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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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5207: A new approach to producing geographic profiles of HIV prevalence: an application to Malawi Downloads
Oleksiy Ivaschenko and Peter Lanjouw
5206: What happens when the market shifts to China ? the Gabon timber and Thai cassava value chains Downloads
Raphael Kaplinsky, Anne Terheggen and Julia Tijaja
5205: What are the implications for global value chains when the market shifts from the north to the south ? Downloads
Raphael Kaplinsky and Masuma Farooki
5204: Measuring inequality of opportunity with imperfect data: the case of Turkey Downloads
Francisco Ferreira, Jérémie Gignoux and Meltem Aran
5203: When the rivers run dry: liquidity and the use of wholesale funds in the transmission of the U.S. subprime crisis Downloads
Claudio Raddatz
5202: Mortgage finance in central and eastern Europe -- opportunity or burden ? Downloads
Thorsten Beck, Katie Kibuuka and Erwin Tiongson
5201: What are the links between aid volatility and growth ? Downloads
Anil Markandya, Vladimir Ponczek and Soonhwa Yi
5200: Formulas and flexibility in trade negotiations: sensitive agricultural products in the WTO's Doha agenda Downloads
Sebastien Jean, David Laborde Debucquet and Will Martin
5199: To what extent are Bangladesh's recent gains in poverty reduction different from the past? Downloads
Aphichoke Kotikula, Ambar Narayan and Hassan Zaman
5198: Safe and sound banking: a role for countercyclical regulatory requirements ? Downloads
Gerard Caprio
5197: New structural economics: a framework for rethinking development Downloads
Justin Lin
5196: Development strategies: integrating governance and growth Downloads
Brian Levy and Francis Fukuyama
5195: Export restraints on russian natural gas and raw timber: what are the economic impacts ? Downloads
David Tarr
5194: Trade in'virtual carbon': empirical results and implications for policy Downloads
Giles Atkinson, Kirk Hamilton, Giovanni Ruta and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
5193: The economics of renewable energy expansion in rural Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Uwe Deichmann, Craig Meisner, Siobhan Murray and David Wheeler
5192: Do labor statistics depend on how and to whom the questions are asked ? results from a survey experiment in Tanzania Downloads
Elena Bardasi, Kathleen Beegle, Andrew Dillon and Pieter Serneels
5191: Assessing the impact of infrastructure quality on firm productivity in Africa: cross-country comparisons based on investment climate surveys from 1999 to 2005 Downloads
Alvaro Escribano, J. Luis Guasch and Jorge Pena
5190: Paying primary health care centers for performance in Rwanda Downloads
Paulin Basinga, Paul J. Gertler, Agnes Binagwaho, Agnes L.B. Soucat, Jennifer R. Sturdy and Christel M.J. Vermeersch
5189: The determinants of wealth and gender inequity in cognitive skills in Latin America Downloads
Kevin Macdonald, Felipe Barrera-Osorio, Juliana Guaqueta, Harry Patrinos and Emilio Porta
5188: An institutional approach to balancing international monetary relations: the case for a US-China settlement facility Downloads
Nadia Piffaretti and Sergio Rossi
5187: Bosnia and Herzegovina's surprising export performance: back to the past in a new veil but will It last ? Downloads
Bartlomiej Kaminski and Francis Ng
5186: Mexico: impact evaluation of sme programs using panel firm data Downloads
Gladys Lopez-Acevedo and Monica Tinajero
5185: Private education provision and public finance: the Netherlands Downloads
Harry Patrinos
5184: What constrains Africa's exports ? Downloads
Caroline Freund and Nadia Rocha
5183: Dysfunctional finance: positive shocks and negative outcomes Downloads
Karla Hoff
5182: Earthquake propensity and the politics of mortality prevention Downloads
Philip Keefer, Eric Neumayer and Thomas Plumper
5181: Citizen-centric governance indicators: measuring and monitoring governance by listening to the people and not the interest groups Downloads
Maksym Ivanyna and Anwar Shah
5180: Potential benefits and risks of increased aid flows to Burundi Downloads
Hannah Nielsen and Dorsati Madani
5179: A note on the economic cost of climate change and the rationale to limit it below 2°C Downloads
Stephane Hallegatte, Patrice Dumas and Jean-Charles Hourcade
5178: The inter-linkages between rapid growth in livestock production, climate change, and the impacts on water resources, land use, and deforestation Downloads
