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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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8525: Should I stay or should I go: do cash transfers affect migration ? Downloads
Samik Adhikari and Ugo Gentilini
8524: Not(ch) your average tax system: corporate taxation under weak enforcement Downloads
Pierre Jean Bachas and Mauricio Soto
8523: Measuring districts'monthly economic activity from outer space Downloads
Robert Beyer, Esha Chhabra, Virgilio Galdo and Martin Rama
8522: Tax Evasion in Africa and Latin America: the role of distortionary infrastructures and policies Downloads
Wilfried Kouamé and Jonathan Goyette
8521: Decentralized delivery of financial education: evidence from a country-wide field experiment Downloads
Emmanuel Hakizimfura, Douglas Randall and Bilal Zia
8520: The shifting natural wealth of nations: the role of market orientation Downloads
Rabah Arezki, Frederick (Rick) van der Ploeg and Frederik Toscani
8519: Taking stock of wholesale power markets in developing countries: a literature review Downloads
Hugh Rudnick and Constantin Velasquez
8518: Taking stock of the political economy of power sector reforms in developing countries: a literature review Downloads
Alan David Lee and Zainab Usman
8517: Integrating variable renewable energy in the Bangladesh power system: a planning analysis Downloads
Miklos Bankuti, Debabrata Chattopadhyay and Chong Suk Song
8516: Assessing the international comovement of equity returns Downloads
Girum Dagnachew Abate and Luis Serven
8515: Spatial and sectoral heterogeneity of occupational choice in Cameroon Downloads
Theophile Bougna and Pierre Nguimkeu
8514: Gross capital flows by banks, corporates, and sovereigns Downloads
Stefan Avdjiev, Bryan Hardy, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan and Luis Serven
8513: How would cross-border electricity trade stimulate hydropower development in South Asia ? Downloads
Govinda Timilsina
8512: Jati inequality in rural Bihar Downloads
Shareen Joshi, Nishtha Kochhar and Vijayendra Rao
8511: Better loans or better borrowers ? impact of meso-credit on female-owned enterprises in Ethiopia Downloads
Aly Salman Alibhai, Niklas Buehren and Sreelakshmi Papineni
8510: Impact of conflict on adolescent girls in South Sudan Downloads
Utz Pape and Verena Phipps
8509: Transport costs, comparative advantage, and agricultural development: evidence from Jamuna bridge in Bangladesh Downloads
Brian Blankespoor, M. Shahe Emran, Forhad J. Shilpi and Lu - DECEE Xu
8508: Bridge to bigpush or backwash ? market integration, reallocation, and productivity effects of Jamuna bridge in Bangladesh Downloads
Brian Blankespoor, M. Shahe Emran, Forhad J. Shilpi and Lu - DECEE Xu
8507: The ecological impact of transportation infrastructure Downloads
Samuel Edward Asher, Teevrat Garg and Paul Novosad
8506: How does participation in value chains matter to African farmers ? Downloads
Nora Dihel, Arti Grover Goswami, Claire Honore Hollweg and Anja Slany
8505: The dynamics of development: innovation and reallocation Downloads
Francisco Buera and Roberto Fattal Jaef
8504: Discrimination against sexual minorities in education and housing: evidence from two field experiments in Serbia Downloads
Dominik Koehler, Georgia Harley and Nicholas Menzies
8503: Exposure of belt and road economies to china trade shocks Downloads
Paulo Bastos
8502: Do politically connected firms innovate, contributing to long-term economic growth ? Downloads
David C. Francis, Sahar Sajjad Hussain and Marc Tobias Schiffbauer
8501: The optimal mix of pricing and infrastructure expansions to alleviate traffic congestion and in-bus crowding in grand Casablanca Downloads
Alexandros Anas, Sayan De Sarkar and Govinda Timilsina
