Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 5307: The impact of water supply variability on treaty cooperation between international bilateral river basin riparian states

- Ariel Dinar, Brian Blankespoor, Shlomi Dinar and Pradeep Kurukulasuriya
- 5306: Fiscal adjustment and growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: overview and lessons from the current downturn

- Hippolyte Fofack
- 5305: Social protection in Latin America: achievements and limitations

- Francisco Ferreira and David Robalino
- 5304: Health, demographic transition and economic growth

- Ole Hagen Jorgensen
- 5303: Rigidities in employment protection and exporting

- Murat Seker
- 5302: Access to water, women's work and child outcomes

- Gayatri Koolwal and Dominique van de Walle
- 5301: Developing countries and monitoring WTO commitments in response to the global economic crisis

- Chad Bown
- 5300: North-south trade-related technology diffusion: virtuous growth cycles in Latin America

- Maurice Schiff and Yanling Wang
- 5299: Decentralization (localization) and corruption: new cross-country evidence

- Maksym Ivanyna and Anwar Shah
- 5298: Thirty-five years of long-run energy forecasting: lessons for climate change policy

- Jean-Charles Hourcade and Franck Nadaud
- 5297: Small state regional cooperation, south-south and south-north migration, and international trade

- Maurice Schiff
- 5296: Carbon offsets with endogenous environmental policy

- Jon Strand
- 5295: Inertia in infrastructure development: some analytical aspects, and reasons for inefficient infrastructure choices

- Jon Strand
- 5294: Trade crisis and recovery: restructuring of global value chains

- William Milberg and Deborah Winkler
- 5293: Can subjective well-being predict unemployment length ?

- Dimitris Mavridis
- 5292: Universal minimum old age pensions: impact on poverty and fiscal cost in 18 Latin American countries

- Jean-Jacques Dethier, Pierre Pestieau and Rabia Ali
- 5291: China's export growth and the China safeguard: threats to the world trading system ?

- Chad Bown and Meredith Crowley
- 5290: Aid quality and donor rankings

- Stephen Knack, Frederic Rogers and Nicholas Eubank
- 5289: Designing the payout Phase of pension systems: policy issues, constraints and options

- Roberto Rocha and Dimitri Vittas
- 5288: The payout phase of pension systems: a comparison of five countries

- Roberto Rocha, Dimitri Vittas and Heinz P. Rudolph
- 5287: Increasing public expenditure efficiency in oil-rich economies: a proposal

- Shantayanan Devarajan, Tuan Minh Le and Gaël Raballand
- 5286: Assessing poverty and distributional impacts of the global crisis in the Philippines: a microsimulation approach

- Bilal Habib, Ambar Narayan, Sergio Olivieri and Carolina Sanchez-Paramo
- 5285: OECD imports: diversification and quality search

- Olivier Cadot, Madina Kukenova and Vanessa Strauss-Kahn
- 5284: Poverty lines across the world

- Martin Ravallion
- 5283: Understanding the impact of economic shocks on labor market outcomes in developing countries: an application to Indonesia and Mexico

- Catalina Gutierrez, Pierella Paci and Beom S. Park
- 5282: A framework for assessing systemic risk

- Miquel Dijkman
- 5281: The global apparel value chain, trade and the crisis: challenges and opportunities for developing countries

- Gary Gereffi and Stacey Frederick
- 5280: Vulnerability of bangladesh to cyclones in a changing climate: potential damages and adaptation cost

- Susmita Dasgupta, Mainul Huq, Zahirul Huq Khan, Manjur Murshed Zahid Ahmed, Nandan Mukherjee, Malik Fida Khan and Kiran Pandey
- 5279: Trade and financial sector reforms: interactions and spillovers

- Ashley Taylor
- 5278: Will the crisis affect the economic recovery in eastern European countries ? evidence from firm level data

- Paulo Correa and Mariana Iootty
- 5277: Rethinking multipliers in a globalized world

- Raj Nallari and Leopold Engozogo Mba
- 5276: Designing the payout phase of funded pension pillars in central and eastern European countries

- Dimitri Vittas, Heinz Rudolph and John Pollner
- 5275: Water, sanitation and children's health: evidence from 172 DHS surveys

- Isabel Günther and Günther Fink
- 5274: Is protectionism on the rise ? assessing national trade policies during the crisis of 2008

- Hiau Looi Kee, Ileana Neagu Constantinescu and Alessandro Nicita
- 5273: Internal migration in Ghana: determinants and welfare impacts

- Charles Ackah and Denis Medvedev
- 5272: Openness and technological innovation in East Asia: have they increased the demand for skills ?

