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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 284, issue 1, 2000

Trapping with biased diffusion species pp. 1-12 Downloads
Alejandro D. Sánchez
The asymptotic form of the probability density of sojourn times in randomly changing multistate systems pp. 13-22 Downloads
Marián Boguñá, Jaume Masoliver and George H. Weiss
Exact enumeration and ergodicity in the branched polymer growth model pp. 23-32 Downloads
Roberto N Onody and Carlos A.P Silva
Lyapunov exponents in random Boolean networks pp. 33-45 Downloads
Bartolo Luque and Ricard V. Solé
Erosion–dilation analysis for experimental and synthetic microstructures of sedimentary rock pp. 46-58 Downloads
A. Tscheschel, D. Stoyan and R. Hilfer
Phenomenological approach to viscosity of a two-dimensional square crystal pp. 59-67 Downloads
Marcin Fiałkowski and Siegfried Hess
A simplified perturbation theory for equilibrium properties of triangular-well fluids pp. 68-78 Downloads
J. Largo and J.R. Solana
Explosive crystallization mechanism of ultradisperse amorphous films pp. 79-96 Downloads
A.i Olemskoi, A.v Khomenko and V.p Koverda
Bose–Einstein condensation thermodynamics of a trapped gas with attractive interaction pp. 97-106 Downloads
Sadhan K Adhikari
Quantum state transmission over arbitrarily long distance by pairing coding and quantum repeater pp. 107-112 Downloads
Bao-Sen Shi, Yun-Kun Jiang and Guang-Can Guo
Poisson structures and integrable systems pp. 113-123 Downloads
Stanisław P. Kasperczuk
Fluctuation of mean Lyapunov exponent for a coupled map lattice model pp. 124-130 Downloads
Hiroshi Shibata
An evolutionary algorithm to calculate the ground state of a quantum system pp. 131-139 Downloads
I Grigorenko and M.e Garcia
Derivation in a nonequilibrium ensemble formalism of a far-reaching generalization of a quantum Boltzmann theory pp. 140-160 Downloads
J.Galvão Ramos, Áurea R. Vasconcellos and Roberto Luzzi
Kinetic equation with a self-consistent gravitational field and its application to the theory of relic radiation pp. 161-171 Downloads
A.I. Akhiezer and S.V. Peletminskii
SU(2)-path integral investigation of Holstein dimer pp. 172-186 Downloads
T. Hakioǧlu, V.A. Ivanov and M.Ye. Zhuravlev
Evolution of the universality class in slightly diluted (1>p>0.8) Ising systems pp. 187-194 Downloads
Manuel I Marqués and Julio A Gonzalo
Critical properties of a spin-12 Ising superlattice in transverse fields pp. 195-205 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi and S. Shin
The test of the finite-size scaling relations for the six-dimensional Ising model on the Creutz cellular automaton pp. 206-214 Downloads
N Aktekin and Ş Erkoç
Properties of spin-32 transverse Ising model with anisotropic crystal field on a honeycomb lattice pp. 215-222 Downloads
Wei Jiang and Guo-Zhu Wei
Efficient search method for obtaining critical properties pp. 223-230 Downloads
U.L. Fulco, F.D. Nobre, L.R. da Silva, L.S. Lucena and G.M. Viswanathan
Molecular dynamics simulation of the energy localization of an impurity solved in 1D lattice pp. 231-240 Downloads
Sheng-You Huang, Xian-Wu Zou, Wen-Bing Zhang and Zhun-Zhi Jin
Universal free energy correction for the two-dimensional one-component plasma pp. 241-245 Downloads
Bernard Jancovici and Emmanuel Trizac
Anomalous behaviour of hydrodynamic modes in the two dimensional shear flow of a granular material pp. 246-264 Downloads
V. Kumaran
Kinetic theory of fluidized binary granular mixtures with unequal granular temperature pp. 265-276 Downloads
Lu Huilin, Liu Wenti, Bie Rushan, Yang Lidan and Dimitri Gidaspow
Hysteresis in vibrated granular media pp. 277-298 Downloads
A. Prados, J.Javier Brey and B. Sánchez-Rey
Tsallis and Rényi entropies in fractional diffusion and entropy production pp. 299-308 Downloads
Christopher Essex, Christian Schulzky, Astrid Franz and Karl Heinz Hoffmann
Dynamical evolution of discrete epidemic models pp. 309-317 Downloads
Vicenç Méndez and Joaquim Fort
A wire length minimization approach to ocular dominance patterns in mammalian visual cortex pp. 318-334 Downloads
Dmitri B Chklovskii and Alexei A Koulakov
Marketing percolation pp. 335-347 Downloads
J Goldenberg, B Libai, S Solomon, N Jan and D Stauffer
On the stock market recurrence pp. 348-354 Downloads
M.s Baptista and I.l Caldas
Stock market speculation: Spontaneous symmetry breaking of economic valuation pp. 355-375 Downloads
Didier Sornette
Fractional calculus and continuous-time finance pp. 376-384 Downloads
Enrico Scalas, Rudolf Gorenflo and Francesco Mainardi
Gas-kinetic theory and Boltzmann equation of share price within an equilibrium market hypothesis and ad hoc strategy pp. 385-392 Downloads
Marcel Ausloos
Using artificial neural networks to forecast chaotic time series pp. 393-404 Downloads
Kenya Andrésia de Oliveira, Álvaro Vannucci and Elton Cesar da Silva
Traffic behavior in a mixture of different vehicles pp. 405-420 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
Variation in the number of Senators and Representatives in the Democratic and the Republican Parties in the United States of America pp. 421-432 Downloads
Sasuke Miyazima
Optimization of energy supply systems with simulated annealing: continuous and discrete descriptions pp. 433-447 Downloads
Luis I. González-Monroy and Antonio Córdoba
On Tikhonov regularisation pp. 448-460 Downloads
Prasana K Venkatesh
The minority game with variable payoffs pp. 461-477 Downloads
Yi Li, Adrian VanDeemen and Robert Savit
From naive to sophisticated behavior in multiagents-based financial market models pp. 478-488 Downloads
R Mansilla
Self organization in a minority game: the rôle of memory and a probabilistic approach pp. 489-495 Downloads
E Burgos and Horacio Ceva

