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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 407, issue C, 2014

Impact of degree mixing pattern on consensus formation in social networks pp. 1-6 Downloads
Xiao Fan Liu and Chi Tse
Uncovering overlapping community structures by the key bi-community and intimate degree in bipartite networks pp. 7-14 Downloads
Yaozu Cui and Xingyuan Wang
An absolute measure for a key currency pp. 15-23 Downloads
Shunsuke Oya, Kazuyuki Aihara and Yoshito Hirata
Asymmetrical diffusion across a porous medium-homogeneous fluid interface pp. 24-32 Downloads
J. Alvarez-Ramirez, L. Dagdug, L. Inzunza and E. Rodriguez
Bayesian non-parametric approaches to reconstructing oscillatory systems and the Nyquist limit pp. 33-42 Downloads
Justina Žurauskienė, Paul Kirk, Thomas Thorne and Michael P.H. Stumpf
Transmission through locally periodic potentials in space-fractional quantum mechanics pp. 43-53 Downloads
Jeffrey D. Tare and Jose Perico H. Esguerra
Explosive percolation: Unusual transitions of a simple model pp. 54-65 Downloads
N. Bastas, P. Giazitzidis, M. Maragakis and K. Kosmidis
Statistical properties of the stock and credit market: RMT and network topology pp. 66-75 Downloads
Kyuseong Lim, Min Jae Kim, Sehyun Kim and Soo Yong Kim
Nonlinear excitations in a disordered alpha-helical protein chain pp. 76-85 Downloads
S. Saravana Veni and M.M. Latha
An analysis of stock market efficiency: Developed vs Islamic stock markets using MF-DFA pp. 86-99 Downloads
Syed Aun R. Rizvi, Ginanjar Dewandaru, Obiyathulla Bacha and Abul Masih
Dynamics of entanglement of a three-level atom in motion interacting with two coupled modes including parametric down conversion pp. 100-109 Downloads
M.J. Faghihi, M.K. Tavassoly and M. Hatami
Scaling of average weighted shortest path and average receiving time on weighted hierarchical networks pp. 110-118 Downloads
Yu Sun, Meifeng Dai and Lifeng Xi
The collision theory reaction rate coefficient for power-law distributions pp. 119-127 Downloads
Cangtao Yin and Jiulin Du
New treatments of density fluctuations and recurrence times for re-estimating Zermelo’s paradox pp. 128-134 Downloads
Denis Michel
Effects of global financial crisis on network structure in a local stock market pp. 135-143 Downloads
Ashadun Nobi, Seong Eun Maeng, Gyeong Gyun Ha and Jae Woo Lee
Fractal markets: Liquidity and investors on different time horizons pp. 144-151 Downloads
Da-Ye Li, Yusaku Nishimura and Ming Men
An extended car-following model at signalized intersections pp. 152-159 Downloads
Shaowei Yu and Zhongke Shi
Healing time for the growth of thin films on patterned substrates pp. 160-174 Downloads
R. Chanphana, P. Chatraphorn and C. Dasgupta
Earthquake networks based on space–time influence domain pp. 175-184 Downloads
Xuan He, Hai Zhao, Wei Cai, Zheng Liu and Shuai-Zong Si
Thermodynamic approach to nano-properties of cell membrane pp. 185-191 Downloads
Umberto Lucia
Scaling probability distribution of granular chains in two dimensions pp. 192-197 Downloads
Guan Wang, Ning Zheng, Pingping Wen, Liangsheng Li and Qingfan Shi
Hybrid evolving clique-networks and their communicability pp. 198-203 Downloads
Yimin Ding, Bin Zhou and Xiaosong Chen
Impact of information cost and switching of trading strategies in an artificial stock market pp. 204-215 Downloads
Yi-Fang Liu, Wei Zhang, Chao Xu, Jørgen Vitting Andersen and Hai-Chuan Xu
q-exponential relaxation of the expected avalanche size in the coherent noise model pp. 216-225 Downloads
S.-R.G. Christopoulos and N.V. Sarlis
Ion-acoustic soliton energy in a plasma with nonextensive electrons pp. 226-230 Downloads
Leila Ait Gougam and Mouloud Tribeche
