Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 9141: The Power of Believing You Can Get Smarter: The Impact of a Growth-Mindset Intervention on Academic Achievement in Peru

- Ingo Outes-Leon, Alan Sanchez and Renos Vakis
- 9140: Assessing the Longer Term Impact of Community-Driven Development Programs: Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Democratic Republic of Congo

- Eric Mvukiyehe and Peter van der Windt
- 9139: Assessing the Returns on Investment in Data Openness and Transparency

- Megumi Kubota and Albert G. Zeufack
- 9138: Bank Capital and Risk in Europe and Central Asia Ten Years After the Crisis

- Deniz Anginer, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Davide Salvatore Mare
- 9137: Borrow with Sorrow ? The Changing Risk Profile of Sub-Saharan Africa's Debt

- Cesar Calderon and Albert G. Zeufack
- 9136: Cost Recovery and Financial Viability of the Power Sector in Developing Countries: Insights from 15 Case Studies

- Joern Torsten Huenteler, Denzel J. Hankinson, Nicole Rosenthal, Ani Balabanyan, Arthur Kochnakyan, Tu Chi Nguyen, Anshul Rana and Vivien Foster
- 9135: Cyber Resilience of Autonomous Mobility Systems: Cyber Attacks and Resilience-Enhancing Strategies

- Bo Zou, Pooria Choobchian and Julie Rozenberg
- 9134: Reverse Mortgages, Financial Inclusion, and Economic Development: Potential Benefit and Risks

- Peter Knaack, Margaret J. Miller and Fiona Elizabeth Stewart
- 9133: Toward Successful Development Policies: Insights from Research in Development Economics

- Erhan Artuc, Robert Cull, Susmita Dasgupta, Roberto Fattal Jaef, Deon Filmer, Xavier Gine, Hanan Jacoby, Dean Jolliffe, Hiau Looi Kee, Leora Klapper, Aart C. Kraay, Norman Loayza, David McKenzie, Berk Özler, Vijayendra Rao, Bob Rijkers, Sergio Schmukler, Michael Toman, Adam Wagstaff and Michael Woolcock
- 9132: Trade Integration, Export Patterns, and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Cesar Calderon, Martha Catalina Cantu Canales and Albert G. Zeufack
- 9131: Religion and Sanitation Practices

- Anjali Adukia, Marcella Alsan, Kim Babiarz, Jeremy D. Goldhaber-Fiebert and Lea Prince
- 9130: Taxing Tobacco in Georgia: Welfare and Distributional Gains of Smoking Cessation

- Alan Fuchs Tarlovsky and Maria Fernanda Gonzalez Icaza
- 9129: Inflation and Public Debt Reversals in Advanced Economies

- Ichiro Fukunaga, Takuji Komatsuzaki and Hideaki Matsuoka
- 9128: Recall Length and Measurement Error in Agricultural Surveys

- Philip Randolph Wollburg, Marco Tiberti and Alberto Zezza
- 9127: Do Weak Institutions Prolong Crises ? On the Identification, Characteristics, and Duration of Declines During Economic Slumps

- Richard Bluhm, Denis de Crombrugghe and Adam Szirmai
- 9126: Narrow Incumbent Victories and Post-Election Conflict: Evidence from the Philippines

- Benjamin Crost, Joseph H. Felter, Hani Mansour and Daniel I. Rees
- 9125: Beneficiary Views on Cash and In-Kind Payments: Evidence from Ethiopia's Productive Safety

- Kalle Hirvonen and John Hoddinott
- 9124: Digital Innovation in East Asia: Do Restrictive Data Policies Matter

- Martina Francesca Ferracane and Erik van der Marel
- 9123: Up before Dawn: Experimental Evidence from a Cross-Border Trader Training at the Democratic Republic of Congo?Rwanda Border

- Kevin Croke, Maria Elena Garcia Mora, Markus Goldstein, Edouard Romeo Mensah and Michael O'Sullivan
- 9122: The Role of Income and Substitution in Commodity Demand

- John Baffes, Alain Kabundi and Peter Nagle
- 9121: Inequality, Poverty and the Intra-Household Allocation of Consumption in Senegal

- Philippe H. De Vreyer and Sylvie Lambert
- 9120: Assessing Deprivation with an Ordinal Variable: Theory and Application to Sanitation Deprivation in Bangladesh

- Suman Seth and Gaston Yalonetzky
- 9119: Regional Integration in South Asia: Implications for Green Growth, Female Labor Force Participation, and the Gender Wage Gap

- Muthukumara S. Mani, Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan and Deepika Wadhwa
- 9118: Intimate Partner Violence: The Influence of Job Opportunities for Men and Women

