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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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6711: Exporter dynamics, firm size and growth, and partial year effects Downloads
Andrew Bernard, Renzo Massari, José-Daniel Reyes and Daria Taglioni
6710: North-South standards harmonization and international trade Downloads
Anne-Célia Disdier, Lionel Fontagné and Olivier Cadot
6709: Getting incentives right: an impact evaluation of district hospital capitation payment in Vietnam Downloads
Ha Thi Hong Nguyen, Sarah Bales, Adam Wagstaff and Huyen Dao
6708: Employing skilled expatriates: benchmarking skilled immigration regimes across economies Downloads
Dieter J De Smet
6707: Starting a foreign investment across sectors Downloads
Christian De La Medina Soto and Tania Ghossein
6706: Business environment, economic agglomeration and job creation around the world Downloads
George Clarke, Yue Li and Lixin Xu
6705: Some thoughts on making long-term forecasts for the world economy Downloads
Shahrokh Fardoust and Ashok Dhareshwar
6704: Removing impediments to sustainable economic development: the case of corruption Downloads
Augusto Lopez Claros
6703: The social impact of financial crises: evidence from the global financial crisis Downloads
Inci Ötker-Robe and Anca Maria Podpiera
6702: A randomized, controlled study of a rural sanitation behavior change program in Madhya Pradesh, India Downloads
Benjamin Ford Arnold, Bertha Briceno, John M. Colford , Paul Gertler, Sumeet R. Patil and Alicia Link Salvatore
6701: Framework for the reform of education systems and planning for quality Downloads
Harry Patrinos, Eduardo Velez and Catherine Yan Wang
6700: Shared prosperity and the mitigation of poverty: in practice and in precept Downloads
Kaushik Basu
6699: Why resilience matters - the poverty impacts of disasters Downloads
Jun Rentschler
6698: Product market policies in Romania: a comparison with EU partners Downloads
Donato De Rosa, Mariana Iootty, Florina Pirlea, Arabela Aprahamian and Alexandru Stanescu
6697: Functional literacy, heterogeneity and the returns to schooling: multi-country evidence Downloads
Tazeen Fasih, Harry Patrinos and Chris Sakellariou
6696: Attracting foreign direct investment: what can South Asia's lack of success teach other developing countries ? Downloads
David Gould, Congyan Tan and Amir S. Sadeghi Emamgholi
6695: Strengthening economic rights and women's occupational choice: the impact of reforming Ethiopia's family law Downloads
Mary Hallward-Driemeier and Ousman Gajigo
6694: Incentives and teacher effort: further evidence from a developing country Downloads
Hai-Anh H. Dang, Elizabeth M. King, Hai-Anh H. Dang and Elizabeth M. King
6693: Coping with urban fiscal stress around the world Downloads
Jean-Jacques Dethier
6692: Trade facilitation and country size Downloads
Mohammad Amin and Jamal Ibrahim Haidar
6691: Dutch disease and spending strategies in a resource-rich low-income country -- the case of Niger Downloads
Delfin Go, Sherman Robinson, Karen Thierfelder and Robert Utz
6690: Women's movements, plural legal systems and the Botswana constitution: how reform happens Downloads
Tazeen Hasan and Ziona Tanzer
6689: Unilateral facilitation does not raise international labor migration from the Philippines Downloads
Emily Beam, David McKenzie and Dean Yang
6688: Market facilitation by local government and firm efficiency: evidence from China Downloads
Robert Cull, Lixin Xu, Xi Yang, Li-An Zhou and Tian Zhu
6687: A systemic analysis of land markets and land institutions in West African cities: rules and practices - the case of Bamako, Mali Downloads
Alain Durand-Lasserve, Maylis Durand-Lasserve and Harris Selod
6686: The organization of political parties and the politics of bureaucratic reform Downloads
Cesi Cruz and Philip Keefer
6685: Can free provision reduce demand for public services ? evidence from Kenyan education Downloads
Tessa Bold, Mwangi Kimenyi, Germano Mwabu and Justin Sandefur
6684: Banking in Africa Downloads
Thorsten Beck and Robert Cull
6683: Unlocking land values for urban infrastructure finance: international experience -- considerations for Indian policy Downloads
George E. Peterson
6682: SME contributions to employment, job creation, and growth in the Arab world Downloads
Sahar Nasr and Ahmed Rostom
6681: A conceptual model of incomplete markets and the consequences for technology adoption policies in Ethiopia Downloads
Donald Larson and Daniel Zerfu Gurara
6680: Benchmarking container port technical efficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean: a stochastic frontier analysis Downloads
Javier Morales Sarriera, Gonzalo Araya, Tomas Serebrisky, Cecilia Briceno-Garmendia and Jordan Schwartz
