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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 584, issue C, 2021

The evolution of cooperation with preferential selection in voluntary public goods game Downloads
Bo Gao, Xuan Liu, Zhong-Zhou Lan, Jie Hong and Wenguang Zhang
Spin-transfer torque driven localized spin excitations in the presence of field-like torque Downloads
M. Lakshmanan, R. Arun and Avadh Saxena
Realistic agent-based simulation of infection dynamics and percolation Downloads
Kai Nagel, Christian Rakow and Sebastian A. Müller
Detecting and analyzing unlicensed taxis: A case study of Chongqing City Downloads
Li Chen, Linjiang Zheng, Li Xia, Weining Liu and Dihua Sun
Limited cognitive adjustments in signed networks Downloads
Hongzhong Deng, Mingze Qi, Mengjun Li and Bingfeng Ge
Influence of tidal lane on traffic breakdown and spatiotemporal congested patterns at moving bottleneck in the framework of Kerner’s three-phase traffic theory Downloads
Xiaojian Hu, Chenxi Lin, Xiatong Hao, RuiYing Lu and TengHui Liu
Loss of ergodicity in a quantum hopping model of a dense many body system with repulsive interactions Downloads
Kazue Matsuyama
Thermal rectification and negative differential thermal conductance based on a parallel-coupled double quantum-dot Downloads
Yanchao Zhang and Shanhe Su
Random walk model for coordinate-dependent diffusion in a force field Downloads
Rohan Maniar and A. Bhattacharyay
Langevin original approach and Ornstein–Uhlenbeck-type processes Downloads
O. Contreras-Vergara, N. Lucero-Azuara, N. Sánchez-Salas and J.I. Jiménez-Aquino
Infrastructure-based transportation network vulnerability modeling and analysis Downloads
Qing-Chang Lu, Peng-Cheng Xu and Jingxiao Zhang
Mining metro commuting mobility patterns using massive smart card data Downloads
Juan Yong, Linjiang Zheng, Xiaowen Mao, Xi Tang, Ang Gao and Weining Liu
Time-sensitive Positive Influence Maximization in signed social networks Downloads
Yuejiao Wang, Yatao Zhang, Fei Yang, Dong Li, Xin Sun and Jun Ma
Outer synchronization of two different multi-links complex networks by chattering-free control Downloads
Yanqin Sun, Huaiyu Wu, Zhihuan Chen, Xiujuan Zheng and Yang Chen
Robust point control for a class of fractional-order reaction–diffusion systems via non-collocated point measurement Downloads
Ailiang Zhao, Junmin Li, Yanfang Lei and Chao He
A multi-agent based cellular automata model for intersection traffic control simulation Downloads
Jinghui Wang, Wei Lv, Yajuan Jiang, Shuangshuang Qin and Jiawei Li
Local Measurement-Induced Minimal Decoherence and its variants Downloads
Jing-Min Zhu
Vulnerability assessment of China–Europe Railway Express multimodal transport network under cascading failures Downloads
Bi Wang, Qin Su and Kwai Sang Chin
Is the essence of a quantum game captured completely in the original classical game? Downloads
Muhammed Jabir T., Nilesh Vyas and Colin Benjamin
Dependence of percolation and flow properties of fracture networks on the morphology Downloads
Hossein Hamzehpour, Sara Pazoki, Malihe Khazaei and Muhammad Sahimi
The impact of quantity commitment with disappointment-averse and elation-seeking consumers Downloads
Hua Wang, Dayong Dong, Zhenzhong Guan and Chunguang Bai
The role of the preferred neighbor with the expected payoff on cooperation in spatial public goods game under optimal strategy selection mechanism Downloads
Yunsheng Deng and Jihui Zhang
A continuous traffic flow model considering predictive headway variation and preceding vehicle’s taillight effect Downloads
Cong Zhai and Weitiao Wu
Quantum cycle in relativistic non-commutative space with generalized uncertainty principle correction Downloads
Pritam Chattopadhyay, Tanmoy Pandit, Ayan Mitra and Goutam Paul
The role of degree correlation in shaping filter bubbles in social networks Downloads
Yong Min, Yuying Zhou, Yuhang Liu, Jian Zhang, Qi Xuan, Xiaogang Jin and He Cai
A stochastic model for the influence of social distancing on loneliness Downloads
José F. Fontanari
Cellular automata-based modeling and simulation of the mixed traffic flow of vehicle platoon and normal vehicles Downloads
Liling Zhu, Yandong Tang and Da Yang
Community detection in directed acyclic graphs of adversary interactions Downloads
Ke Wu and Xueming Liu
Entropy analysis of the discrete-time quantum walk under bit-flip noise channel Downloads