Volume 283, issue 3, 2000

Theory of strain percolation in metals: mean field and strong boundary universality class pp. 307-327 Downloads
Robb Thomson, L.e Levine and D Stauffer
Two types of avalanche behaviour in model granular media pp. 328-336 Downloads
G.c Barker and Anita Mehta
Electrorheological activity of polyphenylenediamine suspensions in silicone oil pp. 337-348 Downloads
Jan Trlica, Petr Sáha, Otakar Quadrat and Jaroslav Stejskal
Evidence for polymer-like structures in the single phase region of a dodecane/C12E5/water microemulsion: a dynamic light scattering study pp. 349-358 Downloads
Thomas Hellweg and Regine von Klitzing
General aspects of decoherence and dissipation of linearly coupled oscillators pp. 359-368 Downloads
W.Duarte José, M.C. Nemes and Toledo Piza
Free energy, entropy, and lattice gas representations pp. 369-387 Downloads
J.K. Percus
Exact Potts model partition functions on ladder graphs pp. 388-446 Downloads
Robert Shrock
Effect of cellular mobility on immune response pp. 447-450 Downloads
R.b Pandey, R Mannion and H.j Ruskin
Synchronization and modulation in the human cardiorespiratory system pp. 451-461 Downloads
Maja Bračič Lotrič and Aneta Stefanovska
Hurst analysis of electricity price dynamics pp. 462-468 Downloads
Rafał Weron and Beata Przybyłowicz
Modelling an imperfect market pp. 469-478 Downloads
Raul Donangelo, Alex Hansen, Kim Sneppen and Sergio R. Souza
Modeling the birth of a liquid market pp. 479-485 Downloads
Anatoly B. Schmidt
Scaling in the Norwegian stock market pp. 486-528 Downloads
Johannes Skjeltorp
High-resolution path-integral development of financial options pp. 529-558 Downloads
Lester Ingber
A dynamical model describing stock market price distributions pp. 559-567 Downloads
Jaume Masoliver, Miquel Montero and Josep M Porrà
Evolutionary freezing in a competitive population pp. 568-574 Downloads
N.f Johnson, D.J.t Leonard, P.m Hui and T.s Lo

