1997 - 2025
Current editor(s): Magdalena Skipper From Nature Bibliographic data for series maintained by Sonal Shukla (sonal.shukla@springer.com) and Springer Nature Abstracting and Indexing (indexing@springernature.com). Access Statistics for this journal.
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2013, volume 502, articles 7473
- Medical imaging pp. S81-S81

- Herb Brody
- Scans: Enhanced medical vision pp. S82-S83

- Brian Owens
- Alzheimer's disease: Mapping the brain's decline pp. S84-S85

- Sarah C. P. Williams
- Inflammation: A complex problem pp. S86-S87

- Katharine Gammon
- Surgery: The eyes of the operation pp. S88-S89

- Jessica Wright
- Technology: Multiple exposure pp. S90-S91

- Neil Savage
- Software: The computer will see you now pp. S92-S94

- Katherine Bourzac
- Perspective: The big picture pp. S95-S95

- Alan Moody
- Next-generation scans: Seeing into the future pp. S96-S97

- Peter Gwynne
- Science’s rightful place is in service of society pp. 595-595

- Daniel Sarewitz
- Polio risk looms over Europe pp. 601-602

- Declan Butler
- Root of maths genius sought pp. 602-603

- Erika Check Hayden
- Black holes shrink but endure pp. 603-604

- Ron Cowen
- Lightning network tested out in Guinea pp. 604-605

- Jeff Tollefson
- Astronomers revisit dwarf stars’ promise pp. 606-606

- Eugenie Samuel Reich
- Farmers dig into soil quality pp. 607-607

- Quirin Schiermeier
- Astronomy: Southern star pp. 608-610

- Linda Nordling
- Ecology: Lady of the lakes pp. 612-613

- Hannah Hoag
- Environment: Waste production must peak this century pp. 615-617

- Daniel Hoornweg, Perinaz Bhada-Tata and Chris Kennedy
- Climate change: Melting glaciers bring energy uncertainty pp. 617-618

- Javaid Laghari
- Physics: The time lord and fellow travellers pp. 620-621

- Andrew Jaffe
- Books in brief pp. 621-621

- Barbara Kiser
- Psychology: The appetite for right pp. 622-623

- John Whitfield
- Space science: Zero-gravity hero pp. 623-623

- John Gilbey
- Anthropocene: keep the guard up pp. 624-624

- Tim Caro
- Anthropocene: action makes sense pp. 624-624

- Daniel Simberloff and Piero Genovesi
- Climate panel is ripe for examination pp. 624-624

- Mike Hulme and Martin Mahony
- Urban greening needs better data pp. 624-624

- Diane E. Pataki
- Bird vision offers sharp insight pp. 624-624

- Damian Scarf
- David Hunter Hubel (1926–2013) pp. 625-625

- Carla J. Shatz
- Drivers of decoupling in drylands pp. 628-629

- David A. Wardle
- Pivotal findings for a transcription machine pp. 629-630

- Joost Zomerdijk
- Single electrons pop out of the Fermi sea pp. 630-631

- Christian Flindt
- Rough passage across a barrier pp. 632-633

- Benjamin Schuler and Jane Clarke
- The data gap pp. 633-634

- Blanca Jiménez Cisneros
- Coral animals combat stress with sulphur pp. 634-635

- Graham Jones
- Arteriolar niches maintain haematopoietic stem cell quiescence pp. 637-643

- Yuya Kunisaki, Ingmar Bruns, Christoph Scheiermann, Jalal Ahmed, Sandra Pinho, Dachuan Zhang, Toshihide Mizoguchi, Qiaozhi Wei, Daniel Lucas, Keisuke Ito, Jessica C. Mar, Aviv Bergman and Paul S. Frenette
- Crystal structure of the 14-subunit RNA polymerase I pp. 644-649

- Carlos Fernández-Tornero, María Moreno-Morcillo, Umar J. Rashid, Nicholas M. I. Taylor, Federico M. Ruiz, Tim Gruene, Pierre Legrand, Ulrich Steuerwald and Christoph W. Müller
- RNA polymerase I structure and transcription regulation pp. 650-655

- Christoph Engel, Sarah Sainsbury, Alan C. Cheung, Dirk Kostrewa and Patrick Cramer
- A uniform metal distribution in the intergalactic medium of the Perseus cluster of galaxies pp. 656-658

- Norbert Werner, Ondrej Urban, Aurora Simionescu and Steven W. Allen
- Minimal-excitation states for electron quantum optics using levitons pp. 659-663

- J. Dubois, T. Jullien, F. Portier, P. Roche, A. Cavanna, Y. Jin, W. Wegscheider, P. Roulleau and D. C. Glattli
- Coupling a single electron to a Bose–Einstein condensate pp. 664-667

- Jonathan B. Balewski, Alexander T. Krupp, Anita Gaj, David Peter, Hans Peter Büchler, Robert Löw, Sebastian Hofferberth and Tilman Pfau
- Gradual demise of a thin southern Laurentide ice sheet recorded by Mississippi drainage pp. 668-671

- Andrew D. Wickert, Jerry X. Mitrovica, Carlie Williams and Robert S. Anderson
- Decoupling of soil nutrient cycles as a function of aridity in global drylands pp. 672-676

- Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo, Fernando T. Maestre, Antonio Gallardo, Matthew A. Bowker, Matthew D. Wallenstein, Jose Luis Quero, Victoria Ochoa, Beatriz Gozalo, Miguel García-Gómez, Santiago Soliveres, Pablo García-Palacios, Miguel Berdugo, Enrique Valencia, Cristina Escolar, Tulio Arredondo, Claudia Barraza-Zepeda, Donaldo Bran, José Antonio Carreira, Mohamed Chaieb, Abel A. Conceição, Mchich Derak, David J. Eldridge, Adrián Escudero, Carlos I. Espinosa, Juan Gaitán, M. Gabriel Gatica, Susana Gómez-González, Elizabeth Guzman, Julio R. Gutiérrez, Adriana Florentino, Estela Hepper, Rosa M. Hernández, Elisabeth Huber-Sannwald, Mohammad Jankju, Jushan Liu, Rebecca L. Mau, Maria Miriti, Jorge Monerris, Kamal Naseri, Zouhaier Noumi, Vicente Polo, Aníbal Prina, Eduardo Pucheta, Elizabeth Ramírez, David A. Ramírez-Collantes, Roberto Romão, Matthew Tighe, Duilio Torres, Cristian Torres-Díaz, Eugene D. Ungar, James Val, Wanyoike Wamiti, Deli Wang and Eli Zaady
- DMSP biosynthesis by an animal and its role in coral thermal stress response pp. 677-680

