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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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10745: Taxes, Transfers, and Gender: Fiscal Policy Incidence across Fiscal and Care Categories in Jordan Downloads
Laura Kiku Rodriguez Takeuchi, Matthew Grant Wai-Poi and Jeffrey Scott Woodham
10744: What Works in Supporting Women-Led Businesses ? Downloads
Diego Ubfal
10743: How Delayed Learning about Climate Uncertainty Impacts Decarbonization Investment Strategies Downloads
Adam Michael Bauer, Florent McIsaac and Stephane Hallegatte
10742: Climate Shocks and the Poor: A Review of the Literature Downloads
Margaret Maggie Triyana, Andy Jiang Turk, Yurui Hu and Md Shah Naoaj
10741: The Sovereign Spread Compressing Effect of Fiscal Rules during Global Crises Downloads
Ergys Islamaj, Agustin Samano Penaloza and Scott James Sommers
10740: The Macroeconomic Impact of Climate Shocks in Uruguay Downloads
Fernando Giuliano, Daniel Navia Simon and Heather Jane Ruberl
10739: The Role of Firm Dynamics in Aggregate Productivity, Job Flows, and Wage Inequality in Ecuador Downloads
Fausto Andres Patino Pena and Esteban Ferro
10738: Using Survey-to-Survey Imputation to Fill Poverty Data Gaps at a Low Cost: Evidence from a Randomized Survey Experiment Downloads
Hai-Anh Dang, Talip Kilic, Vladimir Hlasny, Ksenia Abanokova and Calogero Carletto
10737: Linking Export Activities to Productivity and Wage Rate Growth Downloads
Luis Alejandro Aguilar Luna and Deborah Elisabeth Winkler
10736: Assessing the Extent of Monetary Poverty in the Syrian Arab Republic after a Decade of Conflict Downloads
Silvia Redaelli, Michelle Infanzon Guadarrama and Laura Liliana Moreno Herrera
10735: Inelastic Demand Meets Optimal Supply of Risky Sovereign Bonds Downloads
Matías Moretti, Lorenzo Pandolfi, Sergio Schmukler, Germán Villegas Bauer and Tomas Williams
10734: Overcoming Left-Behindedness: Moving beyond the Efficiency versus Equity Debate in Territorial Development Downloads
Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, Federico Bartalucci, Nancy Lozano-Gracia and Maria Davalos
10733: Gender and Fiscal Policy — A Methodological Proposal and Its Application to Jordan and Armenia Downloads
Jon Robbert Jellema, Caren Grown, Alan Fuchs Tarlovsky, Matthew Grant Wai-Poi, Sailesh Tiwari and Mariano Ernesto Sosa
10732: Fiscal Policy, Poverty and Inequality in Jordan: The Role of Taxes and Public Spending Downloads
Laura Kiku Rodriguez Takeuchi and Matthew Grant Wai-Poi
10731: Mortality Costs of and Policy Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Côte d'Ivoire Downloads
Hermann Pythagore Pierre Donfouet, Ndoh Ashken Sanogo, Amantchi Jean - Noel Gogoua, Opope Oyaka Tshivuila Matala, Adama-000558561 Traore and Gaston Sorgho
10730: Does Africa Need More Roads in the Digital Age ? Evidence of Complementarities in Infrastructure Downloads
Mathilde Sylvie Maria Lebrand, Arcady Mongoue, Roland Pongou and Fan Zhang
10729: Climate Change Adaptation: What Does the Evidence Say ? Downloads
Jonah Matthew Rexer and Siddharth Sharma
10728: Lives, Livelihoods, and Learning: A Global Perspective on the Well-Being Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic Downloads
Benoit Marie A Decerf, Jed Friedman, Arthur Galego Mendes, Steven Michael Pennings and Nishant Yonzan
10727: Responsibility Sharing and the Economic Participation of Refugees in Chad Downloads
