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1997 - 2025

Current editor(s): Magdalena Skipper

From Nature
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1997, volume 386, articles 6627

Austrian gene food petition puts pressure on European partners pp. 745-745 Downloads
Alison Abbott
US advisory panel backs ITER design pp. 745-745 Downloads
David Kramer
Scientists dispute wisdom of Canada reopening fishery pp. 746-746 Downloads
David Spurgeon
Accident fall-out threatens Japan's nuclear company pp. 746-746 Downloads
David Swinbanks
Baylor backed over 'falsified data' claims pp. 747-747 Downloads
Rex Dalton
Patent office replies to fears over ESTs pp. 747-747 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
LHC and space station get funding strings pp. 748-748 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Creationist 'Ark' trial closes early after judge narrows focus pp. 748-748 Downloads
Peter Pockley
Labour keeps its supporters guessing pp. 749-749 Downloads
David Dickson
Return to Unesco beckons for Britain pp. 749-749 Downloads
David Dickson
Computer sanctions 'could affect US weapons research' pp. 750-750 Downloads
David Kramer
Human origins centre pulls up roots in move to Arizona pp. 750-750 Downloads
Sally Lehrman
India takes French route to genome project pp. 750-750 Downloads
K. S. Jayaraman
Germany divided on a single academy pp. 751-751 Downloads
Quirin Schiermeier
No lack of individuality pp. 754-754 Downloads
P.-L. Chau and W. Y. Chau
Sequence is all there pp. 754-754 Downloads
Takashi Horiuchi
Contract researchers still out in the cold pp. 754-754 Downloads
Tina Yates
Value-added Frontiers programme pp. 755-755 Downloads
Tom Blundell
Ginkgo thrives pp. 755-755 Downloads
Wilhelm Schmid
Todd's achievement pp. 755-755 Downloads
Raphael Mechoulam
A man for our season pp. 757-758 Downloads
Peter A. Lawrence and Michael Locke
The AM and FM of calcium signalling pp. 759-760 Downloads
Michael J. Berridge
Magnetic energy release on the Sun pp. 760-761 Downloads
James A. Klimchuk
Gatekeepers and caretakers pp. 761-763 Downloads
Kenneth W. Kinzler and Bert Vogelstein
Not from books but from dissections pp. 764-764 Downloads
Stephen Battersby
Lights turning red on amber pp. 764-765 Downloads
Bryan Sykes
Sighting the seas of Europa pp. 765-767 Downloads
William B. McKinnon
Breaking the rule of three pp. 767-768 Downloads
Jean-Louis Mandel
Towards a neuropathology of emotion and mood pp. 769-770 Downloads
Antonio R. Damasio
Thought versus feeling pp. 770-770 Downloads
David Jones
The one that got away pp. 771-772 Downloads
Thomas P. Russell and Sanat K. Kumar
A fungal minisatellite pp. 771-771 Downloads
Thomas H. Andersen and Torsten Nilsson-Tillgren
Transcriptional activation functions in BRCA2 pp. 772-773 Downloads
Jonathan Milner, Bruce Ponder, Luke Hughes-Davies, Matthias Seltmann and Tony Kouzarides
Infrared detection in a beetle pp. 773-774 Downloads
Helmut Schmitz, Horst Bleckmann and Manfred Mürtz
Pet cat hair implicates murder suspect pp. 774-774 Downloads
Marilyn A. Menotti-Raymond, Victor A. David and Stephen J. O'Brien
Ten ground squirrels dancing pp. 775-775 Downloads
Mark Pagel
Funding fathers pp. 776-777 Downloads
Wolf-Hagen Krauth
Does this man ever sleep? pp. 776-776 Downloads
Geoffrey K. Pullum
Soft cell pp. 778-778 Downloads
Jeremy Hyams
Nucleocytoplasmic transport: signals, mechanisms and regulation pp. 779-787 Downloads
Erich A. Nigg
Effect of orogeny, plate motion and land–sea distribution on Eurasian climate change over the past 30 million years pp. 788-795 Downloads
Gilles Ramstein, Frédéric Fluteau, Jean Besse and Sylvie Joussaume
Phenotype of mice lacking functional Deleted in colorectal cancer (Dec) gene pp. 796-804 Downloads
Amin Fazeli, Stephanie L. Dickinson, Michelle L. Hermiston, Robert V. Tighe, Robert G. Steen, Clayton G. Small, Esther T. Stoeckli, Kazuko Keino-Masu, Masayuki Masu, Helen Rayburn, Jonathan Simons, Roderick T. Bronson, Jeffrey I. Gordon, Marc Tessier-Lavigne and Robert A. Weinberg
Embryonic lethality and radiation hypersensitivity mediated by Rad51 in mice lacking Brca2 pp. 804-810 Downloads
Shyam K. Sharan, Masami Morimatsu, Urs Albrecht, Dae-Sik Lim, Eva Regel, Christopher Dinh, Arthur Sands, Gregor Eichele, Paul Hasty and Allan Bradley
Bi-directional plasma jets produced by magnetic reconnection on the Sun pp. 811-813 Downloads
D. E. Innes, B. Inhester, W. I. Axford and K. Wilhelm
An X-ray-induced insulator–metal transition in a magnetoresistive manganite pp. 813-815 Downloads
V. Kiryukhin, D. Casa, J. P. Hill, B. Keimer, A. Vigliante, Y. Tomioka and Y. Tokura
Fingering in granular flows pp. 816-817 Downloads
O. Pouliquen, J. Delour and S. B. Savage
Rapid climate change in the North Atlantic during the Younger Dryas recorded by deep-sea corals pp. 818-820 Downloads
Jodie E. Smith, Michael J. Risk, Henry P. Schwarcz and Ted A. McConnaughey
Hydrothermal gold mineralization in the Witwatersrand basin pp. 820-824 Downloads
A. C. Barnicoat, I. H. C. Henderson, R. J. Knipe, B. W. D. Yardley, R. W. Napier, N. P. C. Fox, A. K. Kenyon, D. J. Muntingh, D. Strydom, K. S. Winkler, S. R. Lawrence and C. Cornford
Subgenual prefrontal cortex abnormalities in mood disorders pp. 824-827 Downloads
Wayne C. Drevets, Joseph L. Price, Joseph R. Simpson, Richard D. Todd, Theodore Reich, Michael Vannier and Marcus E. Raichle
Relationship between subjective effects of cocaine and dopamine transporter occupancy pp. 827-830 Downloads
N. D. Volkow, G.-J. Wang, M. W. Fischman, R. W. Foltin, J. S. Fowler, N. N. Abumrad, S. Vitkun, J. Logan, S. J. Gatley, N. Pappas, R. Hitzemann and C. E. Shea
Decreased striatal dopaminergic responsiveness in detoxified cocaine-dependent subjects pp. 830-833 Downloads
N. D. Volkow, G.-J. Wang, J. S. Fowler, J. Logan, S. J. Gatley, R. Hitzemann, A. D. Chen, S. L. Dewey and N. Pappas
Vertebrate homologues of C. elegans UNC-5 are candidate netrin receptors pp. 833-838 Downloads
E. David Leonardo, Lindsay Hinck, Masayuki Masu, Kazuko Keino-Masu, Susan L. Ackerman and Marc Tessier-Lavigne
The mouse rostral cerebellar malformation gene encodes an UNC-5-like protein pp. 838-842 Downloads
Susan L. Ackerman, Leslie P. Kozak, Stefan A. Przyborski, Laurie A. Rund, Bert B. Boyer and Barbara B. Knowles
Calreticulin is essential for integrin-mediated calcium signalling and cell adhesion pp. 843-847 Downloads
Marc G. Coppolino, Michael J. Woodside, Nicolas Demaurex, Sergio Grinstein, René St-Arnaud and Shoukat Dedhar
Dodecamer repeat expansion in cystatin B gene in progressive myoclonus epilepsy pp. 847-851 Downloads
Maria D. Lalioti, Hamish S. Scott, Catherine Buresi, Colette Rossier, Armand Bottani, Michael A. Morris, Alain Malafosse and Stylianos E. Antonarakis
An achaete-scute homologue essential for neuroendocrine differentiation in the lung pp. 852-855 Downloads
Michael Borges, R. Ilona Linnoila, Helgi J. K. van de Velde, Herbert Chen, Barry D. Nelkin, Mack Mabry, Stephen B. Baylin and Douglas W. Ball
Differential activation of transcription factors induced by Ca2+ response amplitude and duration pp. 855-858 Downloads
Ricardo E. Dolmetsch, Richard S. Lewis, Christopher C. Goodnow and James I. Healy
Collected for separation pp. 859-860 Downloads
Brendan Norton

