Economy of region
2012 - 2018
From Centre for Economic Security, Institute of Economics of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Bibliographic data for series maintained by Alexey Naydenov (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 1, issue 4, 2018
- Multiobjective Optimization Of The Region’s Transport System On The Basis Of Its Hypergraph pp. -
- Aleksandr Kazakov and Aleksandr Maslov
- The strategy of Siberia social economic development: institutional conditions and mechanizms of realization pp. 5 - 24
- Valeriy Kuleshov and Viacheslav Seliverstov
- Approaches to scenarios for long-term development of region pp. 7 - 15
- Viktoria Akberdina
- Conceptual bases of methodological aspects of research of problem ecologically secure economic growth of region pp. 7 - 22
- Svetlana Surkova
- Estimating the inequality of legal and latent incomes with regard to the purchasing power of ruble in the Russian regions pp. 7 - 16
- Galina Litvintseva, Yelena Stukalenko and Olga Voronkova
- Technical advance as a bases dynamic development of the economy agricultural enterprises region pp. 9 - 13
- Petr Ogorodnikov, Yelena Ogorodnikova and Oleg Laktionov
- What Russian government during crisis of global currency-financial system should do pp. 9 - 17
- Sergey Glazyev
- Redevelopment of the Arctic Area of Russia as an Objective of Systems Research and Special-Purpose Program Management Methodological Issues pp. 9 - 20
- Vladimir Leksin and Boris Porfiriev
- The Estimation Of The Regions’ Efficiency Of The Russian Federation Including The Intellectual Capital, The Characteristics Of Readiness For Innovation, Level Of Well-Being, And Quality Of Life pp. 9 - 30
- Valeriy Makarov and Albert Bakhtizin
- Socio-demographic safety of regions of Russia: methodical aspects, condition, tendencies pp. 9 - 26
- Valeriy Chereshnev and Aleksandr Tatarkin
- Self-development of regional socioeconomic systems as the need for Russia’s federal development pp. 9 - 26
- Aleksandr Tatarkin
- North hardship conditions rating in research works and regional policy (on examples of the regions related to resources) pp. 10 - 21
- Vitaliy Lazhentsev
- Global trends and priorities for agriculture development in the beginning of the XXI century pp. 11 - 21
- Pavel Smekalov and Natal’ya Omarova
- Family and youth policy as regulation forms reproduction of the population of region pp. 13 - 19
- Robert Akyulov, Olga Frants and Yelena Akyulova
- The instruments of government policy on increasing effectiveness of structure changes in territorial social economic systems pp. 16 - 23
- Elena Shamova and Anna Melnikova
- Estimating the inequality of legal and latent incomes with regard to the purchasing power of ruble in the Russian regions pp. 16 - 25
- Galina Litvintseva, Yelena Stukalenko and Olga Voronkova
- Partnership of the power and business in realization of strategy of development of territories pp. 18 - 30
- Aleksandr Tatarkin, Denis Tatarkin and Yelena Sidorova
- The role of the tax to incomes of physical persons in decrease of grants to budgets of municipalities pp. 20 - 27
- Margarita Molchanova and Yelena Petrova
- Multifunctionality of agri-food sector: theoretic conseption, practical implementation pp. 21 - 29
- Elmira Krylatykh
- Theoretical Results of Research on Spatial and Territorial Development (on Examples of the North of European Russia) pp. 21 - 29
- Vitaliy Lazhentsev
- North hardship conditions rating in research works and regional policy (on examples of the regions related to resources) pp. 21 - 32
- Vitaliy Lazhentsev
- The condition and the dynamics of changes of regional energetic safety level pp. 23 - 36
- Anatoliy Myzin, Aleksey Kalina, Andrey Kozitsyn and Pavel Pykhov
- Features of reforming of the regional centers of world growth: experience of China and Russia pp. 24 - 29
- Yelena Loseva and Yuytsze Shi
- Dynamics of wages in the region and the problem of measurement of wages in the context of economic instability pp. 25 - 31
- Sergey Gordeyev, Aleksey Davankov, Olga Kozlova and Nail Shaymardanov
- Theoretical methodological essential principles of regional institutional relations forming pp. 25 - 36
- Yuriy Malyshev
- Special economic zones as instrument of regional antirecessionary politics pp. 27 - 33
- Milana Neucheva
- Female employment in regions of the North of Russia: problems and decision ways pp. 27 - 35
- Vera Toskunina and Anna Kаrmakulova
- Counteraction to schemes of evasion from the taxation − the major direction of minimization of shadow economy pp. 27 - 36
- Gavriil Agarkov
- Multifunctionality of agri-food sector: theoretic conseption, practical implementation pp. 29 - 35
- Elmira Krylatykh
- Development Dynamics of the Higher Education System in Russia pp. 30 - 44
- Viktor Koksharov
- The Features of Geo-Ecological Assessment within the Geo-Eco-Socio-Economic Approach to the Development of Northern Territories pp. 30 - 39
- Aleksandr Semyachkov and Ylia Slavikovskaya
- The methodical recommendations of the definition results of the innovation strategy realization pp. 30 - 37
- Svetlana Patrusheva
- Food security providing of the Sverdlovskaya oblast population as the agrarian policy basis pp. 31 - 46
- Mikhail Fedorov and Anton Osovskikh
- Attributes of self-developing socio-economic systems pp. 32 - 39
- Yekaterina Zakharchuk and Aleksey Pasynkov
- System diagnostics of the human capital state of the Russianregions: conceptual approach and assessmentresults pp. 32 - 39
- Inessa Gurban and Anatoliy Myzin
- The conjuncture of the investment market in the old-industrial and developing upcoming zone pp. 34 - 44
- Viktor Ivanitskiy and Larisa Zubkova
- Strategy of agro-industrial complex development as the main condition of the national agri-food policy implementation pp. 35 - 44
- Anatoliy Altukhov
- Impact of employment instability on socio-economic position of employees pp. 35 - 43
- Vyacheslav Bobkov and Olesya Veredyuk
- Decrease in social and economic consequences technological development base industries by formation of effective regional policy of support small business pp. 37 - 48
- Andrey Shelomentsev, Yefim Kozakov and Anna Kopysova
- Formation of the equilibrium and balanced system of granting of medical services in region (on the example of treatment of nefroletiaze) pp. 37 - 48
- Vladimir Bochko and Sergey Vakhlov
- Population health and the priorities of main medical services development pp. 37 - 56
- Khamid Gizatullin and Mariya Rizvanova
- Mission of business in the system of innovative business pp. 38 - 43
- Aleksandr Makarov
- From subsidized regions into the self-developing units: dialectic of transformation pp. 39 - 48
- Yelena Sidorova and Denis Tatarkin
- Attributes of self-developing socio-economic systems pp. 39 - 46
- Yekaterina Zakharchuk and Aleksey Pasynkov
- Cluster development of economy of region: theoretical opportunities and practical experience pp. 40 - 51
- Olga Romanova and Yuliya Lavrikova
- Economic Tomography: Opportunity to Foresee and Respond to Socio-Economic Crises pp. 40 - 53
- Aleksandr Kuklin, Gennadiy Bystray, Sergey Okhotnikov and Elena Chistova
- Effect of employment planning with professional education on expectation and personal development pp. 43 - 53
- Suat Aşkın and Mehmet Tatar
- Conseptual framework of ensuring food security in the Ural federal district pp. 44 - 50
- Aleksandr Beletskiy, Aleksandr Berestov and Valentina Neganova
- Prospects of development nanotechnology of Urals pp. 44 - 51
- Sergey Sadovskiy
- Investment climate is one of the factors the influence on formation to create the quality of human resources of the municipalities pp. 45 - 50
- Viktoriya Suvorova and Elina Kochevatkina
- The Impact Of Regionalism On Regional Development Under The Conditions Of A Globalized Economy pp. 46 - 57
- Eva Cihelková and Yelena Frolova
- Wage’s functions: theoretical aspect and the method of estimation pp. 46 - 52
- Tamara Tikhomirova
- The increasing of regional agroindustrial and agroeconomic systems pp. 47 - 53
- Aleksandr Pustuyev, Lyudmila Kopteva and Leonid Pustuyev
- Gross municipal product: the design procedure and application pp. 49 - 59
- Dmitriy Kolechkov, Yusif Gadzhiyev, Svyatoslav Timashev and Mariya Makarova
- The evaluation of investments into mining manufacturing objects effectiveness pp. 49 - 66
- Sergey Shvets
- Stabilization and development of the agricultural production - the basis of revival of Ural village pp. 49 - 58
- Valentina Neganova, Veniamin Drokin and Aleksey Zhuravlev
- Ensuring food security pp. 51 - 61
- Valeriy Patsiorkovskiy
- Legal support to innovative activities pp. 51 - 55
- Valentin Mamutov
- Ekaterinburg on the demographic map of Russia: facts and prospects pp. 52 - 59
- Raisa Nifantova, Mariya Makarova and Ivan Kosmin
- Financial stability concept pp. 52 - 65
- Nikolay Beketov
- Estimation of modern and perspective condition ural from positions of power safety pp. 52 - 61
- Oksana Denisova and Pavel Pykhov
- The modelling of national wealth of the Russia’s regions pp. 53 - 65
- Anatoliy Myzin and Aleksandr Tatarkin
- Empirical Analysis of the Integration Activity of Business Structures in the Regions of Russia pp. 54 - 68
- Mariia Karelina
- De-formalization and formalization of the government and business interaction institutes at the local level pp. 54 - 70
- Margarita Kurbatova and Yuliya Trofimova
- Modern problems and directions innovative of development of a rural labour pp. 56 - 59
- Aleksandr Pakhomov and Antonina Pakhomova
- The Changing Global Economy: Roles Of The United States And The European Union In The Evolving Context pp. 57 - 68
- Joseph McKinney
- Factors of direct foreign investments involvement into Russian regions pp. 57 - 70
- Darya Nesterova and Oleg Mariyev
- Regional features of economic development scenarios building pp. 59 - 67
- Yevgeniy Sapiro and Tatyana Mirolyubova
- Structural mutual relations in social and economic system of the Chelyabinsk region pp. 60 - 69
- Khamid Gizatullin, Aleksandr Samotayev and Yuriy Doroshenko
- The issues of regional competitiveness in the works by the researchers of the Swiss school of territorial production systems pp. 60 - 63
- Svetlana Rastvortseva and Natalya Grinyova
- Ecological potential of best avaliable technologies pp. 60 - 68
- Stanislav Karelov, Irina Belik and Natalya Starodubets
- Development of foodstuffs market in a metropolis pp. 61 - 68
- Elena Chernyshyova, Irina Neganova and Aleksandr Chirkov
- Problems of the estimation of ecological safety of region pp. 62 - 67
- Natalya Nikulina
- Problems of integration of the innovative enterprises and research university pp. 64 - 71
- Andrey Maksimov, Anatoliy Molodchik and Timofey Maksimov
- Socioeconomic nature of terrorism pp. 65 - 75
- Valeriy Chichkanov, Alexey Naydenov and Ilya Krivenko
- Regional features and problems of growth (on example of Altay territory) pp. 66 - 76
- Lev Korshunov
- Regional politics: the problems and perspectives (on the example of Orlovskaya area) pp. 67 - 77
- Oleg Sukharev and Sergey Shmanev
- Increase of transport-logistic servicing efficiency of Sverdlovsk region’s agroindustrial complex (on the example of grain cargoes transportation) pp. 68 - 78
- Mikhail Petrov and Oleg Turygin
- Problems of the protection of bioresources development ofthe Bovanenkovo gas condensate field pp. 68 - 79
- Vladimir Bogdanov, Yelena Bogdanova, Irina Melnichenko, Leonid Stepanov and Margarita Yarushina
- Finance potential of the increase of competitiveness of municipalities pp. 68 - 84
- Yelena Sidorova and Denis Tatarkin
- The basic tendencies of the evolution of a shadow economy in the Ural Federal district as a reflection of global changes of the world economic system pp. 68 - 74
- Alexey Naydenov and Anastasiya Sudakova
- Economic Security of Russian Economy under the Conditions of Import Substitution Policy Implementation pp. 69 - 83
- Natalya Andreeva, Anna Gromova, Natalia Makasheva, Sergey Vorobeichikov and Aleksandra Sammer
- Demographic potential of the Russia’s northern regions as a factor and condition of economic development of the Arctic pp. 69 - 81
- Victor Fauzer
- Management of life quality of population in the context of stable regional development pp. 70 - 75
- Alla Leontyeva and Aleksey Khokhlov
- Methodological essential principles of regional investment activity financement mechanizm improvement pp. 71 - 83
- Vladislav Morozov
- The forecast of economic development of the republic of Komi pp. 71 - 79
- Larisa Chayka
- The influence of patent activity on innovation development of the national economy pp. 71 - 77
- Zhanna Mingaleva
- Salary in motivating the personal of organization pp. 75 - 81
- Vladimir Antropov and Lyubov Zelenskaya
- The human capital as the factor of development of agrarian sphere of advanced industrial region pp. 75 - 82
- Natalya Vorobyeva and Natalya Mineyeva
- Distribution according to the needs in the modern regional economics pp. 76 - 82
- Igor Pichurin and Jing Jiang
- System of criteria of the estimation of projects of social and economic development of region in the context of steady development pp. 77 - 84
- Aleksandr Moor
- Optimization of innovation risks as a factor of new economy pp. 78 - 83
- Irina Degtyareva and Aleksandr Silantyev
- The development of regional markets of eggs production in Russia pp. 78 - 86
- Natalya Alekseyeva and Yuliya Konovalova
- Problems of energy efficiency strategy and theory pp. 78 - 87
- Nikolay Danilov, Vladimir Lisiyenko and Yakov Shchelokov
- Forecast of technological development in ore mining branches on basis of modernization of technique and technology of mining practice pp. 80 - 92
- Aleksandr Tatarkin, Sergey Kornilkov, Viktor Yakovlev and Elena Shamova
- Competition of the regional financing systems of municipal public health services pp. 80 - 94
- Albert Karpov and Natalya Troitskaya
- Paradoxes Of The «Natural Resource Curse» Regional Development In The Post-Soviet Space pp. 81 - 93
- Svetlana Doroshenko, Andrey Shelomentsev, Natalja Sirotkina and Bulat Husainov
- A regional machine-building branch potential development management pp. 82 - 90
- Olga Romanova and Yevgeniy Starikov
- Estimation of influence of the enterprises of the large integrated structures on parameters of socially-demographic safety of territories of the municipal level pp. 83 - 91
- Aleksandra Vasilyeva, Yevgeniya Nekrasova and Anastasiya Fefelova
- Natural Resources Potential of Northern Regions: Consistent Features of Comprehensive Assessment pp. 84 - 94
- Valeriy Balashenko, Margaret Ignatieva and Vladimir Loginov
- Assessment of business customers satisfaction with the products and service of Pnevmostroimashina, jsc, on the B2B market pp. 84 - 93
- Larisa Kapustina and Anna Babenkova
- The problems of forest relations regulation pp. 84 - 97
- Vasiliy Ivlev
- Industrial parks as the instrument of realization’s strategy in the regional development pp. 85 - 94
- Leonid Iogman and Mikhail Gusakov
- Problems of creation of innovation climate in Russia pp. 85 - 100
- Alla Sukhovey and Irina Golova
- Theoretical and methodological problems of innovation development of the Russian agricultural and food processing complex pp. 87 - 99
- Anna Anfinogentova and Nataliya Yakovenko
- The methodical aspects of working-out "the scheme of development and disposal of productive forces of Hanty-Mansijsky Autonomous District – UGRA" (2006-2015 years and till year 2020) pp. 88 - 99
- Vyacheslav Pakhomov and Irina Polyanskaya
- A regional machine-building branch potential development management pp. 90 - 98
- Olga Romanova and Yevgeniy Starikov
- Population health as an indicator of socio-demographic safetiness of the region pp. 92 - 101
- Mariya Rizvanova
- Capabilities and constraints of modernization of the regional metallurgical complex pp. 92 - 99
- Olga Romanova, Yevgeniy Selivanov and Svetlana Chenchevich
- The Influence Of Monetary And Non-Monetary Poverty Of Economically Active People’s Households On Job Satisfaction pp. 93 - 104
- Vyacheslav Bobkov
- Assessment of business customers satisfaction with the products and service of Pnevmostroimashina, jsc, on the B2B market pp. 93 - 101
- Larisa Kapustina and Anna Babenkova
- The impact of system of budget equilibration on macroeconomic indexes of Russian Federation pp. 95 - 106
- Evelina Peshina and Tatyana Konyusheva
- The impact of spatial concentration on enterprise performance pp. 95 - 105
- Natalia Davidson and Oleg Mariyev
- Definition of perspective directions of transfert of technologies at the base of SWOT-analysis of scientific organization pp. 95 - 102
- Alla Sukhovey
- Building up of innovative processes in animal industries (on the example the Orenburg area) pp. 98 - 106
- Petr Ogorodnikov and Mikhail Melko
- Modern situation in industrial production of Russia and the position of Ural region pp. 98 - 107
- Irina Rodionova
- Theoretical and methodological problems of innovation development of the Russian agricultural and food processing complex pp. 99 - 109
- Anna Anfinogentova and Nataliya Yakovenko
- Relationship of producers and retail networks in the regional food market pp. 100 - 108
- Ergey Neganov and Irina Neganova
- Directions of development of regional ecological policy with example of Tatarstan republic pp. 100 - 105
- Nail Gazeyev and Mansur Gazeyev
- Conceptual bases of scientific, technical and innovative policy in Russia pp. 101 - 116
- Oleg Sukharev
- Transition of the transport complex of the region to the innovation vector of development pp. 102 - 110
- Lidiya Averina, Natalya Matushkina and Yuliya Lavrikova
- Practical recommendations for the development and implementation of population policies in increasing fertility old-industrial territories pp. 102 - 107
- Olga Pavlenko
- The organization model of interaction between investors and recipients pp. 103 - 114
- Irina Yershova and Aleksey Bolotin
- Socio-Demographic Measuring Of Relation Of Life Quality And Level Of Population Reproduction In Russia And Foreign Countries On Basis Of Rating Evaluations pp. 104 - 114
- Aleksandr Kuzmin, Yevgeniya Tukhtarova and Yekaterina Ilinbayeva
- Methodology of choosing innovation strategy priorities of organizations of high-tech complex pp. 106 - 119
- Olga Romanova and Yekaterina Norkina
- Single-Industry Regions of Russia: Determination, Typology and Prospects of Development pp. 106 - 122
- Ruslan Zaynutdinov
- The analysis of influence of crediting for growth of economy pp. 107 - 117
- Boris Shtulberg and Natalya Sharshavaya
- Optimization of the oil extracting company management services pp. 107 - 118
- Railya Bakhitova
- Ecologically adjusted GDP: spheres of using and assessment problems pp. 107 - 115
- Yelena Ryumina
- Conceptual bases of formation for financial stability of territory: the theoretical -methodological approach pp. 108 - 115
- Yekaterina Zakharchuk and Aleksey Pasynkov
- Realization of international cooperation projects in the Russian machine-building enterprises pp. 108 - 116
- Larisa Kapustina and Yuliya Kondratenko
- Forecasting of the industrial power consumption in the conditions of volatility price signals pp. 109 - 116
- Igor Bayev, Irina Solovyeva and Anatoliy Dzyuba
- The effectiveness of an interactive system of decision-making in the food resources supply system pp. 110 - 117
- Valeriy Klyukach
- Industrial policy formation in the Altai territory pp. 111 - 116
- Vladimir Borodin and Irina Goloshchapova
- Multidimensional And Fuzzy Measures Of Poverty At Regional Level In Mozambique pp. 114 - 128
- Gianni Betti, Francesca Gagliardi and Vincenzo Salvucci
- Modelling of the general population shift on basis regressional of models of the panel data pp. 115 - 122
- Petr Ogorodnikov, Irina Katayeva and Tatyana Samsonova
- Socio-economic and environmental aspects of the industry imbalances in the regional economy pp. 115 - 122
- Dmitri Eidenzon, Irina Ganieva and Natalya Shpak
- Once again about the stability of functioning of systems of production and economic pp. 116 - 122
- Fanus Garipov and Khamid Gizatullin
- Priorities of post-crisis development of regional energy systems pp. 116 - 121
- Leonid Padalko and Mikhail Petrov
- Regional aspects of introduction of innovations in the credit organizations (оn an example of Kurgan area) pp. 116 - 123
- Marianna Lysun
- Regional industrial complex development on the basis of cluster approach (in terms of Orenburg region) pp. 117 - 126
- Igor Korabeynikov, Olga Korabeynikova and Sergey Speshilov
- Cluster approach to realization of innovation development strategy for the agroindustrial complex of the region pp. 117 - 126
- Valentina Kundius
- The state stimulation of investment activity of the railway companies pp. 117 - 132
- Valeriy Tsvetkov and Aleksey Medkov
- Features of realization of insurance programs for subjects of small business (on the example of Republic Bashkortostan) pp. 118 - 127
- Timur Galiyev and Galina Kazantseva
- Transformation of the corporate control and managements at the Ural enterprises pp. 119 - 139
- Liudmila Ruzhanskaya
- The methodological approaches to the bank deposits guarantee problem solving pp. 120 - 133
- Olga Pechonik
- Import dependence of industrial enterprises in the region as an economic security hazard pp. 121 - 125
- Aleksandr Makarov
- Regressional modeling and forecasting of economic growth for arkhangelsk region pp. 122 - 130
- Nina Goridko and Robert Nizhegorodtsev
- Model of a regional education complex for the specialists in the timber industry in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Region – UGRA pp. 123 - 129
- Nikolay Pelikhov and Aleksandr Seryogin
- Identification and assessment of regional clusters pp. 123 - 133
- Svetlana Rastvortseva and Natalya Cherepovskaya
- The Availability of Residential Real Estate Increasing by Means of State Compensation of Prices pp. 123 - 131
- Vitaly Ivanitskiy
- Performance criteria for the development of regional markets securities pp. 124 - 129
- Denis Serednikov
- Import dependence of industrial enterprises in the region as an economic security hazard pp. 125 - 128
- Aleksandr Makarov
- Cluster approach to realization of innovation development strategy for the agroindustrial complex of the region (p. 126-133) pp. 126 - 133
- Valentina Kundius
- Current situation and priority directions of mining resources in regions of Russia pp. 127 - 132
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Oleg Petrov
- Problems of provision of economy by qualified personnel pp. 128 - 138
- Leonid Ivanchenko
- Integrated Approach To The Analysis Of The Quality Of Socio-Economic Regional Development Governance pp. 128 - 141
- Roman Kachalov and Nina Yakovleva
- Change of contractor’s status in the system of national accounts pp. 129 - 134
- Igor Ivliyev
- About distribution of natural rents in modern Russia pp. 130 - 142
- Gennadiy Morozov and Anna Karvetskaya
- Normative financing of regional general educational establishments pp. 130 - 135
- Dilyara Malikova
- Regional knowledge economy development indicative planning system conceptual model pp. 130 - 139
- Elena Vaisman and Viktoriya Boos
- The Impact of Output Dynamics on Income Inequality in the Russian Regions pp. 132 - 144
- Natalia Vashchelyuk
- Current situation and priority directions of mining resources in regions of Russia pp. 132 - 137
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Oleg Petrov
- Wages in system of effective employment of the population of region pp. 133 - 142
- Olga Kozlova and Olga Arzyakova
- Infrastructure of manufacturing services: new trends pp. 133 - 142
- Viktor Stukach
- Economic advance, living standards and inequality in oil-producing former Soviet Union countries pp. 133 - 142
- Ulvi Aliev
- Improvements of budget management efficiency based on strategy management system pp. 134 - 147
- Aleksandr Kuklin and Natalya Shpak
- Change of contractor’s status in the system of national accounts pp. 134 - 139
- Igor Ivliyev
- Theoretical aspects of clusters formation: essence and classification pp. 136 - 148
- Mariya Kokareva
- Impact of environmental management on the socio-economic development of Archangelsk region pp. 137 - 144
- Andrey Shelomentsev and Olga Gubina
- The modern corporate approach to the social responsibility of business pp. 139 - 156
- Vladimir Zadorozhnyy and Aleksandr Makarov
- Assessment of the shadow economy development tendencies in the Sverdlovsk region pp. 139 - 146
- Gavriil Agarkov, Alexey Naydenov and Anastasiya Sudakova
- Direct foreign investments in transition economy pp. 140 - 170
- Sergey Kadochnikov
- Dynamic multiregional model of labour migration: construction and realization pp. 140 - 148
- Aleksandra Vasilyeva and Aleksandr Tarasyev
- The Problems Of Providing Innovative Security In Russia pp. 141 - 152
- Alla Sukhovey
- An innovative approach to the development of consumer-oriented grocery products pp. 142 - 148
- Nataliya Leyberova, Ol'ga Chugunova and Nataliya Zavorokhina
- Transport and energy infrastructure of Eurasia as a basis of its sustainable development pp. 142 - 150
- Vitaliy Bushuev
- Development the resource base of the production as factor race international economic potential of the Russia and Ural regions pp. 143 - 160
- Mikhail Maslennikov
- Transaction function of firm pp. 143 - 152
- Yevgeniy Popov
- Ecological marketing – the main element of enterprises ecological politics pp. 145 - 154
- Nerses Oganesyan, Yakov Yandyganov and Yekaterina Vlasova
- Regional Population Expenditure for Foodstuffs in the Russian Federation: Componential and Cluster Analyses pp. 145 - 157
- Murat Guzairov, Irina Degtyareva and Elena Makarova
- Assessment of the shadow economy development tendencies in the Sverdlovsk region pp. 146 - 152
- Gavriil Agarkov, Alexey Naydenov and Anastasiya Sudakova
- Consistent assessment of the status and prospects of institutional and innovational subsurface resources management in the arctic zone pp. 146 - 158
- Aleksandr Tatarkin, Irina Polyanskaya, Margarita Ignatyeva and Vera Yurak
- Finance of insurance companies: management problems pp. 148 - 157
- Yuliya Slepukhina and Yuriy Fomin
- The role of supplying with gas in the development of regional economy pp. 149 - 157
- Pavel Dovgolyuk
- Dynamic multiregional model of labour migration: construction and realization pp. 149 - 157
- Aleksandra Vasilyeva and Aleksandr Tarasyev
- International economic trade partners and competitions of the Russian on world agricultural market pp. 149 - 158
- Mikhail Maslennikov
- Tools to identify “points of growth†entrepreneurship in a region pp. 150 - 156
- Konstantin Grishin and Vasily Arapov
- Application of economic models to description of the regional insurance market pp. 153 - 155
- Vladimir Maksimov, Svetlana Shipitsyna and Vitaliy Levushkin
- Organization A Comprehensive System Of Insurance Coverage In The Potential Chemical And Biological Contamination Zone In Regions pp. 153 - 164
- Nina Zaytseva, Pavel Shur, Ol’ga Goleva and Svetlana Shipitsyna
- Methodological bases of an estimation of influence of development of mineral resources on social and economic development of regions of Russia pp. 153 - 163
- Yefim Kozakov, Andrey Shelomentsev and Yelena Andreyeva
- The influence of ecological and economic security on region's investment appeal pp. 155 - 158
- Aleksandr Kuklin and Irina Belik
- Arrangement of territorial development prediction pp. 156 - 164
- Tamara Dmitriyeva and Vitaliy Lazhentsev
- Regularities development of entrepreneurial structures in regions pp. 157 - 165
- Yuliya Pinkovetskaya
- Knowledge management for raising manager’s professionalism pp. 157 - 167
- Aleksandr Isayev
- The meaning of the state support development of the region’s food reserves in the framework of the WTO pp. 157 - 167
- Tatyana Yarkova and Andrey Svetlakov
- Theoretical aspects of informational services regional market effective development pp. 158 - 166
- Igor Korabeynikov and Olga Korabeynikova
- Pension Reforms in Countries with Developed and Transitional Economies pp. 158 - 169
- Sergey Belozyorov and Zhanna Pisarenko
- Assessment of competitive potential as an instrument of management of social-economic development of municipal bodies pp. 158 - 164
- Galina Kovaleva