Philip K. Thornton and Mario Herrero
5177: Infrastructure and economic growth in Egypt Downloads
Norman Loayza and Rei Odawara
5176: At the frontier of practical political economy: operationalizing an agent-based stakeholder model in the World Bank's East Asia and Pacific Region Downloads
Barbara Nunberg, Naazneen Barma, Mark Abdollahian, Amanda Green and Deborah Perlman
5175: Hegelian macroeconomics -- the dialectics of global imbalances Downloads
Celestin Monga
5174: Valuation effects with transitory and trend productivity shocks Downloads
Ha Nguyen
5173: Understanding options for public-private partnerships in infrastructure: sorting out the forest from the trees: BOT, DBFO, DCMF, concession, lease Downloads
Jeffrey John Delmon
5172: Sponsoring a race to the top: the case for results-based intergovernmental finance for merit goods Downloads
Anwar Shah
5171: Taxes and caps as climate policy instruments with domestic and imported fuels Downloads
Jon Strand
5170: Social impacts of climate change in Chile: a municipal level analysis of the effects of recent and future climate change on human development and inequality Downloads
Lykke Andersen and Dorte Verner
5169: National drought insurance for Malawi Downloads
Joanna Syroka and Antonio Nucifora
5168: Developing countries, dispute settlement, and the advisory centre on WTO law Downloads
Chad Bown and Rachel McCulloch
5167: Price elasticity of nonresidential demand for energy in south eastern Europe Downloads
Atsushi Iimi
5166: Trade finance in crisis: should developing countries establish export credit agencies ? Downloads
Jean-Pierre Chauffour, Christian Saborowski and Ahmet I. Soylemezoglu
5165: Krueger/Schiff/Valdes revisited: agricultural price and trade policy reform in developing countries since 1960 Downloads
Kym Anderson
5164: Contrasting future paths for an evolving global climate regime Downloads
Scott Barrett and Michael Toman
5163: "green stimulus,"economic recovery, and long-term sustainable development Downloads
Jon Strand and Michael Toman
5162: International aid and financial crises in donor countries Downloads
Hai-Anh Dang, Stephen Knack and Frederic Rogers
5161: Density and disasters: economics of urban hazard risk Downloads
Somik Lall and Uwe Deichmann
5160: The margins of labor cost adjustment: survey evidence from European firms Downloads
Jan Babecký, Philip Du Caju, Theodora Kosma, Martina Lawless, Julian Messina and Tairi Room
5159: Downward nominal and real wage rigidity: survey evidence from European firms Downloads
Jan Babecký, Philip Du Caju, Theodora Kosma, Martina Lawless, Julian Messina and Tairi Room
5158: Soil fertility, fertilizer, and the maize green revolution in East Africa Downloads
Tomoya Matsumoto and Takashi Yamano
5157: Corruption and confidence in public institutions: evidence from a global survey Downloads
Bianca Clausen, Aart Kraay and Zsolt Nyiri
5156: Importing, exporting and innovation in developing countries Downloads
Murat Seker
5155: The impact of trade in services on factor incomes: results from a global simulation Model Downloads
Syud Ahmed
5154: Are irrigation rehabilitation projects good for poor farmers in Peru ? Downloads
Gayatri Datar and Ximena V. Del Carpio
5153: International growth spillovers, geography and infrastructure Downloads
Mark Roberts and Uwe Deichmann
5152: U.S. and them: the geography of academic research Downloads
Jishnu Das, Quy-Toan Do, Karen Shaines and Sowmya Srinivasan
5151: Capital requirements and business cycles with credit market imperfections Downloads
Pierre-Richard Agénor, Koray Alper and Luiz Awazu Pereira da Silva
5150: Estimating the fiscal costs of implementing Ghana's single pay spine reform Downloads
Carlos Cavalcanti
5149: Thresholds in the process of international financial integration Downloads
Ayhan Kose, Eswar Prasad and Ashley Taylor
5148: Family systems, political systems, and Asia's'missing girls': the construction of son preference and its unraveling Downloads
Monica Das Gupta
5147: The new multi-polar international monetary system Downloads
Mansoor Dailami and Paul Masson
5146: Medium-term business cycles in developing countries Downloads
Diego Comin, Norman Loayza, Farooq Pasha and Luis Serven
5145: Four critiques of the redistribution hypothesis: an assessment Downloads
Branko Milanovic
5144: Pro-cyclical fiscal policy in brazil: evidence from the states Downloads
Marco Arena and Julio E. Revilla
5143: What did you do all day ? maternal education and child outcomes Downloads