1997, volume 386, articles 6626

Canada swaps robot arm for lab space pp. 633-633 Downloads
David Spurgeon
Researchers find silver lining in delay to work on space station pp. 633-634 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
Journals joust over policy on authors' interests pp. 634-634 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
UK astronomers hit out at funding council pp. 635-635 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Copyright treaties threaten information flow, says NRC pp. 635-635 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
Budget cuts force Sweden to consider CERN pull-out pp. 636-636 Downloads
Alison Abbott
French law would help scientists to go into business pp. 636-636 Downloads
Eric Glover
Library cuts bring tremors to geologists pp. 637-637 Downloads
Laura Garwin
Medical centre repays 'overbilled' $15.5m pp. 637-637 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Fishermen fight rangers in conservation battle for Galápagos pp. 638-638 Downloads
Alison Abbott
'Ark evidence' challenged in Sydney court pp. 638-638 Downloads
Peter Pockley
Harmonizing European patent practice pp. 641-641 Downloads
Alastair Kent, Nick Scott-Ram and Sandy Thomas
Patronomy pioneers pp. 641-641 Downloads
Gerhard Haszprunar
Learning from history pp. 642-642 Downloads
Mark Cantley
Deserving of trust pp. 642-643 Downloads
Ahvie Herskowitz
Unequal letters pp. 643-643 Downloads
K. Thorsten Jaekel
Problems with stockpile stewardship pp. 645-647 Downloads
Ray E. Kidder
From the Labrador Sea to global change pp. 649-650 Downloads
Bob Dickson
The first visible burst pp. 650-651 Downloads
Bohdan Paczyński and Ralph Wijers
Genesis of snakes in exodus from the sea pp. 651-652 Downloads
Nicholas C. Fraser
Charting orientation territories pp. 653-655 Downloads
Rachel O.L. Wong
The cheetah's time has come pp. 653-653 Downloads
Helen Phillips
Bog standards in Minnesota pp. 655-656 Downloads
Peter D. Moore
Long drops in free fall pp. 656-656 Downloads
Stephen Battersby
The importance of being unfolded pp. 657-659 Downloads
Kevin W. Plaxco and Michael Groβ
A greener north pp. 659-660 Downloads
Inez Fung
Hosts and parasitoids in space pp. 660-661 Downloads
H. C. J. Godfray and M. P. Hassell
Radical nutrition pp. 661-661 Downloads
David Jones
Obituary: Edward M. Purcell (1912–97) Pioneer in nuclear magnetic resonance and in radioastronomy pp. 662-662 Downloads
Nicolaas Bloembergen
A prokaryotic phytochrome pp. 663-663 Downloads
Jon Hughes, Tilman Lamparter, Franz Mittmann, Elmar Hartmann, Wolfgang Gärtner, Annegret Wilde and Thomas Börner
Circadian clock in Malpighian tubules pp. 664-664 Downloads
Jadwiga M. Giebultowicz and David M. Hege
Carbon isotope evidence for early life pp. 665-665 Downloads
J. M. Eiler, S. J. Mojzsis and G. Arrhenius
Clouds, precipitation and temperature range pp. 665-666 Downloads
Aiguo Dai, Anthony D. Del Genio and Inez Y. Fung
Shrinking minds and swollen heads pp. 667-668 Downloads
V. S. Ramachandran and J.J. Smythies
The cultures of genetics pp. 668-669 Downloads
Benno Müller-Hill
Digging up the past pp. 669-670 Downloads
Warwick Bray
In retrospect pp. 670-670 Downloads
Keith Devlin
Mechanisms of angiogenesis pp. 671-674 Downloads
Werner Risau
Surprisingly rapid spreading of newly formed intermediate waters across the North Atlantic Ocean pp. 675-679 Downloads
Alexander Sy, Monika Rhein, John R. N. Lazier, Klaus Peter Koltermann, Jens Meincke, Alfred Putzka and Manfred Bersch
Disruption of orientation tuning visual cortex by artificially correlated neuronal activity pp. 680-685 Downloads
Michael Weliky and Lawrence C. Katz
Transient optical emission from the error box of the γ-ray burst of 28 February 1997 pp. 686-689 Downloads
J. van Paradijs, P. J. Groot, Titus Galama, C. Kouveliotou, R. G. Strom, J. Telting, R. G. M. Rutten, G. J. Fishman, C. A. Meegan, M. Pettini, N. Tanvir, J. Bloom, H. Pedersen, H. U. Nørdgaard-Nielsen, M. Linden-Vørnle, J. Melnick, G. van der Steene, M. Bremer, R. Naber, J. Heise, J. in't Zand, E. Costa, M. Feroci, L. Piro, F. Frontera, G. Zavattini, L. Nicastro, E. Palazzi, K. Bennet, L. Hanlon and A. Parmar
Momentum creation by vortices in superfluid 3He as a model of primordial baryogenesis pp. 689-692 Downloads
T. D. C. Bevan, A. J. Manninen, J. B. Cook, J. R. Hook, H. E. Hall, T. Vachaspati and G. E. Volovik
Morphogenesis of shapes and surface patterns in mesoporous silica pp. 692-695 Downloads
Hong Yang, Neil Coombs and Geoffrey A. Ozin
Conformational identification of individual adsorbed molecules with the STM pp. 696-698 Downloads
T. A. Jung, R. R. Schlittler and J. K. Gimzewski
Increased plant growth in the northern high latitudes from 1981 to 1991 pp. 698-702 Downloads
R. B. Myneni, C. D. Keeling, C. J. Tucker, G. Asrar and R. R. Nemani
Large-scale tectonic deformation inferred from small earthquakes pp. 702-705 Downloads
Falk Amelung and Geoffrey King
A snake with legs from the marine Cretaceous of the Middle East pp. 705-709 Downloads
Michael W. Caldwell and Michael S. Y. Lee
Insect parasitoid species respond to forest structure at different spatial scales pp. 710-713 Downloads
Jens Roland and Philip D. Taylor
Arrest of spermatogenesis and defective breast development in mice lacking A-myb pp. 713-717 Downloads
Antonio Toscani, Richard V. Mettus, Robert Coupland, Henry Simpkins, Judith Litvin, Joanne Orth, Kimi S. Hatton and E. Premkumar Reddy
Maintenance of somite borders in mice requires the Delta homologue Dll1 pp. 717-721 Downloads
Martin Hrabě de Angelis, Joseph Mclntyre and Achim Gossler
NMDA-receptor regulation of substance P release from primary afferent nociceptors pp. 721-724 Downloads
Hantao Liu, Patrick W. Mantyh and Allan I. Basbaum
Induction of sodium channel clustering by oligodendrocytes pp. 724-728 Downloads
M. R. Kaplan, A. Meyer-Franke, S. Lambert, V. Bennett, I. D. Duncan, S. R. Levinson and B. A. Barres
Suppression of signalling through transcription factor NF-AT by interactions between calcineurin and Bcl-2 pp. 728-731 Downloads
Futoshi Shibasaki, Eisaku Kondo, Tadaatsu Akagi and Frank McKeon
Functional interaction between DNA-PK and c-Abl in response to DNA damage pp. 732-735 Downloads
Surender Kharbanda, Pramod Pandey, Shengfang Jin, Satoshi Inoue, Ajit Bharti, Zhi-Min Yuan, Ralph Weichselbaum, David Weaver and Donald Kufe
Drosophila CBP is a co-activator of cubitus interruptus in hedgehog signalling pp. 735-738 Downloads
Hiroshi Akimaru, Yang Chen, Ping Dai, Hou De-Xing, Maki Nonaka, Sarah M. Smolik, Steve Armstrong, Richard H. Goodman and Shunsuke Ishii
Correction: Airborne signalling by methyl salicylate in plant pathogen resistance pp. 738-738 Downloads
Vladimir Shulaev, Paul Silverman and Ilya Raskin
Correction: Evidence for life on Earth before 3,800 million years ago pp. 738-738 Downloads
S. J. Mojzsis, G. Arrhenius, K. D. McKeegan, T. M. Harrison, A. P. Nutman and C. R. L. Friend
Erratum: Cloning of a disintegrin metalloproteinase that processes precursor tumour-necrosis factor-α pp. 738-738 Downloads
Marcia L. Moss, S.-L. Catherine Jin, Marcos E. Milla, D. Mark Bickett, William Burkhart, H. Luke Carter, Wen-Ji Chen, C. William, John R. Didsbury, Daniel Hassler, Christine R. Hoffman, Thomas A. Kost, Millard H. Lambert, M. Anthony Leesnitzer, Philip McCauley, Gerard McGeehan, Justin Mitchell, Mary Moyer, Gregory Pahel, Warren Rocque, Laurie K. Overton, Frank Schoenen, Theresa Seaton, Jui-Lan Su, Janet Warner, Derril Willard and J. David Becherer
Erratum: Stochastic resonance in non-dynamical systems without response thresholds pp. 738-738 Downloads
Sergey M. Bezrukov and Igor Vodyanoy

