Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 8626: Tobacco Taxation Incidence: Evidence from the Russian Federation

- Alan Fuchs Tarlovsky, Mikhail Matytsin and Olga Obukhova
- 8625: The Intensive Margin in Trade

- Ana Fernandes, Pete Klenow, Sergii Meleshchuk, Martha Denisse Pierola and Andres Rodriguez-Clare
- 8624: How Do Countries Use an Asset and Liability Management Approach ? A Survey on Sovereign Balance Sheet Management

- Mehmet Cangoz, Sebastien-000379895 Boitreaud and Christopher Benjamin Dychala
- 8623: The Cost and Benefits of Tax Treaties with Investment Hubs: Findings from Sub-Saharan Africa

- Sebastian Beer and Jan Loeprick
- 8622: Inequality of Opportunity in Education: Accounting for the Contributions of Sibs, Schools and Sorting across East Africa

- Paul Anand, Jere Behrman, Hai-Anh Dang and Sam Jones
- 8621: Are Banks Engines of Export ? Financial Structures and Export Dynamics

- Raoul Minetti, Alen Mulabdic, Michele Ruta and Susan Chun Zhu
- 8620: Stationary Bandits, State Capacity, and the Malthusian Transition: The Lasting Impact of the Taiping Rebellion

- Lixin Xu and Li Yang
- 8619: The Causal Mechanism of Financial Education: Evidence from Mediation Analysis

- Fenella Carpena and Bilal Zia
- 8618: Root for the Tubers: Extended-Harvest Crop Production and Productivity Measurement in Surveys

- Talip Kilic, Heather Moylan, John Ilukor, Clement Mtengula and Innocent Pangapanga-Phiri
- 8617: Ghana Private Equity and Venture Capital Ecosystem Study

- Shanthi Divakaran, Sam Schneider and Patrick J. Mcginnis
- 8616: How Does Poverty Differ Among Refugees ? Taking a Gender Lens to the Data on Syrian Refugees in Jordan

- Lucia C. Hanmer, Diana Jimena Arango, Eliana Carolina Rubiano Matulevich, Julieth Santamaria and Mariana Viollaz
- 8615: Concentration in the Banking Sector and Financial Stability: New Evidence

- Pietro Calice and Leone Leonida
- 8614: How Much Will the Belt and Road Initiative Reduce Trade Costs ?

- François de Soyres, Alen Mulabdic, Siobhan Murray, Nadia Patrizia Rocha Gaffurri and Michele Ruta
- 8613: FDI and the Skill Premium: Evidence from Emerging Economies

- Marcio Cruz, Gaurav Nayyar, Gerhard Toews and Pierre-Louis Vézina
- 8612: Who Wins and Who Loses from Staple Food Price Spikes ? Welfare Implications for Mozambique

- Javier Baez, German Caruso and Hemant Pullabhotla
- 8611: Courts and Business Registration: Evidence from Serbia

- Miriam Bruhn, Caleb Sungwoo Cho, Andreja Marusic, Ha Nguyen, José-Daniel Reyes and Trang Thu Tran
- 8610: Living Life: Assessing Bureaucratic Complexity in Citizen-Government Interactions

- Valeria Perotti, Marina Kayumova and Natalia Mazoni Silva Martins
- 8609: Are the Poor Getting Globalized?

- Adelina Mendoza, Gaurav Nayyar and Roberta Piermartini
- 8608: Taking Management Digital: Lessons from the Development of an Innovative Management Information System for Small Businesses in Ethiopia

- Aly Salman Alibhai, Francesco Strobbe and Espen Villanger
- 8607: Foreign Investment across the Belt and Road: Patterns, Determinants, and Effects

- Maggie Chen and Chuanhao Lin
- 8606: Does Exposure to Other Ethnic Regions Promote National Integration?: Evidence from Nigeria

- Oyebola Okunogbe
- 8605: A Proxy Means Test for Sri Lanka

- Ashwini Rekha Sebastian, Shivapragasam Shivakumaran, Ani Rudra Silwal, David Newhouse, Thomas Walker and Nobuo Yoshida
- 8604: Assessing the Effect of Public Capital on Growth: An Extension of the World Bank Long-Term Growth Model

