Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 4207: Short-term and long-term effects of United Nations peace operations

- Nicholas Sambanis
- 4206: Does"good government"draw foreign capital ? Explaining China's exceptional foreign direct investment inflow

- Joseph P. H. Fan, Randall Morck, Lixin Xu and Bernard Yeung
- 4205: Local elections and consumption insurance: evidence from Chinese villages

- Li Gan, Lixin Xu and Yang Yao
- 4204: Formal finance and trade credit during China's transition

- Robert Cull, Lixin Xu and Tian Zhu
- 4203: Latin Americans of Japanese origin (Nikkeijin) working in Japan: a survey

- Junichi Goto
- 4202: Weaponomics: the global market for assault rifles

- Phillip Killicoat
- 4201: Infrastructure and trade preferences for the livestock sector: empirical evidence from the beef industry in Africa

- Atsushi Iimi
- 4200: Price structure and network externalities in the telecommunications industry: evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

- Atsushi Iimi
- 4199: New evidence on the urbanization of global poverty

- Martin Ravallion, Shaohua Chen and Prem Sangraula
- 4198: The pricing dynamics of utilities with underdeveloped networks

- Omar Chisari and Ioannis Kessides
- 4197: Current and forthcoming issues in the South African electricity sector

- Ioannis Kessides, Zeljko Bogetic and Luiz Maurer
- 4196: Political leadership, conflict, and the prospects for constitutional peace

- Colin Jennings
- 4195: Using the global positioning system in household surveys for better economics and better policy

- John Gibson and David McKenzie
- 4194: Oil and the propensity to armed struggle in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria

- Aderoju Oyefusi
- 4193: Horizontal inequalities, political environment, and civil conflict: evidence from 55 developing countries, 1986-2003

- Gudrun Ostby
- 4192: Ethnic polarization and the duration of civil wars

- Jose G. Montalvo and Marta Reynal-Querol
- 4191: Post-conflict justice and sustainable peace

- Scott Gates, Helga Malmin Binningsbo and Tove Grete Lie
- 4190: The aftermath of civil war

- Siyan Chen, Norman Loayza and Marta Reynal-Querol
- 4189: Youth well-being in Brazil: an index for cross-regional comparisons

- Debora Dell'Aglio, Wendy Cunningham, Silvia Koller, Vicente Cassepp Borges and Joana Severo Leon
- 4188: Substitutability and protectionism: Latin America's trade policy and imports from China and India

- Giovanni Facchini, Marcelo Olarreaga, Peri Silva and Gerald Willmann
- 4187: Post-conflict aid, real exchange rate adjustment, and catch-up growth

- Ibrahim A. Elbadawi, Linda Kaltani and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
- 4186: A kleptocrat's survival guide: autocratic longevity in the face of civil conflict

- Gary Milante
- 4185: Insurgency and credible commitment in autocracies and democracies

- Philip Keefer
- 4184: Stock market development under globalization: whither the gains from reforms ?

- Augusto de la Torre, Juan Carlos Gozzi and Sergio Schmukler
- 4183: Youth unemployment, labor market transitions, and scarring: evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2001-04

- Jean Fares and Erwin R. Tiongson
- 4182: The welfare effects of a large depreciation: the case of Egypt, 2000-05

- Aart Kraay
- 4181: Financial services and trade agreements in Latin America and the Caribbean: an overview

- Marilyne Pereira Goncalves and Constantinos Stephanou
- 4180: The role of services in rural income: the case of Vietnam

- M. Ataman Aksoy and Aylin Isik-Dikmelik
- 4179: Identifying supply-side constraints to export performance in Ecuador: an exercise with Investment Climate Survey data

- Paulo Correa, Mariam Dayoub and Manuela Francisco
- 4178: School drop-out and push-out factors in Brazil: the role of early parenthood, child labor, and poverty

- Ana Rute Cardoso and Dorte Verner
- 4177: Enterprises, workers, and skills in Urban Timor-Leste

- Maitreyi Das and Philip O'Keefe
- 4176: Controls on capital inflows and external shocks

- Antonio David
- 4175: Are price-based capital account regulations effective in developing countries ?

- Antonio David
- 4174: Asian century or multi-polar century ?

