Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 7111: Does livestock ownership affect animal source foods consumption and child nutritional status ? evidence from rural Uganda

- Carlo Azzarri, Elizabeth Cross, Beliyou Haile, Alberto Zezza, Carlo Azzarri, Elizabeth Cross, Beliyou Haile and Alberto Zezza
- 7110: Urbanization and housing investment

- Basab Dasgupta, Somik Lall and Nancy Lozano-Gracia
- 7109: The economic effects of a borrower bailout: evidence from an emerging market

- Xavier Gine and Martin Kanz
- 7108: Income diversification patterns in rural Sub-Saharan Africa: reassessing the evidence

- Benjamin K. Davis, Stefania Di Giuseppe, Alberto Zezza, Benjamin K. Davis, Stefania Di Giuseppe and Alberto Zezza
- 7107: The post-crisis growth slowdown in emerging economies and the role of structural reforms

- Zia Qureshi, Jose Luis Diaz-Sanchez and Aristomene Varoudakis
- 7106: Twinning the goals: how can promoting shared prosperity help to reduce global poverty ?

- Christoph Lakner, Mario Negre Rossignoli, Espen Beer Prydz, Christoph Lakner, Mario Negre Rossignoli and Espen Beer Prydz
- 7105: Durable goods and poverty measurement

- Nicola Amendola and Giovanni Vecchi
- 7104: Transitioning from low-income growth to high-income growth: is there a middle income trap ?

- David Bulman, Maya Eden and Ha Nguyen
- 7103: Rent imputation for welfare measurement: a review of methodologies and empirical findings

- Carlos Balcazar, Lidia Ceriani, Sergio Olivieri and Marco Ranzani
- 7102: Public sectors in the pacific islands: are they'too big'and do they'crowd out'the private sector ?

- Virginia Horscroft
- 7101: Poverty and the spatial distribution of rural population

- Edward Barbier and Jacob P. Hochard
- 7100: Oil and civil conflict: can public spending have a mitigation effect ?

- Raju Jan Singh, Cristina Bodea and Masaaki Higashijima
- 7099: Rewarding safer sex: conditional cash transfers for HIV/STI prevention

- Damien de Walque, William Dow and Rose Nathan
- 7098: Success in difficult environments: a portfolio analysis of fragile and conflict-affected states

- Laura Ralston
- 7097: Should income inequality be reduced and who should benefit ? redistributive preferences in Europe and Central Asia

- Alexandru Cojocaru and Mame Fatou Diagne
- 7096: Estimates of ad valorem equivalents of barriers against foreign suppliers of services in eleven services sectors and 103 countries

- Yaghoob Jafari and David Tarr
- 7095: The gendered labor market impacts of trade liberalization: evidence from Brazil

- Isis Gaddis and Janneke Pieters
- 7094: The need for multiple types of information to inform climate change assessment

- Michael Toman
- 7093: Can agricultural households farm their way out of poverty ?

- Andrew L. Dabalen, Kevin Robert Mcgee, Gbemisola Oseni Siwatu, Andrew L. Dabalen, Kevin Robert Mcgee and Gbemisola Oseni Siwatu
- 7092: Does culture matter for development ?

- Augusto Lopez-Claros and Valeria Perotti
- 7091: Protected areas and deforestation: new results from high resolution panel data

- Brian Blankespoor, Susmita Dasgupta and David Wheeler
- 7090: The impact of household food consumption data collection methods on poverty and inequality measures in Niger

- Prospere R. Backiny-Yetna, Ismael Yacoubou Djima, Diane E. Steele, Prospere R. Backiny-Yetna, Ismael Yacoubou Djima and Diane E. Steele
- 7089: Some simple analytics of trade and labor mobility

- Erhan Artuc, Shubham Chaudhuri, John Edward Mclaren, Erhan Artuc, Shubham Chaudhuri and John Edward Mclaren
- 7088: Assessing public debt sustainability in Mauritania with a stochastic framework

- William Baghdassarian, Gianluca Mele and Juan Pradelli
- 7087: Promoting women's economic empowerment: what works ?

- Mayra Buvinic and Rebecca Furst-Nichols
- 7086: Inheritance law reform, empowerment, and human capital accumulation: second-generation effects from India

- Klaus Deininger, Fang Xia, Songqing Jin and Hari Nagarajan
- 7085: Does land fragmentation increase the cost of cultivation ? evidence from India

- Klaus Deininger, Daniel Monchuk, Hari Nagarajan and Sudhir K Singh
- 7084: Strengthening public financial management: exploring drivers and effects

- Verena Fritz, Stephanie Sweet and Marijn Verhoeven
- 7083: Dropout in upper secondary education in Mexico: patterns, consequences and possible causes

- Raja Bentaouet Kattan and Miguel Szekely
- 7082: Informing migration policies: a data primer

- Calogero Carletto, Jennica Larrison, Caglar Ozden, Calogero Carletto, Jennica Larrison and Caglar Ozden
- 7081: Weather shocks and health at birth in Colombia

