Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 4507: Agency, education and networks: gender and international migration from Albania

- Guy Stecklov, Calogero Carletto, Carlo Azzarri and Benjamin Davis
- 4506: Measuring the performance and achievement of social objectives of development finance institutions

- Manuela Francisco, Yira Mascaro, Juan Carlos Mendoza and Jacob Yaron
- 4505: A short note on the ATP fund of Denmark

- Dimitri Vittas
- 4504: Inequality in Latin America: determinants and consequences

- Humberto Lopez and Guillermo Perry
- 4503: Decentralization and the provision of public services: framework and implementation

- Aehyung Kim
- 4502: Does Hepatitis B infection or son preference explain the bulk of gender imbalance in China ?: a review of the evidence

- Monica Das Gupta
- 4501: The quality of medical advice in low-income countries

- Jishnu Das, Jeffrey Hammer and Kenneth Leonard
- 4500: Health and civil war in rural Burundi

- Tom Bundervoet, Philip Verwimp and Richard Akresh
- 4499: Upgrading the investment policy framework of public pension funds

- Dimitri Vittas, Gregorio Impavido and Ronan O'Connor
- 4498: Quantifying institutional impacts and development synergies in water resource programs: a methodology with application to the Kala Oya basin, Sri Lanka

- R. Maria Saleth and Ariel Dinar
- 4497: How sensitive are Latin American exports to Chinese competition in the U.S. market ?

- José López-Córdova, Alejandro Micco and Danielken Molina
- 4496: Subnational insolvency: cross-country experiences and lessons

- Lili Liu and Michael Waibel
- 4495: Mental health patterns and consequences: results from survey data in five developing countries

- Jishnu Das, Quy-Toan Do, Jed Friedman and David McKenzie
- 4494: Regulatory governance and sector performance: methodology and evaluation for Electricity distribution in Latin America

- Luis Andres, Jose Luis Guasch and Sebastian Lopez Azumendi
- 4493: Where in the world are you ? Assessing the importance of circumstance and effort in a world of different mean country incomes and (almost) no migration

- Branko Milanovic
- 4492: How does bribery affect public service delivery ? micro-evidence from service users and public officials in Peru

- Daniel Kaufmann, Judit Montoriol-Garriga and Francesca Recanatini
- 4491: Risk-based supervision of pension funds: a review of international experience and preliminary assessment of the first outcomes

- Gregory Brunner, Richard Hinz and Roberto Rocha
- 4490: Risk sharing opportunities and macroeconomic factors in Latin American and Caribbean countries: A consumption insurance assessment

- Luigi Ventura
- 4489: Agro-manufactured export prices, wages and unemployment

- Guido Porto
- 4488: Realizing the gains from trade: export crops, marketing costs, and poverty

- Jorge Balat, Irene Brambilla and Guido Porto
- 4487: Fiscal redistribution and income inequality in Latin America

- Edwin Goni, Humberto Lopez and Luis Serven
- 4486: On the welfarist rationale for relative poverty lines

- Martin Ravallion
- 4485: Living on the edge -- risk, protection, behavior, and outcomes of Argentine youth

- Michael Justesen
- 4484: On measuring the benefits of lower transport costs

- Hanan Jacoby and Bart Minten
- 4483: Enforceability of labor law: evidence from a labor court in Mexico

- David Kaplan and Joyce Sadka
- 4482: The impact of regional liberalization and harmonization in road transport services: a focus on Zambia and lessons for landlocked countries

- Gaël Raballand, Charles Kunaka and Bo Giersing
- 4481: Bank financing to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Colombia

- Constantinos Stephanou and Camila Rodriguez
- 4480: Aid, growth, and real exchange rate dynamics

- Shantayanan Devarajan, Delfin Go, John Page, Sherman Robinson and Karen Thierfelder
- 4479: Bosnia and Herzegovina 2001-2004: enterprise restructuring, labor market transitions and poverty

- Erwin R. Tiongson and Ruslan Yemtsov
- 4478: Joseph E. Stiglitz

- Karla Hoff
- 4477: Finding missing markets (and a disturbing epilogue): evidence from an export crop adoption and marketing intervention in Kenya

- Nava Ashraf, Xavier Gine and Dean Karlan
- 4476: Informality among formal firms: firm-level, cross-country evidence on tax compliance and access to credit

- Roberta Gatti and Maddalena Honorati
- 4475: Managing post-disaster reconstruction finance -- international experience in public financial management