- Impact of the world agricultural grocery markets on self-development of regional agrarian systems pp. 158 - 164
- Veniamin Drokin, Aleksey Zhuravlev and Yuriy Chistyakov
- Monitoring condition of economic security of Republic Moldova pp. 159 - 170
- Yelena Bykova and Mariya Chinik
- Particular features of raw oriented northern regions development pp. 161 - 172
- Vladimir Loginov
- Modified Estimates Of Human Potential In The Regions Of Russian Federation Taking Into Consideration The Risks Of Health Losses And Social Tensions pp. 164 - 177
- Tatiana Tikhomirova and Ani Sukiasyan
- The Ural North: evolution of studying and economic development pp. 164 - 178
- Vyacheslav Pakhomov and Vladimir Loginov
- Social, economical and ecological territory capacity within the stability's assessment of its development pp. 165 - 179
- Gennadiy Gershanok
- Arrangement of territorial development prediction pp. 165 - 172
- Tamara Dmitriyeva and Vitaliy Lazhentsev
- Strategic objectives and the usage possibility of competitive advantages of the grain crops complex of Chelyabinsk region pp. 165 - 170
- Ol'ga Rubaeva and Nikolay Rubaev
- Technogenic metallurgical resources raw potential usage under conditions of the zinc industry modernization pp. 166 - 173
- Leopold Leontyev, Olga Bryantseva and Valeriy Dyubanov
- The methods for estimating regional professional mobile radio market potential pp. 167 - 174
- Yegor Korobeynikov
- Optimization of the assets of the living labor of agricultural organizations pp. 167 - 174
- Oleg Botkin, Petr Ogorodnikov, Yelena Pilipenko and Valentina Chirkova
- Modern problems of development of the territorial power system (on the example of Republic Bashkortostan) pp. 168 - 179
- Fanus Garipov and Marina Makova
- The threats to the economic safety of Stavropol region pp. 170 - 180
- Irina Novikova and Nikolay Krasnikov
- Using Cohort Fertility Indicators to Assess and Predict the Effectiveness of Demographic Policies pp. 170 - 184
- Vladimir Arkhangel'Skiy and Natalya Dzhanayeva
- Competitiveness of the meat sector of the agroindustrial complex: national and regional aspects pp. 171 - 181
- Aleksey Dudnik
- The strategy of competitiveness development in the largest city pp. 171 - 180
- A Pryadein
- Estimation of tax administration system by taxpayer in the Ural federal district pp. 173 - 178
- Alexey Naydenov
- Primary sector of Russian economy: condition and development opportunities pp. 173 - 182
- Semen Kimelman
- The mathematics statistical analysis productive and economic parameters metallurgical complex of Ural pp. 173 - 187
- Khamid Gizatullin, Aleksandr Samotayev and Yuriy Doroshenko
- Seven Fundamental Economic Characteristics Exclusivity of Agrifood Supply Chains (part 2) pp. 174 - 180
- Thomas Sporleder and Michael Boland
- The role consumer market in the development of socio-economic system pp. 175 - 180
- Olga Pyshmintseva
- Investigation of economic security in terms of relations “innovation security — innovation culture†pp. 178 - 185
- Aleksey Bagaryakov and Natalya Nikulina
- Replacement Of Reserves Zinc Producers In The Russian Federation Based On The Recycling Of Technogenic Raw Materials pp. 178 - 187
- Aleksandr Tatarkin, Olga Bryantseva and Valeriy Dyubanov
- The organizational-economic mechanism of restructuring of the market of mineral oil in region pp. 179 - 195
- Vasiliy Yefimenkov, Svetlana Surkova and Igor Rozenflants
- The influence of branch-wise differentiation upon the innovation and investment activity in the region pp. 180 - 190
- Petr Ogorodnikov, Igor Korabeynikov and Mikhail Melko
- Waste products management of industrial region enterprises pp. 180 - 189
- Aleksandr Lipenkov and Yuriy Farafonov
- Integration as the basis of stable and dynamic development of enterprises in agroindustrial complex pp. 181 - 189
- Petr Ogorodnikov, Ol'ga Fedorova and Valentina Chirkova
- Railway optimal network simulation for the development of regional transport-logistics system pp. 181 - 189
- Mikhail Petrov, Vladimir Tarasyan and Marina Zhuravskaya
- Development of toolkit of intermediate term forecasting of regional development pp. 181 - 185
- Anatoliy Ogloblin
- The complex method of measuring organizational communications pp. 181 - 190
- Ilya Maltsev and Lidiya Nikolayeva
- Regional experience of enhancement of social and environmental responsibility of enterprises pp. 183 - 189
- Tatyana Tikhonova
- Organizational and economic aspects of development of small business in region pp. 185 - 191
- Vladimir Klimov
- Regional Differentiation of Human Potential Indicators pp. 185 - 196
- Vyacheslav Lokosov, Yelena Ryumina and Vladimir Ulyanov
- The modeling of drug addiction prevalence and its consequences in Russian regions pp. 186 - 192
- Viacheslav Sirotin and Mariya Plotnikova
- Methodical Approaches To Analysis And Forecasting Of Development Fuel And Energy Complex And Gas Industry In The Region pp. 188 - 199
- Vladimir Zybatov and Larisa Vazhenina
- The methodological aspects of formation and development of e-government of the region pp. 188 - 200
- Alla Kalinina, Yelena Petrova and Aleksey Sokolov
- Food supply in Siberia and the Far East: challenges and prospect pp. 190 - 194
- Yevgeniy Rudoy and Yevgeniy Afanasyev
- Сompensational and preferential forms of support to agriculture pp. 190 - 199
- Vladimir Pashkov
- Relationship between government expenditure and output in the problematic regions in the European Union pp. 190 - 199
- Irena Szarowská
- Innovation tools of economic development of the enterprise pp. 191 - 196
- Fedor Zotov and Rim Muzipov
- Tax tools of the state policy(politics) at development of oil-and-gas resources of new regions pp. 191 - 206
- Vera Toskunina
- Automated workplace - the basic core of innovative processes in management of the enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex pp. 191 - 199
- Viktoriya Komnatova
- Merited labour: methodology and methods of evaluation pp. 192 - 199
- Nail Shaymardanov, Tatyana Polkova and Olga Pyshmintseva
- Research into interdependence of economic activities in the context of the rural sector of economy of the region pp. 194 - 198
- Tatyana Degtyareva and Yelena Chulkova
- Development of transport mechanical engineering as the condition of maintenance of social and economic security of region pp. 196 - 201
- Vsevolod Babushkin
- Development of motor industry of Sverdlovsk region from the position of the international competitiveness pp. 196 - 200
- Anton Kozlov and Larisa Kapustina
- Rating the Efficiency of Regional Health Systems and Compulsory Health Insurance pp. 197 - 213
- Tatyana Russkikh, Natalja Sirotkina and Viktoriya Tinyakova
- Development tools for risk implementation of entrepreneurship infrastructure pp. 199 - 208
- Rustam Malikov and Vener Kharisov
- Formation of the investment mechanism in the agrarian sphere of the region pp. 199 - 207
- Valentina Li and Natalya Vorobyeva
- New approaches to the marine transport hub competitive growth pp. 199 - 204
- Marina Botnaryuk
- Controlling of the personnel in system of management pp. 200 - 203
- Nikolay Golovin
- Account methods of uncertainty of data at forecasting of development of hydrocarbon region pp. 200 - 206
- Sergey Sadov
- Statistical estimation of the supply with information of marketing activity of the enterprises of region pp. 201 - 207
- Lyudmila Bushuyeva and Tatyana Degtyareva
- Forecasting of economic growth of region in conditions of deficiency of the information pp. 201 - 205
- Sergey Sadov
- Perspectives of the social and economic cooperation among the SCO member states in condition of globalization pp. 203 - 208
- Alisher Rasulev
- Social support of a family and the effect on the population reproduction pp. 204 - 210
- Alla Leontyeva
- Features of the institutional contours formation of the small-scale business development at the territories of Sverdlovsk area pp. 204 - 212
- Elena Mezentseva
- Formation of strategy of economic development of the enterprise of cargo car building pp. 206 - 211
- Natalya Barulina and Vladislav Sologubov
- The influence of socio-economic consequences of world economic crisis on the regional shadow economy pp. 207 - 211
- Gavriil Agarkov, Alexey Naydenov and Anastasiya Sudakova
- Comparative estimation of power-investing attractiveness of regions: method and its implementation pp. 207 - 220
- Anatoliy Myzin, Petr Mezentsev, Oksana Denisova and Pavel Pykhov
- Development of small agrobusiness subjects and governmental support pp. 207 - 212
- Antonina Pakhomova
- Highlights of the Customs Union pp. 208 - 211
- Aleksandr Kharlov and Dmitriy Nozhenko
- Evaluation Of Regional Structure Of The World Market Of Tourist Services pp. 208 - 214
- Christina Osipenko
- Intraorganizational marketing as a factor of the increasing of enterprise competitiveness pp. 208 - 220
- Irina Neganova
- World trade organization and structural changes in economy of a region pp. 208 - 219
- Elena Vaisman and Viktoriya Boos
- Enhancement of efficiency of forest use in a region pp. 210 - 214
- Aleksey Kamenev
- Estimation of efficiency of resource ensuring of monitoring of target programs of social and economic regional development pp. 211 - 215
- Zhanna Mingaleva and Natalya Pazdnikova
- Trends and challenges of mortgage crediting in Ural Federal District pp. 212 - 217
- Olga Ushakova
- Institute of estimation of policy in the space of the SCO pp. 212 - 217
- Yuriy Shamkov and Svetlana Doroshenko
- Directions of the small-scale enterprises financial stability groth in the region pp. 213 - 220
- Anna Makarova
- Problems and social policy priorities sustainable development of rural territories (on the Republic Komi example) pp. 213 - 223
- Vitaliy Lazhentsev and Vitaliy Terentyev
- Planning Mechanisms for Regional Electric Power Supply System Development pp. 214 - 225
- Evgeny Malyshev and Anton Kashurnikov
- Management of corrective and preventive actions at a metallurgical enterprise pp. 215 - 220
- Oleg Zuboyarov
- Role Of The Agrarian-Oriented Territories In The Formation Of Food Security Of The Russsia pp. 215 - 226
- Lev Korshunov
- Food support: condition and prospects pp. 215 - 218
- Yevdokiya Kolosova
- Competitive potential of innovative business in the market of the medical equipment pp. 218 - 224
- Aleksandr Makarov and Anna Makarova
- About problems of intensifying of partnership in central Asia pp. 218 - 221
- Turar Koychuev
- Estimation of demographic policy in the framework of effective region development maintenance mechanism pp. 219 - 223
- Aleksandra Vasilyeva
- Economic development strategies of regions of Russia: system crisis and new economic space pp. 220 - 237
- Aleksandr Gusev
- Influence of demographic processes on economy of a region pp. 220 - 224
- Svetlana Chuchkalova and Olga Starodumova
- System modelling of economical analysis and management of design organization in oil and gas industry pp. 221 - 226
- Railya Bakhitova and Khamid Gizatullin
- The development of environmental management systems on the Urals industrial enterprises pp. 221 - 227
- Lyudmila Mochalova, Margarita Ignatyeva and Vadim Ignatyev
- Role of Russia in development of intra-regional integration process between countries of Central Asia pp. 221 - 227
- Nureddin Kayumov
- Methodological aspects of development of small business in old-industrial territories pp. 221 - 230
- Natalya Lobareva
- Problems and social policy priorities sustainable development of rural territories (on the Republic Komi example) pp. 223 - 232
- Vitaliy Lazhentsev and Vitaliy Terentyev
- Integral estimate of population’s living standards and life quality in Northwest Federal District subjects pp. 224 - 227
- Vera Popova and Roman Dubinichev
- Influence of demographic processes on economy of a region pp. 225 - 228
- Svetlana Chuchkalova and Olga Starodumova
- The industrial policy of subjects of federation as the basis of development of inter-regional economic integration pp. 225 - 230
- Mikhail Dobyndo
- Introduction of Open E-Learning System as a Factor of Regional Development pp. 226 - 237
- Tatiana Bystrova, Viola Larionova, Michael Osborne and Anatoliy Platonov
- Concept of structural reorganization of the region industry the crisis conditions pp. 227 - 230
- Nadezhda Davydova
- Competition Financing for Scientific Organizations in the Region pp. 227 - 237
- Yevgeniy Popov and Maksim Vlasov
- Theoretical aspects of the analysis of efficiency of development of region economy pp. 227 - 231
- Oleg Botkin and Marat Garayev
- Integration capacity of Kazakhstan and Russia pp. 227 - 233
- Saule Kalieva
- The methodical approaches to perfection of cash service in system «bank – client» pp. 228 - 232
- Vladimir Bochko and Andrey Mineyev
- Northeast China’s economy under the world financial crisis pp. 229 - 234
- Dmitry Izotov
- Forecasting of parameters of demographic sphere of Sverdlovsk region pp. 231 - 235
- Aleksandra Vasilyeva and Yevgeniya Nekrasova
- About anti-recessionary strategy of regional spontaneous social and economic systems pp. 231 - 235
- Aleksandr Shibin and Yuliya Shibina
- Methodological bases of the estimation of consequences of influence of mining complexes on the environment pp. 232 - 235
- Aleksandr Semyachkov and Andrey Fominykh
- Current state and development trends of the agroindustrial complex and rural territories of Perm Region pp. 233 - 240
- Gennadiy Klimenkov
- Natural resources abundance: curse or blessing for economy? pp. 233 - 238
- Aleksandr Maltsev
- Opinion of society as a basis of international relations — analysis of data of public-opinion polls «how citizens of China cognize the world?» pp. 233 - 237
- Pan Deli
- Some aspects of perfection of licensed access to bowels pp. 233 - 239
- Irina Polyanskaya, Vyacheslav Pakhomov and Alfred Fadeichev
- Interregional differentiation of quality of life in Russia pp. 234 - 242
- Elena Chistova
- The management of effectiveness of institutional transformations in municipal services pp. 236 - 243
- Sergey Bazhenov
- Stability Of The Regional Banking Systems In The Crisis And Post-Crisis Periods pp. 237 - 245
- Yelena Gurova
- Interaction and cooperation of the member states of the SCO in the context of regional security: lessons, challenges and prospects pp. 237 - 243
- Gulnar Iskakova
- Functioning and development of local consumer markets: theoretical, methodological and applied aspects pp. 237 - 249
- Valentina Antonyuk, Irina Danilova and Natalia Paseshnik
- Russian Consumer Sector: Methodology of Evaluation pp. 238 - 248
- Gavriil Agarkov and Anastasiya Sudakova
- Estimation of impact of natural resources development on the socioeconomic development of European North territories of Russia pp. 239 - 247
- Olga Gubina and Anna Shirikova
- Socio-economic issues of promotion and labour motivation in agricultural organizations pp. 240 - 248
- Vladimir Belkin and Nadezhda Belkina
- The ways and methods of maintenance of economic stability of building enterprise by cause of dynamic model pp. 240 - 244
- Anatoliy Platonov and Sergey Pleshkov
- Income tax consequences of individuals for income citizens in modern Mongolia pp. 243 - 249
- Damiran Suvdaa
- Branch aspects of accounting payments by companies of mobile network pp. 244 - 248
- Irina Konovalova and Yelena Bazhenova
- Economic safety of the regions in terms of the recession of the world economy pp. 245 - 250
- Boris Kuznetsov, Guiya Galiullina and Elmira Mingaleyeva
- The Relationship Between Inflation And Inflation Uncertainty In Turkey pp. 246 - 254
- Havvanur Feyza Erdem and Rahmi Yamak
- Model of competitive behavior and competitive space of firm pp. 248 - 255
- Albert Karpov
- Competitiveness of the branch complex of regional system pp. 249 - 254
- Svetlana Kotlyarova and Elena Shamova
- Social infrastructure and labour resources of rural territories pp. 249 - 253
- Alexey Ilyukhin and Svetlana Ilyukhina
- Caspian vector of integration of the Shanghai cooperation organization: exogenous and endogenous factors of development of the North Caucasus pp. 249 - 253
- Nabiyula Gichiev
- Institutional and Organizational Features of the Cross-Border Freight Traffic in the Conditions of Integration among Former Soviet States. Part 2 pp. 249 - 259
- Valeriy Tsvetkov, Kobilzhon Zoidov, Aleksey Medkov and Valentina Ionicheva
- Synergetic method of a quantitative forecasting of economic times series pp. 250 - 259
- Gennadiy Bystray, Aleksandr Kuklin, Ivan Lykov and Natalya Nikulina
- Human potential as a strategic factor of regional development pp. 251 - 255
- Aleksandr Korobeynikov
- Migration processes in SCO member states pp. 253 - 259
- Valentina Antonyuk and Natalia Neklyudova
- Efficiency Of Use Of Investment Resources Of The Russian Economy pp. 254 - 260
- Oleg Turygin
- Resources of Mongolian beef industry development pp. 254 - 257
- L. Damdinsuren
- Education in region: use of the mental potential of high schools (on the example of the Perm edge) pp. 255 - 261
- Natalya Chashchina and Zhanna Mingaleva
- The economic aspects of the spatial bowelusing pp. 256 - 262
- Elena Atamanova
- Management of the internal labor market (basing on cases of the Sverdlovsk region city-forming enterprises) pp. 256 - 269
- Svetlana Orekhova
- Reforms of rural areas and directions of innovational activity in the agroindustrial complex of the Ukraine pp. 257 - 262
- Petr Sabluk
- Substantiation of Resource Territories Development: Complex «Meso-Level» Problem pp. 260 - 274
- Valeriy Kryukov, Anastasiya Sevastyanova, Anatoliy Tokarev and Vladimir Shmat
- Methodological Issues And Formation Principles Of Effectiveness Assessment System Of The Territory Management Taking Into Account Strategic Development Points pp. 261 - 271
- Yelena Petrova
- Cluster development potential of grain crops industry in Kazakhstan pp. 262 - 268
- Ziyada Borbasova and Anastasiya Gel’mle
- Regional aspects of personnel selection in system of the government pp. 262 - 267
- Robert Akyulov
- Possibilities of government, business and education interaction and collaboration in the framework of the «triple helix» model on the example of agroindustrial complex of Transbaikal region pp. 269 - 274
- Viktoria Akberdina and Yevgeniy Malyshev
- Generation Favorable Institutional Configuration Regional Business Environment pp. 271 - 282
- Natalya Solodilova, Rustam Malikov and Konstantin Grishin
- Value added assessment toolkit in the bakery industry of the region pp. 274 - 279
- Zhanna Yermakova and Tatyana Andreyeva
- Multifactorial Vector of Regional Agriculture Development pp. 275 - 288
- Raisa Shepitko, Tatiana Dugina,, Alexander Nemchenko and Eugene Likholetov
- Condition and prospects of development of agricultural mechanical engineering pp. 279 - 284
- Vsevolod Babushkin and Margarita Ignatyeva
- Future Development Of Migration Processes And Labour Market In The Regions Of Russia pp. 283 - 298
- Aleksandra Vasilyeva and Aleksandr Tarasyev
- Formation of the interindustrial agroeconomic integration on the market of cultured mushrooms pp. 284 - 288
- Oleg Botkin and Aleksey Nabokikh
- Simulation of Innovative Resonance in the Industrial Regions pp. 289 - 308
- Viktoria Akberdina, Anatoliy Grebenkin and Nikolay Bukhvalov
- Features of collective investmentof real estate housing development in the region pp. 289 - 292
- Evgeny Gusev and Vladislav Morozov
- Medium Term Scenario Forecast Of The Rural Population In Russia pp. 298 - 308
- Tatiana Blinova and Svetlana Bylina
- Relevant Factors of Innovative Activities of Small Business in Regions pp. 309 - 322
- Elena Vaisman and Mariya Podshivalova
- Optimization of Financial Flow Management Based on Estimates of Regional Multiplicative Effects pp. 323 - 335
- Denis Tatarkin, Yelena Sidorova and Alexander Trynov
- Model for Building a Distribution Network Based on the Multivariate Analysis of the Industrial and Logistical Potential of Regions pp. 336 - 345
- Alexander Kirillov and Vladimir Tselin
- Study of the Eco-Economic Indicators by Means of the New Version of the Merge Integrated Model. Part 1 pp. 346 - 356
- Boris Digas, Valeriy Rozenberg and Anastasiya Boyarskih
- Synergetic Modelling of the Russian Federation’s Energy System Parameters pp. 357 - 369
- Damir Gaynanov, Olga Kantor and Ekaterina Kashirina
- Identifying the Social Structure and the Inequality in Monetary Income of Russian Population pp. 971 - 984
- Vyacheslav Bobkov and Igor Kolmakov
- The Implementation of Transportation and Transit Projects on the Basis of Public-Private Partnership in Russia pp. 977 - 988
- Valeriy Tsvetkov, Kobilzhon Zoidov and Aleksey Medkov
- Socio-Economic Priorities for the Sustainable Development of Russian Arctic Macro-Region pp. 985 - 1004
- Vladimir Leksin and Boris Porfiryev
- Academic Science and New Industrialization (on the Republic of Komi Example) pp. 989 - 1000
- Vitaliy Lazhentsev
- Development of the Tools for the Assessment of the Influence of Administrative Regulation on the Business Efficiency in the Region pp. 1001 - 1013
- Natalya Solodilova, Rustam Malikov and Konstantin Grishin
- Russia Between Two Subcontinents of Eurasia: Advantages and New Threats pp. 1005 - 1015
- Ruslan Khasbulatov
- Regional Potential and Regional Capital: «Possibility» — «Reality» — «Necessity» pp. 1014 - 1027
- Vyacheslav Stolbov and Michael Sharygin
- «Turn to the East» Policy: Expectations and Reality pp. 1016 - 1029
- Pavel Minakir
- Methodological Tools for the Assessment of Ecological and Socio-Economic Environment in the Region within the Limits of the Sustainability of Biosphere pp. 1029 - 1039
- Aleksey Davankov, Dmitry Dvinin and Evgeny Postnikov
- Methodological Tools for the Detection of Risks to the Welfare of the Individuals and the Territory of Residence pp. 1030 - 1043
- Aleksandr Kuklin, Maria Pecherkina, Alexander Tyrsin and Alfiya Surina
- Galina Gagarina, Nikita Moiseev, Alla Ryzhakova and Gleb Ryzhakov
- Interpretation of the Term “Reindustrialization†in the Conditions of Globalization pp. 1044 - 1054
- Andrei Maltsev, Catherine Mercier-Suissa and Arina Mordvinova
- Yelena Andreyeva, Aleksandr Linetskiy, Artyom Ratner and Daria Kuznetsova
- Intellectual and Technological Development of Regions: Challenges and Ways to Address them pp. 1055 - 1067
- Vladimir Bochko
- Informational support of the investment process in a large city economy pp. 1061 - 1068
- Tamara Chargazia and Irina Popova
- Two-Criterion Model of the Russian Society Stratification by Income and Housing Security pp. 1061 - 1075
- Vyacheslav Bobkov, Peter Herrmann, Igor Kolmakov and Yelena Odintsova
- Analysis of Factors and Development Potential of Economic Clusters by Economic Activities in Mari El Republic pp. 1068 - 1079
- Victor Golovin
- Boris Revich, Simon Avaliani and Gregory John Simons
- Relationship between Assets and Organizational Structure in the Oil Industry: Regional Aspects pp. 1076 - 1087
- Valeriy Kryukov and Anatoliy Tokarev
- Economic and Legal Aspects of the Regulation of Population Migration pp. 1079 - 1089
- Tanya Luzina and Irina Ignatova
- Forecasting of Socio-Economic Development of the Russian Regions pp. 1080 - 1094
- Galina Gagarina, Evgeniy Dzyuba, Roman Gubarev and Fanil Faizullin
- Problems of Economic Security for Digital Society in the Context of Globalization pp. 1088 - 1101
- Yevgeniy Popov and Konstantin Semyachkov
- Var — analysis of global financial economic crisis impact on public budget and unemployment: evidence from the economy of the Kyrgyz republic pp. 1090 - 1101
- Nargiza Alymkulova, Nurlan Atabaev and Junus Ganiev
- Macroeconomic Determinants of the Entrepreneurial Activity at Different Business Cycle Phases pp. 1095 - 1106
- Anastasia Antsygina, Alexey Zhukov and Anastasiya Sypchenko
- Requirements of Employers for Young Specialists and Issues of Their Training at the Educational Institutions: Regional Specificity of Moscow pp. 1102 - 1112
- Vyacheslav Bobkov, Alexander Litvinyuk and Svetlana Ledneva
- An Agent-Based Model of Eurasia and Simulation of Consequences of Large Infrastructure Projects pp. 1102 - 1116
- Valeriy Makarov, Albert Bakhtizin, Elena Sushko and Alina Ageeva
- Regional Entrepreneurship System: Development Parameters and Potential of Reconfiguration pp. 1107 - 1122
- Natalya Solodilova, Rustam Malikov and Konstantin Grishin
- Ecological Aspects of the Assessment of Quality of Life pp. 1113 - 1122
- Yelena Ryumina
- Russian Arctic Today: Substantive Novelties and Legal Collisions pp. 1117 - 1130
- Vladimir Leksin and Boris Porfiryev
- Network Interactions in the Great Altai Region pp. 1123 - 1137
- Lev Korshunov and Nikolay Nikonov
- Problems and Tools for the Detection of Threats to Personnel Security in the Region pp. 1123 - 1134
- Natalia Kuznetsova and Anastasiia Timofeeva
- Coalition Analysis and Effects of Regional Integration pp. 1131 - 1144
- Victor Suslov, Naimdzhon Ibragimov and Larisa Mel'nikova
- The Socio-Economic Value of Teacher Salaries Rise pp. 1135 - 1145
- Yelena Avraamova and Dmitry Loginov
- Methods of Integrated Assessment of Megalopolis’s Micro-Districts on the Basis of Residents’ Opinions pp. 1138 - 1150
- Anna Bagirova, Olga Notman and József Veress
- Selection of an Effective Trajectory of Regional Socio-Economic Development pp. 1145 - 1155
- Aleksandr Kuklin and Ilya Korobkov
- Mechanisms of the Stimulation of Import Substitution in the Construction Industry pp. 1146 - 1156
- Svetlana Kotlyarova
- Transformation of Pension Systems in the Countries of Eurasian Economic Union pp. 1151 - 1163
- Strgey Dyatlov, Grigorii Feigin (Feiguine) and Liudmila Lebedeva
- Information Asymmetry in Financial Markets: Challenges and Threats pp. 1156 - 1167
- Viktor Ivanitskiy and Vasily Tatyannikov
- Conceptual Foundations of Transition to the Nonlinear Models of Higher Education in the Region pp. 1157 - 1166
- Garold Zborovskiy and Polina Ambarova
- Demographics in the “Marriage Market†of the Sverdlovsk Region pp. 1164 - 1174
- Alexander Sinelnikov
- Evaluation of the Development of the Renewable Energy Markets in Russia pp. 1167 - 1177
- Irina Grechukhina, Olga Kudryavtseva and Ekaterina Yakovleva
- Analysis of the Determinants of Total Factor Productivity in Russian Regions pp. 1168 - 1180
- Alexander Myasnikov
- Cluster Analysis as an Analytical Tool of Population Policy pp. 1175 - 1183
- Oksana Shubat and Irina Shmarova
- Muhammad Ali and Anita Medhekar
- Institutional Featureof Regional Economic Security pp. 1181 - 1193
- Vladimir Kaukov and Arif Shikhverdiyev
- Comparative Assessment the of Effectiveness of Sports Development in the Russian Regions on the Basis of DEA Method pp. 1184 - 1198
- Yuri Zelenkov, Valeriy Tsvetkov and Ilya Solntsev
- Russian Pharmaceutical Companies Export Potential in Emerging Regional Clusters pp. 1194 - 1204
- Elena Sapir, Igor Karachev and Mingzhu Zhang
- The Management of Regional Information Space in the Conditions of Digital Economy pp. 1194 - 1206
- Strgey Dyatlov, Oleg Lobanov and Weidi Zhou
- Electrification as a Development Driver for “Smart Cities†pp. 1199 - 1210
- Leonid Gitelman and Mikhail Kozhevnikov
- Management of Diversificataion System in Aerospace Industry pp. 1205 - 1217
- Yury Vlasov and Alexander Chursin
- Influence of Regional Industrial Specialty to the Emergence of Intraregional Clusters pp. 1207 - 1220
- Olga Ivanova
- Energy Approach to Measure the Region’s Assimilative Capacity pp. 1211 - 1220
- Irina Belik, Natalya Starodubets and Alena Yachmeneva
- Cross-Industry Spatially Localized Innovation Networks pp. 1218 - 1232
- Alexander Karlik and Vladmir Platonov
- The Technological Innovations and Their Impact on the Economy pp. 1221 - 1235
- Mikhail Maslennikov
- The System Analysis of Ensuring the Stability of Innovative and Digital Economy on the Basis of Intellectual Comprehensive Security System pp. 1221 - 1231
- Petr Ogorodnikov, Galina Zaloznaya and Alexandr Borovski
- Assessment of Small Industry Resistance to the Hypercompetition Threats in Regions pp. 1232 - 1245
- Elena Vaisman and Mariya Podshivalova
- Public Procurement as an Instrument for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Business in Russia pp. 1233 - 1243
- Gulnara Gafurova, Svetlana Fookina and Galina Notfullina
- Security of Regional Economic Space: Conceptual Framework and System of Indicators pp. 1236 - 1250
