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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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4807: Are all the sacred cows dead ? implications of the financial crisis for macro and financial policies Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Luis Serven
4806: Public Finance, Security, and Development: A Framework and an Application to Afghanistan Downloads
William Byrd and Stephane Guimbert
4805: Grand Corruption in Utilities Downloads
Charles Kenny and Tina Søreide
Robert Cull and Connor P. Spreng
4803: Sources of Welfare Disparities across and within Regions of Brazil: Evidence from the 2002-03 Household Budget Survey Downloads
Emmanuel Skoufias and Roy Katayama
4802: The Political Economy of Village Sanitation in South India: Capture or Poor Information? Downloads
Radu Ban, Monica Das Gupta and Vijayendra Rao
4801: Modeling Services Liberalization: The Case of Tanzania Downloads
Jesper Jensen, Thomas F. Rutherford and David Tarr
4800: Fungibility and the impact of development assistance: evidence from Vietnam's health sector Downloads
Adam Wagstaff
4799: China's Integration with the World: Development as a Process of Learning and Industrial Upgrading Downloads
Justin Yifu and Yan Wang
4798: Migration and Economic Mobility in Tanzania: Evidence from a Tracking Survey Downloads
Kathleen Beegle, Joachim De Weerdt and Stefan Dercon
4797: Trade Policy, Trade Costs, and Developing Country Trade Downloads
Bernard Hoekman and Alessandro Nicita
4796: Global Food Price Inflation: Implications for South Asia, Policy Reactions, and Future Challenges Downloads
Sadiq Ahmed
4795: Can the Introduction of a Minimum Wage in FYR Macedonia Decrease the Gender Wage Gap? Downloads
Diego F. Angel-Urdinola
4794: Endogenous Institution Formation under a Catching-up Strategy in Developing Countries1 Downloads
Justin Lin and Zhiyun Li
4793: Progress in Participation in Tertiary Education in India from 1983 to 2004 Downloads
Mehtabul Azam and Andreas Blom
4792: Explaining Enterprise Performance in Developing Countries with Business Climate Survey Data Downloads
Jean-Jacques Dethier, Maximilian Hirn and Stephane Straub
4791: Does Inflation Targeting Matter for Output Growth? Evidence from Industrial and Emerging Economies Downloads
Andre Varella Mollick, Rene Cabral Torres and Francisco Carneiro
4790: Expanding Trade within Africa: The Impact of Trade Facilitation Downloads
Dominique Njinkeu, John S. Wilson and Bruno Powo Fosso
4789: Can Maquila Booms Reduce Poverty? Evidence from Honduras Downloads
Rafael De Hoyos, Maurizio Bussolo and Oscar Nunez
4788: Drivers and obstacles to banking SMEs: the role of competition and the institutional framework Downloads
Augusto de la Torre, Maria Martinez Peria and Sergio Schmukler
Claudio Raddatz and Sergio Schmukler
Ariel Dinar, Shaikh Mahfuzur Rahman, Donald Larson and Philippe Ambrosi
4785: Bank Financing for SMEs around the World: Drivers, Obstacles, Business Models, and Lending Practices Downloads
Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Maria Soledad Martinez Peria
4784: Almost Random: Evaluating a Large-Scale Randomized Nutrition Program in the Presence of Crossover Downloads
Sebastian Linnemayr and Harold Alderman
4783: Social transfers, labor supply and poverty reduction: the case of Albania Downloads
Andrew L. Dabalen, Talip Kilic, Waly Wane, Andrew L. Dabalen, Talip Kilic and Waly Wane
Aaditya Mattoo and Deepak Mishra
Erol H. Cakmak, Hasan Dudu, Sirin Saracoglu, Xinshen Diao, Terry Roe and Yacov Tsur
4780: Reform and Inequality during the Transition: An Analysis Using Panel Household Survey Data, 1990-2005 Downloads
Branko Milanovic and Lire Ersado
4779: Lessons from World Bank Research on Financial Crises Downloads
Development Research Group
4778: The Impacts of Cash and In-Kind Transfers on Consumption and Labor Supply: Experimental Evidence from Rural Mexico Downloads
Emmanuel Skoufias and Teresa Gonzalez-Cossio
4777: Public Participation, Teacher Accountability, and School Outcomes:Findings from Baseline Surveys in Three Indian States Downloads
Priyanka Pandey, Sangeeta Goya and Venkatesh Sundararaman
4776: Community Participation in Public Schools: The Impact of Information Campaigns in Three Indian States Downloads
Priyanka Pandey, Sangeeta Goya and Venkatesh Sundararaman
4775: Migration and Education Decisions in a Dynamic General Equilibrium Framework Downloads
