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Policy Research Working Paper Series

From The World Bank
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805: Privatization in the Soviet Union: the beginnings of a transition Downloads
Sergei Shatalov
804: Global trends in raw materials consumption Downloads
Boum-Jong Choe
803: Financial regulation: changing the rules of the game Downloads
Millard Long and Dimitri Vittas
802: Strengthening the Bank's population work in the nineties Downloads
Steven W. Sinding
801: Unraveling the mysteries of China's foreign trade regime: a view from Jiangsu Province Downloads
Arvind Panagariya
800: The legal framework for private sector development in a transitional economy: the case of Poland Downloads
Cheryl W. Gray, Rebecca J. Hanson, Michael A. Heller, Peter Ianachkov, Daniel T. Ostas and Youssef Djehane
799: Growth in open economies Downloads
Sergio Rebelo
798: Agriculture's decline in Indonesia: supply or demand determined Downloads
Will Martin and Peter Warr
797: Using field visits to improve the quality of family planning, health, and nutrition programs: a supervisor's manual Downloads
Richard Heaver
796: Excess liquidity and monetary overhangs Downloads
Gerard Caprio and Patrick Honohan
795: Economic stagnation, fixed factors, and policy thresholds Downloads
William Easterly
794: How do national policies affect long-run growth?: a research agenda Downloads
William Easterly, Robert King, Ross Levine and Rebe
793: Decollectivization and the agricultural transition in Eastern and Central Europe Downloads
Karen M. Brooks
792: Reducing labor redundancy in state owned enterprises Downloads
Jan Svejnar and Katherine Terrell
791: Measuring real exchange rate instability in developing countries: empirical evidence and implications Downloads
Lant Pritchett
790: Reforming and privatizing Hungary's road haulage Downloads
Esra Bennathan, Jeffrey Gutman and Louis Thompson
789: Intrahousehold inequality and the theory of targeting Downloads
Lawrence Haddad and Ravi Kanbur
788: How expectations affect reform dynamics in developing countries Downloads
Francesco Daveri
787: Private investment under macroeconomic adjustment in Morocco Downloads
Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel and Tobias Müller
786: Fiscal policyfor managing Indonesia's environment Downloads
Sadiq Ahmed
785: How did the Asian countries avoid the debt crisis? Downloads
Ishrat Husain
784: Chemicals from Poland: a tempest in a teacup Downloads
Andrzej Olechowski
783: The origins and evolution of antidumping regulation Downloads
Joseph Finger
782: The economic effects of widespread application of antidumping duties to import pricing Downloads
Patrick Conway and Sumana Dhar
781: The Korean consumer electronics industry: reaction to antidumping actions Downloads
Taeho Bark
780: Optimal user charges and cost recovery for roads in developing countries Downloads
Ian G. Heggie and Vincy Fon
779: Special programme of research, development and research training in human reproduction Downloads
Janet Nassim
778: A dynamic bargaining model of sovereign debt Downloads
Eduardo Fernandez-Arias
777: Do the benefits of fixed exchange rates outweigh their costs? The Franc Zone in Africa Downloads
Shantayanan Devarajan and Dani Rodrik
776: Enforcement of Canadian"unfair"trade laws: the case for competition policies as an antidote for protection Downloads
Mark A. Dutz
775: The macroeconomics of public sector deficits: a synthesis Downloads
William Easterly and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
774: Agricultural pricing systems and transportation policy in Africa Downloads
Mark Gersovitz
773: Are Ghana's roads paying their way? Assessing road use cost and user charges in Ghana Downloads
Reuben Gronau
772: Macroeconomic adjustment to oil shocks and fiscal reform: simulations for Zimbabwe, 1988-1995 Downloads
Ibrahim Elbadawi and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
771: Macroeconomic structure and policy in Zimbabwe, analysis and empirical model: 1965-1988 Downloads
Ibrahim A. Elbadawi and Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel
770: Privatization in Eastern and Central Europe: objectives, constraints, and models of divestiture Downloads
Farid Dhanji and Branko Milanovic
769: Entry-exit, learning, and productivity change: evidence from Chile Downloads
Lili Liu
768: Going to market: privatization in Central and Eastern Market Europe Downloads
Manuel Hinds and Gerhard Pohl
767: Framework for macroeconomic analysis applied to Kenya Downloads
Colin A. Bruce and David Ndii
766: Economic crisis, structural adjustment, and health in Africa Downloads
Francois Diop, Kenneth Hill and Ismail Sirageldin
765: Withholding taxes and international bank credit terms Downloads
Harry Huizinga
764: African financing needs in the 1990s Downloads
Jorge Culagovski, Victor Gabor, Maria Cristina Germany and Charles P. Humphreys
763: A valuation formula for LDC debt Downloads
Daniel Cohen
762: Debt, debt relief, and growth: a bargaining approach Downloads
Daniel Cohen and Thierry Verdier
761: Uncertainty and the discrepancy between rate of return estimates at project appraisal and project completion Downloads
Gerhard Pohl and Dubravko Mihaljek
760: How conflicting definitions of"manufactures"distort output and trade statistics Downloads
Alexander J. Yeats
759: The Profamilia Family Planning Program, Colombia: an economic perspective Downloads
Jesus Amadeo, Dov Chernichovsky and Gabriel Ojeda
758: Is there excess co-movement of primary commodity prices? A co-integration test Downloads
Theodosios Palaskas and Panos N. Varangis
757: Managing the transition: enhancing the efficiency of Eastern European governments Downloads
Eric Rice
756: Taxes versus quotas: the case of cocoa exports Downloads