- Jean-Baptiste Raina, Dianne M. Tapiolas, Sylvain Forêt, Adrian Lutz, David Abrego, Janja Ceh, François O. Seneca, Peta L. Clode, David G. Bourne, Bette L. Willis and Cherie A. Motti
- Structural insight into magnetochrome-mediated magnetite biomineralization pp. 681-684

- Marina I. Siponen, Pierre Legrand, Marc Widdrat, Stephanie R. Jones, Wei-Jia Zhang, Michelle C. Y. Chang, Damien Faivre, Pascal Arnoux and David Pignol
- Single-molecule fluorescence probes dynamics of barrier crossing pp. 685-688

- Hoi Sung Chung and William A. Eaton
- Photosynthetic entrainment of the Arabidopsis thaliana circadian clock pp. 689-692

- Michael J. Haydon, Olga Mielczarek, Fiona C. Robertson, Katharine E. Hubbard and Alex A. R. Webb
- Synthetic non-oxidative glycolysis enables complete carbon conservation pp. 693-697

- Igor W. Bogorad, Tzu-Shyang Lin and James C. Liao
- Discovery of new enzymes and metabolic pathways by using structure and genome context pp. 698-702

- Suwen Zhao, Ritesh Kumar, Ayano Sakai, Matthew W. Vetting, B. McKay Wood, Shoshana Brown, Jeffery B. Bonanno, Brandan S. Hillerich, Ronald D. Seidel, Patricia C. Babbitt, Steven C. Almo, Jonathan V. Sweedler, John A. Gerlt, John E. Cronan and Matthew P. Jacobson
- Meiotic chromosome structures constrain and respond to designation of crossover sites pp. 703-706

- Diana E. Libuda, Satoru Uzawa, Barbara J. Meyer and Anne M. Villeneuve
- Visualizing virus assembly intermediates inside marine cyanobacteria pp. 707-710

- Wei Dai, Caroline Fu, Desislava Raytcheva, John Flanagan, Htet A. Khant, Xiangan Liu, Ryan H. Rochat, Cameron Haase-Pettingell, Jacqueline Piret, Steve J. Ludtke, Kuniaki Nagayama, Michael F. Schmid, Jonathan A. King and Wah Chiu
- Europe: Swedish success story pp. 711-712

- Paul Smaglik
- Turning point: Mark Matthews pp. 713-713

- Virginia Gewin
- Deep impressions pp. 716-716

- John Gilbey
2013, volume 502, articles 7472
- Controversy about ultrahard nanotwinned cBN pp. E1-E2

- Natalia Dubrovinskaia and Leonid Dubrovinsky
- Tian et al. reply pp. E2-E3

- Yongjun Tian, Bo Xu, Dongli Yu, Yanming Ma, Yanbin Wang, Yingbing Jiang, Wentao Hu, Chengchun Tang, Yufei Gao, Kun Luo, Zhisheng Zhao, Li-Min Wang, Bin Wen, Julong He and Zhongyuan Liu
- Universities must inspire students as well as teach pp. 411-411

- Rana Dajani
- Death row incurs drug penalty pp. 417-418

- Chris Woolston
- Brazil fêtes open-access site pp. 418-418

- Richard Van Noorden
- Pain of US shutdown lingers pp. 419-419

- Lauren Morello, Heidi Ledford, Helen Shen, Jeff Tollefson, Alexandra Witze and Sarah Zhang
- Europe debates fisheries funding pp. 420-420

- Daniel Cressey
- Final word is near on dark-matter signal pp. 421-421

- Eugenie Samuel Reich
- Volcanic-ash sensor to take flight pp. 422-423

- Alexandra Witze
- Palaeontology: The truth about T. rex pp. 424-426

- Brian Switek
- Brain decoding: Reading minds pp. 428-430

- Kerri Smith
- Politics: The long shadow of the shutdown pp. 431-432

- Gretchen E. Hofmann
- Policy: Set research priorities in a time of recession pp. 433-434

- Patrick Cunningham
- Genetics: The genetic watchmaker pp. 436-437

- Nathaniel Comfort
- Disaster management: Preparing for the worst pp. 438-439

- Roger Bilham
- Radio astronomy: Finger on the pulsar pp. 439-440

- Bernie Fanaroff
- Physics: Science under the Nazis pp. 441-442

- Robert P. Crease
- Biology: The love of pit vipers pp. 442-443

- Stuart Pimm
- Economics: Fixing the climate odds pp. 444-444

- Gail Whiteman
- History of science: Science spun on the Silk Road pp. 445-446

- Christopher I. Beckwith
- Psychiatry: America the traumatized pp. 446-447

- Andrea Tone
- Patents: Universities are right to partner pp. 448-448

- Peter Detkin
- Patents: Universities profit from products pp. 448-448

- Paul R. Sanberg and Valerie L. McDevitt
- Cattle, cheese and conservation pp. 448-448

- Sergio Ulhoa Dani and Marcus Vinicius Morais de Oliveira
- Scientific software needs quality control pp. 448-448

- Kieran Alden and Mark Read
- Ronald Harry Coase (1910–2013) pp. 449-449

- Robert Hahn
- Small-brained and big-mouthed pp. 452-453

- Fred Spoor
- Recipe for regularity pp. 453-454

- Ellen Zweibel
- A metabolic minuet pp. 454-455

- David D. Moore
- Materials scientists take control pp. 456-457

- Melanie W. Cole
- Inside-out turned upside-down pp. 457-458

- Philippe Janvier
- A reducing role for boron pp. 458-459

- Polly L. Arnold
- New distance record for galaxies pp. 459-460

- Dominik A. Riechers
- Transcription and epigenetics pp. 461-461

- Alex Eccleston, Francesca Cesari and Magdalena Skipper
- Chromatin dynamics during cellular reprogramming pp. 462-471

- Effie Apostolou and Konrad Hochedlinger
- TET enzymes, TDG and the dynamics of DNA demethylation pp. 472-479

- Rahul M. Kohli and Yi Zhang
- Chromatin proteins and modifications as drug targets pp. 480-488

- Kristian Helin and Dashyant Dhanak
- The nexus of chromatin regulation and intermediary metabolism pp. 489-498

- Philipp Gut and Eric Verdin
- Topology of mammalian developmental enhancers and their regulatory landscapes pp. 499-506

- Wouter de Laat and Denis Duboule
- Odour receptors and neurons for DEET and new insect repellents pp. 507-512

