Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 6010: Structural challenges for SOEs in Belarus: a case study of the machine building sector

- Edgardo Favaro, Karlis Smits and Marina Bakanova
- 6009: How accurate are recall data ? evidence from coastal India

- Francesca de Nicola and Xavier Gine
- 6008: Gender inequality in the labor market in Serbia

- Anna Reva
- 6007: Trade causes growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Markus Brückner and Daniel Lederman
- 6006: Public services and expenditure need equalization: reflections on principles and worldwide comparative practices

- Anwar Shah
- 6005: Firm growth and productivity in Belarus: new empirical evidence from the machine building industry

- Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, Harald Oberhofer and Gallina A. Vincelette
- 6004: Autonomy with equity and accountability: toward a more transparent, objective, predictable and simpler (TOPS) system of central financing of provincial-local expenditures in Indonesia

- Anwar Shah
- 6003: Does India's employment guarantee scheme guarantee employment ?

- Puja Dutta, Rinku Murgai, Martin Ravallion and Dominique van de Walle
- 6002: Grant financing of metropolitan areas: a review of principles and worldwide practices

- Anwar Shah
- 6001: Collateralized Borrowing: Insights from The World Bank Enterprise Surveys

- Yuting Fan, Ha Minh Nguyen, Rong Qian, Ha Minh Nguyen and Rong Qian
- 6000: Leading Dragons phenomenon: new opportunities for catch-up in low-income countries

- Vandana Chandra, Justin Lin and Yan Wang
- 5999: The law's majestic equality ? the distributive impact of litigating social and economic rights

- Daniel M. Brinks and Varun Gauri
- 5998: Appraising the Thailand village fund

- Jirawan Boonperm, Jonathan Haughton, Shahidur Khandker and Pungpond Rukumnuaykit
- 5997: Sexual behavior change intentions and actions in the context of a randomized trial of a conditional cash transfer for HIV prevention in Tanzania

- Laura Packel, William Dow, Damien de Walque, Zachary Isdahl and Albert Majura
- 5996: Assessing economic and political impacts of Hydrological variability on treaties: case studies on the Zambezi and Mekong basins

- Brian Blankespoor, Alan Basist, Ariel Dinar and Shlomi Dinar
- 5995: Subjective perceptions of the impact of the global economic crisis in Europe and Central Asia: the household perspective

- Benu Bidani, Mame Fatou Diagne and Salman Zaidi
- 5994: Governance and public service delivery in Europe and Central Asia: unofficial payments, utilization and satisfaction

- Mame Fatou Diagne, Dena Ringold and Salman Zaidi
- 5993: Why do some countries default more often than others ? the role of institutions

- Rong Qian
- 5992: Impact of hospital provider payment reforms in Croatia

- Martina Bogut, Luka Voncina and Ethan Yeh
- 5991: The demand for, and consequences of, formalization among informal firms in Sri Lanka

- Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff
- 5990: 'Green'growth,'green'jobs and labor markets

- Alex Bowen
- 5989: Spillover effects of exchange rates: a study of the Renminbi

- Aaditya Mattoo, Prachi Mishra and Arvind Subramanian
- 5988: Kenya's mobile revolution and the promise of mobile savings

- Gabriel Demombynes and Aaron Thegeya
- 5987: Improving farmers'access to agricultural insurance in India

- Daniel Clarke, Olivier Mahul and Niraj Verma
- 5986: Index based crop insurance product design and ratemaking: the case of modified NAIS in India

- Daniel Clarke, Olivier Mahul and Niraj Verma
- 5985: Weather based crop insurance in India

- Daniel Clarke, Olivier Mahul, Kolli Nageswara Rao and Niraj Verma
- 5984: Weathering a storm: survey-based perspectives on employment in China in the aftermath of the global financial crisis

- John Giles, Albert Park, Fang Cai and Yang Du
- 5983: Can we trust shoestring evaluations ?

- Martin Ravallion
- 5982: Fiscal multipliers over the growth cycle: evidence from Malaysia

- Sohrab Rafiq and Albert Zeufack
- 5981: How does bank competition affect systemic stability ?