- Victor Sigov and Andrey Pesotskiy
- Oleg Mariyev, Igor Drapkin, Kristina Chukavina and Heiko Rachinger
- Assessment of the Socio-Economic Consequences of Emergency Situations (On the Example of the Republic of Kazakhstan) pp. 1246 - 1255
- Kalizhan Narbayev, Valentina Guseva, Kendebai Raimbekov and Arman Kussainov
- Development of Innovative Component for the Region’s Economic Security pp. 1251 - 1263
- Irina Golova and Alla Sukhovey
- Olga Rybakova and Irina Kislykhina
- Methodological Tools to Measure the State of Regional Entrepreneurial Ecosystem pp. 1256 - 1269
- Natalya Solodilova, Rustam Malikov and Konstantin Grishin
- Shakizada Niyazbekova, Igor Grekov and Tatiana Blokhina
- Comprehensive Assessment of Industries Economic Security: Regional Aspect pp. 1264 - 1279
- Viktoria Akberdina, Anatoliy Grebenkin and Olga Smirnova
- Regional Aspect of the Russian Insurance Market pp. 1270 - 1281
- Alexander Tsyganov and Nadezda Kirillova
- Optimizing the Use of Resources of Technogenic Deposits Taking into Account Uncertainties pp. 1280 - 1290
- Ivan Potravnyy, Andrey Novoselov and Irina Novoselova
- Assessment of «Green» Economy Development in Regions (on the Example of the Republic of Kazakhstan) pp. 1282 - 1297
- Yevgeniy Varavin and Marina Kozlova
- Features of Intellectual Property Rights Lending pp. 1291 - 1303
- Olga Maslenkova
- Factors of Emigration from Russia: Regional Features pp. 1298 - 1311
- Sergey Ryazantsev and Marina Khramova
- Å árka SobotoviÄ Ová and Beata Blechová
- Financial and Social Success of University Graduates in the Ural Region pp. 1312 - 1326
- Gavriil Agarkov, Daniil Sandler and Anastasia Sushchenko Anastasia Dmitrievna
- Darko Vuković, Dejan Radulovic, Milos Markovic, Dmitry Kochetkov and Natalya Vlasova
- Innovative Activity of Business Managers as a Condition for Modernization of Regional Labour Potential pp. 1327 - 1340
- Vladimir Belkin, Nadezhda Belkina and Olga Antonova
- Evaluation of Social and Economic Losses from Premature Mortality caused by HIV Infection pp. 1341 - 1355
- Anzhelika Podymova, Irina Baskakova and Marina Balandina
- Funding Pension System of Russia in the Categories of National Accounts pp. 1356 - 1369
- Aleksey Pasynkov
- Sustainable Development of the Northern Regions: Population Dimension pp. 1370 - 1382
- Victor Fauzer, Tatyana Lytkina and Andrey Smirnov
- Modeling the Employment Rate in Russia: a Spatial-Econometric Approach pp. 1383 - 1398
- Olga Demidova, Pierluigi Daddi, Ekaterina Medvedeva and Marcello Signorelli
- Consistent Approach to Assess the Comfort of Living in the Northern and Arctic Areas pp. 1399 - 1410
- Vladimir Loginov, Margarita Ignatyeva and Valeriy Balashenko
- Investment Attractiveness and Sustainable Growth of Telecommunication Companies: Value-Oriented Approach pp. 1411 - 1423
- Irina Matyash
- Factors Affecting the Development of the Machine-Building and Metal-Working Industry in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug — Yugra pp. 1424 - 1437
- Vadim Islamutdinov
- The Influence of Import Substitution on Regional Positioning in the System of International Economic Relations pp. 1438 - 1449
- Yelena Andreyeva, Artyom Ratner, Oksana Voronkova and Anatoly Tarasov
- Influence of Foreign Economic Activity on the Economic Growth of Russian Regions pp. 1450 - 1462
- Dmitry Izotov
- Estimation of the Dependence of the Investment Multiplier on the Structure of the Regional Economy pp. 1463 - 1476
- Sergey Sylvestrov, Vladimir Bauer and Vladimir Eremin
- Interrelation of Income, Inflation and Aggregate Demand in the Russian Economy pp. 1477 - 1487
- Vladimir Ilyashenko and Lyudmila Kuklina
- The Mechanism to Implement Environmental Investment Projects on the Basis of Equity Financing pp. 1488 - 1497
- Andrey Novoselov, Ivan Potravnyy, Irina Novoselova and Katherine Yeshia Chavez Ferreyra
- Internal Sources to Increase Financing for Fixed Investments in a Company pp. 1498 - 1511
- Oleg Turygin
- The Relationship of the Region’s Export Potential and the Start-Up Movement of the Youth pp. 1512 - 1525
- Pavel Glukhikh, Yuliya Myslyakova, Ekaterina Malysheva and Sergey Krasnykh
Volume 1, issue 3, 2012
- Providing the balance on the regional commodity market pp. 5 - 20
- Aleksandr Tatarkin, Gamil Muftiyev and Igor Tsarev
- Social technologies: problems and prospects of the bottom level pp. 5 - 15
- Valeriy Makarov
- Threat to the rebirth of knowledge under the influence of the liberal market pp. 7 - 19
- Valeriy Makarov
- Science and innovation: foundations of Russian economic security in the 21st century pp. 7 - 12
- Valeriy Chereshnev, Vladimir Chereshnev, Dmitriy Verzilin and Tatyana Maksimova
- Application of a method of self-identification of territory for its analysis and estimation of prospects of development pp. 9 - 17
- Vladimir Bochko
- State — Region — Field — Enterprise: Framework of Economics System Stability of Russia. Part 2 pp. 9 - 17
- George Kleiner
- Structural policy − nonalternative mean of Russian economy modernization pp. 9 - 18
- Ruslan Grinberg
- Regional development institutions as an economic growth factors pp. 9 - 18
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Svetlana Kotlyarova
- Approaches to working out and the coordination of strategy of economic development of macroregions of the country pp. 9 - 20
- Victor Suslov
- Development trends of the Russian regions pp. 9 - 22
- Sergey Valentey, Albert Bakhtizin, Yevgeny Bukhvald and Anastasiya Kolchugina
- Formation of paradigmatic theory of regional economy pp. 11 - 21
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Yevgeniy Animitsa
- About the strategy and the concept of social and economic development of Russia till 2020 pp. 13 - 26
- Sergey Glazyev
- Methodological principals of regional policy formation: the analisis and the account of economy transformation features of the old industry region pp. 16 - 30
- Darya Nesterova
- Institutional Properties of the South East European Region pp. 17 - 24
- Mimo Draskovic, Niksa Grgurevic and Milica Delibasic
- On the essence of the brand of territory pp. 18 - 23
- Irina Vazhenina
- Regional development institutions as an economic growth factors pp. 18 - 26
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Svetlana Kotlyarova
- The industrial policy and the mechanism of its realization: the system approach pp. 19 - 31
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Olga Romanova
- Intellectual resource of the society and its role in reproduction process pp. 20 - 32
- Aleksandr Tatarkin
- Globalization influence on Russian state economic system improvement pp. 21 - 33
- Galina Zaloznaya
- The concept of formation of the industrial policy of the Perm region pp. 21 - 30
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Viktor Kobelev
- Transformation of theoretical-methodological approaches and methodical tools of the individual and territory welfare diagnostics. Part 1. From spreading to the alternative diagnostics approaches (background) pp. 22 - 36
- Aleksandr Kuklin, Alexey Naydenov, Natalya Nikulina and Tatiana Ponomaryova
- Formation of paradigmatic theory of regional economy pp. 22 - 32
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Yevgeniy Animitsa
- The strategy of scientific and technological development of the North-West as an instrument of regional policy pp. 23 - 29
- Sergey Kuznetsov
- The Spatial Recourses and Limitations of the Russian Economy Modernization: the Example of the North-West Macro Region pp. 25 - 38
- Sergey Kuznetsov, Nikolay Mezhevich and Stanislav Lachininskii
- Vital stability of territory: the contents and ways of strengthening pp. 26 - 37
- Vladimir Bochko
- Methodology of maintenance of the economic security pp. 27 - 38
- Vyacheslav Senchagov
- Concerning forming small-scale entrepreneurship in monosectorial subnational entities pp. 29 - 38
- Yefim Kozakov
- Perspectives of Russia and China regional cooperation pp. 31 - 32
- Syaoyan Dun
- Industrial regions of Russia in the conditions of the global economic crisis pp. 31 - 38
- Boris Kuznetsov, Elmira Mingaleyeva and Maksim Kuznetsov
- Intellectual resource of the society and its role in reproduction process pp. 32 - 42
- Aleksandr Tatarkin
- Illusion of well-being of raw economy pp. 32 - 50
- Valeriy Tsvetkov
- Economic-political determinants of import tariff unification pp. 33 - 49
- Sergey Afontsev
- Research and development potential of the Russian higher education institutions pp. 33 - 46
- Viktor Koksharov, Daniil Sandler, Sergey Kadochnikov and Dmitrii Tolmachev
- The economic space of Russia: problems and trends pp. 34 - 46
- Yevgeniy Animitsa and Nadezhda Surnina
- The structure and institutions: a regional aspect of interaction in the economic system pp. 36 - 48
- Leonid Tarasevich and Dmitry Miropolsky
- Collaboration as a form of knowledge-based economy organization pp. 38 - 45
- Oleg Inshakov
- Development of Management Quality Assessment Methodology in the Public Sector: Problems and Contradictions pp. 39 - 52
- Olga Kozhevina, Evgeniya Yurchenko and Nataliya Balunova
- Opportunities of economic development of the Sverdlovsk area in the light of technological multistructure pp. 39 - 46
- Viktoria Akberdina and Anatoliy Grebenkin
- Komi Republic at the border of the XX and XXI centuries (the problems of socio-economic development) pp. 39 - 54
- Vitaliy Lazhentsev
- Strategic development of Russia and problems of control and counting bodies of the Russian Federation pp. 39 - 47
- Sergey Stepashin
- Innovative reference points of the industrial policy in Kazakhstan pp. 43 - 48
- Ali Abishev
- Collaboration as a form of knowledge-based economy organization pp. 45 - 52
- Oleg Inshakov
- Why do Urals people die: economic-population aspect pp. 47 - 55
- Shloma Spektor, Raisa Nifantova and Sergey Bogdanov
- Business incubation in a university as a key condition for the formation of innovational microentrepreneurship in a region pp. 47 - 56
- Anatoliy Grebenkin and Anastasia Ivanova
- Opportunities of economic development of the Sverdlovsk area in the light of technological multistructure pp. 47 - 53
- Viktoria Akberdina and Anatoliy Grebenkin
- Problems of regional development as the reflection of the effectiveness of public administration pp. 48 - 63
- Vladimir Ilyin and Anna Povarova
- The project pp. 48 - 58
- Petr Latyshev
- Development of theoretical bases and methodical maintenance formations of the strategic purposes developments of region pp. 48 - 54
- Lidiya Shekhovtseva
- The modelling of the region transport complex development pp. 50 - 63
- Ilya Gimadi, Vladimir Dobrodey and Natalya Matushkina
- About the transgressional approach to the regional industrial policy pp. 51 - 59
- Anatoliy Grebenkin
- Regional Social Infrastructure Management as the Instrument for Improving the Quality of Life pp. 53 - 66
- Valentina Antonyuk, Irina Danilova, Semen Mitelman and Anara Bulikeeva
- Inequality of living standards in Russia: internal and international context (the early 1990s and the 2000s) pp. 53 - 62
- Vyacheslav Bobkov and Olesya Veredyuk
- Role of the environmental factor in the competitiveness of the region pp. 54 - 62
- Nadezhda Kalyuzhnova and Viktor Kuzevanov
- The features of technological upgrading of the metallurgical enterprises in the region during in terms of the world crisis pp. 54 - 61
- Olga Romanova, Svetlana Chenchevich and Oleg Sheshukov
- Russian Federation regions classification according to criterion of self-developing pp. 55 - 63
- Yekaterina Zakharchuk, Aleksey Pasynkov and Aleksandr Nekrasov
- Health as the quality of life key indicator pp. 56 - 65
- Zemfira Biktimirova
- Innovative model of development of traditionally industrial territories pp. 56 - 61
- Olga Kozlova and Svetlana Patrusheva
- The industrial policy as the factor of maintenance of economic security or the regions pp. 59 - 68
- Olga Romanova and Rimma Chenenova
- Coordination of regional policy: investiment-innovation aspect pp. 60 - 71
- Oleg Sukharev
- Technical potential and its role in development of innovational economics of agricultural entities pp. 61 - 67
- Igor' Gogolev, Petr Ogorodnikov, Yelena Pilipenko and Valentina Chirkova
- Inequality of living standards in Russia: internal and international context (the early 1990s and the 2000s) pp. 62 - 70
- Vyacheslav Bobkov and Olesya Veredyuk
- Regional features of spatial development of the industrial complex of region in conditions of instability pp. 62 - 69
- Yuliya Lavrikova
- Conception development of effective system in regional management of Innovation. Permsky Krai given as an example pp. 62 - 69
- Anatoliy Molodchik and Viktor Popov
- Vital strategies as regulators of the demographic behavior of a family and a person pp. 63 - 70
- Aleksandr Kuzmin, Tatyana Primak and Anastasiya Kuzmina
- Foreign investments into Sverdlovsk area in the context of Russian connection to WTO pp. 64 - 75
- Larisa Kapustina
- Integration processes in CIS and international experience in economic and political cooperation pp. 64 - 73
- Valeriy Tsvetkov and Marat Baydurin
- Investment of progressive structural shifts in industry pp. 66 - 82
- Zhanna Mingaleva
- Infrastructure Security of the Ural Regions: Assessment Technique and Diagnostic Results pp. 66 - 77
- Pavel Pykhov and Tatiana Kashina
- Sustainable development in the region: innovation, competitiveness and economic security pp. 68 - 77
- Zhanna Mingaleva and Gennadiy Gershanok
- Strategic adaptation as the regional socio-economic system innovation development imperative pp. 69 - 77
- Svetlana Doroshenko
- Influence of the integrated structures on economic safety of territory pp. 69 - 80
- Andrey Kozitsyn and Aleksandr Shibin
- Antirecessionary strategy of the machine-building monoprofile enterprise pp. 70 - 78
- Andrey Maksimov and Timofey Maksimov
- Central Ural towards new industrialization pp. 71 - 81
- Yevgeniy Animitsa and Yakova Silin
- Particularly human development regions in modern Russia pp. 71 - 79
- Yelena Kravchenko and Igor Sharkevich
- Principles of formation and realization of regional industrial policy pp. 72 - 77
- Rimma Chenenova and Svetlana Chenchevich
- Socio-economic factors of the Russian society consolidation: regional aspect pp. 73 - 82
- Vyacheslav Lokosov
- Problems of the innovative systems formation in region pp. 76 - 88
- Irina Golova and Alla Sukhovey
- Population policy of Russia: regional dimension pp. 77 - 89
- Olga Kalachikova and Alexandra Shabunova
- Methodological Approaches for Estimating Gross Regional Product after Taking into Account Depletion of Natural Resources, Environmental Pollution and Human Capital Aspects pp. 77 - 88
- Boris Korobitsyn
- Problems of regional innovation strategy forming pp. 77 - 85
- Irina Golova
- Regional industrial policy in global economy pp. 78 - 86
- Viktor Kobelev
- Power efficiency increase as transition to innovation development of real economy pp. 79 - 83
- Sergey Bikbulatov
- Socio-economic development of northern regions of Russia pp. 80 - 88
- Yusif Gadzhiyev and Valeriy Akopov
- The economic security of the Volga Federal District regions pp. 81 - 91
- Sergey Mityakov, Yevgeniy Mityakov and Natalya Romanova
- Research of branch and regional problems of forming of power safety pp. 81 - 88
- Anatoliy Myzin, Petr Mezentsev, Pavel Pykhov and Oksana Denisova
- Ecological characteristic of quality of the population pp. 82 - 90
- Yelena Ryumina
- The effectiveness of dataware of management pp. 83 - 97
- Mariya Kurashova and Vladimir Zadorozhnyy
- Foundation of innovation territories as preposition of technological modernization of economy of Tumen΄s North pp. 84 - 91
- Alla Sukhovey and Irina Golova
- Role of regional offices of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the innovation development of regions pp. 85 - 95
- Galina Untura
- Industrial policy in system of determinants of international competitiveness of Russian Federation enterprises pp. 87 - 95
- Boris Tatarskikh and Gennadiy Yakovlev
- Role of tax administration in maintenance of financial safety of region pp. 89 - 96
- Gavriil Agarkov and Sergey Kortov
- The organizational-economic mechanizm of the innovate territories functioning pp. 89 - 95
- Yefim Kozakov and Vsevolod Yushkov
- Regulators of employees behaviour in Russia pp. 89 - 97
- Vladimir Mordachev
- Demographic Aspects of Human Capital Development in Russia and Its Regions pp. 89 - 102
- Vladimir Iontsev and Aminat Magomedova
- Model of social structure in the study of life’s quality of the territory’s population pp. 89 - 94
- Nadezhda Sokolova
- Influence of international economic integration on socio-economic development of region pp. 90 - 100
- Yelena Andreyeva, Viktoriya Zakharova and Artyom Ratner
- The estimation of labor life quality in regions of Russia pp. 91 - 100
- Yelena Andreyeva and Tatyana Polkova
- Institutional reorganization in economy of knowledge pp. 92 - 99
- Maksim Vlasov and Irina Kats
- Image and reputation as strategic components of non-material actives of territory pp. 95 - 103
- Irina Vazhenina and Sergey Vazhenin
- Social conscience of financial institutions as a solution for retaining relationships with customers in the face of the global crisis pp. 95 - 103
- Edyta Rudawska
- Formation of the supplementing mechanism of realization of strategy of technological modernization at the regional level pp. 96 - 103
- Zhanna Yermakova
- To the question about bank system formation in Russia pp. 96 - 111
- Ali Asadov
- Economy of the North and national safety of Russia pp. 97 - 111
- Vitaliy Lazhentsev
- Commercialization of intellectual products of the scientific sphere: institutional analysis pp. 98 - 111
- Tatyana Volkova
- The cities as a socio-economic basis of the Russian North's development pp. 98 - 107
- Vladimir Loginov
- Development of innovative forms of business in knowledge economy pp. 100 - 106
- Rimma Chenenova and Irina Makarova
- Development of the human potential in Russian and foreign countries pp. 101 - 112
- Mikhail Maslennikov
- Sustainable development indicators for cities pp. 101 - 110
- Sergey Bobylev, Olga Kudryavtseva and Sofya Solovyova
- Inequality of Income Distribution and Economics Growth in the Regions of Russia in the Post-Crisis Period pp. 102 - 113
- Ruslan Grigoryev, Marat Kramin, Timur Kramin and Asiya Timiryasova
- Influence of intraregional integration processeson socio-economic situation of Central Asia region pp. 103 - 110
- Nureddin Kayumov
- Innovative aspect of industrial policy pp. 104 - 110
- Mikhail Pestunov
- Development of innovation complexes as a mechanism of technologies transfer and an instrument of social-economic policy in the region pp. 104 - 111
- Alla Sukhovey
- The main lines of development and monitoring of small and medium manufacturing entrepreneurship pp. 107 - 113
- Vyacheslav Arkhangelskiy
- Analysis of per capita income dynamics of the USA and Russia gross domestic product pp. 108 - 115
- Igor Pichurin
- Deviant subculture of student’s audience of the ural higher education institution pp. 110 - 118
- Boris Pavlov
- Problems of activization of innovative activity in the context of formation of regional innovative systems pp. 111 - 121
- Alla Sukhovey and Irina Golova
- Highlights of the Customs Union formation within the EurAsEC framework and primary targets for 2011 pp. 111 - 123
- Sergey Glazyev
- Change of technological ways and institutional innovations: regional aspect pp. 111 - 117
- Andrey Sergeyev
- Event marketing on the auto market pp. 112 - 124
- Larisa Kapustina and Tatyana Reshetilo
- Region management efficiency in the context of Russian economy transformations and informatization development pp. 112 - 121
- Alla Kalinina and Aleksey Sokolov
- Competition and development of Russian market structure: 1992 – 2005 pp. 112 - 127
- Svetlana Avdasheva
- Role of natural resources in safeguarding of economic security of areas and countries pp. 112 - 127
- Andrey Shelomentsev, Yefim Kozakov and Yelena Andreyeva
- The approach to managing Russian companies as a national competitive advantage pp. 114 - 119
- Vladimir Prudskiy
- Economic poverty and inequality at regional level in Malta: focus on the situation of children pp. 114 - 122
- Gianni Betti, Etienne Caruana, Sarah Gusman and Laura Neri
- Institutional criteria for the assessment of intellectual products` potential realization in the venture financing system pp. 116 - 125
- Tatyana Volkova and Marina Kuznetsova
- Development trends of the venture capital financing institution: spaciotemporal profile pp. 117 - 122
- Tatyana Volkova and Marina Vinarskaya
- Demographic potential as a component of life quality pp. 118 - 130
- Tatyana Polkova
- The assessment of opportunities and threats for changes of technologies aggregate through order parameters pp. 120 - 128
- Tatyana Nelyubina
- Transformation of institute of a family in Ural in the conditions of socio-economic destructions pp. 121 - 131
- Boris Pavlov
- The development innovative clasters as the direction of regional industrial policy pp. 122 - 129
- Andrey Sergeyev
- Innovation of business-clusters in a strategy of regions’ development pp. 123 - 129
- Galina Boush
- The Reproduction Trajectories of Institutions of Social Isolation of Individual Population Groups in the Regions of Russia pp. 123 - 133
- Ð’oris Berzin, Aleksandr Kuzmin and Olga Pyshmintseva
- Foreign trade infrastructure of a frontier region: structure, role and development trends pp. 124 - 135
- Vasiliy Saliychuk and Marina Kislyakova
- Main stages scientific and production mastering the territory average ural pp. 125 - 140
- Vladimir Bochko
- Institutional criteria for the assessment of intellectual products` potential realization in the venture financing system pp. 125 - 133
- Tatyana Volkova and Marina Kuznetsova
- Analysis of the mineral-raw material safety in the Ural Federation District pp. 128 - 142
- Aleksandr Pakhomov and Aleksey Dushin
- The industrial policy as the key factor of transference the economy of region to the maximum technological way pp. 128 - 141
- Zhanna Yermakova
- Complex restructuring of business as the tool of increase of efficiency and investment appeal pp. 129 - 135
- Aleksey Novoselov
- Innovative technologies of development of a mineral-raw complex of the European northeast of Russia pp. 130 - 137
- Vitaliy Lazhentsev, Irina Burtseva and Igor Burtsev
- State regulation of manufacture of iatrotechnics and products of medical purpose in region pp. 130 - 140
- Aleksandr Makarov and Aleksandr Petrov
- Is the Region of Visegrad Countries on the Track to the Euro Area? Recent Evidence from the Real Convergence Perspective pp. 130 - 139
- Daniel Stavarek and Lucie Tomanova
- Development of protected area system of the Komi Republic pp. 132 - 142
- Tatyana Tikhonova
- Institutional framework of state property pledge in nizhniy Novgorod Rregion pp. 133 - 140
- Tat'yana Danilova, Mariya Lamottke and Ol'ga Guseva
- Transformation of Young People’s Attitude Toward Work in the Old Industrial Region: Ontogenetic Aspect pp. 134 - 148
- Boris Pavlov
- The role of insurance services scope in the economy of the regions pp. 136 - 147
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Rafael Safuanov
- Corporate valuation in terms of its technical reequipment pp. 136 - 145
- Aleksandr Balandin
- The appreciation methodology of innovation development parameters of the coal industry in the Far East region increased competition on the market of the Asia-Pacific pp. 138 - 143
- Galina Kuznetsova
- Why there are more entrepreneurs-manufacturers in one regions and less in others: an empirical evidence pp. 140 - 146
- Evguenii Zazdravnykh
- The Bashkortostamn Republic: controvercies on social-economic development pp. 141 - 146
- Timergazi Galiyev
- Evening-out of disproportions in socio-economical development of municipal formings in Sverdlovsk area pp. 141 - 149
- Eduard Rossel
- Socio-ecological conditions of industrial development of the Yamal peninsula pp. 141 - 150
- Vladimir Bogdanov, Mikhail Golovatin, Lyudmila Morozova and Svetlana Ektova
- Social and ecological component of the sustainable development of region pp. 142 - 151
- Irina Belik and Dmitriy Pryakhin
- The condition of the Urals metallurgical complex before the introduction of Russia into WTO pp. 142 - 152
- Anatoliy Myzin, Aleksandr Kuklin, Andrey Kozitsyn, Aleksey Kalina and Nadezhda Novoseltseva
- Ecological safety of region (socially-ecology-economic aspect) pp. 143 - 152
- Yakov Yandyganov, Yekaterina Vlasova and Natalya Nikulina
- Features of innovative development of a mineral-raw complex in modern conditions pp. 144 - 151
- Irina Polyanskaya and Elena Atamanova
- Consistent assessment of the status and prospects of institutional and innovational subsurface resources management in the arctic zone pp. 146 - 158
- Aleksandr Tatarkin, Irina Polyanskaya, Margaret Ignatieva and Vera Yurak
- Intercompany network organization forms as a basis of restructurisation of regional industrial complex pp. 146 - 153
- Yevgeniy Popov and Viktoriya Simonova
- How can we really care for nature and stimulate business? pp. 147 - 155
- Gennadiy Morozov
- Improving the management of the implementation of tax audits pp. 147 - 155
- Margarita Aristarkhova and Anzhela Voronina
- Structural Development of Health Resort Staff in the Republic of Crimea pp. 149 - 160
- Svitlana Tsokhla, Natalija Simchenko and Оlena Polishchuk
- Use of mechanisms of the private-state partnership at formation of industrial policy of the Perm edge pp. 150 - 158
- Aleksandr Kudryavtsev
- Strategy of protected areas development in purposes of using and keeping bioresources and ecosystem services pp. 150 - 161
- Tatyana Tikhonova
- Methodology and practice of development of hi-tech sector of economy and creation new vacancies in the industrial region pp. 152 - 161
- Olga Romanova and Viktoria Akberdina
- Innovation factor in the development of mineral resources base of metallurgical industry pp. 152 - 157
- Olga Bryantseva and Valeriy Dyubanov
- Planning of the regional dairy complex development pp. 153 - 168
- Vladimir Chereshnev
- Socio-demographic safety of regions of Russia: current condition and problems of diagnostics pp. 153 - 161
- Aleksandr Tatarkin, Aleksandr Kuklin and Aleksandra Vasilyeva
- Modern economic crisis: the end of neoliberal model or «the second breath» pp. 154 - 158
- Mikhail Fedorov, Lyudmila Kuklina and Svetlana Ponomareva
- Institutional framework of public-private partnership development in Russia pp. 155 - 166
- Yelena Sidorova and Denis Tatarkin
- Joint-stock company with employees-shareholders in Russia: is it dream or reality? pp. 156 - 160
- Tatyana Zimina
- Infrastructural maintenance of innovative activity on regional and sectoral levels pp. 158 - 162
- Svetlana Chenchevich and Yevgeniy Selivanov
- Institutionalization problems in power industry pp. 158 - 166
- Rais Burganov and Svetlana Zalyalieva
- Regional socioeconomic system adaptation mechanisms in the times of crisis pp. 159 - 166
- Svetlana Doroshenko
- The share of regions in energy saving strategy pp. 159 - 165
- Nikolay Danilov and Yakov Shchelokov
- Import Substitution in Regional Industrial Production: Theoretical and Practical Aspects pp. 160 - 172
- Yevgeniy Animitsa and Polina Animitsa
- Energy potential of region and its quantitative assessment pp. 161 - 171
- Tatyana Kovalenko and Aleksandr Volkov
- The role of transport corridors in Timan-North Ural Region mineral-raw-material base development pp. 161 - 168
- Irina Burtseva, Aleksey Dushin, Oleg Fedorov and Igor Burtsev
- Inequality and social and economic safety pp. 162 - 171
- Aleksey Shevyakov
- Formation of innovation framework development of Perm region pp. 163 - 168
- Yelena Gilyazova, Viktor Kobelev and Irina Makarova
- Regional priorities of industrial policy in social-orient branches pp. 166 - 174
- Yuliya Lavrikova
- Regional socioeconomic system adaptation mechanisms in the times of crisis pp. 167 - 173
- Svetlana Doroshenko
- Problems of salaries management in oil and gas companies pp. 167 - 175
- Olga Kolosova
- Prospects of transformation of the complex on use of biological resources of the Pacific Russia pp. 168 - 178
