Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 1005: An approach to the economic analysis of water supply projects

- Laszlo Lovei
- 1004: Family planning programs in sub-Saharan Africa

- Regina McNamara, Therese McGinn, Donald Lauro and John Ross
- 1003: Rent-sharing in the multi-fibre arrangement: evidence from U.S. - Hong Kong trade in apparel

- Kala Krishna and Ling Hui Tan
- 1002: World fossil fuel subsidies and global carbon emissions

- Bjorn Larsen, Anwar Shah and Dec
- 1001: World Bank adjustment lending and economic performance in sub-Saharan Africa in the 1980s: a comparison of early adjusters, late adjusters, and nonadjusters

- Ibrahim A. Elbadawi
- 1000: World Bank adjustment lending and economic performance in sub-Saharan Africa in the 1980s: a comparison with other low income countries

- Ibrahim A. Elbadawi, Dhaneshwar Ghura and Gilbert Uwujaren
- 999: Stopping three big inflations (Argentina, Brazil, and Peru)

- Miguel A. Kiguel and Nissan Liviatan
- 998: What determines demand for freight transport?

- Esra Bennathan, Julie Fraser and Louis S. Thompson
- 997: How financial liberalization in Indonesia affected firms'capital structure and investment decisions

- John R. Harris, Fabio Schiantarelli and Miranda G. Siregar
- 996: Strategic management of population programs

- Michael H. Bernhart
- 995: Recent experience with commercial bank debt r eduction

- Stijn Claessens, Ishac Diwan and Fernandez-
- 994: Textiles and apparel in NAFTA: a case of constrained liberalization

- Geoffrey Bannister and Patrick Low
- 993: An economic analysis of capital flight from Nigeria

- S. Ibi Ajayi
- 992: Regional integration in sub-Saharan Africa: experience and prospects

- Faezeh Foroutan
- 991: Environmental costs of natural resource commodities: magnitude and incidence

- Margaret E. Slade
- 990: Protection and industrial structure in India

- M. Ataman Aksoy and Francois M. Ettori
- 989: The Indian trade regime

- M. Ataman Aksoy
- 988: Economic valuation and the natural world

- David Pearce
- 987: How the epidemiological transition affects health policy isues in three Latin American countries

- Jose Luis Bobadilla and Cristina de A. Possas
- 986: The administration of road user taxes in developing countries

- Roy Bahl
- 985: Regional integration, old and new

- Jaime de Melo, Claudio Montenegro and Arvind Panagariya
- 984: Barriers to portfolio investments in emerging stock markets

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Harry Huizinga
- 983: Legal reform for Hungary's private sector

- Cheryl W. Gray, Rebecca J. Hanson and Micha Heller
- 982: Microeconomics of transformation in Poland: a survey of state enterprise responses

- Brian Pinto, Marek Belka and Stefan Krajewski
- 981: After socialism and dirigisme: which way?

- Andres Solimano
- 980: The environment: a new challenge to GATT

- Piritta Sorsa
- 979: Economic growth and the environment

- Dennis Anderson
- 978: How restricting carbon dioxide and methane emissions would affect the Indian economy

- Charles R. Blitzer, R.S. Eckaus, Supriya Lahiri and Alexander Meeraus
- 977: Income security for old age: conceptual background and major issues

- Estelle James
- 976: Strategic management of family planning programs

- Cynthia P. Green
- 975: Techniques for improving client relations in family planning programs

- George B. Simmons, Sara Koerber and Ruth Simmons
- 974: How minilateral trading agreements may affect the post-Uruguay Round world

- C.A. Primo Braga and Alexander Yeats
- 973: How changes in the former CMEA area may affect international trade in manufactures

- Refik Erzan, Christopher Holmes and Raed Safadi
- 972: Commercial energy efficiency and the environment

- Robin W. Bates and Edwin A. Moore
- 971: The effects of democratic determination of wages: theory and evidence from self-managed firms

- Milan Vodopivec
- 970: Political models of macroeconomic policy and fiscal reform

- Alberto Alesina
- 969: Imports, exports, and industrial performance in India, 1970-88

- M. Ataman Aksoy and Helena Tang
- 968: Biomass

- David O. Hall
- 967: Transition problems in economic reform: agriculture in the Mexico - U.S. free trade agreement

- Santiago Levy and Sweder van Wijnbergen
- 966: Trade and the environment: a survey of the literature

- Judith Dean
- 965: Coping with the disappointingrates of return on development projects that affect the environment

- William Ascher
- 964: Toxic releases by manufacturing: world patterns and trade policies

- Robert Lucas
- 963: Growth and welfare losses from carbon emissions restrictions: a general equilibrium analysis for Egypt

- Charles R. Blitzer, R.S. Eckaus, Supriya Lahiri and Alexander Meeraus
- 962: Do markets underprice natural - resource commodities?

- Margaret E. Slade
- 961: Economic development and the environment: conflict of complementarity?

