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1997 - 2025

Current editor(s): Magdalena Skipper

From Nature
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1999, volume 399, articles 6738

New order from neurological disorders pp. A3-A5 Downloads
Donald L. Price
The changing landscape of ischaemic brain injury mechanisms pp. A7-A14 Downloads
Jin-Moo Lee, Gregory J. Zipfel and Dennis W. Choi
Emerging insights into the genesis of epilepsy pp. A15-A22 Downloads
James O. McNamara
Translating cell biology into therapeutic advances in Alzheimer's disease pp. A23-A31 Downloads
Dennis J. Selkoe
Prospects for new restorative and neuroprotective treatments in Parkinson's disease pp. A32-A39 Downloads
Stephen B. Dunnett and Anders Björklund
Progress in determining the causes and treatment of multiple sclerosis pp. A40-A47 Downloads
John H. Noseworthy
G8 leaders seek study on effects of biotech pp. 717-717 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Gore under fire in controversy over South Africa AIDS drug law pp. 717-718 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Chlorine industry says EPA rules ignore good science pp. 718-718 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
Wellcome Trust boosts researchers' pay pp. 719-719 Downloads
Natasha Loder
Japan tightens rules on GM crops to protect the environment pp. 719-719 Downloads
Asako Saegusa
Urgent talks follow damning report on US weapons labs pp. 720-720 Downloads
Wil Lepkowski
Varmus defends plan for global biomedical e-journal pp. 720-720 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
One-stop shop for 200 life science journals pp. 720-720 Downloads
Declan Butler
Compromise sought on ‘Terminator’⃛ pp. 721-721 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
⃛as academies meet to plan a global approach pp. 721-721 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Five bid to host Middle East synchrotron pp. 722-722 Downloads
Heather McCabe
Israel ‘must relax technology transfer law’ pp. 722-722 Downloads
Haim Watzman
Researcher fights suspension over funds pp. 723-723 Downloads
Rex Dalton
First-born telescopic twin starts to deliver pp. 723-723 Downloads
Natasha Loder
Farm-scale evaluation of GM crops explained pp. 727-728 Downloads
L. G. Firbank, A. M. Dewar, M. O. Hill, M. J. May, J. N. Perry, P. Rothery, G. R. Squire and I. P. Woiwod
Devolution threat to decision-making pp. 727-727 Downloads
Sir Ian Lloyd
Bioethicists must come down to Earth pp. 728-728 Downloads
Lee M. Silver
Barking up the wrong pole pp. 728-728 Downloads
Austin Mardon
Let's all speak the same language pp. 728-728 Downloads
D. A. H. Taylor
German researchers won't be put in the dock pp. 728-728 Downloads
Wolfgang Apel
The end of the road for silicon? pp. 729-730 Downloads
Max Schulz
Size doesn't matter pp. 730-731 Downloads
Mark Q. Martindale and Matthew J. Kourakis
Unmixing Hawaiian cocktails pp. 733-734 Downloads
Alex N. Halliday
A bigger Hockney pp. 734-734 Downloads
Tim Lincoln
DNA damage enables p73 pp. 735-737 Downloads
Eileen White and Carol Prives
No sex please, we're fungi pp. 737-738 Downloads
Ian R. Sanders
Polar endeavours pp. 738-738 Downloads
Timothy D. Swindle
Pinning down phosphorylated tau pp. 739-740 Downloads
Michel Goedert
Metallic compost pp. 740-740 Downloads
David Jones
Menstrual cycle alters face preference pp. 741-742 Downloads
I. S. Penton-Voak, D. I. Perrett, D. L. Castles, T. Kobayashi, D. M. Burt, L. K. Murray and R. Minamisawa
Limbs move beyond the Radical fringe pp. 742-743 Downloads
Jennifer L. Moran, John M. Levorse and Thomas F. Vogt
Limbs move beyond the Radical fringe pp. 743-743 Downloads
Nian Zhang and Thomas Gridley
Risk of collisions for constellation satellites pp. 743-743 Downloads
A. Rossi, G. B. Valsecchi and P. Farinella
When the means do not justify the end pp. 745-745 Downloads
Eörs Szathmáry
This passion of our kind pp. 745-746 Downloads
Lucia Galli-Resta
Ditties of the fragile and the inscrutable pp. 746-747 Downloads
Christopher Longuet-Higgins
The world as a patchwork pp. 747-747 Downloads
Camille Parmesan
Taking a gender tiger by the tail pp. 747-748 Downloads
Christine Wennerås and Agnes Wold
Science in culture pp. 748-748 Downloads
John Maddox
A record of atmospheric halocarbons during the twentieth century from polar firn air pp. 749-755 Downloads
James H. Butler, Mark Battle, Michael L. Bender, Stephen A. Montzka, Andrew D. Clarke, Eric S. Saltzman, Cara M. Sucher, Jeffrey P. Severinghaus and James W. Elkins
Understanding the valency of rare earths from first-principles theory pp. 756-758 Downloads
P. Strange, A. Svane, W. M. Temmerman, Z. Szotek and H. Winter
The electronic structure at the atomic scale of ultrathin gate oxides pp. 758-761 Downloads
D. A. Muller, T. Sorsch, S. Moccio, F. H. Baumann, K. Evans-Lutterodt and G. Timp
Molecular mechanistic origin of the toughness of natural adhesives, fibres and composites pp. 761-763 Downloads
Bettye L. Smith, Tilman E. Schäffer, Mario Viani, James B. Thompson, Neil A. Frederick, Johannes Kindt, Angela Belcher, Galen D. Stucky, Daniel E. Morse and Paul K. Hansma
Chiral nematic order in liquid crystals imposed by an engineered inorganic nanostructure pp. 764-766 Downloads
K. Robbie, D. J. Broer and M. J. Brett
A reversibly antigen-responsive hydrogel pp. 766-769 Downloads
Takashi Miyata, Noriko Asami and Tadashi Uragami
The use of path integration to guide route learning in ants pp. 769-772 Downloads
B. Schatz, S. Chameron, G. Beugnon and T. S. Collett
Hox genes in brachiopods and priapulids and protostome evolution pp. 772-776 Downloads
Renaud de Rosa, Jennifer K. Grenier, Tatiana Andreeva, Charles E. Cook, André Adoutte, Michael Akam, Sean B. Carroll and Guillaume Balavoine
A stop-codon mutation in the BRI gene associated with familial British dementia pp. 776-781 Downloads
Ruben Vidal, Blas Frangione, Agueda Rostagno, Simon Mead, Tamas Révész, Gordon Plant and Jorge Ghiso
Human theta oscillations exhibit task dependence during virtual maze navigation pp. 781-784 Downloads
Michael J. Kahana, Robert Sekuler, Jeremy B. Caplan, Matthew Kirschen and Joseph R. Madsen
The prolyl isomerase Pin1 restores the function of Alzheimer-associated phosphorylated tau protein pp. 784-788 Downloads
Pei-Jung Lu, Gerburg Wulf, Xiao Zhen Zhou, Peter Davies and Kun Ping Lu
Characterization of the human cysteinyl leukotriene CysLT1 receptor pp. 789-793 Downloads
Kevin R. Lynch, Gary P. O'Neill, Qingyun Liu, Dong-Soon Im, Nicole Sawyer, Kathleen M. Metters, Nathalie Coulombe, Mark Abramovitz, David J. Figueroa, Zhizhen Zeng, Brett M. Connolly, Chang Bai, Christopher P. Austin, Anne Chateauneuf, Rino Stocco, Gillian M. Greig, Stacia Kargman, Shelley B. Hooks, Elizabeth Hosfield, David L. Williams, Anthony W. Ford-Hutchinson, C. Thomas Caskey and Jilly F. Evans
MAP kinase and Wnt pathways converge to downregulate an HMG-domain repressor in Caenorhabditis elegans pp. 793-797 Downloads
Marc D. Meneghini, Tohru Ishitani, J. Clayton Carter, Naoki Hisamoto, Jun Ninomiya-Tsuji, Christopher J. Thorpe, Danielle R. Hamill, Kunihiro Matsumoto and Bruce Bowerman
The TAK1–NLK–MAPK-related pathway antagonizes signalling between β-catenin and transcription factor TCF pp. 798-802 Downloads
Tohru Ishitani, Jun Ninomiya-Tsuji, Shin-ichi Nagai, Michiru Nishita, Marc Meneghini, Nick Barker, Marian Waterman, Bruce Bowerman, Hans Clevers, Hiroshi Shibuya and Kunihiro Matsumoto
TRA-1 regulates the cellular distribution of the tra-2 mRNA in C. elegans pp. 802-805 Downloads
L. E. Graves, S. Segal and E. B. Goodwin
The tyrosine kinase c-Abl regulates p73 in apoptotic response to cisplatin-induced DNA damage pp. 806-809 Downloads
JianGen Gong, Antonio Costanzo, Hong-Qiong Yang, Gerry Melino, William G. Kaelin, Massimo Levrero and Jean Y. J. Wang
Interaction of c-Abl and p73α and their collaboration to induce apoptosis pp. 809-813 Downloads
Reuven Agami, Giovanni Blandino, Moshe Oren and Yosef Shaul
p73 is regulated by tyrosine kinase c-Abl in the apoptotic response to DNA damage pp. 814-817 Downloads
Zhi-Min Yuan, Hisashi Shioya, Takatoshi Ishiko, Xiangao Sun, Jijie Gu, YinYin Huang, Hua Lu, Surender Kharbanda, Ralph Weichselbaum and Donald Kufe
Erratum: p73 is a human p53-related protein that can induce apoptosis pp. 817-817 Downloads
Christine A. Jost, Maria C. Marin and William G. Kaelin
Industry beckons Benelux's brightest pp. 819-820 Downloads
Quirin Schiermeier
Belgian biotech boom brings skill shortage pp. 820-820 Downloads
Quirin Schiermeier