Mohamed Coulibaly, Johannes G. Hoogeveen, Emilie Sandrine Celine Jourdan and Aboudrahyme Savadogo
10726: Who did Covid-19 hurt the most in Sub-Saharan Africa ? Downloads
Feraud Tchuisseu Seuyong, Ifeanyi Nzegwu Edochie, David Newhouse and Ani Rudra Silwal
10725: Comparing Internally Displaced Persons with Those Left Behind: Evidence from the Central African Republic Downloads
Jonathan William Lain, Gervais Chamberlin Yama and Johannes G. Hoogeveen
10724: Climate Immobility Traps: A Household-Level Test Downloads
Marco Letta, Pierluigi Montalbano and Adriana Paolantonio
10723: New Evidence on Inequality of Opportunity in Sub-Saharan Africa: More Unequal Than We Thought Downloads
Aziz Atamanov, Pablo Facundo Cuevas, Jeremy Aaron Lebow and Daniel Gerszon Mahler
10722: Two Decades of Top Income Shares in Honduras Downloads
Giselle Del Carmen, Santiago Garriga, Wilman Nuñez and Thiago De Gouvea Scot De Arruda
10721: Empowering Adolescent Girls through Safe Spaces and Accompanying Measures in Côte d’Ivoire Downloads
Othmane Boulhane, Claire Elise Boxho, Désiré Kanga, Mousson Estelle Jamel Koussoube and Lea Marie Rouanet
10720: Right to Education: Forced Migration and Child Education Outcomes Downloads
Juan Vargas and Sandra Viviana Rozo Villarraga
10719: Environmental Policy under Weak Institutions Downloads
Cem Karayalcin and Harun Onder
10718: The Quality and Price of Africa’s Imports of Digital Goods Downloads
Paulo S. R. Bastos, Lucio Castro and Marcio Cruz
10717: Reviewing Assessment Tools for Measuring Country Statistical Capacity Downloads
Hai-Anh Dang, John James Pullinger, Umar Serajuddin and Brian William Stacy
10716: Cross-Country Empirical Analysis of GovTech Platforms on Citizen Engagement Downloads
World Bank
10715: Environmental Hazards, Climate, and Health in Cambodia: The Shield of Sanitation Downloads
World Bank
10714: High Temperature and Learning Outcomes: Evidence from Ethiopia Downloads
Bhavya Srivastava, Kibrom Tafere Hirfrfot and Arnold Behrer
10713: Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa in the 21st Century: Four Trends and an Uncertain Outlook Downloads
Deborah Hannah Isser, Gael J. R. F. Raballand, Michael John Watts and Diane Zovighian
10712: Does Unequal Tax Burden Contribute to Women-Owned Businesses Leaving the Tax Net ? Downloads
Alemayehu Ambel and Firew Bekele Woldeyes
10711: Does Financial Development Reduce Gender Disparity in Top Manager Positions in Manufacturing SMEs in Developing Countries ? Downloads
Mohammad Amin and Norma Janeth Gomez Caceres
10710: Which Firms Drive the Gains from Connectivity and Competition ? The Impact of India’s Golden Quadrilateral across the Firm Life Cycle Downloads
Arti Goswami Grover, William F. Maloney and Stephen A. O'Connell
10709: Stages of Diversification Redux Downloads
Hoda Assem Mohammed G Hassan Ahmed, Roberta V. Gatti and Daniel Lederman
10708: Costs of Health Care Associated Infections from Inadequate Water and Sanitation in Health Care Facilities in Eastern and Southern Africa Downloads
Guy Hutton, Claire Chase and Ruth Jane Kennedy-Walker
10707: Presumptive Tax on Small and Microenterprises with a Gender Lens in Ethiopia Downloads
Hitomi Komatsu
10706: How Large Are the Economic Dividends from Closing Gender Employment Gaps in the Middle East and North Africa ? Downloads
Federico Ivan Fiuratti, Steven Michael Pennings and Jesica Torres Coronado
10705: The Gendered Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on the Iranian Labor Market Downloads
