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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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2405: Marginal willingness to pay for education and the determinants of enrollment in Mexico Downloads
Gladys Lopez-Acevedo and Angel Salinas
2404: The distribution of Mexico's public spending on education Downloads
Gladys Lopez-Acevedo and Angel Salinas
2403: Can the world cut poverty in half ? how policy reform and effective aid can meet international development goals Downloads
Paul Collier and David Dollar
2402: Debt management in Brazil: evaluation of the Real Plan and challenges ahead Downloads
Alfonso S. Bevilaqua and Marcio Garcia
2401: Telecom traffic and investment in developing countries: the effects of international settlement rate reductions Downloads
Scott J. Wallsten
2400: Child care and women's labor force participation in Romania Downloads
Monica Fong and Michael Lokshin
2399: Managers, investors, and crises: mutual fund strategies in emerging markets Downloads
Graciela Kaminsky, Richard Lyons and Sergio Schmukler
2398: Determinants of current account deficits in developing countries Downloads
Cesar Calderon, Alberto Chong and Norman Loayza
2397: Verifying exchange rate regimes Downloads
Luis Serven, Jeffrey Frankel, Eduardo Fajnzylber and Sergio Schmukler
2396: Aid dependence and the quality of governance: a cross-country empirical analysis Downloads
Stephen Knack
2395: Decentralizing the provision of health services: an incomplete contracts approach Downloads
William Jack
2394: Tax evasion, corruption, and the remuneration of heterogeneous inspectors Downloads
Waly Wane
2393: Will the Euro trigger more monetary unions in Africa? Downloads
Patrick Honohan and Philip Lane
2392: What factors appear to drive private capital flows to developing countries? and how does official lending respond? Downloads
Dipak Dasgupta and Dilip Ratha
2391: Are the poor protected from budget cuts? theory and evidence for Argentina Downloads
Martin Ravallion
2390: The social rate of return on infrastructure investments Downloads
David Canning and Esra Bennathan
2389: Vietnam - on the road to labor-intensive growth ? Downloads
Patrick Belser
2388: The role of special differential treatment for developing countries in GATT and the World Trade Organization Downloads
Constantine Michalopoulos
2387: The long and winding path to private financing and regulation of toll roads Downloads
Antonio Estache, Manuel Romero and John Strong
2386: Regulators and the poor - Lessons from the United Kingdom Downloads
Richard Green
2385: The rise, the fall, and...: the emerging recovery of project finance transport Downloads
Antonio Estache and John Strong
2384: Are cost models useful for telecoms regulators in developing countries? Downloads
Daniel Benitez, Antonio Estache, David Kennet and Christian Ruzzier
2383: New firm formation and industry growth - does having a market- or bank-based system matter? Downloads
Thorsten Beck and Ross Levine
2382: Impediments to the development and efficiency of financial intermediation in Brazil Downloads
Thorsten Beck
2381: Savings and the terms of trade under borrowing constraints Downloads
Pierre-Richard Agénor and Joshua Aizenman
2380: Trade polices for electronic commerce Downloads
Aaditya Mattoo and Ludger Schuknecht
2379: India and the multilateral trading system after Seattle - toward a proactive role Downloads
Aaditya Mattoo and Arvind Subramanian
2378: Disintegration and trade flows: evidence from the Former Soviet Union Downloads
Simeon Djankov and Caroline Freund
2377: Reforming water supply in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire: mild reform in a turbulent environment Downloads
Claude Menard and George Clarke
2376: The effect of early childhood development programs on women's labor force participation and older children's schooling in Kenya Downloads
Michael Lokshin, Elena Glinskaya and Marito Garcia
2375: Asset distribution, inequality, and growth Downloads
Klaus Deininger and Pedro Olinto
2374: Should credit be given for autonomous liberalization in multilateral trade negotiations? Downloads
Aaditya Mattoo and Marcelo Olarreaga