- Natalia Antonova and Leonid Volkov
- Strategic approaches to innovative development of electric power industry of region pp. 169 - 175
- Mikhail Petrov
- Development of effective model of management by heatsupplying complex of a region pp. 169 - 174
- Evgeny Malyshev and Irina Znamenskaya
- Тheoretic-methodological aspects of the municipal property management pp. 169 - 178
- Yefim Kozakov, Andrey Shelomentsev and Yevgeniy Pilyugin
- Government support for the developing entrepreneurship in Switzerland and Russia with emphasis on forestry and forest-based industries pp. 171 - 179
- Natalya Shpak and Roy Damary
- Tendencies of prevalence of narcological diseases in Russia at the present stage pp. 172 - 186
- Yevgeniya Koshkina and Valentina Kirzhanova
- Anti-Crisis Solutions for Regional Energy Sector pp. 173 - 188
- Leonid Gitelman, Boris Bokarev, Tatiana Gavrilova and Mikhail Kozhevnikov
- Assessment of the condition of a consumer market: interactive research pp. 174 - 182
- Anastasiya Sudakova and Maria Pecherkina
- Corporate social responsibility as an effective anti-crisis tool pp. 174 - 180
- Andrey Garkavenko, Yelena Loseva and Yevgeniy Pilyugin
- Forming the development program of industrial cooperation in the region pp. 175 - 183
- Aleksandr Makarov and Vyacheslav Trapeznikov
- Innovative development problems of private sector of engineering and defense industrial complexes pp. 175 - 180
- Aleksandr Lugovtsov
- Choice of forms of vertical integration of the enterprises of metallurgy pp. 175 - 187
- Daniil Vyshegorodskiy
- Model of development of vertically and horizontally integrated structures in metallurgical engineering pp. 179 - 189
- Mikhail Maslennikov
- To the question about attraction of regional vonshtadort on example of bavaria pp. 179 - 192
- Yuliya Mikhalitsyna, Vitaliy Ryabkov and Yuliya Platona
- Regional reserves of energy efficiency pp. 180 - 189
- Igor Bayev, Irina Solovyeva and Anatoliy Dzyuba
- Prerequisites for the development of fiber optic cluster pp. 181 - 184
- Ilya Sergeyev
- Immigration in Sverdlovsk region in the context of an economic crisis: causes and consequences pp. 181 - 188
- Yelena Bedrina and Olga Kozlova
- Changes in industrial districts development in conditions of knowledge spillovers (Italian case) pp. 182 - 191
- Yelena Frolova and Yelena Frolova
- Prerequisites for the development of fiber optic cluster pp. 184 - 187
- Ilya Sergeyev
- Features of formation of car-traffic in a regional transportation system in conditions the multi-agents organization of a railway transportation pp. 184 - 193
- Aleksandr Kazakov, Mikhail Petrov and Aleksandr Maslov
- Strategy of development of agrarian and industrial complex – the main condition of realization national agrarian politics pp. 187 - 197
- Anatoliy Altukhov
- Innovative technologies of outsourcing at the machine-building enterprises of Sverdlovsk area pp. 188 - 191
- Petr Krylatkov
- Evolution of the integrated structures in metallurgy pp. 188 - 194
- Dmitriy Pumpyanskiy and Natalya Levitskaya
- Institutional and Organizational Features of the Cross-Border Freight Traffic in the Conditions of Integration Among Former Soviet States. Part 1 pp. 188 - 204
- Valeriy Tsvetkov, Kobilzhon Zoidov, Aleksey Medkov and Valentina Ionicheva
- The improvement of business stability through organization of shareholding structured company pp. 188 - 193
- Igor Botkin and Igor Grebenkin
- Analysis of the oil companies’ performance (on the example of Tomsk Region) pp. 189 - 196
- Irina Sharf
- The development of innovation activities clusters in Russia and in the Czech Republic pp. 190 - 197
- Alexey Lesnik and Zhanna Mingaleva
- Reproductive technologies as social innovations in the system of public health pp. 191 - 197
- Raisa Nifantova and Natalya Krivenko
- Innovative decision in the development of the small and average business pp. 192 - 196
- Vyacheslav Arkhangelskiy
- The substantiation for the establishment of the ethnic natural park «Synsko-Voykarsky» in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District pp. 194 - 201
- Vladimir Bolshakov and Vladimir Bogdanov
- Regional features of merges and acquisitions of the enterprises in sector of small and average business pp. 194 - 198
- Anastasiya Anikeyeva
- Tools of increase of strategic efficiency diversification of the company pp. 195 - 202
- Aleksandr Balandin
- Innovative decision in the development of the small and average business pp. 196 - 199
- Vyacheslav Arkhangelskiy
- Providing investment attractiveness of renewal and development of fixed assets in the energy sector pp. 198 - 207
- Yevgeniy Malyshev and Roman Podoynitsin
- Empirical analyses for financial convergence of Russian insurance market pp. 198 - 208
- Sergey Belozyorov and Zhanna Pisarenko
- Agricultural cooperation in Russia: the problem of organization model choice pp. 198 - 206
- Yyerker Nilsson and Ergey Neganov
- Directions of development of small and average business of the Tambov region in modern conditions of an economic crisis pp. 199 - 202
- Mikhail Bespalov
- Innovative pharmaceutical cluster as a point of economic growth of Sverdlovsk region pp. 199 - 203
- Aleksandr Petrov
- The main directions of technologic modernization in the field of subsurface resources management pp. 202 - 208
- Vyacheslav Pakhomov and Elena Atamanova
- Innovative activity of personnel of organization pp. 203 - 210
- Vladimir Belkin and Nadezhda Belkina
- Choice of strategy at formation of the telecommunication infrastructure of the industrial enterprises pp. 203 - 209
- Leonid Gitelman and Aleksandr Gamburg
- Conversion of the industrial development institutions of region in conditions of economical crisis: innovation view pp. 203 - 205
- Arkadiy Konovalov
- Competitiveness and Economic Security — Priority Problems of the Region’s Metallurgical Complex and its Leaders in the Conditions Of Instability pp. 204 - 215
- Andrey Kozitsyn and Margarita Dudinskaya
- Modeling of development of regional systems of agriculture of Republic Mordovia pp. 205 - 211
- Arthur Nosonov
- Intersectorial complexes as the mechanism of a solution to economic crisis of the industry of monocities pp. 206 - 208
- Olga Tsiovkina
- Estimation of use of genetically modified organisms in a context of economic and food safety of region pp. 207 - 220
- Aleksandr Mitin and Yevgeniy Filimonova
- Mechanisms of innovative self-development of regional business school pp. 207 - 221
- Anatoliy Molodchik and Nikolay Akatov
- Stress analysis in managing the region’s budget risks pp. 208 - 217
- Natalya Pazdnikova and Svetlana Shipitsyna
- Influence of the external and internal environment on the risk of the raid takeover of the Russian companies pp. 209 - 212
- Yekaterina Guman
- The theory of forest capital reproduction in terms of the lease pp. 209 - 216
- Nikolay Bolshakov, Pavel Zharavin and Anton Khozyainov
- Development of the export potential of fire-resistant enterprises of Urals as the important direction of industrial policy of Sverdlovsk area pp. 210 - 214
- Valeriy Dubrovskiy and Mayya Druzhkina
- Threats to the consumer market of region pp. 211 - 219
- Gavriil Agarkov, Alexey Naydenov and Anastasiya Sudakova
- The instability of socio-economic systems as a factor of their receptivity towards changes pp. 211 - 217
- Olga Romanova and Tatyana Nelyubina
- Experience of application of foreign models of stimulation of work of top-managers at the Russian enterprise of heavy mechanical engineering pp. 213 - 216
- Artem Levchenko and Yekaterina Melchenko
- Formation of technopark of high technologies of mechanical engineering on the basis of UMK "PUMORI-SIZ" pp. 215 - 219
- Aleksandr Lugovtsov
- Evaluation the Role of Securities Market in Increasing the Regional Budget Revenues pp. 216 - 227
- Alexander Miller and Andrey Miller
- Vector optimization technique in the problems of interaction between an enterprise and its counteragents pp. 217 - 224
- Oleg Nikonov and Maksim Medvedev
- Realization of the investment-innovation activity in the regional risk pp. 217 - 221
- Anton Mosalev
- The instability of socio-economic systems as a factor of their receptivity towards changes pp. 217 - 222
- Olga Romanova and Tatyana Nelyubina
- Substantiation the strategic priorities of innovation regional development security pp. 218 - 232
- Irina Golova
- Lessons of p. A. Stolypin's reform in A. V. Chayanov's works pp. 219 - 226
- Vladimir Bashmachnikov
- Evolution of industrial policy of Republic Argentina within the limits of regional economic integration "mercosur" pp. 220 - 223
- Vladimir Solovarov
- Ecological-economic estimation of influence of an oil-and-gas complex on territory of Hanti-Mansiyskiy Autonomous Okrug – UGRA pp. 221 - 226
- Tatyana Bessonova
- The agrarian sector of the Russian North in conditions of entry into the WTO pp. 222 - 232
- Valentin Ivanov, Vitaliy Lazhentsev and Tatyana Mikusheva
- Simulation modelling of conditions of industrial systems «nanotechnological» behavior pp. 223 - 228
- Anatoliy Grebenkin and Viktoria Akberdina
- The vulnerability and resilience of the company in modern economic space pp. 224 - 228
- Denis Kopantsev and Sergey Vazhenin
- Municipal aspect of industrial policy pp. 224 - 227
- Anatoliy Trapeznikov
- Problems and ways of improving criterion support for state management of regional economy pp. 227 - 233
- Marat Garayev
- Quality of life of the population as an indicator of sustainable development of rural territories pp. 227 - 233
- Larisa Tretyakova and Nataliya Lavrikova
- The Development of Strategic Bank Lending Industries in the Context of Globalization pp. 228 - 241
- Oksana Kramarenko
- The hi-tech enterprises as object of industrial policy pp. 228 - 233
- Anna Yurpalova
- Matrix suites applying when making the commercial-company-activity-andfinancial-risks-express-diagnostics pp. 228 - 233
- Valentina Neganova and Aleksandr Shemetev
- System-synergistic innovation management as a key factor of national and corporate competitive success pp. 228 - 234
- Vladimir Prudskiy
- Basic directions and tools to increase investment attractiveness of the agricultural sector pp. 233 - 238
- Aleksander Syomin and Alikhan Kibirov
- Agribusiness Potentials for Bangladesh — an Analysis pp. 233 - 247
- Muhammad Ali and Anisul Islam
- Quality of life of the population as an indicator of sustainable development of rural territories pp. 234 - 239
- Larisa Tretyakova and Nataliya Lavrikova
- Development of personnel potential of the country as the priority of modern industrial policy of Russia pp. 234 - 237
- Vladimir Shchelokov
- Character of formation and execution of the consolidated budget of the Chechen Republic and its influence on investment appeal of region pp. 234 - 240
- Oleg Cherkovets and Sulayman Reshiyev
- Analysis and monitoring of energy security and prediction of indicator values using conventional non-linear mathematical programming pp. 234 - 240
- Yelena Bykova and Mikhail Grodetskiy
- Factors of innovative activity in Russian regions: modeling and empirical analysis pp. 235 - 244
- Oleg Mariyev and Ivan Savin
- Seven Fundamental Economic Characteristics Exclusivity of Agrifood Supply Chains (part 1) pp. 238 - 246
- Thomas Sporleder and Michael Boland
- Integrations of manufactures as instrument of industrial policy of a region pp. 238 - 241
- Galina Yershova and Vladimir Salchinskiy
- Risks assessment and forecasting long time rows of economic indicators pp. 240 - 249
- Gennadiy Bystray, Ivan Lykov and Natalya Nikulina
- Correlation Assessment of Tax System Risk and Profitability in the Russian Regions pp. 241 - 255
- Marina Malkina and Rodion Balakin
- Demographic safety of region as object of a state policy pp. 241 - 246
- Robert Akyulov
- Regional analysis of the industrial development of Yakutia pp. 241 - 246
- Mikhail Prisyazhnyy
- The municipal industrial policy as the basis of prevention of risks of occurrence of extreme situations pp. 242 - 247
- Yevgeniy Shabalin
- Development of the food industry in Uzbekistan on the innovative basis pp. 245 - 249
- Omilkhon Ismailov
- Strategy and tactics of nanoindustry development in the Russian Federation pp. 246 - 250
- Oleg Inshakov
- Ecological safety and ecological modernization of economy of region pp. 247 - 250
- Aleksandr Pytkin and Gennadiy Klimenkov
- Foundation of the cliometrics analysis of regional characteristics of the evolution of economic systems pp. 247 - 257
- Vladimir Bersenyov and Aleksey Gorst
- Factor analysis of the relationship «consumption-saving» in the Ural federal district pp. 248 - 257
- Olga Kozlova and Yevgeniya Tukhtarova
- The analysis of the regional economic system of the type special economic zone using the method of structural changes pp. 249 - 260
- Oleg Sukharev and Ol'ga Ilyina
- Innovation barriers and perspectives of the industrial markets development on the example of construction industry pp. 250 - 254
- Svetlana Kotlyarova
- The preferred orientation of the metallurgical enterprises of the Urals to the domestic market — one of the most important conditions for economic security pp. 250 - 254
- Igor Pichurin
- Integrated parameter of ecology-economic development of the territory pp. 251 - 254
- Irina Belik
- Role of modernization in maintenance of a sustainable development of economy of region pp. 255 - 261
- Natalya Solodilova and Diana Mukhametova
- New trends of nyt population the processes and structures in Slovakia pp. 255 - 259
- Yozef Mladek and Yana Marenchakova
- Results of measurement procedure of innovation maturity of business pp. 255 - 259
- Olga Kozlova and Svetlana Tyulkina
- Food Supply Security and Import Substitution as the Key Strategic Objectives of the Modern Agricultural Policy pp. 256 - 266
- Anatoliy Altukhov, Veniamin Drokin and Aleksey Zhuravlev
- Balanced indices in evaluation of production competitiveness pp. 257 - 265
- Lyudmila Rodionova and Olga Kantor
- Assessment of damage from reduction of expected lifespan due to cancer pp. 257 - 264
- Boris Korobitsyn, Aleksandr Kuklin, Igor Manzhurov and Natalya Nikulina
- Transport and logistics cluster in an economic system of a region pp. 260 - 264
- Irina Menshenina
- Development of innovative potential of companies on the basis of systematic work with young experts pp. 260 - 263
- Vladimir Antropov and Natalya Dmitrenko
- Consolidation of the subjects of the Russian Federation as an element of economic development pp. 261 - 267
- Lev Korshunov
- Dynamic optimization of complex program controlling the structure of an enterprise's product range pp. 261 - 271
- Andrey Shorikov and Yelena Rassadina
- Development of innovative potential of companies on the basis of systematic work with young experts pp. 263 - 266
- Vladimir Antropov and Natalya Dmitrenko
- Assessment of damage from reduction of expected lifespan due to cancer pp. 265 - 271
- Boris Korobitsyn, Aleksandr Kuklin, Igor Manzhurov and Natalya Nikulina
- Projection of the Russian economic development in the framework of the optimal control model by investments in fixed assets pp. 265 - 273
- Alexander Tarasyev, Anastasy Usova and Yulia Shmotina
- Evaluation of the Modern State of Water Ecosystems and the Issues with Protecting Biological Resources During Development of the Kruzenshternskoye Gas Condensate Field pp. 266 - 278
- Vladimir Bogdanov, Leonid Stepanov, Yelena Bogdanova, Irina Melnichenko and Margarita Yarushina
- Modern criteria for assessment of regional inventive activity pp. 267 - 270
- Ivan Usoltsev
- Comparative analysis of tax administration system in Russian regions pp. 268 - 273
- Alexey Naydenov and Anastasiya Sudakova
- Economic interpretation of sustainable development of the flax complex pp. 272 - 278
- Oleg Botkin and Pavel Sutygin
- Model complex of forecasting of interdependent development of migration processes and region labour market pp. 272 - 281
- Valeriy Chereshnev and Aleksandra Vasilyeva
- Impacts of the Fairly Priced REDD-based CO2 Offset Options on the Electricity Producers and Consumers pp. 273 - 288
- Andrey Krasovskii, Nikolay Khabarov and Michael Obersteiner
- Conditions and problems of innovation implementation in the economy pp. 273 - 276
- Vladimir Nekrasov
- Theoretical and methodological approaches to the diagnosis of the region's state material reservation system status pp. 273 - 280
- Aleksandr Kuklin, Aleksandr Zemskov and Natalya Nikulina
- Savings and mortgage system with state participation as a form of increasing the affordability of real estate purchase pp. 278 - 284
- Victor Sirotkin
- Territorial Innovative Potential in Behavioral Assessments of the Population pp. 279 - 294
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Ksenia Novikova
- Comprehensive estimation model of MERGE: adaptation to current state of world economy pp. 281 - 290
- Boris Digas and Valeriy Rozenberg
- Yamal from nowadays to the future: frontiers of modernization pp. 281 - 287
- Vasiliy Bykovskiy and Dmitriy Kobylkin
- Assessment of business activity of the organizations wholesale trade pp. 284 - 288
- Svetlana Soroka
- Model of estimation of innovation maturity of organization in the system of entrepreneur motivation pp. 287 - 292
- Sergey Isayev and Svetlana Tyulkina
- Economic-mathematical model of two-level minimax program control of economic security of a region pp. 288 - 299
- Andrey Shorikov and Lev Korshunov
- Modern methods of human life evaluation pp. 289 - 294
- Raisa Nifantova and Svetlana Shipitsyna
- Information technologies of strategic planning in raw-material region pp. 290 - 301
- Sergey Lavlinskiy
- Innovation Competitiveness of the Russian Regions pp. 294 - 311
- Irina Golova
- Simulating the Reproductive Behavior of a Region’s Population with an Agent-Based Model pp. 312 - 322
- Valeriy Makarov, Albert Bakhtizin and Elena Sushko
- Changes in the Vector of Industrial Policy and Possibilities for Innovative Development of the Industrial Regions pp. 322 - 333
- Olga Romanova and Yevgeniy Starikov
- Region Effective Production Assets and their Assessment by the Production Function Method pp. 334 - 347
- Vladimir Gorbunov and Vladimir Krylov
- The Post-Socialist Transformation of Central and Eastern European Countries at the Turn of the Century: Regional Development and Economic Inequality pp. 613 - 626
- Askar Akaev, Yuri Ichkitidze, Askar Sarygulov and Valentin Sokolov
- Methodological Tools for Assessing the Investment Attractiveness of Renewable Resources in Northern and Arctic Territories pp. 627 - 637
- Aleksandr Tatarkin, Valeriy Balashenko, Margarita Ignatyeva and Vladimir Loginov
- Comparison of the Efficiency of Budget Financing and the Social Security of a Region pp. 638 - 653
- Aleksandr Kuklin, Svetlana Shipitsyna and Kseniya Naslunga
- Specificities of Spatial System Transformation and Strategies of the Russian Arctic Redevelopment under the Conditions of Climate Changes pp. 641 - 657
- Vladimir Leksin and Boris Porfiryev
- Analysis of the Approaches to the Assessment of Regional Processes of Formation of Social and Economic Security pp. 654 - 669
- Valeriy Chichkanov and Lyubov Belyaevskaya-Plotnick
- Formation of Behavioural Finance as the Natural Stage of the Human Model Evolution in Economics pp. 658 - 671
- Viktor Ivanitskiy and Sergey Aleksandrovich
- Assessment of the Impact of the Changes in the Situation of the World Markets on the Regional Processes pp. 670 - 683
- Kseniya Yekimova, Irina Savelieva and Ilya Tsalo
- Criteria, Probability and Degree of Instability of Employment Taking into Account the Features of the Russian Labour Market pp. 672 - 683
- Vyacheslav Bobkov, Vadim Kvachev, Natalya Loktyuhina and Marco Ricceri
- Regional Aspects of New Industrialization pp. 684 - 696
- Yakova Silin, Yevgeniy Animitsa and Natalya Novikova
- Contributions of Tourism to the Development of Regions in Russia and Germany. Bashkortostan and Saxony pp. 684 - 694
- Hans Wiesmeth, Armin Godau and Aigul Khabibrakhmanova
- Karl Marx is a Thinker and Creator of the Future pp. 688 - 698
- Valeriy Chereshnev and Viktor Ivanitskiy
- Eurasian Economic Union and Prospects of Development of Transnational Corporations in the Frame of the Globalization pp. 695 - 702
- Anatoliy Spitsyn and Galiya Kulubekova
- Institutions of Scientific Efficiency: Organizations of the Middle Urals pp. 697 - 707
- Maksim Vlasov and Yevgeniy Popov
- Features of the Creative Method of Karl Marx pp. 699 - 710
- Vladimir Bersenyov
- The Impact of Imports on the Dynamics of the Regional Manufacturing Industry Development pp. 703 - 713
- Igor Grebenkin and Igor Botkin
- The Processes of Denationalization and Privatization in Russia in the 1990s. Part 2 pp. 708 - 715
- Vladimir Bersenyov
- Theoretical Foundation of Dialectics of Economic Development in Karl Marx’s Capital pp. 711 - 724
- Evgeny Dyatel
- New Normal in Russian Economy: Regional Specificity pp. 714 - 725
- Yakova Silin, Yevgeniy Animitsa and Natalya Novikova
- Actuarial Evaluation of Pension Risks of Russia: from Theory to Practice pp. 716 - 731
- Aleksandr Kuklin and Svetlana Shipitsyna
- On the Way to «Conscious» Capitalism: From Marx to Modernity pp. 725 - 739
- Irina Tkachenko
- Influence of the Level of the Development of Skills on Labour Potential, its Implementation and Choice of Work Position pp. 726 - 740
- Kseniya Ustinova and Elena Chekmareva
- Conceptual Approach to Forming the Basic Code of Neo-Industrial Development of a Region pp. 732 - 745
- Yelena Andreyeva, Dmitriy Karkh and Yuliya Myslyakova
- Differences of Opinion between K. Marx and A. I. Herzen over the Prospects of Economic Development of Russia: Significance for the Present Time pp. 740 - 757
- Vladimir Bochko
- Evaluation of Foreign Direct Investment Contribution in the Economic Development of Sverdlovsk Region and Russia pp. 741 - 754
- Larisa Kapustina, Ľudmila Lipková and Oksana Falchenko
- The Desired Image of the Future Economy of the Industrial Region: Development Trends and Evaluation Methodology pp. 746 - 763
- Olga Romanova and Dmitriy Sirotin
- The Phenomenon of Multiculturalism in the Regional Strategizing pp. 755 - 764
- Tatiana Kushnarenko, Olga Chernova and Ludmila Matveeva
- Socio-Economic Effectiveness of the Development of the Railway Network in Siberia and the Far East: Mathematical Simulation and Forecast pp. 758 - 777
- Victor Sadovnichii, Gennady Osipov, Askar Akaev, Artemy Malkov and Sergey Shulgin
- On the Problems of Strategic Development of Tourism in the Regions of Russia (Case of the Krasnodar Region and the Resort City of Sochi) pp. 764 - 776
- Dmitry Sorokin, Vladimir Sharafutdinov and Elena Onishchenko
- Territorial Factors of Strategic Development of the Regions of the Far East pp. 765 - 775
- Olga Kozlova, Tatyana Terentyeva, Mariya Makarova and Do Huong Lan
- Urban Agglomerations in Regional Development: Theoretical, Methodological and Applied Aspects pp. 776 - 789
- Andrey Shmidt, Valentina Antonyuk and Alberto Francini
- Empirical Evaluation of the Contribution of Infrastructure Capital to the Development of the Region (Based on the Data of Ural Economic Region) pp. 777 - 788
- Nikita Malafeev and Irina Baskakova
- Russian Grain Exports in the Context of Regional Economic Policy pp. 778 - 790
- Elmira Krylatykh and Tatiana Belova
- Urban Economic Growth in the Chinese Heterogeneity Space pp. 789 - 802
- Dmitry Izotov
- Regional Resilience of the Ural Federal District in Economic Shocks and Crises: Medico-Demographic and Environmental Aspects pp. 790 - 801
- Boris Korobitsyn
- Contribution of Education to the Socio-Economic Development of the Subjects of the Russian Federation pp. 791 - 805
- Tatiana Klyachko and Elena Semionova
- Precarious Labour Relations as a Factor of Social Pollution pp. 802 - 814
- Alena Fedorova, Varvara Katashinskikh and Zuzana Dvorakova
- Territorial Distribution of the Population in the Russian Federation pp. 803 - 811
- Vsevolod Andreev
- Industrial Policy Priorities of Russia in the Context of Challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Part 2 pp. 806 - 819
- Olga Romanova
- The Forecast of Labour Migration, Reproduction of the Population and Economic Development of Russia pp. 812 - 826
- Aleksandra Vasilyeva
- Interethnic Relationships and Migration Process at the Regional Level: Problems and Main Trends of Development pp. 815 - 825
- Lyubov Krestyanova
- Problems of Food Security in the Regions of the Far North of Russia pp. 820 - 835
- Irina Poleshkina
- Organizational Capital of the Enterprise pp. 826 - 838
- Vladimir Belkin, Nadezhda Belkina and Olga Antonova
- Role of Regions in the Foreign Trade Activity of Russia in the Context of New Geopolitical Challenges pp. 827 - 838
- Aleksandr Linetskiy, Anatoly Tarasov and Victor Kovalev
- Competitiveness of Various Segments of the Regional Consumer Market pp. 836 - 850
- Nadezhda Necheuhinа, Olga Mustafina and Lyudmila Kuklina
- Institutional Analysis of Knowledge Generation Resource Potential at the Enterprises of Regional Military-Industrial Complex pp. 839 - 851
- Yevgeniy Popov, Maksim Vlasov, Anna Shishkina and Anastasia Yakimova
- Sajjad Barkordari and Maryam Fattahi
- Problems of the Assessment of Economic Damage Caused by Power Supply Interruption pp. 847 - 858
- Valery Lesnykh, Tatiana Timofeeva and Vladislav Petrov
- Balanced Natural Resource Management of a Region: Estimation by Dynamic Normal Technique pp. 851 - 869
- Irina Polyanskaya and Vera Yurak
- From the Food Sovereignty Ensuring Strategy to the Strategy of Improving the Agro-Food Complex Competitiveness pp. 852 - 864
- Anatoliy Altukhov, Veniamin Drokin and Aleksey Zhuravlev
- Forecasting of Energy and Petroleum Consumption by Motor Transport in the Regions of the Russian Federation pp. 859 - 870
- Leontiy Eder, Irina Filimonova, Vasiliy Nemov and Irina Provornaya
- Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in Training and Human Capital Development: the Case of the Bank Palmas pp. 865 - 874
- Francisco Diniz and Hamilton Vale Leitão
- An Integrated Approach to Evaluating the Effectiveness of Functioning of Free Economic Zone pp. 870 - 883
- Elena Matushevskaya
- Efficient Location of Distribution Centres and Warehouses in the Territory of a Region pp. 871 - 882
- Pavel Popov, Igor Miretskiy and Elena Loginova
- Interbudgetary Distribution of Taxes in Russia: Concentration of Power or Management Decentralization pp. 875 - 886
- Mariya Pechenskaya and Tamara Uskova
- Formation of Protoclusters in the Tank Industry of the Urals in 1941–1945 pp. 883 - 894
- Vladimir Zapariy, Vasily Zaparij and Chzhan Guanshan
- Foreign Trade and Regional Inequality:The Case of the Russian Federation pp. 884 - 895
- Kazuhiro Kumo, Alexandra Koval, Irina Korgun and Olga Trofimenko
- Accounting and Control in Ensuring Economic Security of the Organizations of Perm Region pp. 887 - 898
- Vyacheslav Epishin and Andrey Svetlakov
- The Economic Performance and Size of Firms: the Case of Russian Health Resort Market pp. 895 - 907
- Nadezda Pakhomova, Alexey Kazmin and Natalia Kvadritsius
- Ethnic Social and Ecosystem Approach to the Evaluation of the Lifehoods of Small Indigenous Peoples of the North pp. 896 - 913
- Vladimir Loginov, Margarita Ignatyeva and Valeriy Balashenko
- Innovative Entrepreneurship: a Source of Economic Growth in the Region pp. 899 - 910
- Yelena Andreyeva, Hermann Simon, Dmitriy Karkh and Pavel Glukhikh
- Demand on Business Education Services Concerning Companies’ Internationalisation in Italian Marche Region and Sverdlovsk District pp. 908 - 921
- Larisa Kapustina, Ivan Vozmilov and Valerio Temperini
- Substantiation of the Transformation of the Priorities of Innovation and Technological Development of Russian Regions in the Global Crisis pp. 911 - 923
- Alla Sukhovey and Irina Golova
- Higher Education as a Factor of the Cities’ Preservation in the Ural Macro-Region pp. 914 - 926
- Garold Zborovskiy and Polina Ambarova
- Methodological Framework for the Evaluation and Analysis of the Potential of the Electric Infrastructure of Russian Regions pp. 922 - 934
- Igor Bayev, Irina Solovyeva and Anatoliy Dzyuba
- The Development of the Regional Sea Port Infrastructure on the Basis of Dry Port pp. 924 - 936
- Aleksandr Rakhmangulov and Dmitri Muravev