- Pinky Kain, Sean Michael Boyle, Sana Khalid Tharadra, Tom Guda, Christine Pham, Anupama Dahanukar and Anandasankar Ray
- Spatial organization within a niche as a determinant of stem-cell fate pp. 513-518

- Panteleimon Rompolas, Kailin R. Mesa and Valentina Greco
- The structure of the box C/D enzyme reveals regulation of RNA methylation pp. 519-523

- Audrone Lapinaite, Bernd Simon, Lars Skjaerven, Magdalena Rakwalska-Bange, Frank Gabel and Teresa Carlomagno
- A galaxy rapidly forming stars 700 million years after the Big Bang at redshift 7.51 pp. 524-527

- S. L. Finkelstein, C. Papovich, M. Dickinson, M. Song, V. Tilvi, A. M. Koekemoer, K. D. Finkelstein, B. Mobasher, H. C. Ferguson, M. Giavalisco, N. Reddy, M. L. N. Ashby, A. Dekel, G. G. Fazio, A. Fontana, N. A. Grogin, J.-S. Huang, D. Kocevski, M. Rafelski, B. J. Weiner and S. P. Willner
- Interface superconductor with gap behaviour like a high-temperature superconductor pp. 528-531

- C. Richter, H. Boschker, W. Dietsche, E. Fillis-Tsirakis, R. Jany, F. Loder, L. F. Kourkoutis, D. A. Muller, J. R. Kirtley, C. W. Schneider and J. Mannhart
- Exploiting dimensionality and defect mitigation to create tunable microwave dielectrics pp. 532-536

- Che-Hui Lee, Nathan D. Orloff, Turan Birol, Ye Zhu, Veronica Goian, Eduard Rocas, Ryan Haislmaier, Eftihia Vlahos, Julia A. Mundy, Lena F. Kourkoutis, Yuefeng Nie, Michael D. Biegalski, Jingshu Zhang, Margitta Bernhagen, Nicole A. Benedek, Yongsam Kim, Joel D. Brock, Reinhard Uecker, X. X. Xi, Venkatraman Gopalan, Dmitry Nuzhnyy, Stanislav Kamba, David A. Muller, Ichiro Takeuchi, James C. Booth, Craig J. Fennie and Darrell G. Schlom
- Thermal maps of gases in heterogeneous reactions pp. 537-540

- Nanette N. Jarenwattananon, Stefan Glöggler, Trenton Otto, Arek Melkonian, William Morris, Scott R. Burt, Omar M. Yaghi and Louis-S. Bouchard
- Robust twenty-first-century projections of El Niño and related precipitation variability pp. 541-545

- Scott Power, François Delage, Christine Chung, Greg Kociuba and Kevin Keay
- The origin of conodonts and of vertebrate mineralized skeletons pp. 546-549

- Duncan J. E. Murdock, Xi-Ping Dong, John E. Repetski, Federica Marone, Marco Stampanoni and Philip C. J. Donoghue
- A diurnal serum lipid integrates hepatic lipogenesis and peripheral fatty acid use pp. 550-554

- Sihao Liu, Jonathan D. Brown, Kristopher J. Stanya, Edwin Homan, Mathias Leidl, Karen Inouye, Prerna Bhargava, Matthew R. Gangl, Lingling Dai, Ben Hatano, Gökhan S. Hotamisligil, Alan Saghatelian, Jorge Plutzky and Chih-Hao Lee
- The maize Gα gene COMPACT PLANT2 functions in CLAVATA signalling to control shoot meristem size pp. 555-558

- Peter Bommert, Byoung Il Je, Alexander Goldshmidt and David Jackson
- Human MX2 is an interferon-induced post-entry inhibitor of HIV-1 infection pp. 559-562

- Caroline Goujon, Olivier Moncorgé, Hélène Bauby, Tomas Doyle, Christopher C. Ward, Torsten Schaller, Stéphane Hué, Wendy S. Barclay, Reiner Schulz and Michael H. Malim
- MX2 is an interferon-induced inhibitor of HIV-1 infection pp. 563-566

- Melissa Kane, Shalini S. Yadav, Julia Bitzegeio, Sebla B. Kutluay, Trinity Zang, Sam J. Wilson, John W. Schoggins, Charles M. Rice, Masahiro Yamashita, Theodora Hatziioannou and Paul D. Bieniasz
- αTAT1 catalyses microtubule acetylation at clathrin-coated pits pp. 567-570

- Guillaume Montagnac, Vannary Meas-Yedid, Marie Irondelle, Antonio Castro-Castro, Michel Franco, Toshinobu Shida, Maxence V. Nachury, Alexandre Benmerah, Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin and Philippe Chavrier
- Microbial production of short-chain alkanes pp. 571-574

- Yong Jun Choi and Sang Yup Lee
- Adrenaline-activated structure of β2-adrenoceptor stabilized by an engineered nanobody pp. 575-579

- Aaron M. Ring, Aashish Manglik, Andrew C. Kruse, Michael D. Enos, William I. Weis, K. Christopher Garcia and Brian K. Kobilka
- Correction: Corrigendum: APOBEC3B is an enzymatic source of mutation in breast cancer pp. 580-580

- Michael B. Burns, Lela Lackey, Michael A. Carpenter, Anurag Rathore, Allison M. Land, Brandon Leonard, Eric W. Refsland, Delshanee Kotandeniya, Natalia Tretyakova, Jason B. Nikas, Douglas Yee, Nuri A. Temiz, Duncan E. Donohue, Rebecca M. McDougle, William L. Brown, Emily K. Law and Reuben S. Harris
- Correction: Corrigendum: Calving fluxes and basal melt rates of Antarctic ice shelves pp. 580-580

- M. A. Depoorter, J. L. Bamber, J. A. Griggs, J. T. M. Lenaerts, S. R. M. Ligtenberg, M. R. van den Broeke and G. Moholdt
- Correction: Corrigendum: Dietary intervention impact on gut microbial gene richness pp. 580-580

- Aurélie Cotillard, Sean P. Kennedy, Ling Chun Kong, Edi Prifti, Nicolas Pons, Emmanuelle Le Chatelier, Mathieu Almeida, Benoit Quinquis, Florence Levenez, Nathalie Galleron, Sophie Gougis, Salwa Rizkalla, Jean-Michel Batto, Pierre Renault, MicroObes consortium Anr, Joel Doré, Jean-Daniel Zucker, Karine Clément and Stanislav Dusko Ehrlich
- Professional societies: Come together pp. 581-583

- Karen Kaplan
- A good investment pp. 583-583

- Yoshimi Rii
- How cherry coke saved my life pp. 586-586

- Dawn Bonanno
2013, volume 502, articles 7471
- Chemistry masterclass pp. S49-S49