Nur Izzati Ishak, S.V. Muniandy and Wu Yi Chong
Multi-anticipative bi-directional visual field traffic flow models in the connected vehicle environment Downloads
Yanmei Hu, Tianshan Ma and Jianzhong Chen
Evaluation of water quality reliability based on entropy in water distribution system Downloads
Yumin Wang and Guangcan Zhu
An oscillator with position-dependent mass exposed to a thermal bosonic bath Downloads
B. Pourali, B. Lari and H. Hassanabadi
Seizure prediction in scalp EEG based channel attention dual-input convolutional neural network Downloads
Biao Sun, Jia-Jun Lv, Lin-Ge Rui, Yu-Xuan Yang, Yun-Gang Chen, Chao Ma and Zhong-Ke Gao
Unveiling the rich-club phenomenon in urban mobility networks through the spatiotemporal characteristics of passenger flow Downloads
Yifan Zhang and S. Thomas Ng
Moderate irrational sentiment-driven fitness can promote cooperation in the prisoner’s dilemma game Downloads
Zi-Ren Wang, Zheng-Hong Deng, Huan-Bo Wang and Yun Qu
Quantum steering over an entangled network that is generated via Dipolar interaction Downloads
A.R. Mohammed, A.H. Ahmed, T.M. El-Shahat and N. Metwally
The cooperation–defection evolution on social networks Downloads
Bijan Sarkar
Quantum-state diffusion: Application to Bayesian hierarchical modeling Downloads
Z. Zarezadeh and G. Costantini
A new method to study genome mutations using the information entropy Downloads
Melvin M. Vopson and Samuel C. Robson
Magnetic properties of the ferrimagnetic triangular nanotube with core–shell structure: A Monte Carlo study Downloads
Maen Gharaibeh, Samah Alqaiem, Abdalla Obeidat, Ahmad Al-Qawasmeh, Sufian Abedrabbo and Mohammad H.A. Badarneh

Volume 583, issue C, 2021

Stability of energy landscape for Ising models Downloads
Bruno Hideki Fukushima-Kimura, Akira Sakai, Hisayoshi Toyokawa and Yuki Ueda
Obstacle avoidance in the improved social force model based on ant colony optimization during pedestrian evacuation Downloads
Xiaoli Yang, Xiaoxia Yang, Yongxing Li, Jihui Zhang and Yuanlei Kang
Entropy based robust portfolio Downloads
Yan-li Kang, Jing-Song Tian, Chen Chen, Gui-Yu Zhao, Yuan-fu Li and Yu Wei
Optimal assignment of buses to bus stops in a loop by reinforcement learning Downloads
Luca Vismara, Lock Yue Chew and Vee-Liem Saw
Magnetic features and compensation behaviors of a mixed spin (1/2, 1) Ising ferrimagnetic system on a hexagonal lattice Downloads
Oktay İnce, Mustafa Gençaslan and Mustafa Keskin
Effects of group interactions on the network Parrondo’s games Downloads
Ye Ye, Xin-shi Zhang, Lin Liu and Neng-Gang Xie
Multifractal characteristics analysis of daily reference evapotranspiration in different climate zones of China Downloads
Cun Zhan, Chuan Liang, Lu Zhao, Yaling Zhang, Long Cheng, Shouzheng Jiang and Liwen Xing
Incorporating genetic algorithm to optimise initial condition of pedestrian evacuation based on agent aggressiveness Downloads
Geng Cui, Daichi Yanagisawa and Katsuhiro Nishinari
Quantum distributions for the electromagnetic field Downloads
M. Grigorescu
Spin dynamics of an Ising chain with bond impurity in a tilt magnetic field Downloads
Xiao-Juan Yuan, Jing-Fen Zhao, Hui Wang, Hong-Xia Bu, Hui-Min Yuan, Bang-Yu Zhao and Xiang-Mu Kong
Ultrametric theory of conformational dynamics of protein molecules in a functional state and the description of experiments on the kinetics of CO binding to myoglobin Downloads
A.Kh. Bikulov and A.P. Zubarev
Information sharing can suppress the spread of epidemics: Voluntary vaccination game on two-layer networks Downloads
Jianwei Wang, Wenshu Xu, Wei Chen, Fengyuan Yu and Jialu He
Dynamics of modulated waves and localized energy in a Burridge and Knopoff model of earthquake with velocity-dependant and hydrodynamics friction forces Downloads
Théodule Nkoa Nkomom, Joseph Brizar Okaly and Alain Mvogo
Ultrametric diffusion equation on energy landscape to model disease spread in hierarchic socially clustered population Downloads
Andrei Khrennikov
Energy-conserving DPD and thermodynamically consistent Fokker–Planck​ equation Downloads
Kwang Soo Cho
Data-driven framework for the adaptive exit selection problem in pedestrian flow: Visual information based heuristics approach Downloads
Zi-Xuan Zhou, Wataru Nakanishi and Yasuo Asakura
Where luggage-related facilities should be placed along passageways in traffic hubs: Right, left, or in the middle? Downloads
