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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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6811: Why don't poor countries do R&D ? Downloads
Edwin Goni and William Maloney
6810: All in the family: state capture in Tunisia Downloads
Caroline Freund, Antonio Nucifora and Bob Rijkers
6809: Explaining gender differentials in agricultural production in Nigeria Downloads
Paul Andres Corral Rodas, Markus P. Goldstein, Gbemisola Oseni Siwatu, Paul Conal Winters, Paul Andres Corral Rodas, Markus P. Goldstein, Gbemisola Oseni Siwatu and Paul Conal Winters
6808: Long-term mitigation strategies and marginal abatement cost curves: a case study on Brazil Downloads
Adrien Vogt-Schilb, Stephane Hallegatte and Christophe de Gouvello
6807: The impact of vocational training for the unemployed: experimental evidence from Turkey Downloads
Sarojini Hirshleifer, David McKenzie, Rita Almeida and Cristobal Ridao-Cano
6806: The nexus between gender, collective action for public goods, and agriculture: evidence from Malawi Downloads
Talip Kilic, Nancy Mccarthy, Talip Kilic and Nancy Mccarthy
6805: Fiscal challenges after the global financial crisis: a survey of key issues Downloads
Augusto Lopez-Claros
6804: Pathways from jobs to social cohesion Downloads
Frank-Borge Wietzke
6803: The effects of the intensity, timing, and persistence of personal history of mobility on support for redistribution Downloads
Andrew Dabalen, Rasyad Parinduri and Saumik Paul
6802: Why are adult women missing ? son preference and maternal survival in India Downloads
Annamaria Milazzo
6801: Re-re-reply to"the impact of microcredit on the poor in Bangladesh: revisiting the evidence" Downloads
Mark Pitt
6800: Governance of securities regulators: a framework Downloads
Richard Pratt and Alexander Berg
6799: The implementation of industrial parks: some lessons learned in India Downloads
Yannick Saleman and Luke Jordan
6798: What factors predict how public sector projects perform ? a review of the World Bank's public sector management portfolio Downloads
Jurgen Rene Blum
6797: Financial constraints, working capital and the dynamic behavior of the firm Downloads
Rosanna Chan
6796: Import dynamics and demands for protection Downloads
Russell Hillberry and Phillip McCalman
6795: Labor mobility, economic shocks, and jobless growth: evidence from panel data in Morocco Downloads
Paolo Verme, Abdoul Gadiry Barry, Jamal Guennouni and Mohamed Taamouti
6794: The impact of early childhood education on early achievement gaps: evidence from the Indonesia early childhood education and development (ECED) project Downloads
Haeil Jung and Amer Hasan
6793: Reserve requirements in the brave new macroprudential world Downloads
Tito Cordella, Pablo Federico, Carlos Vegh and Guillermo Vuletin
6792: Institutional quality mediates the effect of human capital on economic performance Downloads
Jonathon Adams-Kane and Jamus Lim
6791: Impact of intermittent screening and treatment for malaria among school children in Kenya: a cluster randomized trial Downloads
Katherine E. Halliday, George Okello, Elizabeth L. Turner, Kiambo Njagi, Carlos Mcharo, Juddy Kengo, Elizabeth Allen, Margaret M. Dubeck, Matthew C.H. Jukes and Simon J. Brooker
6790: Population pressures, migration, and the returns to human capital and land: insights from Indonesia Downloads
Yanyan Liu and Futoshi Yamauchi
6789: Wage growth, landholding, and mechanization in agriculture: evidence from Indonesia Downloads
Futoshi Yamauchi
6788: Customs, brokers, and informal sectors: a Cameroon case study Downloads
Thomas Cantens, Jonathan Kaminski, Jonathan Kaminski, Gaël Raballand and Tchouawou Tchapa
6787: Academic peer effects with different group assignment policies: residential tracking versus random assignment Downloads
Robert Garlick
6786: Mobile money services development: the cases of the Republic of Korea and Uganda Downloads
Eva Gutierrez and Tony Choi
6785: Does energy consumption respond to price shocks ? evidence from a regression-discontinuity design Downloads
Paulo Bastos, Lucio Castro, Julian Cristia and Carlos Scartascini
6784: "They Are Not Like Us": Understanding Social Exclusion Downloads
Rasmus Heltberg, Sadaf Sayyeda Lakhani and Audrey Sacks
6783: The impact of funding models and foreign bank ownership on bank credit growth: is Central and Eastern Europe different ? Downloads
Erik Feyen, Raquel Letelier, Inessa Love, Samuel Munzele Maimbo and Roberto Rocha
6782: Electoral accountability and local government spending in Indonesia Downloads
Emmanuel Skoufias, Ambar Narayan, Basab Dasgupta and Kai Kaiser
6781: "Crowding in"and the returns to government investment in low-income countries Downloads
Maya Eden and Aart Kraay
6780: Institutional investment in infrastructure in developing countries: introduction to potential models Downloads
