
Daniel Kaufmann, Aart Kraay and Pablo Zoido-Lobaton
2771: Exchange rate appreciations, labor market rigidities, and informality Downloads
Marco Fugazza, Norbert Fiess and William Maloney
2770: Downsizing and productivity gains in the public and private sectors of Colombia Downloads
Martin Rama and Constance Newman
2769: Immunization in developing countries: its political and organizational determinants Downloads
Varun Gauri and Peyvand Khaleghian
2768: Trade, foreign exchange, and energy policies in the Islamic Republic of Iran: reform agenda, economic implications, and impact on the poor Downloads
Jesper Jensen and David Tarr
2767: Child labor: the role of income variability and access to credit in a cross-section of countries Downloads
Rajeev Dehejia and Roberta Gatti
2766: Autonomy, participation, and learning in Argentine schools - findings and their implications for decentralization Downloads
Gunnar Eskeland and Deon Filmer
2765: Inequality aversion, health inequalities, and health achievement Downloads
Adam Wagstaff
2764: What determines the quality of institutions? Downloads
Roumeen Islam and Claudio Montenegro
2763: Capacity building in economics: education and research in transition economies Downloads
Boris Pleskovic, Anders Aslund, William Bader and C
2762: The (positive) effect of macroeconomic crises on the schoolingand employment decisions of children in a middle-income country Downloads
Norbert R. Schady
2761: Precautionary saving from different sources of income - evidence from rural Pakistan Downloads
Richard Adams
2760: Bank lending to small businesses in Latin America: does Bank origin matter? Downloads
George Clarke, Robert Cull, Maria Martinez Peria and Susana M. Sanchez
2759: Product quality, productive efficiency, and international technology diffusion: evidence from plant-level panel data Downloads
Aart Kraay, Isidro Soloaga and James Tybout
2758: Inequality, the price of nontradables, and the real exchange rate: theory and cross-country evidence Downloads
Hong-Ghi Min
2757: Strengthening the global trade architecture for development Downloads
Bernard Hoekman
2756: Incomplete enforcement of pollution regulation: bargaining power of Chinese factories Downloads
Hua Wang, Nlandu Mamingi, Benoit Laplante and Dasgup
2755: A framework for regulating microfinance institutions: the experience in Ghana and the Philippines Downloads
Joselito Gallardo
2754: Revealed preference and self-insurance - Can we learn from the self-employed in Chile? Downloads
Abigail Barr and Truman Packard
2753: Unemployment, skills, and incentives - an overview of the safety net system in the Slovak Republic Downloads
Carolina Sanchez-Paramo
2752: Investment and income effects of land regularization: the case of Nicaragua Downloads
Klaus Deininger and Juan Sebastian Chamorro
2751: Contractual savings institutions and banks'stability and efficiency Downloads
Gregorio Impavido, Alberto R. Musalem and Thierry Tressel
2750: The political economy of commodity export policy: a case study of India Downloads
Masanori Kondo
2749: Loan loss provisioning and economic slowdowns: too much, too late? Downloads
Luc Laeven and Giovanni Majnoni
2748: Deposit dollarization and the financial sector in emerging economies Downloads
Patrick Honohan and Anging Shi
2747: Are public sector workers underpaid? - Appropriate comparators in a developing country Downloads
Sarah Bales and Martin Rama
2746: Complementarity between multilateral lending and private flows to developing countries: some empirical results Downloads
Dilip Ratha
2745: Children's work and schooling - does gender matter?: evidence from the Peru LSMS panel data Downloads
Nadeem Ilahi
2743: Breadwinner or caregiver? - how household role affectslabor choices in Mexico Downloads
Wendy Cunningham
2742: Sectoral allocation by gender of Latin American workers over the liberalization period of the 1990s Downloads
Wendy Cunningham
2741: Female wage inequality in Latin American labor markets Downloads
Luz A. Saavedra
2740: Are men benefiting from the new economy: male economic marginalization in Argentina, Brazil, and Costa Rica Downloads
Omar Arias
2739: Poverty, education, and health in Indonesia: who benefits from public spending? Downloads
Peter Lanjouw, Menno Pradhan, Fadia Saadah, Haneen Sayed and Robert Sparrow
