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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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1405: Growth and poverty in rural India Downloads
Martin Ravallion and Gaurav Datt
1404: The Republic of Korea's small and medium size enterprises and their support systems Downloads
Jeffrey Nugent
1403: Small and medium-size enterprise support policies in Japan Downloads
Motoshige Itoh and Shujiro Urata
1402: Indonesia's small and medium-size exporters and their support systems Downloads
Albert Berry and Brian Levy
1401: Colombia's small and medium-size exporters and their support systems Downloads
Albert Berry and Jose Escandon
1400: Technical and marketing support systems for successful small and medium-size enterprises in four countries Downloads
Brian Levy, Albert Berry, Motoshige Itoh, Linsu Kim, Jeffrey Nugent and Shujiro Urata
1399: How important to India's poor is the urban - rural composition of growth? Downloads
Martin Ravaillon and Gaurav Datt
1398: The cost of air pollution abatement Downloads
Raymond Hartman, David Wheeler and Manjula Singh
1397: Are private capital flows to developing countries sustainable? Downloads
Uri Dadush, Ashok Dhareshwar and Ron Johannes
1396: A typology of foreign exchange auction markets in sub-Saharan Africa: dynamic models for auction exchange rates Downloads
Janine Aron and Ibrahim Elbadawi
1395: A typology of foreign auction markets in sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Janine Aron and Ibrahim Elbadawi
1394: Macroeconomic reform and growth in Africa: adjustment in Africa revisited Downloads
Lawrence Bouton, Christine Jones and Miguel Kiguel
1393: The interface of trade, investment, and competition policies: issues and challenges for Latin America Downloads
J. Luis Guasch and Sarath Rajapatirana
1392: Some economic consequences of the transition from civil war to peace Downloads
Jean-Paul Azam, David Bevan, Paul Collier, Stefan Dercon, Jan Willem Gunning and Sanjay Pradhan
1391: Where in the world is population growth bad? Downloads
Jeff Kling and Lant Pritchett
1390: Regional integration and the Baltics: which way? Downloads
Piritta Sorsa
1389: Ruble overhang and ruble shortage: were they the same thing? Downloads
Patrick Conway
1388: Does voice matter?: for public accountability, yes Downloads
Samuel Paul
1387: Fiscal decentralization and the size of the government: an extension with evidence from cross-country data Downloads
Jaber Ehdaie
1386: EU Bananarama III Downloads
Brent Borrell
1385: Fiscal federalism: dimensions of tax reform in developing countries Downloads
Robin Boadway, Sandra Roberts and Anwar Shah
1384: Fiscal decentralization and intergovernmental finances in the Republic of Albania Downloads
David Sewell and Christine Wallich
1383: Rural demand for drought insurance Downloads
Madhur Gautam, Peter Hazell and Harold Alderman
1382: Saving, investment, and growth in developing countries: an overview Downloads
Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel, Luis Serven and Andres Solimano
1381: Welfare economics, political economy, and policy reform in Ghana Downloads
Ravi Kanbur
1380: Transfers and the transition from socialism: key tradeoffs Downloads
Kathie Krumm, Branko Milanovic and Michael Walton
1379: Financing infrastructure in developing countries: lessons from the Railway Age Downloads
Barry Eichengreen
1378: Mexico after the debt crisis: is growth sustainable? Downloads
Daniel Oks and Sweder van Wijnbergen
1377: Macroeconomic adjustment to capital inflows: Latin American style versus East Asian style Downloads
Vittorio Corbo and Leonardo Hernandez
1376: How trade, aid, and remittances affect international migration Downloads
Maurice Schiff
1375: Policy lessons from a simple open - economy model Downloads
Shantayanan Devarajan, Delfin Go, Jeffrey D. Lewis, Sherman Robinson and Pekka Sinko
1374: Infrastructure finance: issues, institutions, and policies Downloads
Anand Chandavarkar
1373: Firm behavior and the labor market in the Hungarian transition Downloads
Simon Commander, Janos Kollo and Cecilia Ugaz
1372: Administrative charges in pensions in Chile, Malaysia, Zambia, and the United States Downloads