Analysis of diffusion and trapping efficiency for random walks on non-fractal scale-free trees pp. 231-244 Downloads
Junhao Peng, Jian Xiong and Guoai Xu
Spontaneous generation of a crystalline ground state in a higher derivative theory pp. 245-251 Downloads
Subir Ghosh
On the frequencies of patterns of rises and falls pp. 252-275 Downloads
J.M. Luck
Some electronic properties of metals through q-deformed algebras pp. 276-286 Downloads
Damien Tristant and Francisco A. Brito
Thermal and magnetic properties of a nanotube with spin- 1/2 core and spin- 3/2 shell structure pp. 287-294 Downloads
Ferhat Taşkın, Osman Canko, Ahmet Erdinç and Ali Fuat Yıldırım
A Monte Carlo study of the spin-1 Blume–Emery–Griffiths phase diagrams within biquadratic exchange anisotropy pp. 295-302 Downloads
Ibtissam Dani, Najim Tahiri, Hamid Ez-Zahraouy and Abdelilah Benyoussef
Modeling dynamics of HIV infected cells using stochastic cellular automaton pp. 303-311 Downloads
Monamorn Precharattana and Wannapong Triampo
A community-detection based approach to identification of inhomogeneities in granular matter pp. 312-331 Downloads
Robertas Navakas, Algis Džiugys and Bernhard Peters
Multifractal and singularity analysis of highway volume data pp. 332-340 Downloads
Meifeng Dai, Cheng Zhang and Danping Zhang
Site-percolation threshold of carbon nanotube fibers—Fast inspection of percolation with Markov stochastic theory pp. 341-349 Downloads
Fangbo Xu, Zhiping Xu and Boris I. Yakobson
New measure selection for Hunt–Devolder semi-Markov regime switching interest rate models pp. 350-359 Downloads
Vasile Preda, Silvia Dedu and Muhammad Sheraz
A κ-deformed model of growing complex networks with fitness pp. 360-368 Downloads
Massimo Stella and Markus Brede
A new theoretical analysis approach for a multi-agent spatial Parrondo’s game pp. 369-379 Downloads
Yin-feng Li, Shun-qiang Ye, Kai-xuan Zheng, Neng-gang Xie, Ye Ye and Lu Wang
A local multiresolution algorithm for detecting communities of unbalanced structures pp. 380-393 Downloads
Krista Rizman Žalik and Borut Žalik

Volume 406, issue C, 2014

Entropy generation approach to cell systems pp. 1-11 Downloads
Umberto Lucia
Study on traffic states and jamming transitions for two-lane highway including a bus by using a model with calibrated optimal velocity function pp. 12-23 Downloads
Zhipeng Li and Yi Yi
Topology and vulnerability of the Iranian power grid pp. 24-33 Downloads
Momhammad Ali Saniee Monfared, Mahdi Jalili and Zohreh Alipour
Viral spreading of daily information in online social networks pp. 34-41 Downloads
Tatsuro Kawamoto and Naomichi Hatano
The effects of regularity on the geometrical properties of Voronoi tessellations pp. 42-58 Downloads
H.X. Zhu, P. Zhang, D. Balint, S.M. Thorpe, J.A. Elliott, A.H. Windle and J. Lin
Wind speed and energy forecasting at different time scales: A nonparametric approach pp. 59-66 Downloads
D’Amico, Guglielmo, Filippo Petroni and Flavio Prattico
The returns and risks of investment portfolio in a financial market pp. 67-72 Downloads
Jiang-Cheng Li and Dong-Cheng Mei
Pricing European option under the time-changed mixed Brownian-fractional Brownian model pp. 73-79 Downloads
Zhidong Guo and Hongjun Yuan
On the topological properties of the cross-shareholding networks of listed companies in China: Taking shareholders’ cross-shareholding relationships into account pp. 80-88 Downloads
Huajiao Li, Haizhong An, Xiangyun Gao, Jiachen Huang and Qun Xu
Proportional–differential effects in traffic car-following model system pp. 89-99 Downloads
Li-Dong Zhang, Wen-Xing Zhu and Jian-lei Liu
Critical capacity, travel time delays and travel time distribution of rapid mass transit systems pp. 100-106 Downloads