- Economic Preconditions for the Development of Public-Private Partnership in the Vologda Region pp. 927 - 940
- Irina Statsenko
- Technology Trends Analysis Using Patent Landscaping pp. 935 - 947
- Sergey Kortov, Dmitry Shulgin, Dmitrii Tolmachev and Anastassiya Yegarmina
- Development of the Methodology for the Economic Evaluation of Managerial Decisions as a Factor of Economic Security Increase pp. 937 - 950
- Olga Romanova and Vladimir Strovskiy
- Strategic Planning of Energy-Efficient Development of a Region of the Russian Federation pp. 941 - 954
- Vladimir Zybatov
- Assessment of Trends in Fish Products Consumption by the Citizens of the Republic of Buryatia pp. 948 - 958
- Anna Nikiforova, Olga Nikiforova and Inna Antokhonova
- Simulation of the Role of Government in Spatial Agent-Based Model pp. 951 - 965
- Victor Suslov, Tatyana Novikova and Alexander Tsyplakov
- Cost-Effective Management of Electricity Transmission in an Industrial Region pp. 955 - 969
- Igor Bayev, Irina Solovyeva and Anatoliy Dzyuba
- Yerkezhan Akhmetzaki and Bulat Mukhamediyev
- The Possibility Using the Power Production Function of Complex Variable for Economic Forecasting pp. 966 - 976
- Sergey Svetunkov
- Efficiency of Funding Healthcare for Ensuring the Economic Security of a Region pp. 970 - 986
- Natalya Krivenko and Andrey Tsvetkov
- Threats to the Innovative Security of Regional Development in a Digital Society pp. 987 - 1002
- Irina Golova and Alla Sukhovey
- Untapped Opportunities for the State Support of Agricultural Labour in Russia pp. 1003 - 1013
- Victor Denisov
- Transition of Agriculture to Digital, Intellectual and Robotics Technologies pp. 1014 - 1028
- Egor Skvortcov, Ekaterina Skvortsova, Ivan Sandu and Grigory Iovlev
- Does Agriculture Matter for Economic Growth of Uttar Pradesh (India)? pp. 1029 - 1037
- Waseem Khan and Saghir Ansari
- Determine the External Debt Threshold of the Southeast Asian Countries: Analysis Using Laffer Curve? pp. 1038 - 1045
- Thien Hao Van and Hoang Van Cuong
- Clustering of the Federal Subjects of the Russian Federation by Deposit Risk Level pp. 1046 - 1060
- Natalya Lunyakova, Oleg Lavrushin and Oleg Lunyakov
Volume 1, issue 2, 2013
- "Urals industrial – Urals polar": analysis and requirements of the specialists. (results gathered from surveys by the participants of the round table) pp. -
- Irina Vazhenina, Sergey Vazhenin and Diana Atnagulova
- Социально-Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ñ‚ÑƒÑ Ñ Ñ€ÐµÐ´Ð¸Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ региона Ð Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð¸ pp. 5 - 22
- Aleksandr Tatarkin
- North congress: resource potential of regions in the solving of questions of social evolution pp. 5 - 9
- Vladimir Torlopov
- Russia-2020: long-term challenges of development pp. 5 - 17
- Mikhail Dmitriyev
- System classification of the factors of stable development in monotechnic territory pp. 5 - 14
- Vera Plenkina and Irina Andronova
- Anticrisis self-development of territories pp. 7 - 21
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Vladimir Bochko
- Territorial conjugation and generation of knowledge-based innovation area pp. 7 - 16
- Vladimir Bochko
- On the modernization of public production in Russian Federation pp. 7 - 10
- Abel Aganbegyan
- Scene analysis as a basis of optimal actions against shadow economy pp. 9 - 22
- Aleksandr Tatarkin, Aleksandr Kuklin and Gavriil Agarkov
- Regional Economic Policy: Structural Approach and Tools (Theoretical Formulation) pp. 9 - 23
- Oleg Sukharev
- Intellectual renascence goes from below (and pull for itself the economy pp. 9 - 20
- Valeriy Makarov
- Industrial policy: genesis, regional features and legislative provision pp. 9 - 21
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Olga Romanova
- Sustainable development indicators of the Ural region pp. 10 - 17
- Sergey Bobylev, Sofya Solovyova and Kira Sitkina
- Social and economic priorities of the north strategy of Russia pp. 10 - 18
- Valeriy Chereshnev and Valeriy Rastorguyev
- Anti-crisis strategy of the Russian economy development in the XXI century pp. 10 - 25
- Sergey Glazyev
- On the modernization of public production in Russian Federation pp. 11 - 14
- Abel Aganbegyan
- On the strategy of modernization and development of Russian economy in a global depression pp. 14 - 25
- Sergey Glazyev
- The economic nature of competitive clusters in the investigations of Russian and foreign scientists pp. 15 - 22
- Yelena Borisova
- Territorial conjugation and generation of knowledge-based innovation area pp. 16 - 24
- Vladimir Bochko
- The applying stakeholder approach to strategic management of territories development pp. 17 - 27
- Ilshat Tazhitdinov
- Russia in the world demographic context pp. 18 - 32
- Anatoliy Vishnevskiy
- Industrial development of the Ural North: social-economic and environmental problems pp. 19 - 25
- Aleksandr Tatarkin, Yekaterina Zakharchuk and Anton Chichkanov
- The model constructions of price forming of building materials manufacture in Bashkortostan pp. 21 - 32
- Khamid Gizatullin and Liliya Guzairova
- Evolution of knowledge about distribution of productive forces pp. 21 - 32
- Yevgeniy Animitsa, Polina Animitsa and Olga Denisova
- Agroeconomic investigations in the European North of Russia pp. 22 - 32
- Valentin Ivanov, Vitaliy Lazhentsev and Vitaliy Terentyev
- Role of a municipal part in innovative updating the Russian economy pp. 23 - 25
- Sergey Naryshkin
- Компаративный ÐºÐ»Ð¸Ð¾Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ñ€Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ð¹ анализ Ñ Ð²Ð¾Ð»ÑŽÑ†Ð¸Ð¸ региональных Ñ Ð¾Ñ†Ð¸Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð¾-Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ñ… Ñ Ð¸Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐ¼: теоретико-Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ð¾Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð³Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ðµ Ð°Ñ Ð¿ÐµÐºÑ‚Ñ‹ pp. 23 - 36
- Vladimir Bersenyov, Aleksey Gorst and Yelena Shulpina
- Catastrophes formed by a technical reaction of the character of mining industries pp. 23 - 36
- Vyacheslav Pakhomov and Larisa Rudakova
- Paradoxes of Economic Theories and Politics pp. 23 - 40
- Ruslan Khasbulatov
- Economic upturn in the discourse of the time-space paradigm pp. 24 - 28
- Yevgeniy Animitsa
- Innovative mission of the social system modernization as a need for sustainable development of Russia pp. 25 - 37
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Denis Tatarkin
- Changing the paradigm of region's economic security research pp. 25 - 39
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Aleksandr Kuklin
- Municipal reform in the Russian Federation pp. 26 - 35
- Taliya Khabriyeva
- Problems of the North- the specifics on the subject of scientific experimentations pp. 26 - 31
- Vitaliy Lazhentsev
- Problems and prospects of the flexible employment forms’ development in the northern region pp. 27 - 34
- Olga Kozlova and Anna Kаrmakulova
- Assessment of investment demand with regard to regional socioeconomic development pp. 29 - 33
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Marat Bimatov
- The conceptual model of a region development administration considering the level of spatial relatedness pp. 32 - 42
- Aleksandra Polyakova and Irina Simarova
- Megaproject "Urals industrial – Urals Polar" – the base of global diversification educations, sciences and innovations in mountain mechanical engineering pp. 32 - 36
- Nikolay Kosarev and Vladimir Makarov
- The food security of the country: problems and decisions pp. 33 - 48
- Anatoliy Altukhov
- Assessment of investment demand with regard to regional socioeconomic development pp. 33 - 37
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Marat Bimatov
- The family economy and «the mother’s capital» as factors of reproductive behavior of the population in the Ural pp. 33 - 44
- Boris Pavlov and Tatyana Bessonova
- The experience of retroalternative prognosing of socio-economic systems development (on the example of agricultureal complex of Sverdlovskaya area in 1990 years) pp. 33 - 43
- Vladimir Bersenyov and Aleksey Gorst
- Assessment of socioeconomic consequences of drug abuse in the Ural federal district pp. 34 - 42
- Aleksey Klevakin and Inessa Gurban
- Updating of municipal reform is on the basis of generally economic principle pp. 36 - 41
- Sergey Valentey
- Ð˜Ð½Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ‚ÑƒÑ†Ð¸Ð¾Ð½Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð¾-Ñ Ð²Ð¾Ð»ÑŽÑ†Ð¸Ð¾Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ð¹ подход к оценке Ñ Ð¾Ñ†Ð¸Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð¾-Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð³Ð¾ Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ Ð¼Ð°Ð»Ð¾Ñ‡Ð¸Ñ Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… народов Севера pp. 37 - 50
- Vladimir Loginov
- Main areas of the national economy modernization pp. 37 - 40
- Valeriy Tsvetkov
- The evolutionary approach to formation of the program of development of new oil-and-gas region pp. 37 - 48
- Vera Toskunina
- Financial stability transformation on the territories during the project "Urals industrial – Urals polar" pp. 37 - 48
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Yekaterina Zakharchuk
- Theoretical and methodological approach to forecasting of socio-demographic development of a region pp. 38 - 46
- Valeriy Chereshnev, Aleksandr Kuklin and Aleksandra Vasilyeva
- Conditions and factors of structural modernization of a regional industrial system pp. 40 - 49
- Olga Romanova
- About the energy security doctrine of Russia pp. 40 - 50
- Vitaliy Bushuev, Nikolay Voropay, Sergey Senderov and Vladimir Saenko Vladimir
- Development of the Theory of Capitalist Crises: Political Economy Traditions and Modernity pp. 40 - 50
- Viktor Ryazanov
- Problems and directions of the further perfection of local self-management pp. 42 - 50
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Vladimir Bochko
- Prospects of development of Midlle Ural in conditions of growing economic threats pp. 43 - 53
- Vladimir Bochko
- Economic assessment of human life as a diagnostic indicator of the crisis phenomena pp. 43 - 48
- Svetlana Shipitsyna
- Drug addiction social cost in Russian regions: methodical approach and estimation results pp. 44 - 53
- Aleksey Kalina and Inessa Gurban
- The foreign theories of the regional economic growth and development pp. 45 - 62
- Yusif Gadzhiyev
- The human capital of the Perm region: gender peculiarities of realization pp. 46 - 59
- Yelena Bazuyeva
- Conditions and factors of structural modernization of a regional industrial system pp. 49 - 56
- Olga Romanova
- The economic substantiation of mineral-raw-material base manufacturing capacities accomodation as a factor of effective regional social-economical development pp. 49 - 63
- Sergey Shvets
- Will the national poject "education" live until 2009 year? pp. 49 - 57
- Vadim Avanesov
- The analysis of the geological and economic mineral resources in the rail road corridor "Urals industrial – Urals polar" pp. 49 - 59
- Vyacheslav Pakhomov, Kim Zoloyev, Gavriil Cherepanov, Oleg Fedorov, Boris Taktashkin, Vladislav Olerskiy and Irina Polyanskaya
- Economic assessment of human life as a diagnostic indicator of the crisis phenomena pp. 49 - 54
- Svetlana Shipitsyna
- Problems of economic security in Russian transportation and intermediate carrier infrastructure pp. 50 - 60
- Valeriy Tsvetkov, Kobilzhon Zoidov and Aleksey Medkov
- State — Region — Field— Enterprise: Framework of Economics System Stability of Russia. Part 1 pp. 50 - 58
- George Kleiner
- Механизм интеграции регионов Ð Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð¸ в Ñ Ð¸Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐ¼Ñƒ мировой Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸ÐºÐ¸ pp. 51 - 57
- Sergey Burkov
- Reforming of local self-management: the Russian experts in a context of world experience pp. 51 - 60
- Varvara Kulkova and Laysan Mukharyamova
- Role of School Education in Development of Human Capital pp. 53 - 62
- Yelena Avraamova and Dmitry Loginov
- The analysis of influence of the gas complex on power safety of region: development of the technique and results of the estimation pp. 54 - 69
- Anatoliy Myzin, Andrey Kozitsyn, Petr Mezentsev and Pavel Pykhov
- Diagnostics of natural resource capital of the territory pp. 55 - 63
- Pavel Pykhov
- Institutes of regional development and competitiveness in the conditions of modernization pp. 57 - 65
- Nadezhda Kalyuzhnova
- The problems of cooperation in private-state partnership in the sphere of secondary education development pp. 58 - 63
- Olga Frants and Olga Arzyakova
- Ð¡Ñ‚Ñ€Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ³Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑŒÐ·Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ñ‚ÐµÐ³Ñ€Ð°Ñ†Ð¸Ð¾Ð½Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ потенциала региона pp. 58 - 71
- Yefim Kozakov, Nina Perminova, Yuriy Tolchenkin and Olga Rushchitskaya
- New Interaction Paradigm of Ecological, Social and Economic Structures of Human Activity pp. 59 - 72
- Natalia Buletova, Irina Gorelova, Ada Golomanchuk and Elena Orlova
- The human capital of the Perm region: gender peculiarities of realization pp. 60 - 71
- Yelena Bazuyeva
- Technical and economical analysis of the development of North-Sosvinsk brown-coal findings pp. 60 - 64
- Sergey Fedorov and Vladimir Sharin
- Economy of the North in the aspect of Russia’s national security pp. 61 - 69
- Vitaliy Lazhentsev
- Development of the institutional basis for financing the public sector of the regional economy pp. 61 - 72
- Yelena Sidorova
- Regional Poverty Levels in the European Union: A Spatial Econometric Approach pp. 62 - 69
- Tomas Zelinsky
- The development of cluster structures in regional economic space pp. 63 - 72
- Yuriy Ivanov, Yelena Annenkova and Yevgeniy Ponomarenko
- Replacement of reserves zinc based on the recycling of technogenic raw materials pp. 63 - 70
- Olga Bryantseva, Valeriy Dyubanov, Andrey Panshin and Pavel Kozlov
- Role and place of the university in innovative development of the region pp. 64 - 73
- Olga Kozlova, Andrey Garkavenko and Yelena Andreyeva
- The Republic of Belarus: the mechanizm of foreign economic relations management forming pp. 64 - 75
- Tatyana Vertinskaya
- The production of the mineral base in the Ural part of Hanti-Mansiysk in the Autonomous Region of UGRA pp. 65 - 69
- Aleksey Dushin
- Institutes of regional development and competitiveness in the conditions of modernization pp. 65 - 72
- Nadezhda Kalyuzhnova
- Coordination of federal and regional actions of stabilization policy for heterogeneous economic area pp. 69 - 78
- Irina Danilova and Aleksandr Rezepin
- Competitive advantages in agricultural complex as an object of management on the regional level pp. 70 - 83
- Veniamin Drokin, Aleksey Zhuravlev and Galina Poshekhonova
- Neoindustrialization as a factor in improving economic security of old-industrial regions pp. 70 - 80
- Olga Romanova
- Proposal for the development of energy systems and the formation of development centers of producer force evolution of the mining region of Hanti-Mansiysk of the Autonomous Ugra Region pp. 70 - 75
- Viktor Levitskiy
- Health and healthy mode of life: the way the Ural population regards it pp. 71 - 80
- Boris Pavlov
- Demand-side management for energy in the region pp. 71 - 78
- Leonid Gitelman, Boris Ratnikov and Mikhail Kozhevnikov
- ÐŸÐµÑ€Ñ Ð¿ÐµÐºÑ‚Ð¸Ð²Ð½Ñ‹Ðµ формы организации инновационной Ð´ÐµÑ Ñ‚ÐµÐ»ÑŒÐ½Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸ в Ð Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð¹Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð¹ Федерации: проблемы Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ механизмы поддержки pp. 72 - 80
- Alla Sukhovey
- Two Diputes of Methods, Three Constructivisms, and Three Liberalisms. Part II pp. 72 - 85
- Vladiir Yefimov
- Sources of reforming of bank system of the Kurgan region pp. 73 - 83
- Vasiliy Yefimenkov, Olga Pechonik and Vera Kruchinina
- Perfection Russian tax federalism as the factor of increase competitiveness of industrially advanced regions pp. 73 - 86
- Denis Tatarkin
- Modernization of Russian economy and problems of improving the business law pp. 73 - 85
- Vladimir Belykh
- The quality of professional training of the graduates (by the estimation of employer) pp. 74 - 90
- Natalya Vorobyeva, Vladimir Chashchin and Natalya Mineyeva
- Specialties of acquiring strategically the findings with the development and evolution of the mineral base with the collaboration of the project "Urals industrial – Urals polar" pp. 76 - 80
- Sergey Kornilkov and Viktor Yakovlev
- Structure discrepancies of demand and supply on labor market as a base of regional unemployment pp. 76 - 87
- Vladimir Belkin and Vladimir Osankin
- The effect of equivalence scales on poverty at Oblast level in Ukraine pp. 78 - 88
- Gianni Betti
- Demand-side management for energy in the region pp. 78 - 84
- Leonid Gitelman, Boris Ratnikov and Mikhail Kozhevnikov
- Baltic national transmission network development tendency pp. 81 - 85
- Irina Oleynikova and Artem Obushev
- Consolidation of the scientific achievements as one of the ways to produce a project by the name of "Urals industrial – Urals polar" pp. 81 - 82
- Vasiliy Azarenok and Sergey Zalesov
- Ровые технологии в Ð¾Ð±Ð»Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸ оптимизации Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ Ñ Ð½ÐµÑ€Ð³Ð¾Ñ Ð¸Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐ¼ pp. 81 - 84
- Zigurd Krishan and Irina Oleynikova
- Program-technical complex of diagnosis of a region's energy security pp. 81 - 93
- Anatoliy Myzin, Pavel Pykhov and Oksana Denisova
- Ob-Irtysh basin – national importance of Russia pp. 83 - 88
- Sergey Kharyuchi
- The development of innovative economy and problem of a professional training pp. 84 - 95
- Yelena Avraamova and Yuliya Verpakhovskaya
- The insurance methods of the entrepreneurial risks improvement in agriculture pp. 84 - 90
- Yevgeniya Dusayeva and Tatyana Popova
- Моделирование Ð²Ð·Ð°Ð¸Ð¼Ð¾Ñ Ð²Ñ Ð·ÐµÐ¹ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¹ и Ñ Ð½ÐµÑ€Ð³ÐµÑ‚Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð¹ Ð±ÐµÐ·Ð¾Ð¿Ð°Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸ региона pp. 85 - 92
- Yelena Bykova
- Iron marketing and modernisation in the Urals in XIX century: evident and implicit links pp. 85 - 90
- Vladimir Bersenyov and Nataliya Surovtseva
- Baltic national transmission network development tendency pp. 85 - 89
- Irina Oleynikova and Artem Obushev
- The problems of the providing the regions with health care infrastructure in conditions of increase of migratory mobility pp. 85 - 93
- Yelena Bedrina
- Ural Economy of The XX Century by Historians’ pp. 85 - 94
- Vladimir Zapariy, Vladimir Kamynin and Chzhan Guanshan
- Methods of innovative development activity of regional industries pp. 87 - 98
- Leonid Gitelman and Aleksandr Isayev
- Accounting as the major information system in conditions of globalization pp. 88 - 95
- Vasiliy Yefimenkov and Olga Vorobyeva
- Comparative estimates of Kamchatka territory development in the context of northern territories of foreign countries pp. 89 - 103
- Andrey Shelomentsev, Olga Kozlova, Tatyana Terentyeva and Yelena Bedrina
- The condition of the fish resources on the south inclined polar and near polar Ural area pp. 89 - 97
- Vladimir Bogdanov
- Designing state-private partnership in modernized economy pp. 90 - 96
- Sergey Vazhenin and Nikolay Gerasimov
- Experience by the OECD countries related to management of common labor migration pp. 90 - 94
- Natalia Neklyudova
- The priority ways of the development of the regional health protection pp. 91 - 99
- Vladimir Klimin
- Estimation of insurance potential of region pp. 91 - 99
- Svetlana Shipitsyna
- The problems of the providing the regions with health care infrastructure in conditions of increase of migratory mobility pp. 93 - 101
- Yelena Bedrina
- ÐŸÑ€Ð¾Ñ„ÐµÑ Ñ Ð¸Ð¾Ð½Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ð¹ Ñ Ð¾Ð²ÐµÑ‚ директоров как фактор Ñ Ñ„Ñ„ÐµÐºÑ‚Ð¸Ð²Ð½Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸ и ÐºÐ°Ñ‡ÐµÑ Ñ‚Ð²Ð° корпоративного ÑƒÐ¿Ñ€Ð°Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð² компании pp. 93 - 102
- Irina Tkachenko
- Optimization of the regions' financial flows as a factor in improving their security pp. 94 - 105
- Yelena Sidorova and Denis Tatarkin
- Problems of Foreign Economic Relations Development of Ural Regions with BRICS Countries pp. 95 - 113
- Mikhail Maslennikov
- Private-public partnership in the context of the crisis: problems, risks, opportunities pp. 95 - 103
- Yelena Sidorova
- The analysis of modern concepts of industrial enterprise cost management pp. 96 - 107
- Aleksandr Samburskiy and Mikhail Khodorovskiy
- Leasing in the system of financial-investment mechanizm of region’s company’s competition pp. 96 - 106
- Viktor Ivanitskiy and Oleg Shcheglov
- Designing state-private partnership in modernized economy pp. 97 - 102
- Sergey Vazhenin and Nikolay Gerasimov
- Estimation of ecological consequences of ealization of the project "Urals industrial - Urals polar" for average Ural pp. 98 - 105
- Aleksandr Semyachkov and Viktoriya Pochechun
- Dynamics, change of proportions and maintenances of structural transformations in economy of the Perm edge pp. 99 - 115
- Yevgeniy Animitsa, Natalya Novikova and Valeriy Sukhikh
- Problems of financing of innovative activity of the Russian high schools pp. 100 - 109
- Galina Butko and Anastasiya Lyapunova
- The priority national project «health» and its realization in the Ural Federal District pp. 100 - 108
- Raisa Nifantova, Tatyana Bessonova and Olga Pavlenko
- Efficiency of managanese ore application in Ural metallurgical industry pp. 102 - 105
- Vladimir Zhuchkov and Dmitriy Sirotin
- ÐžÑ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð½Ñ‹Ðµ факторы, Ð²Ð»Ð¸Ñ ÑŽÑ‰Ð¸Ðµ на ÐºÐ¾Ð½ÐºÑƒÑ€ÐµÐ½Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ñ Ð¾Ð±Ð½Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚ÑŒ аграрного Ñ ÐµÐºÑ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð° региона pp. 103 - 115
- Veniamin Drokin and Aleksey Zhuravlev
- Building the effective innovation policy in the regions of the Russian Federation as a prerequisite for socio-economic growth pp. 103 - 111
- Irina Golova
- Development of intergovernmental fiscal relations in a region: theory and practice issues pp. 104 - 111
- Margarita Molchanova
- Development of Russian copper industry under the conditions of the World Trade Organization membership pp. 104 - 115
- Larisa Kapustina and Andrey Drevalev
- Problems forming innovative-technological image of russian regions pp. 105 - 115
- Irina Golova
- The foundation and conditions of the interregional integration of the Ural-Komi pp. 106 - 119
- Tamara Dmitriyeva, Albina Kalinina and Vitaliy Lazhentsev
- The indicators of energy security of decentralized heating pp. 106 - 114
- Yelena Bykova and Vitaly Postolaty
- Regional preferences and features of financial leasing activities development pp. 107 - 119
- Olga Farkhutdinova and Yuriy Perskiy
- The conceptual model of municipal formation competencies realization increase pp. 108 - 120
- Nikolay Potekhin and Larisa Ustinova
- Family and self-keeping behavior of youth pp. 109 - 121
- Boris Pavlov
- The economic-statistical characteristic of innovative development of Southern Federal District pp. 110 - 115
- Igor Antonenko
- Development of intergovernmental fiscal relations in a region: theory and practice issues pp. 111 - 116
- Margarita Molchanova
- Modeling of the opportunities and effects of industry modernization based on nanotehnologies pp. 112 - 118
- Viktoria Akberdina and Anatoliy Grebenkin
- Features of Balance Model Development of Exclave Region pp. 113 - 124
- Timur Gareev and Ksenia Voloshenko
- The performance of regional timber industry complex pp. 114 - 119
- Maxim Shishelov
- Comparative analysis of a tourism cluster in the Baikal region: role of cooperation as a factor of development pp. 115 - 130
- Nina Danilenko and Natalya Rubtsova
- ÐšÐ¾Ð¼Ð¿Ð»ÐµÐºÑ Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¾Ñ†ÐµÐ½ÐºÐ° Ñ Ð¾Ñ†Ð¸Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð¾- Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð³Ð¾ Ð±Ð»Ð°Ð³Ð¾Ð¿Ð¾Ð»ÑƒÑ‡Ð¸Ñ Ð¼ÑƒÐ½Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ð¿Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ… образований pp. 116 - 132
- Yelena Ignatyeva, Ilya Gimadi and Lidiya Averina
- Methodical attitude to analyses of regional development stability on the basis of kohonen's self-organizing maps pp. 116 - 129
- Yelena Ignatyeva and Oleg Mariyev
- Methodological principles and instruments of regional self-development potential analyses pp. 116 - 129
- Yelena Ignatyeva and Oleg Mariyev
- Assessment of environment protection activity impacct in russian regions pp. 116 - 128
- Svetlana Doroshenko
- Methodological approaches to wood resource reproduction under rent pp. 117 - 129
- Nikolay Bolshakov, Valentina Zhideleva, Anna Popova and Yelena Raush
- The German model of capitalism and the persistence of outward foreign direct investment: evidence from German manufacturing industries pp. 119 - 125
- Martin Bohl, Frank McDonald, Heinz-Josef Tuselmann, Svitlana Voronkova and Paul Windrum
- Investment basis and mechanism for secure steade development of regions pp. 120 - 136
- Vladislav Morozov
- Transport corridor "Urals industrial – Urals polar": problems, evolution paths pp. 120 - 129
- Nikolay Tabakov
- Innovation infrastructure as a tool for the development of region’s socioeconomic system pp. 120 - 126
- Alla Sukhovey
- Russian law subjects pp. 121 - 132
- Demyan Bakhrakh
- The ways to solve the housing problem in the context of the regional demographic politics pp. 122 - 131
- Olga Belokrylova
- Dialectics of Rational Change Management in Regional Social Systems pp. 125 - 137
- Aleksandr Tatarkin, Natalya Krivenko and Nataliya Kuznetsova
- Innovation infrastructure as a tool for the development of region’s socioeconomic system pp. 126 - 132
- Alla Sukhovey
- State and problems of modernization of industry in China pp. 126 - 131
- Jing Jiang and Leonid Strovskiy
- Determining the affected area in emergencies pp. 128 - 137
- Irina Oltyan, Sergey Zinov’ev and Vadim Vostokov
- Mineral resource potential of the Russian federation: condition and innovation use trends pp. 130 - 135
- Oleg Petrov
- Minorities of the population of the North: the status and problems of development pp. 130 - 141
- Vladimir Loginov
- Interaction of state-owned and private entities as the factor of economic growth in Russia’s regions pp. 130 - 141
- Yevgeniy Zhulanov
- The problems of the increase of efficiency of activity of police organs of economical safety provision in the regions of Russia pp. 130 - 138
- Vadim Panteleyev
- Effective management models and methods of economic educations in regional industrial complexes pp. 130 - 140
- Andrey Butrin
- Misinterpretation of the strategic significance of cost driver analysis: evidence from management accounting theory and practice pp. 131 - 136
- Henry Palowski
- The national housing project as the tool of realization of the state social and economic policy pp. 132 - 146
- Stanislav Pridvizhkin
- Социально-Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ðµ Ð¿Ð¾Ñ Ð»ÐµÐ´Ñ Ñ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ñ€Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚Ñ€Ð°Ð½ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð½Ð°Ñ€ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ð¸ в регионе pp. 133 - 146
- Aleksandr Kuklin, Gennadiy Bystray, Anatoliy Myzin, Aleksey Kalina, Inessa Gurban and Anna Komarovskaya
- The theory of indirect power relations in the financial bodies system of state power pp. 133 - 143
- Ali Asadov
- Mineral resource potential of the Russian federation: condition and innovation use trends pp. 135 - 139
- Oleg Petrov
