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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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305: World Bank work with nongovernmental organizations Downloads
Lawrence F. Salmen and A. Paige Eaves
304: The new political economy: positive economics and negative politics Downloads
Merilee S. Grindle
303: Is undernutrition responsive to changes in incomes? Downloads
Martin Ravallion
302: Improving support services for rural schools: a management perspective Downloads
Sherry Keith
301: Myths of the West: lessons from developed countries for development finance Downloads
Colin Mayer
300: How the 1981-83 Chilean banking crisis was handled Downloads
Mauricio Larrain
299: The external effects of public sector deficits Downloads
Carlos Rodríguez
298: Evaluating global macroeconomic models: a case study of MULTIMOD Downloads
Ahmad Jamshidi
297: Effects of the multifibre arrangement on developing countries'trade: an empirical investigation Downloads
Refik Erzan, Junichi Goto and Paula Holmes
296: How serious is the neglect of intrahousehold inequality ? Downloads
Lawrence Haddad and Ravi Kanbur
295: Developing country experience in trade reform Downloads
Vinod Thomas
294: Irreversibility, uncertainty, and investment Downloads
Robert Pindyck
293: Central bank losses: origins, conceptual issues, and measurement problems Downloads
Mario O. Teijeiro
292: Is the new political economy relevant to developing countries ? Downloads
Ronald Findlay
291: How can Indonesia maintain creditworthiness and noninflationary growth ? Downloads
Sadiq Ahmed and Ajay Chhibber
290: Risk - adjusted rates of return for project appraisal Downloads
Avinash Dixit and Amy Williamson
289: Inflation and seigniorage in Argentina Downloads
Miguel A. Kiguel and Pablo Neumeyer
288: School effects and costs for private and public schools in the Dominican Republic Downloads
Emmanuel Jimenez, Marlaine Lockheed and Ed Luna
287: The consistency of government deficits with macroeconomic adjustment: an application to Kenya and Ghana Downloads
Thanos Catsambas and Miria Pigato
286: Poverty and undernutrition in Indonesia during the 1980s Downloads
Martin Ravallion and Monika Huppi
285: Enhancing the contribution of land reform to Mexican agricultural development Downloads
John Richard Heath
284: The role of groups and credit cooperatives in rural lending Downloads
Monika Huppi and Gershon Feder
283: Experiences of financial distress in Thailand Downloads
Tipsuda Sundaravej and Prasarn Trairatvorakul
282: EMENA manufactured exports and EEC trade policy Downloads
Bela Balassa
281: Tariff policy and taxation in developing countries Downloads
Bela Balassa
280: Adjustment policies in East Asia Downloads
Bela Balassa
279: What determines the rate of growth and technological change? Downloads
Paul Romer
278: Inflation and the company tax base: methods to minimize inflation - induced distortions Downloads
Anand Rajaram
277: The effect of formal credit on output and employment in rural India Downloads
Shahidur Khandker and Hans Binswanger-Mkhize
276: Improving rural wages in India Downloads
Shahidur Khandker
275: Revised estimates and projections of international migration: 1980-2000 Downloads
Fred Arnold
274: Efficiency and equity in social spending: how and why governments misbehave Downloads
Nancy Birdsall and Estelle James
273: Population, health and nutrition: FY88 annual sector review Downloads
Population and Human Resources Department
272: Women's changing participation in the labor force: a world perspective Downloads
T. Paul Schultz
271: How industry - labor relations and government policies affect Senegal's economic performance Downloads
Katherine Terrell and Jan Svejnar
270: Fuelwood stumpage: financing renewable energy for the world's other half Downloads
Keith Openshaw and Charles Feinstein
269: Women in development: issues for economic and sector analysis Downloads
Women in Development Division
268: Shortcomings in the market for developing country debt Downloads
John Wakeman-Linn
267: Issues in income tax reform in developing countries Downloads
Cheryl W. Gray
266: Policy changes that encourage private business investment in Colombia Downloads
Mansoor Dailami
265: Do African countries pay more for imports ? Downloads
Alexander J. Yeats
264: Two irrigation systems in Colombia: their performance and transfer of management to users'associations Downloads
Herve Plusquellec
263: How has instability in world markets affected agricultural export producers in developing countries? Downloads
Peter Hazell, Mauricio Jaramillo and Amy Williamson
262: Adjustment and external shocks in Ireland Downloads
Dermot McAleese and F. Desmond McCarthy
261: Inflation, external debt, and financial sector reform: a quantitative approach to consistent fiscal policy Downloads
Sweder van Wijnbergen, Robert Rocha and Ritu Anand
260: Growth, debt, and sovereign risk in a small, open economy Downloads
Jagdeep S. Bhandari, Nadeem Ul Haque and Stephen J Turnovsky
259: Dealing with debt: the 1930's and the 1980's Downloads
Barry Eichengreen and Richard Portes
258: Understanding voluntary organizations: guidelines for donors Downloads
L. David Brown and David C. Korten
257: Growth, external debt and the real exchange rate in Mexico Downloads
Sweder van Wijnbergen