- Sharmila Devadas and Steven Michael Pennings
- 8603: Exporting Firms and the Demand for Skilled Tasks

- Irene Brambilla, Daniel Lederman and Guido Porto
- 8602: Prioritizing Infrastructure Investments: A Comparative Review of Applications in Chile

- Darwin Marcelo Gordillo, Schuyler House and Aditi Raina
- 8601: How Should the Government Bring Small Firms into the Formal System ? Experimental Evidence from Malawi

- Francisco Campos, Markus Goldstein and David McKenzie
- 8600: Trade Liberalization and Integration of Domestic Output Markets in Brazil

- Jose Guilherme Reis, Mariana Iootty, Jose E. Signoret, Tanja K. Goodwin, Martha Martinez Licetti, Alice Duhaut and Somik V. Lall
- 8599: India's Growth Story

- Junaid Kamal Ahmad, Florian Michael Blum, Poonam Gupta and Dhruv Jain
- 8598: Survey of the Kenyan Private Equity and Venture Capital Landscape

- Shanthi Divakaran, Patrick J. Mcginnis and Sam Schneider
- 8597: Remittances and Labor Supply in the Northern Triangle

- Liliana Do Couto Sousa and Andres Felipe Garcia Suaza
- 8596: Does Premature Deindustrialization Matter ? The Role of Manufacturing versus Services in Development

- Gaurav Nayyar, Marcio Cruz and Linghui Zhu
- 8595: Management and Bureaucratic Effectiveness: Evidence from the Ghanaian Civil Service

- Imran Rasul, Daniel Oliver Rogger and Martin J. Williams
- 8594: Training to Teach Science: Experimental Evidence from Argentina

- Facundo Albornoz, Maria Victoria Anauati, Melina Gabriela Furman, Mariana Luzuriaga, Maria Eugenia Podesta and Ines Taylor
- 8593: Methodology for a World Bank Human Capital Index

- Aart Kraay
- 8592: Global Dataset on Education Quality: A Review and Update (2000-2017)

- Harry Patrinos and Noam Angrist
- 8591: Learning-Adjusted Years of Schooling (LAYS): Defining A New Macro Measure of Education

- Deon Filmer, Frederic Rogers, Noam Angrist and Shwetlena Sabarwal
- 8590: The Effect of Increasing Human Capital Investment on Economic Growth and Poverty: A Simulation Exercise

- Matthew Collin and David Weil
- 8589: Bank Runs and Moral Hazard: A Review of Deposit Insurance

- Deniz Anginer and Asli Demirguc-Kunt
- 8588: More Than Schooling: Understanding Gender Differences in the Labor Market When Measures of Skill Are Available

- Dileni Gunewardena, Elizabeth King and Alexandria Valerio
- 8587: Comparison of Deep Regional Integration in the Melitz, Krugman and Armington Models: The Case of The Philippines in RCEP

- Edward Balistreri and David Tarr
- 8586: Efficiency of Public Spending in Education, Health, and Infrastructure: An International Benchmarking Exercise

- Santiago Herrera and Abdoulaye Ouedraogo
- 8585: Revisiting the Poverty Trend in Rwanda: 2010/11 to 2013/14

- Freeha Fatima and Nobuo Yoshida
- 8584: Incorporating Resilience in Infrastructure Prioritization: Application to the Road Transport Sector

- Darwin Marcelo Gordillo, Ruth Schuyler House and Aditi Raina
- 8583: Occupational Segregation and Declining Gender Wage Gap: The Case of Georgia

- Tamar Khitarishvili, Lourdes Rodriguez Chamussy and Nistha Sinha
- 8582: Electrification and Household Welfare: Evidence from Pakistan

- Hussain A. Samad and Fan Zhang
- 8581: Nonstandard Forms of Employment in Developing Countries: A Study for a Set of Selected Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean and Europe and Central Asia

- Ignacio Apella and Gonzalo Zunino
- 8580: The Distributional Impacts of Cigarette Taxation in Bangladesh

- Giselle Eugenia Del Carmen Hasbun, Alan Fuchs Tarlovsky and Maria Eugenia Genoni
- 8579: Services Globalization in an Age of Insecurity: Rethinking Trade Cooperation

- Aaditya Mattoo
- 8578: Growth, Inequality, and Poverty: A Robust Relationship?