1999, volume 399, articles 6737

Senate seeks $750m for NIH to rebuild ageing biomedical labs pp. 621-621 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Teams work elbow to elbow in cramped labs pp. 621-621 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
UK to help fund US laser fusion research pp. 622-622 Downloads
Rex Dalton
DFG urges Germany to boost its spending on genome research pp. 622-622 Downloads
Quirin Schiermeier
Markl warns Germany not to reduce budget increase pp. 623-623 Downloads
Quirin Schiermeier
Referee quits journal over price rise as library faces cutbacks pp. 623-623 Downloads
Declan Butler
Japan may lift industry-academy barrier pp. 624-624 Downloads
Asako Saegusa
South African government seeks reassurances on AIDS initiative pp. 624-624 Downloads
Michael Cherry
Congress limits moratorium on lab visits pp. 625-625 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Energy secretary reassures Asian Americans pp. 625-625 Downloads
Rex Dalton
Patent on umbilical-cord cells rejected in Europe⃛ pp. 626-626 Downloads
Declan Butler
⃛ as US bid to patent human-animal hybrid fails pp. 626-626 Downloads
David Dickson
US agency seeks to boost funds for basic research in Russia pp. 626-626 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
Prance leaves Kew rooted in the present pp. 627-627 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Proposed GMO rules lack scientific sense pp. 631-632 Downloads
Henry I. Miller
Latin America and the Dracula problem pp. 631-631 Downloads
Antonio Lazcano
Speaking up for our Japanese colleagues pp. 631-631 Downloads
Kathy Weston
Extinction needn't be for ever pp. 631-631 Downloads
K. P. Rajesh and P. V. Madhusoodanan
Others should follow the US line on bioweapons pp. 632-632 Downloads
D. A. Henderson
There's still a place for physics out west pp. 632-632 Downloads
Philip L. Dubois and Tom Buchanan
There's still a place for physics out west pp. 632-632 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
Scientific societies build better nations pp. 633-633 Downloads
Leo Tan Wee Hin and R. Subramaniam
Cultural primatology comes of age pp. 635-636 Downloads
Frans B. M. de Waal
Picking a winner pp. 636-637 Downloads
Roger Sheldon
Crystals to order pp. 637-637 Downloads
Sarah Tomlin
Variants on a theme pp. 639-640 Downloads
Richard D. Wood
Putting the CO in coma pp. 640-641 Downloads
Jacques Crovisier
Turning a corner in vision research pp. 641-643 Downloads
Ulf Eysel
Sugars out in the open pp. 644-645 Downloads
Ole Hindsgaul
Decoding the Reelin signal pp. 645-646 Downloads
Isabelle Bar and André M. Goffinet
Total digital recall pp. 646-646 Downloads
David Jones
Visual kin recognition in chimpanzees pp. 647-648 Downloads
Lisa A. Parr and Frans B. M. de Waal
The oldest fossil ascomycetes pp. 648-648 Downloads
T. N. Taylor, H. Hass and H. Kerp
Is there solar argon in the Earth's mantle? pp. 649-650 Downloads
Joachim Kunz
Singing and hearing in a Tertiary bushcricket pp. 650-650 Downloads
Jes Rust, Andreas Stumpner and Jochen Gottwald
A user's guide to two minutes of totality pp. 651-652 Downloads
Jay M. Pasachoff
An awkward dinner guest pp. 652-652 Downloads
Jeffrey Gray
A theory that's hard to digest pp. 653-653 Downloads
Christophe Boesch
Courting success for the future pp. 653-654 Downloads
Calestous Juma
Topography of contextual modulations mediated by short-range interactions in primary visual cortex pp. 655-661 Downloads
Aniruddha Das and Charles D. Gilbert
Identification of two sources of carbon monoxide in comet Hale–Bopp pp. 662-665 Downloads
Michael A. DiSanti, Michael J. Mumma, Neil Dello Russo, Karen Magee-Sauer, Robert Novak and Terrence W. Rettig
Collective and plastic vortex motion in superconductors at high flux densities pp. 665-668 Downloads
A. M. Troyanovski, J. Aarts and P. H. Kes
Full sintering of powdered-metal bodies in a microwave field pp. 668-670 Downloads
Rustum Roy, Dinesh Agrawal, Jiping Cheng and Shalva Gedevanishvili
Laboratory evolution of peroxide-mediated cytochrome P450 hydroxylation pp. 670-673 Downloads
Hyun Joo, Zhanglin Lin and Frances H. Arnold
Reassessment of ice-age cooling of the tropical ocean and atmosphere pp. 673-676 Downloads
S. W. Hostetler and A. C. Mix
Gold concentrations of magmatic brines and the metal budget of porphyry copper deposits pp. 676-679 Downloads
T. Ulrich, D. Günther and C. A. Heinrich
A diapsid skull in a new species of the primitive bird Confuciusornis pp. 679-682 Downloads
Lianhai Hou, Larry D. Martin, Zhonghe Zhou, Alan Feduccia and Fucheng Zhang
Cultures in chimpanzees pp. 682-685 Downloads
A. Whiten, J. Goodall, W. C. McGrew, T. Nishida, V. Reynolds, Y. Sugiyama, C. E. G. Tutin, R. W. Wrangham and C. Boesch
Jasmonate-inducible plant defences cause increased parasitism of herbivores pp. 686-688 Downloads
Jennifer S. Thaler
Auditory cortical responses in the cat to sounds that produce spatial illusions pp. 688-691 Downloads
Li Xu, Shigeto Furukawa and John C. Middlebrooks
The SIL gene is required for mouse embryonic axial development and left–right specification pp. 691-694 Downloads
Shai Izraeli, Linda A. Lowe, Virginia L. Bertness, Deborah J. Good, David W. Dorward, Ilan R. Kirsch and Michael R. Kuehn
Regions of variant histone His2AvD required for Drosophila development pp. 694-697 Downloads
Michael John Clarkson, Julian R. E. Wells, Frank Gibson, Robert Saint and David John Tremethick
G-protein-coupled receptor heterodimerization modulates receptor function pp. 697-700 Downloads
Bryen A. Jordan and Lakshmi A. Devi
The XPV (xeroderma pigmentosum variant) gene encodes human DNA polymerase η pp. 700-704 Downloads
Chikahide Masutani, Rika Kusumoto, Ayumi Yamada, Naoshi Dohmae, Masayuki Yokoi, Mayumi Yuasa, Marito Araki, Shigenori Iwai, Koji Takio and Fumio Hanaoka
A specific partner for abasic damage in DNA pp. 704-708 Downloads
Tracy J. Matray and Eric T. Kool
Basis for recognition of cisplatin-modified DNA by high-mobility-group proteins pp. 708-712 Downloads
Uta-Maria Ohndorf, Mark A. Rould, Qing He, Carl O. Pabo and Stephen J. Lippard