8500: The evidence is in: how should youth employment programs in low-income countries be designed ? Downloads
Louise Fox and Upaasna Kaul
8499: Improved cook stoves for climate change mitigation ? evidence of values, preferences and carbon savings from a choice experiment in Ethiopia Downloads
Sahan Dissanayake, Abebe Damte Beyene, Randall Bluffstone, Zenebe Gebreegziabher, Gilbert Kiggundu, Shannon H. Kooser, Peter Martinsson, Alemu Mekonnen and Michael Toman
8498: The effect of remittances on the current account in developing and emerging economies Downloads
Emmanuel Lartey
8497: The economic effects of refugee return and policy implications Downloads
Uri B. Dadush
8496: Funding and financing infrastructure: the joint-use of public and private finance Downloads
Marianne Fay, David Martimort and Stephane Straub
8495: The role of major emerging markets in global commodity demand Downloads
John Baffes, Alain Kabundi, Peter Nagle and Franziska Ohnsorge
8494: The devil is in the details: growth, polarization, and poverty reduction in Africa in the past two decades Downloads
Fabio Clementi, M. Fabiani and Vasco Molini
8493: Where is the carbon tax after thirty years of research ? Downloads
Govinda Timilsina
8492: The effect of immigration on natives'school achievement: does length of stay in the host country matter? Downloads
Laurent Bossavie
8491: Deep trade agreements and global value chains Downloads
Edith Laget, Alberto Osnago, Nadia Rocha and Michele Ruta
8490: Piloting the use of network analysis and decision-making under uncertainty in transport operations: preparation and appraisal of a rural roads project in Mozambique under changing flood risk and other deep uncertainties Downloads
Xavier Espinet Alegre, Julie Rozenberg, Kulwinder Singh Rao and Satoshi Ogita
8489: Improving mental well-being and productivity of small-medium entrepreneurs in fragile, conflict and violence affected areas: can cognitive behavioral therapy trainings help ? Downloads
Priyam Saraf, Tasmia Rahman, Miguel Angel Jimenez Gallardo, Julian C Jamison and Charles Lor
8488: Optimal locational choice for agrobusinesses in Madagascar: an application of spatial autoregressive Tobit regression Downloads
Atsushi Iimi
8487: Transport connectivity, Medical supplies, and people's health care access: evidence from Madagascar Downloads
Atsushi Iimi and Voahirana Hanitriniala Rajoela
8486: Crop production, transport infrastructure, and agrobusiness nexus: evidence from Madagascar Downloads
Atsushi Iimi, Liangzhi You and Ulrike Wood-Sichra
8485: Integrating services in the economic fitness approach Downloads
Andrea Zaccaria, Saurabh Mishra, Masud Z. Cader and Luciano Pietronero
8484: Measuring and explaining patterns of Spatial Income Inequality from Outer Space: Evidence from Africa Downloads
Anthony Mveyange
8483: Sowing the seeds for rural finance: the impact of support services for credit unions in Mexico Downloads
Miriam Bruhn, Rekha Reddy and Claudia Ruiz Ortega
8482: The informal city Downloads
Harris Selod and Lara Tobin
8481: Sustainable development goals diagnostics: an application of network theory and complexity measures to set country priorities Downloads
M. H. El-Maghrabi, Susanna Elisabeth Gable, Israel Osorio-Rodarte and Jos Verbeek
8480: The long-run and gender-equalizing impacts of school access: evidence from the first Indochina war Downloads
Hai-Anh Dang, Trung Xuan Hoang and Ha Nguyen
8479: Efficient financial allocation and productivity growth in Brazil Downloads
Pietro Calice, Eduardo Ribeiro and Steen Byskov
8478: Benchmarking costs of financial intermediation around the world Downloads
Pietro Calice and Nan Zhou
8477: Are driving forces of CO2 emissions different across countries?: insights from identity and econometric analyses Downloads