- Michelle Grayson
- Drug Discovery: Structure-led design pp. S50-S52

- Monica Hoyos Flight
- Time for global statistics we can count on pp. 273-273

- Martin Rees
- NIH campus endures slow decay pp. 279-280

- Sara Reardon
- Modellers react to chemistry award pp. 280-280

- Richard Van Noorden
- Study aims to put IPCC under a lens pp. 281-281

- Jeff Tollefson
- ITER keeps eye on prize pp. 282-283

- Declan Butler
- UK push to open up patients’ data pp. 283-283

- Ewen Callaway
- Regulators weigh benefits of ‘three-parent’ fertilization pp. 284-285

- Erika Check Hayden
- Research assessments: Judgement day pp. 288-290

- Brian Owens
- Science publishing: The golden club pp. 291-293

- Eugenie Samuel Reich
- Publishing: Open citations pp. 295-297

- David Shotton
- Referencing: The reuse factor pp. 298-298

- Mark Hahnel
- Information technology: Slouching towards utopia pp. 299-300

- Melanie E. Moses
- Quantum physics: Packet man pp. 300-301

- Graham Farmelo
- Books in brief pp. 301-301

- Barbara Kiser
- Geoengineering: One cool solution pp. 302-302

- Nicola Jones
- No bias behind pollinator research pp. 303-303

- William E. Kunin
- Genetic engineering in conservation pp. 303-303

- Philip W. Hedrick, Fred W. Allendorf and Robin S. Waples
- Safeguard species in warming flatlands pp. 303-303

- Josef Settele, Ingolf Kühn and Jeremy A. Thomas
- Metaphors advance scientific research pp. 303-303

- Andrea Loettgers
- Keep PubMed running at all costs pp. 303-303

- Alex W. Hewitt and David A. Mackey
- David Barker (1938–2013) pp. 304-304

- Cyrus Cooper
- Comparisons across cancers pp. 306-307

- Alan Ashworth and Thomas J. Hudson
- Combs for molecules pp. 307-308

- Yaron Silberberg
- Reprogramming in situ pp. 309-310

- Alejandro De Los Angeles and George Q. Daley
- Super-luminous supernovae on the rise pp. 310-312

- Daniel Kasen
- Killing from the inside pp. 312-313

- Paul Saftig and Konrad Sandhoff
- To bind or not to bind pp. 313-314

- Andrea J. O'Connor and Frank Caruso
- An old drug plays a new trick pp. 314-315

- Hartmut Wekerle and Edgar Meinl
- Criteria for the use of omics-based predictors in clinical trials pp. 317-320

- Lisa M. McShane, Margaret M. Cavenagh, Tracy G. Lively, David A. Eberhard, William L. Bigbee, P. Mickey Williams, Jill P. Mesirov, Mei-Yin C. Polley, Kelly Y. Kim, James V. Tricoli, Jeremy M. G. Taylor, Deborah J. Shuman, Richard M. Simon, James H. Doroshow and Barbara A. Conley
- Olivine crystals align during diffusion creep of Earth’s upper mantle pp. 321-326

- Tomonori Miyazaki, Kenta Sueyoshi and Takehiko Hiraga
- A regenerative approach to the treatment of multiple sclerosis pp. 327-332

- Vishal A. Deshmukh, Virginie Tardif, Costas A. Lyssiotis, Chelsea C. Green, Bilal Kerman, Hyung Joon Kim, Krishnan Padmanabhan, Jonathan G. Swoboda, Insha Ahmad, Toru Kondo, Fred H. Gage, Argyrios N. Theofilopoulos, Brian R. Lawson, Peter G. Schultz and Luke L. Lairson
- Mutational landscape and significance across 12 major cancer types pp. 333-339

- Cyriac Kandoth, Michael D. McLellan, Fabio Vandin, Kai Ye, Beifang Niu, Charles Lu, Mingchao Xie, Qunyuan Zhang, Joshua F. McMichael, Matthew A. Wyczalkowski, Mark D. M. Leiserson, Christopher A. Miller, John S. Welch, Matthew J. Walter, Michael C. Wendl, Timothy J. Ley, Richard K. Wilson, Benjamin J. Raphael and Li Ding
- Reprogramming in vivo produces teratomas and iPS cells with totipotency features pp. 340-345

- María Abad, Lluc Mosteiro, Cristina Pantoja, Marta Cañamero, Teresa Rayon, Inmaculada Ors, Osvaldo Graña, Diego Megías, Orlando Domínguez, Dolores Martínez, Miguel Manzanares, Sagrario Ortega and Manuel Serrano
- Slowly fading super-luminous supernovae that are not pair-instability explosions pp. 346-349

- M. Nicholl, S. J. Smartt, A. Jerkstrand, C. Inserra, M. McCrum, R. Kotak, M. Fraser, D. Wright, T.-W. Chen, K. Smith, D. R. Young, S. A. Sim, S. Valenti, D. A. Howell, F. Bresolin, R. P. Kudritzki, J. L. Tonry, M. E. Huber, A. Rest, A. Pastorello, L. Tomasella, E. Cappellaro, S. Benetti, S. Mattila, E. Kankare, T. Kangas, G. Leloudas, J. Sollerman, F. Taddia, E. Berger, R. Chornock, G. Narayan, C. W. Stubbs, R. J. Foley, R. Lunnan, A. Soderberg, N. Sanders, D. Milisavljevic, R. Margutti, R. P. Kirshner, N. Elias-Rosa, A. Morales-Garoffolo, S. Taubenberger, M. T. Botticella, S. Gezari, Y. Urata, S. Rodney, A. G. Riess, D. Scolnic, W. M. Wood-Vasey, W. S. Burgett, K. Chambers, H. A. Flewelling, E. A. Magnier, N. Kaiser, N. Metcalfe, J. Morgan, P. A. Price, W. Sweeney and C. Waters
- Deterministic entanglement of superconducting qubits by parity measurement and feedback pp. 350-354

- D. Ristè, M. Dukalski, C. A. Watson, G. de Lange, M. J. Tiggelman, Ya. M. Blanter, K. W. Lehnert, R. N. Schouten and L. DiCarlo
- Coherent Raman spectro-imaging with laser frequency combs pp. 355-358

- Takuro Ideguchi, Simon Holzner, Birgitta Bernhardt, Guy Guelachvili, Nathalie Picqué and Theodor W. Hänsch
- Molecular understanding of sulphuric acid–amine particle nucleation in the atmosphere pp. 359-363

