Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 5007: Measures of investor and consumer confidence and policy actions in the current crisis

- Mansoor Dailami and Paul Masson
- 5006: Implications for climate-change policy of research on cooperation in social dilemmas

- Timothy Irwin
- 5005: Aid and trust in country systems

- Stephen Knack and Nicholas Eubank
- 5004: Forecasting local climate for policy analysis: a pilot application for Ethiopia

- Brian Blankespoor, Kiran Dev Pandey and David Wheeler
- 5003: Trade finance in crisis: market adjustment or market failure ?

- Jean-Pierre Chauffour and Thomas Farole
- 5002: The growth aftermath of natural disasters

- Thomas Fomby, Yuki Ikeda and Norman Loayza
- 5001: Own and sibling effects of conditional cash transfer programs: theory and evidence from Cambodia

- Francisco Ferreira, Deon Filmer and Norbert Schady
- 5000: World Bank policy research: a historical overview

- Jean-Jacques Dethier
- 4999: Are there diminishing returns to transfer size in conditional cash transfers ?

- Deon Filmer and Norbert Schady
- 4998: School enrollment, selection and test scores

- Deon Filmer and Norbert Schady
- 4997: Competition, imitation, and technical change: quality vs. variety

- Ana Cusolito
- 4996: The power of information: the impact of mobile phones on farmers'welfare in the Philippines

- Julien Labonne and Robert S. Chase
- 4995: The uncertainty channel of contagion

- Prakash Kannan and Fritzi Kohler-Geib
- 4994: Procurement in infrastructure: what does theory tell us ?

- Antonio Estache, Atsushi Iimi and Christian Ruzzier
- 4993: Evaluating the impact of Egyptian social fund for development programs

- Hala Abou-Ali, Hesham El-Azony, Heba El-Laithy, Jonathan Haughton and Shahidur Khandker
- 4992: Tax compliance perceptions and formalization of small businesses in south Africa

- Jacqueline Coolidge and Domagoj Ilic
- 4991: Aid for trade: matching potential demand and supply

- Elisa Gamberoni and Richard Newfarmer
- 4990: Adjusting to trade-policy changes in export markets: evidence from U.S. antidumping duties on Vietnamese catfish

- Irene Brambilla, Guido Porto and Alessandro Tarozzi
- 4989: Managing East Asia's macroeconomic volatility

- Eduardo Olaberria and Iamele Rigolini
- 4988: Disasters and economic welfare: can national savings help explain post-disaster changes in consumption ?

- Reinhard Mechler
- 4987: System-wide impacts of hospital payment reforms: evidence from central and eastern Europe and central Asia

- Rodrigo Moreno-Serra and Adam Wagstaff
- 4986: Post-macroeconomics -- reflections on the crisis and strategic directions ahead

- Celestin Monga
- 4985: Put your money where your butt is: a commitment contract for smoking cessation

- Xavier Gine, Dean Karlan and Jonathan Zinman
- 4984: Diasporas

- Michel Beine, Frédéric Docquier and Caglar Ozden
- 4983: Remittances and banking sector breadth and depth: evidence from Mexico

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Ernesto Lopez Cordova, Maria Martinez Peria and Christopher Woodruff
- 4982: More on the energy / non-energy commodity price link

- John Baffes
- 4981: The economic impact of banking the unbanked: evidence from Mexico

- Miriam Bruhn and Inessa Love
- 4980: Natural disasters and growth - going beyond the averages

- Norman Loayza, Eduardo Olaberria, Iamele Rigolini and Luc Christiaensen
- 4979: The health impact of extreme weather events in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Limin Wang, Shireen Kanji and Sushenjit Bandyopadhyay
- 4978: Governance matters VIII: aggregate and individual governance indicators 1996-2008

- Daniel Kaufmann, Aart Kraay and Massimo Mastruzzi
- 4977: Lessons from European Union policies for regional development

- Raja Shankar and Anwar Shah
- 4976: Educational and health impacts of two school feeding schemes: evidence from a randomized trial in rural Burkina Faso

- Harounan Kazianga, Damien de Walque and Harold Alderman
- 4975: The economics of teacher supply in Indonesia

- Dandan Chen
- 4974: Why don't we see poverty convergence ?

- Martin Ravallion
- 4973: Does financial openness lead to deeper domestic financial markets ?