Kangyin Dong, Gal Hochman and Govinda Timilsina
8476: Incentivizing school attendance in the presence of parent-child information frictions Downloads
Damien de Walque and Christine Valente
8475: Services liberalization and GVC participation: new evidence for heterogeneous effects by income level and provisions Downloads
Woori Lee
8474: Automation and labor market outcomes: the pivotal role of high-quality education Downloads
Raja Bentaouet Kattan, Kevin Macdonald and Harry Patrinos
8473: Motivating bureaucrats through social recognition: evidence from simultaneous field experiments Downloads
Varun Gauri, Julian C Jamison, Nina Mazar, Owen Ozier, Shomikho Raha and Karima Saleh
8472: Small area estimation of poverty under structural change Downloads
Simon Lange, Utz Pape and Peter Putz
8471: Crony capitalism in Ukraine: relationship between political connectedness and firms'performance Downloads
Oleksii Balabushko, Oleksandra Betliy, Veronika Movchan, Ruslan Piontkivsky and Mykola Ryzhenkov
8470: Anatomy and impact of export promotion agencies Downloads
Marcio Cruz, Daniel Lederman and Laura De Castro Zoratto
8469: The road to recovery: the role of poverty in the exposure, vulnerability and resilience to floods in Accra Downloads
Alvina Elisabeth Erman, Elliot Gaston Motte, Radhika Goyal, Akosua Boahemaa Asare, Shinya Takamatsu, Xiaomeng Chen, Silvia Malgioglio, Alexander Skinner, Nobuo Yoshida and Stephane Hallegatte
8468: How much has Nepal lost in the last decade due to load shedding? an economic assessment using a CGE model Downloads
Govinda Timilsina, Prakash Raj Sapkota and Jevgenijs Steinbuks
8467: Inequality and economic growth: the role of initial income Downloads
Markus Brueckner and Daniel Lederman
8466: Rural roads and local economic development Downloads
Samuel Edward Asher and Paul Novosad
8465: Anatomy of credit-less recoveries Downloads
Luis Corrado and Isolina Rossi
8464: Gendered language Downloads
Pamela Jakiela and Owen Ozier
8463: Sustainable development goal diagnostics: the case of the Arab Republic of Egypt Downloads
H. Amin-Salem, M.H. El-Maghrabi, Israel Osorio-Rodarte and Jos Verbeek
8462: Understanding forests'contribution to poverty alleviation: a framework for interventions in forested areas Downloads
Priya Shyamsundar, Sofia Elisabet Ahlroth, Patricia M. Kristjanson and Stefanie Onder
8461: Taking stock of economic regulation of power utilities in the developing world: a literature review Downloads
Martin Augusto Rodriguez Pardina and Julieta Schiro
8460: Taking stock of the impact of power utility reform in developing countries: a literature review Downloads
Robert W. Bacon
8459: Predicting individual wellbeing through test scores: evidence from a national assessment in Mexico Downloads
Rafael De Hoyos, Ricardo Estrada and Maria Jose Vargas
8458: Quantifying the impacts of capturing territory from the government in the Republic of Yemen Downloads
Sharad Tandon
8457: The burden of water shortages on informal firms Downloads
Asif Islam
8456: The globalization of farmland: theory and empirical evidence Downloads
Rabah Arezki, Christian Bogmans and Harris Selod
8455: Social protection in Niger: what have shocks and time got to say ? Downloads
Francis Annan and Aly Sanoh
8454: What teachers believe: mental models about accountability, absenteeism, and student learning Downloads
Shwetlena Sabarwal and Malek Abu-Jawdeh
8453: Conflict and the nature of precautionary wealth Downloads
Leila Aghabarari, Ahmed Mohamed Tawfick Rostom and Rishabh Sinha
8452: Technology, taxation, and corruption: evidence from the introduction of electronic tax filing Downloads
Oyebola Okunogbe and Victor Pouliquen