- João Almeida, Siegfried Schobesberger, Andreas Kürten, Ismael K. Ortega, Oona Kupiainen-Määttä, Arnaud P. Praplan, Alexey Adamov, Antonio Amorim, Federico Bianchi, Martin Breitenlechner, André David, Josef Dommen, Neil M. Donahue, Andrew Downard, Eimear Dunne, Jonathan Duplissy, Sebastian Ehrhart, Richard C. Flagan, Alessandro Franchin, Roberto Guida, Jani Hakala, Armin Hansel, Martin Heinritzi, Henning Henschel, Tuija Jokinen, Heikki Junninen, Maija Kajos, Juha Kangasluoma, Helmi Keskinen, Agnieszka Kupc, Theo Kurtén, Alexander N. Kvashin, Ari Laaksonen, Katrianne Lehtipalo, Markus Leiminger, Johannes Leppä, Ville Loukonen, Vladimir Makhmutov, Serge Mathot, Matthew J. McGrath, Tuomo Nieminen, Tinja Olenius, Antti Onnela, Tuukka Petäjä, Francesco Riccobono, Ilona Riipinen, Matti Rissanen, Linda Rondo, Taina Ruuskanen, Filipe D. Santos, Nina Sarnela, Simon Schallhart, Ralf Schnitzhofer, John H. Seinfeld, Mario Simon, Mikko Sipilä, Yuri Stozhkov, Frank Stratmann, Antonio Tomé, Jasmin Tröstl, Georgios Tsagkogeorgas, Petri Vaattovaara, Yrjo Viisanen, Annele Virtanen, Aron Vrtala, Paul E. Wagner, Ernest Weingartner, Heike Wex, Christina Williamson, Daniela Wimmer, Penglin Ye, Taina Yli-Juuti, Kenneth S. Carslaw, Markku Kulmala, Joachim Curtius, Urs Baltensperger, Douglas R. Worsnop, Hanna Vehkamäki and Jasper Kirkby
- Chelicerate neural ground pattern in a Cambrian great appendage arthropod pp. 364-367

- Gengo Tanaka, Xianguang Hou, Xiaoya Ma, Gregory D. Edgecombe and Nicholas J. Strausfeld
- A juvenile mouse pheromone inhibits sexual behaviour through the vomeronasal system pp. 368-371

- David M. Ferrero, Lisa M. Moeller, Takuya Osakada, Nao Horio, Qian Li, Dheeraj S. Roy, Annika Cichy, Marc Spehr, Kazushige Touhara and Stephen D. Liberles
- Diabetic hyperglycaemia activates CaMKII and arrhythmias by O-linked glycosylation pp. 372-376

- Jeffrey R. Erickson, Laetitia Pereira, Lianguo Wang, Guanghui Han, Amanda Ferguson, Khanha Dao, Ronald J. Copeland, Florin Despa, Gerald W. Hart, Crystal M. Ripplinger and Donald M. Bers
- A statin-dependent QTL for GATM expression is associated with statin-induced myopathy pp. 377-380

- Lara M. Mangravite, Barbara E. Engelhardt, Marisa W. Medina, Joshua D. Smith, Christopher D. Brown, Daniel I. Chasman, Brigham H. Mecham, Bryan Howie, Heejung Shim, Devesh Naidoo, QiPing Feng, Mark J. Rieder, Yii.- Der I. Chen, Jerome I. Rotter, Paul M. Ridker, Jemma C. Hopewell, Sarah Parish, Jane Armitage, Rory Collins, Russell A. Wilke, Deborah A. Nickerson, Matthew Stephens and Ronald M. Krauss
- HELQ promotes RAD51 paralogue-dependent repair to avert germ cell loss and tumorigenesis pp. 381-384

- Carrie A. Adelman, Rafal L. Lolo, Nicolai J. Birkbak, Olga Murina, Kenichiro Matsuzaki, Zuzana Horejsi, Kalindi Parmar, Valérie Borel, J. Mark Skehel, Gordon Stamp, Alan D’Andrea, Alessandro A. Sartori, Charles Swanton and Simon J. Boulton
- Hidden specificity in an apparently nonspecific RNA-binding protein pp. 385-388

- Ulf-Peter Guenther, Lindsay E. Yandek, Courtney N. Niland, Frank E. Campbell, David Anderson, Vernon E. Anderson, Michael E. Harris and Eckhard Jankowsky
- Migrating bubble during break-induced replication drives conservative DNA synthesis pp. 389-392

- Natalie Saini, Sreejith Ramakrishnan, Rajula Elango, Sandeep Ayyar, Yu Zhang, Angela Deem, Grzegorz Ira, James E. Haber, Kirill S. Lobachev and Anna Malkova
- Pif1 helicase and Polδ promote recombination-coupled DNA synthesis via bubble migration pp. 393-396

- Marenda A. Wilson, YoungHo Kwon, Yuanyuan Xu, Woo-Hyun Chung, Peter Chi, Hengyao Niu, Ryan Mayle, Xuefeng Chen, Anna Malkova, Patrick Sung and Grzegorz Ira
- Impact: Pack a punch pp. 397-398

- Amber Dance
- Birth and rebirth pp. 399-399

- Susie Crowe
- The meaning of life pp. 402-402

- Ronald D. Ferguson
2013, volume 502, articles 7470
- Tuberculosis pp. S1-S1

- Tony Scully
- Epidemiology: A mortal foe pp. S2-S3

- Tom Paulson
- Drug development: A combined effort pp. S4-S6

- Amy Maxmen
- Perspective: Graduation time pp. S7-S7

- David G. Russell and Carl F. Nathan
- Vaccines: An age-old problem pp. S8-S9

- Sarah DeWeerdt
- Diagnosis: Waiting for results pp. S10-S12

- Catherine de Lange
- Perspective: Weigh all TB risks pp. S13-S13

- Christopher Dye and Mario Raviglione
- Latency: A sleeping giant pp. S14-S15

- Courtney Humphries
- Transmission: Control issues pp. S16-S17

- Ewen Callaway
- Genomics is mired in misunderstanding pp. 143-143

- George Church
- Cell transport carries off Nobel pp. 149-150

- Ewen Callaway
- Higgs theorists amass physics prize pp. 150-150

- Richard Van Noorden
- Congo carbon plan kicks off pp. 151-151

- Jeff Tollefson
- Researchers split over NSA hacking pp. 152-152

- Ann Finkbeiner
- Novartis reboots brain division pp. 153-154

- Alison Abbott
- Secrets of trial data revealed pp. 154-155

- Daniel Cressey
- Neuroscience: Through the eyes of a mouse pp. 156-158

- Monya Baker
- Amazon ecology: Footprints in the forest pp. 160-162

- Jeff Tollefson
- Ocean sciences: Follow the fish pp. 163-164

- J. Anthony Koslow and Jennifer Couture
- Migration: The porous frontier pp. 165-166