Tahir Andrabi, Jishnu Das and Asim Khwaja
5142: Non-traditional crops, traditional constraints: long-term welfare impacts of export crop adoption among guatemalan smallholders Downloads
Calogero Carletto, Talip Kilic and Angeli Kirk
5141: State financial institutions: mandates, governance, and beyond Downloads
Heinz P. Rudolph
5140: How might India's public health systems be strengthened ? Downloads
Monica Das Gupta, Rajendra Shukla, T.V. Somanathan and K.K. Datta
5139: The heavenly liquidity twin: the increasing importance of liquidity risk Downloads
Fernando Montes-Negret
5138: Trade and trade finance developments in 14 developing countries post September 2008 - a World Bank survey Downloads
Mariem Malouche
5137: Changing households'investments and aspirations through social interactions: evidence from a randomized transfer program Downloads
Karen Macours and Renos Vakis
5136: Trade finance in a liquidity crisis Downloads
Tore Ellingsen and Jonas Vlachos
5135: Conclude Doha: it matters ! Downloads
Bernard Hoekman, Will Martin and Aaditya Mattoo
5134: The potential impact of the global financial crisis on world trade Downloads
Warwick McKibbin and Andrew Stoeckel
5133: Explaining high transport costs within Malawi - bad roads or lack of trucking competition ? Downloads
Somik Lall, Hyoung Wang and Thomas Munthali
5132: Mental health in the aftermath of conflict Downloads
Quy-Toan Do and Lakshmi Iyer
5131: Privatization in development: some lessons from experience Downloads
François Bourguignon and Claudia Sepulveda
5130: Comparing condom use with different types of partners: evidence from national HIV surveys in Africa Downloads
Damien de Walque and Rachel Kline
5129: Basel core principles and bank soundness: does compliance matter ? Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt and Enrica Detragiache
5128: Time as a determinant of comparative advantage Downloads
Yue Li and John Wilson
5127: Responding to threats of climate change mega-catastrophes Downloads
Carolyn Kousky, Olga Rostapshova, Michael Toman and Richard Zeckhauser
5126: Regionalizing telecommunications reform in West Africa Downloads
Ioannis Kessides, Roger Noll and Nancy C. Benjamin
5125: Export promotion agencies revisited Downloads
Daniel Lederman, Marcelo Olarreaga and Lucy Payton
5124: Disparities in labor market performance in the Philippines Downloads
Xubei Luo
5123: Reconciling climate change and trade policy Downloads
Aaditya Mattoo, Arvind Subramanian, Dominique van der Mensbrugghe and Jianwu He
5122: Female-owned firms in Latin America: characteristics, performance, and obstacles to growth Downloads
Miriam Bruhn
5121: Can global de-carbonization inhibit developing country industrialization ? Downloads
Aaditya Mattoo, Arvind Subramanian, Dominique van der Mensbrugghe and Jianwu He
5120: Education and wage differentials in the Philippines Downloads
Xubei Luo and Takanobu Terada
5119: Mandated benefits, employment, and inequality in a dual economy Downloads
Rita Almeida and Pedro Carneiro
5118: The association between remarriage and HIV infection: evidence from national HIV surveys in Africa Downloads
Damien de Walque and Rachel Kline
5117: Climate volatility and poverty vulnerability in Tanzania Downloads
Syud Ahmed, Noah S. Diffenbaugh, Thomas W. Hertel , David B. Lobell, Navin Ramankutty, Ana R. Rios and Pedram Rowhani
5116: Everything you always wanted to know about wto accession (but were afraid to ask) Downloads
Olivier Cattaneo and Carlos A. Primo Braga
5115: Trade in health services: what's in it for developing countries ? Downloads
Olivier Cattaneo
5114: Breaking the waves ? does education mediate the relationship between youth bulges and political violence ? Downloads
Bilal Barakat and Henrik Urdal
5113: Remittances and the brain drain revisited: the microdata show that more educated migrants remit more Downloads
Albert Bollard, David McKenzie, Melanie Morten and Hillel Rapoport
5112: Inter-firm trade finance in times of crisis Downloads
Anna Maria Menichini
5111: Innovating development finance - from financing sources to financial solutions Downloads
Navin Girishankar
5110: Urban youth bulges and social disorder: an empirical study of Asian and Sub-Saharan African cities Downloads
Henrik Urdal and Kristian Hoelscher
5109: Public interest litigation in India: overreaching or underachieving ? Downloads
Varun Gauri
5108: How do local-level legal institutions promote development ? Downloads
Varun Gauri
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