- Rita Almeida
- 5271: Cambodia 1998-2008: an episode of rapid growth

- Stephane Guimbert
- 5270: Accommodating migration to promote adaptation to climate change

- Jon Barnett and Michael Webber
- 5269: Enterprise recovery following natural disasters

- Suresh de Mel, David McKenzie and Christopher Woodruff
- 5268: Accounting for selectivity and duration-dependent heterogeneity when estimating the impact of emigration on incomes and poverty in sending areas

- John Gibson, David McKenzie and Steven Stillman
- 5267: Micro efficiency and macro growth

- Raj Nallari and Nihal Bayraktar
- 5266: Within-school tracking in south Korea: an analysis using Pisa 2003

- Kevin Macdonald and Harry Patrinos
- 5265: Aid for trade, infrastructure, and the growth effects of trade reform: issues and implications for Caribbean countries

- Emmanuel Pinto Moreira
- 5264: A preliminary analysis of the impact of a Ukraine-EU free trade agreement on agriculture

- Stephan von Cramon-Taubadel, Sebastian Hess and Bernhard Brummer
- 5263: The impact of the 1999 education reform in Poland

- Maciej Jakubowski, Harry Patrinos, Emilio Ernesto Porta and Jerzy Wisniewski
- 5262: The offshore services value chain: developing countries and the crisis

- Gary Gereffi and Karina Fernandez-Stark
- 5261: Export performance and trade facilitation reform: hard and soft infrastructure

- Alberto Portugal-Perez and John Wilson
- 5260: The remitting patterns of African migrants in the OECD

- Albert Bollard, David McKenzie and Melanie Morten
- 5259: Cash or condition ? evidence from a cash transfer experiment

- Sarah Baird, Craig Mcintosh and Berk Özler
- 5258: Resource management and the effects of trade on vulnerable places and people: lessons from six case studies

- Donald Larson and John Nash
- 5257: Gender-targeted conditional cash transfers: enrollment, spillover effects and instructional quality

- Amer Hasan
- 5256: Time allocation in rural households: the indirect effects of conditional cash transfer programs

- Amer Hasan
- 5255: Russian trade and foreign direct investment policy at the crossroads

- David Tarr and Natalya Volchkova
- 5254: Can disaggregated indicators identify governance reform priorities ?

- Aart Kraay and Norikazu Tawara
- 5253: Measuring financial access around the world

- Jake Kendall, Nataliya Mylenko and Alejandro Ponce
- 5252: Measuring monetary policy in open economies

- Diego Cerdeiro
- 5251: Can donor coordination solve the aid proliferation problem ?

- Aminur Rahman and Yasuyuki Sawada
- 5250: Undervaluation through foreign reserve accumulation: static losses, dynamic gains

- Anton Korinek and Luis Serven
- 5249: A counterfactual analysis of the poverty impact of economic growth in Cameroon

- B. Essama-Nssah and Léandre Bassole
- 5248: The effects of school-based management in the Philippines: an initial assessment using administrative data

- Nidhi Khattri, Cristina Ling and Shreyasi Jha
- 5247: Publishing construction contracts and outcome details

- Charles Kenny
- 5246: Skills, exports, and the wages of five million Latin American workers

- Irene Brambilla, Rafael Dix-Carneiro, Daniel Lederman and Guido Porto
- 5245: Using mixed methods in monitoring and evaluation: experiences from international development

- Michael Bamberger, Vijayendra Rao and Michael Woolcock
- 5244: Going digital: credit effects of land registry computerization in India

- Klaus Deininger and Aparajita Goyal
- 5243: 'Red flags of corruption'in world bank projects: an analysis of infrastructure contracts

- Charles Kenny and Maria Musatova
- 5242: Quantitative value chain analysis: an application to Malawi

- Hardwick Tchale and John Keyser
- 5241: Till geography do us part ? prolegomena to an economic and monetary union between the Dominican Republic and Haiti

- Emmanuel Pinto Moreira
- 5240: Long-term fiscal risks and sustainability in an oil-rich country: the case of Russia

- Zeljko Bogetic, Karlis Smits, Nina Budina and Sweder van Wijnbergen
- 5239: Will the clean development mechanism mobilize anticipated levels of mitigation ?