- Sonia Bhalotra, Uma Kambhampati, Samantha Rawlings and Zahra Siddique
- 9117: Returns to Education in Azerbaijan: Some New Estimates

- Vicente A. Garcia Moreno and Harry Patrinos
- 9116: Debt and Financial Crises

- Wee Chian Koh, Ayhan Kose, Peter Nagle, Franziska Ohnsorge and Naotaka Sugawara
- 9115: Heterogeneous Effects of the de jure and de facto Business Environment: Findings from Multiple Data Sets on the Business Environment

- Christine Zhenwei Qiang, He Wang and Lixin Xu
- 9114: Conceptual Aspects of Global Value Chains

- Pol Antras
- 9113: Gender Differences in Agricultural Productivity in Cote d'Ivoire: Changes in Determinants and Distributional Composition over the Past Decade

- Aletheia Donald, Kotchikpa Lawin and Léa Rouanet
- 9112: Does Democratization Promote Competition?: Indonesian Manufacturing Pre and Post Suharto

- Mary C. Hallward-Driemeier, Anna Kochanova and Bob Rijkers
- 9111: Migration and Remittances in the Former Soviet Union Countries of Central Asia and the South Caucasus: What Are the Long-Term Macroeconomic Consequences?

- Martin Brownbridge and Sudharshan Canagarajah
- 9110: Migration in Libya: A Spatial Network Analysis

- Michele Di Maio, Valerio Leone Sciabolazza and Vasco Molini
- 9109: Macro-Financial Aspects of Climate Change

- Erik H.B. Feyen, Robert Johann Utz, Igor Esteban Zuccardi Huertas, Olena Bogdan and Jisung Moon
- 9108: What Aspects of Formality Do Workers Value ? Evidence from a Choice Experiment in Bangladesh

- Minhaj Mahmud, Italo Gutierrez, Krishna B. Kumar and Shanthi Nataraj
- 9106: The Spillovers of Employment Guarantee Programs on Child Labor and Education

- Tianshu Li and Sheetal Sekhri
- 9105: Free Primary Education, Fertility, and Women's Access to the Labor Market: Evidence from Ethiopia

- Luke Chicoine
- 9104: Stages of Development of Payment Systems: Leapfrogging across Countries and MENA's Place in the World

- Clément Gévaudan and Daniel Lederman
- 9103: The External Wealth of Arab Nations: Structure, Trends, and Policy Implications

- Mahmoud Mohieldin, Ahmed Mohamed Tawfick Rostom and Chahir Zaki
- 9102: Using Labor Supply Elasticities to Learn about Income Inequality: The Role of Productivities versus Preferences

- Katy Bergstrom and William Dodds
- 9101: The Targeting Benefit of Conditional Cash Transfers

- Katy Bergstrom and William Dodds
- 9100: Gender Bias in SME Lending: Experimental Evidence from Turkey

- Salman Alibhai, Aletheia Donald, Markus Goldstein, Alper Ahmet Oguz, Alexander Pankov and Francesco Strobbe
- 9099: Firms Far Up: Productivity, Agglomeration, and High-Growth Firms in Ethiopia

- Arti Goswami Grover
- 9098: Trade and Female Labor Participation: Stylized Facts Using a Global Dataset

- Nadia Rocha and Deborah Winkler
- 9097: Have Robots Grounded the Flying Geese?: Evidence from Greenfield FDI in Manufacturing

- Mary C. Hallward-Driemeier and Gaurav Nayyar
- 9096: Decline in Wage Inequality in Brazil: A Survey

- Sergio Firpo and Alysson Portella
- 9095: How Technology Adoption and Trade Are Shaping Indonesian Labor Markets

- Mariana Viollaz, Francis Addeah Darko and Andrew D. Mason
- 9094: Effects over the Life of a Program: Evidence from an Education Conditional Cash Transfer Program for Girls

- Esha Chhabra, Fatima Najeeb and Dhushyanth Raju
- 9093: Lights Off, Lights On: The Effects of Electricity Shortages on Small Firms

- Morgan L. Hardy and Jamie Lee Mccasland
- 9092: Factor Market Failures and the Adoption of Irrigation in Rwanda

- Maria Ruth Jones, Florence Kondylis, John Ashton Loeser and Jeremy Magruder
- 9091: Trade, Global Value Chains and GDP Comovemement: An Empirical Investigation

- François de Soyres and Alexandre Gwen Simon Gaillard
- 9090: Inflation Dynamics and Global Value Chains

- François de Soyres and Sebastian Franco Bedoya
- 9089: An Empirical Investigation of Trade Diversion and Global Value Chains