- L. Winters
- Natural history: Hell in the Pacific pp. 166-167

- Andrew Robinson
- Books in brief pp. 166-166

- Barbara Kiser
- Cognitive science: Leap of thought pp. 168-168

- Ewen Callaway
- Oil-palm replanting raises ecology issues pp. 170-171

- Jake L. Snaddon, Katherine J. Willis and David W. Macdonald
- Reduce, reuse and recycle lab waste pp. 170-170

- Gaia Bistulfi
- Understanding our destructive choices pp. 170-170

- Kenneth Worthy
- Biologists borrow more than words pp. 170-170

- Brett Calcott
- Fees could damage public data archives pp. 171-171

- Dominique G. Roche, Michael D. Jennions and Sandra A. Binning
- Celebrating 80 years of science solidarity pp. 171-171

- Anne Lonsdale
- Analyse impact of health priorities pp. 171-171

- Roderik F. Viergever
- A call to forge biodiversity links pp. 171-171

- Alex Hardisty
- Peter Huttenlocher (1931–2013) pp. 172-172

- Christopher A. Walsh
- The timing of climate change pp. 174-175

- Chris Huntingford, Lina Mercado and Eric Post
- A jaw-dropping fossil fish pp. 175-177

- Matt Friedman and Martin D. Brazeau
- Watching the wavefunction collapse pp. 177-178

- Andrew N. Jordan
- RNAs at fever pitch pp. 178-179

- Franz Narberhaus
- Molecular clearance at the cell's antenna pp. 180-181

- Valentina Cianfanelli and Francesco Cecconi
- F stands for fructose and fat pp. 181-182

- Costas A. Lyssiotis and Lewis C. Cantley
- The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability pp. 183-187

- Camilo Mora, Abby G. Frazier, Ryan J. Longman, Rachel S. Dacks, Maya M. Walton, Eric J. Tong, Joseph J. Sanchez, Lauren R. Kaiser, Yuko O. Stender, James M. Anderson, Christine M. Ambrosino, Iria Fernandez-Silva, Louise M. Giuseffi and Thomas W. Giambelluca
- A Silurian placoderm with osteichthyan-like marginal jaw bones pp. 188-193

- Min Zhu, Xiaobo Yu, Per Erik Ahlberg, Brian Choo, Jing Lu, Tuo Qiao, Qingming Qu, Wenjin Zhao, Liantao Jia, Henning Blom and You’an Zhu
- Functional interaction between autophagy and ciliogenesis pp. 194-200

- Olatz Pampliega, Idil Orhon, Bindi Patel, Sunandini Sridhar, Antonio Díaz-Carretero, Isabelle Beau, Patrice Codogno, Birgit H. Satir, Peter Satir and Ana Maria Cuervo
- Crystal structure of a Na+-bound Na+,K+-ATPase preceding the E1P state pp. 201-206

- Ryuta Kanai, Haruo Ogawa, Bente Vilsen, Flemming Cornelius and Chikashi Toyoshima
- Evidence for a new nuclear ‘magic number’ from the level structure of 54Ca pp. 207-210

- D. Steppenbeck, S. Takeuchi, N. Aoi, P. Doornenbal, M. Matsushita, H. Wang, H. Baba, N. Fukuda, S. Go, M. Honma, J. Lee, K. Matsui, S. Michimasa, T. Motobayashi, D. Nishimura, T. Otsuka, H. Sakurai, Y. Shiga, P.-A. Söderström, T. Sumikama, H. Suzuki, R. Taniuchi, Y. Utsuno, J. J. Valiente-Dobón and K. Yoneda
- Observing single quantum trajectories of a superconducting quantum bit pp. 211-214

- K. W. Murch, S. J. Weber, C. Macklin and I. Siddiqi
- Quasicrystalline structure formation in a classical crystalline thin-film system pp. 215-218

- Stefan Förster, Klaus Meinel, René Hammer, Martin Trautmann and Wolf Widdra
- Bottom-up control of geomagnetic secular variation by the Earth’s inner core pp. 219-223

- Julien Aubert, Christopher C. Finlay and Alexandre Fournier
- Key role of symbiotic dinitrogen fixation in tropical forest secondary succession pp. 224-227

- Sarah A. Batterman, Lars O. Hedin, Michiel van Breugel, Johannes Ransijn, Dylan J. Craven and Jefferson S. Hall
- Genome-wide signatures of convergent evolution in echolocating mammals pp. 228-231

- Joe Parker, Georgia Tsagkogeorga, James A. Cotton, Yuan Liu, Paolo Provero, Elia Stupka and Stephen J. Rossiter
- Platelet-biased stem cells reside at the apex of the haematopoietic stem-cell hierarchy pp. 232-236

- Alejandra Sanjuan-Pla, Iain C. Macaulay, Christina T. Jensen, Petter S. Woll, Tiago C. Luis, Adam Mead, Susan Moore, Cintia Carella, Sahoko Matsuoka, Tiphaine Bouriez Jones, Onima Chowdhury, Laura Stenson, Michael Lutteropp, Joanna C. A. Green, Raffaella Facchini, Hanane Boukarabila, Amit Grover, Adriana Gambardella, Supat Thongjuea, Joana Carrelha, Paul Tarrant, Deborah Atkinson, Sally-Ann Clark, Claus Nerlov and Sten Eirik W. Jacobsen
- Temperature triggers immune evasion by Neisseria meningitidis pp. 237-240

- Edmund Loh, Elisabeth Kugelberg, Alexander Tracy, Qian Zhang, Bridget Gollan, Helen Ewles, Ronald Chalmers, Vladimir Pelicic and Christoph M. Tang
- The genesis and source of the H7N9 influenza viruses causing human infections in China pp. 241-244

- Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam, Jia Wang, Yongyi Shen, Boping Zhou, Lian Duan, Chung-Lam Cheung, Chi Ma, Samantha J. Lycett, Connie Yin-Hung Leung, Xinchun Chen, Lifeng Li, Wenshan Hong, Yujuan Chai, Linlin Zhou, Huyi Liang, Zhihua Ou, Yongmei Liu, Amber Farooqui, David J. Kelvin, Leo L. M. Poon, David K. Smith, Oliver G. Pybus, Gabriel M. Leung, Yuelong Shu, Robert G. Webster, Richard J. Webby, Joseph S. M. Peiris, Andrew Rambaut, Huachen Zhu and Yi Guan
- Type 2 innate lymphoid cells control eosinophil homeostasis pp. 245-248

