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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 133, issue 3, 1985

Fluctuations in a dense one-component plasma pp. 357-369 Downloads
L.G. Suttorp and J.S. Cohen
Kinetic theory of the collective modes for a dense one-component plasma in a magnetic field pp. 370-396 Downloads
L.G. Suttorp and J.S. Cohen
Irreversible thermodynamics of rarefied gases pp. 397-412 Downloads
Ivan Kuščer
Superradiance allowing for the pumping processes pp. 413-424 Downloads
N.N. Bogolubov, E.K. Bashkirov, Fam Le Kien and A.S. Shumovsky
Free energy and ordering in random quenched Potts model pp. 425-441 Downloads
N.N. Bogolubov, A.N. Ermilov, A.M. Kurbatov and P.I. Pronin
Dynamical factorization in the subdynamics approach of inhomogeneous gases pp. 442-459 Downloads
V. Škarka
Mixed spin Ising models with two-spin interactions and three-spin interactions of the diced lattice pp. 460-472 Downloads
T. Horiguchi and L.L. Gonçalves
Shear thinning of the Lennard-Jones fluid by molecular dynamics pp. 473-496 Downloads
David M. Heyes
On the extraction of slow motion pp. 497-508 Downloads
J.A.M. Janssen
A solvable model of an anisotropic superconductor pp. 509-530 Downloads
J. Maćkowiak
A geometrical interpretation of the unusual dynamics of fractals pp. 531-538 Downloads
T. Keyes and T. Ohtsuki
Stability properties of a class kinetic equations including Boltzmann's equation pp. 539-550 Downloads
W. Maass
Methods of Hilbert spaces in the birth and death processes formalism pp. 551-560 Downloads
Krzysztof Kowalski

Volume 133, issue 1, 1985

A contribution to the dynamical theory of radiating electrons pp. 1-34 Downloads
H. Dekker
The diffusion noise source and the steady state fluctuation-dissipation theorem for a Boltzmann gas pp. 35-52 Downloads
Carolyn M. Van Vliet
Spectral distribution of a nonlinear oscillator performing Brownian motion in a double-well potential pp. 53-73 Downloads
M.I. Dykman, S.M. Soskin and M.A. Krivoglaz
Electron transport in strongly ionized plasmas pp. 74-102 Downloads
F.J.F. Van Odenhoven and P.P.J.M. Schram
On the velocity relaxation of a Rayleigh gas pp. 103-119 Downloads
Leonardo Ferrari
Temperature dependence of thermal conductivity of a dilute plasma in a magnetic field pp. 120-137 Downloads
Byung Chan Eu
Ordering in binary FCC alloys II. Many body interactions pp. 138-151 Downloads
J.M. Bell
An analytical model of tracer diffusivity in colloid suspensions pp. 152-172 Downloads
R.B. Jones and G.S. Burfield
Determination of the ground state configurations of the Ising model pp. 173-186 Downloads
T. Morita
Existence of the limiting mean field dynamics in general equilibrium representations pp. 187-212 Downloads
Eberhard Duffner
Relaxation phenomena and stability of probability densities pp. 213-227 Downloads
K.l Ngai, A.k Rajagopal and S Teitler
Solutions of Vlasov-Maxwell equations for a magnetically confined relativistic cold plasma pp. 228-246 Downloads
Iwo Bialynicki-Birula and Zofia Bialynicka-Birula
Equilibrium theory of fluids in the presence of three-body forces pp. 247-280 Downloads
S.K. Sinha, J. Ram and Y. Singh
Molecular dynamical calculations of the viscosity of Lennard-Jones systems pp. 281-290 Downloads
J.P.J. Michels and N.J. Trappeniers
The Lorentz model for neutrinos: Exact solution pp. 291-301 Downloads
J. Piasecki and E. Wajnryb
The noncritical binodal at a critical endpoint pp. 302-306 Downloads
Carlos Borzi
Screening potential due to the relativistic degenerate electron gas embedded in a strong magnetic field pp. 307-318 Downloads
D. Adam and H.D. Sivak
On the minimum-energy configuration of a one- dimensional system of particles interacting with the potential ϕ (x) = (1 + x4)−1 pp. 319-329 Downloads
B.R.A. Nijboer and Th.W. Ruijgrok
Chaotic planar states of the discrete dynamical anisotropic Heisenberg spin chain pp. 330-336 Downloads
C.J. Thompson, K.A. Ross, B.J.P. Thompson and M. Lakshmanan
Fluid dynamics of biaxial nematics pp. 337-344 Downloads
E. Govers and G. Vertogen
Critical exponents of the decorated Ising model pp. 345-349 Downloads
L.L. Gonçalves
XPS spectra within a simple intermediate valence model with plasmons pp. 350-355 Downloads
J. Kowalska and J. Zieliński