Silvia Redaelli
10704: What Lies Behind “Good” Analytical Work on Development ? Four Years of Knowledge Products at the World Bank Downloads
Martin Rama, Rucheta Singh and Aiza Aslam
10703: Urban Informality in Sub-Saharan Africa: Profiling Workers and Firms in an Urban Context Downloads
Wendy Cunningham, David Newhouse, Federica Ricaldi, Feraud Tchuisseu Seuyong, Mariana Viollaz and Ifeanyi Nzegwu Edochie
10702: Beyond the Usual: Understanding the Multidimensional Nature of Job Quality in Bolivia’s Labor Market Downloads
Gustavo Javier Canavire Bacarreza, Ronald A. Cueva and Maria Eugenia Davalos
10701: Gender-Specific Transportation Costs and Female Time Use: Evidence from India’s Pink Slip Program Downloads
Yutong Chen, Kerem Cosar, Devaki Ghose, Shirish Mahendru and Sheetal Sekhri
10700: Indigenous peoples, land and conflict in Mindanao, Philippines Downloads
Alma Lucia Madrigal Correa, Jose Antonio Cuesta Leiva and Sergio Patrick Somerville
10699: Household Vulnerability and Preparedness for Disasters in Haiti Downloads
Gustavo Canavire-Bacarreza, Naraya Carrasco, Marlen Yamilet Cardona Botero and Olive Nsababera
10698: Are Unit Values Reliable Proxies for Prices ? Implications of Better Price Data for Household Consumption Measurement in a Low-Income Context Downloads
Omoniyi Babatunde Alimi, Wilbert Drazi Vundru and Talip Kilic
10697: Does Global Warming Worsen Poverty and Inequality ? An Updated Review Downloads
Hai-Anh Dang, Stephane Hallegatte and Trong-Anh Trinh
10696: Turning Risks into Rewards: Diversifying the Global Value Chains of Decarbonization Technologies Downloads
Samuel Kaspar Rosenow and Penelope Ann Mealy
10695: Recording the Time Divide: A Comparative Study of Smartphone- and Recall-Based Approaches to Time Use Measurement Downloads
Talip Kilic, Gayatri B. Koolwal, Wilbert Drazi Vundru, Thomas Lothar Georg Daum, Hannes Buchwald, Greg Seymour, Peter Mathias Mvula, Alister Chaundumuka Munthali and Monice Kachinjika
10694: Gender Role Attitudes, Perceived Norms, and the "Double Burden'' in Morocco Downloads
Carolyn Louise Barnett
10693: Tackling Gender Discriminatory Inheritance Law Privately: Lessons from a Survey Expe riment in Tunisia Downloads
Christina Sarah Hauser
10692: Breadwinners and Caregivers: Examining the Global Relationship between Gender Norms and Economic Behavior Downloads
Markus P. Goldstein, Paula Lorena Gonzalez Martinez, Talip Kilic, Sreelakshmi Papineni and Philip Randolph Wollburg
10691: The Long-Term and Gender-Equalizing Impacts of the Islamic Republic of Iran-Iraq War in 1980–88 on School Access and Labor Market Performance Downloads
Trung Xuan Hoang
10690: The Growth Elasticity of Poverty: Is Africa Any Different ? Downloads
Haoyu Wu, Aziz Atamanov, Tom Bundervoet and Pierella Paci
10689: In Most Low- and Middle-Income Countries Pollution Levels Are Higher in Wealthier Areas Downloads
Arnold Behrer and Sam Heft-Neal
10688: Globalization, Dutch Disease, and Vulnerability to External Shocks in a Small Open Economy: The Case of Lebanon in 1916 and 2019 Downloads
Chadi Bou Habib
10687: Fiscal Policy, Poverty, and Inequality in a Constrained Environment: The Case of the West Bank and Gaza Downloads
Beenish Amjad, Haydeeliz Carrasco Nunez, Arden Jeremy Finn and Maya Scott Goldman
10686: Little Nomads: Economic and Social Impacts of Migration on Children Downloads
Magdalena Cortina Toro, Juan Miguel Jimenez and Sandra Viviana Rozo Villarraga