Erika Fille Legara, Christopher Monterola, Kee Khoon Lee and Gih Guang Hung
Entropy generation and cell growth with comments for a thermodynamic anticancer approach pp. 107-118 Downloads
Umberto Lucia
Anomalous nonequilibrium transport simulations using a model of statistically homogeneous fractured-porous medium pp. 119-130 Downloads
L.V. Matveev
A complex network approach for the growth of aerogels pp. 131-138 Downloads
R.V. Morales, C.R. da Cunha and C.R. Rambo
Cultural evolution: The case of babies’ first names pp. 139-144 Downloads
Ning Xi, Zi-Ke Zhang, Yi-Cheng Zhang, Zehui Ge, Li She and Kui Zhang
Promotion of cooperation due to diversity of players in the spatial public goods game with increasing neighborhood size pp. 145-154 Downloads
Cheng-jie Zhu, Shi-wen Sun, Li Wang, Shuai Ding, Juan Wang and Cheng-yi Xia
Do wealth distributions follow power laws? Evidence from ‘rich lists’ pp. 155-162 Downloads
Michał Brzeziński
On the axiomatic requirement of range to measure uncertainty pp. 163-168 Downloads
Xinyang Deng and Yong Deng
Detrending moving-average cross-correlation coefficient: Measuring cross-correlations between non-stationary series pp. 169-175 Downloads
Ladislav Krištoufek
Competing pseudogap and impurity effects on the normal-state specific heat properties of cuprate superconductors pp. 176-184 Downloads
S. Dzhumanov and E.X. Karimboev
A Wigner approach to the study of wave packets in ordered and disordered arrays of dopants pp. 185-190 Downloads
J.M. Sellier and I. Dimov
The multipoint Morisita index for the analysis of spatial patterns pp. 191-202 Downloads
Jean Golay, Mikhail Kanevski, Carmen D. Vega Orozco and Michael Leuenberger
Some results on ethnic conflicts based on evolutionary game simulation pp. 203-213 Downloads
Jun Qin, Yunfei Yi, Hongrun Wu, Yuhang Liu, Xiaonian Tong and Bojin Zheng
Random walk–percolation-based modeling of two-phase flow in porous media: Breakthrough time and net to gross ratio estimation pp. 214-221 Downloads
Mostafa Ganjeh-Ghazvini, Mohsen Masihi and Mojtaba Ghaedi
Hilbert–Huang Transform based multifractal analysis of China stock market pp. 222-229 Downloads
Muyi Li and Yongxiang Huang
An exactly solvable correlated stochastic process in finite time pp. 230-235 Downloads
Jongwook Kim and Junghyo Jo
Enumeration of spanning trees in planar unclustered networks pp. 236-243 Downloads
Yuzhi Xiao, Haixing Zhao, Guona Hu and Xiujuan Ma
Potential links by neighbor communities pp. 244-252 Downloads
Zheng Xie, Enming Dong, Jianping Li, Dexing Kong and Ning Wu
Phase-locking transition of Josephson coupled Bose–Einstein condensates in wood-pile geometry pp. 253-259 Downloads
T.K. Kopeć and J.T. Kwiecień
Reaching consensus on rumors pp. 260-271 Downloads
Ugo Merlone and Davide Radi
Thermodynamic approach to vortex production and diffusion in inhomogeneous superfluid turbulence pp. 272-280 Downloads
L. Saluto, D. Jou and M.S. Mongiovì
Are power-law distributions an equilibrium distribution or a stationary nonequilibrium distribution? pp. 281-286 Downloads
Ran Guo and Jiulin Du
Power-law in pedestrian crossing flow under the interference of vehicles at an un-signalized midblock crosswalk pp. 287-297 Downloads
Xiuying Xin, Ning Jia, Liang Zheng and Shoufeng Ma
On the theory of rheological properties of bimodal magnetic fluids pp. 298-306 Downloads
Dmitry Chirikov, Larisa Iskakova, Andrey Zubarev and Alexander Radionov
Multiphase flow modeling of spinodal decomposition based on the cascaded lattice Boltzmann method pp. 307-319 Downloads
Sébastien Leclaire, Nicolas Pellerin, Marcelo Reggio and Jean-Yves Trépanier
Page updated 2025-03-31