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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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1505: The cross-section of stock returns: evidence from emerging markets Downloads
Stijn Claessens, Susmita Dasgupta and Jack Glen
1504: Savings and education: a life-cycle model applied to a panel of 74 countries Downloads
Jacques Morisset and Cesar Revoredo-Giha
1503: Africa's growth tragedy: a retrospective, 1960-89 Downloads
William Easterly and Ross Levine
1502: Active labor market policies in the OECD and in selected transition economies Downloads
Hartmut Lehmann
1501: Are partner-country statistics useful for estimating"missing"trade data? Downloads
Alexander J. Yeats
1500: Agricultural trade liberalization in the Uruguay Round: one step forward, one step back? Downloads
Merlinda D. Ingco
1499: The dynamics of poverty: why some people escape from poverty and others don't - an African case study Downloads
Christiaan Grootaert, Ravi Kanbur and Gi-Taik Oh
1498: Decentralized rural development and enhanced community participation: a case study from Northeast Brazil Downloads
Johan van Zyl, Tulio Barbosa, Andrew N. Parker and Loretta Sonn
1497: Public choices between lifesaving programs: how important are lives saved? Downloads
Maureen Cropper and Uma Subramanian
1496: Reviving project appraisal at the World Bank Downloads
Shantayanan Devarajan, Lyn Squire and Sethaput Suthiwart-Narueput
1495: Raising household energy prices in Poland: who gains? who loses? Downloads
Caroline Freund and Christine I. Wallich
1494: Adjustment and poverty in Mexican agriculture: how farmers'wealth affects supply response Downloads
Ramon Lopez, John Nash and Julie Stanton
1493: Migration and the skill composition of the labor force: the impact of trade liberalization in developing countries Downloads
Ramon Lopez and Maurice Schiff
1492: Trade policies, macroeconomic adjustment, and manufactured exports: the Latin American experience Downloads
Sarath Rajapatirana
1491: Equilibrium incentives for adopting cleaner technology under emissions pricing Downloads
Peter Kennedy and Benoit Laplante
1490: Trade reform design as a signal to foreign investors: lessons for economies in transition Downloads
Eric Bond, Steve Chiu and Antonio Estache
1489: Educational attainments in developing countries: new estimates and projections disaggregated by gender Downloads
Vinod Ahuja and Deon Filmer
1488: Estimating the world at work Downloads
Deon Filmer
1487: Decomposing social indicators using distributional data Downloads
Benu Bidani and Martin Ravallion
1486: The emerging legal framework for private sector development in Viet Nam's transitional economy Downloads
Pham van Thuyet
1485: Aggregate agricultural supply response in developing countries: a survey of selected issues Downloads
Maurice Schiff and Claudio Montenegro
1484: The Uruguay Round and South Asia: an overview of the impact and opportunities Downloads
Nader Majd
1483: Costa Rican pension system: options for reform Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Anita Schwarz
1482: A measure of stock market integration for developed and emerging markets Downloads
Robert Korajczyk
1481: Corporate control in Central Europe and Russia: should banks own shares? Downloads
Peter Dittus and Stephen Prowse
1480: Debt as a control device in transitional economies: the experiences of Hungary and Poland Downloads
Herbert L. Baer and Cheryl W. Gray
1479: Is there a commercial case for tropical timber certification? Downloads
Panayotis N. Varangis, Rachel Crossley and C Braga
1478: Promoting growth in Sri Lanka: lessons from East Asia Downloads
Sadiq Ahmed and Priya Ranjan
1477: Cities without land markets: location and land use in the socialist city Downloads
Alain Bertaud and Bertrand Renaud
1476: Public spending and the poor: what we know, what we need to know Downloads
Dominique van de Walle
1475: Decentralization: the way forward for rural development? Downloads
Andrew N. Parker
1474: Are stable agreements for sharing international river waters now possible? Downloads
D. Marc Kilgour and Ariel Dinar