10685: Just Transition: Issues for Central Banks and Financial Regulators Downloads
Pietro Calice and Dimitri G. Demekas
10684: Dysfunctional Family Management: Family-Managed Businesses and the Quality of Management Practices Downloads
Asif Islam and Roberta V. Gatti
10683: The Welfare Cost of Drought in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Jon Gascoigne, Sandra Baquie, Katja Pauliina Vinha, Emmanuel Skoufias, Evie Isabel Neall Calcutt, Varun Sridhar Kshirsagar, Conor Meenan and Ruth Hill
10682: The Impact of Climate Change on Work: Lessons for Developing Countries Downloads
Moustafa Amgad Moustafa Ahmed Moustafa Feriga, Nancy Lozano Gracia and Pieter Maria Serneels
10681: Leveraging Women’s Views to Influence Gender Norms around Women Working: Evidence from an Online Intervention in Indonesia Downloads
Lisa Cameron, Diana Stella Contreras Suarez and Diahhadi Setyonaluri
10680: Rural Labor and Long Recall Loss Downloads
Kate Ambler, Sylvan Rene Herskowitz and Mywish Karimbhai Maredia
10679: The Costs Come before the Benefits: Why Donors Should Invest More in Refugee Autonomy in Uganda Downloads
Aziz Atamanov, Johannes G. Hoogeveen and Benjamin Christopher Reese
10678: Fiscal Incidence on the Island: Grenada’s Fiscal System and Its Incidence Downloads
Wilson Jimenez Pozo, Silvia Granados Ibarra, Ran Li, Gustavo Canavire-Bacarreza, Guillermo Gómez Aliaga, Chevanne Britton and Fernando Rios-Avila
10677: VAT Rate Structures in Theory and Practice Downloads
Alastair Geoffrey Arthur Thomas
10676: Does Local Employment Growth Accelerate Exits from Social Assistance ? Evidence From Brazil’s Conditional Cash Transfer Bolsa Familia Downloads
Katharina Maria Fietz, Matteo Morgandi, Gabriel Lyrio de Oliveira and Luiz Henrique Ferreira Cruz E Superti
10675: Implications of Choice of Second Stage Selection Method on Sampling Error and Non-Sampling Error: Evidence from an IDP Camp in South Sudan Downloads
Kristen Himelein, Utz Pape and Michael Wild
10674: Closing the gap: Effect of a gender quota on women's access to education in Afghanistan Downloads
Rafiuddin Najam
10673: Missing Evidence: Tracking Academic Data Use around the World Downloads
Brian William Stacy, Lucas Kitzmüller, Xiaoyu Wang, Daniel Gerszon Mahler and Umar Serajuddin
10672: Female Headship and Poverty in the Arab Region: Analysis of Trends and Dynamics Based on a New Typology Downloads
Shireen AlAzzawi, Hai-Anh Dang, Vladimir Hlasny, Ksenia Abanokova and Jere Behrman
10671: Estimating Economic Costs of Unhealthy Diets: A Proposed Methodology Downloads
Susan E. Horton, Patrizia Fracassi, Kendra Siekmans, Tomoko Kato and Giles Hanley-Cook
10670: Job Finding and Separation among Syrian refugees in Jordan and Their Hosts during the COVID-19 Pandemic Downloads
Sarah Mohammad Osman Wahby and Ragui A Assaad
10669: The Importance of Existing Social Protection Programs for Mental Health in Pandemic Times Downloads
Yoonyoung Cho and Teresa Sacro Molina
10668: Costing Disasters: Hedonic Pricing, Neighborhood Effects, and the Nepal Gorkha Earthquakes Downloads
Vincent Floreani and Martin Rama
10667: Are Global Value Chains Women Friendly in Developing Countries ? Evidence from Firm-Level Data Downloads
Marize Kalliny and Chahir Zaki
10666: COVID-19, School Closures, and Student Learning Outcomes: New Global Evidence from PISA Downloads
Maciej Jan Jakubowski, Tomasz Janusz Gajderowicz and Harry Patrinos
10665: Trade, Outsourcing, and the Environment Downloads