- Mabel Andalón, João Pedro Azevedo, Carlos Rodríguez-Castelán, Viviane Sanfelice and Daniel Valderrama-Gonzalez
- 7080: Village political economy, land tenure insecurity, and the rural to urban migration decision: evidence from China

- John Giles and Ren Mu
- 7079: Trafficking and fragility in West Africa

- Laura Ralston
- 7078: Job creation in fragile and conflict-affected situations

- Laura Ralston
- 7077: Can conditional cash transfers improve education and nutrition outcomes for poor children in Bangladesh ? evidence from a pilot project

- Celine Ferre and Iffath Sharif
- 7076: Does mandating nondiscrimination in hiring practices influence women's employment ? evidence using firm-level data

- Mohammad Amin and Asif Islam
- 7075: Pathways toward zero-carbon electricity required for climate stabilization

- Richard Audoly, Adrien Vogt-Schilb and Céline Guivarch
- 7074: Drivers of entrepreneurship and post-entry performance of newborn firms in developing countries

- Francesco Quatraro and Marco Vivarelli
- 7073: CGE analysis of the impact of foreign direct investment and tariff reform on female and male wages

- María Latorre
- 7072: Diet quality, child health, and food policies in developing countries

- Alok Bhargava
- 7071: From tapering to tightening: the impact of the fed's exit on India

- Kaushik Basu, Barry Eichengreen and Poonam Gupta
- 7070: Interest rate caps around the world: still popular, but a blunt instrument

- Samuel Munzele Maimbo and Claudia Alejandra Henriquez Gallegos
- 7069: The second wave of independence: shopping for solutions

- Marie M. Gaarder and Ulrich Bartsch
- 7068: Which firms create the most jobs in developing countries ? evidence from Tunisia

- Hassen Arouri, Caroline Freund, Antonio Nucifora, Bob Rijkers, Hassen Arouri, Caroline Freund, Antonio Nucifora and Bob Rijkers
- 7067: Urban infrastructure investment and rent-capture potentials

- Vincent Viguié and Stephane Hallegatte
- 7066: Non-farm enterprises in rural Africa: new empirical evidence

- Paula Nagler, Wim Naude, Paula Nagler and Wim Naude
- 7065: The effects of financial development on foreign direct investment

- Rodolphe Desbordes and Shang-Jin Wei
- 7064: Radio frequency (un)identification: results from a proof-of-concept trial of the use of RFID technology to measure microenterprise turnover in Sri Lanka

- Suresh de Mel, Dammika Herath, David McKenzie and Yuvraj Pathak
- 7063: Credit conditions and foreign direct investment during the global financial crisis

- Rodolphe Desbordes and Shang-Jin Wei
- 7062: Performance of renewable energy auctions: experience in Brazil, China and India

- Gabriela Elizondo Azuela, Luiz Barroso, Ashish Khanna, Xiaodong Wang, Yun Wu and Gabriel Cunha
- 7061: The critical mass approach to achieve a deal on green goods and services: what is on the table? how much to expect ?

- Jaime de Melo and Mariana Vijil
- 7060: Green subsidies and the WTO

- Steve Charnovitz
- 7059: Agricultural policies and trade paths in Turkey

- Donald Larson, Will Martin, Sebnem Sahin and Marino Tsigas
- 7058: Measuring agricultural knowledge and adoption

- Florence Kondylis, Valerie Mueller and Siyao Jessica Zhu
- 7057: Evidence on policies to increase the development impacts of international migration

- David McKenzie and Dean Yang
- 7056: Agricultural productivity, hired labor, wages and poverty: evidence from Bangladesh

- M. Shahe Emran and Forhad Shilpi
- 7055: Spatial dynamics of electricity usage in India

- Ejaz Ghani, Arti Grover and William Kerr
- 7054: Water quality, brawn, and education: the rural drinking water program in China

- Lixin Xu and Jing Zhang
- 7053: Foreign bank subsidiaries'default risk during the global crisis: what factors help insulate affiliates from their parents ?

- Deniz Anginer, Eugenio Cerutti and Maria Martinez Peria
- 7052: Exploiting externalities to estimate the long-term effects of early childhood deworming

- Owen Ozier
- 7051: A dynamic spatial model of rural-urban transformation with public goods

- Dan Biller, Luis Andres and David Cuberes
- 7050: Local intermediate inputs and the shared supplier spillovers of foreign direct investment

- Hiau Looi Kee and Hiau Looi Kee
- 7049: Reducing trade costs in east Africa: deep regional integration and multilateral action

- Edward Balistreri, David Tarr and Hidemichi Yonezawa
- 7048: Macroinsurance for microenterprises: a randomized experiment in post-revolution Egypt

- Matthew Groh and David McKenzie
- 7047: Voting with their feet ? access to infrastructure and migration in Nepal

- Forhad Shilpi, Prem Sangraula and Yue Li
- 7046: The impact of exogenous shocks on households in the Pacific: a micro-simulation analysis

- Caesar B. Cororaton and David S. Knight
- 7045: Testing weak exogeneity in cointegrated panels

- Enrique Moral-Benito and Luis Serven
- 7044: Who benefits from government health spending and why? a global assessment