Sebastien Dessus and Charbel Nahas
4774: Centralization, Decentralization, and Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa Downloads
Mehmet Tosun and Serdar Yilmaz
4773: Sovereign rents and the quality of tax policy and administration Downloads
Stephen Knack
4772: How does geographic distance affect credit market access in Niger ? Downloads
Jose Antonio Pedrosa Garcia and Quy-Toan Do
4771: The typology of partial credit guarantee funds around the world Downloads
Thorsten Beck, Leora Klapper, Juan Carlos Mendoza, Thorsten Beck, Leora F. Klapper and Juan Carlos Mendoza
4770: Crises, capital controls, and financial integration Downloads
Eduardo Levy Yeyati, Sergio Schmukler and Neeltje Van Horen
4769: Endowments, location or luck ? evaluating the determinants of sub-national growth in decentralized Indonesia Downloads
Neil McCulloch and Bambang Suharnoko Sjahrir
4768: Macro-micro feedback links of water management in South Africa: CGE analyses of selected policy regimes Downloads
R. Hassan, James Thurlow, Terry Roe, Xinshen Diao, S. Chumi. and Yacov Tsur
4767: Strengthening local government budgeting and accountability Downloads
Michael Schaeffer and Serdar Yilmaz
4766: In search of the missing resource curse Downloads
Daniel Lederman and William Maloney
4765: Catastrophe risk pricing: an empirical analysis Downloads
Morton Lane and Olivier Mahul
4764: Impacts of land certification on tenure security, investment, and land markets: evidence from Ethiopia Downloads
Klaus Deininger, Daniel Ayalew Ali and Tekie Alemu
4763: Bailing out the world's poorest Downloads
Martin Ravallion
4762: Populist fiscal policy Downloads
Stuti Khemani and Waly Wane
4761: Carbon markets, institutions, policies, and research Downloads
Donald Larson, Philippe Ambrosi, Ariel Dinar, Shaikh Mahfuzur Rahman and Rebecca Entler
4760: The short and longer term potential welfare impact of global commodity inflation in Tanzania Downloads
Sebastien Dessus
4759: Cash transfers, behavioral changes, and cognitive development in early childhood: evidence from a randomized experiment Downloads
Karen Macours, Norbert Schady and Renos Vakis
4758: How China's farmers adapt to climate change Downloads
Jinxia Wang, Robert Mendelsohn, Ariel Dinar and Jikun Huang
4757: The effect of male migration for work on employment patterns of females in nepal Downloads
Michael Lokshin and Elena Glinskaya
4756: The 2007 meltdown in structured securitization: searching for lessons, not scapegoats Downloads
Gerard Caprio, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Edward Kane
4755: Intrahousehold inequality and child gender bias in Ethiopia Downloads
Feridoon Koohi-Kamali
4754: Market power and the matching of trade credit terms Downloads
Daniela Fabbri and Leora Klapper
4753: Taxation and capital structure: evidence from a transition economy Downloads
Leora Klapper and Konstantinos Tzioumis
4752: In pursuit of balance: randomization in practice in development field experiments Downloads
Miriam Bruhn and David McKenzie
4751: Does regionalism affect trade liberalization toward non-members ? Downloads
Antoni Estevadeordal, Caroline Freund and Emanuel Ornelas
4750: Export surges: the oower of a competitive currency Downloads
Caroline Freund and Martha Denisse Pierola
4749: The market for retirement products in Australia Downloads
Gregory Gordon Brunner and Craig Thorburn
4748: The market for retirement products in Sweden Downloads
Edward Palmer
4747: Political alternation as a restraint on investing in influence: evidence from the post-communist transition Downloads
Branko Milanovic, Karla Hoff and Shale Horowitz
4746: Are women more credit constrained ? experimental evidence on gender and microenterprise returns Downloads
Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff
4745: Potential impact of higher food prices on poverty: summary estimates for a dozen west and central African countries Downloads
Quentin Wodon, Clarence Tsimpo, Prospere Backiny-Yetna, George Joseph, Franck Adoho and Harold Coulombe
4744: Assessing the potential impact on poverty of rising cereals prices: the case of Mali Downloads
George Joseph and Quentin Wodon
4743: Assessing the geographic impact of higher food prices in Guinea Downloads
Harold Coulombe and Quentin Wodon
4742: Rice prices and poverty in Liberia Downloads
Clarence Tsimpo and Quentin Wodon
4741: Comparing the impact of food and energy price shocks on consumers: a social accounting matrix analysis for Ghana Downloads