- Organization of investment projects financing in the territorial complex of energy production pp. 137 - 150
- Aleksey Domnikov
- Alternative energy as a factor of ecological and energy security: features of Russia pp. 137 - 145
- Boris Porfiryev
- Theoretical approaches to the construction of innovative investment model of raw-mineral complex development pp. 137 - 144
- Sergey Shvets
- Potential for Development and Limitations of Regional Business Environment pp. 137 - 148
- Natalya Solodilova, Rustam Malikov and Konstantin Grishin
- Economic evaluation of gold-ore dump reprocessing efficiency pp. 139 - 146
- Nikolay Samsonov
- Approaches to social and economic division into districts of region on example of Kurgan region pp. 139 - 148
- Galina Kungurtseva and Svetlana Surkova
- Regional tendencies of business capitalization in the conditions of growth of financial instability pp. 141 - 150
- Mikhail Maslennikov
- Cenological model of the region resistance management pp. 142 - 152
- Alexander Kuzminov
- Assessment of raw-mineral resources exploration influence on economic security of russia pp. 144 - 152
- Andrey Shelomentsev and Valentin Belyayev
- Methodological problems in studies of regional development priorities of innovation pp. 145 - 156
- Irina Golova
- The investigation of the regional engineering industryÒ‘s competitiveness pp. 145 - 151
- Oleg Botkin and Igor Grebenkin
- Investments in social infrastructure development as the factor of formation of qualified personnel in the agriculture sector pp. 147 - 153
- Mariya Menshikova and Mikhail Tolmachev
- Environmental risks at railway construction in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District within the framework of the project “Urals industrial – Urals polar†pp. 147 - 153
- Vladimir Bogdanov, Mikhail Golovatin and Lyudmila Morozova
- ÐšÐ°Ñ‡ÐµÑ Ñ‚Ð²Ð¾ жизни: проблемы Ð¸Ð·Ð¼ÐµÑ€ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ оценки pp. 147 - 162
- Zemfira Biktimirova
- Regional Priorities of Green Economy pp. 148 - 160
- Sergey Bobylev, Olga Kudryavtseva and Ekaterina Yakovleva
- Structural shifts in economy of Sverdlovsk region: problems, tendency of the development pp. 149 - 161
- Viktoria Akberdina
- Offshoring and financial markets pp. 150 - 160
- Gianfranco Battisti
- Modernization of geology and future directions of the raw materials base formation pp. 151 - 158
- Aleksey Dushin
- Enforcement of financial basements as a factor of territories development pp. 151 - 162
- Yelena Sidorova
- Socio-economic monitoring of HIV/AIDS threat in the Russian Federation pp. 153 - 169
- Valeriy Chereshnev, Dmitriy Verzilin, Tatyana Maksimova and Elena Chereshneva
- Modeling of interactions regional residence construction market’s subjects pp. 153 - 160
- Yuriy Perskiy and Yuliya Katayeva
- Conceptual aspects of management of the flax complex pp. 154 - 159
- Oleg Botkin and Pavel Sutygin
- The priorities of development of the agriculture in industrial region pp. 154 - 164
- Aleksandr Berestov
- The use of descriptive statistics for the characteristics of the empirical samples macroeconomic indicators pp. 157 - 163
- Anatoly Darmanyan
- Systematic approach to modernizing the production company pp. 158 - 163
- Irina Makarova and Timofey Maksimov
- Conceptual aspects of management of the flax complex pp. 159 - 163
- Oleg Botkin and Pavel Sutygin
- Innovative Development of Kazakhstan on The Basis of Triple Helix and Cluster Approach pp. 160 - 171
- Farkhat Dnishev, Farida Alzhanova and Gulnaz Alibekova
- The method of financial analysis of agricultural organizations in the Krasnodar region pp. 161 - 170
- Nadezhda Zhminko and Albina Zhminko
- Sectional analysis of potential consumers of retail trading services of population of Izhevsk pp. 161 - 168
- Nadezhda Sokolova
- Interaction of logistical processes of household and the organizations of trade pp. 162 - 177
- Aleksandr Zyryanov and Olga Zuyeva
- Methodology of research and development management of regional network economy pp. 163 - 176
- Oleg Botkin, Vladimir Nekrasov and Vladimir Ryabtsun
- Resource-saving policy in the context of technological updating of ferroalloy production pp. 163 - 168
- Yelena Pozdnyakova
- Ð–ÐµÐ½Ñ ÐºÐ°Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð½Ñ Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚ÑŒ: проблемы, тенденции и Ð¿ÐµÑ€Ñ Ð¿ÐµÐºÑ‚Ð¸Ð²Ñ‹ Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ pp. 163 - 174
- Olga Kozlova
- Social infrastructure modernization as a priority regarding rural life standard improvement pp. 164 - 171
- Larisa Tretyakova and Nataliya Lavrikova
- Assessment of the forecasting options of the region's development pp. 164 - 167
- Valeriy Chichkanov, Yuriy Dulshchikov, Sergey Raevsky and Abrar Yarlykapov
- Problems and perspectives of agricultural insurance in Russia pp. 165 - 178
- Rafael Safuanov, Timur Galiyev and Andrey Ryabchikov
- Resource-saving policy in the context of technological updating of ferroalloy production pp. 168 - 172
- Yelena Pozdnyakova
- The modelling of migratory flows into the region pp. 168 - 176
- Petr Ogorodnikov and Natalya Makarova
- The hardship of clusters’ formation at Russia pp. 169 - 179
- Sergey Vazhenin and Vasiliy Sukhikh
- The prerequisites of development of voluntary insurance in the Altai territory pp. 170 - 180
- Natalya Grishenko and Natalya Derkach
- The inequality of the quality and standards of life of the population of the regions pp. 170 - 178
- Vyacheslav Bobkov and Aleftina Gulyugina
- Social infrastructure modernization as a priority regarding rural life standard improvement pp. 171 - 177
- Larisa Tretyakova and Nataliya Lavrikova
- Dynamics of Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Romania pp. 172 - 182
- Raluca Grosu
- System sight at a problem of efficiency of enterprises’s operaton of the Russian chemical complex pp. 172 - 179
- Svyatoslav Nikitin and Anastasiya Makeyeva
- Dynamic optimization of the complex adaptive controlling by the structure of enterprise’s product range pp. 176 - 184
- Andrey Shorikov and Yelena Rassadina
- Institutional transformations to economy of the Ural Federal District pp. 177 - 186
- Svetlana Mayyer, Irina Vazhenina and Sergey Vazhenin
- Efficient official statistics as a key to the issue of post-crisis development pp. 178 - 189
- Natalya Pashintseva
- Direction of rehabilitation policy on liquidation of consequences of a radiating extreme situation in Kurgan region pp. 178 - 193
- Yakov Yandyganov, Natalya Kozlova and Yekaterina Vlasova
- An economic assessment of population health risk in region pp. 178 - 185
- Nina Zaytseva, Pavel Shur and Ol’ga Goleva
- Steady development of cattle breeding: problems and decisions pp. 179 - 193
- Oleg Bunchikov, Marina Kholodova and Nikolay Cherkasov
- Priorities for the technology modernization and regional steel industry pp. 180 - 183
- Svetlana Chenchevich and Oleg Sheshukov
- Problems of economic safety of region and way of their decision (on the example of the Kemerovo region) pp. 180 - 191
- Yelena Kazantseva
- Skill Mismatch of Graduates in a Local Labour Market pp. 181 - 194
- Enrico Marelli, Dario Sciulli and Marcello Signorelli
- Methodical Approach to Measuring The Life Quality in Region pp. 182 - 193
- Olga Kozlova, Tatyana Gladkova, Mariya Makarova and Yevgeniya Tukhtarova
- Prognostication of regional energy system development pp. 184 - 188
- Grigoriy Korovin and Nikolay Malykh
- Methodological foundations and Modern methods of the population projection pp. 185 - 192
- Raisa Nifantova
- Economic security of regions in the context of Russia's WTO accession pp. 186 - 196
- Elena Avramenko, Sergey Kadochnikov, Tat'yana Lopatina and Irina Tyomkina
- Man’s safety in region pp. 187 - 200
- Zemfira Biktimirova
- Multi-criterion optimization of production range generation by an enterprise pp. 189 - 196
- Andrey Shorikov and Yelena Rassadina
- Modernization of the regional heat and power engineering: problems of fund-raising pp. 189 - 195
- Larisa Ufimtseva
- Theoretical and practical aspects of the estimation of efficiency of social and economic development of region pp. 192 - 203
- Valeriy Smirnov
- Construction of the migration flows forecasting into Russian regions pp. 193 - 199
- Aleksandr Tarasyev
- Opportunities and risks in a control system of innovative projects of organizational development pp. 194 - 198
- Anatoliy Grebenkin and Valentina Shkurko
- Common and Specific Features of Migration Flows In Russia, CIS and Far Abroad pp. 194 - 207
- Tamara Kuprina and Margarita Sandler
- Peculiarities of international labour migration from China to Russia (on the example of the far East federal district) pp. 194 - 202
- Svetlana Mishchuk
- The basic directions of scientific and technical progress in the agriculture pp. 194 - 199
- Petr Ogorodnikov, Yelena Ogorodnikova and Tatyana Kretova
- Intensity of competition in the market of greenhouse vegetables pp. 196 - 208
- Yelena Avraamova and Elena Kulagina
- Projection of regional demand for labour force under the terms of industry modernization pp. 196 - 203
- Igor Bayev, Viktoriya Boos, Elena Vaisman, Ivan Glazkov and Yelena Sukhikh
- Infrastructure and life quality of the population: intersystem communication of regional pp. 197 - 203
- Marina Nikolayeva and Nikolay Mordovchenkov
- Methodological and practical aspects of the shaping parameter for forecasting speakers populations north territory Sverdlovsk area pp. 199 - 203
- Aleksandr Kuzmin and Valentina Lopayeva
- Region agriculture development on the basis of optimization modelling pp. 200 - 208
- Valentina Neganova and Almir Askarov
- Genesis of methodology of management by development of organizations pp. 201 - 215
- Zinaida Varlamova
- Middle classes: theoretical principles, contemporary working out, regarding the hired workers pp. 203 - 211
- Vyacheslav Bobkov and Yelena Odintsova
- The issues referred to planning and allocation of costs by branch-wise enterprises in the context of the crisis pp. 203 - 207
- Viktor Sidorenko and Yuliya Golskaya
- The environmental accountability of efficiency evaluation of processing technogenic formations pp. 203 - 208
- Olga Bryantseva and Valeriy Dyubanov
- Globalization of economy and greater cycles of the total regional product, inflation and unemployment pp. 204 - 210
- Vladimir Belkin
- Enterprise value management mechanism pp. 204 - 208
- Aleksandr Samburskiy and Mikhail Khodorovskiy
- Prediction of macroeconomic indicators of the insurance market development in the Sverdlovsk region in 2010 with application of the simulation modeling method pp. 207 - 212
- Irina Vedmed
- Region Tourist and Recreation Complex Development pp. 208 - 220
- Elizabeth Tappaskhanova, Zemfira Mustafaeva, Ruzana Tokmakova and Marjane Kudasheva
- Socio-economic mechanisms of implementation of a region's labor potential pp. 208 - 218
- Olga Kozlova, Aleksandr Kuzmin and Nail Shaymardanov
- The environmental accountability of efficiency evaluation of processing technogenic formations pp. 209 - 213
- Olga Bryantseva and Valeriy Dyubanov
- The main results of the priority national projects in the Ural Federal region pp. 209 - 214
- Sergey Loginov
- The improvement of estimation technique for effectiveness of investment projects on waste utilization pp. 209 - 212
- Vadim Krivorotov and Kirill Vyvarets
- Features of realization of strategy of social marketing in region: on an example of activity of the charitable organization pp. 211 - 216
- Aleksandr Kuzmin and Olga Kozlenko
- Modeling and forecasting of the regional insurance market pp. 212 - 216
- Svetlana Shipitsyna
- Entrepreneurial potential of Portuguese agriculture higher education students: a case from the Alto Tras-os-Montes region, Portugal pp. 212 - 220
- Maria Isabel Barreiro Ribeiro, António José Gonçalves Fernandes and Francisco José Lopes de Sousa Diniz
- Regional risks of the tourist industry pp. 213 - 218
- Anton Ovcharov
- Concept of the Ural pharmaceutical cluster formation pp. 213 - 220
- Aleksandr Petrov and Aleksandr Petrov
- The realization of the priority national projects implementation on the municipal level pp. 215 - 230
- Natalya Vlasova and Oleg Kudrin
- Algorithm of making and implementation of regional industrial policy intended for economic security under the crisis pp. 216 - 222
- Nadezhda Davydova
- About few approaches to commercial bank percentage policy construction in crediting population pp. 216 - 229
- Aleksandr Kuklin and Yevgeniy Shneyder
- The basic directions of re-structuring of the nuclear fuel and energy complex in Russia pp. 217 - 223
- Tatiana Smirnova
- Application of controlling tools in the process of company management pp. 219 - 224
- Dmitriy Kuzmin
- Economic security of the territory in retrospective review pp. 219 - 226
- Vladimir Bersenyov
- Forecast Parameters Disintegration and Coordination of The Socio-Economic Development and Fuel and Energy Balance of a Region pp. 220 - 235
- Vladimir Dobrodey
- Modernization of agrarian sector of economy of northern and arctic territories (on the example of the Komi Republic) pp. 220 - 230
- Valentin Ivanov and Vitaliy Lazhentsev
- The management of the state reserving system in the aspect of the regional economic security supporting pp. 221 - 226
- Aleksandr Zemskov, Andrey Shorikov and Natalya Nikulina
- Impact of global retailers on regional market participants pp. 222 - 227
- Anna Yevtyugina and Dmitriy Karkh
- Number of the enterprises of the small-scale business in the Russian Federation: results of the analysis pp. 224 - 229
- Yuliya Pinkovetskaya
- Development of the leasing mechanism in Republic Dagestan and its state support pp. 225 - 229
- Zoya Babayeva
- The system of indicators of sustainable development in the region pp. 226 - 231
- Yuriy Maksimov, Sergey Mityakov and Yevgeniy Mityakov
- Impact of global retailers on regional market participants pp. 227 - 231
- Anna Yevtyugina and Dmitriy Karkh
- Competitiveness and food security at the regional level pp. 227 - 232
- Mikhail Fedorov and Aleksandr Kurdyumov
- The forecast scenario of rural territories infrastructure development (on the example of the Volga federal district) pp. 230 - 237
- Valery Zekin and Andrey Svetlakov
- The institutional and economic nature of the clusters pp. 230 - 234
- Daniil Frolov and Dmitriy Grushevskiy
- On the way and result reformation economics and change prioritis of the international economic activity Chine`s pp. 230 - 243
- Mikhail Maslennikov
- Expert estimation of quality of medical services in republic Bashkortostan pp. 230 - 235
- Svetlana Kirillova and Yuliya Kuznetsova
- Hierarchical interactions between subjects of the construction market pp. 231 - 236
- Yuriy Perskiy and Yuliya Katayeva
- The influence of human factor on financial sustainability of agricultural production pp. 232 - 239
- Petr Ogorodnikov, Vsevolod Perunov and Valentina Chirkova
- Amortized deduction as a source of the real financing of industrial modernization pp. 232 - 235
- Sergey Tatynov
- Gas alliance: to be or not to be? pp. 232 - 236
- Aleksandr Kachelin
- The role of the non-material actives in regional economic development pp. 235 - 240
- Viktor Oshchepkov and Vladimir Prudskiy
- Biotechnological approach to the analysis and prognostication of the financial stability of the enterprise pp. 235 - 238
- Petr Ogorodnikov and Vsevolod Perunov
- Modelling as The Development Instrument of Commodity and Financial Networks in Regional Economy pp. 236 - 247
- Valerian Popkov, Dmitry Berg, Elizaveta Ulyanova and Nadezda Selezneva
- Questions of theory and practice of tax revenues prognostication on regional level pp. 236 - 240
- Natalya Istomina and Marina Kotelnikova
- The necessity of the country component strengthening for the Russian agrarian policy pp. 237 - 241
- Vladimir Bashmachnikov
- Study of the relationship between the development level and degree of income inequality in the Russian regions pp. 238 - 248
- Marina Malkina
- Criminal bankruptcy cases of agroindustrial enterprises pp. 239 - 244
- Andrey Svetlakov and Nina Svetlakova
- Theoretical bases of regional development efficiency management pp. 241 - 246
- Svetlana Rastvortseva
- Economic policy of metallurgical enterprise in the field of conservancy pp. 241 - 247
- Arkadiy Rudoy, Valeriy Balashenko and Aleksandr Semyachkov
- On the formation of the strategy of population quality of life improvement pp. 242 - 246
- Tatyana Polkova
- Prerequisites of development of transnational integration of economics of Middle Urals pp. 244 - 256
- Nikolay Kovalev and Yelena Yushkevich
- On classification of risks in agroindustrial complex pp. 244 - 249
- Evelina Peshina and Ruslan Sadykov
- The investment mechanism of the management of the priority national projects pp. 247 - 252
- Yelena Chechunova and Lidiya Nikolayeva
- Methodological aspect of territorial policy elaboration in a subject of the Russian Federation pp. 247 - 251
- Andrey Syrov
- Comparison of Financial Stability of The Russian and Mongolian Regions Based on System of National Accounts pp. 247 - 259
- Yekaterina Zakharchuk and Aleksey Pasynkov
- The concept of sustainable development: macro-, middle- and micro-levels pp. 248 - 253
- Svetlana Kopasova and Andrey Cheshin
- Optimization of finances into regional energy pp. 248 - 254
- Aleksey Domnikov, Mikhail Khodorovskiy and Pavel Khomenko
- Modeling the evaluation of scientific developments effectiveness in agriculture pp. 250 - 257
- Elena Derunova
- Innovation potential of Russian northern regions: development trends pp. 252 - 256
- Yelena Berezikova and Yelena Noskova
- The basic results of realization the priority national project "development of agrarian and industrial complex" in Kurgan region pp. 253 - 258
- Pavel Podgorbunskikh, Lyubov Subbotina and Sergey Zhdanov
- Assessment of socio-economic potential of regions for placement of the logistic infrastructure objects pp. 254 - 263
- Aleksandr Rakhmangulov and Olesya Kopylova
- Problems of frontier economic cooperation of Republic Dagestan pp. 257 - 262
- Artur Ramazanov
- Dynamic model of minimax control over economic security state of the region in the presence of risks pp. 258 - 266
- Andrey Shorikov
- Accessible habitation for young scientists pp. 259 - 263
- Yakov Bogomolov
- Priority Directions of The Regional Food Complex Effectiveness Increase pp. 260 - 271
- Dmitriy Karkh, Venera Gaianova and Philip Imel
- The development of methods of budget potential management in the region pp. 263 - 267
- Zhanna Mingaleva and Natalya Pazdnikova
- Role of the state in activization of the investment processes in agrarian sector pp. 264 - 270
- Veniamin Drokin and Lyubov Vyatkina
- R&D networks and regional knowledge production: an agent-based simulation of the Austrian competence centres programme pp. 264 - 275
- Manuela Korber and Manfred Paier
- Modeling of budgetary funding influence on socio-demographic processes of a region pp. 266 - 276
- Aleksandra Vasilyeva, Elena Chistova and Vladimir Tyulyukin
- Theoretic-methodological aspects of development of strategy of complex social and economic development of municipal formation pp. 268 - 270
- Larisa Ustinova
- Organizational and Economic Forms and Effective Methods of State Regulation of Agriculture pp. 271 - 284
- Rinat Gataullin, Almir Askarov, Gulnara Huzhahmetova and Nikita Yarkov
- Representative offices of subject of Russia – new institute of regional policy pp. 271 - 275
- Ravil Bikbov
- State-private partnership in regional development: advantages and risks pp. 271 - 275
- Ergey Neganov and Leonid Polishchuk
- The provision of balanced development of intraregional trade-economic links of Russian subject (on the example of Bashkortostan) pp. 276 - 282
- Vadim Utyashev
- Forecasting the development of regional economy on the basis of input — output tables pp. 276 - 289
- Yury Mashunin and Ivan Mashunin
- Modernaspects ofensuring economic securityin Uzbekistan pp. 277 - 285
- Alisher Rasulev and Dmitriy Trostyanskiy
- Ecological aspects of economic safety of region pp. 283 - 286
- Natalya Nikulina
- Tajik labor migrants and their international money transfers pp. 285 - 301
- Kazuhiro Kumo
- Modeling of Social Effect of Foreign Direct Investment in The Regions of Kazakhstan pp. 285 - 300
- Dinara Rakhmatullayeva, Vyacheslav Bobkov and Yerzhan Zhatkanbayev
- About the problems of informational provision of authority on regional and municipal levels pp. 287 - 291
- Natalya Pashintseva
- Application of Supercomputer Technologies for Simulation Of Socio-Economic Systems pp. 301 - 313
- Vladimir Okrepilov, Valeriy Makarov, Albert Bakhtizin and Svetlana Kuzmina
- Innovational security in the system of a region's economic security pp. 302 - 305
- Aleksey Bagaryakov
- Formation of cluster policy in Russian regions pp. 306 - 315
- Svetlana Kotlyarova
- Forecast of the Demografic Development of Russia pp. 313 - 320
- Valeriy Chichkanov, Aleksandra Vasilyeva, Gennadiy Bystray and Sergey Okhotnikov
- Optimization of internal migration as a mechanism for solving the problems of monotowns in Sverdlovsk region pp. 315 - 320
- Yevgeniya Nekrasova
- Demographic aspects of social security in region pp. 320 - 326
- Alla Leontyeva
- Sharp Turn to the Market. Economic Reform in Russia (1992–1998) and Its Consequences pp. 325 - 341
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Vladimir Bersenyov
- Agent-Based Approach for Modelling the Labour Migration from China to Russia pp. 331 - 341
- Valeriy Makarov, Albert Bakhtizin, Elena Sushko and Alina Ageeva
- Cargo-and-Passenger High-Speed Railway “TransEurasiaâ€: A Unique Megaproject pp. 339 - 352
- Boris Lapidus and Alexander Misharin
- The Processes of Denationalization and Privatization in Russia in the 1990s. Part 1 pp. 342 - 354
- Vladimir Bersenyov
- Regions’ Economic Autonomy in the New Reality pp. 342 - 358
- Vladimir Bochko
- Socio-Economic Space and Territorial Development of the North and the Arctic of Russia pp. 353 - 365
- Vitaliy Lazhentsev
- Institutional Assessment of Environmentally Oriented Subsoil Use pp. 355 - 368
- Irina Polyanskaya and Vera Yurak
- Economic Growth of a Rapidly Developing Economy: Theoretical Formulation pp. 359 - 370
- Oleg Sukharev
- Precarious Employment in the Regions of Russian Federation: Sociological Survey Results pp. 366 - 379
- Vyacheslav Bobkov, Vadim Kvachev and Irina Novikova
- Formation of the Integrated Approach to the Assessment of the Socio-Economic Development of Regions pp. 369 - 380
- Valentina Kislitsyna, Larisa Cheglakova, Vasily Karaulov and Anna Chikisheva
- Architectonics of the Analysis and Information System “Anti-Crisis†pp. 371 - 382
- Aleksandr Kuklin, Sergey Okhotnikov and Lev Korshunov
- Typology of Macroeconomic Parameters of Population Income pp. 380 - 394
- Tatiana Ladykova and Vladimir Bersenyov
- Muhammad Ali, Vichayanan Rattanawiboonsom, Candido M. Perez and Abdullah Khan
- Gross Regional Product of Russian Regions in Last Years: Dynamic and Spatial Configuration pp. 383 - 395
- Boris Lavrovskii and Evgeny Shiltsin
- Methodological Features of the Assessment of the Regional Budget’s Situation pp. 395 - 407
- Aleksandr Kuklin and Kseniya Naslunga
- Comparing Small Area Techniques for Estimating Poverty Measures: the Case Study of Austria and Spain pp. 396 - 404
- Federico Crescenzi, Gianni Betti and Francesca Gagliardi
- Harm to the Resources of Traditional Nature Management and Its Economic Evaluation pp. 396 - 409
- Vladimir Loginov, Margarita Ignatyeva and Valeriy Balashenko
- Econometric Modeling of Electricity Consumption by Households as a Tool for the Calculation of Social Norms of Consumption pp. 405 - 416
- Yulia Zaitseva
- Economic and Legal Mechanisms for Harnessing Natural Resource Potential of the Arctic in the Context of Food and Environmental Security pp. 408 - 419
- Aleksandr Mitin, Boris Voronin and Irina Donnik
- Structural Change of Gross Regional Product in the Subjects of Ural Federal District pp. 410 - 421
- Valeriy Gamukin
- The Efficiency of Regional Higher Education Systems and Competition in Russia pp. 417 - 426
- Oleg Leshukov, Daria Platonova and Dmitry Semyonov
- Industrial Policy Priorities of Russia in the Context of Challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Part 1 pp. 420 - 432
- Olga Romanova
- Economic and Ecological Evaluation of Land Use Change: Evidence from Karelia pp. 422 - 433
- Anton Strokov, Ekatherine Yakubovich and Pavel Krasilnikov
- Program Management Approach to the Territorial Development of Small Business pp. 427 - 437
- Natalia Knysh and Evgeniy Verlup
- Paradigm of Managerial Education for a Technological Breakthrough in the Economy pp. 433 - 449
- Leonid Gitelman and Mikhail Kozhevnikov
- Inflation in Modern Russia: Theoretical Foundations, Specific Features of Manifestation and Regional Dimension pp. 434 - 445
- Vladimir Ilyashenko and Lyudmila Kuklina
- Formalization of the General Model of the Green Economy at the Regional Level pp. 438 - 450
- Ivan Potravnyy, Andrey Novoselov and Igor Gengut
- Network Interaction of Universities in Higher Education System of Ural Macro-Region pp. 446 - 456
- Garold Zborovskiy and Polina Ambarova
- Evaluating the Consequences of the Gas Processing Complex Creation in the Russian Far East pp. 450 - 462
- Natalia Dzhurka and Olga Dyomina
- Searching for a New Way of Thinking Society for Today — Noospheric Social Quality pp. 451 - 462
- Vyacheslav Bobkov, Nikolay Bobkov and Peter Herrmann
- Irina Semykina
- Evolution and Specificity of the Economic Institutions of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug — Yugra pp. 463 - 470
- Vadim Islamutdinov
- Assessment and Identification of the Possibility for Creating IT Clusters in Kazakhstan Regions pp. 463 - 473
- Anel Kireyeva, Dinara Mussabalina and Baurzhan Tolysbaev
- The Impact of Economic Parameter Uncertainty Growth on Regional Energy Demand Assessment pp. 465 - 476
- Olga Mazurova and Elena Galperova
- The Use of Migrant Labour — Threat or Advantage for Russian Economical Development? pp. 471 - 484
- Victoria Koretskaya-Garmash
- Impact of Information Space on Economic Security in the Region pp. 474 - 484
- Andrey Svetlakov and Irina Glotina
- Dmitry Kochetkov, Viola Larionova and Darko Vuković
- Meaningfulness of Academic Migrants’ Education, Its Assessment and Modeling on It-based Technologies pp. 485 - 498
- Tamara Kuprina, Jaroslav Kultan, TomáÅ¡ Kozik and Svetlana Minasyan
- Main Directions of Migration Mobility in the Siberian and Far Eastern Federal Districts pp. 485 - 501
- Ksenia Shvorina and Larisa Faleychik
- Integrated Assessment of the Policy of Working Capital Management in Housing and Utilities Enterprises pp. 489 - 499
- Vladimir PoluyanovVP and Nataliia Palamarchuk
- Emigration from Russia: New Trends and Forms pp. 499 - 509
- Vladimir Iontsev, Sergey Ryazantsev and Svetlana Iontseva
- The Formation of Competitive Advantages for Corporate Structures Based on the Cluster Integration pp. 500 - 510
- Ekaterina Pustynnikova and Elena Uskova
- Effective Production Funds and Production Functions of Regional Small Business pp. 502 - 515
- Vladimir Gorbunov and Alexander Lvov
- A Model of System and Strategic Financial Analysis of the Crimean Health Resorts pp. 510 - 525
- Vadim Malyshenko
- Methods of the Assessment of Economic Losses Caused by the Mortality of the Population Employed in Regional Economy pp. 511 - 523
- Olga Kozlova, Raisa Nifantova and Mariya Makarova
- Modern Mechanisms of Standardization for Improving the Ecological Situation in the Regions pp. 516 - 529
- Arina Yanchenko, Natalya Androsenko and Galina Ivanova
- Analysis of Differences in the Motivation of the Owner-Managers and Hired Managers of Regional Enterprises pp. 524 - 536
- Anna Mukhacheva and Artem Sokolov
- Market Research of the Russian National and Regional Aspects of Builders Liability Insurance pp. 526 - 536
- Alexander Tsyganov and Denis Bryzgalov
- Country Effects on Managerial Practices in Transportation Area: Evidence from Russia and Germany pp. 530 - 535
- Liudmila Ruzhanskaya, Sergey Lukyanov and Georgy Alaev
- The Estimation of the Importance of Universities Performance Assessment for Stakeholders pp. 536 - 546
- Anna Tikhonova
