Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 4307: Crop selection: adapting to climage change in Africa

- Pradeep Kurukulasuriya and Robert Mendelsohn
- 4306: The impact of climate change on African agriculture: a ricardian approach

- David Maddison, Marita Manley and Pradeep Kurukulasuriya
- 4305: A ricardian analysis of the impact of climate change on African cropland

- Pradeep Kurukulasuriya and Robert Mendelsohn
- 4304: China, India, and the future of the world economy: fierce competition or shared growth?

- Betina Dimaranan, Elena Ianchovichina and Will Martin
- 4303: Geographic inequity in a decentralized anti-poverty program: a case study of China

- Martin Ravallion
- 4302: Watching more than the Discovery channel: export cycles and diversification in development

- Paul Brenton and Richard Newfarmer
- 4301: India's journey toward an effective patent

- Bruce Abramson
- 4300: Country stakes in climate change negotiations: two dimensions of vulnerability

- Piet Buys, Uwe Deichmann, Craig Meisner, Thao Ton-That and David Wheeler
- 4299: Balancing expenditures on mitigation of and adaptation to climate change: an exploration of Issues relevant to developing countries

- Franck Lecocq and Zmarak Shalizi
- 4298: Yield impact of irrigation management transfer: story from the Philippines

- Sushenjit Bandyopadhyay, Priya Shyamsundar and Mei Xei
- 4297: Big dragon, little dragons: China's challenge to the machinery exports of southeast Asia

- Sjamsu Rahardja
- 4296: When do creditor rights work?

- Mehnaz Safavian and Siddharth Sharma
- 4295: Economic benefit of tuberculosis control

- Ramanan Laxminarayan, Eili Klein, Christopher Dye, Katherine Floyd, Sarah Darley and Olusoji Adeyi
- 4294: Scarperation: an empirical inquiry into the role of scarcity in fostering cooperation between international river riparians

- Shlomi Dinar, Ariel Dinar and Pradeep Kurukulasuriya
- 4293: Assessing the economic impacts of climate change on agriculture in Egypt: a ricardian approach

- Helmy M. Eid, Samia M. El-Marsafawy and Samiha A. Ouda
- 4292: Assessment of the economic impacts of climate change on agriculture in Zimbabwe: a ricardian approach

- Reneth Mano and Charles Nhemachena
- 4291: An empirical economic assessment of impacts of climate change on agriculture in Zambia

- Suman Jain
- 4290: The impacts of climate change on regional water resources and agriculture in Africa

- Kenneth Strzepek and Alyssa McCluskey
- 4289: Sensitivity of cropping patterns in Africa to transient climate change

- Alexander Lotsch
- 4288: Actual crop water use in project countries: a synthesis at the regional level

- Robina Wahaj, Florent Maraux and Giovanni Munoz
- 4287: A cross-country analysis of public debt management strategies

- Martin Melecký
- 4286: Institutional effects as determinants of learning outcomes: exploring state variations in Mexico

- Jesus Alvarez, Vicente Garcia Moreno and Harry Patrinos
- 4285: Poverty analysis using an international cross-country demand system

- John Cranfield, Paul Preckel and Hertel Thomas W.
- 4284: Customer market power and the provision of trade credit: evidence from Eastern Europe and Central Asia

- Neeltje Van Horen
- 4283: Innovation shortfalls

- William Maloney and Andres Rodriguez-Clare
- 4282: Are cash transfers made to women spent like other sources of income?

- Norbert Schady and Jose Rosero
- 4281: Credit growth in emerging Europe: a cause for stability concerns?

- Sophie Sirtaine and Ilias Skamnelos
- 4280: Governance Matters VI: Aggregate and Individual Governance Indicators, 1996-2006

- Daniel Kaufmann, Aart Kraay and Massimo Mastruzzi
- 4279: The impact of climate change on livestock management in Africa: a structural Ricardian analysis

- S. Niggol Seo and Robert Mendelsohn
- 4278: Endogenous irrigation: the impact of climate change on farmers in Africa

- Pradeep Kurukulasuriya and Robert Mendelsohn
- 4277: Climate change adaptation in Africa: a microeconomic analysis of livestock choice

- S. Niggol Seo and Robert Mendelsohn
- 4276: Human capital, trade liberalization, and income risk

- Tom Krebs, Pravin Krishna and William Maloney
- 4275: Can foreign lobbying enhance development ? The case of tourism in the Caribbean

- Kishore Gawande, William Maloney and Gabriel Montes-Rojas
- 4274: Are labor regulations driving computer usage in India's retail stores ?