1997, volume 386, articles 6625

EU programme should increase support for social sciences pp. 527-527 Downloads
David Dickson
Fellowships seem likely to win out over basic research in Europe pp. 527-527 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Clean car programme falling short of goal pp. 528-528 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
US supercomputer centres to concentrate on networking pp. 528-528 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
Creationism 'Ark' trial opens in Australia pp. 529-529 Downloads
Peter Pockley
Biologists sound warning on species conservation pp. 530-530 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
Discoverer of comet bemoans lack of jobs pp. 530-530 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
'No consensus' on FDA role in gene tests pp. 531-531 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Nirex chief expected to lose seat on UK's nuclear waste panel pp. 531-531 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
ESA agrees full re-fly for Cluster mission pp. 532-532 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Europe outlines labelling rules for genetic modification seeds pp. 532-532 Downloads
Alun Anderson
US privacy laws may curb access to medical data pp. 533-533 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Sandra Thurman named as new 'AIDS Czar' pp. 533-533 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
India plans $200 million attack on malaria pp. 536-536 Downloads
K.S. Jayaraman
Value for money pp. 542-542 Downloads
J. P. Dean Goldring
History of parity violation experiment pp. 542-543 Downloads
Richard L. Garwin and Leon M. Lederman
Science as a cultural construct pp. 545-547 Downloads
Kurt Gottfried and Kenneth G. Wilson
Afterslip no longer an afterthought pp. 549-549 Downloads
Charles DeMets
Where are the things we see? pp. 550-551 Downloads
Joel M. Miller and Christopher Bockisch
Stars and ships and superfluids pp. 551-553 Downloads
C.W.F. Everitt
Providing a little stability pp. 553-554 Downloads
Peter E. Warburton and David Kipling
Ordering Up aMAC pp. 554-554 Downloads
Peter E. Warburton and David Kipling
The monkeys' defence alliance pp. 555-557 Downloads
Robin Dunbar
A lively debate pp. 557-558 Downloads
Timothy J. McCoy
Tracking slabs in the lower mantle pp. 558-558 Downloads
Guy Masters
Space and time in the mental universe pp. 559-560 Downloads
Patricia Goldman-Rakic
Mutable mutations pp. 560-560 Downloads
David Jones
Ammonia excretion by hummingbirds pp. 561-562 Downloads
Marion R. Preest and Carol A. Beuchat
Socioeconomic factors and tropical deforestation pp. 562-563 Downloads
Kamaljit S. Bawa and S. Dayanandan
Kinked DNA pp. 563-563 Downloads
Wenhai Han, S. M. Lindsay, Mensur Dlakic and Rodney E. Harrington
Biochemical typing of scrapie strains pp. 564-564 Downloads
Robert A. Somerville, Angela Chong, Orla U. Mulqueen, Christopher R. Birkett, Sophie C. E. R. Wood and James Hope
Biochemical typing of scrapie strains pp. 564-564 Downloads
John Collinge, Andrew F. Hill, Katie C. L. Sidle and James Ironside
Journals of our plague years pp. 565-565 Downloads
Robert Desowitz
Teachers should go back to school pp. 566-567 Downloads
Cynthia M. Friend
You can see right through me pp. 567-568 Downloads
John Mallard
Specialist books pp. 568-568 Downloads
John G. Walsey
Specialist books pp. 568-568 Downloads
Arun Holden
Specialist books pp. 568-568 Downloads
Peter T. Landsberg
Transcriptional activation by recruitment pp. 569-577 Downloads
Mark Ptashne and Alexander Gann
Evidence for deep mantle circulation from global tomography pp. 578-584 Downloads
R. D. van der Hilst, S. Widiyantoro and E. R. Engdahl
Detection of the Earth's rotation using superfluid phase coherence pp. 585-587 Downloads
Keith Schwab, Niels Bruckner and Richard E. Packard
Non-volatile memory device based on mobile protons in SiO2 thin films pp. 587-589 Downloads
K. Vanheusden, W. L. Warren, R. A. B. Devine, D. M. Fleetwood, J. R. Schwank, M. R. Shaneyfelt, P. S. Winokur and Z. J. Lemnios
Dynamics of glasses below the glass transition pp. 589-592 Downloads
B. Jérôme and J. Commandeur
Inherently unstable climate behaviour due to weak thermohaline ocean circulation pp. 592-595 Downloads
Eli Tziperman
Silent fault slip following an interplate thrust earthquake at the Japan Trench pp. 595-598 Downloads
Kosuke Heki, Shin'ichi Miyazaki and Hiromichi Tsuji
Compression of visual space before saccades pp. 598-601 Downloads
John Ross, M. Concetta Morrone and David C. Burr
Perceived geometrical relationships affected by eye-movement signals pp. 601-604 Downloads
Rick H. Cai, Alexandre Pouget, Madeleine Schlag-Rey and John Schlag
Temporal dynamics of brain activation during a working memory task pp. 604-608 Downloads
Jonathan D. Cohen, William M. Perlstein, Todd S. Braver, Leigh E. Nystrom, Douglas C. Noll, John Jonides and Edward E. Smith
Transient and sustained activity in a distributed neural system for human working memory pp. 608-611 Downloads
Susan M. Courtney, Leslie G. Ungerleider, Katrina Keil and James V. Haxby
Allosteric activation and tuning of ligand efficacy in cyclic-nucleotide-gated channels pp. 612-615 Downloads
Gareth R. Tibbs, Evan H. Goulding and Steven A. Siegelbaum
Release of gelatinase A during platelet activation mediates aggregation pp. 616-619 Downloads
Grzegorz Sawicki, Eduardo Salas, Jesus Murat, Helena Miszta-Lane and Marek W. Radomski
Caspase-1 processes IFN-γ-inducing factor and regulates LPS-induced IFN- γ production pp. 619-623 Downloads
Tariq Ghayur, Subhashis Banerjee, Margaret Hugunin, Deborah Butler, Linda Herzog, Adam Carter, Lucia Quintal, Les Sekut, Robert Talanian, Michael Paskind, Winnie Wong, Robert Kamen, Daniel Tracey and Hamish Alien
Genetic instability in colorectal cancers pp. 623-627 Downloads
C. Lengauer, K. W. Kinzler and B. Vogelstein
Activation of prokaryotic transcription through arbitrary protein–protein contacts pp. 627-630 Downloads
Simon L. Dove, J. Keith Joung and Ann Hochschild