1999, volume 399, articles 6736

Middle East synchrotron facility could bring regional cooperation pp. 507-508 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Pakistan prime minister pledges science boost pp. 507-507 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Biotech panel set up in US may help allay public fears pp. 508-508 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
German plan to curb rise in research funds pp. 508-508 Downloads
Quirin Schiermeier
NASA tells physicists to aim for the stars pp. 509-509 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
Varmus relaunches NIH degree proposal pp. 509-509 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Lawton named head of UK environment research agency pp. 510-510 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
French research boosted by grants run by ministries pp. 510-510 Downloads
Eric Glover
Funds promised for South African telescope pp. 510-510 Downloads
Michael Cherry
Japan seeks targeted science funding ⃛ pp. 511-511 Downloads
Asako Saegusa
⃛ and to use external scrutiny to increase competitiveness at universities pp. 511-511 Downloads
Asako Saegusa
US jury split over hormone patent case ⃛ pp. 512-512 Downloads
Rex Dalton
⃛ as Seeburg faces misconduct inquiry pp. 512-512 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Astronomers win satellite phone curb⃛ pp. 513-513 Downloads
Alison Abbott
⃛ and plan for talks on sharing the spectrum pp. 513-513 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Data rescue fills in the climate record pp. 518-518 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
Catalogue of life could become reality pp. 519-519 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
Reaching for the digital sky pp. 520-520 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
Exploitation of junior scientists must end pp. 521-521 Downloads
Troy Shinbrot
Lifting the lid on the homeobox discovery pp. 521-521 Downloads
Walter Gehring
Lifting the lid on the homeobox discovery pp. 521-522 Downloads
William McGinnis and Peter Lawrence
Longevity — does family size matter? pp. 522-522 Downloads
Toon Ligtenberg and Henk Brand
Longevity — does family size matter? pp. 522-522 Downloads
R. G. J. Westendorp and T. B. L. Kirkwood
City dwellers must share blame on biodiversity pp. 522-522 Downloads
A. J. Murdoch
Biblical answer to cooking up pi pp. 522-522 Downloads
Kevin Peil
Shifting seas in the greenhouse? pp. 523-524 Downloads
Stefan Rahmstorf
A vancomycin surprise pp. 525-527 Downloads
Michael S. Gilmore and James A. Hoch
Cohabitation in the cuprates pp. 527-528 Downloads
Arthur P. Ramirez
Woodpecker population drills pp. 528-529 Downloads
Peter D. Moore
Phases of resistance pp. 529-531 Downloads
Peter Littlewood
Looking out for memory T cells pp. 531-532 Downloads
Benedita Rocha
Drawn from life pp. 532-532 Downloads
David Jones
Hiding messages in DNA microdots pp. 533-534 Downloads
Catherine Taylor Clelland, Viviana Risca and Carter Bancroft
Neurochemicals aid bee nestmate recognition pp. 534-535 Downloads
Gene E. Robinson, Laura M. Heuser, Yves LeConte, Frederic Lenquette and Robert M. Hollingworth
Parameters for global ecosystem models pp. 535-535 Downloads
Paul J. Crutzen, Ray Fall, Ian Galbally and Werner Lindinger
Parameters for global ecosystem models pp. 535-536 Downloads
Leif Schulman, Kalle Ruokolainen and Hanna Tuomisto
Parameters for global ecosystem models pp. 536-536 Downloads
Hanqin Tian, Jerry M. Melillo, David W. Kicklighter, A. David McGuire, Berrien Moore and Charles J. Vörösmarty
Apes and their place in our world pp. 537-537 Downloads
Mary Midgley
Telling it like it was pp. 538-538 Downloads
Peter T. Landsberg
Explosion of interest pp. 538-539 Downloads
Martin Rudwick
From tulips to electric cars pp. 539-540 Downloads
Patrick Tabeling
Stumbling about the world of little things pp. 540-540 Downloads
Martin Wells
Marine viruses and their biogeochemical and ecological effects pp. 541-548 Downloads
Jed A. Fuhrman
Structural basis of procaspase-9 recruitment by the apoptotic protease-activating factor 1 pp. 549-557 Downloads
Hongxu Qin, Srinivasa M. Srinivasula, Geng Wu, Teresa Fernandes-Alnemri, Emad S. Alnemri and Yigong Shi
Detection of an impact-generated dust cloud around Ganymede pp. 558-560 Downloads
Harald Krüger, Alexander V. Krivov, Douglas P. Hamilton and Eberhard Grün
Percolative phase separation underlies colossal magnetoresistance in mixed-valent manganites pp. 560-563 Downloads
M. Uehara, S. Mori, C. H. Chen and S.-W. Cheong
Dynamics of individual flexible polymers in a shear flow pp. 564-566 Downloads
Philip LeDuc, Charbel Haber, Gang Bao and Denis Wirtz
Tuning bilayer twist using chiral counterions pp. 566-569 Downloads
R. Oda, I. Huc, M. Schmutz, S. J. Candau and F. C. MacKintosh
Causes of twentieth-century temperature change near the Earth's surface pp. 569-572 Downloads
Simon F. B. Tett, Peter A. Stott, Myles R. Allen, William J. Ingram and John F. B. Mitchell
Changing spatial structure of the thermohaline circulation in response to atmospheric CO2 forcing in a climate model pp. 572-575 Downloads
Richard A. Wood, Ann B. Keen, John F. B. Mitchell and Jonathan M. Gregory
Feature-based attention influences motion processing gain in macaque visual cortex pp. 575-579 Downloads
Stefan Treue and Julio C. Martínez Trujillo
Poleward shifts in geographical ranges of butterfly species associated with regional warming pp. 579-583 Downloads
Camille Parmesan, Nils Ryrholm, Constantí Stefanescu, Jane K. Hill, Chris D. Thomas, Henri Descimon, Brian Huntley, Lauri Kaila, Jaakko Kullberg, Toomas Tammaru, W. John Tennent, Jeremy A. Thomas and Martin Warren
Assignment of circadian function for the Neurospora clock gene frequency pp. 584-586 Downloads
Martha Merrow, Michael Brunner and Till Roenneberg
Control of organ shape by a secreted metalloprotease in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans pp. 586-590 Downloads
Robert Blelloch and Judith Kimble
Emergence of vancomycin tolerance in Streptococcus pneumoniae pp. 590-593 Downloads
R. Novak, B. Henriques, E. Charpentier, S. Normark and E. Tuomanen
Modelling T-cell memory by genetic marking of memory T cells in vivo pp. 593-597 Downloads
Joshy Jacob and David Baltimore
Regulation of endothelium-derived nitric oxide production by the protein kinase Akt pp. 597-601 Downloads
David Fulton, Jean-Philippe Gratton, Timothy J. McCabe, Jason Fontana, Yasushi Fujio, Kenneth Walsh, Thomas F. Franke, Andreas Papapetropoulos and William C. Sessa
Activation of nitric oxide synthase in endothelial cells by Akt-dependent phosphorylation pp. 601-605 Downloads
Stefanie Dimmeler, Ingrid Fleming, Beate Fisslthaler, Corinna Hermann, Rudi Busse and Andreas M. Zeiher
Enhancement of TBP binding by activators and general transcription factors pp. 605-609 Downloads
Xiao-Yong Li, Amy Virbasius, Xiaochuan Zhu and Michael R. Green
Binding of TBP to promoters in vivo is stimulated by activators and requires Pol II holoenzyme pp. 609-613 Downloads
Laurent Kuras and Kevin Struhl