Salvador Valdés
1371: The evolution of trade treaties and trade creation: lessons for Latin America Downloads
Sarath Rajapatirana
1370: Is East Asia less open than North America and the European Economic Community? No Downloads
Sumana Dhar and Arvind Panagariya
1369: Economic policy reform, government debt guarantees, and financial bailouts Downloads
Philip L. Brock and Decvp
1368: Sustained inflation in response to price liberalization Downloads
Patrick Conway
1367: The economics of cash shortage Downloads
Patrick Conway
1366: Distributive concerns when replacing a pay-as-you-go system with a fully funded system Downloads
Salvador Valdés
1365: The macroeconomics of adjustment in sub-Saharan African countries: results and lessons Downloads
Ishrat Husain
1364: Why do some economies adjust more successfully than others? lessons from seven African countries Downloads
Ishrat Husain
1363: Brazil's sugarcane sector: a case of lost opportunity Downloads
Brent Borrell, Jose R. Bianco and Malcolm D. Bale
1362: Regulation, institutions and commitment: the Jamaican telecommunications sector Downloads
Pablo T. Spiller and Cezley I. Sampson
1361: External shocks and performance responses during systemic transition: the case of Ukraine Downloads
F. Desmond McCarthy, Chandrashekar Pant, Kangbin Zheng and Giovanni Zanalda
1360: Are portfolio flows to emerging markets complementary or competitive? Downloads
Sudarshan Gooptu
1359: When method matters: toward a resolution of the debate about Bangladesh's poverty measures Downloads
Martin Ravallion and Binayak Sen
1358: Patterns of behavior in biodiversity preservation Downloads
Andrew Metrick and Martin Weitzman
1357: Does participation improve project performance: establishing causality with subjective data Downloads
Jonathan Isham, Deepa Narayan and Lant Pritchett
1356: Central bank independence: a critical view Downloads
Ignacio Mas
1355: Export incentives: the impact of recent policy changes Downloads
Sanjay Kathuria
1354: The effects of fiscal consolidation in the OECD Downloads
Warwick McKibbin
1353: Nontariff measures and developing countries: has the Uruguay Round leveled the playing field? Downloads
Patrick Low and Alexander Yeats
1352: Trade and growth in Ecuador: a partial equilibrium view Downloads
Jesko Hentschel
1351: NAFTA's Implications for East Asian exports Downloads
Carlos A. Primo Braga, Raed Safadi and Alexa Yeats
1350: Economic parameters of deforestation Downloads
Joachim von Amsberg and Dec
1349: The new regionalism and the threat of protectionism Downloads
Andrew Hughes Hallet, Carlos A. Primo Braga and Dec
1348: Quality change and other influences on measures of export prices of manufactured goods Downloads
Robert Lipsey
1347: Antitrust-based remedies and dumping in international trade Downloads
Bernard Hoekman and Petros C. Mavroidis
1346: Linking competition and trade policies in Central and Eastern European countries Downloads
Bernard Hoekman, Petros C. Mavroidis and Dec
1345: The decentralization of public services: lessons from the theory of the firm Downloads
Jaques Cremer, Antonio Estache, Paul Seabright and Dec
1344: Which foreign investors worry about foreign exchange risk in South Asia and why? Downloads
Eric Bond, Antonio Estache and Dec
1343: Strategic interdependence in the East-West gas trade: a hierarchical Stackelberg game approach Downloads
Wafik Grais, Kangbin Zheng and Dec
1342: Winners and losers in transition: returns to education, experience, and gender in Slovenia Downloads
Peter Orazem and Milan Vodopivec
1341: Explaining Pakistan's high growth performance over the past two decades: can it be sustained ? Downloads
Sadiq Ahmed
1340: Opportunity cost and prudentiality: an analysis of futures clearinghouse behavior Downloads
Herbert L. Baer, Virginia G. France and James Moser
1339: China's emergence: prospects, opportunities, and challenges Downloads
Andrea Boltho, Uri Dadush, Dong He and Shigeru Otsubo
1338: Commodity exports and the adding up problem in developing countries: trade, investment, and lending policy Downloads
Maurice Schiff
1337: The countrywide effects of aid Downloads
Howard White, Joke Luttik and Dec
