Springer Books
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- The Cooperative and Competitive Complexity Model of Emerging Strategic Marine Biological Medicine Virtual Industry Cluster Based on Value Net Theory
- Peng Du
- Erfolgsfaktoren der digitalen Transformation des dänischen Gesundheitswesens
- Lars Ganzhorn Knudsen
- Radiated Region Studies of the Beijing-shanghai High-speed Rail Node Cities Based on the Gravity Model
- Weixiao Liao
- Power Politics in the Governance of IT Outsourcing: The Undermining of Top IT Executives
- Subrata Chakrabarty and Jun Wang
- Case Study of BIM-Based Building Energy Evaluation
- Runmei Zhang, Changcheng Liu and Tao Xu
- Based on the Control of P2P Networks Data Transmission and the Model of Data Sharing Research
- Zhang Yizhi and Liu Jiangfeng
- The Analysis of Second-Hand Housing Prices in Jiangmen City, Based on Semi-structured Interview and Hedonic Model
- Jiajing Liao
- X-Culture Academy: Kids Learning International Business Through Experience
- Vas Taras
- Arnold Zellner (1927–2010)
- Franz C. Palm
- Wholesale Electricity Price, Carbon Emissions, and Economic Output in Australia: The Role of Carbon Pricing
- Rabindra Nepal, Rohan Best, Thanh Le, Amir Arjomandi and Nirash Paija
- Technology as a Catalyst of Change: Enablers and Barriers of the Tourist Experience and Their Consequences
- Barbara Neuhofer, Dimitrios Buhalis and Adele Ladkin
- Application of DEA-Malmquist Index in Analyzing Chinese Banking’s Efficiency
- Man Ding, Chao-qun Ma, Zhong-bao Zhou and Wen-bin Liu
- Optimal Replenishment Policies for Deteriorating Items Based on the Forecasting Method of Grey Model
- Shou-feng Ji, Hai-yan Lan and Jin-huan Tang
- Advancing the Inclusive Agenda for People of Determination in the UAE Through Sustainable Innovations
- Racquel Warner and Immanuel Moonesar
- Economic Sociology and New Institutional Economics
- Victor Nee and Richard Swedberg
- Economic Sociology and New Institutional Economics
- Victor Nee and Richard Swedberg
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Multinational Companies (MNCs), Small-to-Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and Small Businesses
- Gizem Aras-Beger and F. Dilvin Taşkın
- How Do Owning Families Ensure the Creation of Value Across Generations? A “Dual Balance” Approach
- Horacio Arredondo and Cristina Cruz
- Die Einsatz-Kompetenz Strategie: Eine Verhaltensanweisung für Polizeikräfte im Einsatz
- Wolfgang Moos
- Modulares Projektportfoliomanagement – Eine Vision zur Beherrschung komplexer Projektlandschaften
- Thorsten Lammers, Henning Skirde and Matthias Guertler
- Political economy and political correctness
- Arye L. Hillman
- A Research on Innovation and Development of Ethnic Tourism Service Products Based on the Theory of Industrial Engineering: A Case Study in Brocade of Hainan Li Nationality
- Xiaohuai Wu, Yan Li, Liwei Zhang and Kunlong Wang
- Gestern war heute noch morgen: Social Media Recruiting 2030
- Gero Hesse
- Erfolgreiches Management von Cross-Business-Synergien — Die Bedeutung des organisatorischen Kontextes
- Günter Müller-Stewens and Sebastian Knoll
- Resilience of Hyperlocal Media in a Global Media Environment
- Carl-Gustav Lindén, Mikko Grönlund, Jaana Hujanen, Olga Dovbysh, Katja Lehtisaari and Carina Tenor
- An Evidential Reasoning Method for Multiple Attributive Group Decision Making Under Linguistic Setting
- Ming Li, Chen Yu and Zhengwei Ma
- The Management of Full Life Cycle for Architecture Based on BT and BIM Technology
- Zengwen Bu, Hong Yang and Xingxiu Wang
- Political Influences on the ABC: The Loss of the Greater Good
- Virginia Small
- Balancing Serial U-Lines in Lean Production
- Jing Zha, Hao-ping Li and Xiang-feng Zeng
- Research on Construction Risk of Real Estate Based on Factorial Analysis
- Wen-jie Hu and Xing Bi
- Main Bank Relationships, Debt Structure, and Innovation in Japan
- Hai-Chin Yu and Phuong Dung Tong
- IoT Node-Object Information Management Scheme Based on LDAP
- Hai Li, Chunxiao Fan, Yuexin Wu, Jie Liu and Lilin Rao
- Community Management: Wie Kunden zu Fans werden
- Ansgar Hein
- Erfolgsfaktoren im Online-Fundraising via E-Mail-Marketing
- Sonja Harken
- PEERS: A Digital Entrepreneurship Experiential Teaching and Learning Process
- Nur Thara Atikah Zainal and Adeline Yin Ling Tam
- Design and Implementation of the Anti-spam System Based on AIS
- Jue Huang and Changwu Liao
- The Golden Age of European Economic Growth
- Nicholas Crafts
- Roboter als intelligente Assistenten in Betreuung und Pflege – Grenzen und Perspektiven im Praxiseinsatz
- Felix Carros, Hannes Eilers, Johanna Langendorf, Murat Gözler, Rainer Wieching and Jens Lüssem
- Controlling von Shared Service Centern
- Wolfgang Becker and Patrick Ulrich
- Technologie-Portfoliomanagement in der Pharmaindustrie
- Sabine Bernotat-Danielowski and Markus Seidel
- Auf AugenhöheAugenhöhe: AuditsAudit als Instrument der Fachaufsicht
- Daniela Lesmeister, Markus Henkel and Heike Beyer
- Assessment for the Correlation Between Stakeholder Motivation and Company Profitability in Construction Industry Based on a Human Motivation Theory
- Vivian W. Y. Tam, Harshana P. Wattage and Khoa N. Le
- Offshore Pricing with Onshore Management: A Case Study in Innovation and Technology Management
- Gokul Bhandari, Rudra Pandey and Gerry Kerr
- The Potential Challenges of the Entrepreneurial Education for China’s Open Universities
- Yuekun Li, Mingxuan He, Hongbin Lv and Hongliang Sun
- Research on the Difficulties and Development Strategy for the Construction of Innovative Enterprises
- Xin Zhu and Ying Li
- Failures in Risk Modelling and Rating Securitized Products
- Francesco de Zwart
- Technological Progress via Imports and Economic Growth in Africa
- Jean-Claude Maswana
- Crossmediale Kommunikation
- Heinrich Holland
- Kulturvergleichende und Interkulturelle Psychologie
- Alexander Steinhäuser, Wahiba El-Khechen and Ulrich Walbrühl
- A Framework of BIM-Based Value for Money (VFM) Evaluation Methods of PPP Projects at Decision-Making Stages
- Xiaoyan Jiang, Wenfeng Ouyang, Xiaoya Dai, Kang Hu, Yong Liu and Bo Xia
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