6679: Dynamic climate policy with both strategic and non-strategic agents: taxes versus quantities Downloads
Larry Karp, Sauleh Siddiqui and Jon Strand
6678: Creating and using fiscal space for accelerated development in Liberia Downloads
Hans Lofgren
6677: Green industrial policies: when and how Downloads
Stephane Hallegatte, Marianne Fay and Adrien Vogt-Schilb
6676: Product relatedness and firm exports in China Downloads
Sandra Poncet and Felipe Starosta de Waldemar
6675: Can political empowerment help economic empowerment ? women leaders and female labor force participation in India Downloads
Ejaz Ghani, Anandi Mani and Stephen D. O'Connell
6674: Dissecting foreign bank lending behavior during the 2008-2009 crisis Downloads
Moon Jung Choi, Eva Gutierrez and Maria Soledad Martinez Peria
6673: Is workfare cost-effective against poverty in a poor labor-surplus economy? Downloads
Rinku Murgai, Martin Ravallion and Dominique van de Walle
6672: Subjective wellbeing in Colombia: some insights on vulnerability, job security, and relative incomes Downloads
Alexander Krauss and Carol Graham
6671: Admission is free only if your dad is rich! distributional effects of corruption in schools in developing countries Downloads
M. Shahe Emran, Asad Islam and Forhad Shilpi
6670: What have we learned from the enterprise surveys regarding access to credit by SMEs ? Downloads
Veselin Kuntchev, Rita Ramalho, Jorge Rodriguez-Meza and Judy Yang
6669: Travel channel meets discovery channel or how tourism can encourage better export performance and diversification in Nepal Downloads
Jose Guilherme Reis and Gonzalo Varela
6668: How much is the Amazon worth ? the state of knowledge concerning the value of preserving amazon rainforests Downloads
Peter H. May, Britaldo Silveira Soares-Filho and Jon Strand
6667: The connection between Wall Street and Main Street: measurement and implications for monetary policy Downloads
Alessandro Barattieri, Maya Eden and Dalibor Stevanovi
6666: Excluding the rural population: the impact of public expenditure on child malnutrition in Peru Downloads
Gissele Gajate-Garrido
6665: Capturing the value of public land for urban infrastructure: centrally controlled landholdings Downloads
George E. Peterson and Vasudha Thawakar
6664: Inventory of public land in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India Downloads
Shirley Ballaney, Marie-Agnes Bertaud, Patricia Clarke Annez, C.K. Koshy, Bindu Nair, Bimal Patel, Vidyadhar Phatak and Vasudha Thawakar
6663: Perverse supply response in the Liberian mining sector Downloads
Grahamm Errol G.
6662: Firm competitiveness and the European union emissions trading scheme Downloads
Hei Sing Chan, Shanjun Li and Fan Zhang
6661: The mechanics of job creation: seizing the new dividends of globalization Downloads
Celestin Monga
6660: Simulating poverty in Europe: the potential contributions of employment and education to reducing poverty and social exclusion by 2020 Downloads
Mohamed Ihsan Ajwad, Kenneth Simler, Mehtabul Azam, Basab Dasgupta, Misha Bonch-Osmolovskiy and Irena Topinska
6659: Effects of early-life exposure to sanitation on childhood cognitive skills: evidence from India's total sanitation campaign Downloads
Dean Spears and Sneha Lamba
6658: Estimating the effects of credit constraints on productivity of Peruvian agriculture Downloads
Tiemen Woutersen and Shahidur Khandker
6657: The quality of budget execution and its correlates Downloads
Douglas Addison
6656: Input usage and productivity in Indian manufacturing plants Downloads
Ejaz Ghani, William Kerr and Stephen D. O'Connell
6655: Where is the cheese ? synthesizing a giant literature on causes and consequences of financial sector development Downloads
Selahattin Selsah Pasali
6654: Political budget cycles and the organization of political parties Downloads
Marek Hanusch and Philip Keefer
6653: Promises, promises: vote-buying and the electoral mobilization strategies of non-credible politicians Downloads
Marek Hanusch and Philip Keefer
6652: What regulatory frameworks are more conducive to mobile banking ? empirical evidence from findex data Downloads
Eva Gutierrez and Sandeep Singh
6651: Demand collapse or credit crunch to firms ? evidence from the world bank's financial crisis survey in Eastern Europe Downloads
Ha Nguyen and Rong Qian
6650: Up in smoke ? agricultural commercialization, rising food prices and stunting in Malawi Downloads
Talip Kilic, Siobhan Murray, Carl Nelson, Benjamin D.K. Wood, Talip Kilic, Siobhan Murray, Carl Nelson and Benjamin D.K. Wood
6649: Shared prosperity: links to growth, inequality and inequality of opportunity Downloads
Ambar Narayan, Jaime Saavedra-Chanduvi and Sailesh Tiwari
6648: Specialization, diversity, and Indian manufacturing growth Downloads
Ejaz Ghani, William Kerr and Ishani Tewari