1336: Modernizing payment systems in emerging economies Downloads
Robert Listfield and Fernando Montes-Negret
1335: Labor regulations and the informal economy Downloads
Norman Loayza
1334: Taxation, public services, and the informal sector in a model of endogenous growth Downloads
Juan Braun and Norman Loayza
1333: A test of the international convergence hypothesis using panel data Downloads
Norman Loayza and Dec
1332: Poverty and household size Downloads
Peter Lanjouw, Martin Ravallion and Dec
1331: Russian Federation - The myth of monopoly: a new view of industrial structure in Russia Downloads
Annette Brown, Barry W. Ickes and Randi Ryterman
1330: Revenue uncertainty and the choice of tax instrument during the transition in Eastern Europe Downloads
Delfin Go
1329: The regulation and supervision of domestic financial conglomerates Downloads
David H. Scott and Ext
1328: The use of New York cotton futures contracts to hedge cotton price risk in developing countries Downloads
Panos Varangis, Elton Thigpen, Sudhakar Satyanarayan and Dec
1327: Is the debt crisis history? Recent private capital inflows to developing countries Downloads
Michael Dooley, Eduardo Fernandez-Arias, Kenneth Kletzer and Dec
1326: Banks, capital markets, and corporate governance: lessons from Russia for Eastern Europe Downloads
Gerhard Pohl, Stijn Claessens and Dec
1325: The economics of research and development: how research and development capital affects production and markets and is affected by tax incentives Downloads
Anwar Shah and Dec
1324: Voucher funds in transitional economies: the Czech and Slovak experience Downloads
Robert E. Anderson
1323: Energy pricing and air pollution: econometric evidence from manufacturing in Chile and Indonesia Downloads
Gunnar Eskeland, Emmanuel Jimenez, Lili Liu and Dec
1322: Reducing regulatory barriers to private - sector participation in Latin America's water and sanitation services Downloads
Barbara Richard, Thelma Triche and Inc. Apogee Research
1321: Institutions and the East Asian miracle: asymmetric information, rent - seeking, and the deliberation council Downloads
Jose Edgardo Campos, Donald Lien and Dec
1320: Capital structures in developing countries: evidence from ten countries Downloads
Asli Demirguc - Kunt, Vojislav Maksimovic and Dec
1319: The financial system and public enterprise reform: concepts and cases Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Ross Levine and Dec
1318: Exchange-rate-based stabilization in Argentina and Chile: a fresh look Downloads
Miguel A. Kiguel and Nissan Liviatan
1317: Estimating the efficiency gains of debt restructuring Downloads
Jeremy Bulow, Kenneth Rogoff, Ning S. Zhu, Dec, A Descri and Buyback Arrangements
1316: Preserving the CFA Zone: macroeconomic coordination after the devaluation Downloads
Shantayanan Devarajan, Michael Walton and Dec
1315: Global tradable carbon permits, participation incentives, and transfers Downloads
Bjorn Larsen and Anwar Shah
1314: The significance of the"Europe agreements"for Central European industrial exports Downloads
Bartlomiej Kaminski and Dec
1313: New estimates of total factor productivity growth for developing and industrial countries Downloads
Vikram Nehru, Ashok Dhareshwar and Dec
1312: The new wave of private capital inflows: push or pull? Downloads
Eduardo Fernandez-Arias and Dec
1311: The supply response to exchange rate reform in sub-Saharan Africa (empirical evidence) Downloads
Mustapha Rouis, Weshah Razzak and Carlos Mollinedo
1310: China's economic reforms: pointers for other economies in transition? Downloads
Justin Lin, Fang Cai and Zhou Li
1309: Is demand for polluting goods manageable? an econometric study of car ownership and use in Mexico Downloads
Gunnar Eskeland, Tarhan N. Feyzioglu and Dec
1308: Ownership and corporate control in Poland: why state firms defied the odds Downloads
Brian Pinto and Sweder van Wijnbergen
1307: How taxation affects foreign direct investment (country - specific evidence) Downloads
Joosung Jun
1306: Capital flows and long-term equilibrium real exchange rates in Chile Downloads
Ibrahim A. Elbadawi and Raimundo Soto
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