2373: Reciprocity across modes of supply in the World Trade Organization: a negotiating formula Downloads
Aaditya Mattoo and Marcelo Olarreaga
2372: Financial openness, democracy, and redistributive policy Downloads
Mansoor Dailami
2371: Shock persistence and the choice of foreign exchange regime - an empirical note from Mexico Downloads
Marcelo Giugale and Adam Korobow
2370: A new model for market-based regulation of subnational borrowing - the Mexican approach Downloads
Marcelo Giugale, Adam Korobow and Steven Webb
2369: How the proposd Basel Guidelines on rating-agency assessments would affect developing countries Downloads
Giovanni Ferri, Li-Gang Liu and Giovanni Majnoni
2368: Seeds of corruption - Do market institutions matter? Downloads
Harry G. Broadman and Francesca Recanatini
2367: Gender, poverty, and nonfarm employment in Ghana and Uganda Downloads
Constance Newman and R. Sudharshan Canagarajah
2366: Fiscal constraints, collection costs, and trade policies Downloads
Keiko Kubota
2365: Leading indicator project - Lithuania Downloads
Stephen S. Everhart and Robert Duval-Hernandez
2364: Perverse effects of a ratings-related capital adequacy system Downloads
Patrick Honohan
2363: Would collective action clauses raise borrowing costs? - an update and additional results Downloads
Barry Eichengreen and Ashoka Mody
2362: A transitory regime: water supply in Conakry, Guinea Downloads
Claude Menard and George Clarke
2361: The welfare effects of private sector participation in Guinea's urban water supply Downloads
George Clarke, Claude Menard and Ana Maria Zuluaga
2360: Corruption and the composition of foreign direct investment - firm-level evidence Downloads
Beata K. Smarzynska and Shang-Jin Wei
2359: Reducing carbon dioxide emissions through joint implementation of projects Downloads
Will Martin
2358: Why infrastructure financing facilities often fall short of their objectives Downloads
Daniela Klingebiel and Jeff Ruster
2357: Evaluating carbon offsets from forestry and energy projects Downloads
Kenneth M. Chomitz
2356: Bureaucratic delegation and political institutions: when are independent central banks irrelevent? Downloads
Philip Keffer and David Stasavage
2355: Greed and grievance in civil war Downloads
Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler
2354: When the bureaucrats move out of business: a cost-benefit assessment of labor retrenchment in China Downloads
Yi Chen and Ishac Diwan
2353: The Sao Mateus - Jabaquara Trolleybusway Concession in Brazil Downloads
Jorge Rebelo and Pedro Machado
2352: How stronger patent protection in India might affect the behavior of transnational pharaceutical industries Downloads
Carsten Fink
2351: Environmental policy and time consistency - emissions taxes and emissions trading Downloads
Peter Kennedy and Benoit Laplante
2350: Multilateral trade liberalization and political disintegration - implications for the evolution of free trade areas and customs unions Downloads
Maurice Schiff
2349: Trade, foreign direct investment, and international technology transfer: a survey Downloads
Kamal Saggi
2348: Taxing issues with privatization: a checklist Downloads
Jack Mintz, Duanjie Chen and Evangelia Zorotheos
2347: Terror as a bargaining instrument: a case study of dowry violence in rural India Downloads
Francis Bloch and Vijayendra Rao
2346: the middle class consensus and economic development Downloads
William Easterly
2345: Information and modeling issues in designing water and sanitation subsidy schemes Downloads
Andres Gomez-Lobo, Vivien Foster and Jonathan Halpern
2344: Designing direct subsidies for water and sanitation services - Panama: a case study Downloads
Vivien Foster, Andres Gomez-Lobo and Jonat Halpern
2343: Ownership and performance of Lithuanian enterprises Downloads
David Grigorian
2342: What can we learn about country performance from conditional comparisons across countries? Downloads
Martin Ravallion
2341: The tyranny of concepts - CUDIE (Cumulated, Depreciated Investment Effort) is NOT capital Downloads
Lant Pritchett
2340: Currency substitution in Latin America - lessons from the 1990s Downloads
Pedro Gomis-Porqueras, Carlos Serrano and Alejandro Somuano