- Jesse C. Nussbaum, Steven J. Van Dyken, Jakob von Moltke, Laurence E. Cheng, Alexander Mohapatra, Ari B. Molofsky, Emily E. Thornton, Matthew F. Krummel, Ajay Chawla, Hong-Erh Liang and Richard M. Locksley
- Uhrf1-dependent H3K23 ubiquitylation couples maintenance DNA methylation and replication pp. 249-253

- Atsuya Nishiyama, Luna Yamaguchi, Jafar Sharif, Yoshikazu Johmura, Takeshi Kawamura, Keiko Nakanishi, Shintaro Shimamura, Kyohei Arita, Tatsuhiko Kodama, Fuyuki Ishikawa, Haruhiko Koseki and Makoto Nakanishi
- Autophagy promotes primary ciliogenesis by removing OFD1 from centriolar satellites pp. 254-257

- Zaiming Tang, Mary Grace Lin, Timothy Richard Stowe, She Chen, Muyuan Zhu, Tim Stearns, Brunella Franco and Qing Zhong
- Erratum: Mechanism of MEK inhibition determines efficacy in mutant KRAS- versus BRAF-driven cancers pp. 258-258

- Georgia Hatzivassiliou, Jacob R. Haling, Huifen Chen, Kyung Song, Steve Price, Robert Heald, Joanne F. M. Hewitt, Mark Zak, Ariana Peck, Christine Orr, Mark Merchant, Klaus P. Hoeflich, Jocelyn Chan, Shiuh-Ming Luoh, Daniel J. Anderson, Mary J. C. Ludlam, Christian Wiesmann, Mark Ultsch, Lori S. Friedman, Shiva Malek and Marcia Belvin
- Correction: Corrigendum: Rapid climate change in the North Atlantic during the Younger Dryas recorded by deep-sea corals pp. 258-258

- Jodie E. Smith, Michael J. Risk, Henry P. Schwarcz and Ted A. McConnaughey
- Correction: Corrigendum: Signatures of mutational processes in human cancer pp. 258-258

- Ludmil B. Alexandrov, Serena Nik-Zainal, David C. Wedge, Samuel A. J. R. Aparicio, Sam Behjati, Andrew V. Biankin, Graham R. Bignell, Niccolò Bolli, Ake Borg, Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale, Sandrine Boyault, Birgit Burkhardt, Adam P. Butler, Carlos Caldas, Helen R. Davies, Christine Desmedt, Roland Eils, Jórunn Erla Eyfjörd, John A. Foekens, Mel Greaves, Fumie Hosoda, Barbara Hutter, Tomislav Ilicic, Sandrine Imbeaud, Marcin Imielinski, Natalie Jäger, David T. W. Jones, David Jones, Stian Knappskog, Marcel Kool, Sunil R. Lakhani, Carlos López-Otín, Sancha Martin, Nikhil C. Munshi, Hiromi Nakamura, Paul A. Northcott, Marina Pajic, Elli Papaemmanuil, Angelo Paradiso, John V. Pearson, Xose S. Puente, Keiran Raine, Manasa Ramakrishna, Andrea L. Richardson, Julia Richter, Philip Rosenstiel, Matthias Schlesner, Ton N. Schumacher, Paul N. Span, Jon W. Teague, Yasushi Totoki, Andrew N. J. Tutt, Rafael Valdés-Mas, Marit M. van Buuren, Laura van ‘t Veer, Anne Vincent-Salomon, Nicola Waddell, Lucy R. Yates, Jessica Zucman-Rossi, P. Andrew Futreal, Ultan McDermott, Peter Lichter, Matthew Meyerson, Sean M. Grimmond, Reiner Siebert, Elías Campo, Tatsuhiro Shibata, Stefan M. Pfister, Peter J. Campbell and Michael R. Stratton
- Column: Animated science pp. 259-260

- Quintin Anderson
- Turning point: Ben Lehner pp. 261-261

- Virginia Gewin
- Wavehitcher pp. 264-264

- Paul Di Filippo
2013, volume 502, articles 7469
- The Anthropocene could raise biological diversity pp. 7-7

- Chris D. Thomas
- US government shuts down pp. 13-14

- Lauren Morello
- Geologists take drill to Triassic park pp. 14-15

- Alexandra Witze
- Overhauls set scientists on edge pp. 15-16

- Cheryl Jones
- Uncertainty on trial pp. 17-18

- Ewen Callaway
- Rethinking particle dynamics pp. 19-19

- Eugenie Samuel Reich
- Pharma scrambles to fast-track drugs pp. 20-20

- Heidi Ledford
- Astrometry: Europe's star power pp. 22-24

- Devin Powell
- Ethics: Taboo genetics pp. 26-28

- Erika Check Hayden
- Seismic hazards: Seconds count pp. 29-31

- Richard Allen
- History: Great myths die hard pp. 32-33

- Héloïse D. Dufour and Sean B. Carroll
- Psychology: Improbable heroes pp. 34-35

- Philip Ball
- Books in brief pp. 35-35

- Barbara Kiser
- Mathematics: Proof of passion pp. 36-36

- Marcus du Sautoy
- Q&A: Textile technologist pp. 37-37

- Josie Glausiusz
- Keep Australia's carbon pricing pp. 38-38

- Frank Jotzo
- Learn from China's local pilot schemes pp. 38-38

- Xufeng Zhu
- Better drug access for terminal patients pp. 38-38

- David A. Brindley, Richard W. Barker and Peter J. Lachmann
- Big data for a sustainable future pp. 38-38

- Hubert Gijzen
- Great scientists and society pp. 38-38

- Simon Vaughan
- Quantum togetherness pp. 40-41

- Sougato Bose
- Close encounters with full potential pp. 41-42

- Kyle M. Loh and Bing Lim
- Alloys with long memories pp. 42-44

- Toshihiro Omori and Ryosuke Kainuma
- Modular biosynthesis branches out pp. 44-45

- Craig A. Townsend
- Chromosomes captured one by one pp. 45-46

- Job Dekker and Leonid Mirny
- Supervolcanoes within an ancient volcanic province in Arabia Terra, Mars pp. 47-52

- Joseph R. Michalski and Jacob E. Bleacher
- Genomic organization of human transcription initiation complexes pp. 53-58

- Bryan J. Venters and B. Franklin Pugh
- Single-cell Hi-C reveals cell-to-cell variability in chromosome structure pp. 59-64