256: Cash debt buybacksand the insurance value of reserves Downloads
Sweder van Wijnbergen
255: The external debt difficulties of low income Africa Downloads
Charles Humphreys and John Underwood
254: Future financing needs of the highly indebted countries Downloads
Ishrat Husain and Saumya Mitra
253: Public debt, North and South Downloads
Helmut Reisen
252: Do the secondary markets believe in life after debt? Downloads
Vassilis A. Hajivassiliou
251: Patents, appropriate technology, and North-South trade Downloads
Ishac Diwan and Dani Rodrik
250: The Baker Plan: progress, shortcomings, and future Downloads
William Cline
249: The determinants of hospital costs: an analysis of Ethiopia Downloads
Ricardo Bitran-Dicowsky and David W. Dunlop
248: Private investment, government policy, and foreign capital in Zimbabwe Downloads
Mansoor Dailami and Michael Walton
247: Macroeconomic policies for structural adjustment Downloads
Carlos Rodríguez
246: Causes of adult deaths in developing countries: a review of data and methods Downloads
Richard Hayes, Thierry Mertens, Geraldine Lockett and Laura Rodrigues
245: Developing a partnership of indigenous peoples, conservationists, and land use planners in Latin America Downloads
Peter Poole
244: Do Caribbean exporters pay higher freight costs? Downloads
Alexander J. Yeats
243: Kuwait - Averting financial crisis Downloads
Fawzi H. Al-Sultan
242: A multi level model of school effectiveness in a developing country Downloads
Marlaine Lockheed and Nicholas T. Longford
241: The effect of job training on Peruvian women's employment and wages Downloads
Ana-Maria Arriagada
240: The public role in private post-secondary education: a review of issues and options Downloads
Ake Blomqvist and Emmanuel Jimenez
239: The choice between unilateral and multilateral trade liberalization strategies Downloads
Julio Nogues
238: The distributional consequences of a tax reform on a VAT for Pakistan Downloads
Ehtisham Ahmad and Stephen Ludlow
237: The curricular content of primary education in developing countries Downloads
Aaron Benavot and David Kamens
236: Education and earnings in Peru's informal nonfarm family enterprises Downloads
Peter Moock, Philip Musgrove and Morton Stelcner
235: Borrowing, resource transfers, and external shocks to developing countries: historical and counterfactual Downloads
Steven B. Webb and Heidi S. Zia
234: A consistency framework for macroeconomic analysis Downloads
William Easterly
233: Public enterprise reform in adjustment lending Downloads
John Nellis
232: Women and food security in Kenya Downloads
Nadine R. Horenstein
231: The World Bank revised minimum standard model (RMSM): concepts and issues Downloads
Doug Addison
230: Unemployment, migration, and wages in Turkey 1962-85 Downloads
Bent Hansen
229: The effect of demographic changes on saving for life cycle motives in developing countries Downloads
Steven B. Webb and Heidi S. Zia
228: Recent economic performance of developing countries Downloads
Robert Lynn and F. Desmond McCarthy
227: Institutional reforms in sector adjustment operations: the World Bank's experience Downloads
Samuel Paul
226: Inflation and the costs of stabilization: country experiences, conceptual issues, and policy lessons Downloads
Andres Solimano
225: Targeting assistance to the poor using household survey data Downloads
Paul Glewwe and Oussama Kanaan
224: The economics of the government budget constraint Downloads
Stanley Fischer
223: Overvalued and undervalued exchange rates in an equilibrium optimizing model Downloads
Jose Saul Lizondo
222: The labor market and economic stabilization inZambia Downloads
Christopher Colclough
221: How does uncertainty about the real exchange rate affect exports? Downloads
Ricardo Caballero and Vittorio Corbo
220: Building capacity for policy analysis Downloads
Samuel Paul, David Steedman and Francis X. Sutton
219: Rural credit in developing countries Downloads
Avishay Braverman and J. Luis Guasch
218: Public finance, trade, and development: the Chilean experience Downloads
Vittorio Corbo
217: Public sector management issues in structural adjustment lending Downloads
Barbara Nunberg
216: Price and quality effects of VERs - revisited: a case study of Korean footwear exports Downloads
Jaime de Melo and L. Winters
215: Adjustment and income distribution: a counterfactual analysis Downloads
Francois Bourguinon, William Branson and Jaime de Melo
214: Adjustment and the labor market Downloads
Peter R. Fallon and Luis Riveros
213: Conditionality and debt relief Downloads
Stijn Claessens and Ishac Diwan
212: How private investment reacts to changing macroeconomic conditions: the case of Chile in the 1980s Downloads
Andres Solimano
211: Coffee pricing policies in the Dominican Republic Downloads
Panos Varangis
210: Notes on cash - flow taxation Downloads
Roger Gordon
209: Can the industrial countries return to rapid growth? Downloads
International Economics Department
208: Effective primary level science teaching in the Philippines Downloads
Marlaine Lockheed, Josefina Fonacier and Leonard J. Bianchi
207: Occupational training among Peruvian men: does it make a difference? Downloads
Ana-Maria Arriagada
206: The effects of single-sex schooling on student achievement and attitudes in Nigeria Downloads
Valerie E. Lee and Marlaine Lockheed
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