Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 362, issue 2, 2006
- The application of continuous-time random walks in finance and economics pp. 225-239

- Enrico Scalas
- Convergence of a reflection method for diffusion-controlled reactions on static sinks pp. 240-248

- S.D. Traytak
- Interpolation of stochastic and deterministic reduced dynamics pp. 249-260

- Kyozi Kawasaki
- On the Calogero–Degasperis–Fokas equation in (2+1) dimensions pp. 261-276

- M.L. Gandarias and S. Saez
- Novel analytical and numerical approach to modeling low-frequency noise in semiconductor devices pp. 277-288

- Roberto da Silva, Gilson I. Wirth and Ralf Brederlow
- A multifractal analysis of optical phonon excitations in quasicrystals pp. 289-294

- D.H.A.L. Anselmo, A.L. Dantas and E.L. Albuquerque
- Quantum statistical physics: A new approach pp. 295-304

- U.F. Edgal and D.L. Huber
- A novel quantum block encryption algorithm based on quantum computation pp. 305-313

- Nanrun Zhou, Guihua Zeng, Yiyou Nie, Jin Xiong and Fuchen Zhu
- On collective effects in cavity quantum electrodynamics pp. 314-326

- Bo-Sture K. Skagerstam
- Critical exponents of the three-dimensional Blume–Capel model on a cellular automaton pp. 327-337

- A. Özkan, N. Seferoğlu and B. Kutlu
- Voter model on Sierpinski fractals pp. 338-344

- Krzysztof Suchecki and Janusz A. Hołyst
- Kink density and growth velocity in the kinetic BCSOS model pp. 345-356

- A.V. Kpadonou and F. Hontinfinde
- Phase transition in an optimal clusterization model pp. 357-368

- Zoltán Néda, Răzvan Florian, Mária Ravasz, András Libál and Géza Györgyi
- Sorption heat engines: Simple inanimate negative entropy generators pp. 369-381

- Anthonie W.J. Muller and Dirk Schulze-Makuch
- A simulation model of biofilms with autonomous cells: I. Analysis of a two-dimensional version pp. 382-402

- Yergou B. Tatek and Gary W. Slater
- An Ising model of transcription polarity in bacterial chromosomes pp. 403-422

- Robert H. Baran and Hanseok Ko
- A simulation study on multicomponent lipid bilayer pp. 423-432

- Srilekha Banerjee and Jayashree Saha
- Thermodynamics of RNA/DNA hybridization in high-density oligonucleotide microarrays pp. 433-449

- Enrico Carlon and Thomas Heim
- A multivariate long memory stochastic volatility model pp. 450-464

- Mike K.P. So and Susanna W.Y. Kwok
- Fractionally integrated process for transition economics pp. 465-470

- Boris Podobnik, Dongfeng Fu, Timotej Jagric, Ivo Grosse and H. Eugene Stanley
- A fuzzy logic approach to modeling the underground economy in Taiwan pp. 471-479

- Hui-Kuang Yu, David Han-Min Wang and Su-Jane Chen
- Are global terrorist attacks time-correlated? pp. 480-484

- Luciano Telesca and Michele Lovallo
- Endo- vs. exogenous shocks and relaxation rates in book and music “sales” pp. 485-494

- R. Lambiotte and Marcel Ausloos
- Estimating the Number of HIV-infected gay sauna patrons in Taipei area pp. 495-503

- Ying-Hen Hsieh, Cathy W.S. Chen, Shen-Ming Lee, Yi-Ming A. Chen, Shiow-Ing Wu, Shu-Fen Lai and An-Lung Chang
- Population dynamics in heterogeneous conditions pp. 504-512

- Michel Droz and Pe¸kalski, Andrzej
- Time-evolving distribution of time lags between commercial airline disasters pp. 513-524

- Marcel Ausloos and R. Lambiotte
- New equilibrium function of traffic flow pp. 525-531

- Zhong-Hui Ou, Shi-Qiang Dai, Li-Yun Dong, Zheng Wu and Ming-De Tao
Volume 362, issue 1, 2006
- Relaxation approximations and kinetic models of fluid turbulence pp. 1-5

- S. Succi, H. Chen and S. Orszag
- Numerical analysis of the averaged flow field in a turbulent lattice Boltzmann simulation pp. 6-10

- Jonas Lätt, Bastien Chopard, Sauro Succi and Federico Toschi
- A global variational approach to vortex core identification pp. 11-16

- Lucas I. Finn and Bruce M. Boghosian
- Multiphase flow in geometrically simple fracture intersections pp. 17-22

- H. Başağaoğlu, P. Meakin, C.T. Green and M. Mathew
- Two-dimensional lattice-Boltzmann simulations of single phase flow in a pseudo two-dimensional micromodel pp. 23-29

