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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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5507: The economics of natural disasters: concepts and methods Downloads
Stephane Hallegatte and Valentin Przyluski
5506: Understanding the benefits of regional integration to trade: the application of a gravity model to the case of Central America Downloads
Darwin Marcelo, Jordan Z. Schwartz and Aiga Stokenberga
5505: Mortgage lending in Korea: an example of a countercyclical macroprudential approach Downloads
Soon-taek Chang
5504: Barriers to household risk management: evidence from India Downloads
Shawn Cole, Xavier Gine, Jeremy Tobacman, Petia Topalova, Robert Townsend and James Vickery
5503: Students and the market for schools in Haiti Downloads
Gabriel Demombynes, Peter Holland and Gianmarco León-Ciliotta
5502: Corporate vulnerability and bank stability: evidence from Jordan Downloads
Inessa Love
5501: Methods of household consumption measurement through surveys: experimental results from Tanzania Downloads
Kathleen Beegle, Joachim De Weerdt, Jed Friedman and John Gibson
5500: How large is the government spending multiplier ? evidence from World Bank lending Downloads
Aart Kraay
5499: A framework for analyzing competition in the banking sector: an application to the case of Jordan Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Maria Soledad Martinez Peria
5498: A flaw in the model... that defines how the world works Downloads
Volker Bieta, Hellmuth Milde and Nadine Weber
5497: Firms operating under infrastructure and credit constraints in developing countries: the case of power generators Downloads
Philippe Alby, Jean-Jacques Dethier and Stephane Straub
5496: How do women weather economic shocks ? a review of the evidence Downloads
Shwetlena Sabarwal, Nistha Sinha and Mayra Buvinic
5495: Why multi-stakeholder groups succeed and fail Downloads
Rory Truex and Tina Søreide
5494: The full economic cost of groundwater extraction Downloads
Jon Strand
5493: The impact of business environment reforms on new firm registration Downloads
Leora Klapper and Inessa Love
5492: On gender and growth: the role of intergenerational health externalities and women's occupational constraints Downloads
Pierre-Richard Agénor, Otaviano Canuto and Luiz Pereira da Silva
5491: Natural disasters and household welfare: evidence from Vietnam Downloads
Timothy Thomas, Luc Christiaensen, Quy-Toan Do and Le Dang Trung
5490: The role of trade costs in global production networks: evidence from China's processing trade regime Downloads
Alyson C. Ma and Ari Van Assche
5489: Public credit registries as a tool for bank regulation and supervision Downloads
Matias Gutierrez Girault and Jane Hwang
5488: The development impact of a best practice seasonal worker policy Downloads
John Gibson and David McKenzie
5487: Tajikistan: key priorities for climate change adaptation Downloads
Luca Barbone, Anna Reva and Salman Zaidi
5486: Antiretroviral therapy awareness and risky sexual behaviors: evidence from Mozambique Downloads
Damien de Walque, Harounan Kazianga and A. Over
5485: The binding constraint on firms'growth in developing countries Downloads
Hinh Dinh, Dimitris Mavridis and Hoa B. Nguyen
5484: Troubling tradeoffs in the Human Development Index Downloads
Martin Ravallion
5483: Did higher inequality impede growth in rural China ? Downloads
Dwayne Benjamin, Loren Brandt and John Giles
5482: Timeliness and contract enforceability in intermediate goods trade Downloads
Elisa Gamberoni, Rainer Lanz and Roberta Piermartini
5481: Regional trade policy options for Tanzania: the importance of services commitments Downloads
Jesper Jensen and David Tarr
5480: Diamonds are not forever: Botswana medium-term fiscal sustainability Downloads
Naoko C. Kojo
5479: On the road to prosperity ? The economic geography of China's national expressway network Downloads
Mark Roberts, Uwe Deichmann, Bernard Fingleton and Tuo Shi
5478: Can Africa replicate Asia's green revolution in rice ? Downloads
Donald Larson, Keijiro Otsuka, Kei Kajisa, Jonna Estudillo and Aliou Diagne
5477: When does rigorous impact evaluation make a difference ? the case of the millennium villages Downloads
Michael Clemens and Gabriel Demombynes
5476: An agenda for research on urbanization in developing countries: a summary of findings from a scoping exercise Downloads
Patricia Clarke Annez and Johannes F. Linn
5475: Working with the market: a new approach to reducing urban slums in India Downloads
Patricia Annez, Alain Bertaud, Bimal Patel and V. K. Phatak