1997, volume 386, articles 6624

Planning rejection leaves British nuclear waste plans in disarray pp. 423-424 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Japanese technology fund faces ministry criticism pp. 424-424 Downloads
Asako Saegusa
Pay rises eat into South African budget pp. 425-425 Downloads
Michael Cherry
France urged to head 'Rubbiatron' efforts pp. 426-426 Downloads
Eric Glover
Closure looms for Hungarian institutes pp. 426-426 Downloads
Quirin Schiermeier
New challenge to nuclear test facility pp. 427-427 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
White House science office 'needs more focus', says panel pp. 427-427 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
US National Science Board seeks a wider role in policy-making pp. 428-428 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
Advantage of knowing nature's secrets pp. 431-431 Downloads
Michael J. Taggart
Advantage of knowing nature's secrets pp. 431-431 Downloads
Mike Fainzilber
Advantage of knowing nature's secrets pp. 431-431 Downloads
Francis Galibert, Jacqueline Godet, Jean-Claude Kader and Jean-Antoine Lepesant
Advantage of knowing nature's secrets pp. 431-431 Downloads
Giles Shaw and Jeremy Bray
Advantage of knowing nature's secrets pp. 431-431 Downloads
Sidney Strickland
Unfair treatment pp. 432-432 Downloads
V. D. R. Nathan
Unfair treatment pp. 432-432 Downloads
Hernan Terenzi
Unfair treatment pp. 432-432 Downloads
Christine Clayton
Life imitating art? pp. 432-433 Downloads
Charles M. Strom
Not too old at 30 pp. 433-433 Downloads
Gina Clayton
Scientists are still keeping the faith pp. 435-436 Downloads
Edward J. Larson and Larry Witham
Cutting complexity down to size pp. 437-438 Downloads
David I. Stuart and E. Yvonne Jones
SN1987A enters its second decade pp. 438-439 Downloads
Richard McCray
Patterns of stress in crumpled sheets pp. 439-441 Downloads
Gerhard Gompper
Scaling ridges pp. 441-441 Downloads
Gerhard Gompper
Another opiate for the masses? pp. 442-442 Downloads
David Julius
The origin of maize branches out pp. 443-445 Downloads
Rob Martienssen
Diagnostics of the power supply pp. 445-446 Downloads
Willem A. Baan
Viral decoy vetoes killer cell pp. 446-447 Downloads
Klas Kärre and Raymond M. Welsh
Water, Water everywhere pp. 447-447 Downloads
David Jones
Robert Henry Dicke (1916–97) Physicist whose work led to the discovery of the cosmic microwave background pp. 448-448 Downloads
P. J. E. Peebles and D. T. Wilkinson
Source of volcanic glass for ancient Andean tools pp. 449-450 Downloads
Sarah Osgood Brooks, Michael D. Glascock and Martín Giesso
Infanticide caused by hunting of male bears pp. 450-451 Downloads
Jon E. Swenson, Finn Sandegren, Arne Söderberg, Anders Bjärvall, Robert Franzén and Petter Wabakken
A plant cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor gene pp. 451-452 Downloads
Hong Wang, Larry C. Fowke and William L. Crosby
Determining cortical landscapes pp. 452-452 Downloads
Jack W. Scannell
The policy intellectual pp. 453-454 Downloads
Howard P. Segal
Darwin on the brain pp. 454-455 Downloads
Steven Rose
Back to the roots of botany in China pp. 455-456 Downloads
Mark F. Watson
A revolution in evolution pp. 456-456 Downloads
Svante Pääbo
Mind over matter pp. 456-456 Downloads
Philip W. Anderson
Maximal sustained energy budgets in humans and animals pp. 457-462 Downloads
Kimberly A. Hammond and Jared Diamond
Structure of 20S proteasome from yeast at 2.4Å resolution pp. 463-471 Downloads
Michael Groll, Lars Ditzel, Jan Löwe, Daniela Stock, Matthias Bochtler, Hans D. Bartunik and Robert Huber
A starburst origin of the OH-megamaser emission from the galaxy Arp220 pp. 472-474 Downloads
C. J. Skinner, H. A. Smith, E. Sturm, M. J. Barlow, R. J. Cohen and G. J. Stacey
Individual single-wall carbon nanotubes as quantum wires pp. 474-477 Downloads
Sander J. Tans, Michel H. Devoret, Hongjie Dai, Andreas Thess, Richard E. Smalley, L. J. Geerligs and Cees Dekker
Control of spatial orientation and lifetime of scroll rings in excitable media pp. 477-480 Downloads
Michael Vinson, Sergey Mironov, Scott Mulvey and Arkady Pertsov
Distribution and cycling of terrigenous dissolved organic matter in the ocean pp. 480-482 Downloads
Stephen Opsahl and Ronald Benner
Effect of mechanical interactions on the scaling of fracture length and aperture pp. 482-484 Downloads
C. E. Renshaw and J. C. Park
The evolution of apical dominance in maize pp. 485-488 Downloads
John Doebley, Adrian Stec and Lauren Hubbard
A common precursor for primitive erythropoiesis and definitive haematopoiesis pp. 488-493 Downloads
Marion Kennedy, Meri Firpo, Kyunghee Choi, Charles Wall, Scott Robertson, Neil Kabrun and Gordon Keller
More hippocampal neurons in adult mice living in an enriched environment pp. 493-495 Downloads
Gerd Kempermann, H. Georg Kuhn and Fred H. Gage
Deactivation and reactivation of somatosensory cortex after dorsal spinal cord injury pp. 495-498 Downloads
Neeraj Jain, Kenneth C. Catania and Jon H. Kaas
A potent and selective endogenous agonist for the µ-opiate receptor pp. 499-502 Downloads
James E. Zadina, Laszlo Hackler, Lin-Jun Ge and Abba J. Kastin
Protease-activated receptor 3 is a second thrombin receptor in humans pp. 502-506 Downloads
Hiroaki Ishihara, Andrew J. Connolly, Dewan Zeng, Mark L. Kahn, Yao Wu Zheng, Courtney Timmons, Tracy Tram and Shaun R. Coughlin
A second serine protease associated with mannan-binding lectin that activates complement pp. 506-510 Downloads
Steffen Thiel, Thomas Vorup-Jensen, Cordula M. Stover, Wilhelm Schwaeble, Steen B. Laursen, Knud Poulsen, Anthony C. Willis, Paul Eggleton, Søren Hansen, Uffe Holmskov, Kenneth B. M. Reid and Jens C. Jensenius
Inhibition of natural killer cells by a cytomegalovirus MHC class I homologue in vivo pp. 510-514 Downloads
H. E. Farrell, H. Vally, D. M. Lynch, P. Fleming, G. R. Shellam, A. A. Scalzo and N. J. Davis-Poynter
The class I MHC homologue of human cytomegalovirus inhibits attack by natural killer cells pp. 514-517 Downloads
Hugh T. Reyburn, Ofer Mandelboim, Mar Valés-Gómez, Daniel M. Davis, Laszlo Pazmany and Jack L. Strominger
Viral FLICE-inhibitory proteins (FLIPs) prevent apoptosis induced by death receptors pp. 517-521 Downloads
Margot Thome, Pascal Schneider, Kay Hofmann, Helmut Fickenscher, Edgar Meinl, Frank Neipel, Chantal Mattmann, Kim Burns, Jean-Luc Bodmer, Michael Schröter, Carsten Scaffidi, Peter H. Krammer, Marcus E. Peter and Jürg Tschopp
Erratum: Ras signalling linked to the cell-cycle machinery by the retinoblastoma protein pp. 521-521 Downloads
Daniel S. Peeper, Todd M. Upton, Mohamed H. Ladha, Elizabeth Neuman, Juan Zalvide, René Bernards, James A. DeCaprio and Mark E. Ewen