1473: The surge in capital inflows to developing countries: prospects and policy response Downloads
Eduardo Fernandez-Arias and Peter Montiel
1472: Fiscal and monetary contraction in Chile: a rational-expectations approach Downloads
Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel and Luis Serven
1471: Pension reform and growth Downloads
Giancarlo Corsetti and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
1470: Pensions systems and reform: country experiences and research issues Downloads
Patricio Arrau and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
1469: The role of labor unions in fostering economic development Downloads
John Pencavel
1468: Government's role in Pakistan agriculture: major reforms are needed Downloads
Rashid Faruquee
1467: Beyond the Uruguay Round: the implications of an Asian free trade area Downloads
Jeffrey D. Lewis, Sherman Robinson and Zhi Wang
1466: Ownership and financing of infrastructure: historical perspective Downloads
Charles D. Jacobson and Joel A. Tarr
1465: Post trade liberalization policy and institutional challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean Downloads
Sarath Rajapatirana
1464: How does the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) affect Central America? Downloads
Edward Leamer, Alfonso Guerra, Martin Kaufman and Boris Segura
1463: Rural nonfarm employment: a survey Downloads
Jean Lanjouw and Peter Lanjouw
1462: Stock market development and financial intermediaries: stylized facts Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Ross Levine
1461: Stock market development and firm financing choices Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Vojislav Maksimovic
1460: Efficiency and equity considerations in pricing and allocating irrigation water Downloads
Yacov Tsur and Ariel Dinar
1459: Pension funds in Central Europe and Russia: their prospects and potential role in corporate governance Downloads
Dimitri Vittas and Roland Michelitsch
1458: Credit policies: lessons from East Asia Downloads
Dimitri Vittas and Yoon Je Cho
1457: Does decentralization increase spending on public infrastructure? Downloads
Antonio Estache and Sarbajit Sinha
1456: Equity markets, transaction costs, and capital accumulation Downloads
Valerie Bencivenga, Bruce D. Smith and Ross M. Starr
1455: Tentative first steps: an assessment of the Uruguay Round agreement on services Downloads
Bernard Hoekman
1454: Child labor: a review Downloads
Christiaan Grootaert and Ravi Kanbur
1453: Air pollution and mortality: results from Santiago, Chile Downloads
Bart Ostr, Jose Miguel Sanchez, Carlos Aranda and Gunnar Eskeland
1452: The 1985-94 global real estate cycle: its casues and consequences Downloads
Bertrand Renaud
1451: Tunisia's insurance sector Downloads
Dimitri Vittas
1450: Social safety net and the poor during the transition: the case of Bulgaria Downloads
Fareed M. A. Hassan and Peters, R. Kyle,
1449: Worker displacement during the transition: experience from Slovenia Downloads
Peter Orazem, Milan Vodopivec and Ruth Wu
1448: Environmental regulation and development: a cross-country empirical analysis Downloads
Ashoka Mody, Subhendu Roy, David Wheeler and Susmita Dasgupta
1447: Environmental inspections and emissions of the pulp and paper industry: the case of Quebec Downloads
Benoit Laplante and Paul Rilstone
1446: Review of integrated approaches to river basin, planning, development and management Downloads
Donna J. Lee and Ariel Dinar
1445: Human capital and industry wage structure in Guatemala Downloads
Chris N. Sakellariou
1444: Roads, lands, markets, and deforestation: a spatial model of land use in Belize Downloads
Kenneth M. Chomitz and David A. Gray
1443: Policy-based finance, financial regulation, and financial sector development in Japan Downloads
Dimitri Vittas and Akihiko Kawaura
1442: Energy price increases in developing countries: case studies of Colombia, Ghana, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, and Zimbabwe Downloads
Einar Hope and Balbir Singh
1441: The significance of credits and subsidies in Russian agricultural reform Downloads
Douglas Galbi
1440: Poverty and social transfers in Poland Downloads
Christiaan Grootaert