Volume 132, issue 2, 1985

Gravity effects on the vapor-liquid interface very close to the critical temperature pp. 207-232 Downloads
J.M.J. Van Leeuwen and J.V. Sengers
Measurements on the influence of binary collisions on the depolarized Rayleigh and rotational Raman lines for H2-noble gas systems at low temperatures pp. 233-252 Downloads
P.W. Hermans, A. Van Die, H.F.P. Knaap and J.J.M. Beenakker
On the calculation of random walk properties from lattice bond enumeration pp. 253-268 Downloads
J.B.T.M. Roerdink
The quasi-classical equilibrium Wigner distribution function of an electron gas in a nonuniform electromagnetic field pp. 269-283 Downloads
V.V. Dodonov, V.I. Man'ko and D.L. Ossipov
Critical behavior of N-component spin systems with random impurities in cubic-anisotropy crystalline material pp. 284-317 Downloads
Yoshitake Yamazaki, Moyuru Ochiai, Yoshiichi Fukuda and Arno Holz
A simple model for a symmetrical theory of generalised functions pp. 318-338 Downloads
J.J. Lodder
The classical reactive Boltzmann equation: A derivation in the framework of a stochastic approach to bimolecular reactions pp. 339-356 Downloads
Wolfgang Naumann
Brownian motion in the bistable potential at intermediate and high friction: Relaxation from the instability point pp. 357-374 Downloads
Armin Bunde and Jean-François Gouyet
Photodetection and causality I pp. 375-396 Downloads
M. de Haan
Photodetection and causality II pp. 397-420 Downloads
M. de Haan
The Goldstein-McKean model revisited pp. 421-437 Downloads
V. Protopopescu and T. Keyes
Friction, diffusion and Brownian motion in suspensions of dipolar spherical particles pp. 438-456 Downloads
A. Perez-Madrid and J.M. Rubi
Application of the transfer tensor method: A variational method pp. 457-471 Downloads
G. Sobotta
Self-diffusion, interdiffusion and long wavelength plasma oscillations in binary ionic mixtures pp. 472-488 Downloads
J.P. Hansen, F. Joly and I.R. McDonald
Forward and backward equations for a nonmarkovian process: A cumulant approach pp. 489-503 Downloads
J.M. Sancho and F. Sagués
Phase transitions in a disordered extended Hubbard model and in the random field Blume-Capel model pp. 504-536 Downloads
R. Micnas, K.A. Chao and S. Robaszkiewicz
Phase equilibria in the system Ne-Xe at high pressures pp. 537-548 Downloads
L.C. van den Bergh, J.A. Schouten and N.J. Trappeniers
Phase equilibria in the system Ne-Xe at high pressures pp. 549-556 Downloads
L.C. van den Bergh, J.A. Schouten and N.J. Trappeniers
Sinh-Gordon equation, Painlevé property and Bäcklund transformation pp. 557-568 Downloads
A. Grauel
Anomalous diffusion in one dimension pp. 569-580 Downloads
V. Balakrishnan
Asymmetrical Ising model on the Bethe lattice pp. 581-585 Downloads
K.G. Chakraborty and T. Morita
Master equation without strict detailed balance pp. 586-592 Downloads
Hu Gang
Smooth finite-size behaviour of the three-dimensional Ising model pp. 593-596 Downloads
A. Hoogland, A. Compagner and H.W.J. Blöte
The angle of rotation for plane random walks pp. 597-605 Downloads
L.T. Wille and J. Vennik
Non-linear dissipative waves in viscoanelastic media pp. 606-616 Downloads
Vincenzo Ciancio and Liliana Restuccia
Alternating signs of the higher derivatives of the H- function for a nonlinear model Boltzmann equation pp. 617-621 Downloads
Demetris P.K. Ghikas and Herbert Schoeller

Volume 132, issue 1, 1985

Quantal Brownian motion from RPA dynamics: The master and Fokker-Planck equations pp. 1-27 Downloads
C. Yannouleas
On the relaxation of quantal time-dependent harmonic excitations pp. 28-46 Downloads
E.S. Hernández
Retarded and instantaneous evolution equations of macroobservables in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics pp. 47-73 Downloads
R. Der
On the retarded solution of the Liouville equation and the definition of entropy in kinetic theory pp. 74-93 Downloads
R. Der
Folded diagrams — a new tool for deriving exact nonlinear kinetic equations local in time pp. 94-116 Downloads
R. Der and C. Webers
Geometrical and gauge equivalence of the generalized Hirota, Heisenberg and Wkis equations with linear inhomogeneities pp. 117-142 Downloads
M. Lakshmanan and S. Ganesan
Onsager reciprocity in the nonlinear regime pp. 143-163 Downloads
R.E. Nettleton
A microscopic theory of the quantized Hall effects pp. 164-178 Downloads
Tadashi Toyoda, Vidar Gudmundsson and Yasushi Takahashi
The electronic structure of surfaces - a green function method - pp. 179-189 Downloads
L. Wille, R. Rotthier and P. Phariseau
Local equilibrium approximation for a nonlinear Fokker-Planck model pp. 190-198 Downloads
J.J. Brey, J.M. Casado and M. Morillo
Thermodynamic properties of the low-dimensional perfect Bose gas pp. 199-206 Downloads
G. Busiello, L. De Cesare and D.I. Uzunov
Page updated 2025-03-31