- Wolfgang Fengler, Ahya Ihsan and Kai Kaiser
- 4474: Indigenous and colonial origins of comparative economic development: the case of colonial India and Africa

- C. A. Bayly
- 4473: Patterns of export diversification in developing countries: intensive and extensive margins

- Alberto Amurgo-Pacheco and Martha Denisse Pierola
- 4472: Rising growth, declining investment: the puzzle of the Philippines

- Alessandro Magnoli Bocchi
- 4471: Distortions to agricultural incentives in Australia since world war II

- Kym Anderson, Peter Lloyd and Donald MacLaren
- 4470: Can China continue feeding itself ? the impact of climate change on agriculture

- Jinxia Wang, Robert Mendelsohn, Ariel Dinar, Jikun Huang, Scott Rozelle and Lijuan Zhang
- 4469: Finance, financial sector policies, and long-run growth

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Ross Levine
- 4468: Finance and economic opportunity

- Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Ross Levine
- 4467: Foreign bank acquisitions and outreach: evidence from Mexico

- Thorsten Beck and Maria Martinez Peria
- 4466: On SARS type economic effects during infectious disease outbreaks

- Milan Brahmbhatt and Arindam Dutta
- 4465: Formal versus informal finance: evidence from China

- Meghana Ayyagari, Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Vojislav Maksimovic
- 4464: Regionalism and trade facilitation: a primer

- Jean-Christophe Maur
- 4463: Are there lessons for africa from China's success against poverty ?

- Martin Ravallion
- 4462: Bypassing health providers: the quest for better price and quality of health care in Chad

- Bernard Gauthier and Waly Wane
- 4461: Services trade and growth

- Bernard Hoekman and Aaditya Mattoo
- 4460: Infrastructure and growth in developing countries: recent advances and research challenges

- Stephane Straub
- 4459: (UN)Bundling public-private partnership contracts in the water sector: competition in auctions and economies of scale in operation

- Atsushi Iimi
- 4458: An alternative framework for foreign exchange risk management of sovereign debt

- Martin Melecký
- 4457: Who are the net food importing countries ?

- Francis Ng and M. Ataman Aksoy
- 4456: Aid inflows and the real effective exchange rate in Tanzania

- Ying Li and Francis Rowe
- 4455: Where to sell ? market facilities and agricultural marketing

- Forhad Shilpi and Dina Umali-Deininger
- 4454: Land rental markets in the process of rural structural transformation: productivity and equity impacts in China

- Klaus Deininger and Songqing Jin
- 4453: Is Accra a superstar city ?

- Robert Buckley and Ashna Mathema
- 4452: Fiscal spending and economic performance: some stylized facts

- Celine Carrere and Jaime de Melo
- 4451: Regulatory cooperation, aid for trade and the general agreement on trade in services

- Bernard Hoekman and Aaditya Mattoo
- 4450: Developing countries and enforcement of trade agreements: why dispute settlement is not enough

- Chad Bown and Bernard Hoekman
- 4449: Does it pay firms to register for taxes ? the impact of formality on firm profitability

- David McKenzie and Yaye Seynabou Sakho
- 4448: Land reforms, poverty reduction, and economic growth: evidence from India

- Klaus Deininger, Songqing Jin and Hari Nagarajan
- 4447: Securing property rights in transition: lessons from implementation of China's rural land contracting law

- Klaus Deininger and Songqing Jin
- 4446: What matters to African firms ? the relevance of perceptions data

- Alan Gelb, Vijaya Ramachandran, Manju Kedia Shah and Ginger Turner
- 4445: Emerging market liquidity and crises

- Eduardo Levy Yeyati, Sergio Schmukler and Neeltje Van Horen
- 4444: The impoverishing effect of adverse health events: evidence from the western Balkans

- Mariapia Mendola, Caryn Bredenkamp and Michele Gragnolati
- 4443: Human capital and university-industry linkages'role in fostering firm innovation: an empirical study of Chile and Colombia

- Daniela Marotta, Michael Mark, Andreas Blom and Kristian Thorn
- 4442: Assessing the functioning of land rental markets in Ethiopia

- Klaus Deininger, Daniel Ayalew Ali and Tekie Alemu
- 4441: Early development economics debates revisited

- Michele Alacevich
- 4440: Affordability and subsidies in public urban transport: what do we mean, what can be done?