- Deniz Anginer, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Min Zhu
- 5980: Financial literacy and the financial crisis

- Leora Klapper, Annamaria Lusardi and Georgios Panos
- 5979: Geography and exporting behavior: evidence from India

- Megha Mukim
- 5978: Using pooled information and bootstrap methods to assess debt sustainability in low income countries

- Constantino Hevia
- 5977: Agriculture public spending and growth in Indonesia

- Enrique Blanco Armas, Camilo Gomez Osorio, Blanca Moreno-Dodson and Dwi Endah Abriningrum
- 5976: Food standards and exports: evidence from China

- Axel Mangelsdorf, Alberto Portugal-Perez and John Wilson
- 5975: Financing businesses in Africa: the role of microfinance

- Shilpa Aggarwal, Leora Klapper and Dorothe Singer
- 5974: Soil endowments, female labor force participation and the demographic deficit of women in India

- Eliana Carranza
- 5973: Stimulating demand for AIDS prevention: lessons from the RESPECT trial

- Damien de Walque, William Dow, Carol Medlin and Rose Nathan
- 5972: Islamic inheritance law, son preference and fertility behavior of Muslim couples in Indonesia

- Eliana Carranza
- 5971: A tale of two species: revisiting the effect of registration reform on informal business owners in Mexico

- Miriam Bruhn
- 5970: Regional integration and natural resources: who benefits ? evidence from MENA

- Celine Carrere, Julien Gourdon and Marcelo Olarreaga
- 5969: Global survey of development banks

- Jose de Luna-Martinez and Carlos Leonardo Vicente
- 5968: Poor, or just feeling poor ? on using subjective data in measuring poverty

- Martin Ravallion
- 5967: An economic integration zone for the East African Community: exploiting regional potential and addressing commitment challenges

- Anton Dobronogov and Thomas Farole
- 5966: Mines, migration and HIV/AIDS in southern Africa

- Lucia Corno and Damien de Walque
- 5965: Child labor, schooling, and child ability

- Richard Akresh, Emilie Bagby, Damien de Walque and Harounan Kazianga
- 5964: Multidimensional poverty analysis: Looking for a middle ground

- Francisco Ferreira and Maria Ana Lugo
- 5963: Uganda's infrastructure: a continental perspective

- Rupa Ranganathan and Vivien Foster
- 5962: Tanzania's infrastructure: a continental perspective

- Maria Shkaratan
- 5961: Emerging economies in the 2000s: real decoupling and financial recoupling

- Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Tomas Williams
- 5960: Simulating the impact of the 2009 financial crisis on welfare in Latvia

- Mohamed Ihsan Ajwad, Francisco Haimovich and Mehtabul Azam
- 5959: The impact of wealth on the amount and quality of child labor

- Ximena Del Carpio and Norman Loayza
- 5958: Alternative cash transfer delivery mechanisms: impacts on routine preventative health clinic visits in Burkina Faso

- Richard Akresh, Damien de Walque and Harounan Kazianga
- 5957: Anatomy of coping: evidence from people living through the crises of 2008-11

- Rasmus Heltberg, Naomi Hossain, Anna Reva and Carolyn Turk
- 5956: Fiscal implications of climate change

- Benjamin Jones, Michael Keen and Jon Strand
- 5955: Allocative inefficiencies resulting from subsidies to agricultural electricity use: an illustrative model

- Jon Strand
- 5954: Identification of sources of variation in poverty outcomes

- B. Essama-Nssah
- 5953: Bilateral M&A activity from the global south

- Mansoor Dailami, Sergio Kurlat and Jamus Lim
- 5952: Do informed citizens receive more...or pay more ? the impact of radio on the government distribution of public health benefits

- Philip Keefer and Stuti Khemani
- 5951: Human rights as demands for communicative action

- Varun Gauri and Daniel M. Brinks
- 5950: Market-based instruments for international aviation and shipping as a source of climate finance

- Michael Keen, Ian Parry and Jon Strand
- 5949: Moving off the farm: Land institutions to facilitate structural transformation and agricultural productivity growth in China

- Klaus Deininger, Songqing Jin and Fang Xia
- 5948: Services reform and manufacturing performance: evidence from India

- Jens Arnold, Beata Javorcik, Molly Lipscomb and Aaditya Mattoo
- 5947: Is the financial safety net a barrier to cross-border banking ?