- Olga Gokova and Albina Kiseleva
- The System-Supplementing Effect of the Interaction between Innovative Capacity and Institutional Environment Factors of a Region pp. 537 - 546
- Victor Ovchinnikov and Natalia Ketova
- Economic Motivations for Master’s Students’ Choice of Educational, Scientific and Professional Trajectories pp. 547 - 559
- Daniil Sandler and Anastasia Sushchenko Anastasia Dmitrievna
- Development of Competitive Environment in the Oil Market of Russian Federation: Empirical Analysis pp. 547 - 561
- Elena Chernova and Svetlana Razmanova
- Elena Drobot, Aziza Klevleeva, Petr Afonin and Siradgeddin Gamidullaev
- The Assessment of the Dynamics of Region’s Participation in Interregional and International Exchange Processes Based on the Change in the Ratio of Intermediate and Final Products pp. 559 - 569
- Kasim Yusupov, Asat Yangirov, Rustem Akhunov and Iuliia Toktamysheva
- Testing Kuznets’ Hypothesis for Russian Regions: Trends and Interpretations pp. 560 - 568
- James Alm, Ruslan Grigoryev, Marat Kramin and Timur Kramin
- Green Infrastructure as a Factor for Sustainable Development of Khabarovsk pp. 562 - 574
- Galina Morozova and Irina Debelaia
- Priority Development Areas: a New Tool for Attracting Investment in the Far East of Russia pp. 569 - 585
- Nadejda Kashina
- Ludmila Shkvarya and Yelena Frolova
- Healthcare Quality of Bangladesh and Outbound Medical Travel to Thailand pp. 575 - 588
- Muhammad Ali and Anita Medhekar
- Methodology for Assessing the Quality of Agribusiness Activity Based on the Environmentally Responsible Approach pp. 579 - 590
- Anna Anfinogentova, Mikhail Dudin, Nikolai Lyasnikov and Oleg Protsenko
- An Integral Evaluation of the Financial State of the Regional Enterprises pp. 586 - 601
- Sergey Kyurdzhiev, Alexandra Mambetova and Elena Peshkova
- Problem of Rent Relations in Regional Economy pp. 589 - 599
- Elena Malysh
- Design Model for the Development of Agrarian Economy: Food Aspect pp. 591 - 603
- Denis Samygin and Ljudmila Mizjurkina
- The Influence of Diversification on Innovative Activity in Regional Manufacturing Industry pp. 600 - 611
- Igor Grebenkin
- Public-Private Investment Partnerships: Efficiency Estimation Methods pp. 602 - 612
- Alexander Trynov
- Diagnostics of Expectations of Economic Agents as an Instrument for the Modelling of Economic Cycles pp. 604 - 615
- Marat Safiullin, Leonid Elshin and Maria Prygunova
- Global Economic Relations of a Region in the Investigations of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences pp. 612 - 622
- Yelena Andreyeva, Andrei Maltsev, Mikhail Maslennikov and Artyom Ratner
- Zlata Kovtun
- How Commodity Prices Influence the Members of the Eurasian Economic Union pp. 623 - 637
- Andrey Polbin, Mikhail Andreyev and Andrey Zubarev
- Financial and Organizational Aspects of the Recovery of Hydrocarbon Resource Base in the Regional Context pp. 628 - 640
- Irina Sharf
- Providing the Russian Agro-Industrial Complex With Highly Qualified Personnel in the Context of the Global Transition to a «Green Economy» pp. 638 - 650
- Anna Anfinogentova, Mikhail Dudin, Nikolai Lyasnikov and Oleg Protsenko
- Improving the State Support of Agriculture in a Region pp. 651 - 662
- Valentina Neganova and Aleksey Dudnik
- Involvement of Rural Households in Solving the Problems of Import Substitution pp. 663 - 675
- Vladimir Bashmachnikov, Veniamin Drokin and Aleksey Zhuravlev
- Model of Fiscal Sustainability of Enterprise pp. 676 - 687
- Margarita Aristarkhova, Olga Zueva and Mariya Zuyeva
Volume 1, issue 1, 2016
- Public-Private Partnership as the Core Form of the Implementation of Russia’s Transport and Transit Potential pp. 1 - 12
- Valeriy Tsvetkov, Kobilzhon Zoidov and Aleksey Medkov
- The Future of the World Economy is an Integrated World Economic Structure pp. 1 - 12
- Sergey Glazyev, Aleksandr Ajvazov and Vladimir Belikov
- Analytical Approaches to Estimate Economic Security of the Region pp. 1 - 12
- Valeriy Tsvetkov, Mikhail Dudin and Nikolai Lyasnikov
- Theoretical and methodological approaches to regional competition investigation pp. 4 - 22
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Lyubov Yurganova
- Priority support policy regarding constituent entities being the «engines» of the Russian economy pp. 7 - 11
- Olga Kuznetsova and Egor Yumaev
- The restructuring of the distributive relations as necessary condition of socio-economic development of Russian regions pp. 7 - 14
- Aleksey Shevyakov
- Ð ÐµÐ³Ð¸Ð¾Ð½Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ð¾Ð»Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸ÐºÐ°: Ñ ÑƒÑ‰Ð½Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚ÑŒ, Ð¾Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ð½Ñ‹Ðµ цели, проблемы pp. 7 - 19
- Yevgeniy Animitsa
- Management in conditions of the transregionalization of economy: orientation on stability pp. 7 - 21
- Oleg Mikhalev
- Dialectics of public and market regulation of a region and municipality socioeconomic development pp. 9 - 33
- Aleksandr Tatarkin
- Optimum parity of economic and administrative measures at ounteraction to shadow economy pp. 9 - 21
- Aleksandr Kuklin and Gavriil Agarkov
- The method principles of the estimation of the social investment results in the industrial territories pp. 9 - 18
- Yefim Kozakov and Yevgeniy Pilyugin
- Regional Targeting of the Economic Policy of the Russian Federation as an Institution of Regional Spatial Development pp. 9 - 27
- Aleksandr Tatarkin
- Territory development as economic and geographical activity (theory, methodology, practice) pp. 10 - 20
- Vitaliy Lazhentsev
- Switchover mode of reproduction and the problem of coordination pp. 10 - 17
- Vladimir Mayevsky
- Foundations for special-purpose modeling in the regional systems of administrative reserve pp. 11 - 20
- Vladimir Antropov, Nikolay Akatov and Nikolay Podbelskiy
- Social responsibility of business and government as the basic scientific and practical position of regional studies pp. 11 - 20
- Yefim Kozakov
- Econotronics pp. 13 - 28
- Yevgeniy Popov
- Theoretical, Institutional and Ethical Basis for Implementing Modern Industrial Policy. Part I pp. 13 - 28
- Olga Romanova and Alena Ponomareva
- System Modernization of Domestic Enterprises: Theoretical Background, Motives, Principles pp. 13 - 24
- George Kleiner
- Region as a self-developing socio-economic system: crossing the crisis pp. 15 - 23
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Svetlana Doroshenko
- Economic Theory, Economic Reality And Economic Policy pp. 17 - 29
- Dmitry Sorokin
- The organizational and economic mechanism of regional employment policy realization pp. 19 - 29
- Olga Kozlova
- Ð¡Ñ‚Ñ€Ð°Ñ‚ÐµÐ³Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¾Ðµ планирование Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÑ€Ñ€Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ð¸ – Ð½Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð¶Ð´Ð°ÑŽÑ‰Ð°Ñ Ñ Ñ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ°Ñ Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð° ответа на вызовы рынка и глобализации pp. 20 - 38
- Vladimir Bochko
- Theoretical, methodological and methodical bases of structural policy of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation pp. 20 - 32
- Valentina Antonyuk and El'mira Vansovich
- Social responsibility of business and government as the basic scientific and practical position of regional studies pp. 21 - 29
- Yefim Kozakov
- National policy in reference to labor remuneration and its influence on poverty dynamics in a region pp. 21 - 27
- Aleksandr Kuklin and Alla Leontyeva
- Problems and prospects of house bilding development in Sverdlovsk region pp. 22 - 28
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Marina Rodaykina
- Application of tools of statistical supervision for an estimation of dependence of volumes of financing and the epidemiological data on a hiv-infection in the Russian Federation pp. 22 - 27
- Vladimir Starodubov, Olga Obukhova and Yekaterina Nosova
- Can “the ideal†economic models be considered comprehensible ?! pp. 23 - 35
- Aleksandr Kuklin, Anatoliy Myzin and Andrey Kozitsyn
- Social results and factors of economic growth (theoretical and practical questions) pp. 23 - 31
- Oleg Sukharev
- Failures of Big Business Tax Administration and Their Impact on Regional Budgets pp. 25 - 37
- Vladimir Ilyin and Anna Povarova
- National policy in reference to labor remuneration and its influence on poverty dynamics in a region pp. 27 - 33
- Aleksandr Kuklin and Alla Leontyeva
- Social and economic efficiency of investments into a professional training pp. 28 - 41
- Vladimir Antropov, Valentina Parshina and Aleksandr Kudinov
- Stabilization of the Monetary and Financial Market as a Necessary Condition for the Transition to Sustainable Development pp. 28 - 36
- Sergey Glazyev
- Two Disputes Of Methods, Three Constructivisms, And Three Liberalisms. Part I pp. 29 - 38
- Vladiir Yefimov
- Identification and estimation of territorial competition pp. 29 - 40
- Sergey Vazhenin and Irina Vazhenina
- The Growth Points of Regional Economy and Regression Estimation for Branch Investment Multipliers pp. 29 - 42
- Nina Goridko and Robert Nizhegorodtsev
- Leading Centers of Researching the Problems of Territory’s Economic Security pp. 29 - 42
- Vladimir Bersenyov
- Regional venture fund of the ural federal district: creation and strategy of development pp. 29 - 39
- Nikolay Viktorov, Oleg Kozlov, Sergey Kudrevatykh, Andrey Sergeyev and Andrey Shitik
- About revival of traditional economy forms in rural settlements of Komi Republic pp. 30 - 38
- Aleksandr Maksimov
- Reproduction of population in Russia's regions pp. 32 - 41
- Aleksandr Kuzmin and Tatyana Primak
- Development of territories of municipal formations with use of a program method pp. 33 - 43
- Vladimir Bochko
- Environmental and socio-economic development of regions: evaluation of regional differentiation pp. 33 - 46
- Valeriy Chereshnev, Dmitriy Verzilin, Tatyana Maksimova and Sergey Verzilin
- Sectorial dynamics and the convergence of regions of intermediate and advanced development in the European Union pp. 34 - 41
- Miguel Torrejón-Velardiez
- Instruments of leveling of the economic development of the Sverdlovsk Oblast territories: theory and practice pp. 36 - 41
- Galina Kovaleva and Anatoliy Ogloblin
- Contemporary Substitutes of the Political Economy pp. 37 - 45
- Mimo Draskovic, Slobodan Lakic and Veselin Draskovic
- The Forecasting of Regional Social and Economic Development pp. 38 - 48
- Robert Nizhegorodtsev, Elena Piskun and Viktoria Kudrevich
- The Accelerating And Constraining Factors Of The Coordinated And Balanced Development Of Regions pp. 39 - 52
- Vladimir Bochko
- Risk factors for the regional economic growth pp. 39 - 48
- Yevgeniy Sapiro and Tatyana Mirolyubova
- Ð¢ÐµÐ½ÐµÐ²Ð°Ñ Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸ÐºÐ° региона: Ð¾Ñ Ð¾Ð±ÐµÐ½Ð½Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ñ Ð²Ð»ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸ методы Ð´Ð¸Ð°Ð³Ð½Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸ÐºÐ¸ pp. 39 - 53
- Aleksandr Kuklin and Gavriil Agarkov
- System risks of enterprises and territories development strategy pp. 40 - 45
- Vladimir Bochko and Lyubov Plyusnina
- Ethnodemographic factor of development of economy of Ural's regions pp. 41 - 49
- Nadezhda Surnina and Oksana Pechura
- Challenges and opportunities for the development of regional employment infrastructure for young people pp. 41 - 53
- Olga Frants, Elena Lobova and Vera Kharchenko
- Multifunctionality of agri-food sector: theoretic conception, practical implementation pp. 42 - 50
- Elmira Krylatykh
- The Republic of Bashkortostan: the estimation of social economical situation and perspectives of development pp. 42 - 55
- Rafael Fattakhov
- Generation of a leasing system of financing within the fixed capital of the economic entities of the Irkutsk region pp. 42 - 46
- Dmitriy Ognev and Andrey Nechayev
- Management of the Structural Transformation of Regional Economy pp. 43 - 52
- Khamid Gizatullin, Fanus Garipov and Zukhra Garipova
- Strategic vector of economic dynamics of an industrial region pp. 43 - 56
- Olga Romanova
- Productivity Paradox in Regional Dimension pp. 43 - 56
- Victor Dementiev
- Structural Transformations of the Economy in the Pacific Region of Russia and Efficiency Trends pp. 46 - 63
- Peter Baklanov and Anatoly Moshkov
- The upgrading of municipal ownership account pp. 46 - 56
- Olga Artamonova and Rafael Safuanov
- The issue of financial sustainability development in a region pp. 46 - 51
- Fanus Garipov and Zukhra Garipova
- Shadow Economy in the Context of Economic Crisis: Circumstance Analysis and the Forecasting of Consequences pp. 46 - 53
- Alexey Naydenov and Ilya Krivenko
- Social Well-Being of the Russian Federation Regions pp. 49 - 62
- Marina Malkina
- Image and brand of region: essence and features of formation pp. 49 - 57
- Irina Vazhenina
- Current migration processes in the Far East (on the example of Jewish Autonomous Oblast) pp. 50 - 57
- Svetlana Mishchuk
- The economic evaluation method of land resources of agrarian nomination with their regional reproduction peculiarities pp. 51 - 61
- Ruslan Shafeyev
- The issue of financial sustainability development in a region pp. 51 - 55
- Fanus Garipov and Zukhra Garipova
- Spatial Differentiation Of The Structure Of Economics Of The Regions Of The Arctic Zone Of The Russian Federation pp. 53 - 63
- Peter Baklanov and Anatoly Moshkov
- Regional disproportions in the accumulation and implementation of educational potential pp. 53 - 62
- Elena Kulagina
- Methodological Tools to Assess the Population Welfare: Interregional Comparison pp. 53 - 68
- Svetlana Naiden and Anna Belousova
- Проблемы и подходы к управлению бюджетным планированием и межбюджетными Ð¾Ñ‚Ð½Ð¾ÑˆÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¼Ð¸ на уровне региона (на примере Ð ÐµÑ Ð¿ÑƒÐ±Ð»Ð¸ÐºÐ¸ Ð‘Ð°ÑˆÐºÐ¾Ñ€Ñ‚Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚Ð°Ð½) pp. 54 - 72
- Rafael Fattakhov
- Development of theoretical and methodological background for mining regions' economic security pp. 54 - 61
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Aleksandr Semyachkov
- Economy of distrust (the institute of trust and its role in the regional competitiveness) pp. 56 - 65
- Nadezhda Kalyuzhnova
- Social and labor relations regulation in economy of Russia pp. 56 - 66
- Irina Kolmakova
- Institutional transformation as a precondition for postcrisis development of regional economies pp. 56 - 61
- Margarita Afonasova
- Socio-economical substantiation of large integrated structures in metallurgical complex creation pp. 57 - 75
- Andrey Kozitsyn
- Problems and prospects of socially-demographic development of Russian region (on the example of Sverdlovsk region) pp. 57 - 61
- Aleksandra Vasilyeva and Elena Chistova
- Development of the Global Market of Artificial Intelligence Systems pp. 57 - 69
- Evgenii Smirnov and Sergey Lukyanov
- Mezoeconomical analysis of regional economic efficiency pp. 58 - 62
- Natalya Alekseyeva and Oleg Botkin
- Assessment of human resources for regional innovation activity pp. 61 - 65
- Rushaniya Lukyanova
- Formation of personnel corps of engineers in the Urals: sociological aspect pp. 62 - 75
- Boris Pavlov and Alina Sirazhetdinova
- The role of supplying with gas in the development of regional economy pp. 62 - 70
- Andrey Shelomentsev and Pavel Dovgolyuk
- Problems and prospects of socially-demographic development of Russian region (on the example of Sverdlovsk region) pp. 62 - 65
- Aleksandra Vasilyeva and Elena Chistova
- Development of theoretical and methodological background for mining regions' economic security pp. 62 - 69
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Aleksandr Semyachkov
- Regional Differences in Equivalence Scales in Turkey pp. 63 - 69
- Gianni Betti, Mehmet Karadag, Ozlem Sarica and Baris Ucar
- The questions of formation and development of the insurance market of the Chuvash Republic pp. 63 - 70
- Lev Kirillov and Averkiy Kirillov
- Agent Modelling of Cluster Formation Processes in Regional Economic Systems (p. 64-77) pp. 64 - 77
- Galina Boush, Okxana Kulikova and Ivan Shelkov
- Welfare And Public Health Of The Population Of Russia: Adaptation To Economic Instability pp. 64 - 76
- Aleksandr Kuklin and Elena Chistova
- Substantiation of measure alternatives regarding improvement of an industrial enterprise market value pp. 66 - 73
- Andrey Tonkikh, Andrey Ionov and Anton Ostaltsev
- Social attitudes and regional inequalities pp. 66 - 73
- Vinko Muštra, Lena Malešević Perović and Silvia Golem
- Employment regulation peculiarities in the terms of labour shortage pp. 66 - 69
- Nail Shaymardanov and Natalia Neklyudova
- The regional market of mineral oil: the condition and tendencies of development pp. 67 - 80
- Igor Rozenflants and Svetlana Surkova
- Organizational Project Management in Omsk Region Companies: Current State and Development Constraints pp. 69 - 78
- Irina Katunina
- Complex assessment of mineral resources in the conditions of spatial subsurface use pp. 69 - 80
- Vyacheslav Pakhomov and Elena Atamanova
- Consolidated Taxation and Its Consequences for Regional Budgets pp. 70 - 83
- Vladimir Ilyin and Anna Povarova
- New Indicators of the Level of Social Dissatisfaction in the Planning of Social-Economic Development of the Region pp. 70 - 79
- Michail Dolomatov, Vitaly Martynov, Nadezhda Zhuravleva and Elena Zakieva
- Employment regulation peculiarities in the terms of labour shortage pp. 70 - 73
- Nail Shaymardanov and Natalia Neklyudova
- The formation of technical-economic paradigms of regional development: innovative-cyclic of research pp. 71 - 83
- Nikolay Beketov
- Monetary incomes of the population in Russia and Novosibirsk area pp. 71 - 82
- Galina Litvintseva
- Развитие Ð¸Ð½Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ‚ÑƒÑ†Ð¸Ð¾Ð½Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ñ‹Ñ… Ð¾Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð² Ð²Ð·Ð°Ð¸Ð¼Ð¾Ð´ÐµÐ¹Ñ Ñ‚Ð²Ð¸Ñ Ð¼Ð°ÑˆÐ¸Ð½Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚Ñ€Ð¾ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð£Ñ€Ð¤Ðž Ñ Ð½ÐµÑ„Ñ‚ÐµÐ³Ð°Ð·Ð¾Ð²Ñ‹Ð¼ ÐºÐ¾Ð¼Ð¿Ð»ÐµÐºÑ Ð¾Ð¼ Ð Ð¾Ñ Ñ Ð¸Ð¸ pp. 73 - 86
- Sergey Yurpalov
- Status and prospects of the reproduction of the labour force in the North region pp. 73 - 78
- Vladimir Loginov
- Differing development paths of spatial income inequalities after the political transition — by the example of Hungary and its regions pp. 73 - 84
- János Pénzes, Zoltán Bujdosó, Lóránt Dávid, Zsolt Radics and Gábor Kozma
- Interface of regional and internal labor markets of industrial enterprises in the Sverdlovsk region pp. 73 - 81
- Yelena Kalabina
- Development of physical education and sports of the region in the context of social entrepreneurship pp. 75 - 82
- Aleksandr Maslov
- Industrial Parks In Russia: Conceptual Development Of The Project pp. 76 - 88
- Daniil Sandler and Pavel Kuznetsov
- The forming of transport-technological machine park and its distribution in regional system of industrial transport pp. 76 - 82
- Mikhail Petrov and Andrey Rusakov
- Ecological Situation and Environmental Protection Policy in Russian Regions pp. 78 - 92
- Tatiana Tagaeva, Vadim Gilmundinov and Lidija Kazantseva
- The estimation of the effectiveness of the state crisis management toolkit at the regional labour market pp. 79 - 85
- Yelena Bedrina and Olga Frants
- Assessment of the Competitive Environment in the Regional Markets pp. 79 - 94
- Aleksandr Kokovikhin, Ekaterina Ogorodnikova, Dina Williams and Andrey Plakhin
- Institutional Factors in the Evaluation by the Entrepreneur of Municipality Investment Climate pp. 80 - 92
- Aleksandr Kokovikhin, Ekaterina Ogorodnikova, Dina Williams and Andrey Plakhin
- The role of environmental insurance in maintaining environmental safety of the region pp. 80 - 87
- Svetlana Shipitsyna
- Methodological approaches to formation of conditions of transition to steady development of the credit organizations of region pp. 81 - 94
- Olga Pechonik and Vitaliy Butenko
- Socioeconomic and ecological functions of the lithosphere pp. 82 - 95
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Aleksandr Semyachkov
- Optimization of interbudgetary relations within the framework of municipal formation pp. 83 - 95
- Petr Ogorodnikov and Vyacheslav Droshnev
- The prognosis of Russian defense industry development implemented through regression analysis pp. 83 - 94
- Larisa Kapustina and Aleksandr Uzhitskiy
- Increasing the self-development potential of SFO’s regions pp. 83 - 89
- Vladimir Borodin
- The effectiveness of regional economic development: opportunities in the structure of the federal district pp. 84 - 93
- Valeriy Smirnov
- The development of agrarian and industrial complex of northern region on the innovative basis pp. 84 - 98
- Valentin Ivanov
- Distribution of Cities in Federal Districts of Russia: Testing of the Zipf Law pp. 84 - 98
- Inna Manaeva
- Theoretical backgrounds of investigating of intellectual and human capital pp. 86 - 93
- Vladimir Belkin, Nadezhda Belkina, Olga Antonova and Nikolay Lusin
- Socioeconomic and ecological functions of the lithosphere pp. 87 - 91
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Aleksandr Semyachkov
- ÐÐ½ÐµÑ€Ð³ÐµÑ‚Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ðµ показатели ÑƒÑ Ñ‚Ð¾Ð¹Ñ‡Ð¸Ð²Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸ региональной Ñ ÐºÐ¾Ð½Ð¾Ð¼Ð¸ÐºÐ¸ pp. 87 - 99
- Nikolay Danilov, Yakov Shchelokov, Yuriy Stolbov and Vladimir Lisiyenko
- Economic evaluation of mineral resources potential of solid minerals with a view to the national resource mode pp. 88 - 95
- Aleksey Dushin and Boris Taktashkin
- Demographic Factors And Local Government Reform pp. 88 - 96
- Konstantin Chernyshev
- Problems of economic security in Russian transportation and intermediate carrier infrastructure pp. 90 - 100
- Valeriy Tsvetkov, Kobilzhon Zoidov and Aleksey Medkov
- Mineral resource reproduction management system under modern financial and economic conditions pp. 91 - 95
- Boris Mikhaylov
- A Modern Approach to the Elaboration and Selection of Strategic Alternatives for Resource Regions pp. 93 - 105
- Valeriy Kryukov, Anastasiya Sevastyanova, Anatoliy Tokarev and Vladimir Shmat
- Competetive potential in the regional management pp. 93 - 101
- Olga Komelina and Vita Rzhepishevskaya
- The Development of Correlation Model between Economic Development and Environmental Performance on the Basis of Non-Financial Reporting pp. 93 - 104
- Vladimir Bogdanov, Nina Ilysheva, Elena Baldesku and Ulugbek Zokirov
- Differentiation of population income and poverty problem (based on the data of Tyumen region) pp. 93 - 98
- Aleksandr Kuklin and Alla Leontyeva
- Sverdlovsk area alcohol market development problems pp. 95 - 101
- Vitaliy Ryabkov and Olga Ryabkova
- Threats to the Human Capacity of Regional Higher Education Institutions pp. 95 - 108
- Eugeny Romanov
- The role and place of mineral-raw complex in socio-economical development of Russia regions on bowels use pp. 95 - 99
- Vladimir Bavlov
- Priorities of regional environmental policy: the issues of diagnostics pp. 96 - 104
- Tatyana Kudryavtseva and Natalya Khilchenko
- Ethnic and institutional aspects of natural resources of the North pp. 96 - 104
- Vladimir Loginov and Andrey Melnikov
- The Possibilities Of The Russian Regions Capacity Increasing Under The External Threats pp. 96 - 104
- Ludmila Matveeva, Elena Mikhalkina and Olga Chernova
- Methodical access to rating of innovation climate of region pp. 96 - 103
- Irina Golova
- Differentiation of population income and poverty problem (based on the data of Tyumen region) pp. 99 - 103
- Aleksandr Kuklin and Alla Leontyeva
- Differentiation of Northern region on the level of social development pp. 99 - 115
- Valeriy Akopov and Yusif Gadzhiyev
- TomáÅ¡ Malatinec
- The metodical approach to an estimation of influence of development of a mineral-raw complex on a social and economic condition of regions pp. 100 - 110
- Andrey Shelomentsev and Sergey Donskoy
- Problems of economic security in Russian transportation and intermediate carrier infrastructure pp. 100 - 109
- Valeriy Tsvetkov, Kobilzhon Zoidov and Aleksey Medkov
- Теоретико-Ð¼ÐµÑ‚Ð¾Ð´Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð³Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¸Ðµ проблемы Ñ„Ð¾Ñ€Ð¼Ð¸Ñ€Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð¸Ð½Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ‚ÑƒÑ†Ð¸Ð¾Ð½Ð°Ð»ÑŒÐ½Ð¾Ð¹ матрицы научно- Ñ‚ÐµÑ…Ð½Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð³Ð¸Ñ‡ÐµÑ ÐºÐ¾Ð³Ð¾ Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð²Ð¸Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ Ñ€ÐµÐ³Ð¸Ð¾Ð½Ð° pp. 100 - 113
- Olga Romanova, Rimma Chenenova, Nelli Konovalova, Genrikh Vagin and Svetlana Chenchevich
- The system of competences’ distribution in municipal formation and its development in modern conditions pp. 102 - 115
- Nikolay Potekhin and Larisa Ustinova
- The economic assessment of harm to the arctic ecosystems at the development of oil and gas resources pp. 102 - 111
- Margarita Ignatyeva, Vladimir Loginov, Albina Litvinova, Lyudmila Morozova and Svetlana Ektova
- The comparative estimation of scientific and technical potential of the Vologda area pp. 104 - 118
- Igor Kondakov
- Problems of human capital estimating in a context of studying national wealth of Russian regions pp. 104 - 109
- Anatoliy Myzin and Inessa Gurban
- Portrait Of Portugal’s Nut Iii Regions In Productive Location Clusters pp. 104 - 114
- Francisco Diniz and Maria Teresa Sequeira
- Modern environmental and economic approach of mining industry pp. 105 - 114
- Karsten Drebenshedt
- Assessment of population and territory rehabilitation efficiency regarding radiation exposure pp. 105 - 110
- Petr Volobuyev and Konstantin Koryakin
- The Main Directions to Overcome the Challenges of the 21st Century in Agriculture pp. 105 - 116
- Fanus Garipov, Khamid Gizatullin and Zukhra Garipova
- Assessing the Impact of the Competency Level on the Success of Companies’ Integration pp. 106 - 113
- Marina Rudenko and Rebecca Hochradel
- Adult training and education in the context of economic development of regions pp. 107 - 120
- Ilya Korshunov, Olga Gaponova and Nadezda Gaponova
- Sociocultural Factors of Survival of Males and Females in Economically Active Age: a Regional Analysis pp. 109 - 122
- Yevgeniya Tukhtarova, Aleksandr Kuzmin and Natalia Neklyudova
- Structural modernization: the question of economic security of municipalities pp. 109 - 117
- Zhanna Mingaleva
- Problems of human capital estimating in a context of studying national wealth of Russian regions pp. 110 - 115
- Anatoliy Myzin and Inessa Gurban
- Economic impacts of natural resources on a regional economy: the case of the pre-salt oil discoveries in Espirito Santo, Brazil pp. 111 - 124
- Eduardo Haddad and Ana Carolina Giuberti
- Regional problems of Samarskaya area information pp. 111 - 121
- Svetlana Ashmarina and Boris Tatarskikh
- Assessment of population and territory rehabilitation efficiency regarding radiation exposure pp. 111 - 116
- Petr Volobuyev and Konstantin Koryakin
- Modern environmental and economic approach of mining industry pp. 114 - 122
- Karsten Drebenshedt
- Economy of the Arctic “Islandsâ€: The Case of Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous Okrugs pp. 114 - 125
- Alexander Pelysov, Natalya Galtseva and Elena Atamanova
- Ð¡Ð¸Ñ Ñ‚ÐµÐ¼Ð½Ñ‹Ð¹ анализ Ñ Ñ„Ñ„ÐµÐºÑ‚Ð¸Ð²Ð½Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚Ð¸ трудового потенциала региона pp. 114 - 136
- Khamid Gizatullin
- Small And Medium-Sized Business Development In Regions: Establishment Of Priority Directions By The Example Of Sverdlovsk Region pp. 115 - 131
- Dmitrii Tolmachev, Elizaveta Ulyanova and Lyudmila Pliner
- Formation factors of the employment potential of municipality pp. 115 - 122
- Olga Kozlova, Aleksey Lavrentyev and Natalya Lobareva
- Recommendations according to the personnel of institutions of local government pp. 116 - 124
- Gulmira Shamarova