2738: Assisting the transition from workfare to work: a randomized experiment Downloads
Emanuela Galasso, Martin Ravallion and Agustin Salvia
2737: Mode of foreign entry, technology transfer, and foreign direct investment policy Downloads
Aaditya Mattoo, Marcelo Olarreaga and Kamal Saggi
2736: Social policy and macroeconomics: the Irish experience Downloads
F. Desmond McCarthy
2735: Shifting tax burdens through exemptions and evasion - an empirical investigation of Uganda Downloads
Bernard Gauthier and Ritva Reinikka
2734: Agricultural markets in Benin and Malawi: the operation and performance of traders Downloads
Marcel Fafchamps and Eleni Gabre-Madhin
2733: Trade policy reform and poverty alleviation Downloads
Bernard Hoekman, Constantine Michalopoulos, Maurice Schiff and David Tarr
2732: The unbalanced Ururguay Round outcome: the new areas in future WTO negotiations Downloads
Joseph Finger and Julio Nogues
2731: An alternative technical education system in Mexico: a reassessment of CONALEP Downloads
Gladys Lopez-Acevedo
2730: Antidumping as safeguard policy Downloads
Joseph Finger, Francis Ng and Sonam Wangchuk
2729: International evidence on the value of product and geographic diversity Downloads
Luc Laeven
2728: Evaluating emergency programs Downloads
William Maloney
2727: Hospital governance and incentive design: the case of corporatized public hospitals in Lebanon Downloads
Florence Eid
2726: Applying the decision rights to a case of hospital institutional design Downloads
Florence Eid
2725: Bank regulation and supervision: what works best? Downloads
James Barth, Gerard Caprio and Ross Levine
2724: Tropical bubbles: asset prices in Latin America, 1980-2001 Downloads
Santiago Herrera and Guillermo Perry
2723: Using development-oriented equity investment as a tool for restructuring transition banking sectors Downloads
Helo Meigas
2722: Japan's official development assistance: recent issues and future directions Downloads
Masahiro Kawai and Shinji Takagi
2721: Implications for South Asian countries for abolishing the Multifibre Arrangement Downloads
Sanjay Kathuria, Will Martin and Anjali Bhardwaj
2720: International migration and the global economic order: an interview Downloads
Andres Solimano
2719: Is there a positive incentive effect from privatizing social security: evidence from Latin America Downloads
Truman G. Packard
2718: Liberalizing basic telecommunications: the Asian experience Downloads
Carsten Fink, Aaditya Mattoo and Randeep Rathindran
2717: Bridging the economic divide within nations: a scorecard on the performance of regional development policies in reducing regional income disparities Downloads
Raja Shankar and Anwar Shah
2716: Does foreign bank penetration reduce access to credit in developing countries"evidence from asking borrowers Downloads
George Clarke, Robert Cull and Maria Martinez Peria
2715: Paying for health care: quantifying fairness, catastrophe, and impoverishment, with applications to Vietnam, 1993-98 Downloads
Adam Wagstaff and Eddy Van Doorslaer
2714: On decomposing the causes of health sector inequalities with an application to malnutrition inequalities in Vietnam Downloads
Adam Wagstaff, Eddy Van Doorslaer and Naoko Watanabe
2713: Causes of inequality in health: who are you? where do you live? or who your parents were? Downloads
Adam Wagstaf, Pierella Paci and Heather Joshi
2712: Contract risks and credit spread determinants in the international project bond market Downloads
Mansoor Dailami and Robert Hauswald
2711: Identifying class size effects in developing countries: evidence from rural schools in Bolivia Downloads
Miguel Urquiola
2710: Breaking up the collective farm: welfare outcomes of Vietnam's massive land privatization Downloads
Martin Ravallion and Dominique Van der Walle
2709: Explaining leakage of public funds Downloads
Ritva Reinikka and Jakob Svensson
2708: Accountability and corruption: political institutions matter Downloads
Daniel Lederman, Norman Loayza and Rodrigo Reis Soares
2707: Financial intermediary development and growth volatility: do intermediaries dampen or magnify shocks? Downloads
Thorsten Beck, Mattias Lundberg and Giovann Majnoni
2706: Household income dynamics in rural China Downloads
Jyotsna Jalan and Martin Ravallion
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