1997, volume 386, articles 6623

US academy warns of disaster if required to open up panels pp. 309-309 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
Ulster violence leads to university cuts pp. 310-310 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Consensus grows on risk assessment pp. 310-310 Downloads
Ayala Ochert
Multibeam survey sweeps galaxies pp. 311-311 Downloads
Peter Pockley
'Less bureaucracy' pledge for Italian space agency pp. 311-311 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Bottled radar pays tribute to Sagan pp. 312-312 Downloads
Steve Nadis
NIH is likely to challenge genetic 'probe' patents pp. 312-312 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Law urged to check genetic discrimination pp. 312-312 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Tokamak closure leaves a hole at centre pp. 313-313 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
UK parties differ on means, not ends pp. 314-315 Downloads
David Dickson
Little change in the politics of science – but closer links with industry? pp. 315-315 Downloads
David Dickson
Not the fault of Confucius pp. 318-318 Downloads
Klim King, Young-Sun Lin and Hong N. Yeung
No lack of interest pp. 318-318 Downloads
Etienne Davignon
Unclothed emperor pp. 318-318 Downloads
Viktor Holoubek
Misplaced complacency about energy resources pp. 319-319 Downloads
R. S. Scorer
Misplaced complacency about energy resources pp. 319-319 Downloads
Douglas Axe
Habitable moons pp. 319-319 Downloads
Oliver Morton
Malicious referees pp. 319-319 Downloads
R. P. Clarke
Worldwide ageing programme needed pp. 320-320 Downloads
Angelo Azzi
Data available pp. 320-320 Downloads
Joseph J. Ferretti, David W. Dyer and Bruce A. Roe
Worthless ranking pp. 320-320 Downloads
David Colquhoun
Marijuana as a medicine pp. 320-320 Downloads
Sumner Burstein
Hantavirus in Argentina pp. 320-320 Downloads
Carlos M. Barclay and Gabriela Rubinstein
Language that dare not speak its name pp. 321-322 Downloads
Geoffrey K. Pullum
From Cinderella's dilemma to rock slides pp. 323-324 Downloads
Jay Fineberg
Chick limbs, fly wings and homology at the fringe pp. 324-325 Downloads
Stephen J. Gaunt
Blessed dams or damned dams? pp. 325-327 Downloads
John D. Milliman
Leaning trees on sloping ground pp. 327-328 Downloads
R. McNeill Alexander
Shaking in the USA pp. 328-328 Downloads
John VanDecar
New break for archaeal enzyme pp. 329-331 Downloads
James C. Wang
Hot winds stay in the plane pp. 331-331 Downloads
Fred Hamann
The right size for a mammal pp. 332-333 Downloads
Andy Purvis and Paul H. Harvey
Its all in the mind pp. 333-333 Downloads
David Jones
Chien-Shiung Wu (1912–97) Experimental physicist, co-discoverer of parity violation pp. 334-334 Downloads
T. D. Lee
Rediscovery of the wild pig Sus bucculentus pp. 335-335 Downloads
Colin P. Groves, George B. Schaller, George Amato and Khamkhoun Khounboline
Bacterial DNA causes septic shock pp. 336-337 Downloads
Tim Sparwasser, Thomas Miethke, Grayson Lipford, Katrin Borschert, Hans Häcker, Klaus Heeg and Hermann Wagner
Modern human origins backdated pp. 337-338 Downloads
Günter Bräuer, Yuji Yokoyama, Christophe Falguères and Emma Mbua
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase and LTP pp. 338-338 Downloads
Rachel I. Wilson, Jevgenij Yanovsky, Axel Gödecke, David R. Stevens, Jürgen Schrader and Helmut L. Haas
Human destinies and ultimate causes pp. 339-340 Downloads
Colin Renfrew
Hitch–hiker's guide to the Solar System pp. 340-341 Downloads
Carl D. Murray
Custom-made beast of burden pp. 341-342 Downloads
Marian Stamp Dawkins
A plague of weapons pp. 342-342 Downloads
Alastair Hay
Die either on the gallows, or of the pox pp. 343-343 Downloads
William Bynum
The hunting of the helix pp. 344-345 Downloads
Walter Gratzer
The solution to pollution? pp. 345-345 Downloads
John Houghton
A shrinking discipline pp. 346-346 Downloads
John C. Marshall
Engineering just-so stories pp. 347-347 Downloads
David Jones
Deadly mushrooms pp. 348-349 Downloads
Hubert Curien
Gladiator for science pp. 349-350 Downloads
Crispin Tickell
Roots theories and racist interpretations pp. 350-350 Downloads
Leslie C. Alello
Nitride-based semiconductors for blue and green light-emitting devices pp. 351-359 Downloads
F. A. Ponce and D. P. Bour
Radical fringe positions the apical ectodermal ridge at the dorsoventral boundary of the vertebrate limb pp. 360-366 Downloads
Concepción Rodriguez-Esteban, John W. R. Schwabe, Jennifer De La Peña, Bryon Foys, Brian Eshelman and Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte
Expression of Radical fringe in limb-bud ectoderm regulates apical ectodermal ridge formation pp. 366-373 Downloads
Ed Laufer, Randall Dahn, Olivia E. Orozco, Chang-Yeol Yeo, Jacqueline Pisenti, Domingos Henrique, Ursula K. Abbott, John F. Fallon and Cliff Tabin
Anomalously small magnetic field in the local interstellar cloud pp. 374-377 Downloads
George Gloeckler, L. A. Fisk and Johannes Geiss
Storage of hydrogen in single-walled carbon nanotubes pp. 377-379 Downloads
A. C. Dillon, K. M. Jones, T. A. Bekkedahl, C. H. Kiang, D. S. Bethune and M. J. Heben
Spontaneous stratification in granular mixtures pp. 379-382 Downloads
Hernán A. Makse, Shlomo Havlin, Peter R. King and H. Eugene Stanley
Closure of the Central American Isthmus and its effect on deep-water formation in the North Atlantic pp. 382-385 Downloads
Kevin W. Burton, Hong-Fei Ling and R. Keith O'Nions
Effect of Danube River dam on Black Sea biogeochemistry and ecosystem structure pp. 385-388 Downloads
Christoph Humborg, Venugopalan Ittekkot, Adriana Cociasu and Bodo v. Bodungen
Evidence for a selectively favourable reduction in the mutation rate of the X chromosome pp. 388-392 Downloads
Gilean T. McVean and Laurence D. Hurst
Modular decomposition in visuomotor learning pp. 392-395 Downloads
Zoubin Ghahramani and Daniel M. Wolpert
Protective effect of encapsulated cells producing neurotrophic factor CNTF in a monkey model of Huntington's disease pp. 395-399 Downloads
Dwaine F. Emerich, Shelley R. Winn, Philippe M. Hantraye, Marc Peschanski, Er-Yun Chen, Yaping Chu, Patricia McDermott, E. Edward Baetge and Jeffrey H. Kordower
The Pax4 gene is essential for differentiation of insulin-producing β cells in the mammalian pancreas pp. 399-402 Downloads
Beatriz Sosa-Pineda, Kamal Chowdhury, Miguel Torres, Guillermo Oliver and Peter Gruss
Abnormal angiogenesis and responses to glucose and oxygen deprivation in mice lacking the protein ARNT pp. 403-407 Downloads
Emin Maltepe, Jennifer V. Schmidt, David Baunoch, Christopher A. Bradfield and M. Celeste Simon
Sensitization of diabetic and obese mice to insulin by retinoid X receptor agonists pp. 407-410 Downloads
Ranjan Mukherjee, Peter J. A. Davies, Diane L. Crombie, Eric D. Bischoff, Rosemary M. Cesario, Lily Jow, Lawrence G. Hamann, Marcus F. Boehm, Carl E. Mondon, Alex M. Nadzan, James R. Paterniti and Richard A. Heyman
Biologically erodable microspheres as potential oral drug delivery systems pp. 410-414 Downloads
Edith Mathiowitz, Jules S. Jacob, Yong S. Jong, Gerardo P. Carino, Donald E. Chickering, Pravin Chaturvedi, Camilla A. Santos, Kavita Vijayaraghavan, Sean Montgomery, Michael Bassett and Craig Morrell
An atypical topoisomerase II from archaea with implications for meiotic recombination pp. 414-417 Downloads
Agnès Bergerat, Bernard de Massy, Danielle Gadelle, Paul-Christophe Varoutas, Alain Nicolas and Patrick Forterre
Trans-activation of group II intron splicing by nuclear U5 snRNA pp. 417-420 Downloads
Martin Hetzer, Gabriele Wurzer, Rudolf J. Schweyen and Manfred W. Mueller