- Takashi Nagano, Yaniv Lubling, Tim J. Stevens, Stefan Schoenfelder, Eitan Yaffe, Wendy Dean, Ernest D. Laue, Amos Tanay and Peter Fraser
- Deterministic direct reprogramming of somatic cells to pluripotency pp. 65-70

- Yoach Rais, Asaf Zviran, Shay Geula, Ohad Gafni, Elad Chomsky, Sergey Viukov, Abed AlFatah Mansour, Inbal Caspi, Vladislav Krupalnik, Mirie Zerbib, Itay Maza, Nofar Mor, Dror Baran, Leehee Weinberger, Diego A. Jaitin, David Lara-Astiaso, Ronnie Blecher-Gonen, Zohar Shipony, Zohar Mukamel, Tzachi Hagai, Shlomit Gilad, Daniela Amann-Zalcenstein, Amos Tanay, Ido Amit, Noa Novershtern and Jacob H. Hanna
- Attractive photons in a quantum nonlinear medium pp. 71-75

- Ofer Firstenberg, Thibault Peyronel, Qi-Yu Liang, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Mikhail D. Lukin and Vladan Vuletić
- Microscopic observation of magnon bound states and their dynamics pp. 76-79

- Takeshi Fukuhara, Peter Schauß, Manuel Endres, Sebastian Hild, Marc Cheneau, Immanuel Bloch and Christian Gross
- Three-dimensional imaging of localized surface plasmon resonances of metal nanoparticles pp. 80-84

- Olivia Nicoletti, Francisco de la Peña, Rowan K. Leary, Daniel J. Holland, Caterina Ducati and Paul A. Midgley
- Enhanced reversibility and unusual microstructure of a phase-transforming material pp. 85-88

- Yintao Song, Xian Chen, Vivekanand Dabade, Thomas W. Shield and Richard D. James
- Calving fluxes and basal melt rates of Antarctic ice shelves pp. 89-92

- M. A. Depoorter, J. L. Bamber, J. A. Griggs, J. T. M. Lenaerts, S. R. M. Ligtenberg, M. R. van den Broeke and G. Moholdt
- Life history trade-offs at a single locus maintain sexually selected genetic variation pp. 93-95

- Susan E. Johnston, Jacob Gratten, Camillo Berenos, Jill G. Pilkington, Tim H. Clutton-Brock, Josephine M. Pemberton and Jon Slate
- Microbiota-liberated host sugars facilitate post-antibiotic expansion of enteric pathogens pp. 96-99

- Katharine M. Ng, Jessica A. Ferreyra, Steven K. Higginbottom, Jonathan B. Lynch, Purna C. Kashyap, Smita Gopinath, Natasha Naidu, Biswa Choudhury, Bart C. Weimer, Denise M. Monack and Justin L. Sonnenburg
- Immune clearance of highly pathogenic SIV infection pp. 100-104

- Scott G. Hansen, Michael Piatak, Abigail B. Ventura, Colette M. Hughes, Roxanne M. Gilbride, Julia C. Ford, Kelli Oswald, Rebecca Shoemaker, Yuan Li, Matthew S. Lewis, Awbrey N. Gilliam, Guangwu Xu, Nathan Whizin, Benjamin J. Burwitz, Shannon L. Planer, John M. Turner, Alfred W. Legasse, Michael K. Axthelm, Jay A. Nelson, Klaus Früh, Jonah B. Sacha, Jacob D. Estes, Brandon F. Keele, Paul T. Edlefsen, Jeffrey D. Lifson and Louis J. Picker
- Podoplanin maintains high endothelial venule integrity by interacting with platelet CLEC-2 pp. 105-109

- Brett H. Herzog, Jianxin Fu, Stephen J. Wilson, Paul R. Hess, Aslihan Sen, J. Michael McDaniel, Yanfang Pan, Minjia Sheng, Tadayuki Yago, Robert Silasi-Mansat, Samuel McGee, Frauke May, Bernhard Nieswandt, Andrew J. Morris, Florea Lupu, Shaun R. Coughlin, Rodger P. McEver, Hong Chen, Mark L. Kahn and Lijun Xia
- Cyclin A regulates kinetochore microtubules to promote faithful chromosome segregation pp. 110-113

- Lilian Kabeche and Duane A. Compton
- Transport dynamics in a glutamate transporter homologue pp. 114-118

- Nurunisa Akyuz, Roger B. Altman, Scott C. Blanchard and Olga Boudker
- Unsynchronised subunit motion in single trimeric sodium-coupled aspartate transporters pp. 119-123

- Guus B. Erkens, Inga Hänelt, Joris M. H. Goudsmits, Dirk Jan Slotboom and Antoine M. van Oijen
- Vinylogous chain branching catalysed by a dedicated polyketide synthase module pp. 124-128

- Tom Bretschneider, Joel B. Heim, Daniel Heine, Robert Winkler, Benjamin Busch, Björn Kusebauch, Thilo Stehle, Georg Zocher and Christian Hertweck
- Quantum mechanics: Waterloo gets physical pp. 129-130

- Hannah Hoag
- Turning point: Russell Neches pp. 131-131

- Virginia Gewin
- Quis custodiet? pp. 134-134

- Brian Clegg
On this page- 2013, volume 502
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1997, volume 385
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2007, volume 449
2007, volume 448
2007, volume 447
2007, volume 446
2007, volume 445
2006, volume 444
2006, volume 443
2006, volume 442
2006, volume 441
2006, volume 440
2006, volume 439
2005, volume 438
2005, volume 437
2005, volume 436
2005, volume 435
2005, volume 434
2005, volume 433
2004, volume 432
2004, volume 431
2004, volume 430
2004, volume 429
2004, volume 428
2004, volume 427
2003, volume 426
2003, volume 425
2003, volume 424
2003, volume 423
2003, volume 422
2003, volume 421
2003, volume 22
2002, volume 420
2002, volume 419
2002, volume 418
2002, volume 417
2002, volume 416
2002, volume 415
2001, volume 414
2001, volume 413
2001, volume 412
2001, volume 411
2001, volume 410
2001, volume 409
2000, volume 408
2000, volume 407
2000, volume 406
2000, volume 405
2000, volume 404
2000, volume 403
1999, volume 402
1999, volume 401
1999, volume 400
1999, volume 399
1999, volume 398
1999, volume 397
1998, volume 396
1998, volume 395
1998, volume 394
1998, volume 393
1998, volume 392
1998, volume 391
1997, volume 390
1997, volume 389
1997, volume 388
1997, volume 387
1997, volume 386
1997, volume 385