Georg Inderst and Fiona Stewart
6779: Wealth gradients in early childhood cognitive development in five Latin American countries Downloads
Norbert Schady, Jere Behrman, M. Caridad Araujo, Rodrigo Azuero, Raquel Bernal, David Bravo, Florencia Lopez-Boo, Karen Macours, Daniela Marshall, Christina Paxson and Renos Vakis
6778: Informal firms and financial inclusion: status and determinants Downloads
Subika Farazi
6777: Domestic public debt in low-income countries: trends and structure Downloads
Giovanna Bua, Juan Pradelli and Andrea Presbitero
6776: Sovereign wealth funds and long-term development finance: risks and opportunities Downloads
Alan Gelb, Silvana Tordo, Havard Halland, Noora Arfaa and Gregory Smith
6775: New firm registration and the business cycle Downloads
Leora Klapper, Inessa Love and Douglas Randall
6774: Macroeconomic and fiscal implications of population aging in Bulgaria Downloads
Harun Onder, Pierre Pestieau and Eduardo Ley
6773: Firms doing good: how do we know ? measurement of social and environmental results Downloads
Michael Klein and Sumeet Kaur
6772: International interventions to build social capital: evidence from a field experiment in Sudan Downloads
Alexandra Avdeenko, Michael J. Gilligan, Alexandra Avdeenko and Michael J. Gilligan
6771: Surges and stops in FDI flows to developing countries: does the mode of entry make a difference ? Downloads
Martijn Burger and Elena Ianchovichina
6770: Is there a farm-size productivity relationship in African agriculture ? evidence from Rwanda Downloads
Daniel Ayalew Ali and Klaus Deininger
6769: Credit constraints, agricultural productivity, and rural nonfarm participation: evidence from Rwanda Downloads
Daniel Ayalew Ali, Klaus Deininger and Marguerite Duponchel
6768: Economic growth and crime against small and medium sized enterprises in developing economies Downloads
Asif Islam
6767: Access to finance, product innovation and middle-income traps Downloads
Pierre-Richard Agénor and Otaviano Canuto
6766: Measuring the impact of debt-financed public investment Downloads
Carlos B. Cavalcanti, Gustavo Marrero and Tuan Minh Le
6765: Making informed investment decisions in an uncertain world: a short demonstration Downloads
Laura Bonzanigo and Nidhi Kalra
6764: Decomposition of gender differentials in agricultural productivity in Ethiopia Downloads
Arturo Alberto Aguilar Esteva, Eliana Carranza, Markus P. Goldstein, Talip Kilic, Gbemisola Oseni Siwatu, Arturo Alberto Aguilar Esteva, Eliana Carranza, Markus P. Goldstein, Talip Kilic and Gbemisola Oseni Siwatu
6763: Individual diversity and the Gini decomposition Downloads
Lidia Ceriani and Paolo Verme
6762: Development through seasonal worker programs: the case of New Zealand's RSE program Downloads
John Gibson and David McKenzie
6761: Financial development in Asia: beyond aggregate indicators Downloads
Tatiana Didier and Sergio Schmukler
6760: What goes up must come down -- cyclicality in public wage bill spending Downloads
Sebastian Eckardt and Zachary Mills
6759: Does growth generate jobs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia ? Downloads
Kaspar Richter and Bartosz Witkowski
6758: Imports of intermediate inputs and country size Downloads
Mohammad Amin and Asif Islam
6757: Trade policy instruments over time Downloads
Chad Bown
6756: Housing finance across countries: new data and analysis Downloads
Anton Badev, Thorsten Beck, Ligia Vado and Simon Walley
6755: Regulation and noncompliance: magnitudes and patterns for India's factories act Downloads
Urmila Chatterjee and Ravi Kanbur
6754: Tapering talk: the impact of expectations of reduced federal reserve security purchases on emerging markets Downloads
Barry Eichengreen and Poonam Gupta
6753: Ride the wild surf: an investigation of the drivers of surges in capital inflows Downloads
Cesar Calderon and Megumi Kubota
6752: Teacher opinions on performance incentives: evidence from the Kyrgyz Republic Downloads
Marlaine Lockheed
6751: Coping with risk: the effects of shocks on reproductive health and transactional sex in rural Tanzania Downloads
Damien de Walque, William Dow and Erick Gong
6750: Economic growth in Ghana: determinants and prospect Downloads
Anna Raggl
6749: Structural change in Ethiopia: an employment perspective Downloads
Pedro Martins
6748: School Resource and Performance Inequality: evidence from the Philippines Downloads
Futoshi Yamauchi and Suhas Parandekar
6747: An alternative estimate of school-based management impacts on students'achievements: evidence from the Philippines Downloads
Futoshi Yamauchi
6746: Financial sector policy in practice: benchmarking financial sector strategies around the world Downloads
Samuel Munzele Maimbo and Martin Melecký
6745: Can you help someone become financially capable ? a meta-analysis of the literature Downloads
Margaret Miller, Julia Reichelstein, Christian Salas and Bilal Zia
