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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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2205: Foreign-owned capital and endogenous tariffs Downloads
Marcelo Olarreaga
2204: Corruption under moral hazard Downloads
Gunnar Eskeland and Henrik Thiele
2203: Market versus administrative reallocation of agricultural land in a period of rapid industrialization Downloads
Michael Carter and Yang Yao
2202: Specialization without regret - transfer rights, agricultural productivity, and investment in an industrializing economy Downloads
Michael Carter and Yang Yao
2201: Financial development and industrial capital accumulation Downloads
Biagio Bossone
2200: The role of trust in financial sector development Downloads
Biagio Bossone
2199: Managing risks of capital mobility Downloads
Mansoor Dailami
2198: How the Chinese system of charges and subsidies affects pollution control efforts by China's top industrial polluters Downloads
Hua Wang
2197: Production sharing in East Asia: who does what for whom, and why? Downloads
Francis Ng and Alexander Yeats
2196: Governance matters Downloads
Daniel Kaufmann, Aart Kraay and Pablo Zoido-Lobaton
2195: Aggregating governance indicators Downloads
Daniel Kaufmann, Aart Kraay and Pablo Zoido-Lobaton
2194: Does democracy facilitate the economic transition: an empirical study of Central and Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union Downloads
Jean-Jacques Dethier, Hafez Ghanem and Edda Zoli
2193: Children's growth and poverty in rural Guatemala Downloads
Michele Gragnolati
2192: Districts, spillovers, and government overspending Downloads
Reza Baqir
2191: Can no antitrust policy be better than some antitrust policy? Downloads
Aaditya Mattoo
2190: The credit channel at work - lessons from the Republic of Korea's financial crisis Downloads
Giovanni Ferri and Tae Soo Kang
2189: Alternative frameworks for providing financial services Downloads
Stijn Claessens and Daniela Klingebiel
2188: Financial liberalization and the capital account: Thailand, 1988-97 Downloads
Pedro Alba, Leonardo Hernandez and Daniela Klingebiel
2187: Who determines Mexican trade policy? Downloads
Jean-Marie Grether, Jaime de Melo and Marcelo Olarreaga
2186: Contagion, bank lending spreads, and output fluctuations Downloads
Pierre-Richard Agénor, Joshua Aizenman and Hoffmais
2185: Financial sector inefficiencies and coordination failures: implications for crisis management Downloads
Pierre-Richard Agénor and Joshua Aizenman
2184: Financial services and the World Trade Organization - liberalization commitments of the developing and transition economies Downloads
Aaditya Mattoo
2183: Market discipline and financial safety net design Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Harry Huizinga
2182: The integration of transition economies into the world trading system Downloads
Constantine Michalopoulos
2181: Privatization and regulation of the seaport industry Downloads
Lourdes Trujillo and Gustavo Nombela
2180: Regulating privatized infrastructures and airport services Downloads
Ofelia Betancor and Robert Rendeiro
2179: How child labor and child schooling interact with adult labor Downloads
Ranjan Ray
2178: Nonfarm income, inequality, and land in Rural Egypt Downloads
Richard Adams
2177: Fiscal adjustment and contingent government liabilities: case studies of the Czech Republic and Macedonia Downloads
Hana Brixi, Hafez Ghanem and Roumeen Islam
2176: Fiscal risks and the quality of fiscal adjustment in Hungary Downloads
Hana Brixi, Anita Papp and Allen Schick
2175: Sector growth and the dual economy model - evidence from Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, and Zimbabwe Downloads
Niels-Hugo (Hugo) Blunch and Dorte Verner
2174: Prospective deficits and the asian currency crisis Downloads
Craig Burnside, Martin Eichenbaum and Sergio Rebelo
2173: The intriguing relation between adult minimum wage and child labor Downloads
Kaushik Basu