5474: Financing Indian cities: opportunities and constraints in an Nth best world Downloads
Patricia Clarke Annez
5473: Bank capital: lessons from the financial crisis Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Enrica Detragiache and Ouarda Merrouche
5472: Measures of fixed capital in agriculture Downloads
Rita Butzer, Yair Mundlak and Donald Larson
5471: Protecting child nutritional status in the aftermath of a financial crisis: evidence from Indonesia Downloads
John Giles and Elan Satriawan
5470: Reform and backlash to reform: economic effects of ageing and retirement policy Downloads
Svend E. Hougaard Jensen and Ole Hagen Jorgensen
5469: Climate proofing infrastructure in Bangladesh: the incremental cost of limiting future inland monsoon flood damage Downloads
Susmita Dasgupta, Mainul Huq, Zahirul Huq Khan, Md. Sohel Masud, Manjur Murshed Zahid Ahmed, Nandan Mukherjee and Kiran Pandey
5468: Climate change, agriculture and poverty Downloads
Thomas W. Hertel and Stephanie Rosch
5467: Legislative malapportionment and institutional persistence Downloads
Miriam Bruhn, Francisco Gallego and Massimiliano Onorato
5466: Rising food prices and coping strategies: household-level evidence from Afghanistan Downloads
Anna D'Souza and Dean Jolliffe
5465: Short-run learning dynamics under a test-based accountability system: evidence from Pakistan Downloads
Felipe Barrera-Osorio and Dhushyanth Raju
5464: Accounting for heterogeneity in growth incidence in Cameroon Downloads
Leandre Bassol3, B. Essama-Nssah and Saumik Paul
5463: Energy poverty in rural and urban India: are the energy poor also income poor ? Downloads
Shahidur Khandker, Douglas F. Barnes and Hussain A. Samad
5462: The Chrysler effect: the impact of the Chrysler bailout on borrowing costs Downloads
Deniz Anginer and A. Joseph Warburton
5461: General equilibrium effects of land market restrictions on labor market: evidence from wages in Sri Lanka Downloads
M. Shahe Emran and Forhad Shilpi
5460: Are commodity prices more volatile now ? a long-run perspective Downloads
Oscar Calvo-Gonzalez, Rashmi Shankar and Riccardo Trezzi
5459: Microinsurance: a case study of the Indian rainfall index insurance market Downloads
Xavier Gine, Lev Menand, Robert Townsend and James Vickery
5458: Eliciting probabilistic expectations with visual aids in developing countries: how sensitive are answers to variations in elicitation design ? Downloads
Adeline Delavande, Xavier Gine and David McKenzie
5457: Decomposing the effects of CCTs on entrepreneurship Downloads
Guilherme Lichand
5456: The co-movement of asset returns and the micro-macro focus of prudential oversight Downloads
Giovanni Majnoni
5455: Dealing with politics for money and power in infrastructure Downloads
Daniel Benitez, Antonio Estache and Tina Søreide
5454: Beyond market access: the new normal of preferential trade agreements Downloads
Jean-Pierre Chauffour and Jean-Christophe Maur
5453: The great crisis and fiscal institutions in eastern and central Europe and central Asia Downloads
Luca Barbone, Roumeen Islam and Luis Alvaro Sanchez
5452: Comprehensive wealth, intangible capital, and development Downloads
Susana Ferreira and Kirk Hamilton
5451: Egypt beyond the crisis: medium-term challenges for sustained growth Downloads
Santiago Herrera, Hoda Youssef, Hoda Youssef and Chahir Zaki
5450: Subnational taxation in developing countries: a review of the literature Downloads
Richard Bird
5449: Banking sector competition in Russia Downloads
Diego Anzoategui, Maria Martinez Peria and Martin Melecký
5448: The challenges of bankruptcy reform Downloads
Elena Cirmizi, Leora Klapper and Mahesh Uttamchandani
5447: Second best ? investment climate and performance in Africa's special economic zones Downloads
Thomas Farole
5446: Islamic vs. conventional banking: business model, efficiency and stability Downloads
Thorsten Beck, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Ouarda Merrouche
5445: Payment systems, inside money and financial intermediation Downloads
Ouarda Merrouche and Erlend Nier
5444: The impact of the financial crisis on new firm registration Downloads
Leora Klapper and Inessa Love
5443: Poverty and inequality maps for rural Vietnam: an application of small area estimation Downloads
Cuong Nguyen, Tran Ngoc Truong and Roy van der Weide
5442: Banking sector stability, efficiency, and outreach in Kenya Downloads
Thorsten Beck, Robert Cull, Michael Fuchs, Jared Getenga, Peter Gatere, John Randa and Mircea Trandafir
5441: Macroeconomic volatility after trade and capital account liberalization Downloads