Erhan Artuc and Konstantin Heinrich Ludwig Sommer
10664: Labor Market Participation and Employment Choice in Ghana: Do Individual Personality Traits and Gender Role Attitudes Matter ? Downloads
Akuffo Amankwah, Pauline Castaing, Nkechi Owoo and Amparo Palacios-Lopez
10663: Could Digital Inclusion Close the Gender Economic Gap in the MENA Region ? Downloads
Mahmoud Mohieldin and Racha Ramadan
10662: Leveraging Big Data to Understand Women’s Mobility in Buenos Aires Downloads
Aiga Stokenberga, Linda Ellin Maria Ivarsson Molina, Juan Ignacio Fulponi and Karla Dominguez Gonzalez
10661: For Labor or for Divorce ? Unilateral Divorce Laws and Women’s Labor Outcomes Downloads
Najat El Mekkaoui, Sara Loukili, Yeganeh Fourouheshfar and Nada Omer Eissa
10660: The Impacts of Disasters on African Agriculture: New Evidence from Micro-Data Downloads
Philip Randolph Wollburg, Yannick Markhof, Thomas Patrick Bentze and Giulia Ponzini
10659: Connecting People to Projects: A New Approach to Measuring Women’s Employment in the Middle East and North Africa Downloads
Ragui A Assaad and Caroline Gould Krafft
10658: Are Regional Fiscal Multipliers on EU Structural and Investment Fund Spending Large ? A Reassessment of the Evidence Downloads
Federico Ivan Fiuratti, Desislava Enikova Nikolova, Steven Michael Pennings and Marc Tobias Schiffbauer
10657: Reassessing Welfare Impacts of Bulgarian Fiscal Policy through a Child Poverty Perspective Downloads
Monica Robayo-Abril and Maynor Vinicio Cabrera
10656: Correcting Sampling and Nonresponse Bias in Phone Survey Poverty Estimation Using Reweighting and Poverty Projection Models Downloads
Kexin Zhang, Shinya Takamatsu and Nobuo Yoshida
10655: How Can Lower-Income Countries Collect More Taxes ? The Role of Technology, Tax Agents, and Politics Downloads
Oyebola Motunrayo Okunogbe and Gabriel Zenon Tourek
10654: Can Effective Policy Implementation Alter Political Selection ? Evidence from Female Legislators in India Downloads
S Anukriti, Rossella Calvi and Abhishek Chakravarty
10653: Unraveling the Factors behind Women's Empowerment in the Labor Market in Colombia Downloads
Héctor M. Zárate-Solano, Ligia Alba Melo-Becerra, Ana María Iregui-Bohórquez, Maria Ramirez-Giraldo and Ana Tribin
10652: The Macroeconomic Effects of Cash Transfers: Evidence from Brazil Downloads
Arthur Galego Mendes, Wataru Miyamoto, Thuy Lan Nguyen, Steven Michael Pennings and Leo Feler
10651: Shifting Spousal Decision-Making Patterns: Whom You Target in an Agricultural Intervention Matters Downloads
Tara Sylvia Bedi, Niklas Buehren, Markus P. Goldstein and Tigist Assefa Ketema
10650: Spatial Misallocation of Complementary Infrastructure Investment: Evidence from Brazil Downloads
Fidel Pérez-Sebastián, Rafael Serrano Quintero and Jevgenijs Steinbuks
10649: Does State Ownership Have Limits in Romania ? An Assessment of Firm Performance and Market Outcomes Downloads
Seidu Dauda, Georgiana Pop and Mariana Iootty De Paiva Dias
10648: What Explains Global Inflation Downloads
Jongrim Ha, Ayhan Kose and Franziska Lieselotte Ohnsorge
10647: Vehicle and Fuel Taxation for Transport Demand Management: Learnings from the Literature through a Development Lens Downloads
He He and Chaeyoung Kim
10646: The Effect of COVID-19 on the Gender Employment Gap in Egyptian Manufacturing Downloads
Amirah El-Haddad and Phoebe Saad Wasfy Ishak
Page updated 2025-03-28
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