- Wilfred Beckerman
- 960: Agricultural pricing and environmental degradation

- Edward Barbier and Joanne Burgess
- 959: Waterborne diseases in Peru

- Sheila Webb
- 958: EC Bananarama 1992: the sequel - the EC Commission proposal

- Brent Borrell and Maw-Cheng Yang
- 957: Carbon taxes, the greenhouse effect, and developing countries

- Anwar Shah and Bjorn Larsen
- 956: Regression estimates of per capital gross domestic product based on purchasing power parities

- Sultan Ahmad
- 955: OECD fiscal policies and the relative prices of primary commodities

- George Alogoskoufis and Panos Varangis
- 954: How OECD policies affected Latin America in the 1980s

- Chris Allen, David Currie, T. G. Srinivasan and David Vines
- 953: The pedigree of IEC conversion factors for per capita GNP computations for the World Bank's operational outlines and atlas

- Michael Hee
- 952: Unit costs, cost - effectiveness, and financing of nutrition interventions

- Susan Horton
- 951: Piecemeal trade reform in partially liberalized economies: an evaluation for Turkey

- Glenn Harrison, Thomas Rutherford and David Tarr
- 950: Service: the new focus in international manufacturing and trade

- Hans Juergen Peters
- 949: The impact of formal finance on the rural economy of India

- Hans Binswanger-Mkhize and Shahidur Khandker
- 948: Factors affecting private financial flows to Eastern Europe, 1989-91

- Mohua Mukherjee
- 947: Strategies for creating transitional jobs during structural adjustment

- Stephen L. Mangum, Garth L. Mangum and Janine Bowen
- 946: Retraining displaced workers: what can developing countries learn from OECD nations?

- Duane E. Leigh
- 945: Managing the civil service: what LDCs can learn from developed country reforms

- Barbara Nunberg
- 944: How public sector pay and employment affect labor markets: research issues

- Gail Stevenson
- 943: Burden-sharing among official and private creditors

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Eduardo Fernandez-Arias
- 942: Los Angeles, Mexico City, Cubatao, and Ankara - Efficient environmental regulation: case studies of urban air pollution

- Arik Levinson and Sudhir Shetty
- 941: Projecting the demographic impact of AIDS

- Rodolfo Bulatao and Eduard Bos
- 940: Private sector approaches to effective family planning

- Karen G. Foreit
- 939: How macroeconomic policies affect project performance in the social sectors

- Daniel Kaufman and Yan Wang
- 938: Health, government, and the poor: the case for the private sector

- Nancy Birdsall and Estelle James
- 937: How soft is the budget constraint for Yugoslav firms?

- Evan Kraft and Milan Vodopivec
- 936: Taxation, information asymmetries, and a firm's financing choices

- Andrew Lyon
- 935: The precautionary demand for commodity stocks

- Boum-Jong Choe
- 934: Public hospital costs and quality in the Dominican Republic

- Maureen Lewis, Margaret B. Sulvetta and Gerard M. LaForgia
- 933: Developing country capital structures and emerging stock markets

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt
- 932: Interest rates, official lending, and the debt crisis: a reassessment

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Enrica Detragiache
- 931: How much to commit to an exchange rate rule: balancing credibility and flexibility

- Alex Cukierman, Miguel A. Kiguel and Nissan Liviatan
- 930: Participatory development: myths and dilemmas

- Robert Picciotto
- 929: Managing pollution control in Brazil: the potential use of taxes and fines by federal and state governments

- Antonio Estache and Kangbin Zheng
- 928: Pesticide externalities, comparative advantage, and commodity trade: cotton in Andhra Pradesh, India

- Nalin M. Kishor
- 927: General equilibrium effects of investment incentives in Mexico

- Andrew Feltenstein and Anwar Shah
- 926: Options for reshaping the railway

- Neil E. Moyer and Louis S. Thompson
- 925: A general equilibrium based social policy model for Cote d'Ivoire

- Ngee Choon Chia, Sadek Wahba and John Whalley
- 924: How reduced demand for children and access to family planning accelerated the fertility decline in Colombia

- Rafael Rofman
- 923: Listening to firms: how to use firm-level surveys to assess constraints on private sector development

- Andrew H.W. Stone
- 922: Central America at a crossroads

- Sylvia Saborio and Constantine Michalopoulos
- 921: Road infrastructure and economic development: some diagnostic indicators

- Cesar Queiroz and Surhid Gautam
- 920: Economic incentives and point source emissions: choice of modeling platform

- Raymond Kopp
- 919: Fiscal and quasi - fiscal deficits, nominal and real: measurement and policy issues

- Roberto de Rezende Rocha and Fernando Saldanha
- 918: Tax evasion and tax reform in a low income economy: general equilibrium estimates for Madagascar

- Jaime de Melo, David Roland-Holst and Mona Haddad
- 917: Creditor country regulations and commercial bank lending to developing countries

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt
- 916: Measuring the risk of default in six highly indebted countries

- Marc Chesney and Jacques Morisset
- 915: Trade policy and exchange rate issues in the former Soviet Union

- Warner Corden
- 914: Health personnel development in sub-Saharan Africa

- Patrick J. Vaughan
- 913: The women's development program in Rajasthan: a case study in group formation for women's development

- Maitreyi Das
- 912: Understanding the investment cycle in adjustment programs: evidence from reforming economies

- Andres Solimano
- 911: Does exchange rate volatility hinder export growth? Additional evidence

- Ying Qian and Panos Varangis
- 910: Policy issues in financial regulation

- Dimitri Vittas
- 909: Parallel markets, the foreign exchange auction, and exchange rate unification in Zambia

- Janine Aron and Ibrahim A. Elbadawi
- 908: Tax incentives, market power,and corporate investment: a rational expectations model applied to Pakistani and Turkish industries

- Dagmar Rajagopal and Anwar Shah
- 907: Institutional reform in emerging securities markets

- Robert Pardy
- 906: Bulgaria's evolving legal framework for private sector development

- Cheryl W. Gray and Peter Ianachkov
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