2339: Building subnational debt markets in developing and transition economies: a framework for analysis, policy reform, and assistance strategy Downloads
Michel Noel
2338: The geography of international investment Downloads
Howard J. Shatz and Anthony Venables
2337: Pollution charges, community pressure, and abatement cost of industrial pollution in China Downloads
Hua Wang
2336: Endogenous enforcement and effectiveness of China's pollution levy system Downloads
Hua Wang and David Wheeler
2335: Inflation and the poor Downloads
William Easterly and Stanley Fischer
2334: Sex workers and the cost of safe sex - the compensating differential for condom use in Calcutta Downloads
Vijayendra Rao, Indrani Gupta and Smarajit Jana
2333: Output fluctuations in Latin America - what explains the recent slowdown? Downloads
Santiago Herrera, Guillermo Perry and Neile Quintero
2332: Financial intermediary distress in the Republic of Korea - Small is beautiful? Downloads
Paola Bongini, Giovanni Ferri and Tae Soo Kang
2331: Competition, Corporate Governance, and regulation in Central Asia - Uzbekistan's structural reform challenges Downloads
Harry G. Boradman
2330: Reducing structural dominance and entry barriers in Russian industry Downloads
Harry G. Broadman
2329: Improving Russia's policy on foreign direct investment Downloads
Joel Bergsman, Harry G. Broadman and Vladimir Drebentsov
2328: Social transfers and social assistance - an empirical analysis using Latvian household survey data Downloads
Branko Milanovic
2327: How the Republic of Korea's financial structure affects the volatility of four asset prices Downloads
Hong-Ghi Min and Jong-Goo Par
2326: How urban concentration affects economic growth Downloads
Vernon Henderson
2325: Banking systems around the globe: do regulation and ownership affect the performance and stability? Downloads
James Barth, Gerard Caprio and Ross Levine
2324: Give growth and macroeconomic stability in Russia a chance - harden budgets by eliminating nonpayments Downloads
Brian Pinto, Vladimir Drebentsov and Alexander Morozov
2323: Globalization and firms'financing choices - evidence from emerging economies Downloads
Sergio Schmukler and Esteban Versperoni
2322: Self-targeted subsidies - the distributional impact of the Egyptian food subsidy system Downloads
Richard Adams
2321: Algorithms for purchasing AIDS vaccines Downloads
David Bishai, Maria K. Lin and C.W.B. Kiyonga
2320: Does more intense competition lead to higher growth? Downloads
Mark A. Dutz and Aydin Hayri
2319: Externalities and production efficiency Downloads
Gunnar Eskeland
2318: Regulatory reform, competition, and innovation - a case study of the Mexican road freight industry Downloads
Mark A. Dutz, Aydin Hayri and Pablo Ibarra
2317: Trade negotiations in the presence of network externalities Downloads
Keiko Kubota
2316: Distributional outcomes of a decentralized welfare program Downloads
Emanuela Galasso and Martin Ravallion
2315: Investment in natural gas pipelines in the Southern Cone of Latin America Downloads
Alejandro Jadresic
2314: Technological leadership and foreign investors'choice of entry mode Downloads
Beata K. Smarzynska
2313: How interest rates changed under financial liberalization - a cross-country review Downloads
Patrick Honohan
2312: Measuring governance, corruption, and State capture - how firms and bureaucrats shape the business environment in transition economies Downloads
Joel S. Hellman, Geraint Jones, Daniel Kaufmann and Mark Schankerman
2311: The Buenos Aires water concession Downloads
Lorena Alcázar, Manuel Abdala and Mary M. Shirley
2310: How politics and institutions affect pension reform in three post-communist countries Downloads
Mitchell A. Orenstein
2309: What drives private saving around the world? Downloads
Norman Loayza, Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel and Luis Serven
2308: How small should an economy's fiscal deficit be? - a monetary programming approach Downloads
Paul E. Beckerman
2307: Surveying surveys and questioning questions - learning from World Bank experience Downloads
Francesca Recanatini, Scott J. Wallsten and Lixin Xu
2306: International contagion - implications for policy Downloads
Roberto Chang and Giovanni Majnoni
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