Springer Books
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- Plankostenrechnung für das digitale Performance Measurement und Management in der Unternehmenspraxis
- Jochen R. Pampel and Tim Botzkowski
- Financial Globalization and Its Implications for Development
- Ricardo Ffrench-Davis and Stephany Griffith-Jones
- Operative Hochwasserbekämpfung in einer akuten Gefahrenlage am Beispiel Dresden
- Karolin Eisele and Alf Kimms
- Fundraising für Krankenhäuser und Kliniken
- Matthias Buntrock
- A Quality Research Analysis of Logistics Distribution Process of Fresh Meat Cold Chain in Beijing
- Hongli Chen, Yongling Li, Yufeng Mu, Lulin Wang and Xin Zhang
- Study on High Sensitivity GPS Signal Acquisition Techniques Indoor Positioning
- Liu Yu, Liu Ding-xing and Tan Ze-fu
- The Strategy Research of Information Sharing in M-Business Center Based on Grid
- Fenfen Wang, Dan Chang and Baowei Chen
- Evaluation Research on Logistics Development of the Yangtze River Port Based on the Principal Component Analysis
- Gao Fei
- Moderator of the Microblog Communication on E-shoppers’ Purchase Intentions
- Jin Yi, Xing-yuan Wang and Qing Xin
- Spatial Econometric Analysis of the Energy Efficiency of the Chinese Regional Construction Industry
- Bingsheng Liu, Xueqing Wang and Tengfei Huo
- Creating Competitive Advantages Through Co-operations Between Municipal Utility Companies
- Oliver Runte
- Research on the Unbalanced Development of the Tourism Industry in Qinhuangdao
- Gang-min Weng and Li-li Jia
- Neuronale Netze zur Effizienzsteigerung der Texterkennung in der Rezeptabrechnung
- Tobias Höfer, Frederik Weishäupl and Alfred Nischwitz
- Disease Pandemics in Africa and Food Security: An Introduction
- E. Baffour-Awuah, I. N. Amanor and N. Y. S. Sarpong
- Comparative Research on the Environmental Cost of Replacement and Maintenance of the Computer
- Jing Zhang and Yaoqiu Wang
- Promoting Cultural Events in Indonesia Through Millennials: Lesson Learnt from Yogyakarta
- Putu Diah Sastri Pitanatri and Sabda Elisa Priyanto
- Capacity Options: Convergence of Supply Chain Management and Financial Asset Management
- Stefan Spinler and Arnd Huchzermeier
- Is Positive Discrimination a Good Way to Aid Disadvantaged Ethnic Communities?
- Thomas E. Weisskopf
- Integrated Care for Older Patients: Geriatrics
- Sofia Duque, Marco Inzitari, Armagan Albayrak and Tischa Cammen
- Einsatz neuer Technologien: Künstliche Intelligenz in der medizinischen Entscheidungsfindung – Status quo und Perspektiven einer interdisziplinären Herausforderung
- Gregor Duwe, Dominique Mercier, Crispin Balthasar Wiesmann, Markus Junker, Axel Haferkamp, Andreas Dengel and Thomas Höfner
- Hatchuel, Armand, and the Refoundation of Management Research: Design Theory and the Epistemology of Collective Action
- Blanche Segrestin, Franck Aggeri, Albert David and Pascal Le Masson
- Psychosocial Factors Affecting the Consumer Perception
- Oluwatoyin Grace Idowu-Mogaji and Chinwe Catherine Eze
- Häufigkeiten, Gründe und Auswirkungen von falschen Geständnissen und Möglichkeiten diesen vorzubeugen
- Lennart May and Teresa Schneider
- Declining Society and Systems Productivity
- Paul Lillrank
- Agilität und Unternehmenskommunikation: Herausforderungen und Handlungsoptionen
- Lisa Dühring
- Alltagsmobilität im Zeitalter der Mobilitätswende – eine empirische Untersuchung ausgewählter Schwerpunkte
- Stefan Bongard, Clarissa Bittlingmaier and Maike Brunck
- Corporate Entrepreneurship: Constructs and Research Focuses
- Qi-lu Fang
- The Evaluation of Chinese Coal Miners’ Coping Styles
- Li-xia Niu and Nai-wen Li
- The Industrial Revolution: A Cliometric Perspective
- Gregory Clark
- Technology and Working Capital Finance
- Anil Kavuri and Alistair Milne
- Größere Wirkung polizeilicher Strategien durch Analyse der Branchenstruktur
- Helmut Siller
- Technology Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation of Computing Artefacts in University Incubator Programme
- Tamrin Amboala, Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad, Haneffa Muchlis Gazali, Esmadi Abu Seman, Mohd Rushdan Yasoa’ and Soffri Yussof
- Social Capital, Social Norms and the New Institutional Economics
- Philip Keefer and Stephen Knack
- Social Capital, Social Norms and the New Institutional Economics
- Philip Keefer and Stephen Knack
- Bridging Gender Gap in Bhutan: CSOs’ Response to Gender Disparity
- Pema Rinzin
- Internetmanagement und Social Media
- Bernd W. Wirtz
- A New Signal Coordination Control Model of Joint Area at the Expressway Conventional Network
- Xingqiang Zhang, Pan Chen and Yangyang Xun
- John Kotter: A Pragmatic Observer of Managers’ Life Worlds
- Brett Clay
- Social Media Recruiting & Recht – Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen bei der Recherche und Gewinnung von Mitarbeitern über XING, Facebook & Co
- Carsten Ulbricht
- An Evaluation of Students’ Satisfaction with University Hall of Residence
- C. O. Aigbavboa, W. D. Thwala and C. C. Eke
- Establishing World-Class Universities: A Conceptual Approach
- Syed Amin Tabish
- Swap in Downstream Petroleum Supply Chain: An Effective Inventory Handling Tool
- Hari Mohan Jha Bidyarthi and Laxmikant B. Deshmukh
- Manpower Planning for MTR Carriage Assembly with an Integer Programming
- Yingjiang Wu and Ray Y. Zhong
- A Game Analysis of New Technical Equipment Procurement
- Ai-hua Zhang, Zhi-wei Yang, Qiong Zhang and Hong-wei Fu
- Research on Evaluating and Rating Systems of E-Commerce Websites: From a Customer’s Perspective
- Yuan Zhang, Xiaoxu Zhao, Rong Zou and Chensi Xu
- Nutzbarmachung offener Daten und Open-Government-Services zur Schaffung unabhängiger Mobilitätsplattformen
- Ulrich Greveler
- Analoge Spielkultur – Geschichte und Gegenwart
- Christian Beiersdorf
- The Application of MBTI Theory in Hiring Sales Staffs
- Chang Luo
- A Study on the Voice Features of CCTV Newscasters Based on Factorial Design
- Ying-chun Ye, Jian-guo Li and Cong-yu Wu
- Gruppenarbeiten mit hohen Teilnehmerzahlen effektiv gestalten: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für die synchrone und asynchrone Online-Lehre
- Florian Diener, Verena Gerner and Charlotte Kätzel
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