Arvind Panagariya and Maurice Schiff
755: Hedging crude oil imports in developing countries Downloads
Stijn Claessens and Panos Varangis
754: Estimating returns to scale with large imperfect panels Downloads
James Tybout and M. Daniel Westbrook
753: The CMEA system of trade and payments: the legacy and the aftermath of its termination Downloads
Martin Schrenk
752: Inflation and stabilization in Yugoslavia Downloads
Roberto de Rezende Rocha
751: A consumption-based direct tax for countries in transition from socialism Downloads
McLure, Charles E.,
750: Reforming and privatizing Poland's road freight industry Downloads
Esra Bennathan, Jeffrey Gutman and Louis Thompson
749: Hedging commodity price risks in Papua New Guinea Downloads
Stijn Claessens and Jonathan Coleman
748: European trade patterns after the transition Downloads
Oleh Havrylyshyn and Lant Pritchett
747: Credit policies in Japan and Korea: a review of the literature Downloads
Dimitri Vittas and Bo Wang
746: The impact of regulation on financial intermediation Downloads
Dimitri Vittas
745: The meaning of"unfair"in US import policy Downloads
Joseph Finger
744: Stainless steel in Sweden: antidumping attacks, good international citizenship Downloads
Gunnar Fors
743: Antidumping enforcement in the European Community Downloads
Angelika Eymann and Ludger Schuknecht
742: The cost of the district hospital: a case study from Malawi Downloads
A.J. Mills
741: When does rent-seeking augment the benefits of price and trade reform on rationed commodities?: estimates for automobiles and color televisions in Poland Downloads
David Tarr
740: The onchocerciasis control program in West Africa: a long-term commitment to success Downloads
Bernard H. Liese, John Wilson, Bruce Benton and Douglas Marr
739: Managing financial risks in Papua New Guinea: an optimal external debt portfolio Downloads
Jonathan R. Coleman and Ying Qian
738: Tax competition and tax coordination: when countries differ in size Downloads
Ravi Kanbur and Michael Keen
737: External shocks, adjustment policies, and investment: illustrations from a forward-looking CGE model of the Philippines Downloads
Delfin Go
736: Wages and employment in the transition to a market economy Downloads
Simon Commander, Fabrizio Coricelli and Karsten Staehr
735: Traditional medicine in sub-Saharan Africa: its importance and potential policy options Downloads
Jocelyn DeJong
734: Curricular content, educational expansion, and economic growth Downloads
Aaron Benavot
733: The consulting profession in developing countries: a strategy for development Downloads
Syed S. Kirmani and Warren C. Baum
732: Stabilization programs in Eastern Europe: a comparative analysis of the Polish and Yugoslav programs of 1990 Downloads
Fabrizio Coricelli and Roberto de Rezende Rocha
731: Efficiency wage theory, labormarkets, and adjustment Downloads
Luis Riveros and Lawrence Bouton
730: Wage and employment policies in Czechoslovakia Downloads
Luis Riveros
729: Is export diversification the best way to achieve export growth and stability? A look at three African countries Downloads
Ridwan Ali, Jeffrey Alwang and Paul B. Siegel
728: Does better access to contraceptives increase their use? Key policy and methodological issues Downloads
Susan H. Cochrane and Laura Gibney
727: The effects of debt subsidies on corporate investment behavior Downloads
Mansoor Dailami and E. Han Kim
726: Perspectives on the design of intergovernmental fiscal relations Downloads
Anwar Shah
725: How structure of production determines the demand for human capital Downloads
Indermit S. Gill and Shahidur Khandker
724: Fiscal issues in adjustment: an introduction Downloads
Riccardo Faini and Jaime de Melo
723: Improving women's and children's nutrition in sub-Saharan Africa: an issues paper Downloads
Olayinka Abosede and Judith S. McGuire
722: Is rice becoming an inferior good? Food demand in the Philippines Downloads
Merlinda D. Ingco
721: The demand for money in developing countries: assessing the role of financial innovation Downloads
Patricio Arrau, Jose De Gregorio, Carmen Reinhart and Peter Wickham
720: The outlook for commercial bank lending to sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and Francis Nyirjesy
719: How trade and economic policies affect agriculture: a framework for analysis applied to Tanzania and Malawi Downloads
Ramon Lopez, Ridwan Ali and Bjorn Larsen
718: Impact of investment policies on German direct investment in developing countries: an empirical investigation Downloads
Andrea Gubitz
717: Does financial liberalization really improve private investment in developing countries? Downloads
Jacques Morisset
716: Financing training: issues and options Downloads
Christopher Dougherty and Jee-Peng Tan
715: Promoting girls'and women's education: lessons from the past Downloads
Rosemary Bellew and Elizabeth King
714: Women in forestry in India Downloads
Ravinder Kaur
713: The determination of wages in socialist economies: some microfoundations Downloads
Simon Commander and Karsten Staehr
712: Foreign direct investment in developing countries: patterns, policies, and prospects Downloads
Thomas L. Brewer
711: Financial reform in socialist economies in transition Downloads
Millard Long and Silvia B. Sagari
710: Urban property tax reform: guidelines and recommendations Downloads
William Dillinger
709: An empirical macroeconomic model for policy design: the case of Chile Downloads
Luis Serven and Andres Solimano
708: Nongovernmental organizations and health delivery in sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Jocelyn DeJong
707: Population, health, and nutrition: fiscal 1990 sector review Downloads
706: Successful nutrition programs in Africa: what makes them work? Downloads
Eileen Kennedy
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