Policy Research Working Paper Series
From The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20433. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Roula I. Yazigi (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 705: What causes differences in achievement in Zimbabwe's secondary schools?

- Levi Martin Nyagura and Abby Rubin Riddell
- 704: Costs and finance of higher education in Pakistan

- Rosemary Bellew and Joseph DeStefano
- 703: The political economy of fiscal policy and inflation in developing countries: an empirical analysis

- Sebastian Edwards and Guido Tabellini
- 702: Should price reform proceed gradually or in a"big bang?"

- Sweder van Wijnbergen
- 701: Education and adjustment: a review of the literature

- Andrew Noss
- 700: Trade liberalization and the transition to a market economy

- Oleh Havrylyshyn and David Tarr
- 699: Regulation and deregulation in industrial countries: some lessons for LDCs

- Ralph Bradburd and David R. Ross
- 698: Tax policy options to promote private capital formation in Pakistan

- Andrew Feltenstein and Anwar Shah
- 697: Volatility reversal from interest rates to the real exchange rate: financial liberalization in Chile, 1975-82

- Paul McNelis and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
- 696: Macroeconomics of public sector deficits: the case of Chile

- Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel and Jorge Marshall
- 695: Long term prospects in Eastern Europe: the role of external finance in an era of change

- Ishac Diwan and Fernando Saldanha
- 694: Labor markets in an era of adjustment: an overview

- Susan Horton, Ravi Kanbur and Dipak Mazumdar
- 693: Report on adjustment lending II: lessons forEastern Europe

- Vittorio Corbo
- 692: Health financing in the poor countries: cost recovery or cost reduction?

- Joseph Brunet-Jailly
- 691: Can debt-reduction policies restore investment and economic growth in highly indebted countries? A macroeconomic framework applied to Argentina

- Jacques Morisset
- 690: The terms-of-trade effects from the elimination of state trading in Soviet - Hungarian trade

- Gabor Oblath and David Tarr
- 689: Do tax policies stimulate investment in physical and research and development capital?

- John Baffes and Anwar Shah
- 688: Macroeconomics of public sector deficits: the case of Zimbabwe

- Felipe Morandé and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
- 687: Brazilian frozen concentrated orange juice: the folly of unfair trade cases

- Carlos Alberto Primo Braga and Simao Davi Silber
- 686: Lending for learning: twenty years of World Bank support for basic education

- Adriaan Verspoor
- 685: Children and intra-household inequality: a theoretical analysis

- Ravi Kanbur
- 684: The value of intra-household survey data for age-based nutritional targeting

- Lawrence Haddad and Ravi Kanbur
- 683: Vocational schooling, occupational matching, and labor market earnings in Israel

- Shoshana Neuman and Adrian Ziderman
- 682: Intertemporal substitution, risk aversion, and private savings in Mexico

- Patricio Arrau and Sweder van Wijnbergen
- 681: Political economy arguments for uniform tariffs

- Arvind Panagariya and Dani Rodrik
- 680: On hunger and public action

- Martin Ravallion
- 679: Poverty alleviation in Mexico

- Santiago Levy
- 678: Economic growth: a review of the theoretical and empirical literature

- David Renelt
- 677: On economic transformation in East - Central Europe: a historical and international perspective

- Andres Solimano
- 676: Higher education in the Republic of Yemen: the University of Sana'a

- Viswanathan Selvaratnam and Omporn L. Regel
- 675: Are buybacks back? Menu-driven debt-reduction schemes with heterogenous creditors

- Ishac Diwan and Mark Spiegel
- 674: Distributional effects of adjustment policies: simulations for two archetypes economies

- François Bourguignon, Jaime de Melo and Akiko Suwa
- 673: The macroeconomics of public sector deficits: the case of Pakistan

- Nadeem U. Haque and Peter Montiel
- 672: The macroeconomics of public sector deficits: the case of Ghana

- Roumeen Islam and Deborah L. Wetzel
- 671: Lessons from the heterodox stabilization programs

- Miguel A. Kiguel and Nissan Liviatan
- 670: Inflation adjustments of financial statements: application of international accounting standard 29: financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies

- Yaaqov Goldschmidt and Jacob Yaron
- 669: Are high real interest rates bad for world economic growth?

- Nemat Shafik and Jalaleddin Jalali
- 668: Inflation tax and deficit financing in Egypt

- Hinh Dinh and Marcelo Giugale
- 667: VERs under imperfect competition and foreign direct investment: a case study of the U.S. - Japan auto VER

- Jaime de Melo and David Tarr
- 666: Agriculture and the transition to the market

- Karen M. Brooks, Jose Luis Guasch, Avishay Braverman and Csaba Csaki
- 665: Microeconomic distortions: static losses and their effect on the efficiency of investment

- Ramon Lopez
- 664: Should employee participation be part of privatization?

- Barbara W. Lee
- 663: Bank holding companies: a better structure for conducting universal banking?