- Cesar Calderon and Megumi Kubota
- 4972: Remittances and natural disasters: ex-post response and contribution to ex-ante preparedness

- Sanket Mohapatra, George Joseph and Dilip Ratha
- 4971: Can Malaysia escape the middle-income Trap ? a strategy for Penang

- Shahid Yusuf and Kaoru Nabeshima
- 4970: How should fiscal policy respond to the economic crisis in the low income commonwealth of independent states ? some pointers from Tajikistan

- Martin Brownbridge and R. Sudharshan Canagarajah
- 4969: Inflation dynamics and food prices in an agricultural economy: the case of Ethiopia

- Josef Loening, Dick Durevall and Yohannes A. Birru
- 4968: Assessing the macroeconomic impacts of natural disasters: are there any ?

- Stefan Hochrainer
- 4967: Finance and inequality: theory and evidence

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Ross Levine
- 4966: Identifying spatial efficiency-equity tradeoffs in territorial development policies: evidence from Uganda

- Somik Lall, Elizabeth Schroeder and Emily Schmidt
- 4965: The microeconomic determinants of emigration and return migration of the best and brightest: evidence from the Pacific

- John Gibson and David McKenzie
- 4964: Do international treaties promote development ? the convention on the rights of the child and basic immunization

- Varun Gauri
- 4963: Impact estimation of disasters: a global aggregate for 1960 to 2007

- Yasuhide Okuyama and Sebnem Sahin
- 4962: Stigma and the take-up of social programs

- Jacques Ewoudou, Clarence Tsimpo and Quentin Wodon
- 4961: Working long hours and having no choice: time poverty in Guinea

- Elena Bardasi and Quentin Wodon
- 4960: The ASEAN free trade agreement: impact on trade flows and external trade barriers

- Hector Calvo-Pardo, Caroline Freund and Emanuel Ornelas
- 4959: The impact of climate change on catastrophe risk models: implications for catastrophe risk markets in developing countries

- John Seo and Olivier Mahul
- 4958: Scaling up aid or scaling down: the global economic crisis and Rwanda's MDGs

- Hans Lofgren, Hannah Nielsen and Kene Ezemenari
- 4957: Substitution and technological change under carbon cap and trade: lessons from Europe

- Timothy J. Considine and Donald Larson
- 4956: The impacts of international migration on remaining household members: omnibus results from a migration lottery program

- John Gibson, David McKenzie and Steven Stillman
- 4955: Addressing educational disparity: using district level education development indices for equitable resource allocations in India

- Dhir Jhingran and Deepa Sankar
- 4954: The Mauritanian labor market through the lens of the 2004 national household survey

- Tania Rajadel , Nicola Pontara and Maria Laura Sanchez Puerta
- 4953: On the channel and type of international disaster aid

- Paul Raschky and Manijeh Schwindt
- 4952: Aid, natural disasters and the samaritan's dilemma

- Paul Raschky and Manijeh Schwindt
- 4951: What explains the low survival rate of developing country export flows ?

- Paul Brenton, Christian Saborowski and Erik von Uexkull
- 4950: Labor skills and foreign investment in a dynamic economy: estimating the knowledge-capital model for Singapore

- Gnanaraj Chellaraj, Keith Maskus and Aaditya Mattoo
- 4949: Social networks among indigenous peoples in Mexico

- Emmanuel Skoufias, Trine Lunde and Harry Patrinos
- 4948: Does regulatory supervision curtail microfinance profitability and outreach ?

- Robert Cull, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Jonathan Morduch
- 4947: A structural model of establishment and industry evolution: evidence from Chile

- Murat Seker
- 4946: Mind the gap ? a rural-urban comparison of manufacturing firms

- Bob Rijkers, Mans Soderbom and Josef Loening
- 4945: Modeling migration dynamics in Albania: a hazard function approach

- Carlo Azzarri and Calogero Carletto
- 4944: Impact assessments in finance and private sector development: what have we learned and what should we learn ?