1439: Nontariff barriers Africa faces: what did the Uruguay Round accomplish, and what remains to be done? Downloads
Azita Amjadi and Alexander Yeats
1438: Trade reform, efficiency, and growth Downloads
Ejaz Ghani and Carl Jayarajah
1437: Travel mode substitution in Sao Paulo: estimates and implications for air pollution control Downloads
Joffre Swait and Gunnar Eskeland
1436: An empirical model of sunk costs and the decision to export Downloads
Mark Roberts and James Tybout
1435: The political economy of formal sector pay and employment in developing countries Downloads
Arup Banerji, J. Edgardo Campos and Richard H. Sabot
1434: Government credit policy and industrial performance: Japanese machine tool producers, 1963-91 Downloads
Charles W. Calomiris and Charles P. Himmelberg
1433: Enterprise restructuring in Eastern Europe: how much? how fast? where? - preliminary evidence from trade data Downloads
Bernard Hoekman and Gerhard Pohl
1432: Using financial futures in trading and risk management Downloads
Ignacio Mas and Jesus Saa-Requejo
1431: The industrial pollution projection system Downloads
Hemamala Hettige, Paul Martin, Manjula Singh and David R. Wheeler
1430: Intergovernmental fiscal relations and poverty alleviation in Viet Nam Downloads
Richard Bird, Jennie I. Litvack and M. Govinda Rao
1429: The World Trade Organization's agreement on government procurement: expanding disciplines, declining membership? Downloads
Bernard Hoekman and Petros C. Mavroidis
1428: Short-term supply responde to a devaluation: a model's implications for primary commodity-exporting developing countries Downloads
Bruno Boccara and Fabien Nsengiyumva
1427: Corporate governance and equity prices: evidence from the Czech and Slovak Republics Downloads
Stijn Claessens
1426: Russian unemployment: its magnitude, characteristics, and regional dimensions Downloads
Simon Commander and Ruslan Yemtsov
1425: On the intersectoral migration of agricultural labor Downloads
Donald Larson and Yair Mundlak
1424: Terms-of-trade shocks and optimal investment: another look at the Laursen-Metzler effect Downloads
Luis Serven
1423: The role of commercial banks in enterprise restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe Downloads
Millard Long and Izabela Rutkowska
1422: Efficiency in Bulgaria's schools: a nonparametric study Downloads
Zeljko Bogetic and Sajal Chattophadyay
1421: Distribution of income and the income tax burden in Bulgaria Downloads
Zeljko Bogetic and Fareed M. A. Hassan
1420: Legislative frameworks used to fosterpetroleum development Downloads
William T. Onorato
1419: Industry structure and regulation Downloads
Martin C. Stewart-Smith
1418: The impact of labor market regulations Downloads
Lyn Squire and Sethaput Suthiwart-Narueput
1417: Uncertainty and global warming: an option - pricing approach to policy Downloads
Andrea Baranzini, Marc Chesney and Jacques Morisset
1416: Informal regulation of industrial pollution in developing countries: evidence from Indonesia Downloads
Sheoli Pargal and David Wheeler
1415: China's GDP in U.S. dollars based on purchasing power parity Downloads
Ren Ruoen and Chen Kai
1414: The World Bank and legal technical assistance: initial lessons Downloads
The World Bank Legal Department
1413: Endogenous distortions in product and labor markets Downloads
Martin Rama and Guido Tabellini
1412: Foreign technology imports and economic growth in developing countries Downloads
Xiaoming Zhang and Heng-Fu Zou
1411: Income inequality, welfare, and poverty: an illustration using Ukranian data Downloads
Nanak Kakwani
1410: Macroeconomic effects of terms-of-trade shocks: the case of oil-exporting countries Downloads
Nikola Spatafora and Andrew Warner
1409: Restructuring Uganda's debt: the commercial debt buy - back operation Downloads
Kapil Kapoor
1408: Macroeconomic management and intergovernmental relations in China Downloads
Jun Ma
1407: Pakistan's agriculture sector: is 3 to 4 percent annual growth sustainable? Downloads
Rashid Faruqee
1406: Structural breaks and long-run trends in commodity prices Downloads
Javier Leon and Raimundo Soto
Page updated 2025-03-28
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