1997, volume 386, articles 6622

Panel seeks 'fundamental' shift in handling of observation data pp. 203-203 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
Senate bill seeks controls on genetic data pp. 203-203 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
US senators urge caution on cloning ban pp. 204-204 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
EU research ministers lean on Brussels pp. 205-205 Downloads
David Dickson and Alison Abbott
Political constraints restrict moves to conserve fish stocks pp. 205-205 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Harvard faces questions on missing data pp. 206-206 Downloads
Rex Dalton
Reform follows discontent at Tata institute pp. 206-206 Downloads
K. S. Jayaraman
Protests and promises grow in Russia as science spending falls pp. 207-207 Downloads
Carl Levitin
Lab director exits bloody but unbowed pp. 207-208 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
A window of opportunity is opened for Italian reforms pp. 208-208 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Nuclear debate goes critical in Japan pp. 209-209 Downloads
Robert Triendl
Smaller grants for more Canadians? pp. 212-212 Downloads
Alexander A. Berezin and Richard Gordon
Brussels backs research pp. 212-212 Downloads
Antonio Ruberti
The first elementary particle pp. 213-215 Downloads
Steven Weinberg
Real engines of creation pp. 217-218 Downloads
Steven M. Block
Breaking in computers pp. 219-220 Downloads
Michael Marder
Cooperative bonding affords a holesome story pp. 220-221 Downloads
Michael J. Zaworotko
Glutamate receptors put in their place pp. 221-223 Downloads
Morgan Sheng
The cloning of GABAB receptors pp. 223-224 Downloads
Norman G. Bowery and David A. Brown
Time to trap an ytterbium ion pp. 225-225 Downloads
Pauline Rigby
An ice age in the tropics pp. 227-228 Downloads
Alan J. Kaufman
Remodelling chromatin with RNA pp. 228-229 Downloads
Huntington F. Willard and Helen K. Salz
New forms of phase segregation pp. 229-230 Downloads
John B. Goodenough and J.-S. Zhou
Superficial relaxation pp. 230-230 Downloads
David Jones
A hormonal mechanism for parental favouritism pp. 231-231 Downloads
Hubert Schwabl, Douglas W. Mock and Jennifer A. Gieg
Self-recognition by proteoglycans pp. 231-232 Downloads
Octavian Popescu and Gradimir N. Misevic
Typing prion isoforms pp. 232-233 Downloads
P. Parchi, S. Capellari, S. G. Chen, R. B. Petersen, P. Gambetti, N. Kopp, P. Brown, T. Kitamoto, J. Tateishi, A. Giese and H. Kretzschmar
Typing prion isoforms pp. 233-234 Downloads
John Collinge, Andrew F. Hill, Katie C. L. Sidle and James Ironside
Medaka fish for mutant screens pp. 234-234 Downloads
Y. Ishikawa, Y. Hyodo-Taguchi and K. Tatsumi
Natural selection bias? pp. 234-234 Downloads
Tom Tregenza and Nina Wedell
A night at the operon pp. 235-235 Downloads
Sydney Brenner
A force in physical chemistry pp. 236-236 Downloads
Charles Tanford and Jacqueline Reynolds
Plagues past and present pp. 236-237 Downloads
Valerius Geist
Bodies in mind pp. 237-238 Downloads
Margaret A. Boden
In deep water pp. 238-238 Downloads
Tony Rice
Expression cloning of GABAB receptors uncovers similarity to metabotropic glutamate receptors pp. 239-246 Downloads
Klemens Kaupmann, Katharina Huggel, Jakob Heid, Peter J. Flor, Serge Bischoff, Stuart J. Mickel, Gary McMaster, Christof Angst, Helmut Bittiger, Wolfgang Froestl and Bernhard Bettler
Structure of the adenylyl cyclase catalytic core pp. 247-253 Downloads
Gongyi Zhang, Yu Liu, Arnold E. Ruoho and James H. Hurley
Chaotic variations in the eccentricity of the planet orbiting 16 Cygni B pp. 254-256 Downloads
Matthew Holman, Jihad Touma and Scott Tremaine
Evidence for magnetic polarons in the magnetoresistive perovskites pp. 256-259 Downloads
J. M. De Teresa, M. R. Ibarra, P. A. Algarabel, C. Ritter, C. Marquina, J. Blasco, J. García, A. del Moral and Z. Arnold
Responsive gels formed by the spontaneous self-assembly of peptides into polymeric β-sheet tapes pp. 259-262 Downloads
A. Aggeli, M. Bell, N. Boden, J. N. Keen, P. F. Knowles, T. C. B. McLeish, M. Pitkeathly and S. E. Radford
Low-latitude glaciation in the Palaeoproterozoic era pp. 262-266 Downloads
D. A. Evans, N. J. Beukes and J. L. Kirschvink
Seismic image of the subducted trailing fragments of the Farallon plate pp. 266-269 Downloads
Suzan van der Lee and Guust Nolet
Hydrostatic locomotion in a limbless tetrapod pp. 269-272 Downloads
James C. O'Reilly, Dale A. Ritter and David R. Carrier
Xist has properties of the X-chromosome inactivation centre pp. 272-275 Downloads
Laura B. K. Herzing, Justyna T. Romer, Jacqueline M. Horn and Alan Ashworth
Long-range cis effects of ectopic X-inactivation centres on a mouse autosome pp. 275-279 Downloads
Jeannie T. Lee and Rudolf Jaenisch
GRIP: a synaptic PDZ domain-containing protein that interacts with AMPA receptors pp. 279-284 Downloads
Hualing Dong, Richard J. O'Brien, Eric T. Fung, Anthony A. Lanahan, Paul F. Worley and Richard L. Huganir
Homer: a protein that selectively binds metabotropic glutamate receptors pp. 284-288 Downloads
P. R. Brakeman, A. A. Lanahan, Richard O'Brien, K. Roche, C. A. Barnes, R. L. Huganir and P. F. Worley
Activation of Statl by mutant fibroblast growth-factor receptor in thanatophoric dysplasia type II dwarfism pp. 288-292 Downloads
Wu-Chou S. Su, Motoo Kitagawa, Ninrong Xue, Bing Xie, Silvio Garofalo, Jay Cho, Chuxia Deng, William A. Horton and Xin-Yuan Fu
A role for macrophage scavenger receptors in atherosclerosis and susceptibility to infection pp. 292-296 Downloads
Hiroshi Suzuki, Yukiko Kurihara, Motohiro Takeya, Nobuo Kamada, Motoyukl Kataoka, Kouichi Jishage, Otoya Ueda, Hisashl Sakaguchi, Takayuki Higashi, Tsukasa Suzuki, Yoshiaki Takashima, Yoshiki Kawabe, Osamu Cynshi, Youichiro Wada, Makoto Honda, Hiroki Kurihara, Hiroyuki Aburatani, Takefumi Doi, Akiyo Matsumoto, Sadahiro Azuma, Tetsuo Noda, Yutaka Toyoda, Hiroshige Itakura, Yoshio Yazaki, Seikoh Horiuchi, Kiyoshi Takahashi, J. Kar Kruijt, Theo J. C. van Berkel, Urs P. Steinbrecher, Shun Ishibashi, Nobuyo Maeda, Siamon Gordon and Tatsuhiko Kodama
Activation of the transcription factor MEF2C by the MAP kinase p38 in inflammation pp. 296-299 Downloads
J. Han, Y. Jiang, Z. Li, V. V. Kravchenko and R. J. Ulevitch
Direct observation of the rotation of F1-ATPase pp. 299-302 Downloads
Hiroyuki Noji, Ryohei Yasuda, Masasuke Yoshida and Kazuhiko Kinosita
Erratum: Spatio–temporal frequency domains and their relation to cytochrome oxidase staining in cat visual cortex pp. 302-302 Downloads
Doron Shoham, Mark Hübener, Silke Schulze, Amiram Grinvald and Tobias Bonhoeffer
Correction: Transmission dynamics and epidemiology of BSE in British cattle pp. 302-302 Downloads
R. M. Anderson, C. A. Donnelly, N. M. Ferguson, M. E. J. Woolhouse, C. J. Watt, H. J. Udy, S. MaWhinney, S. P. Dunstan, T. R. E. Southwood, J. W. Wilesmith, J. B. M. Ryan, L. J. Hoinville, J. E. Hillerton, A. R. Austin and G. A. H. Wells