Cosimo Pancaro
5440: In aid we trust: hearts and minds and the Pakistan earthquake of 2005 Downloads
Tahir Andrabi and Jishnu Das
5439: The impact of the global financial crisis on off-farm employment and earnings in rural China Downloads
Jikun Huang, Huayong Zhi, Zhurong Huang, Scott Rozelle and John Giles
5438: Identification strategy: a field experiment on dynamic incentives in rural credit markets Downloads
Xavier Gine, Jessica Goldberg and Dean Yang
5437: Research for development: a World Bank perspective on future directions for research Downloads
Development Economics Senior Vice Presidency
5436: Taking stock of antidumping, safeguards, and countervailingduties, 1990-2009 Downloads
Chad Bown
5435: China: global crisis avoided, robust economic growth sustained Downloads
Gallina Andronova Vincelette, Alvaro Manoel, Ardo Hansson and Louis Kuijs
5434: Macroprudential stress-testing practices of central banks in central and south eastern Europe: an overview and challenges ahead Downloads
Martin Melecký and Anca Pruteanu-Podpiera
5433: The economic impact of international remittances on poverty and household consumption and investment in Indonesia Downloads
Richard Adams and Alfredo Cuecuecha
5432: Mashup indices of development Downloads
Martin Ravallion
5431: The financial crisis and its impacts on global agriculture Downloads
Justin Lin and Will Martin
5430: The worldwide governance indicators: methodology and analytical issues Downloads
Daniel Kaufmann, Aart Kraay and Massimo Mastruzzi
5429: Financial protection of the state against natural disasters: a primer Downloads
Francis Ghesquiere and Olivier Mahul
5428: Conflicts and returns to stability in developing countries: a comparative analysis Downloads
Hippolyte Fofack
5427: Liability structure in small-scale finance: evidence from a natural experimen Downloads
Fenella Carpena, Shawn Cole, Jeremy Shapiro and Bilal Zia
5426: Trade and economic growth: evidence on the role of complementarities for CAFTA-DR countries Downloads
Cesar Calderon and Virginia Poggioa
5425: How and why does history matter for development policy ? Downloads
Michael Woolcock, Simon Szreter and Vijayendra Rao
5424: Distributions in motion: economic growth, inequality, and poverty dynamics Downloads
Francisco Ferreira
5423: Political economy of infrastructure spending in India Downloads
Stuti Khemani
5422: Economic valuation of development projects: a case study of a non-motorized transport project in India Downloads
Hua Wang, Ke Fang and Yuyan Shi
5421: The value of statistical life: a contingent investigation in China Downloads
Hua Wang and Jie He
5420: Environmental performance rating and disclosure: an empirical investigation of China's green watch program Downloads
Yanhong Jin, Hua Wang and David Wheeler
5419: The impact of environmental performance rating and disclosure: an empirical analysis of perceptions by polluting firms'managers in China Downloads
Yanhong Jin, Hua Wang and David Wheeler
5418: What explains aid project success in post-conflict situations ? Downloads
Lisa Chauvet, Paul Collier and Marguerite Duponchel
5417: Global value chains in the electronics industry: was the crisis a window of opportunity for developing countries ? Downloads
Timothy J. Sturgeon and Momoko Kawakami
5416: Microeconomic consequences and macroeconomic causes of foreign direct investment in southern African economies Downloads
Daniel Lederman, Taye Mengistae and Lixin Xu
5415: Does respondent reticence affect the results of corruption surveys ? evidence from the world bank enterprise survey for Nigeria Downloads
Bianca Clausen, Aart Kraay and Peter Murrell
5414: Explaining variation in child labor statistics Downloads
Andrew Dillon, Elena Bardasi, Kathleen Beegle and Pieter Serneels
5413: Performance of Fe y Alegria high school students in Colombia: is it a matter of Fe (faith) or Alegria (joy) ? Downloads
Juan Carlos Parra and Quentin Wodon
5412: Improving wastewater use in agriculture: an emerging priority Downloads
Susanne M. Scheierling, Carl Bartone, Duncan D. Mara and Pay Drechsel
5411: Advanced biofuel technologies: status and barriers Downloads
Jay J. Cheng and Govinda Timilsina
5410: Costs of taxation and benefits of public goods with multiple taxes and goods Downloads
James Anderson and Will Martin
5409: Integrating land financing into subnational fiscal management Downloads
George E. Peterson and Olga Kaganova
5408: Credit constraints and the north-south transmission of crises Downloads
Ha Nguyen
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