- David Dollar
- 4173: Pathways out of poverty during an economic crisis: an empirical assessment of rural Indonesia

- Neil McCulloch, Julian Weisbrod and Charles Timmer
- 4172: Dollarization and exchange rate fluctuations

- Patrick Honohan
- 4171: Specification of investment functions in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Nihal Bayraktar and Hippolyte Fofack
- 4170: The"how to"of fiscal sustainability: a technical manual for using the fiscal sustainability tool

- Luca Bandiera, Nina Budina, Michel Klijn and Sweder van Wijnbergen
- 4169: Quantitative approaches to fiscal sustainability analysis: a new World Bank tool applied to Turkey

- Nina Budina and Sweder van Wijnbergen
- 4168: Mobility and earnings in Ethiopia's urban labor markets, 1994-2004

- Arne Bigsten, Taye Mengistae and Abebe Abebe
- 4167: More time is better: an evaluation of the fulltime school program in Uruguay

- Pedro Cerdan-Infantes and Christel Vermeersch
- 4166: Estimating real production and expenditures across nations: a proposal for improving the Penn World Tables

- Robert Feenstra, Alan Heston, Marcel Timmer and Haiyan Deng
- 4165: Quantifying international migration: a database of bilateral migrant stocks

- Christopher Parsons, Ronald Skeldon, Terrie Walmsley and L. Winters
- 4164: An analysis of livestock choice: adapting to climate change in Latin American farms

- S. Niggol Seo and Robert Mendelsohn
- 4163: A Ricardian analysis of the impact of climate change on Latin American farms

- S. Niggol Seo and Robert Mendelsohn
- 4162: An analysisof crop choice: adapting to climate change in Latin American farms

- S. Niggol Seo and Robert Mendelsohn
- 4161: Changing farm types and irrigation as an adaptation to climate change in Latin American agriculture

- Robert Mendelsohn and S. Niggol Seo
- 4160: Trade integration in East Asia: the Role of China and production networks

- Mona Haddad
- 4159: The use of derivatives to hedge embedded options: the case of pension institutions in Denmark

- Jeppe Ladekarl, Regitze Ladekarl, Erik Brink Andersen and Dimitri Vittas
- 4158: Walking up the down escalator: public investment and fiscal stability

- William Easterly, Timothy Irwin and Luis Serven
- 4157: Firm innovation in emerging markets: the roles of governance and finance

- Meghana Ayyagari, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Vojislav Maksimovic
- 4156: Capital market development: whither Latin America ?

- Augusto de la Torre, Juan Carlos Gozzi and Sergio Schmukler
- 4155: How good a map ? Putting small area estimation to the test

- Gabriel Demombynes, Chris Elbers, Jean Lanjouw and Peter Lanjouw
- 4154: Beyond legal origin and checks and balances: political credibility, citizen information, and financial sector development

- Philip Keefer
- 4153: The impact of trade with China and India on Argentina's manufacturing employment

- Lucio Castro, Marcelo Olarreaga and Daniel Saslavsky
- 4152: Institutions, infrastructure, and trade

- Joseph Francois and Miriam Manchin
- 4151: Market structure and market access

- Joseph Francois and Ian Wooton
- 4150: Extending health insurance to the rural population: an impact evaluation of China's new cooperative medical scheme

- Adam Wagstaff, Magnus Lindelow, Gao Jun, Xu Ling and Qian Juncheng
- 4149: The worldwide governance indicators project: answering the critics

- Daniel Kaufmann, Aart Kraay and Massimo Mastruzzi
- 4148: Regional disparities in labor market performance in Croatia: the role of individual and regional structural characteristics

- Xubei Luo
- 4147: Trade in health services in the ASEAN region

- Jutamas Arunanondchai and Carsten Fink
- 4146: International financial integration through equity markets: which firms from which countries go global ?

- Stijn Claessens and Sergio Schmukler
- 4145: Migration from Zambia: ensuring temporariness through cooperation

- Mohammad Amin and Aaditya Mattoo
- 4144: Trade and human capital accumulation: evidence from U.S. immigrants

- Dorte Domeland
- 4143: Do remittances have a flip side ? A general equilibrium analysis of remittances, labor supply responses, and policy options for Jamaica

- Maurizio Bussolo and Denis Medvedev
- 4142: The impact of Kazakhstan accession to the World Trade Organization: a quantitative assessment

- Jesper Jensen and David Tarr
- 4141: A land of milk and honey with streets paved with gold: do emigrants have over-optimistic expectations about incomes abroad ?

