Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 4607: Intertemporal adjustment and fiscal policy under a fixed exchange rate regime

- Marcel Aloy, Blanca Moreno-Dodson and Gilles Nancy
- 4606: Armed conflict and schooling: evidence from the 1994 Rwandan genocide

- Richard Akresh and Damien de Walque
- 4605: Assessing asset indices

- Deon Filmer and Kinnon Scott
- 4604: Latin America and the social contract: patterns of social spending and taxation

- Karla Breceda, Iamele Rigolini and Jaime Saavedra
- 4603: A structural ricardian analysis of climate change impacts and adaptations in African agriculture

- S. Niggol Seo and Robert Mendelsohn
- 4602: Long-term adaptation: selecting farm types across agro-ecological zones in Africa

- S. Niggol Seo, Robert Mendelsohn, Ariel Dinar, Pradeep Kurukulasuriya and Rashid Hassan
- 4601: Differential adaptation strategies by agro-ecological zones in African livestock management

- S. Niggol Seo, Robert Mendelsohn, Ariel Dinar and Pradeep Kurukulasuriya
- 4600: Differential adaptation strategies to climate change in African cropland by agro-ecological zones

- S. Niggol Seo, Robert Mendelsohn, Pradeep Kurukulasuriya, Ariel Dinar and Rashid Hassan
- 4599: A ricardian analysis of the distribution of climate change impacts on agriculture across agro-ecological zones in Africa

- S. Niggol Seo, Robert Mendelsohn, Ariel Dinar, Rashid Hassan and Pradeep Kurukulasuriya
- 4598: The challenge of reducing international trade and migration barriers

- Kym Anderson and L. Winters
- 4597: How relevant is infrastructure to growth in East Asia ?

- Kalpana Seethepalli, Maria Caterina Bramati and David Veredas
- 4596: Windfall management for poverty reduction: improving public finance Management-the case of Chad

- Achille Toto Same
- 4595: Mineral-rich countries and dutch disease: understanding the macroeconomic implications of windfalls and the development prospects-the case of Equatorial Guinea

- Achille Toto Same
- 4594: Implications of higher global food prices for poverty in low-income countries

- Maros Ivanic and Will Martin
- 4593: Medical migration: what can we learn from the UK's perspective ?

- Martine Rutten
- 4592: Assessing the redistributive effect of fiscal policy

- B. Essama-Nssah
- 4591: Earnings inequality within and across gender, racial, and ethnic groups in four Latin American Countries

- Wendy Cunningham and Joyce Jacobsen
- 4590: Infrastructure and development: a critical appraisal of the macro level literature

- Stephane Straub
- 4589: Infrastructure and economic growth in East Asia

- Stephane Straub, Charles Vellutini and Michael Warlters
- 4588: An evaluation of the initial impact of the medical assistance program for the poor in Georgia

- Xiaohui Hou and Shiyan Chao
- 4587: Health reform, population policy and child nutritional status in China

- Caryn Bredenkamp
- 4586: Determinants of remittances: recent evidence using data on internal migrants in Vietnam

- Yoko Niimi, Hung Pham and Barry Reilly
- 4585: Migrant labor markets and the welfare of rural households in the developing world: evidence from China

- Alan de Brauw and John Giles
- 4584: Pitfalls of participatory programs: evidence from a randomized evaluation in education in India

- Abhijit Banerjee, Rukmini Banerji, Esther Duflo, Rachel Glennerster and Stuti Khemani
- 4583: The demographic, economic and financial determinants of international remittances in developing countries

- Richard Adams
- 4582: Technology trap and poverty trap in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Hippolyte Fofack
- 4581: Effects of improving infrastructure quality on business costs: evidence from firm-level data

- Atsushi Iimi
- 4580: Conditional cash transfers in education: design features, peer and sibling effects evidence from a randomized experiment in Colombia

- Felipe Barrera-Osorio, Marianne Bertrand, Leigh Linden and Francisco Perez-Calle
- 4579: The effectiveness of boards of directors of state owned enterprises in developing countries

- Maria Vagliasindi
- 4578: Insurers: too many, too few, or"just right"? initial observations on a cross-country dataset of concentration and competition measures

- Craig Thorburn
- 4577: Nonfarm microenterprise performance and the investment climate: evidence from rural Ethiopia