- Maddalena Venturoli and Edo S. Boek
- Structure of a tethered polymer under flow using molecular dynamics and hybrid molecular-continuum simulations pp. 30-35

- Rafael Delgado-Buscalioni and Peter V. Coveney
- Modeling of nanoscale transport phenomena: Application to information technology pp. 36-41

- Cristina H. Amon, Sartaj S. Ghai, Woo Tae Kim and Myung S. Jhon
- Simulations of complex fluids by mixed lattice Boltzmann—finite difference methods pp. 42-47

- Aiguo Xu, G. Gonnella and A. Lamura
- Non-local closure and parallel performance of lattice Boltzmann models for some plasma physics problems pp. 48-56

- Angus I.D. Macnab, George Vahala, Linda Vahala, Jonathan Carter, Min Soe and William Dorland
- A BBGKY-based density gradient approximation of interparticle forces: Application for discrete Boltzmann methods pp. 57-61

- Nicos S. Martys
- Lattice Boltzmann simulations of drop coalescence and chemical mixing pp. 62-67

- Xinli Jia, J.B. McLaughlin and K. Kontomaris
- Simulation of micro- and nano-scale flows via the lattice Boltzmann method pp. 68-77

- Y. Zhou, R. Zhang, I. Staroselsky, H. Chen, W.T. Kim and M.S. Jhon
- Lattice Boltzmann phase-field modelling of binary-alloy solidification pp. 78-83

- W. Miller, I. Rasin and S. Succi
- Dynamic simulation of multi-component viscoelastic fluids using the lattice Boltzmann method pp. 84-92

- J. Onishi, Y. Chen and H. Ohashi
- Modeling viscoelastic flow with discrete methods pp. 93-97

- Ellák Somfai, Alexander N. Morozov and Wim van Saarloos
- Simulation of two-phase flow and heat transfer phenomena in a boiling water reactor using the lattice Boltzmann method pp. 98-104

- Adrian Tentner, Hudong Chen and Raoyang Zhang
- Investigation of Galilean invariance of multi-phase lattice Boltzmann methods pp. 105-110

- A.J. Wagner and Qi Li
- LB simulation on soot combustion in porous media pp. 111-117

- Kazuhiro Yamamoto and Naoki Takada
- Multi-block Lattice Boltzmann method: Extension to 3D and validation in turbulence pp. 118-124

- Dazhi Yu and Sharath S. Girimaji
- Recovery of full rotational invariance in lattice Boltzmann formulations for high Knudsen number flows pp. 125-131

- H. Chen, R. Zhang, I. Staroselsky and M. Jhon
- Non-hydrodynamic modes and general equations of state in lattice Boltzmann equations pp. 132-138

- Paul J. Dellar
- Parallel performance and accuracy of lattice Boltzmann and traditional finite difference methods for solving the unsteady two-dimensional Burger's equation pp. 139-145

- A.C. Velivelli and K.M. Bryden
- Generalized Boltzmann equation: Slip-no-slip dynamic transition in flows of strongly non-linear fluids pp. 146-150

- Victor Yakhot, John Wanderer, Hudong Chen, Ilia Staroselsky and Raoyang Zhang
- Lattice Boltzmann equation simulation of rectangular jet (AR=1.5) instability and axis-switching pp. 151-157

- Huidan Yu and Sharath S. Girimaji
- Grid refinement in lattice Boltzmann methods based on volumetric formulation pp. 158-167

- H. Chen, O. Filippova, J. Hoch, K. Molvig, R. Shock, C. Teixeira and R. Zhang
- Nonextensive statistics in viscous fingering pp. 168-173

- Patrick Grosfils and Jean Pierre Boon
- Simulation of blood flow using extended Boltzmann kinetic approach pp. 174-181

- Caixia Chen, Hudong Chen, David Freed, Richard Shock, Ilya Staroselsky, Raoyang Zhang, A. Ümit Coşkun, Peter H. Stone and Charles L. Feldman
- Computational fluid dynamics tools can be used to predict the progression of coronary artery disease pp. 182-190

- A. Ümit Coşkun, Caixia Chen, Peter H. Stone and Charles L. Feldman
- Influence of erythrocyte aggregation on leukocyte margination in postcapillary expansions: A lattice Boltzmann analysis pp. 191-196

- Chenghai Sun and Lance L. Munn
- The water molecules orientation around the dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine head group: A molecular dynamics study pp. 197-203

- G.A. Yeghiazaryan, A.H. Poghosyan and A.A. Shahinyan
- Comparison between smoothed dissipative particle dynamics and Voronoi fluid particle model in a shear stationary flow pp. 204-209

- Mar Serrano
- Type II quantum algorithms pp. 210-214

- Peter J. Love and Bruce M. Boghosian
- Quantum lattice representations for vector solitons in external potentials pp. 215-221

- George Vahala, Linda Vahala and Jeffrey Yepez
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