- François de Soyres, Julien Luc Yvon Maire and Guillaume Sublet
- 9088: Can Medium-Resolution Satellite Imagery Measure Economic Activity at Small Geographies ? Evidence from Landsat in Vietnam

- Ran Philip Goldblatt, Kilian Tobias Heilmann and Yonatan Vaizman
- 9087: Group Incentives for the Public Good: A Field Experiment on Improving the Urban Environment

- Carol Newman, Tara Mitchell, Marcus Erik Holmlund and Chloe Monica Fernandez
- 9086: The Medium Term Impacts of Cash and In-kind Food Transfers on Learning

- Ciro Avitabile, Jesse Matthew Cunha and Ricardo Meilman Lomaz Cohn
- 9085: Addressing High School Dropouts with a Scalable Intervention: The Case of PODER

- Ciro Avitabile, Janina Cuevas, Rafael De Hoyos and Julian C Jamison
- 9084: Product Market Competition, Productivity, and Jobs: The Case of South Africa

- Seidu Dauda, Sara Nyman and Aalia Cassim
- 9083: Foreign Direct Investment and Female Entrepreneurship

- Sheng Fang, Heba M.M. Shamseldin and Lixin Xu
- 9082: Exiting Financial Repression: The Case of Ethiopia

- Jean-Pierre Christophe Chauffour and Muluneh Ayalew Gobezie
- 9081: Effects of a Multi-Faceted Education Program on Enrollment, Equity, Learning, and School Management: Evidence from India

- Clara Delavallade, Alan Griffith and Rebecca Thornton
- 9079: Markups, Market Imperfections, and Trade Openness: Evidence from Ghana

- Kaku Attah Damoah
- 9078: Financial Risk Management in Agriculture: Analyzing Data from a New Module of the Global Findex Database

- Leora Klapper, Dorothe Singer, Saniya Ansar and Jake Richard Hess
- 9077: Quality Education and the Efficiency of Public Expenditure: A Cross-Country Comparative Analysis

- Elisé Miningou
- 9076: Estimating Poverty for Refugee Populations: Can Cross-Survey Imputation Methods Substitute for Data Scarcity ?

- Hai-Anh Dang and Paolo Verme
- 9075: Intergenerational Impact of Population Shocks on Children's Health: Evidence from the 1993-2001 Refugee Crisis in Tanzania

- Soazic Elise Wang Sonne and Paolo Verme
- 9074: Behavior Revealed in Mobile Phone Usage Predicts Credit Repayment

- Daniel Björkegren and Darrell Grissen
- 9073: Decomposing the Labor Productivity Gap between Upper-Middle-Income and High-Income Countries

- Mohammad Amin, Asif Islam and Usman Khalid
- 9072: Free Riding in Loan Approvals: Evidence from SME Lending in Peru

- Irani Arraiz, Miriam Bruhn, Benjamin N. Roth, Claudia Ruiz Ortega and Rodolfo Mario Stucchi
- 9071: Adaptive Safety Nets for Rural Africa: Drought-Sensitive Targeting with Sparse Data

- Javier Baez, Varun Kshirsagar and Emmanuel Skoufias
- 9070: Improving Preschool Provision and Encouraging Demand: Heterogeneous Impacts of a Large-Scale Program

- Jan Lukas Berkes, Adrien Bouguen, Deon Filmer and Tsuyoshi Fukao
- 9069: Basel III Implementation and SME Financing: Evidence for Emerging Markets and Developing Economies

- Boris Fisera, Roman Horvath and Martin Melecký
- 9068: The Financial Costs of the U.S.-China Trade Tensions: Evidence from East Asian Stock Markets

- Francesca de Nicola, Martin Dov Alfred Kessler and Ha Nguyen
- 9067: Management Practices in Croatia: Drivers and Consequences for Firm Performance

- Arti Goswami Grover, Leonardo Iacovone and Pavel Chakraborty
- 9066: Obesity and Food away from Home: What Drives the Socioeconomic Gradient in Excess Body Weight ?