- Josef Loening, Bob Rijkers and Mans Soderbom
- 4576: Human capital and the changing structure of the Indian economy

- Mohammad Amin and Aaditya Mattoo
- 4575: Domestic constraints, firm characteristics, and geographical diversification of firm-level manufacturing exports in Africa

- Yutaka Yoshino
- 4574: Labor markets in rural and urban Haiti--based on the first household survey for Haiti

- Dorte Verner
- 4573: Linking African smallholders to high-value markets: practitioner perspectives on benefits, constraints, and interventions

- Spencer Henson, Steven Jaffee, John Cranfield, Jose Blandon and Paul Siegel
- 4572: Partial peace rebel groups inside and outside civil war settlements

- Desiree Nilsson
- 4571: Making poor Haitians count--poverty in rural and urban Haiti based on the first household survey for Haiti

- Dorte Verner
- 4570: Regional household and poverty effects of Russia's accession to the world trade organization

- Thomas Rutherford and David Tarr
- 4569: Financing lifelong learning

- Hessel Oosterbeek and Harry Patrinos
- 4568: Can cost-benefit analysis guide education policy in developing countries ?

- Emmanuel Jimenez and Harry Patrinos
- 4567: The dynamics of ownership of durable goods in Bulgaria: from economic crisis to EU membership

- Oleksiy Ivaschenko and Lire Ersado
- 4566: Reading tealeaves on the potential impact of the privatization of tea estates in Rwanda

- B. Essama-Nssah, Kene Ezemenari and Vijdan Korman
- 4565: Evo, Pablo, Tony, Diego, and Sonny - general equilibrium analysis of the illegal drugs market

- Romulo Chumacero
- 4564: Can production and trafficking of illicit drugs be reduced or merely shifted ?

- Peter Reuter
- 4563: A general equilibrium analysis of demand side management programs under the clean development mechanism of the kyoto protocol

- Govinda Timilsina
- 4562: Social exclusion and the gender gap in education

- Maureen Lewis and Marlaine Lockheed
- 4561: Burley tobacco clubs in Malawi: nonmarket institutions for exports

- Mariano Negri and Guido Porto
- 4560: Trade remedies and non-market economies: economic implications of the first US countervailing duty case on China

- Longyue Zhao and Yan Wang
- 4559: Expanding taxable capacity and reaching revenue potential: cross-country analysis

- Tuan Minh Le, Blanca Moreno-Dodson and Jeep Rojchaichaninthorn
- 4558: Improving logistics costs for transportation and trade facilitation

- Julio A. Gonzalez, Jose Luis Guasch and Tomas Serebrisky
- 4557: Helpful Governments

- Mohammad Amin
- 4556: Economics of irrigation water management: a literature survey with focus on partial and general equilibrium models

- Hasan Dudu and Sinqobile Chumi
- 4555: Informal payments and moonlighting in Tajikistan's health sector

- Andrew Dabalen and Waly Wane
- 4554: Measuring financial protection in health

- Adam Wagstaff
- 4553: The historical foundations of the narcotic drug control regime

- Julia Buxton
- 4552: Productivity growth and economic reform: evidence from Rwanda

- Kalamogo Coulibaly, Kene Ezemenari and Neal Duffy
- 4551: Avian influenza and the poultry trade

- Alessandro Nicita
- 4550: Heterogeneous quality firms and trade costs

- Matthias Helble and Toshihiro Okubo
- 4549: Managing the radio spectrum: framework for reform in developing countries

- Bjorn Wellenius and Isabel Neto
- 4548: Youth risk-taking behavior in Brazil: drug use and teenage pregnancy

- Ana Rute Cardoso and Dorte Verner
- 4547: Evaluation in the practice of development

- Martin Ravallion
- 4546: Integration of markets vs. integration by agreements

- Nathalie Aminian, K.C. Fung and Francis Ng
- 4545: Responding to Afghanistan's Opium economy challenge: lessons and policy implications from a development perspective

- William A. Byrd
- 4544: Modeling services liberalization: the case of Kenya

- Edward Balistreri, Thomas Rutherford and David Tarr
- 4543: The development impact of the illegality of drug trade

- Philip Keefer, Norman Loayza and Rodrigo R. Soares
- 4542: Governance arrangements for state owned enterprises

- Maria Vagliasindi
- 4541: The fiscal impact of foreign aid in Rwanda: a theoretical and empirical analysis