1997, volume 386, articles 6621

Texan goes gunning for US role in LHC pp. 97-97 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
Politicians accused of 'shooting from the hip' on human cloning pp. 97-98 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
UK embryo research law 'may need changes' pp. 98-98 Downloads
David Dickson
ESA pulls back from 'fair shares' funding pp. 99-99 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Mars risks are low but not zero, says NRC pp. 99-99 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
Japan bids to widen brain research funds pp. 100-100 Downloads
Richard Nathan
Task force will review US science policy pp. 100-100 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
BSE surveillance and safety measures still found wanting pp. 101-101 Downloads
Declan Butler
'Poor security' blamed for loss of Russian fossils pp. 101-101 Downloads
Carl Levitin
Physicist takes top Korean science post pp. 102-102 Downloads
David Swinbanks
California agency charged with delaying toxin reports pp. 102-102 Downloads
Sally Lehrman
CERN raises funds for antimatter detector pp. 102-102 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Economic impact of MIT spin-offs larger than Thailand's GDP pp. 103-103 Downloads
Steve Nadis
US seeks greenhouse gas cuts from the Third World pp. 103-103 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Fisheries science: all at sea when it comes to politics? pp. 105-106 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Scientists set sail in search of influence pp. 106-106 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Canada's cod leaves science in hot water pp. 107-107 Downloads
David Spurgeon
Researchers bring fishermen on board pp. 108-108 Downloads
Steve Nadis
Aquaculture: a solution, or source of new problems? pp. 109-109 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Fishing by numbers reveals its limits pp. 110-110 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Plant modification needs more discussion pp. 111-111 Downloads
John R. Porter
Plutonium disposal pp. 111-111 Downloads
Maurizio Martellini
Japanese grant system needs more resources pp. 112-112 Downloads
Fumimaro Takaku
Alphabets and citations pp. 112-113 Downloads
Jan Alexander and Julian Andrews
No knife needed pp. 113-113 Downloads
L. D. Hyslop
Public support for medical research pp. 114-114 Downloads
Mary Woolley
Passing the buck pp. 114-114 Downloads
Ambuj Sagar and Paul de Sa
Novel paper titles pp. 114-114 Downloads
Jeremy Sanders
The earliest Americans pp. 114-114 Downloads
Frederick Hadleigh West
Woodstock of physics revisited pp. 115-118 Downloads
Paul M. Grant
Clone mammals... clone man? pp. 119-119 Downloads
Axel Kahn
True vision of a quantum state pp. 121-122 Downloads
Matthias Freyberger and Wolfgang P. Schleich
Look but don't touch, or vice versa pp. 122-123 Downloads
Michael Shadlen
Fractal resistance in a transistor pp. 123-125 Downloads
Mark Fromhold
100 years ago pp. 126-126 Downloads
Arthur Keith
Proviruses pose potential problems pp. 126-127 Downloads
Jonathan P. Stoye
The negative side of crystal growth pp. 127-129 Downloads
Paul Calvert and Stephen Mann
Lipids beyond the bilayer pp. 129-130 Downloads
Ben de Kruijff
Think the good thought! pp. 130-130 Downloads
David Jones
The use and abuse of climate models pp. 131-133 Downloads
Kevin E. Trenberth
Electroluminescence in polymer films pp. 135-135 Downloads
David G. Lidzey, Donal D. C. Bradley, Santos F. Alvarado and Paul F. Seidler
Adaptation of colour vision to sunlight pp. 135-136 Downloads
G. Jordan and J. D. Mollon
Assembly of Borromean rings from DNA pp. 137-138 Downloads
Chengde Mao, Weiqiong Sun and Nadrian C. Seeman
Is scrapie solely a genetic disease? pp. 137-137 Downloads
N. Hunter, D. Cairns, J. D. Foster, G. Smith, W. Goldmann and K. Donnelly
The war against cancer pp. 139-140 Downloads
John Cairns
The comet cometh pp. 140-141 Downloads
Alan Fitzsimmons
Ribozymes to the fore pp. 141-142 Downloads
Bob Symons
Through a glass, historically pp. 141-141 Downloads
G.l'E. Turner
Photonic crystals: putting a new twist on light pp. 143-149 Downloads
J. D. Joannopoulos, Pierre R. Villeneuve and Shanhui Fan
Measurement of the Wigner function of an ensemble of helium atoms pp. 150-153 Downloads
Ch. Kurtsiefer, T. Pfau and J. Mlynek
Origin of asteroid rotation rates in catastrophic impacts pp. 154-156 Downloads
Stanley G. Love and Thomas J. Ahrens
Colossal magnetoresistance in Cr-based chalcogenide spinels pp. 156-159 Downloads
A. P. Ramirez, R. J. Cava and J. Krajewski
Clocking transient chemical changes by ultrafast electron diffraction pp. 159-162 Downloads
J. Charles Williamson, Jianming Cao, Hyotcherl Ihee, Hans Frey and Ahmed H. Zewail
Three-dimensional self-assembly of millimetre-scale components pp. 162-164 Downloads
Andreas Terfort, Ned Bowden and George M. Whitesides
Spurious trends in satellite MSU temperatures from merging different satellite records pp. 164-167 Downloads
James W. Hurrell and Kevin E. Trenberth
Coding of intention in the posterior parietal cortex pp. 167-170 Downloads
L. H. Snyder, A. P. Batista and R. A. Andersen
Self-centring activity of cytoplasm pp. 170-173 Downloads
Vladimir I. Rodionov and Gary G. Borisy
A proton-gated cation channel involved in acid-sensing pp. 173-177 Downloads
Rainer Waldmann, Guy Champigny, Frédéric Bassilana, Catherine Heurteaux and Michel Lazdunski
Ras signalling linked to the cell-cycle machinery by the retinoblastoma protein pp. 177-181 Downloads
Daniel S. Peeper, Todd M. Upton, Mohamed H. Ladha, Elizabeth Neuman, Juan Zalvide, René Bernards, James A. DeCaprio and Mark E. Ewen
A family of proteins that inhibit signalling through tyrosine kinase receptors pp. 181-186 Downloads
Alexei Kharitonenkov, Zhengjun Chen, Irmi Sures, Hongyang Wang, James Schilling and Axel Ullrich
Phosphorylation of RNA-binding protein controls cell cycle switch from mitotic to meiotic in fission yeast pp. 187-190 Downloads
Yoshinori Watanabe, Satoko Shinozaki-Yabana, Yuji Chikashige, Yasushi Hiraoka and Masayuki Yamamoto
Crystal structure of the type-I interleukin-1 receptor complexed with interleukin-1β pp. 190-194 Downloads
Guy P. A. Vigers, Lana J. Anderson, Patricia Caffes and Barbara J. Brandhuber
A new cytokine-receptor binding mode revealed by the crystal structure of the IL-1 receptor with an antagonist pp. 194-200 Downloads
Herman Schreuder, Chantal Tardif, Susanne Trump-Kallmeyer, Adolfo Soffientini, Edoardo Sarubbi, Ann Akeson, Terry Bowlin, Stephen Yanofsky and Ronald W. Barrett
Erratum: Viable offspring derived from fetal and adult mammalian cells pp. 200-200 Downloads
I. Wilmut, A. E. Schnieke, J. McWhir, A. J. Kind and K. H. S. Campbell