- Upgrading the methodology of ensuring national economic security pp. 117 - 121
- Margarita Aristarkhova, Mariya Zuyeva and Anzhela Voronina
- Assessing the Potential of Economic-Geographical Position for Russian Regions pp. 117 - 138
- Stepan Zemtsov and Vyacheslav Baburin
- Potential risks of attracting direct foreign investments to the formation of regional clusters pp. 118 - 127
- Galina Boush, Konstantin Grasmik and Maksim Pyatkov
- Problems of financing of target programs of development of region (experience of Khabarovsk territory) pp. 119 - 124
- Andrey Shlyakhovoy
- Do Van Thanh
- Thermodynamical approach to regions’ manufacture integration and diversification investigation pp. 122 - 127
- Nikolay Potekhin and Maksim Rusakov
- Commodity market: integral assessment technique pp. 122 - 128
- Ergey Neganov, Aleksandr Berestov and Konstantin Borodin
- Zones with China's concessional regime: spatial concentration and foreign trade contribution pp. 123 - 132
- Dmitry Izotov
- Stimulation of Managers in Regional Enterprises pp. 123 - 136
- Vladimir Belkin, Nadezhda Belkina and Olga Antonova
- Evaluation of influence of organizational aspects of entrepreneur activity on socioeconomic development of narrowly specialized territories pp. 123 - 130
- Yefim Kozakov and Pavel Glukhikh
- Formation of competitive potential of the machine-building complex of the region pp. 125 - 132
- Oleg Botkin and Igor Grebenkin
- Formation of industrial policy of development of economic complexes of region: necessity, conditions, problems pp. 125 - 135
- Vladimir Nekrasov and Nadezhda Orlova
- The development of the Russian external economic activity on the basis of the use features of social and economic complex of region pp. 125 - 135
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Aleksandr Linetskiy
- Forecasting of Interregional Migration Flows pp. 126 - 136
- Yuriy Shmidt, Natalya Ivashina, Pavel Lobodin and Aleksey Kuhlevskiy
- Presentation and exhibition activities for promoting the export of transport services pp. 127 - 136
- Darya Nesterova and Tatiana Kulakova
- Integrated scientific-manufacturing complexes as a basis of modern mechanical engineering pp. 128 - 132
- Nikolay Malykh
- Algorithm for construction of regional agrarian-industrial clusters in the modernized economy pp. 129 - 136
- Irina Vazhenina and Sergey Vazhenin
- Peculiarities of formation of regional socially responsible institutional policy pp. 130 - 136
- Yuliya Myslyakova and Svetlana Patrusheva
- Innovation And Technological Development Of Industrial Regions In The Conditions Of Socio-Economic Insecurity pp. 131 - 144
- Irina Golova and Alla Sukhovey
- Condition and tendencies of a public catering market development pp. 132 - 146
- Valentina Neganova and Aleksandr Chirkov
- Regularities of formation regional cluster initiatives pp. 133 - 142
- Aleksandr Petrov
- Theory metodological basis of local systems of corporative enterprise management pp. 133 - 137
- Aleksandr Pytkin and Dmitriy Ushakov
- Regional economy: management of competitiveness pp. 136 - 142
- Petr Nikitenko and Larisa Platonova
- Conceptual bases of restructuring of modern manufacture pp. 136 - 152
- Svyatoslav Nikitin and Oleg Sukharev
- Transformation processes of the corporate development in Russia: corporate social responsibility pp. 137 - 142
- Zhanna Belyayeva
- Принципы и тенденции территориального Ñ€Ð°Ð·Ð¼ÐµÑ‰ÐµÐ½Ð¸Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ñ Ð¼Ñ‹Ñ… Ð¸Ð½Ð¾Ñ Ñ‚Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ð½Ñ‹Ñ… Ð¸Ð½Ð²ÐµÑ Ñ‚Ð¸Ñ†Ð¸Ð¹ pp. 137 - 146
- Farida Gubaydullina
- Rating Evaluation of the Quality of Life in Russian Regions pp. 137 - 146
- Sergey Kuznetsov, Juliia Rastova and Miron Rastov
- Analysis and prediction of amount of investments into fixed capital pp. 137 - 149
- Elena Oleynik and Alena Zakharova
- Mathematical Modelling of the Price Range in the Procurement of Ferrous Scrap by Metallurgical Enterprises pp. 137 - 149
- Tatiana Ivanova, Violetta Trofimova, Alexandr Kalitaev and Dmitry Stepanov
- The Coastal Microdistricts of the Baltic Region: the Spatial Aspects of Development pp. 137 - 150
- Gennady Fedorov and Tatyana Kuznetsova
- Evaluation of the current and perspective competitive ability of agricultural production in the Ural Federal District pp. 137 - 141
- Olga Pechertseva
- Economic essence of financial stability of the insurer pp. 138 - 148
- Viktor Ivanitskiy and Yuliya Slepukhina
- Spillover Effects of The Russian Economy: Regional Specificity pp. 139 - 149
- Elena Fedorova, Bella Korkmazova and Maksim Muratov
- Methodology related to estimation of investment appeal of rural settlements pp. 141 - 145
- Aleksandr Voshev
- Transformation processes of the corporate development in Russia: corporate social responsibility pp. 142 - 146
- Zhanna Belyayeva
- Software of the economic estimation of natural resource potential of the territory of perm region pp. 143 - 151
- Pavel Krasilnikov, Aleksandr Konoplev, Valeriy Khronusov and Mikhail Barskiy
- Environmental and economic problems in the oil-extracting industry of north territories pp. 143 - 149
- Tatyana Kretovskikh, Valentin Belyayev and Yuriy Shamkov
- Theoretical Basis Of The Company Competitiveness Assessment pp. 144 - 155
- Vladimir Belkin, Nadezhda Belkina and Larisa Vladykina
- Generation of rates for electric power in regional power supply systems of Russia: problems of choice regarding an optimum model of rate-making pp. 146 - 153
- Oleg Botkin and Igor Orefkov
- Analysis of Consumer Behaviour in Regional Energy Consumption pp. 147 - 156
- Vytis Varanavicius, Aida Navikaite, Yuriy Bilan and Wadim Strielkowski
- Ecologization of socioeconomic development of regions as the realization tool of state policy in the nature management sphere pp. 147 - 153
- Valentin Belyayev and Yekaterina Ilinbayeva
- Empirical analysis of the relationship of investment and innovative activity of regions of Russia pp. 147 - 155
- Igor Bayev and Irina Solovyeva
- Financial mechanism of small enterprises stability pp. 149 - 156
- Galina Zaloznaya and Lyudmila Vitrenko
- Problems and Ways of Improving the Business Climate in the Regions pp. 150 - 161
- Nazym Uruzbayeva
- The Integration of Timber Enterprises of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug — Yugra pp. 150 - 163
- Irina Kislykhina
- Causes of the crisis of the socialist economy of the USSR in 1989–1991 pp. 150 - 160
- Igor Pichurin
- Economic Growth Strategy Based on the Dynamics of Gross Domestic Product pp. 151 - 163
- Kasim Yusupov, Iuliia Toktamysheva, Asat Yangirov and Rustem Akhunov
- Complete characteristics as criterion ratings of efficiency of industrial integration in the metallurgical complex of Ural pp. 152 - 166
- Khamid Gizatullin, Aleksandr Samotayev and Yuriy Doroshenko
- Industrial production's ecologizing: directions, instruments pp. 153 - 165
- Margarita Ignatyeva and Lyudmila Mochalova
- Estimating of socioeconomic effectiveness of public health insurance organizations pp. 154 - 156
- Igor Leontyev and Mariya Shteygervald
- Planning and implementation of regional pilot projects referred to the space activity result implementation pp. 154 - 160
- Dmitriy Payson
- The problems and threats of innovative development of Russian regions pp. 155 - 164
- Irina Golova and Alla Sukhovey
- Modern Integration Units: Comparative Analysis Of The Growth Factors pp. 156 - 169
- Bulat Husainov, Andrey Shelomentsev and Svetlana Doroshenko
- Educational innovations: experience of introduction of competence approach pp. 157 - 165
- Galina Selyanskaya
- Ecological aspect of results of activity of a packing sector of Urals region pp. 157 - 164
- Yuriy Lanin and Natalya Frolova
- The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on the Investment Attractiveness of the Russian Companies pp. 157 - 169
- Natalia Kelchevskaya, Ilia Chernenko and Ekaterina Popova
- Economic damage caused by consequences of the environmental impact of mining complex pp. 158 - 166
- Oleg Kosolapov, Margarita Ignatyeva and Albina Litvinova
- Development of interregional energy production cooperation between the Komi Republic and the areas of the North-Western and Ural Federal Districts pp. 161 - 171
- Albina Kalinina, Oleg Buryy and Vera Lukanicheva
- Assessment of regional industry-specific shifts pp. 161 - 170
- Valentina Antonyuk and El'mira Vansovich
- Demographic Risks of the Pension Reform in the Russian Federation pp. 162 - 174
- Arcady Solovyev
- The Impact of Innovation on the Performance of Health Care in the Economic Security System of the Region pp. 164 - 177
- Natalya Krivenko, Vladimir Elishev and Liudmila Kriventsova
- The Spatial Change of the Indicators of Consumer Market pp. 164 - 175
- Venera Timiryanova, Aleksandr Zimin and Ekaterina Zhilina
- Features of formation of «developmental institutions» in Russia: a case of the Siberian regions pp. 165 - 174
- Kirill Sablin
- The financial provision of innovative development of municipalities pp. 165 - 170
- Ilya Naumov and Denis Tatarkin
- Regional tourist industry in context of principles of regional socioeconomic systems self-regulation pp. 166 - 170
- Andrey Shelomentsev and Anna Golovina
- Tendencies of regional elite goods market development pp. 166 - 171
- Aleksandr Tatarkin and Svetlana Loyko
- The development of raw material sources of ferroalloy production: new trends and economic opportunities pp. 167 - 178
- Olga Romanova and Yelena Pozdnyakova
- Organizing of emissions trading at resource capacity region economy as an instrument for living standards increasing pp. 167 - 181
- Darya Nesterova and Kseniya Pyatkova
- Russia And Germany: Search For A New Model Of Neo-Industrial Social State pp. 169 - 182
- Yelena Andreyeva, Marion Dathe and Artyom Ratner
- Regional Logistics of Procurement of the Ferrous Scrap by the Iron-and-Steel Companies of the Russian Federation pp. 170 - 182
- Tatiana Ivanova, Violetta Trofimova, Alexandr Kalitaev and Dmitry Stepanov
- Development of oil and gas sector monitoring in Perm territory pp. 170 - 181
- Galina Kutergina, Vitaliy Avvakumov and Aleksandr Modorskiy
- Problems and perspectives of development of national food products markets pp. 170 - 175
- Aleksey Varshavskiy
- The metodological aproaches to model creating of enterprise budgeting management pp. 171 - 174
- Natalya Shpak
- Ways of increase of the management efficiency the corporate enterprises from shares of the state ownership pp. 172 - 177
- Valeriy Tsvetkov and Sergey Melnikov
- Business and the state: actual problems of interaction pp. 172 - 176
- Gavriil Agarkov and Vladimir Zykov
- Interdisciplinary approach to formation of managers’ competences for innovative economy pp. 174 - 184
- Leonid Gitelman, Elena Magaril and Mikhail Khodorovskiy
- The Analysis of Migration Processes in Russia According to the Census pp. 175 - 188
- Ольга Воробьева, Рнð°ñ‚ð¾ð»ð¸ð¹ Тð¾ð¿ð¸ð»ð¸ð½, Alexander Grebenyuk and Tamara V Lebedeva
- Interaction and interdetermination of competition processes and information asymmetry on the regional trade market pp. 176 - 182
- Yuriy Perskiy and Dmitriy Dmitriyev
- Performance Criteria of Spatial Development Projects Based on Interregional Integration pp. 176 - 189
- Elena Kurushina and Mikhail Petrov
- Role of interregional partnership in socioeconomic developing of region pp. 176 - 181
- Yelena Andreyeva and Artyom Ratner
- Methodology for Analyzing the Demographic Potential of Russian Regions Using Fuzzy Clustering pp. 178 - 190
- Oksana Shubat, Anna Bagirova and Alexander Akishev
- Traditional sector of economy: problems and prospects pp. 178 - 182
- Vladimir Loginov
- Use of cluster approach in regulation of investment and construction activity in Sverdlovsk Region pp. 178 - 188
- Svetlana Kotlyarova and Yana Devyatykh
- Identification of the leading branches in the economy of Perm territory as potential clusters pp. 181 - 186
- Tat'yana Kovaleva
- Expenses forecast for the Timano-Pechora gas and oil provnce resources operation pp. 182 - 186
- Sergey Sadov
- Interaction and interdetermination of competition processes and information asymmetry on the regional trade market pp. 182 - 187
- Yuriy Perskiy and Dmitriy Dmitriyev
- Socio-economic approach to the study of foreign economic relations of the region pp. 182 - 187
- Zhanna Mingaleva, Yelena Loseva and Yelena Oborina
- Management of Energy-Efficiency in the Context of New Climate Policy pp. 183 - 195
- Nadezda Pakhomova, Knut Richter, Viacheslav Zhigalov and Aleksandra Malova
- Methodical Approaches To Analysis And Forecasting Of Development Fuel And Energy Complex And Gas Industry In The Region pp. 183 - 196
- Rustam Galiev
- Practice of application of methods ensuring competitive capacity the structure of entrepreneur pp. 183 - 188
- Andrey Lukin and Dmitriy Panteleyev
- Influence of corporate culture on innovative activity of employees of the enterprises pp. 184 - 195
- Vladimir Belkin, Nadezhda Belkina, Olga Antonova and Nikolay Lusin
- Substantiation of criteria of development for multidimensional model of trading-industrial system pp. 187 - 192
- Tatyana Yakovenko and Aleksandr Yakovenko
- Intensity of competition in the market of greenhouse vegetables pp. 187 - 194
- Oleg Botkin and Irina Chazova
- The present financial situation regarding municipal establishments pp. 187 - 191
- Viktoriya Kookuyeva
- Socio-economic approach to the study of foreign economic relations of the region pp. 187 - 191
- Zhanna Mingaleva, Yelena Loseva and Yelena Oborina
- Application of system of the quality management at the enterprises of the land-improvement of Bashkortostan Republic pp. 189 - 194
- Rafil Gallyamov
- Tasks of institutional support to increase innovation activity of small business in the region pp. 189 - 198
- Igor Bayev and Mariya Podshivalova
- The Effectiveness of Direct Trade between China and Near-Border Subjects of the Russian Federation pp. 189 - 200
- Michael Zharikov
- Methods for the Evaluation of the Competitiveness of Energy Companies pp. 190 - 201
- Galina Chebotareva
- Advantages of the south of Russia by activization of participation at national and world economic processes pp. 191 - 196
- Sulayman Reshiyev
- Export of Educational Services from a Border Region pp. 191 - 204
- Zhanna Yermakova and Julia Nikulinа
- Business environment features and small business problems in the North Ossetia-Alania pp. 192 - 196
- Viktoriya Tebloyeva
- Innovations of finansial menedgment theory in local government transformation of RF pp. 193 - 198
- Yelena Kachanova
- Problems of improvement of quality of educational services pp. 195 - 198
- Natalya Mineyeva
- Complete characteristics of rating estimations economic development of subjects of the Russian Federation pp. 195 - 203
- Khamid Gizatullin, Aleksandr Samotayev and Yuriy Doroshenko
- Determinate nonperiodic variation of the gross regional product pp. 196 - 201
- Lev Korshunov and Gennadiy Bystray
- Optimization of assured result in dynamical model of management of innovation process in the enterprise of agricultural production complex pp. 196 - 201
- Andrey Shorikov and Vitalina Babenko
- Do General Practices of Management Play Role as Drivers for Employee Job Satisfaction in Pakistani Entrepreneurial Companies? pp. 196 - 203
- Sergei Polbitsyn and Abidullah Abidullah
- Optimization Of Methodological Support Of Application Tax Benefits In Regions: Practice Of Perm Region pp. 197 - 213
- Aleksandr Tatarkin, Andrey Maksimov and Timofey Maksimov
- Why we need a theory of CSR pp. 197 - 211
- Richard Warren
- Evaluation method of investment based on real option analysis pp. 198 - 204
- Yevgeniy Malyshev and Roman Podoynitsin
- Estimation of scientific potential of the region on the basis of the theory of fuzzy sets pp. 199 - 203
- Marina Borodina and Liliya Burylova
- Modernization of the industry on the basis of introduction of modern high technologies pp. 199 - 204
- Sergey Sadovskiy
- Regional Currency Unions and Supranational Currency pp. 201 - 210
- Asali Asaliev, Vyacheslav Jusim and Larisa Tarkhova
- Assessing the Extraction Potential of Tomsk Region’s Difficult-To-Obtain Oil Reserves pp. 201 - 210
- Irina Sharf and Larisa Grinkevich
- Determinate nonperiodic variation of the gross regional product pp. 202 - 206
- Lev Korshunov and Gennadiy Bystray
- Influence of Intermediaries on the Efficiency of Export of Small and Medium Business Production in Developing Countries pp. 202 - 215
- Arzik Suvaryan, Narina Mkrtichyan and Hasmik Manukyan
- Management Consulting for Technological Modernization and Industry of the Future pp. 204 - 215
- Leonid Gitelman and Mikhail Kozhevnikov
- Methodology of optimization of territorially-branch structure of region in the conditions of economy reforming pp. 204 - 210
- Arkadiy Moroz
- Principles of formation tourist cluster in Primorski territory pp. 204 - 208
- Natalya Martyshenko
- Strategic management as a factor of small industrial business development pp. 205 - 210
- Elena Mezentseva
- Institutions, mechanisms and methods of innovative subsurface resources management pp. 205 - 215
- Irina Polyanskaya and Vera Yurak
- Hien Hoang, Linh T. D. Huynh and George Chen
- Skill level of economic department personnel of medical establishments of the Sverdlovsk region pp. 207 - 211
- Igor Leontyev
- Introduction of the tax to the real estate as the way of perfection of the property taxation pp. 209 - 212
- Kseniya Nikolayeva
- Cosmic cycles in global, national, and regional economics pp. 210 - 220
- Vladimir Belkin
- Definition of perspective direction of development of small bvusiness in region of Russia pp. 211 - 216
- Natalia Filimonova
- The estimated and look-ahead model of scientific and technical capacity of region pp. 211 - 221
- Anna Zolotukhina and Marina Frants
- Regional Healthcare Effectiveness pp. 211 - 225
- Olga Kudelina and Sofya Eremina
- Peculiarities of transformation processes in East Germany pp. 212 - 216
- Marion Dathe
- Investment Policy Of A Region In The Conditions Of The Budgetary Restrictions And Economic Sanctions pp. 213 - 223
- Elena Avramenko, Semen Vlasov, Sergey Lukyanov and Irina Tyomkina
- Technique of the estimation of efficiency budgetary regulation of local budgets pp. 213 - 216
- Vera Shipunova
- Improving of the pension provision in Uzbekistan during the modernization of national economy pp. 216 - 223
- Bakhodir Umurzakov
- Olli-Pekka Hilmola, Andres Tolli and Yulia Panova
- Company Management Based on the Forecast in Product Area pp. 216 - 225
- Alexandr Pishchukhin
- Is Tajikistan a Potential Market for Genetically Modified Potatoes? pp. 216 - 226
- Mirzobobo Yormirzoev, Ramona Teuber and Daniil Baranov
- Return problems in economic-mathematical model of trade between managing subjects pp. 217 - 220
- Aza Urusova
- Normative-legal and methodical aspects of anti-crisis management mechanisms and organization "bankruptcy", the interrelation of these points pp. 217 - 222
- Aleksandr Pytkin and Aleksandr Gershanok
- Conceptual foresight of energy-investment attractiveness of subjects of the Ural Federal District pp. 221 - 230
- Oksana Denisova and Gennadiy Bystray
- Experimental estimation of intellectual capital dynamics of innovative company pp. 223 - 227
- Anatoliy Grebenkin and Aleksandra Permyakova
- Search of new management paradigm in terms of globalization pp. 223 - 228
- Gombodorzhiyn Batkhurel
- Life Insurance In Russia: Features Of Regional Development pp. 223 - 233
- Evgenia Prokopjeva
- The Possibility to Apply Effectuation and Causation Concepts at National Scope pp. 226 - 236
- Olga Karpetc and Ekaterina Iurchenko
- Methodology attitude and instruments for structural and functional analysis of the regional development pp. 226 - 237
- Yelena Ignatyeva and Oleg Mariyev
- Competitiveness of the Garment Industry on the Basis of the Industrial Cluster Establishment pp. 226 - 239
- Tatiana Sinyavets and Larisa Rodina
- Priority Development Areas in the Context of the Economic Security of Macro-Region pp. 227 - 242
- Valeriy Chichkanov and Lyubov Belyaevskaya-Plotnick
- State policy in the field of the traditional economy (the historiography of the issue) pp. 228 - 233
- Tatyana Gogoleva
- Food provision of population as a factor of the state economic security pp. 229 - 233
- Olga Pyshmintseva, Lyubov Voronina and Anna Yevtyugina
- Outlines of the theory of urban agglomerations' self-development pp. 231 - 235
- Yevgeniy Animitsa
- Alina Steblyanskaya, Zhen Wang, Elena Ryabova and Svetlana Razmanova
- Development Of The Technique Of Assessment Of Banking Risks Of Long-Term Crediting Of Investments (On The Example Of Banks Of Sevastopol) pp. 234 - 244
- Ulyana Dremova
- The role of building societies on the market of hypothec loaning: world experience and Russia pp. 234 - 237
- Ellada Pilavova
- On the impact of infrastructure costs on selecting oil field development scheme pp. 234 - 238
- Maksim Karnaukhov
- Regional social protection mechanisms pp. 235 - 241
- Elena Morozova and Arina Dobrynina
- Transformation of employment conditions in information-network economy pp. 237 - 241
- Anton Kozlov and Mariya Makarova
- Co-Opetition (Coexisting Competition and Competitive Coexistaence) in the Tourism Field in Siberian Regions pp. 237 - 248
- Olga Kuznetsova, Arina Kuzmenko and Egor Yumaev
- Ways of increasing enterprises' innovation activity pp. 238 - 242
- Vladimir Belkin and Nadezhda Belkina
- Financial stability of small business: the estimation and dynamics of regional development pp. 239 - 243
- Anna Makarova
- Competitiveness of the Russian Federation in the Global Tourism Market pp. 240 - 250
- Slavomir Bucher
- Dividing Russia into 20 agglomerations: reality or utopia? pp. 241 - 244
- Anton Patrushev
- Cluster approach to forming innovative model of developing mineral resources base of Russia’s regions pp. 242 - 247
- Andrey Shelomentsev and Artyom Ratner
- Implementing the Potential of Intellectual Products’ Commercialisation in the International Trading System pp. 242 - 255
- Tatyana Volkova
- Complex utilization of the useful components of the andreye-yulyevskoe kyanite tecnogenic deposit (Southern Urals) pp. 243 - 249
- Viktor Koroteyev, Aleksandr Savichev, Vitaliy Ogorodnikov and Yuriy Polenov
- International Scientific Migration: Progress or a Threat to Russia’s Scientific and Technological Security pp. 243 - 252
- Viktor Koksharov and Gavriil Agarkov
- Social role of transport complex in the economy of the region pp. 244 - 248
- Yuliya Golskaya and Leonid Roshchin
- The development of the innovative business in the largest city. Yekaterinburg experience pp. 244 - 249
- Vyacheslav Arkhangelskiy
- Analysis Of Economic Motivation When Individuals Choose An Educational Path pp. 246 - 252
- Viktor Koksharov and Gavriil Agarkov
- Methods of projects’ performance estimation in the public sector of economics pp. 247 - 253
- Mariya Sheluntsova
- International migration links of the Middle Ural pp. 249 - 251
- Andrey Nosov
- Innovative development of electro power systems within development of modern approaches to creation of the management system of the power company pp. 249 - 255
- Olga Korotayeva
- Robotic Milking Implementation in the Sverdlovsk Region pp. 249 - 260
- Egor Skvortcov, Ekaterina Skvortsova, Vladimir Nabokov and Pavel Krivonogov
- Study of the Eco-Economic Indicators by Means of the New Version of the Merge Integrated Model. Part 2 pp. 251 - 256
- Boris Digas, Valeriy Rozenberg and Anastasiya Boyarskih
- International migration links of the Middle Ural pp. 251 - 253
- Andrey Nosov
- Assessment of the Impact of the Narcotics Market on the Regional Socio-Economic Development pp. 253 - 269
- Aleksey Klevakin
- Trends And Economic Assessment Of Integration Processes At The Metal Market pp. 253 - 264
- Olga Romanova and Eduard Makarov
- Development of enterprise networks in public utility sphere in regions pp. 253 - 255
- Gennadiy Lisin
- Problems of integrating between innovative enterprises and a researching university pp. 256 - 260
- Andrey Svetlakov and Sergey Vasev
- Comparative Analysis of Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises for Enhancing Created Added Value in the EU and China pp. 256 - 269
- Eva Cihelková, Irina Platonova and Yelena Frolova
- University Technology Platform of Anticipatory Learning pp. 257 - 266
- Leonid Gitelman, Daniil Sandler and Mikhail Kozhevnikov
- Effective fillips for the harmonization of relations in an economic organization pp. 259 - 265
- Yelena Kalabina
- Quality of services in tourist business as a strategic basis of tourism development pp. 260 - 263
- Marina Kobyak
- Spatial Planning and Policy Evaluation in an Urban Conurbation: a Regional Agent-Based Economic Model pp. 261 - 275
- Luzius Stricker and Moreno Baruffini
- How much does economic crisis affect sustainability transitions? A social network analysis of the Italian biofuel sector pp. 264 - 270
- Pasquale Marcello Falcone and Edgardo Sica
- Experience of using a technique for assessing innovational maturity of the organizations in Perm territory pp. 265 - 270
- Svetlana Tyulkina
- Methodical Approaches to Risk Management in a Regional Commercial Bank pp. 267 - 282
- Elena Altukhova, Vladislav Zotov and Maksim Markov
- Cluster approach to the development of housing services and public utilities in the region pp. 270 - 275
- Sergey Bazhenov
- Cluster Development Based on Competitive Specialization of Regions pp. 270 - 284
- Vladimir Kolmakov, Aleksandra Polyakova, Svetlana Karpova and Alla Golovina
- Integral Assessment Of Inactive Rail Lines Jsc “Russian Railways†As The Basis For Effective And Reasonable Use Of Their Infrastructure In The Regional Transport Network pp. 270 - 281
- Nina Sirina, Michael Yushkov and Alexander Galkin
- Optimization of Investment Planning Based on Game-Theoretic Approach pp. 270 - 280
- Elena Butsenko
- Conceptual foresight of the volumes of postal money orders in the Republic of Komi pp. 275 - 281
- Lyubov Kuratova
- The Innovation Paradigm of New Industrialization in the Conditions of the Integrated World Economic Way pp. 276 - 289
- Olga Romanova
- Estimation of influence of large integrated structures on socio-demographic safety of municipal unions pp. 281 - 287
- Yevgeniya Nekrasova
- Methodological Problems Of Statistical Study Of Regional Tourism And Tourist Expenditure pp. 281 - 287
- Anton Ovcharov
- Assessment of Innovation Intensity: the Case of USA pp. 281 - 291
- Boris Lavrovskii
- Determination of the Conditional-Constant Component of the Bank’s Current Liabilities pp. 283 - 295
- Anatoly Vozhzhov, Oleg Lunyakov and Natalya Lunyakova
- The Processes of Import Substitution in the Agro-Food Sphere: Success or Failure? pp. 285 - 297
- Tatiana Belova
- Inventive Activity of Researchers: Cross-Country Rating Assessments pp. 290 - 307
- Tatyana Volkova and Ivan Usoltsev
- Model for Calculating the Maximum Permissible Tax Burden in Amur Region in the Context of the Implementation of Largest Investment Projects pp. 292 - 302
- Victor Ivanov, Maria Kakaulina and Oleg Tsepelev
- Management of Strategic Resources as a Function of the Russian State pp. 296 - 302
- Viktor Ivanitskiy and Nikolai Privalov
- Russia’s Rural Entrepreneurial Ecosystems pp. 298 - 308
- Sergei Polbitsyn
- Simulation of the Investment Attractiveness of Science in a Region pp. 303 - 314
- Aleksandr Tarasyev, Ilya Krivenko, Maria Pecherkina and Tatiana Kashina
- Sources of Regional Banks Capitalization pp. 303 - 314
- Olga Miroshnichenko and Anna Tarasova
- Problems of Increasing the Regional Development Innovative Sustainability pp. 308 - 318
- Irina Golova, Alla Sukhovey and Natalya Nikulina
- Financial Guarantees of the Regional Budget are Growth Potential for the Investments in Fixed Capital pp. 315 - 325
- Vadim Kabanov, Aleksandr Zhilnikov and Tatiana Zablotskaya
- Development of Socio-Economic Potential of Russia: Theory and Practice pp. 315 - 321
- Oleg Sukharev
- Regional Balance Model of Financial Flows through Sectoral Approaches System of National Accounts pp. 319 - 330
- Yekaterina Zakharchuk and Aleksey Pasynkov
- Monitoring of Shadow Cash Flows Using Computer Modelling pp. 326 - 338
- Evgeniya Baturina and Alexander Litvinenko
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