- Samuel H. Talley
- 662: Trends in social indicators and social sector financing

- Jacques van der Gaag, Elene Makonnen and Pierre Englebert
- 661: The Bretton Woods agencies and sub-Saharan Africa in the 1990s: facing the tough questions

- Richard E. Feinberg
- 660: The development of the Colombian cut flower industry

- Jose Mendez
- 659: Inflation and growth in the transition from socialism: the case of Bulgaria

- Andres Solimano
- 658: Cote d'Ivoire - Fiscal policy with fixed nominal exchange rates

- Christophe Chamley and Hafez Ghanem
- 657: Distributional aspects of debt adjustment

- Ishac Diwan and Thierry Verdier
- 656: Relative deprivation and migration: theory, evidence, and policy implications

- Oded Stark and J. Edward Taylor
- 655: Interest rate policy in Egypt: its role in stabilization and adjustment

- Mansoor Dailami and Hinh Dinh
- 654: Reflections on credit policy in developing countries: its effect on private investment

- Mansoor Dailami and Marcelo Giugale
- 653: The effects of option hedging on the costs of domestic price stabilization schemes

- Donald Larson and Jonathan Coleman
- 652: Demographic response to economic shock

- Kenneth Hill
- 651: Taxation of financial assets in developing countries

- Christophe Chamley
- 650: Administrative valuation of Soviet agricultural land: results using Lithuanian production data

- Karen Brooks
- 649: An observation on the bias in clinic-based estimates of malnutrition rates

- Margaret E. Grosh, Kristin Fox and Maria Jackson
- 648: Who paid the bill? Adjustment and poverty in Brazil, 1980-95

- M. Louise Fox and Samuel A. Morley
- 647: Growth rates and aggregate welfare: an international comparison

- Nanak Kakwani
- 646: The developmental effectiveness of aid to Africa

- Tony Killick
- 645: Poverty, policy, and industrialization: lessons from the distant past

- Ben Polak and Jeffrey Williamson
- 644: Trade and payments arrangements in post-CMEA Eastern and Central Europe

- Constantine Michalopoulos and David Tarr
- 643: Regional integration among developing countries, revisited

- Andras Inotai
- 642: How a change in Brazil's sugar policies would affect the world sugar market

- Brent Borrell
- 641: Intertemporal substitution in consumption: evidence for some high- and middle-income countries

- Karsten N. Pedersen
- 640: The impact of policy in African agriculture: an empirical investigation

- William K. Jaeger
- 639: The high cost of protecting Uruguay's automotive industry

- Wendy Takacs
- 638: Researching the trade - productivity link: new directions

- James Tybout
- 637: Poverty in Poland: 1978-88

- Branko Milanovic
- 636: Economic integration in Eastern Europe

- Bela Balassa
- 635: Exchange rates and foreign tradein Korea

- Bela Balassa
- 634: Trends in developing country exports, 1963-88

- Bela Balassa
- 633: The macroeconomic effects of the public sector deficit: the case of Thailand

- Virabongse Ramangkura and Bhanupongse Nidhiprabha
- 632: The macroeconomics of the public sector deficit: the case of Argentina

- Carlos Rodríguez
- 631: The macroeconomics of the public sector deficit: the case of Morocco

- Riccardo Faini
- 630: The spirit of capitalism and long-run growth

- Heng-Fu Zou
- 629: An atheoretic evaluation of success in structural adjustment

- Patrick Conway
- 628: The Indonesian family planning program: an economic perspective

- Dov Chernichovsky, Henry Pardoko, David De Leeuw, Pudjo Rahardjo and Charles Lerman
- 627: The role of institutions in poverty reduction: a focus on the productive sectors

- Sharon L. Holt
- 626: The macroeconomics of the public sector deficit: the case of Colombia

- William Easterly
- 625: How trade and macroeconomic policies affect economic growth and capital accumulation in developing countries

- Ramon Lopez
- 624: Choosing policy instruments for pollution control: a review

- Gunnar Eskeland and Emmanuel Jimenez
- 623: World Bank-supported adjustment programs: country performance and effectiveness

- Vittorio Corbo and Patricio Rojas
- 622: How factors in creditor countries affect secondary market prices for developing country debt

- Sule Ozler and Harry Huizinga
- 621: Sensible debt buybacks for highly indebted countries

- Enrica Detragiache
- 620: Have commercial banks ignored history?

- Sule Ozler
- 619: Foreign direct investment in sub-Saharan Africa

- Laurence Cockcroft and Roger C. Riddell
- 618: Poverty and development: the Human Development Report and the World Development Report, 1990

- Ravi Kanbur
- 617: International poverty projections

- Sudhir Anand and Ravi Kanbur
- 616: Optimal non-linear income taxation for the alleviation of income poverty

- Ravi Kanbur, Michael Keen and Matti Toumala
- 615: Socialist economic growth and political investment cycles

- Heng-Fu Zou
- 614: Accountability in public services: exit, voice and capture

- Samuel Paul
- 613: Price - wage dynamics and the transmission of inflation in socialist economies: empirical models for Hungary and Poland

- Simon Commander and Fabrizio Coricelli
- 612: Education and productivity in developing countries: an aggregate production function approach

- Lawrence J. Lau, Dean Jamison and Frederic F. Louat
- 611: Tariff-based commodity price stabilization schemes in Venezuela

- Jonathan R. Coleman and Donald Larson
- 610: Can preshipment inspection offset noncompetitive pricing of development countries'imports? The evidence from Madagascar

- Alexander J. Yeats
- 609: A sensitivity analysis of cross-country growth regressions

- Ross Levine and David Renelt
- 608: Cross-country studies of growth and policy: methodological, conceptual, and statistical problems

- Ross Levine and David Renelt
- 607: Abolishing green rates: the effects on cereals, sugar, and oilseeds in West Germany

- Donald Larson, Simon Glance, Brent Borrell, Merlinda Ingco and Jonathan Coleman
- 606: Adjustment policies and investment performance in developing countries: theory, country experiences, and policy implications

- Luis Serven and Andres Solimano
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