1997, volume 386, articles 6620

Tritium leak at US reactor sparks crisis for neutron source users pp. 3-3 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
British universities face up to their day of reckoning pp. 4-4 Downloads
David Dickson
Heat rises over Brussels FP5 proposals pp. 5-5 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Lack of focus 'holds back European research' pp. 5-5 Downloads
Alun Anderson
AIDS drug row embroils health minister pp. 6-6 Downloads
Michael Cherry
Data network threatens patient privacy pp. 6-6 Downloads
Declan Butler
NASA head predicts space station delay pp. 7-7 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
US scientists rally around call for seven per cent pp. 7-7 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
India proposes first increase for six years pp. 7-7 Downloads
K. S. Jayaraman
Calls for cloning ban sell science short pp. 8-9 Downloads
Declan Butler and Meredith Wadman
Putting the lid on Pandora's box of genetics pp. 9-9 Downloads
Declan Butler and Meredith Wadman
Flawed reasoning about oil and gas pp. 12-12 Downloads
Maurice B. Dusseault
Roslin unfunded pp. 12-12 Downloads
Grahame Bulfield
Footloose managers run away from research pp. 13-13 Downloads
Robert L. Fleischer
One for the fairies? pp. 13-13 Downloads
Ralph Estling
No Greenpeace 'hijack' pp. 13-13 Downloads
Chris Rose
Humour should be taken seriously pp. 14-14 Downloads
Audrey Wells
The's' in Unesco pp. 14-14 Downloads
Michel Batisse
Science and emotion pp. 14-14 Downloads
Mark A. Gillman
Contending for the dead pp. 15-16 Downloads
D. Gareth Jones and Robyn J. Harris
Memorizing the floral ABC pp. 17-17 Downloads
Gerd Jürgens
Growing up in a two-parent family? pp. 18-19 Downloads
Jack J. Lissauer
Predicting the present pp. 19-21 Downloads
Patrick Cavanagh
Very small arrays pp. 21-22 Downloads
Devens Gust
The how and why of thermal contraction pp. 22-23 Downloads
Robert W. Cahn
Mice perform a human repertoire pp. 25-26 Downloads
Michael Neuberger and Marianne Brüggemann
Who needs crystals anyway? pp. 26-27 Downloads
David J. De Rosier
The uses of strong and weak lenses pp. 27-28 Downloads
Joachim Wambsganss
Thinking makes it so! pp. 28-28 Downloads
David Jones
Human haemoglobin from transgenic tobacco pp. 29-30 Downloads
Wilfrid Dieryck, Josée Pagnier, Claude Poyart, Michael C. Marden, Véronique Gruber, Philippe Bournat, Sylvie Baudino and Bertrand Mérot
Natural and artificial 'singing' sands pp. 29-29 Downloads
Douglas E. Goldsack, Marcel F. Leach and Cindi Kilkenny
Laser measurements of coral growth pp. 30-31 Downloads
R. Vago, E. Gill and J. C. Collingwood
DNA repair by recycling reverse transcripts pp. 31-32 Downloads
Vit Lauermann
DNA repair by recycling reverse transcripts pp. 32-32 Downloads
James E. Haber and J. Kent Moore
DNA repair by recycling reverse transcripts pp. 32-32 Downloads
Shu-Chun Teng and Abram Gabriel
Cinemagmatic mayhem pp. 33-33 Downloads
Jonathan Fink
The golden age of chemistry pp. 34-34 Downloads
David Knight
Elementary cycling pp. 35-36 Downloads
Mike Whitfield
In retrospect chosen by Keith Stewart Thomson pp. 35-35 Downloads
Keith Stewart Thomson
Microbes writ large pp. 36-36 Downloads
Roger Whittenbury
The physics of microwave background anisotropies pp. 37-43 Downloads
Wayne Hu, Naoshi Sugiyama and Joseph Silk
A Polycomb-group gene regulates homeotic gene expression in Arabidopsis pp. 44-51 Downloads
Justin Goodrich, Preeya Puangsomlee, Marta Martin, Deborah Long, Elliot M. Meyerowitz and George Coupland
A candidate dust disk surrounding the binary stellar system BD+31°643 pp. 52-54 Downloads
Paul Kalas and David Jewitt
High-energy ions produced in explosions of superheated atomic clusters pp. 54-56 Downloads
T. Ditmire, J. W. G. Tisch, E. Springate, M. B. Mason, N. Hay, R. A. Smith, J. Marangos and M. H. R. Hutchinson
Assembly of ordered colloidal aggregrates by electric-field-induced fluid flow pp. 57-59 Downloads
Syun-Ru Yeh, Michael Seul and Boris I. Shraiman
Predominance of vertical loss of carbon from surface waters of the equatorial Pacific Ocean pp. 59-61 Downloads
Dennis A. Hansell, Nicholas R. Bates and Craig A. Carlson
GPS measurements of present-day convergence across the Nepal Himalaya pp. 61-64 Downloads
Roger Bilham, Kristine Larson and Jeffrey Freymueller
Confined subsurface microbial communities in Cretaceous rock pp. 64-66 Downloads
Lee R. Krumholz, James P. McKinley, Glenn A. Ulrich and Joseph M. Suflita
Visual decomposition of colour through motion extrapolation pp. 66-69 Downloads
Romi Nijhawan
Adaptation of retinal processing to image contrast and spatial scale pp. 69-73 Downloads
Stelios M. Smirnakis, Michael J. Berry, David K. Warland, William Bialek and Markus Meister
An endothelial receptor for oxidized low-density lipoprotein pp. 73-77 Downloads
Tatsuya Sawamura, Noriaki Kume, Takuma Aoyama, Hideaki Moriwaki, Hajime Hoshikawa, Yuichi Aiba, Takeshi Tanaka, Soichi Miwa, Yoshimoto Katsura, Toru Kita and Tomoh Masaki
Spontaneous calcification of arteries and cartilage in mice lacking matrix GLA protein pp. 78-81 Downloads
Guangbin Luo, Patricia Ducy, Marc D. McKee, Gerald J. Pinero, Evelyne Loyer, Richard R. Behringer and Gérard Karsenty
Osteopetrosis in mice lacking haematopoietic transcription factor PU.1 pp. 81-84 Downloads
M. M. Tondravi, S. R. McKercher, K. Anderson, J. M. Erdmann, M. Quiroz, R. Maki and S. L. Teitelbaum
Homeosis and intestinal tumours in Cdx2 mutant mice pp. 84-87 Downloads
K. Chawengsaksophak, R. James, V. E. Hammond, F. Köntgen and F. Beck
Determination of the fold of the core protein of hepatitis B virus by electron cryomicroscopy pp. 88-91 Downloads
B. Böttcher, S. A. Wynne and R. A. Crowther
Visualization of a 4-helix bundle in the hepatitis B virus capsid by cryo-electron microscopy pp. 91-94 Downloads
J. F. Conway, N. Cheng, A. Zlotnick, P. T. Wingfield, S. J. Stahl and A. C. Steven
Page updated 2025-03-31