- Ata Bertay, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Harry Huizinga
- 5946: Surviving the global financial crisis: foreign ownership and establishment performance

- Laura Alfaro and Maggie Chen
- 5945: Life satisfaction, social capital and the bonding-bridging nexus

- Maurizio Pugno and Paolo Verme
- 5944: Services liberalization and productivity of manufacturing firms: evidence from Ukraine

- Oleksandr Shepotylo and Volodymyr Vakhitov
- 5943: Optimal food price stabilization in a small open developing country

- Christophe Gouel and Sebastien Jean
- 5942: Landlocked or policy locked ? how services trade protection deepens economic isolation

- Ingo Borchert, Batshur Gootiiz, Arti Grover and Aaditya Mattoo
- 5941: Systemic oversight frameworks in LAC: current practices and reform agenda

- Eva Gutierrez and Patricia Caraballo
- 5940: Beyond Keynesianism: global infrastructure investments in times of crisis

- Justin Lin and Doerte Doemeland
- 5939: Mozambique Cashew reforms revisited

- M. Ataman Aksoy and Fahrettin Yagci
- 5938: Human rights based approaches to developmen t: concepts, evidence, and policy

- Varun Gauri and Siri Gloppen
- 5937: The unexpected global financial crisis: researching its root cause

- Justin Lin and Volker Treichel
- 5936: Macroprudential stress testing of credit risk: a practical approach for policy makers

- Daniel Buncic and Martin Melecký
- 5935: Reputation matters: spillover effects in the enforcement of US SPS measures

- Marie-Agnès Jouanjean and Jean-Christophe Maur
- 5934: Aid tying and donor fragmentation

- Stephen Knack and Lodewijk Smets
- 5933: Severance pay compliance in Indonesia

- Vera Brusentsev, David Newhouse and Wayne Vroman
- 5932: Green growth, technology and innovation

- Mark A. Dutz and Siddharth Sharma
- 5931: Innovative and absorptive capacity of international knowledge: an empirical analysis of productivity sources in Latin American countries

- Leopoldo Laborda Castillo, Daniel Sotelsek Salem and Jose Luis Guasch
- 5930: Relative deprivation, reference groups and the assessment of standard of living

- Jacques Silber and Paolo Verme
- 5929: Financial distortions and the distribution of global volatility

- Maya Eden
- 5928: Reducing distortions in international commodity markets: an agenda for multilateral cooperation

- Bernard Hoekman and Will Martin
- 5927: The challenges to long run fiscal sustainability in Romania

- R. Sudharshan Canagarajah, Martin Brownbridge, Anca Paliu and Ionut Dumitru
- 5926: Income shocks reduce human capital investments: evidence from five east European countries

- Basab Dasgupta and Mohamed Ihsan Ajwad
- 5925: Assessing real exchange rate misalignments

- Megumi Kubota
- 5924: Post-HIPC growth dynamics in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Nihal Bayraktar and Hippolyte Fofack
- 5923: Undeclared economic activity in central and eastern Europe -- how taxes contribute and how countries respond to the problem

- Willi Leibfritz
- 5922: Tax morale and compliance: review of evidence and case studies for Europe

- Benno Torgler
- 5921: Educational upgrading and returns to skills in Latin America: evidence from a supply-demand framework, 1990-2010

- Leonardo Gasparini, Sebastian Galiani, Guillermo Cruces and Pablo Acosta
- 5920: The role of Islamic finance in enhancing financial inclusion in organization of Islamic cooperation (OIC) countries

- Mahmoud Mohieldin, Zamir Iqbal, Ahmed Rostom and Xiaochen Fu
- 5919: Coordinating tax reforms in the poorest countries: can lost tariffs be recouped ?

- Swarnim Wagle
- 5918: Identifying and evaluating large scale policy interventions: what questions can we answer ?

- Sandesh Dhungana
- 5917: What explains prevalence of informal employment in European countries: the role of labor institutions, governance, immigrants, and growth

- Mihails Hazans
- 5916: Intra-generational mobility and repeated cross-sections: a three-country validation exercise

- Guillermo Cruces, Peter Lanjouw, Leonardo Lucchetti, Elizaveta Perova, Renos Vakis and Mariana Viollaz
- 5915: Does financial structure matter for poverty ? evidence from developing countries

- Kangni Kpodar and Raju Jan Singh
- 5914: Investing across borders with heterogeneous firms: do FDI-specific regulations matter?

- Swarnim Wagle
- 5913: Labor institutions and their impact on shadow economies in Europe

- Kamila Fialova and Ondrej Schneider
- 5912: Informal workers across Europe: evidence from 30 European countries

- Mihails Hazans
- 5911: Tax morale, eastern Europe and European enlargement

- Benno Torgler
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