- Shaikh M. Rahman, Ariel Dinar and Donald Larson
- 5238: Assessing ex ante the poverty and distributional impact of the global crisis in a developing country: a micro-simulation approach with application to Bangladesh

- Bilal Habib, Ambar Narayan, Sergio Olivieri and Carolina Sanchez-Paramo
- 5237: Of floods and droughts: the economic and financial crisis of 2008

- Roumeen Islam and Raj Nallari
- 5236: The ethnicity distraction ? political credibility and partisan preferences in Africa

- Philip Keefer
- 5235: Incomplete markets and fertilizer use: evidence from Ethiopia

- Daniel Zerfu and Donald Larson
- 5234: Benefit incidence analysis: are government health expenditures more pro-rich than we think ?

- Adam Wagstaff
- 5233: Corporate governance and public corruption

- Ana Cusolito
- 5232: Assessing the financial vulnerability to climate-related natural hazards

- Reinhard Mechler, Stefan Hochrainer, Georg Pflug, Alexander Lotsch and Keith Williges
- 5231: A closer look at child mortality among Adivasis in India

- Maitreyi Das, Soumya Kapoor and Denis Nikitin
- 5230: Financial transactions tax: panacea, threat, or damp squib ?

- Patrick Honohan and Sean Yoder
- 5229: Price levels and economic growth: making sense of the PPP changes between ICP rounds

- Martin Ravallion
- 5228: Intellectual property rights and the TRIPS agreement: an overview of ethical problems and some proposed solutions

- Jorn Sonderholm
- 5227: Rethinking market discipline in banking: lessons from the financial crisis

- Constantinos Stephanou
- 5226: Productivity, welfare and reallocation: theory and firm-level evidence

- Susanto Basu, Luigi Pascali, Fabio Schiantarelli and Luis Serven
- 5225: Estimating the import content of Argentine exports

- Paloma Anos-Casero and Bernardo Díaz de Astarloa
- 5224: What explains stock markets'vulnerability to the 2007-2008 crisis ?

- Tatiana Didier, Inessa Love and Maria Soledad Martinez Peria
- 5223: Self-enforcing trade agreements: evidence from time-varying trade policy

- Chad Bown and Meredith Crowley
- 5222: Trade openness reduces growth volatility when countries are well diversified

- Mona E. Haddad, Jamus Lim and Christian Saborowski
- 5221: Argentina: trade patterns and challenges ahead

- Paloma Anos-Casero and Valentina Rollo
- 5220: Estimating the fiscal multiplier in Argentina

- Paloma Anos-Casero, Diego Cerdeiro and Riccardo Trezzi
- 5219: Equilibrium fictions: a cognitive approach to societal rigidity

- Karla Hoff and Joseph Stiglitz
- 5218: The impact of the investment climate on employment growth: does Sub-Saharan Africa mirror other low-income regions ?

- Reyes Aterido and Mary Hallward-Driemeier
- 5217: Intellectual property rights, human capital and the incidence of R&D expenditures

- Claudio Bravo-Ortega and Daniel Lederman
- 5216: Learning from the Chinese miracle: development lessons for Sub-Saharan Africa

- Ali Zafar
- 5215: The impact of economic shocks on global undernourishment

- Sailesh Tiwari and Hassan Zaman
- 5214: Distance and regionalization of trade for low-income countries

- Celine Carrere, Jaime de Melo and John Wilson
- 5213: Finances of Egyptian listed firms and the performance of the Egyptian stock exchange

- Erik Feyen
- 5212: The taxation of motor fuel: international comparison

- Eduardo Ley and Jessica Boccardo
- 5211: Building countercyclical fiscal policies in Latin America: the international experience

- Mario A. Gutierrez and Julio E. Revilla
- 5210: The short-term impact of higher food prices on poverty in Uganda

- Kenneth R. Simler
- 5209: The impact of roads on poverty reduction: a case study of Cameroon

- Marie Gachassin, Boris Najman and Gaël Raballand
- 5208: Climate cost uncertainty, retrofit cost uncertainty, and infrastructure closedown: a framework for analysis

- Jon Strand and Sebastian Miller
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