Zhigang Shi, Jun Zhang and Weiguo Song
Identifying influential links to control spreading of epidemics Downloads
Binchao Huang, Jin-Xuan Yang and Xin Li
Inter-group selection of strategy promotes cooperation in public goods game Downloads
Jianwei Wang, Wenshu Xu, Wei Chen, Fengyuan Yu and Jialu He
A hybrid deep learning model with 1DCNN-LSTM-Attention networks for short-term traffic flow prediction Downloads
Ke Wang, Changxi Ma, Yihuan Qiao, Xijin Lu, Weining Hao and Sheng Dong
Stability of heterogeneous traffic considering impacts of platoon management with multiple time delays Downloads
Tiancheng Ruan, Linjie Zhou and Hao Wang
An integrated Empirical Mode Decomposition and Butterworth filter based vehicle trajectory reconstruction method Downloads
Shuoxuan Dong, Yang Zhou, Tianyi Chen, Shen Li, Qiantong Gao and Bin Ran
Applying Bayesian spatio-temporal models to demand analysis of shared bicycle Downloads
Yimeng Duan, Shen Zhang and Zhuoran Yu
Isotropic random geometric networks in two dimensions with a penetrable cavity Downloads
Dipa Saha, Sayantan Mitra, Bishnu Bhowmik and Ankur Sensharma
Firm dynamics and employee performance management in duopoly markets Downloads
Prateksha Udhayanan, Swasti S. Mishra and Shrisha Rao
Stratified structure of fractal scale-free networks generated by local rules Downloads
Nobutoshi Ikeda
Fractal analysis of wildfire pattern dynamics using a Small World Network model Downloads
A. Sahila, N. Zekri, J.-P. Clerc, A. Kaiss and S. Sahraoui
Analysis of road capacity and pollutant emissions: Impacts of Connected and automated vehicle platoons on traffic flow Downloads
Ke Ma, Hao Wang and Tiancheng Ruan
Study on strategies for alighting and boarding in subway stations Downloads
Lishan Sun, Guang Yuan, Liya Yao, Li Cui and Dewen Kong
A probability-driven structure-aware algorithm for influence maximization under independent cascade model Downloads
Yudong Gong, Sanyang Liu and Yiguang Bai
Robust analysis of cascading failures in complex networks Downloads
Yipeng Wu, Zhilong Chen, Xudong Zhao, Ying Liu, Ping Zhang and Yajiao Liu
Derivation of the density operator with quantum analysis for the generalized Gibbs ensemble in quantum statistics Downloads
Masamichi Ishihara
Endogenous stochastic arbitrage bubbles and the Black–Scholes model Downloads
Mauricio Contreras G.
Is Brazilian music getting more predictable? A statistical physics approach for different music genres Downloads
Paulo Ferreira, Derick Quintino, Bruna Wundervald, Andreia Dionísio, Faheem Aslam and Ana Cantarinha
Imitation of success leads to cost of living mediated fairness in the Ultimatum Game Downloads
Yunong Chen, Andrew Belmonte and Christopher Griffin
The Epps effect under alternative sampling schemes Downloads
Patrick Chang, Etienne Pienaar and Tim Gebbie
A novel relationship model between signal timing, queue length and travel speed Downloads
Yuhong Gao, Zhaowei Qu, Xianmin Song, Zhenyu Yun and Yingji Xia
Would walking hand-in-hand increase the traffic efficiency of children pedestrian flow? Downloads
Shuqi Xue, Xiaomeng Shi and Nirajan Shiwakoti
City logistics networks based on online freight orders in China Downloads
Jun-Chao Ma, Li Wang, Zhi-Qiang Jiang, Wanfeng Yan and Wei-Xing Zhou
A dual adaptive cellular automaton model based on a composite field and pedestrian heterogeneity Downloads
Xinwei Zhang, Peihong Zhang and Maohua Zhong
A singular value decomposition entropy approach for testing stock market efficiency Downloads
Jose Alvarez-Ramirez and Eduardo Rodriguez
Field-induced tricriticality in antiferromagnetic J1−J2 spin systems on body-centered cubic lattice Downloads
E. Jurčišinová and M. Jurčišin
Phase transitions of the variety of random-field Potts models Downloads
Alpar Türkoğlu and A. Nihat Berker
Cascading failures in multiplex network under flow redistribution Downloads
Jianxin Pei, Ying Liu, Wei Wang and Jie Gong
The two-layer Ising model on a sequence of diamond-like hierarchical lattices Downloads
G.D. Anisimova, A.V. Myshlyavtsev and S.S. Akimenko
Nonequilibrium fractional correlation functions and fluctuation–dissipation in linear viscoelasticity Downloads
R.F. Rodríguez, J. Fujioka and E. Salinas-Rodríguez
Impact of wind power uncertainty on cascading failure in cyber–physical power systems Downloads
Xingle Gao, Minfang Peng and Chi Tse
Page updated 2025-03-31