- Gustavo Marrero and Luis Serven
- 8576: Endowment Effects and Usage of Financial Products: Field Evidence from Malawi

- Xavier Gine and Jessica Goldberg
- 8575: Public Procurement and the Private Business Sector: Evidence from Firm-Level Data

- Tania Ghossein, Asif Islam and Federica Saliola
- 8574: Tax-Transfers Schemes, Informality, and Search Frictions in a Small Open Economy

- Monica Robayo-Abril
- 8573: Gender Gaps in Property Ownership in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Isis Gaddis, Rahul Lahoti and Wenjie Li
- 8572: Teacher Professional Development around the World: The Gap between Evidence and Practice

- Anna Popova, David Evans, Mary E. Breeding and Violeta Arancibia
- 8571: Bank Credit Allocation in Latin America and the Caribbean

- Eva M. Gutierrez, Nadeem M. Karmali and Diego M. Sourrouille
- 8570: Comparison of Welfare Gains in the Armington, Krugman and Melitz Models: Insights from a Structural Gravity Approach

- Edward Balistreri and David Tarr
- 8569: Potential Forest Loss and Biodiversity Risks from Road Improvement in Lao PDR

- Stephen Danyo, Susmita Dasgupta and David J. Wheeler
- 8568: Measuring the Middle Class in Kazakhstan: A Subjective Approach

- Maria Grazia Pittau and Roberto Zelli
- 8567: The Heterogeneous Effects of Trade Policy Uncertainty: How Much Do Trade Commitments Boost Trade ?

- Alberto Osnago, Roberta Piermartini and Nadia Patrizia Rocha Gaffurri
- 8566: Long-term impacts of alternative approaches to increase schooling: evidence from a scholarship program in Cambodia

- Felipe Barrera-Osorio, Andreas de Barros and Deon Filmer
- 8565: The distributional impact of taxes and social spending in Romania

- Gabriela Inchauste and Eva Militaru
- 8564: Mapping the landscape of transactions: the governance of business relations in Latin America

- David C. Francis, Nona Karalashvili and Peter Murrell
- 8563: Upping the ante: the equilibrium effects of unconditional grants to private schools

- Tahir Andrabi, Jishnu Das, Asim Ijaz Khwaja, Selcuk Ozyurt and Niharika Singh
- 8562: Financial development, exchange rate regimes, and growth dynamics

- Woubet Kassa and Emmanuel Lartey
- 8561: Creating new positions ? direct and indirect effects of a subsidized apprenticeship program

- Bruno Jacques Jean Philippe Crepon and Patrick Premand
- 8560: Explaining spatial variations in productivity: evidence from Latin America and the Caribbean

- Luis Quintero and Mark Roberts
- 8559: Land fragmentation and food insecurity in Ethiopia

- Erwin Willem Yvonnick Leon Knippenberg, Dean Jolliffe and John Hoddinott
- 8558: The distributional effects of tobacco taxation: the evidence of white and clove cigarettes in Indonesia

- Alan Fuchs
- 8557: The cost of nutritious food in South Asia

- Felipe Fadullon Dizon and Anna Whitson Herforth
- 8556: Selective control: the political economy of censorship

- Cristina Corduneanu Huci and Alexander James Hamilton
- 8555: Effects of corporate governance on the performance of state-owned enterprises

- Kyoungsun Heo
- 8554: The consequences of political interference in bureaucratic decision making: evidence from Nigeria

- Daniel Oliver Rogger
- 8553: Corporate debt overhang and investment: firm-level evidence

- Eduardo R. Borensztein and Lei Sandy Ye
- 8552: Water and sanitation in Dhaka slums: access, quality, and informality in service provision