8451: Shared prosperity: concepts, data, and some policy examples Downloads
Francisco Ferreira, Emanuela Galasso and Mario Negre
8450: Services development and comparative advantage in manufacturing Downloads
Xuepeng Liu, Aaditya Mattoo, Zhi Wang and Shang-Jin Wei
8449: Social accountability and service delivery: experimental evidence from Uganda Downloads
Nathan Fiala and Patrick Premand
8448: Using courts to realize education rights: reflections from India and Indonesia Downloads
Andrew Rosser and Anuradha Joshi
8446: How preferential is preferential trade ? Downloads
Alvaro Raul Espitia Rueda, Aaditya Mattoo, Mondher Mimouni, Xavier Pichot and Nadia Rocha
8445: The labor productivity gap between female and male-managed firms in the formal private sector Downloads
Asif Islam, Isis Gaddis, Amparo Palacios-Lopez and Mohammad Amin
8444: Overview and meta-analysis of global water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) impact evaluations Downloads
Luis Andres, Christian Borja-Vega, Crystal Fenwick, Jaime De Jesus Filho and Ronald Eduardo Gomez Suarez
8443: Investment under risks and uncertainty in Afghanistan Downloads
Subika Farazi, Ahmed Mohamed Tawfick Rostom and Rishabh Sinha
8442: Food insecurity and rising food prices: what do we learn from experiential measures ? Downloads
Dean Jolliffe, Ilana Julie Seff and Alejandro De La Fuente
8441: Welfare dynamics in Colombia: results from synthetic panels Downloads
Carlos Balcazar, Hai-Anh Dang, Eduardo Malásquez, Sergio Olivieri and Julieth Pico
8440: Better than most: teacher beliefs about effort and ability in Uganda Downloads
Shwetlena Sabarwal, Kanishka Kacker and James Paul Habyarimana
8439: Clientelism in the public sector: why public service reforms fail and what to do about it Downloads
Tessa Bold, Ezequiel Molina and Abla Safir
8438: Multidimensional connectivity: benefits, risks, and policy implications for Europe and Central Asia Downloads
David Gould, Dror Yossef Kenett and Georgi Lyudmilov Panterov
8437: Using satellite imagery to revolutionize creation of tax maps and local revenue collection Downloads
Daniel Ayalew Ali, Klaus Deininger and Michael-000475260 Wild
8436: Inflation, liquidity and innovation Downloads
Michael Evers, Stefan Niemann and Marc Tobias Schiffbauer
8435: Community-driven development: myths and realities Downloads
Susan Wong and Scott E. Guggenheim
8434: The impact of positive agricultural income shocks on rural Chinese households Downloads
Jessica Leight
8433: Gender gap in earnings in Vietnam: why do Vietnamese women work in lower paid occupations? Downloads
Iffat Ara Chowdhury, Hillary C. Johnson, Aneesh Mannava and Elizaveta Perova
8432: Inequality of opportunity in South Caucasus Downloads
Alan Fuchs Tarlovsky, Sailesh Tiwari and Akhmad Rizal Shidiq
8431: International data flows and privacy: the conflict and its resolution Downloads
Aaditya Mattoo and Joshua Paul Meltzer
8430: Household expenditure and poverty measures in 60 minutes: a new approach with results from Mogadishu Downloads
Utz Pape and Johan A. Mistiaen
8429: Who benefits from dual training systems ? evidence from the Philippines Downloads
Takiko Igarashi and Pablo Acosta
8428: Political connections and firms: network dimensions Downloads
Maurizio Bussolo, Simon John Commander and Stavros Poupakis
8427: A randomized evaluation of a low-cost and highly scripted teaching method to improve basic early grade reading skills in Papua New Guinea Downloads
Kevin Macdonald and Binh Thanh Vu
8426: Do demographics matter for African child poverty ? Downloads
Yele Batana and John Cockburn
8425: Infrastructure development in Sub-Saharan Africa: a scorecard Downloads
Cesar Calderon, Martha Catalina Cantu Canales and Punam Chuhan-Pole
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