- David McKenzie
- 4943: Financial institutions and markets across countries and over time - data and analysis

- Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Ross Levine
- 4942: Uncivil societies - a theory of sociopolitical change

- Celestin Monga
- 4941: Climate change governance

- James Meadowcroft
- 4940: Cognitive and behavioral challenges in responding to climate change

- Kari Marie Norgaard
- 4939: Social and governance dimensions of climate change: implications for policy

- Roberto Foa
- 4938: Beyond mitigation: potential options for counter-balancing the climatic and environmental consequences of the rising concentrations of greenhouse gases

- Mike MacCracken
- 4937: The impact of the business environment on the business creation process

- Leora Klapper and Juan Manuel Quesada Delgado
- 4936: Optimal pre-merger notification mechanisms - incentives and efficiency of mandatory and voluntary schemes

- Aldo Gonzalez and Daniel Benitez
- 4935: Entrepreneurship in post-conflict transition: the role of informality and access to finance

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Leora Klapper and Georgios Panos
- 4934: Innovative firms or innovative owners ? determinants of innovation in micro, small, and medium enterprises

- Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff
- 4933: Tax policy to reduce carbon emissions in south Africa

- Shantayanan Devarajan, Delfin Go, Sherman Robinson and Karen Thierfelder
- 4932: Household welfare and natural resource management around national parks in Zambia

- Sushenjit Bandyopadhyay and Gelson Tembo
- 4931: Simple model frameworks for explaining inefficiency of the clean development mechanism

- Knut Einar Rosendahl and Jon Strand
- 4930: The better you are the stronger it makes you: evidence on the asymmetric impact of liberalization

- Leonardo Iacovone
- 4929: When do Legislators pass on"Pork"? the determinants of legislator utilization of a constituency development fund in India

- Philip Keefer and Stuti Khemani
- 4928: Is deliberation equitable ? evidence from transcripts of village meetings in south India

- Radu Ban and Vijayendra Rao
- 4927: A special safeguard mechanism for agricultural imports and the management of reform

- Joseph Finger
- 4926: Optimal devaluations

- Constantino Hevia and Juan Pablo Nicolini
- 4925: International migration, transfers of norms and home country fertility

- Michel Beine, Frédéric Docquier and Maurice Schiff
- 4924: Dignity through discourse: poverty and the culture of deliberation in Indian village democracies

- Vijayendra Rao and Paromita Sanyal
- 4923: Poverty and income seasonality in Bangladesh

- Shahidur Khandker
- 4922: Can risk averse competitive input providers serve farmers efficiently in developing countries ?

- Paul Makdissi and Quentin Wodon
- 4921: May growth lead to higher deprivation despite higher satisfaction ?

- Quentin Wodon and Shlomo Yitzhaki
- 4920: Assessing the economic impacts of an economic partnership agreement on Nigeria

- Soamiely Andriamananjara, Paul Brenton, Erik von Uexkull and Peter Walkenhorst
- 4919: AIDS and dualism: Ethiopia's burden under rational expectations

- Clive Bell and Anastasios Koukoumelis
- 4918: Exit and save: migration and saving under violence

- Rebekka E. Grun
- 4917: The crisis-resilience of services trade

- Ingo Borchert and Aaditya Mattoo
- 4916: Beyond the information technology agreement: harmonization of standards and trade in electronics

- Alberto Portugal-Perez, José-Daniel Reyes and John Wilson
- 4915: Toward defining and measuring the affordability of public utility services

- Ioannis Kessides, Raffaele Miniaci, Carlo Scarpa and Paola Valbonesi
- 4914: Infrastructure and growth in Africa

- Cesar Calderon
- 4913: Paying the price for unreliable power supplies: in-house generation of electricity by firms in Africa

- Vivien Foster and Jevgenijs Steinbuks
- 4912: Making sense of Africa's infrastructure endowment: a benchmarking approach

- Tito Yepes, Justin Pierce and Vivien Foster
- 4911: Weathering the storm: investing in port infrastructure to lower trade costs in East Asia

- Kazutomo Abe and John Wilson
- 4910: Natural disasters, self-insurance and human capital investment: evidence from Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Malawi

- Futoshi Yamauchi, Yisehac Yohannes and Agnes Quisumbing
- 4909: Risks, ex-ante actions and public assistance: impacts of natural disasters on child schooling in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Malawi

- Futoshi Yamauchi, Yisehac Yohannes and Agnes Quisumbing
- 4908: Moving up the ladder ? the impact of migration experience on occupational mobility in Albania

- Calogero Carletto and Talip Kilic
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