2172: The East Asian crisis: investigating causes and policy responses Downloads
Warwick McKibbin and Will Marin
2171: Productivity growth and convergence in agriculture and manufacturing Downloads
Will Martin and Devashish Mitra
2170: The distributional consequences of monetary policy: evidence from Malaysia Downloads
Ilker Domac
2169: Corruption, public finances, and the unofficial economy Downloads
Simon Johnson, Daniel Kaufmann and Pablo Zoido-Lobaton
2168: Wage and productivity gaps - evidence from Ghana Downloads
Dorte Verner
2167: Bonds and bridges: social and poverty Downloads
Deepa Narayan
2166: Seeking votes - the political economy of expenditures by the Peruvian Social Fund (FONCODES), 1991-95 Downloads
Norbert R. Schady
2165: The Russian city in transition - the first six years in ten Volga capitals Downloads
Martha de Melo and Gur Ofer
2164: Challenging El Salvador's rural health care strategy Downloads
Maureen Lewis, Gunnar Eskeland and Ximena Traa-Valerezo
2163: Coverage under old-agesecurity programs and protection for the uninsured - What are the issues? Downloads
Estelle James
2162: Quantifying the fiscal effects of trade reform Downloads
Shantayanan Devarajan, Delfin Go and Hongyi Li
2161: Will the real"natural trading partner"please stand up? Downloads
Maurice Schiff
2160: Protecting the poor from macroeconomic shocks Downloads
Francisco Ferreira, Giovanna Prennushi and Martin Ravallion
2159: Provincial bank privatization in Argentina: the why, how, and"so what"? Downloads
George Clarke and Robert Cull
2158: The effect of foreign entry on Argentina's domestic banking sector Downloads
George Clarke, Robert Cull, Laura D'Amato and Andrea Molinari
2157: How regional blocs affect excluded countries - the price effects of MERCOSUR Downloads
Won Chang and L. Winters
2156: How has regionalism in the 1990s affected trade? Downloads
Isidro Soloaga and L. Winters
2155: Lending booms, reserves, and the sustainability of short-term debt - inferences from the pricing of syndicated bank loans Downloads
Barry Eichengreen and Ashoka Mody
2154: Inter-industry labor mobility in Taiwan, China Downloads
Howard Pack and Christina Paxson
2153: Themystery of the vanishing benefits: Ms. Speedy Analyst's introduction to evaluation Downloads
Martin Ravallion
2152: Comparing the performance of public and private water companies in the Asia and Pacific region: what a stochastic costs frontier shows Downloads
Antonio Estache and Martín Rossi
2151: A few things transport regulators should know about risk and the cost of capital Downloads
Ian Alexander, Antonio Estache and Adele Oliveri
2150: Who wants to redistribute? Russia's tunnel effect in the 1990's Downloads
Martin Ravallion and Michael Lokshin
2149: Income gains to the poor from workfare - estimates for Argentina's TRABAJAR Program Downloads
Jyotsna Jalan and Martin Ravallion
2148: Social capital, houshold welfare, and poverty in Indonesia Downloads
Christiaan Grootaert
2147: Developing country goals and strategies for the Millennium Round Downloads
Constantine Michalopoulos
2146: A new database on financial development and structure Downloads
Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Ross Levine
2145: Assessing the impact of micro-credit on poverty and vulnerability in Bangladesh Downloads
Hassan Zaman
2144: Aid dependence reconsidered Downloads
Jean-Paul Azam, Shantayanan Devarajan and O'Connell
2143: Bank-based and market-based financial systems - cross-country comparisons Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Ross Levine
2142: Adjusting to trade policy reform Downloads
Steven Matusz and David Tarr
2141: Capital flows, macroeconomic management, and the financial system - Turkey, 1989-97 Downloads
Oya Celasun, Cevdet Denizer and Dong He
2140: Gender bias in China, the Republic of Korea, and India 1920-90 - effects of war, famine, and fertility decline Downloads
Monica Das Gupta and Li Shuzhuo
2139: Small states, small problems? Downloads
William Easterly and Aart Kraay