1999, volume 399, articles 6735

German research bodies urged to open up more to new ideas pp. 395-396 Downloads
Alison Abbott and Quirin Schiermeier
US labs braced for anti-spying legislation pp. 395-395 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
Proceed with caution, says UK report on ethics of GM foods pp. 396-396 Downloads
David Dickson
US Senate gets tough on animal activists pp. 397-397 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
San Francisco scientists hit by growing protests pp. 397-397 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
‘Frontiers’ grants count cost of success pp. 398-398 Downloads
Alison Abbott and Asako Saegusa
Californian grad students vote to unionize pp. 399-399 Downloads
Rex Dalton
Reprieve for neutron project in Congress pp. 399-399 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
Spanish council quizzed on recruits ⃛ pp. 400-400 Downloads
Xavier Bosch
⃛ as physicist's complaints hit their mark pp. 400-400 Downloads
Xavier Bosch
Canadian institute seeks to secure its financial future pp. 401-401 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
Cautionary tale on safety of GM crops pp. 405-405 Downloads
John E. Beringer
Plant DNA patents in the hands of a few pp. 405-406 Downloads
S. M. Thomas, M. Brady and J. F. Burke
Papers should spell out authors' roles pp. 406-406 Downloads
A. Zyzik and T. Goldmann
Scientists must bridge the communication gap pp. 406-406 Downloads
Nick Battey and Pablo Jensen
Deer destiny determined by density pp. 407-408 Downloads
Andrew Cockburn
Glowing developments pp. 409-411 Downloads
Karl Ziemelis
Key to the mitochondrial gate pp. 411-412 Downloads
Jean-Claude Martinou
Cornucopia of ice core results pp. 412-413 Downloads
Bernhard Stauffer
Closing the joint pp. 413-415 Downloads
John M. Coffin and Naomi Rosenberg
Chaperonin camouflage pp. 415-415 Downloads
Mark Gibbs
Sunny side of global warming pp. 416-417 Downloads
E. N. Parker
Tunnel vision pp. 417-418 Downloads
Dagmar Ringe and Gregory A. Petsko
The neocortex comes together pp. 418-419 Downloads
Jon H. Kaas and Anton Reiner
Play it again, Sam pp. 419-419 Downloads
David Jones
Arthur Schawlow (1921-99) pp. 420-420 Downloads
Charles H. Townes
Orchid pollination by sexual swindle pp. 421-421 Downloads
Florian P. Schiestl, Manfred Ayasse, Hannes F. Paulus, Christer Löfstedt, Bill S. Hansson, Fernando Ibarra and Wittko Francke
Fractal analysis of Pollock's drip paintings pp. 422-422 Downloads
Richard P. Taylor, Adam P. Micolich and David Jonas
Release from inhibition reveals the visual past pp. 422-422 Downloads
T. R. Vidyasagar, P. Buzás, Z. F. Kisvárday and U. T. Eysel
Climate change related to egg-laying trends pp. 423-423 Downloads
Humphrey Q. P. Crick and Timothy H. Sparks
Captain, art thou sleeping there below? pp. 425-426 Downloads
Alan Longhurst
Firing up the power plant in our heads pp. 426-427 Downloads
Bob Martin
The feelgood factor pp. 427-427 Downloads
John Galloway
Science in culture pp. 428-428 Downloads
Martin Kemp
Climate and atmospheric history of the past 420,000 years from the Vostok ice core, Antarctica pp. 429-436 Downloads
J. R. Petit, J. Jouzel, D. Raynaud, N. I. Barkov, J.-M. Barnola, I. Basile, M. Bender, J. Chappellaz, M. Davis, G. Delaygue, M. Delmotte, V. M. Kotlyakov, M. Legrand, V. Y. Lipenkov, C. Lorius, L. PÉpin, C. Ritz, E. Saltzman and M. Stievenard
A doubling of the Sun's coronal magnetic field during the past 100 years pp. 437-439 Downloads
M. Lockwood, R. Stamper and M. N. Wild
Origin of high critical currents in YBa2Cu3O7−δ superconducting thin films pp. 439-442 Downloads
B. Dam, J. M. Huijbregtse, F. C. Klaassen, R. C. F. van der Geest, G. Doornbos, J. H. Rector, A. M. Testa, S. Freisem, J. C. Martinez, B. Stäuble-Pümpin and R. Griessen
Recovery of surfaces from impurity poisoning during crystal growth pp. 442-445 Downloads
Terry A. Land, Tracie L. Martin, Sergey Potapenko, G. Tayhas Palmore and James J. De Yoreo
Tying a molecular knot with optical tweezers pp. 446-448 Downloads
Yasuharu Arai, Ryohei Yasuda, Ken-ichirou Akashi, Yoshie Harada, Hidetake Miyata, Kazuhiko Kinosita and Hiroyasu Itoh
Memory of macromolecular helicity assisted by interaction with achiral small molecules pp. 449-451 Downloads
Eiji Yashima, Katsuhiro Maeda and Yoshio Okamoto
Simulation of recent northern winter climate trends by greenhouse-gas forcing pp. 452-455 Downloads
Drew T. Shindell, Ron L. Miller, Gavin A. Schmidt and Lionel Pandolfo
Diamonds in volcaniclastic komatiite from French Guiana pp. 456-458 Downloads
Ramon Capdevila, Nicholas Arndt, Jacques Letendre and Jean-FranÇois Sauvage
Population density affects sex ratio variation in red deer pp. 459-461 Downloads
Loeske E. B. Kruuk, Tim H. Clutton-Brock, Steve D. Albon, Josephine M. Pemberton and Fiona E. Guinness
Multifractality in human heartbeat dynamics pp. 461-465 Downloads
Plamen Ch. Ivanov, Luís A. Nunes Amaral, Ary L. Goldberger, Shlomo Havlin, Michael G. Rosenblum, Zbigniew R. Struzik and H. Eugene Stanley
Decrystallization of adult birdsong by perturbation of auditory feedback pp. 466-470 Downloads
Anthony Leonardo and Masakazu Konishi
Neuronal correlates of parametric working memory in the prefrontal cortex pp. 470-473 Downloads
Ranulfo Romo, Carlos D. Brody, Adrián Hernández and Luis Lemus
Developmental basis of limblessness and axial patterning in snakes pp. 474-479 Downloads
Martin J .Cohn and Cheryll Tickle
The MAPK kinase Pek1 acts as a phosphorylation-dependent molecular switch pp. 479-483 Downloads
Reiko Sugiura, Takashi Toda, Susheela Dhut, Hisato Shuntoh, Takayoshi Kuno and Takayoshi Kuno
Bcl-2 family proteins regulate the release of apoptogenic cytochrome c by the mitochondrial channel VDAC pp. 483-487 Downloads
Shigeomi Shimizu, Masashi Narita, Yoshihide Tsujimoto and Yoshihide Tsujimoto
Interaction of E1 and hSNF5 proteins stimulates replication of human papillomavirus DNA pp. 487-491 Downloads
Daeyoup Lee, Hekwang Sohn, Ganjam V. Kalpana, Joonho Choe and Joonho Choe
Structure and ligand of a histone acetyltransferase bromodomain pp. 491-496 Downloads
Christophe Dhalluin, Justin E. Carlson, Lei Zeng, Cheng He, Aneel K. Aggarwal, Ming-Ming Zhou and Ming-Ming Zhou
Enzyme dynamics and hydrogen tunnelling in a thermophilic alcohol dehydrogenase pp. 496-499 Downloads
Amnon Kohen, Raffaele Cannio, Simonetta Bartolucci, Judith P. Klinman and Judith P. Klinman