6744: Tailoring civil service pay analysis and advice to context: challenges, approaches, and the case of Lao PDR Downloads
Naazneen H. Barma and Jana Orac
6743: Impact of export destinations on firm performance Downloads
Tolga Cebeci
6742: Evaluating aid for trade: a survey of recent studies Downloads
Olivier Cadot, Ana Fernandes, Julien Gourdon, Aaditya Mattoo and Jaime de Melo
6741: What explains Rwanda's drop in fertility between 2005 and 2010 ? Downloads
Tom Bundervoet
6740: Is extreme poverty going to end ? an analytical framework to evaluate progress in ending extreme poverty Downloads
Nobuo Yoshida, Hiroki Uematsu and Carlos E. Sobrado
6739: Does migration foster exports ? evidence from Africa Downloads
Helene Ehrhart, Maëlan Le Goff, Rocher?, Emmanuel and Raju Jan Singh
6738: Triggers of contract breach: contract design, shocks, or institutions ? Downloads
Manabu Nose
6737: Sanitation and externalities: evidence from early childhood health in rural India Downloads
Luis Andres, Bertha Briceno, Claire Chase and Juan Echenique
6736: The challenge of measuring hunger Downloads
Joachim De Weerdt, Kathleen Beegle, Jed Friedman and John Gibson
6735: Outcomes, opportunity and development: why unequal opportunities and not outcomes hinder economic development Downloads
Ezequiel Molina, Ambar Narayan and Jaime Saavedra-Chanduvi
6734: Gender, ethnicity and cumulative disadvantage in education: evidence from Latin American and African censuses Downloads
Emcet Tas, Maira Reimão and Maria Beatriz Orlando
6733: In the wake of the global crisis: evidence from a new quarterly database of export competitiveness Downloads
Guillaume Gaulier, Gianluca Santoni, Daria Taglioni and Soledad Zignago
6732: Growth and competitiveness as factors of Eurozone external imbalances: evidence and policy implications Downloads
Jose Luis Diaz Sanchez and Aristomene Varoudakis
6731: Estimating informal trade across Tunisia's land borders Downloads
Lotfi Ayadi, Nancy Benjamin, Sami Bensassi and Gaël Raballand
6730: Crime and growth convergence: evidence from Mexico Downloads
Ted Enamorado, Luis Lopez-Calva and Carlos Rodríguez-Castelán
6729: Intrinsic motivation, effort and the call to public service Downloads
Sheheryar Banuri and Philip Keefer
6728: Opportunity-sensitive poverty measurement Downloads
Paolo Brunori, Francisco Ferreira, Maria Ana Lugo and Vito Peragine
6727: Stunted growth: why don't African firms create more jobs ? Downloads
Leonardo Iacovone, Vijaya Ramachandran and Martin Schmidt
6726: Can subjective questions on economic welfare be trusted ? evidence for three developing countries Downloads
Martin Ravallion, Kristen Himelein and Kathleen Beegle
6725: Evidence gap maps -- a tool for promoting evidence-informed policy and prioritizing future research Downloads
Birte Snilstveit, Martina Vojtkova, Ami Bhavsar and Marie Gaarder
6724: The benefits of solar home systems:an analysis from Bangladesh Downloads
Hussain A. Samad, Shahidur R. Khandk, M. Asaduzzaman and Mohammad Yunus
6723: The impact of high school financial education: experimental evidence from Brazil Downloads
Miriam Bruhn, Luciana de Souza Leao, Arianna Legovini, Rogelio Marchetti and Bilal Zia
6722: The method of randomization and the role of reasoned intuition Downloads
Kaushik Basu
6721: Macro prudential policies from a micro prudential angle Downloads
Tito Cordella and Samuel Pienknagura
6720: Clean-development investments: an incentive-compatible CGE modeling framework Downloads
Christoph Bohringer, Thomas F. Rutherford and Marco Springmannc
6719: Global income distribution: from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the great recession Downloads
Christoph Lakner and Branko Milanovic
6718: Size and age of establishments: evidence from developing countries Downloads
Meghana Ayyagari, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Vojislav Maksimovic
6717: Escaping the capability trap: turning"small"development into"big"development Downloads
J. Edgardo Campos, Benjamina Randrianarivelo and Kay Winning
6716: Risky business: political instability and greenfield foreign direct investment in the Arab world Downloads
Martijn Burger, Elena Ianchovichina and Bob Rijkers
6715: Decomposing the recent inequality decline in Latin America Downloads
João Pedro Azevedo, Gabriela Inchauste and Viviane Sanfelice
6714: A comprehensive analysis of poverty in India Downloads
Arvind Panagariya and Megha Mukim
6713: Decentralized beneficiary targeting in large-scale development programs: insights from the Malawi farm input subsidy program Downloads
Talip Kilic, Edward Matthew Whitney, Paul Conal Winters, Talip Kilic, Edward Matthew Whitney and Paul Conal Winters
6712: International tradability indices for services Downloads
Erik van der Marel and Ben Shepherd
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