- Adam Wagstaff, Marcel Bilger, Leander R. Buisman and Caryn Bredenkamp
- 7043: Updating poverty estimates at frequent intervals in the absence of consumption data: methods and illustration with reference to a middle-income country

- Hai-Anh H. Dang, Peter F. Lanjouw, Umar Serajuddin, Hai-Anh H. Dang, Peter F. Lanjouw and Umar Serajuddin
- 7042: A comprehensive review of empirical and modeled HIV incidence trends (1990-2012)

- Jessica Taaffe, Nicole Fraser-Hurt, Marelize Gorgens and Pandu Harimurti
- 7041: How do countries measure, manage, and monitor fiscal risks generated by public-private partnerships? Chile, Peru, South Africa, Turkey

- Cigdem Aslan and David Duarte
- 7040: Estimating the long-run impact of microcredit programs on household income and net worth

- Tiemen Woutersen and Shahidur Khandker
- 7039: Interactions among donors'aid allocations: evidence from an exogenous World Bank income threshold

- Stephen Knack, Lixin Xu and Ben Zou
- 7038: Governors and governing institutions: a comparative study of state-business relations in Russia's regions

- Gulnaz Sharafutdinova and Gregory Kisunko
- 7037: Nash equilibria of games when players'preferences are quasi-transitive

- Kaushik Basu and Prasanta K. Pattanaik
- 7036: Measuring the impact of a change in the price of Cashew received by exporters on farmgate prices and poverty in Guinea-Bissau

- Walter Cont and Guido Porto
- 7035: Dynamics of demand for rainfall index insurance: evidence from a commercial product in India

- Daniel Stein
- 7034: Infrastructure, growth, and inequality: an overview

- Cesar Calderon and Luis Serven
- 7033: Infrastructure gap in South Asia: inequality of access to infrastructure services

- Luis Andres, S. A. Dan Biller and Matias Herrera Dappe
- 7032: Infrastructure gap in South Asia: infrastructure needs, prioritization, and financing

- Luis Andres, S. A. Dan Biller and Matias Herrera Dappe
- 7031: Female labor participation in the Arab world: some evidence from panel data in Morocco

- Paolo Verme, Abdoul Gadiry Barry and Jamal Guennouni
- 7030: Testing the importance of search frictions, matching, and reservation prestige through randomized experiments in Jordan

- Matthew Groh, David McKenzie, Nour Shammout and Tara Vishwanath
- 7029: Benchmarking the financial performance, growth, and outreach of greenfield microfinance institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Robert Cull, Sven Harten, Ippei Nishida and Greta Bull
- 7028: GLS estimation and empirical bayes prediction for linear mixed models with Heteroskedasticity and sampling weights: a background study for the POVMAP project

- Roy van der Weide
- 7027: Cost-effectiveness measurement in development: accounting for local costs and noisy impacts

- David Evans and Anna Popova
- 7026: Inequality of opportunity among Egyptian children

- Lire Ersado and Meltem Aran
- 7025: Investment climate reforms and job creation in developing countries: what do we know and what should we do ?

- Aminur Rahman
- 7024: Estimating poverty in the absence of consumption data: the case of Liberia

- Andrew Dabalen, Errol Graham, Kristen Himelein and Rose Mungai
- 7023: The reduction of child mortality in the Middle East and North Africa: a success story

- Farrukh Iqbal and Youssouf Kiendrebeogo
- 7022: Agricultural production, dietary diversity, and climate variability

- Andrew S. Dillon, Kevin Robert Mcgee, Gbemisola Oseni Siwatu, Andrew S. Dillon, Kevin Robert Mcgee and Gbemisola Oseni Siwatu
- 7021: The permanent input hypothesis: the case of textbooks and (no) student learning in Sierra Leone

- Shwetlena Sabarwal, David Evans and Anastasia Marshak
- 7020: Comparable estimates of returns to schooling around the world

- Claudio Montenegro and Harry Patrinos
- 7019: The African financial development and financial inclusion gaps

- Franklin Allen, Elena Carletti, Robert Cull, Jun Qian, Lemma Senbet and Patricio Valenzuela
- 7018: SME finance in Africa

- Thorsten Beck and Robert Cull
- 7017: Corporate governance and bank insolvency risk: international evidence

- Deniz Anginer, Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Harry Huizinga and Kebin Ma
- 7016: Barriers to the implementation of environmental policies at the local level in China

- Genia Kostka
- 7015: Information is power: experimental evidence on the long-run impact of community based monitoring

- Martina Bjorkman Nyqvist, Damien de Walque and Jakob Svensson
- 7014: Understanding the agricultural input landscape in Sub-Saharan Africa: recent plot, household, and community-level evidence

- Christopher B. Barrett, Megan Britney Sheahan, Christopher B. Barrett and Megan Britney Sheahan
- 7013: The impact of credit information sharing reforms on firm financing?

- Maria Martinez Peria and Sandeep Singh
- 7012: School autonomy and accountability in Thailand: a systems approach for assessing policy intent and implementation

- Gustavo Arcia, Kevin Macdonald and Harry Patrinos
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