- Mohammad Amin
- 4273: Rules of origin and the web of East Asian free trade agreements

- Miriam Manchin and Annette O. Pelkmans-Balaoing
- 4272: Migration, remittances, poverty, and human capital: conceptual and empirical challenges

- David McKenzie and Marcin J. Sasin
- 4271: Construction, corruption, and developing countries

- Charles Kenny
- 4270: Jump-starting self-employment ? Evidence among welfare participants in Argentina

- Rita Almeida and Emanuela Galasso
- 4269: Shadow sovereign ratings for unrated developing countries

- Dilip Ratha, Prabal De and Sanket Mohapatra
- 4268: Power to the people: evidence from a randomized field experiment of a community-based monitoring project in Uganda

- Martina Bjorkman and Jakob Svensson
- 4267: Financial intermediation in the pre-consolidated banking sector in Nigeria

- Heiko Hesse
- 4266: The Economic Community of West African States: fiscal revenue implications of the prospective economic partnership agreement with the European Union

- Simplice G. Zouhon-Bi and Lynge Nielsen
- 4265: The structure of import tariffs in the Russian Federation: 2001-05

- Oleksandr Shepotylo and David Tarr
- 4264: Financing of the private sector in Mexico, 2000-05: evolution, composition, and determinants

- Constantinos Stephanou and Emanuel Salinas Munoz
- 4263: HIV/AIDS and social capital in a cross-section of countries

- Antonio David
- 4262: From creativity to innovation

- Shahid Yusuf
- 4261: Climate change impacts on animal husbandry in Africa: a Ricardian analysis

- Robert Mendelsohn and S. Niggol Seo
- 4260: Civil war risk in democratic and non-democratic neighborhoods

- Clionadh Raleigh
- 4259: Are all labor regulations equal ? Assessing the effects of job security, labor dispute, and contract labor laws in India

- Ahmad Ahsan and Carmen Pages
- 4258: The cost of being landlocked: logistics costs and supply chain reliability

- Jean-Francois Arvis, Gaël Raballand and Jean-Francois Marteau
- 4257: Consumption risk, technology adoption, and poverty traps: evidence from Ethiopia

- Stefan Dercon and Luc Christiaensen
- 4256: Nigeria's growth record: Dutch disease or debt overhang ?

- Nina Budina, Gaobo Pang and Sweder van Wijnbergen
- 4255: Public finance, governance, and growth in transition economies: empirical evidence from 1992-2004

- Taras Pushak, Erwin R. Tiongson and Aristomene Varoudakis
- 4254: The causes of civil war

- Simeon Djankov and Marta Reynal-Querol
- 4253: Poverty, inequality, and social disparities during China's economic reform

- David Dollar
- 4252: About urban mega regions: knowns and unknowns

- Shahid Yusuf
- 4251: The living conditions of children

- Harry Patrinos
- 4250: Economic information and finance: more information means more credit, fewer bad loans, and less corruption

- Roumeen Islam
- 4249: What is the impact of international remittances on poverty and inequality in Latin America ?

- Pablo Acosta, Cesar Calderon, Pablo Fajnzylber and Humberto Lopez
- 4248: Monetary policy, structural break, and the monetary transmission mechanism in Thailand

- Heiko Hesse
- 4247: The impact of remittances on poverty and human capital: evidence from Latin American household surveys

- Pablo Acosta, Pablo Fajnzylber and J. Humberto Lopez
- 4246: Choosing the currency structure for sovereign debt: a review of current approaches

- Martin Melecký
- 4245: A poverty-focused evaluation of commodity tax options

- B. Essama-Nssah
- 4244: The size and effectiveness of automatic fiscal stabilizers in Latin America

- Rodrigo Suescun
- 4243: Population size, concentration, and civil war: a geographically disaggregated analysis

- Havard Hegre and Clionadh Raleigh
- 4242: Democratic Jihad ? Military intervention and democracy

- Nils Petter Gleditsch, Lene Siljeholm Christiansen and Havard Hegre
- 4241: India rising - faster growth, lower indebtedness