2138: Multilateral disciplines for investment-related policies Downloads
Bernard Hoekman and Kamal Saggi
2137: Globalization and national development at the end ot the 20th century - tensions and challenges Downloads
Andres Solimano
2136: An empirical analysis ofcompetition, privatization, and regulation in telecommunications markets in Africa and Latin America Downloads
Scott J. Wallsten
2135: Hungary's integration into European Union markets - production and trade restructuring Downloads
Bartlomiej Kaminski
2134: Interlinkage, limited liability, and strategic interaction Downloads
Kaushik Basu, Clive Bell and Pinaki Bose
2133: Resolution of corporate distress - evidence from East Asia's financial crisis Downloads
Stijn Claessens, Simeon Djankov and Leora Klapper
2132: A regime - switching approach to studying speculative attacks: focus on European Monetary System crises Downloads
Maria Soledad Martinez Peria
2131: Efficiency wage and union effects in labor demand and wage structure in Mexico - An application of quantile analysis Downloads
William Maloney and Eduardo Ribeiro
2130: Deep integration, nondiscrimination, and Euro-Mediterranean free trade Downloads
Bernard Hoekman and Denise Konan
2129: Agricultural extension - generic challenges and the ingredients for solutions Downloads
Gershon Feder, Anthony Willett and Willem Zijp
2128: Learning outcomes and school cost-effectiveness in Mexico: the PARE program Downloads
Gladys Lopez Acevedo
2127: Lifeboat ethics versus corporate ethics - social and demographic implications of stem and joint families Downloads
Monica Das Gupta
2126: Liberte, egalite, fraternite: exploring the role of governance in fertility decline Downloads
Monica Das Gupta
2125: Developing country agriculture and the new trade agenda Downloads
Bernard Hoekman and Kym Anderson
2124: Social exclusion and land administration in Orissa, India Downloads
Robin Mearns and Saurabh Sinha
2123: Access to land in rural India - policy issues and options Downloads
Robin Mearns
2122: Decentralization and fiscal management in Colombia Downloads
William Dillinger and Steven B. Webb
2121: Fiscal management in federal democracies: Argentina and Brazil Downloads
William R. Dillinger and Steven Benjamin Webb
2120: Can Africa export manufactures? The role of endowment, exchange rates, and transaction costs Downloads
Ibrahim A. Elbadawi
2119: Tax deductions, environmental policy, and the"double dividend"hypothesis Downloads
Ian Parry and Antonio Bento
2118: Developing countries and the next round of multilateral trade negotiations Downloads
Anne O. Krueger
2117: On the size and number of regional integration arrangements - a political economy model Downloads
Soamiely Andriamananjara
2116: Does child labor displace schooling? - evidence on behavioral responses to an enrollment subsidy Downloads
Martin Ravallion and Quentin Wodon
2115: Foreign investment and productivity growth in Czech enterprises Downloads
Simeon Djankov and Bernard Hoekman
2114: Economic reforms and total factor productivity growth in Latin America and the Caribbean (1950-95) - an empirical note Downloads
Pablo Fajnzylber and Daniel Lederman
2113: Wage determination and gender discrimination in a transition economy: the case of Romania Downloads
Stefano Paternostro and David E. Sahn
2112: Industrial policy after the East Asian crisis - from"outward orientation"to new internal capabilities? Downloads
Ashoka Mody
2111: Agricultural land reform in postwar Japan: experiences and issues Downloads
Toshihiko Kawagoe
2110: Life during growth: international evidence on quality of life and per capita income Downloads
William Easterly
2109: When is fiscal adjustment an illusion? Downloads
William Easterly
2108: Public goods and ethnic divisions Downloads
Alberto Alesina, Reza Baqir and William Easterly
2107: Approaches to liberalizing services Downloads
Sherry M. Stephenson
2106: Subjective economic welfare Downloads
Martin Ravallion and Michael Lokshin
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