1999, volume 399, articles 6734

Britain opens biotech regulation to greater public involvement pp. 287-288 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Trade concerns dominate GM debate in US pp. 287-287 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
Britain backs biotech, seeks tougher regulation pp. 288-288 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
South Africa reveals plans to make AIDS a notifiable disease pp. 288-288 Downloads
Michael Cherry
Charges fly in $1bn hormone patent battle pp. 289-289 Downloads
Rex Dalton
Europe seeks greater role for women on key advisory panels pp. 290-290 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Australian geologists left reeling by budget cuts⃛ pp. 290-290 Downloads
Peter Pockley
⃛ while New Zealand research gets thin rations pp. 290-290 Downloads
Peter Pockley
NIH strives to keep resource sharing alive pp. 291-291 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Hubble spots giant cyclonic storm on Mars pp. 291-291 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Ethicists urge funding for extraction of embryo cells pp. 292-292 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Europe's molecular biologists could join global e-journal plan pp. 292-292 Downloads
Declan Butler
NASA beefs up life science involvement pp. 293-293 Downloads
Tony Reichhardt
Tokyo meeting airs problems of international space collaboration pp. 293-293 Downloads
Asako Saegusa
Genentech stands by original data pp. 297-298 Downloads
Dennis J. Henner, David V. Goeddel, Herbert Heyneker, Keiichi Itakura, Daniel Yansura, Michael Ross and Giuseppe Miozzari
Alarm raised over elephant ivory trade pp. 297-297 Downloads
Katy Payne, Iain Douglas-Hamilton, Cynthia Moss and Joyce Poole
Guidelines point the way on genetics ethics pp. 297-297 Downloads
Dorothy C. Wertz
Statement from Peter Seeburg pp. 298-298 Downloads
Peter H. Seeburg
Innocents suffer as rogue regime rapped pp. 298-298 Downloads
Qais Al-Awqati
Science powerhouse of Central America pp. 298-298 Downloads
Jorge Cortés
Will biomedicine outgrow support? pp. 299-301 Downloads
M. F. Perutz
Reinventing the engine pp. 303-305 Downloads
Steven L. Garrett
When one eye is better than two pp. 305-307 Downloads
Mandyam V. Srinivasan
Plate tectonics on Mars? pp. 307-308 Downloads
Dan McKenzie
A message from the gonads pp. 308-309 Downloads
Donald L. Riddle
Taking the frustration out of ice pp. 311-312 Downloads
Mark Harris
Virus on virus infects bacterium pp. 312-313 Downloads
Ronald K. Taylor
Warming without high CO2? pp. 313-314 Downloads
Benjamin P. Flower
Untrue feelings pp. 314-314 Downloads
David Jones
Topology in chaotic scattering pp. 315-316 Downloads
David Sweet, Edward Ott and James A. Yorke
Rainfall characteristics of hurricane Mitch pp. 316-316 Downloads
Jon Hellin, Martin Haigh and Frank Marks
Analysis of telomere lengths in cloned sheep pp. 316-317 Downloads
Paul G. Shiels, Alexander J. Kind, Keith H. S. Campbell, David Waddington, Ian Wilmut, Alan Colman and Angelika E. Schnieke
Did parrots exist in the Cretaceous period? pp. 317-318 Downloads
Gareth J. Dyke and Gerald Mayr
Did parrots exist in the Cretaceous period? pp. 318-318 Downloads
Thomas A. Stidham
Grain of truth in fears of biotechnology pp. 319-320 Downloads
John Mugabe
A call for unification pp. 320-321 Downloads
Nicholas Rescher
Non-sectarian structure pp. 321-321 Downloads
Richard A. L. Jones
Why can't people be more like bats? pp. 322-322 Downloads
Laurent Excoffier
The Universe and everything pp. 322-322 Downloads
Ray Carlberg
Evidence for lateral gene transfer between Archaea and Bacteria from genome sequence of Thermotoga maritima pp. 323-329 Downloads
Karen E. Nelson, Rebecca A. Clayton, Steven R. Gill, Michelle L. Gwinn, Robert J. Dodson, Daniel H. Haft, Erin K. Hickey, Jeremy D. Peterson, William C. Nelson, Karen A. Ketchum, Lisa McDonald, Teresa R. Utterback, Joel A. Malek, Katja D. Linher, Mina M. Garrett, Ashley M. Stewart, Matthew D. Cotton, Matthew S. Pratt, Cheryl A. Phillips, Delwood Richardson, John Heidelberg, Granger G. Sutton, Robert D. Fleischmann, Jonathan A. Eisen, Owen White, Steven L. Salzberg, Hamilton O. Smith, J. Craig Venter and Claire M. Fraser
The inevitable youthfulness of known high-redshift radio galaxies pp. 330-332 Downloads
Katherine M. Blundell and Steve Rawlings
Zero-point entropy in ‘spin ice’ pp. 333-335 Downloads
A. P. Ramirez, A. Hayashi, R. J. Cava, R. Siddharthan and B. S. Shastry
A thermoacoustic Stirling heat engine pp. 335-338 Downloads
S. Backhaus and G. W. Swift
Weak surface anchoring of liquid crystals pp. 338-340 Downloads
G. P. Bryan-Brown, E. L. Wood and I. C. Sage
Epitaxial diamond growth on sapphire in an oxidizing environment pp. 340-342 Downloads
Mamoru Yoshimoto, Kenji Yoshida, Hideaki Maruta, Yoshiko Hishitani, Hideomi Koinuma, Shigeru Nishio, Masato Kakihana and Takeshi Tachibana
A large and abrupt fall in atmospheric CO2 concentration during Cretaceous times pp. 342-345 Downloads
Marcel M. M. Kuypers, Richard D. Pancost and Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté
Large-scale chemical and thermal division of the Pacific mantle pp. 345-350 Downloads
I. Vlastélic, D. Aslanian, L. Dosso, H. Bougault, J. L. Olivet and L. Géli
A therizinosauroid dinosaur with integumentary structures from China pp. 350-354 Downloads
Xing Xu, Zhi-lu Tang and Xiao-lin Wang
Complex dynamics and phase synchronization in spatially extended ecological systems pp. 354-359 Downloads
Bernd Blasius, Amit Huppert and Lewi Stone
Auditory collusion and a coupled couple of outer hair cells pp. 359-362 Downloads
Hong-Bo Zhao and J. Santos-Sacchi
Signals from the reproductive system regulate the lifespan of C. elegans pp. 362-366 Downloads
Honor Hsin and Cynthia Kenyon
The homeobox gene Phox2b is essential for the development of autonomic neural crest derivatives pp. 366-370 Downloads
Alexandre Pattyn, Xavier Morin, Harold Cremer, Christo Goridis and Jean-FranÇois Brunet
Clathrin self-assembly is mediated by a tandemly repeated superhelix pp. 371-375 Downloads
Joel A. Ybe, Frances M. Brodsky, Kay Hofmann, Kai Lin, Shu-Hui Liu, Lin Chen, Thomas N. Earnest, Robert J. Fletterick and Peter K. Hwang
A bacteriophage encoding a pathogenicity island, a type-IV pilus and a phage receptor in cholera bacteria pp. 375-379 Downloads
David K. R. Karaolis, Sita Somara, David R. Maneval, Judith A. Johnson and James B. Kaper
Structure of Cdc42 in complex with the GTPase-binding domain of the ‘Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome’ protein pp. 379-383 Downloads
Norzehan Abdul-Manan, Behzad Aghazadeh, Grace A. Liu, Ananya Majumdar, Ouathek Ouerfelli, Katherine A. Siminovitch and Michael K. Rosen
Structure of the small G protein Cdc42 bound to the GTPase-binding domain of ACK pp. 384-388 Downloads
Helen R. Mott, Darerca Owen, Daniel Nietlispach, Peter N. Lowe, Edward Manser, Louis Lim and Ernest D. Laue