- Christoph Strupat, Maria Gabriela Farfan Bertran, Laura Moritz, Mario Negre and Renos Vakis
- 9065: The Effects of International Scrutiny on Manufacturing Workers: Evidence from the Rana Plaza Collapse in Bangladesh

- Laurent Bossavie, Yoonyoung Cho and Rachel Heath
- 9064: Third-Country Effects of Regional Trade Agreements: A Firm-Level Analysis

- Woori Lee, Alen Mulabdic and Michele Ruta
- 9063: Labor Market Analysis Using Big Data: The Case of a Pakistani Online Job Portal

- Norihiko Matsuda, Tutan Ahmed and Shinsaku Nomura
- 9061: Built to Last: Sustainability of Early Childhood Education Services in Rural Indonesia

- Amer Hasan, Haeil Jung, Angela Kinnell, Amelia Maika, Nozomi Nakajima and Menno Prasad Pradhan
- 9060: Contrasting Experiences: Understanding the Longer-Term Impact of Improving Access to Preschool Education in Rural Indonesia

- Amer Hasan, Haeil Jung, Angela Kinnell, Amelia Maika, Nozomi Nakajima and Menno Prasad Pradhan
- 9059: Impact of Early Life Exposure to Environments with Unimproved Sanitation on Education Outcomes: Evidence from Bangladesh

- George Joseph, Yi Rong Hoo, Nazia Sultana Moqueet and Gnanaraj Chellaraj
- 9058: Impact of Salinity on Infant and Neonatal Mortality in Bangladesh

- George Joseph, Qiao Wang, Gnanaraj Chellaraj, Mohammed Shamsudduha and Abu Mohammed Naser
- 9057: Wider Economic Benefits of Transport Corridors: Evidence from International Development Organizations

- Muneeza Mehmood Alam, Matias Herrera Dappe, Martin Melecký and Ran Philip Goldblatt
- 9056: Regional Development Overview: Challenges, Adopted Strategies, and New Initiatives

- Randall Jackson, Geoffrey J. D. Hewings, Serge Rey and Nancy Lozano Gracia
- 9055: Index Insurance: A Viable Solution for Irrigated Farming?

- Rathnija Arandara, Shanuki Gunasekera and Agrotosh Mookerjee
- 9054: Children Need Clean Water to Grow: E. Coli Contamination of Drinking Water and Childhood Nutrition in Bangladesh

- George Joseph, Sabrina Sharmin Haque, Nazia Sultana Moqueet and Yi Rong Hoo
- 9053: Measuring and Explaining Management in Schools: New Approaches Using Public Data

- Clare Leaver, Renata Lemos and Daniela Dillenburg Scur
- 9052: Can We Rely on VIIRS Nightlights to Estimate the Short-Term Impacts of Natural Disasters ?

- Emmanuel Skoufias, Eric Strobl and Thomas Tveit
- 9051: Impact of Fiscal Policy on Poverty and Inequality in Uganda: Fiscal Incidence Analysis Using the UNHS 2016/17

- Carolina Mejia-Mantilla, Deisy Johanna Fajardo Gonzalez, Maya Scott Goldman, Jon Robbert Jellema and Haley Renda
- 9050: Trade Policy and Market Power: Firm-Level Evidence

- Alan Asprilla, Nicolas Berman, Olivier Cadot and Melise Jaud
- 9049: Polarization and Its Discontents: Morocco before and after the Arab Spring

- Fabio Clementi, Haider Khan, Vasco Molini, Francesco Schettino and Khalid Soudi
- 9048: Policy Uncertainty, Trade, and Global Value Chains: Some Facts, Many Questions

- Ileana Cristina Constantinescu, Aaditya Mattoo and Michele Ruta
- 9047: New Approaches to the Identification of Low-Frequency Drivers: An Application to Technology Shocks

- Alistair Dieppe, Francis Neville and Gene Joseph Kindberg Hanlon
- 9046: Labor Supply Responses to Health Shocks: Evidence from High-Frequency Labor Market Data from Urban Ghana

- Rachel Heath, Ghazala Mansuri and Bob Rijkers
- 9045: Household Impacts of Tariffs: Data and Results from Agricultural Trade Protection

- Erhan Artuc, Guido Porto and Bob Rijkers
- 9044: Bank Regulation and Supervision Ten Years after the Global Financial Crisis

- Deniz Anginer, Ata Bertay, Robert Cull, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Davide Salvatore Mare
- 9043: Productivity Growth in Romania: A Firm-Level Analysis

- Mariana Iootty, Jorge O. Pena and Donato De Rosa
- 9042: Progress and Challenges of Upper Secondary Education in China

- Dandan Chen, Ning - HEAED Fu and Yilin Pan
- 9041: Integrating Value for Money and Impact Evaluations: Issues, Institutions, and Opportunities

- Elizabeth Denison Brown and Jeffery Tanner
- 9040: Cities of Workers, Children, or Seniors? Age Structure and Economic Growth in a Global Cross-Section of Cities

- Remi Jedwab, Daniel Pereira and Mark Roberts
- 9039: Too Much Energy: The Perverse Effect of Low Fuel Prices on Firms

- Massimiliano Calì, Nicola Cantore, Leonardo Iacovone, Mariana De La Paz Pereira Lopez and Giorgio Presidente
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