- David McKenzie, John Gibson and Steven Stillman
- 4140: Corporate governance and regulation: can there be too much of a good thing ?

- Valentina Bruno and Stijn Claessens
- 4139: Adult mortality and children's transition into marriage

- Kathleen Beegle and Sofya Krutikova
- 4138: Migration and mental health: evidence from a natural experiment

- Steven Stillman, David McKenzie and John Gibson
- 4137: How"natural"are natural monopolies in the water supply and sewerage sector ? Case studies from developing and transition economies

- Celine Nauges and Caroline van den Berg
- 4136: The impact of sea level rise on developing countries: a comparative analysis

- Susmita Dasgupta, Benoit Laplante, Craig Meisner, David Wheeler and Jianping Yan
- 4135: Climate change, irrigation, and Israeli agriculture: will warming be harmful ?

- Aliza Fleischer, Ivgenia Lichtman and Robert Mendelsohn
- 4134: Health insurance for the poor: initial impacts of Vietnam's health care fund for the poor

- Adam Wagstaff
- 4133: Fungibility and the flypaper effect of project aid: micro-evidence for Vietnam

- Dominique van de Walle and Ren Mu
- 4132: The international financial integration of China and India

- Philip Lane and Sergio Schmukler
- 4131: Will markets direct investments under the Kyoto Protocol ?

- Donald Larson and Gunnar Breustedt
- 4130: Rules of origin in services: a case study of five ASEAN countries

- Carsten Fink and Deunden Nikomborirak
- 4129: Enhancing the efficiency of securities markets in East Asia

- Swati Ghosh and Ernesto Revilla
- 4128: Foreign bank participation and crises in developing countries

- Robert Cull and Maria Martinez Peria
- 4127: Poverty and environmental impacts of electricity price reforms in Montenegro

- Patricia Silva, Irina Klytchnikova and Dragana Radevic
- 4126: Watta satta: bride exchange and women's welfare in rural Pakistan

- Hanan Jacoby and Ghazala Mansuri
- 4125: Incentives, supervision, and sharecropper productivity

- Hanan Jacoby and Ghazala Mansuri
- 4124: Trade effects of regional standards liberalization: a heterogeneous firms approach

- Silja Baller
- 4123: Differentiated products and evasion of import tariffs

- Beata Javorcik and Gaia Narciso
- 4122: The role of education quality for economic growth

- Eric A. Hanushek and Ludger Woessmann
- 4121: The impact of private provision of public education: empirical evidence from Bogota's concession schools

- Felipe Barrera-Osorio
- 4120: The impact of remittances on labor supply: the case of Jamaica

- Namsuk Kim
- 4119: Child labor across the developing world: patterns and correlations

- Jean Fares and Dhushyanth Raju
- 4118: Self-selection patterns in Mexico-U.S. migration: the role of migration networks

- David McKenzie and Hillel Rapoport
- 4117: Forest cover change in space and time: combining the von Thunen and forest transition theories

- Arild Angelsen
- 4116: International remittances and the household: analysis and review of global evidence

- Richard Adams
- 4115: Survey of land and real estate transactions in the Russian Federation: statistical analysis of selected hypotheses

- Gregory Kisunko and Jacqueline Coolidge
- 4114: City indicators: now to Nanjing

- Daniel Hoornweg, Fernanda Ruiz Nunez, Mila Freire, Natalie Palugyai, Maria Villaveces and Eduardo Wills Herrera
- 4113: Location decisions of foreign banks and competitive advantage

- Stijn Claessens and Neeltje Van Horen
- 4112: Can Sub-Saharan Africa leap into global network trade ?

- Uma Subramanian and Matthias Matthijs
- 4111: Social health insurance reexamined

- Adam Wagstaff
- 4110: Factors impacting youth development in Haiti

- Michael Justesen and Dorte Verner
- 4109: Does services liberalization benefit manufacturing firms ? Evidence from the Czech Republic

- Jens Arnold, Beata Javorcik and Aaditya Mattoo
- 4108: Trade liberalization, employment flows, and wage inequality in Brazil

- Francisco Ferreira, Phillippe G. Leite and Matthew Wai-Poi
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