1999, volume 399, articles 6733

French geneticists raise worries over use of new genome funds pp. 185-186 Downloads
Declan Butler
Big boost demanded for France's life sciences pp. 185-185 Downloads
Declan Butler
Increase in German science budget a boon for women and youth pp. 186-186 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Europe keeps space science budget level pp. 187-187 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Britain finds money to renew infrastructure pp. 187-187 Downloads
Natasha Loder
UK debates public's role in science advice pp. 188-188 Downloads
David Dickson
Royal Society: GM food hazard claim is ‘flawed’ pp. 188-188 Downloads
Natasha Loder
University museum seeks independence pp. 189-189 Downloads
Rex Dalton
More US labs may curb visits by foreigners pp. 189-189 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
NIH ethics office clamps down on Duke ⃛ pp. 190-190 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
⃛ as basic scientists feel the pinch in LA pp. 190-190 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Chinese reform pushes R&D into market pp. 191-191 Downloads
Tian Xuewen
Japan's fast-breeder loses money fast too pp. 191-191 Downloads
Asako Saegusa
Stand up for the rights of professors too pp. 195-195 Downloads
F. W. Taylor
Grim reality of war⃛ and plans for the peace pp. 195-195 Downloads
Ian Blake
Grim reality of war⃛ and plans for the peace pp. 195-195 Downloads
Stefano Casalotti
Cancer fellowships awarded on merit pp. 195-195 Downloads
John Cairns
Cancer fellowships awarded on merit pp. 195-195 Downloads
Ruggero Montesano and Norman Breslow
What price ergonomics? pp. 197-198 Downloads
Neville A. Stanton and Mark S. Young
A shared but complex bridge pp. 199-200 Downloads
Robert E. Kingston
Only a matter of time pp. 200-203 Downloads
Ken Peach
Many vessels, faulty gene pp. 203-204 Downloads
William G. Kaelin
Dead end for neurodegeneration? pp. 204-207 Downloads
Christian Haass
Excursions in geomagnetism pp. 207-208 Downloads
C. G. Langereis
Glasses go critical pp. 207-207 Downloads
Philip Ball
Snail mail to the nucleus pp. 208-210 Downloads
Iain W. Mattaj and Elena Conti
A recipe for strength pp. 210-211 Downloads
Paul Calvert
Rain Man's revelations pp. 211-212 Downloads
Niels Birbaumer
Shear chemistry pp. 212-212 Downloads
David Jones
Birds extend their ranges northwards pp. 213-213 Downloads
Chris D. Thomas and Jack J. Lennon
The mystery of female beauty pp. 214-215 Downloads
J. T. Manning, R. L. Trivers, D. Singh and R. Thornhill
Transgenic pollen harms monarch larvae pp. 214-214 Downloads
John E. Losey, Linda S. Rayor and Maureen E. Carter
The mystery of female beauty pp. 215-216 Downloads
M. J. Tovée and P. L. Cornelissen
The mystery of female beauty pp. 216-216 Downloads
Douglas W. Yu and Glenn H. Shepard
Looping the evolutionary loop pp. 217-218 Downloads
Gabby Dover
An expletive in academia pp. 218-219 Downloads
Malcolm Coe
Dip into the century's technological past pp. 219-219 Downloads
Henry Petroski
A bragger's guide to fuzzy objects pp. 220-220 Downloads
Stephen P. Maran
Tale of two disciplines pp. 220-220 Downloads
Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent
Structure of importin-β bound to the IBB domain of importin-α pp. 221-229 Downloads
Gino Cingolani, Carlo Petosa, Karsten Weis and Christoph W. Müller
Structure of the nuclear transport complex karyopherin-β2–Ran˙GppNHp pp. 230-237 Downloads
Yuh Min Chook and Günter Blobel
Observation of quasiparticles with one-fifth of an electron's charge pp. 238-241 Downloads
M. Reznikov, R. de Picciotto, T. G. Griffiths, M. Heiblum and V. Umansky
Two types of avalanche behaviour in granular media pp. 241-243 Downloads
Adrian Daerr and Stéphane Douady
Desorption–ionization mass spectrometry on porous silicon pp. 243-246 Downloads
Jing Wei, Jillian M. Buriak and Gary Siuzdak
Growing range of correlated motion in a polymer melt on cooling towards the glass transition pp. 246-249 Downloads
Christoph Bennemann, Claudio Donati, Jörg Baschnagel and Sharon C. Glotzer
Global changes in intensity of the Earth's magnetic field during the past 800 kyr pp. 249-252 Downloads
Yohan Guyodo and Jean-Pierre Valet
Nature of the Earth's earliest crust from hafnium isotopes in single detrital zircons pp. 252-255 Downloads
Yuri Amelin, Lee Der-Chuen, Alex N. Halliday and Robert T. Pidgeon
A complete human pelvis from the Middle Pleistocene of Spain pp. 255-258 Downloads
Juan-Luis Arsuaga, Carlos Lorenzo, José-Miguel Carretero, Ana Gracia, Ignacio Martínez, Nuria García, José-María Bermúdez de Castro and Eudald Carbonell
Relative risk of extinction of passerine birds on continents and islands pp. 258-261 Downloads
Lisa L. Manne, Thomas M. Brooks and Stuart L. Pimm
Non-commutativity in the brain pp. 261-263 Downloads
Douglas B. Tweed, Thomas P. Haslwanter, Vera Happe and Michael Fetter
Inhibition of caspase-1 slows disease progression in a mouse model of Huntington's disease pp. 263-267 Downloads
Victor O. Ona, Mingwei Li, Jean Paul G. Vonsattel, L. John Andrews, Sohail Q. Khan, Woosik M. Chung, Ariel S. Frey, Anil S. Menon, Xiao-Jiang Li, Philip E. Stieg, Junying Yuan, John B. Penney, Anne B. Young, Jang-Ho J. Cha and Robert M. Friedlander
In vivo cell sorting in complementary segmental domains mediated by Eph receptors and ephrins pp. 267-271 Downloads
Qiling Xu, Georg Mellitzer, Vicky Robinson and David G. Wilkinson
The tumour suppressor protein VHL targets hypoxia-inducible factors for oxygen-dependent proteolysis pp. 271-275 Downloads
Patrick H. Maxwell, Michael S. Wiesener, Gin-Wen Chang, Steven C. Clifford, Emma C. Vaux, Matthew E. Cockman, Charles C. Wykoff, Christopher W. Pugh, Eamonn R. Maher and Peter J. Ratcliffe
Mammalian Srb/Mediator complex is targeted by adenovirus E1A protein pp. 276-279 Downloads
Thomas G. Boyer, Michelle E. D. Martin, Emma Lees, Robert P. Ricciardi and Arnold J. Berk
Erratum: Elasticity and rheology of iron above 220 GPa and the nature of the Earth's inner core pp. 280-280 Downloads
Ho-kwang Mao, Jinfu Shu, Guoyin Shen, Russell J. Hemley, Baosheng Li and Anil K. Singh