6647: Can e-filing reduce tax compliance costs in developing countries ? Downloads
Fatih Yilmaz and Jacqueline Coolidge
6646: Regulation, renegotiation and capital structure: theory and evidence from Latin American transport concessions Downloads
Alexander Moore, Stephane Straub and Jean-Jacques Dethier
6645: A note on the simple algebra of the shared prosperity indicator Downloads
David Rosenblatt and Tamara McGavock
6644: Telecommunications externality on migration: evidence from Chinese Villages Downloads
Yi Lu, Huihua Xie and Lixin Xu
6643: Labor migration and economic growth in east and southeast Asia Downloads
Terrie Walmsley, Angel Aguiar Román and Syud Ahmed
6642: Islamic finance and financial inclusion: measuring use of and demand for formal financial services among Muslim adults Downloads
Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Leora Klapper and Douglas Randall
6641: Sovereign ratings in the post-crisis world: an analysis of actual, shadow and relative risk ratings Downloads
Kaushik Basu, Supriyo De, Dilip Ratha and Hans Timmer
6640: Civil conflict and firm performance: evidence from Cote d'Ivoire Downloads
Leora Klapper, Christine Richmond and Trang Tran
6639: Poland's new golden age: shifting from Europe's periphery to its center Downloads
Marcin Piątkowski
6638: Exchange rate volatility, financial constraints, and trade: empirical evidence from Chinese firms Downloads
Jerome Heericourt and Sandra Poncet
6637: Valuing global public goods: a European Delphi stated preference survey of population willingness to pay for Amazon rainforest preservation Downloads
Stale Navrud, Jon Strand, Stale Navrud and Jon Strand
6636: How does corporate governance affect bank capitalization strategies ? Downloads
Deniz Anginer, Asli Demirguc-Kunt, Harry Huizinga and Kebin Ma
6635: Africa's macroeconomic story Downloads
Douglas Hostland and Marcelo M. Giugale
6634: From pawn shops to banks: the impact of formal credit on informal households Downloads
Claudia Ruiz Ortega
6633: Industrial policy in the African context Downloads
Joseph Stiglitz, Justin Lin, Celestin Monga and Ebrahim Patel
6632: Arbitrating and mediating disputes: benchmarking arbitration and mediation regimes for commercial disputes related to foreign direct investment Downloads
Sophie Pouget
6631: Population, poverty, and climate change Downloads
Monica Das Gupta
6630: Financial inclusion and the role of the post office Downloads
Jose Anson, Alexandre Berthaud, Leora Klapper and Dorothe Singer
6629: The real exchange rate and export growth: are services different ? Downloads
Barry Eichengreen and Poonam Gupta
6628: The rejuvenation of industrial policy Downloads
Joseph Stiglitz, Justin Yifu and Celestin Monga
6627: Addressing household air pollution: a case study in rural Madagascar Downloads
Susmita Dasgupta, Paul Martin and Hussain A. Samad
6626: Development at the border: policies and national integration in Cote d'Ivoire and its neighbors Downloads
Denis Cogneau, Sandrine Mesplé-Somps and Gilles Spielvogel
6625: A new index of the business environment for microfinance Downloads
Robert Cull, Sergio Navajas, Ippei Nishida and Renate Zeiler
6624: Assessing firms'financing constraints in Brazil Downloads
Stijn Claessens and Yaye Seynabou Sakho
6623: Toward a conceptual framework for the knowledge bank Downloads
Laura Chioda, Augusto de la Torre and William Maloney
6622: Coagglomeration of formal and informal industry: evidence from India Downloads
Megha Mukim
6621: Macroeconomic context and fiscal policy: Europe and Central Asia during 2000-2012 Downloads
Roumeen Islam
6620: The golden quadrilateral highway project and urban/rural manufacturing in India Downloads
Ejaz Ghani, Arti Grover and William Kerr
6619: Microfinance and moneylenders: long-run effects of MFIs on informal credit market in Bangladesh Downloads
Claudia Berg, M. Shahe Emran and Forhad Shilpi
6618: Private tutoring in Vietnam: a review of current issues and its major correlates Downloads
Hai-Anh Dang
6617: Women's legal rights over 50 years: what is the impact of reform ? Downloads
Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Tazeen Hasan and Anca Bogdana Rusu
6616: Women's legal rights over 50 years: progress, stagnation or regression ? Downloads
Mary Hallward-Driemeier, Tazeen Hasan and Anca Bogdana Rusu
6615: Benchmarking financial systems: introducing the financial possibility frontier Downloads
Thorsten Beck and Erik Feyen
6614: Trade, informal employment and labor adjustment costs Downloads
Javier Arias, Erhan Artuc, Daniel Lederman and Diego Rojas
6613: Greening global value chains: some implementation challenges Downloads
Bernard Sinclair-Desgagne
6612: Female business ownership and informal sector persistence Downloads
Ejaz Ghani, William Kerr and Stephen D. O'Connell
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