Juan Carlos Parra and Quentin Wodon
4740: Assessing the potential impact on poverty of rising cereals prices: the case of Ghana Downloads
Quentin Wodon, Clarence Tsimpo and Harold Coulombe
4739: Impact of rising rice prices and policy responses in Mali: simulations with a dynamic CGE model Downloads
Kofi Nouve and Quentin Wodon
4738: Rising food prices in Sub-Saharan Africa: poverty impact and policy responses Downloads
Quentin Wodon and Hassan Zaman
4737: Race, immigration, and the U.S. labor marke t: contrasting the outcomes of foreign born and native blacks Downloads
Damien de Walque
4736: Making regional cooperation work for South Asia's poor Downloads
Sadiq Ahmed and Ejaz Ghani
4735: Multilateralism beyond Doha Downloads
Aaditya Mattoo and Arvind Subramanian
4734: The growth of transport cector CO2 emissions and underlying factors in Latin America and the Caribbean Downloads
Govinda Timilsina and Ashish Shrestha
4733: Is the developing world catching up ? global convergence and national rising dispersion Downloads
Maurizio Bussolo, Rafael De Hoyos and Denis Medvedev
4732: The impact of remittances on poverty and inequality in Ghana Downloads
Richard Adams, Alfredo Cuecuecha and John Page
4731: Governance, corruption, and trade in the Asia Pacific region Downloads
Kazutomo Abe and John Wilson
4730: Foreign direct investment in services and manufacturing productivity growth: evidence for Chile Downloads
Ana Fernandes and Caroline Paunov
4729: The great proletarian cultural revolution, disruptions to education, and returns to schooling in urban China Downloads
John Giles, Albert Park and Meiyan Wang
4728: Determinants of choice of migration destination Downloads
Marcel Fafchamps and Forhad Shilpi
4727: The relevance of a rules-based maize marketing policy: an experimental case study of Zambia Downloads
Klaus Abbink, Thomas Jayne and Lars Moller
4726: The sub prime crisis: implications for emerging markets Downloads
William B. Gwinner and Anthony Sanders
4725: Decentralization, economic development, and growth in Turkish provinces Downloads
Mehmet Tosun and Serdar Yilmaz
4724: Simulating the impact of geographic targeting on poverty alleviation in Morocco: what are the gains from disaggregation ? Downloads
Mohammed Douidich, Abdeljouad Ezzrari and Peter Lanjouw
4723: Multi-product exporters: diversification and micro-level dynamics Downloads
Leonardo Iacovone and Beata Javorcik
4722: Promotion with and without learning: effects on student enrollment and dropout behavior Downloads
Elizabeth King, Peter Orazem and Elizabeth M. Paterno
4721: Institutions and labor market outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Louise Fox and Ana Maria Oviedo
4720: General trends in competition policy and investment regulation in mandatory defined contribution markets in Latin America Downloads
Mariam Dayoub and Esperanza Lasagabaster
4719: Why trade facilitation matters to Africa ? Downloads
Alberto Portugal-Perez and John Wilson
4718: Black hole or black gold ? the impact of oil and gas prices on Indonesia's public finances Downloads
Cut Dian R.D. Agustina, Francisco Arze del Granado, Tim Bulman, Wolfgang Fengler and Mohamad Ikhsan
4717: How will climate change shift agro-ecological zones and impact African agriculture ? Downloads
Pradeep Kurukulasuriya and Robert Mendelsohn
4716: Development, modernization, and son preference in fertility decisions Downloads
Deon Filmer, Jed Friedman and Norbert Schady
4715: Hunting for Leopards: long run country income dynamics in Africa Downloads
Jorge Arbache and John Page
4714: Individual and country-level factors affecting support for foreign aid Downloads
Pamela Paxton and Stephen Knack
4713: Household investment under violence - the Colombian case Downloads
Rebekka E. Grun
4712: Infrastructure and economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Cesar Calderon and Luis Serven
4711: Mainstreaming climate adaptation into development assistance in Mozambique: Institutional barriers and opportunities Downloads
Diana Sietz, Maria Boschutz, Richard JT Klein and Alexander Lotsch
4710: Trade diversion under selective preferential market access Downloads
Ingo Borchert
4709: Refinements to the probabilistic approach to fiscal sustainability analysis Downloads
Nathaniel Frank and Eduardo Ley
4708: Job creation and labor reform in Latin America Downloads
David Kaplan
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