- Nicolas Estupinan, Andres Gomez-Lobo, Ramon Munoz-Raskin and Tomas Serebrisky
- 4439: Does corruption impact on firms'ability to conduct business in Mauritania ? evidence from investment climate survey data

- Manuela Francisco and Nicola Pontara
- 4438: Annuities in Switzerland

- Monika Bütler and Martin Ruesch
- 4437: Pension institutions and annuities in Denmark

- Carsten Andersen and Peter Skjodt
- 4436: Public-private partnerships in transport

- Antonio Estache, Ellis J. Juan and Lourdes Trujillo
- 4435: When do enterprises prefer informal credit ?

- Mehnaz Safavian and Joshua Wimpey
- 4434: Litigation and settlement: new evidence from labor courts in Mexico

- David Kaplan, Joyce Sadka and Jorge Luis Silva-Mendez
- 4433: Mexican employment dynamics: evidence from matched firm-worker data

- David Kaplan, Gabriel Martinez and Raymond Robertson
- 4432: Does employment generation really matter for poverty reduction ?

- Catalina Gutierrez, Carlo Orecchia, Pierella Paci and Pieter Serneels
- 4431: Poverty reduction without economic growth ? explaining Brazil's poverty dynamics, 1985-2004

- Francisco Ferreira, Phillippe G. Leite and Martin Ravallion
- 4430: The composition of public expenditure and growth: a small-scale intertemporal model for low-income countries

- Nihal Bayraktar and Emmanuel Pinto Moreira
- 4429: Comparative analysis of labor market dynamics using markov processes: an application to informality

- Mariano Bosch and William Maloney
- 4428: Russian WTO accession: what has been accomplished, what can be expected

- David Tarr
- 4427: Distributional effects of educational improvements:are we using the wrong model ?

- François Bourguignon and Frederic Rogers
- 4426: Statistical analysis of rainfall insurance payouts in southern India

- Xavier Gine, Robert Townsend and James Vickery
- 4425: Insurance, credit, and technology adoption: field experimental evidence from Malawi

- Xavier Gine and Dean Yang
- 4424: Improving nutritional status through behavioral change: lessons from Madagascar

- Emanuela Galasso and Nithin Umapathi
- 4423: Regional integration in South Asia: what role for trade facilitation ?

- John Wilson and Tsunehiro Otsuki
- 4422: Improving indoor air quality for poor families: a controlled experiment in Bangladesh

- Susmita Dasgupta, Mainul Huq, M. Khaliquzzaman and David Wheeler
- 4421: The determinants of HIV infection and related sexual behaviors: evidence from Lesotho

- Lucia Corno and Damien de Walque
- 4420: Diffusion of the internet: a cross-country analysis

- Luis Andres, David Cuberes, Mame Astou Diouf and Tomas Serebrisky
- 4419: Surveying migrant households: a comparison of census-based, snowball, and intercept point surveys

- David McKenzie and Johan Mistiaen
- 4418: Exports and productivity - comparable evidence for 14 countries

- The International Study Group on Exports and Productivity
- 4417: Perceptions of environmental risks in Mozambique: implications for the success of adaptation and coping strategies

- Anthony G. Patt and Dagmar Schroter
- 4416: Cote d'Ivoire: competitiveness, Cocoa, and the real exchange rate

- Zeljko Bogetic, Carlos Espina and John Noer
- 4415: Cote d'ivoire volatility, shocks and growth

- Zeljko Bogetic, Carlos Espina and John Noer
- 4414: Cote d'Ivoire: from success to failure a story of growth, specialization, and the terms of trade

- Zeljko Bogetic, John Noer and Carlos Espina
- 4413: Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter: understanding corruption using cross-national firm-level surveys

- Nathan Jensen, Quan Li and Aminur Rahman
- 4412: Measuring ancient inequality

- Branko Milanovic, Peter Lindert and Jeffrey G. Williamson
- 4411: what is missing between agricultural growth and infrastructure development ? cases of coffee and dairy in Africa

- Atsushi Iimi and James Wilson Smith
- 4410: Current debates on infrastructure policy

- Antonio Estache and Marianne Fay
- 4409: Reducing the transaction costs of development assistance Ghana's multi-donor budget support (MDBS) experience from 2003 to 2007

- Carlos Cavalcanti
- 4408: Patternsof rainfall insurance participation in rural India

- Xavier Gine, Robert Townsend and James Vickery
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