- Kene Ezemenari, Ephraim Kebede and Sajal Lahiri
- 4540: Risk-based supervision of pension institutions in Denmark

- Rein van Dam and Erik Brink Andersen
- 4539: Risk-based supervision of pension funds in Australia

- Graeme Thompson
- 4538: License to sell: the effect of business registration reform on entrepreneurial activity in Mexico

- Miriam Bruhn
- 4537: Preferential liberalization and its economy-wide effects in Honduras

- Denis Medvedev
- 4536: Heterogeneous technology and panel data: the case of the agricultural production function

- Yair Mundlak, Rita Butzer and Donald Larson
- 4535: Isolation and subjective welfare: evidence from South Asia

- Marcel Fafchamps and Forhad Shilpi
- 4534: The extent of the market and stages of agricultural specialization

- M. Shahe Emran and Forhad Shilpi
- 4533: Valuing access to water - a spatial hedonic approach applied to Indian cities

- Luc Anselin, Nancy Lozano-Gracia, Uwe Deichmann and Somik Lall
- 4532: Fiscal policy for growth and development in Tajikistan

- Martin Brownbridge and R. Sudharshan Canagarajah
- 4531: Lessons from China for Africa

- David Dollar
- 4530: How to interpret the growing phenomenon of private tutoring: human capital deepening, inequality increasing, or waste of resources ?

- Hai-Anh Dang and Frederic Rogers
- 4529: Attitudes to equality: the"socialist legacy"revisited

- Mamta Murthi and Erwin R. Tiongson
- 4528: Does poverty research in Russia follow the scientific method?

- Michael Lokshin
- 4527: An empirical analysis of Mexican merger policy

- Marcos Ávalos Bracho and Rafael De Hoyos
- 4526: Migrant opportunity and the educational attainment of youth in rural China

- John Giles and Alan de Brauw
- 4525: Credit chains and sectoral comovemen t: does the use of trade credit amplify sectoral shocks ?

- Claudio Raddatz
- 4524: The effectiveness of policies to control a human influenza pandemic: a literature review

- Arin Dutta
- 4523: Achieving accelerated and shared growth in Ghana: a MAMS-based analysis of costs and opportunities

- Zeljko Bogetic, Maurizio Bussolo and Denis Medvedev
- 4522: The effects of local environmental institutions on perceptions of smoke and fire problems in Brazil

- Sheila Wertz-Kanounnikoff and Kenneth M. Chomitz
- 4521: How does Vietnam's accession to the World Trade Organization change the spatial incidence of poverty?

- Tomoki Fujii and David Roland-Holst
- 4520: Exiting a lawless state

- Karla Hoff and Joseph Stiglitz
- 4519: Is Africa's economy at a turning point?

- Jorge Arbache, Delfin Go and John Page
- 4518: Chile: a strategy to promote innovative small and medium enterprises

- Mike Goldberg and Eric Palladini
- 4517: Accessibility and affordability of tertiary education in Brazil, Colombia, Mexico and Peru within a global context

- Yuki Murakami and Andreas Blom
- 4516: Determinants of a digital divide in Sub-Saharan Africa: a spatial econometric analysis of cell phone coverage

- Piet Buys, Susmita Dasgupta, Tim Thomas and David Wheeler
- 4515: Remittances, consumption and investment in Ghana

- Richard Adams, Alfredo Cuecuecha and John Page
- 4514: Competition and demographics

- Mohammad Amin
- 4513: Brazil within Brazil: testing the poverty map methodology in Minas Gerais

- Chris Elbers, Peter Lanjouw and Phillippe George Leite
- 4512: Does participation in productive associations signal trust and creditworthiness ? evidence for Nicaragua

- Diego Angel-Urdinola and Ezequiel Molina
- 4511: Madrasas and NGOs: complements or substitutes ? non-state providers and growth in female education in Bangladesh

- M Asadullah and Nazmul Chaudhury
- 4510: Poisoning the mind: arsenic contamination and cognitive achievement of children

- M Asadullah and Nazmul Chaudhury
- 4509: Regulatory agencies: impact on firm performance and social welfare

- Antonio Estache and Martín Rossi
- 4508: Social interactions and student achievement in a developing country: An instrumental variables approach

- M Asadullah and Nazmul Chaudhury
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