1999, volume 399, articles 6732

Quake-spotting ‘telescope’ may map North American continent pp. 91-91 Downloads
Rex Dalton
Search for a key to secrets of the Universe pp. 91-91 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
‘Sell the message of research’, Europe's cell biologists urged pp. 92-92 Downloads
Alison Abbott
US stem-cell pioneers buy ‘Dolly’ cloning company pp. 92-92 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Battery fault ends X-ray satellite mission pp. 93-93 Downloads
Alison Abbott
French unions hopeful of delaying reforms until after consultation pp. 93-93 Downloads
Eric Glover
Funding penalty for cross-boundary work pp. 94-94 Downloads
Natasha Loder
Australia boosts medical research, but keeps other budgets level pp. 94-94 Downloads
Peter Pockley
NSF told to ease up cost-share demands pp. 95-95 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
Future of Spectrum X mission still cloudy pp. 95-95 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Japan bids to catch up on gene sequencing pp. 96-96 Downloads
Asako Saegusa
Drug company backs Africa's war on AIDS pp. 96-96 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Science advice test in UK devolution vote pp. 97-97 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
Too many agencies spoil Euro research pp. 101-101 Downloads
Carlo Gambacorti-Passerini
Building the future of biocomputing pp. 101-101 Downloads
Mark Gerstein
Phenology and the changing seasons pp. 101-101 Downloads
John Worrall
The right prescription for preclinical teaching pp. 101-101 Downloads
H. Peter Soyer, Birger Kränke, Thomas Petnehazy and Stefan Scheidl
Dinosaur tracks in the computer age pp. 103-104 Downloads
Kevin Padian
Radon and rock deformation pp. 104-105 Downloads
Evelyn Roeloffs
The planet factory pp. 105-105 Downloads
Sarah Tomlin
Calmodulin at the channel gate pp. 105-108 Downloads
Michael D. Ehlers and George J. Augustine
The hard problem of carbonitrides pp. 108-109 Downloads
Barry M. Klein
Mixed metabolism in plant pools pp. 109-111 Downloads
Peter D. Moore
Neither too loud nor too quiet pp. 111-112 Downloads
Dimitri M. Kullmann
Cultured diamonds pp. 112-112 Downloads
David Jones
Myopia and ambient lighting at night pp. 113-114 Downloads
Graham E. Quinn, Chai H. Shin, Maureen G. Maguire and Richard A. Stone
Polar gigantism dictated by oxygen availability pp. 114-115 Downloads
Gauthier Chapelle and Lloyd S. Peck
Superconductors under stress pp. 114-114 Downloads
Laurens Jansen and Ruud Block
No role for colour in symmetry perception pp. 115-116 Downloads
Dawn Morales and Harold Pashler
A fantasia of biological feminism pp. 117-118 Downloads
Olivia Judson
A chemistry textbook hero pp. 118-119 Downloads
Charles Tanford and Jacqueline Reynolds
Quantum behaviour pp. 119-120 Downloads
David P. DiVincenzo
Science in culture pp. 120-120 Downloads
Duncan Dallas
Supersonic winds in Jupiter's aurorae pp. 121-124 Downloads
Daniel Rego, Nicholas Achilleos, Tom Stallard, Steve Miller, Renée Prangé, Michele Dougherty and Robert D. Joseph
Efficient fault-tolerant quantum computing pp. 124-126 Downloads
Andrew M. Steane
Three-dimensional orientation measurements of symmetric single chromophores using polarization microscopy pp. 126-130 Downloads
S. A. Empedocles, R. Neuhauser and M. G. Bawendi
Size and form in efficient transportation networks pp. 130-132 Downloads
Jayanth R. Banavar, Amos Maritan and Andrea Rinaldo
Electronic mechanism of hardness enhancement in transition-metal carbonitrides pp. 132-134 Downloads
Seung-Hoon Jhi, Jisoon Ihm, Steven G. Louie and Marvin L. Cohen
Near-field probing of vibrational absorption for chemical microscopy pp. 134-137 Downloads
B. Knoll and F. Keilmann
Radon emanation and electric potential variations associated with transient deformation near reservoir lakes pp. 137-141 Downloads
M. Trique, P. Richon, F. Perrier, J. P. Avouac and J. C. Sabroux
Three-dimensional preservation of foot movements in Triassic theropod dinosaurs pp. 141-144 Downloads
Stephen M. Gatesy, Kevin M. Middleton, Farish A. Jenkins and Neil H. Shubin
Evolution of genetic mechanisms controlling petal development pp. 144-148 Downloads
Elena M. Kramer and Vivian F. Irish
The role of the anterior prefrontal cortex in human cognition pp. 148-151 Downloads
Etienne Koechlin, Gianpaolo Basso, Pietro Pietrini, Seth Panzer and Jordan Grafman
Synaptic calcium transients in single spines indicate that NMDA receptors are not saturated pp. 151-155 Downloads
Zachary F. Mainen, Roberto Malinow and Karel Svoboda
Ca2+/calmodulin binds to and modulates P/Q-type calcium channels pp. 155-159 Downloads
Amy Lee, Scott T. Wong, Daniel Gallagher, Bin Li, Daniel R. Storm, Todd Scheuer and William A. Catterall
Calmodulin supports both inactivation and facilitation of L-type calcium channels pp. 159-162 Downloads
Roger D. Zühlke, Geoffrey S. Pitt, Karl Deisseroth, Richard W. Tsien and Harald Reuter
A cytosolic catalase is needed to extend adult lifespan in C. elegans daf-C and clk-1 mutants pp. 162-166 Downloads
James Taub, Joe F. Lau, Charles Ma, Jang Hee Hahn, Rafaz Hoque, Jonathan Rothblatt and Martin Chalfie
Gene silencing in Neurospora crassa requires a protein homologous to RNA-dependent RNA polymerase pp. 166-169 Downloads
Carlo Cogoni and Giuseppe Macino
Out of the lab and into the marketplace pp. 175-176 Downloads
Brendan Horton
First write your business plan pp. 176-176 Downloads
Brendan Horton
Singapore aims to become a hot spot for life sciences pp. 177-177 Downloads
David Swinbanks
‘Venture fever’ grips Asian economies pp. 177-178 Downloads
David Swinbanks
China's scientists tap offshore funds pp. 178-178 Downloads
David Swinbanks
End of the brain drain could be in sight pp. 179-180 Downloads
Potter Wickware
Taiwan targets biotechnology pp. 179-179 Downloads
David Swinbanks
How to win venture-capital financing pp. 181-182 Downloads
Diane Gershon
Funding brings high-risk technologies to the marketplace pp. 182-182 Downloads
Diane Gershon