- Gaobo Pang, Brian Pinto and Marina Wes
- 4240: Giving children a better start: preschool attendance and school-age profiles

- Samuel Berlinski, Sebastian Galiani and Marco Manacorda
- 4239: Credit information quality and corporate debt maturity: theory and evidence

- Marco Sorge and Chendi Zhang
- 4238: On the effect of prior assumptions in Bayesian model averaging with applications to growth regression

- Eduardo Ley and Mark Steel
- 4237: Export structure and growth: a detailed analysis for Argentina

- Alejandro Guerson, James Parks and Monica Parra Torrado
- 4236: The Mexican pension annuity market

- Gregorio Impavido
- 4235: A framework for thinking about enterprise formalization policies in developing countries

- Thomas Kenyon
- 4234: Immigrant overeducation: evidence from Denmark

- Chantal Pohl Nielsen
- 4233: Indian manufacturing: a slow sector in a rapidly growing economy

- Devashish Mitra and Beyza Ural Marchand
- 4232: Do workers in Chile choose informal employment? A dynamic analysis of sector choice

- Truman G. Packard
- 4231: Work-related migration and poverty reduction in Nepal

- Michael Lokshin, Mikhail Bontch-Osmolovski and Elena Glinskaya
- 4230: Returns to capital in microenterprises: evidence from a field experiment

- Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff
- 4229: Measuring microenterprise profits: don't ask how the sausage is made

- Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff
- 4228: Poverty, social divisions, and conflict in Nepal

- Quy-Toan Do and Lakshmi Iyer
- 4227: Indigenous peoples in Latin America: economic opportunities and social networks

- Harry Patrinos, Emmanuel Skoufias and Trine Lunde
- 4226: Does money matter ? The effects of cash transfers on child health and development in rural Ecuador

- Christina Paxson and Norbert Schady
- 4225: Returns to education in the economic transition: a systematic assessment using comparable data

- Luca Flabbi, Stefano Paternostro and Erwin R. Tiongson
- 4224: Accounting for Mexican income inequality during the 1990s

- Rafael De Hoyos
- 4223: China and the knowledge economy: challenges and opportunities

- Douglas Zhihua Zeng and Shuilin Wang
- 4222: Skills shortages and training in Russian enterprises

- Hong Tan, Yevgeniya Savchenko, Vladimir Gimpelson, Rostislav Kapelyushnikov and Anna Lukyanova
- 4221: Disarming fears of diversity: ethnic heterogeneity and state militarization, 1988-2002

- Indra de Soysa and Eric Neumayer
- 4220: Evaluating the trade effect of developing regional trade agreements: a semi-parametric approach

- Souleymane Coulibaly
- 4219: Government expenditures on education, health, and infrastructure: a naive look at levels, outcomes, and efficiency

- Antonio Estache, Marianela Gonzalez and Lourdes Trujillo
- 4218: Rural land certification in Ethiopia: process, initial impact, and implications for other African countries

- Klaus Deininger, Daniel Ayalew Ali, Stein Holden and Jaap Zevenbergen
- 4217: Measuring welfare gains from better quality infrastructure

- Irina Klytchnikova and Michael Lokshin
- 4216: Underlying dimensions of knowledge assessment: factor analysis of the knowledge assessment methodology data

- Derek H. C. Chen and Kishore Gawande
- 4215: Does uncertainty matter ? A stochastic dynamic analysis of bankable emission permit trading for global climate change policy

- Fan Zhang
- 4214: Housing, health, and happiness

- Matias Cattaneo, Sebastian Galiano, Paul J. Gertler, Sebastian Martinez and Rocio Titiunik
- 4213: Remittances and the real exchange rate

- Humberto Lopez, Luis Molina Sánchez and Maurizio Bussolo
- 4212: Local conflict and development projects in Indonesia: part of the problem or part of a solution ?

- Patrick Barron, Rachael Diprose and Michael Woolcock
- 4211: Absolute poverty measures for the developing world, 1981-2004

- Shaohua Chen and Martin Ravallion
- 4210: Capital flight and war

- Victor Davies
- 4209: Energy and emissions: local and global effects of the rise of China and India

- Zmarak Shalizi
- 4208: Civil war, crop failure, and child stunting in Rwanda

- Richard Akresh, Philip Verwimp and Tom Bundervoet
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