- Yurani Arias Granada, Sabrina Sharmin Haque, George Joseph and Monica Yanez Pagans
- 8551: Pathways to formalization: going beyond the formality dichotomy -- the case of Peru

- Juan Jose Diaz, Juan Chacaltana, Iamele Rigolini and Claudia Ruiz
- 8550: Competing priorities: women's microenterprises and household relationships

- Sophia Friedson-Ridenour and Rachael Susan Pierotti
- 8549: Nutrition, religion, and widowhood in Nigeria

- Annamaria Milazzo and Dominique van de Walle
- 8548: Heterogeneous impacts of main and feeder road improvements: evidence from Ethiopia

- Atsushi Iimi, Haileyesus Adamtei Mengesha, James Markland, Yetmgeta Asrat and Kefargachew Kassahun
- 8547: Infrastructure, value chains, and economic upgrades

- Xubei Luo and Xuejiao Xu
- 8546: Mobility and congestion in urban India

- Prottoy Akbar, Victor Couture, Gilles Duranton, Ejaz Ghani and Adam Storeygard
- 8545: What can we (machine) learn about welfare dynamics from cross-sectional data?

- Leonardo Ramiro Lucchetti
- 8544: Study on public debt management systems and results of a survey on solutions used by debt management offices

- Cigdem Aslan, Artan Ajazaj and Shurufa Abdul Wahidh
- 8543: Playing to strength: growth strategy for small agrarian economies in Africa

- Shahid Yusuf and Praveen Kumar
- 8542: Import substitution with labor misallocation

- Marco A.C. Martins and Jorge A. De Thompson R. Araujo
- 8541: Can government intervention make firms more investment-ready ? a randomized experiment in the Western Balkans

- Ana Paula Cusolito, Ernest Dautović and David McKenzie
- 8540: Dynamics of off-farm employment in Sub-Saharan Africa: a gender perspective

- Goedele Van den Broeck and Talip Kilic
- 8539: A Light-Touch Method to Improve Accurate Reporting of IDP?s Food Consumption

- Lennart Kaplan, Utz Pape and James Sonam Walsh
- 8538: Inequality in earnings and adverse shocks in early adulthood

- Franck M. Adoho and Bienvenue Tien
- 8537: Does the environment matter for poverty reduction ? the role of soil fertility and vegetation vigor in poverty reduction

- Martin Heger, Gregor Franz Zens and Mook Bangalor
- 8536: The aggregate income losses from childhood stunting and the returns to a nutrition intervention aimed at reducing stunting

- Emanuela Galasso and Adam Wagstaff
- 8535: Bought, sold, and bought again: the impact of complex value chains on export elasticities

- François de Soyres, Erik Frohm, Vanessa Gunnella and Elena Pavlova
- 8534: Who are America's star firms?

- Meghana Ayyagari, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Vojislav Maksimovic
- 8533: Trade in developing East Asia: how it has changed and why it matters

- Ileana Cristina Constantinescu, Aaditya Mattoo and Michele Ruta
- 8532: Aquatic salinization and mangrove species in a changing climate: impact in the Indian Sundarbans

- Anirban Mukhopadhyay, David J. Wheeler, Susmita Dasgupta, Ajanta Dey and Istiak Sobhan
- 8531: Cooperation creates special moral obligations

- Alexander Cappelen, Varun Gauri and Bertil Tungodden
- 8530: Urbanization in Kazakhstan: desirable cities, unaffordable housing, and the missing rental marke

- William Hutchins Seitz
- 8529: Joint effects of parenting and nutrition status on child development: evidence from rural Cambodia

- Jan Lukas Berkes, Abbie Raikes, Adrien Bouguen and Deon Filmer
- 8528: Productivity shocks and repayment behavior in rural credit markets: a framed field experiment

- Guigonan Serge Adjognon, Lenis Liverpool-Tasie and Robert Shupp
- 8527: Characterizing business cycles in small economies

- Viktoria Hnatkovska and Fritzi Koehler-Geib
- 8526: Sources of volatility in small economies

- Viktoria Hnatkovska and Fritzi Koehler-Geib
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