1999, volume 399, articles 6731

Clinton pledges to smooth path of research at universities pp. 3-3 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
UK failing to reap neuroscience rewards pp. 3-3 Downloads
Ehsan Masood
France seeks scientists’ views on reform pp. 4-4 Downloads
Declan Butler
Germany says it will come on board Earth observation mission pp. 4-4 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Berkeley dispute festers over biotech deal pp. 5-5 Downloads
Rex Dalton
Embattled neuroscientist wins US support pp. 5-5 Downloads
Alison Abbott
Global R&D spread clouds locaal analyses pp. 6-6 Downloads
Declan Butler
GM advisory panel is slanted, say critics pp. 7-7 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Australians seek international allies in battle over uranium mine pp. 7-7 Downloads
Peter Pockley
EU warns on growth-hormone cancer risk pp. 8-8 Downloads
Meredith Wadman
Mixed response to NIH's web journal plan pp. 8-9 Downloads
Declan Butler and Meredith Wadman
Automation ‘could crack the big problems in science’ pp. 9-9 Downloads
Colin Macilwain
Editors’ responsibility in defeating fraud pp. 13-13 Downloads
Michael M. Meguid
Inequities in German research system pp. 13-13 Downloads
Stefan Jähnichen and Klaus-Robert Müller
Inequities in German research system pp. 13-13 Downloads
Michael Cross
Cloning claims challenged pp. 13-13 Downloads
Davor Solter
From youthful PMs to presidents who walk tall pp. 14-14 Downloads
Jeremy Stangroom
Reaping the benefits of cropping experiments pp. 14-14 Downloads
Olof Andrén, Holger Kirchmann and Olle Pettersson
Reaping the benefits of cropping experiments pp. 14-14 Downloads
David Tilman
Diamondoids and oil are not forever pp. 15-16 Downloads
Martin Schoell and Robert M. K. Carlson
A calcium window to the gut pp. 16-17 Downloads
G. David S. Hirst
From vortices to genomics pp. 17-18 Downloads
Terence Hwa
A spine to remember pp. 19-20 Downloads
Per Andersen
The magnetic turnabout pp. 21-22 Downloads
Olivier Kahn
Laying it on thick pp. 23-23 Downloads
Sarah Tomlin
Heard but not seen pp. 24-24 Downloads
John Whitfield
Stone legacy of skilled hands pp. 24-25 Downloads
James Steele
Adhesive antibodies pp. 25-25 Downloads
David Jones
David Phillips (1924—99) pp. 26-26 Downloads
Louise N. Johnson and Gregory A. Petsko
Naked foraminiferans revealed pp. 27-27 Downloads
Jan Pawlowski, Ignacio Bolivar, José Fahrni, Colomban de Vargas and Samuel S. Bowser
A stimulatory phalloid organ in a weaver bird pp. 28-28 Downloads
M. Winterbottom, T. Burke and T. R. Birkhead
Green processing using ionic liquids and CO2 pp. 28-29 Downloads
Lynnette A. Blanchard, Dan Hancu, Eric J. Beckman and Joan F. Brennecke
Long-distance transport of pollen into the Arctic pp. 29-30 Downloads
Ian D. Campbell, Karen McDonald, Michael D. Flannigan and Joanni Kringayark
Cause and effect in evolution pp. 30-30 Downloads
W. Joe Dickinson and Jon Seger
From an old world order to show ’n’ sell pp. 31-32 Downloads
Thomas F. Gieryn
From entropy to Duino pp. 32-33 Downloads
G. F. Bignami
Aiming for that goal of zero emission pp. 33-33 Downloads
Roger Sheldon
Information, information pp. 33-34 Downloads
Nancy Lane
Science in culture pp. 34-34 Downloads
Martin Kemp
Energy traps in atomic nuclei pp. 35-40 Downloads
Philip Walker and George Dracoulis
Possible long-lived asteroid belts in the inner Solar System pp. 41-43 Downloads
N. Wyn Evans and Serge Tabachnik
Observation of mesoscopic vortex physics using micromechanical oscillators pp. 43-46 Downloads
C. A. Bolle, V. Aksyuk, F. Pardo, P. L. Gammel, E. Zeldov, E. Bucher, R. Boie, D. J. Bishop and D. R. Nelson
Influence of a knot on the strength of a polymer strand pp. 46-48 Downloads
A. Marco Saitta, Paul D. Soper, E. Wasserman and Michael L. Klein
Controlled growth and electrical properties of heterojunctions of carbon nanotubes and silicon nanowires pp. 48-51 Downloads
Jiangtao Hu, Min Ouyang, Peidong Yang and Charles M. Lieber
Stress-induced recrystallization of a protein crystal by electron irradiation pp. 51-54 Downloads
F. Zemlin, R. Schuster, E. Beckmann, J. L. Carrascosa, J. M. Valpuesta and G. Ertl
Diamondoid hydrocarbons as indicators of natural oil cracking pp. 54-57 Downloads
J. E. Dahl, J. M. Moldowan, K. E. Peters, G. E. Claypool, M. A. Rooney, G. E. Michael, M. R. Mello and M. L. Kohnen
Early hominid stone tool production and technical skill 2.34 Myr ago in West Turkana, Kenya pp. 57-60 Downloads
H. Roche, A. Delagnes, J.-P. Brugal, C. Feibel, M. Kibunjia, V. Mourre and P.-J. Texier
The wing of Archaeopteryx as a primary thrust generator pp. 60-62 Downloads
Phillip Burgers and Luis M. Chiappe
Induction and organization of Ca2+ waves by enteric neural reflexes pp. 62-66 Downloads
Randel J. Stevens, Nelson G. Publicover and Terence K. Smith
Dendritic spine changes associated with hippocampal long-term synaptic plasticity pp. 66-70 Downloads
Florian Engert and Tobias Bonhoeffer
A family of mammalian Na+-dependent L-ascorbic acid transporters pp. 70-75 Downloads
Hiroyasu Tsukaguchi, Taro Tokui, Bryan Mackenzie, Urs V. Berger, Xing-Zhen Chen, Yangxi Wang, Richard F. Brubaker and Matthias A. Hediger
Regulation of alternative splicing by RNA editing pp. 75-80 Downloads
Susan M. Rueter, T. Renee Dawson and Ronald B. Emeson
Structural basis for initiation of transcription from an RNA polymerase–promoter complex pp. 80-83 Downloads
Graham M. T. Cheetham, David Jeruzalmi and Thomas A Steitz
Erratum: Experimental verification of the quasi-unit-cell model of quasicrystal structure pp. 84-84 Downloads
Paul J. Steinhardt, H.-C. Jeong, K. Saitoh, M. Tanaka, E. Abe and A. P. Tsai
Erratum: Extreme Th1 bias of invariant Vα24JαQ T cells in type 1 diabetes pp. 84-84 Downloads
S. Brian Wilson, Sally C. Kent, Kurt T. Patton, Tihamer Orban, Richard A. Jackson, Mark Exley, Steven Porcelli, Desmond A. Schatz, Mark A. Atkinson, Steven P. Balk, Jack L. Strominger and David A. Hafler
Erratum: In vivo regulation of axon extension and pathfinding by growth-cone calcium transients pp. 84-84 Downloads
Timothy M. Gomez and Nicholas C. Spitzer
Erratum: The role of mat-forming diatoms in the formation of Mediterranean sapropels pp. 84-84 Downloads
Alan E. S. Kemp, Richard B. Pearce, Itaru Koizumi, Jennifer Pike and S. Jae Rance
Page updated 2025-03-31