Volume 283, issue 1, 2000

The mean-field theory for attraction between like-charged macromolecules pp. 1-5 Downloads
Jeferson J. Arenzon, Yan Levin and Jürgen F. Stilck
A discrete surface growth model for two components pp. 6-10 Downloads
Hassan F El-Nashar and Hilda A Cerdeira
On the structure of genealogical trees in the presence of selection pp. 11-16 Downloads
P.R.a Campos, M.t Sonoda and J.f Fontanari
On the origin of periodicity in dynamical systems pp. 17-23 Downloads
Jason A.C. Gallas
The shape of dunes pp. 24-30 Downloads
H.j Herrmann and G Sauermann
Scale invariance and universality of economic fluctuations pp. 31-41 Downloads
H.e Stanley, L.A.n Amaral, P Gopikrishnan and V Plerou
Diagrammatic damage spreading in the quantum Heisenberg ferromagnet pp. 42-47 Downloads
U.M.s Costa, A.f de Souza and M.l Lyra
Boundary effects in extended dynamical systems pp. 48-51 Downloads
Vı́ctor M. Eguı́luz, Emilio Hernández-Garcı́a and Oreste Piro
Study of interacting particle systems: the transition to the oscillatory behavior of a prey–predator model pp. 52-58 Downloads
Roberto Monetti, Alejandro Rozenfeld and Ezequiel Albano
A Monte Carlo method for the numerical simulation of Tsallis statistics pp. 59-64 Downloads
Rafael Salazar and Raúl Toral
Finite-size scaling method for the stability of atomic and molecular ions pp. 65-73 Downloads
Pablo Serra, Sabre Kais and Juan Pablo Neirotti
The frustrated lattice gas: a microscopic model for the glass transition pp. 74-79 Downloads
Daniel A Stariolo and Jeferson J Arenzon
Monte Carlo simulations and numerical solutions of short-time critical dynamics pp. 80-85 Downloads
B Zheng
Physical basis of distance discrimination in weakly electric fish pp. 86-93 Downloads
Estrella A Sicardi, Angel A Caputi and Ruben Budelli
Site order parameters for ±J Ising lattices pp. 94-99 Downloads
A.J. Ramı́rez-Pastor, F. Nieto, S. Contreras and E.E. Vogel
The ferromagnetic Ising model on a Voronoi–Delaunay lattice pp. 100-106 Downloads
F.W.s Lima, J.e Moreira, J.s Andrade and U.M.s Costa
Symmetry and universality in nonequilibrium models pp. 107-112 Downloads
Tânia Tomé, Adriana Brunstein and Mário J de Oliveira
Effects of hydrophobicity in DNA surfactant complexation pp. 113-118 Downloads
Paulo S. Kuhn, M.C. Barbosa and Yan Levin
Exploring nonlinear effects in a plasma-filled diode pp. 119-124 Downloads
M.O. Terra, J.J. Barroso and E.E.N. Macau
Bifurcations and averages in the homoclinic chaos of a laser with a saturable absorber pp. 125-130 Downloads
Hugo S. Cavalcante and José R.Rios Leite
Synchronization and cluster periodic solutions in globally coupled maps pp. 131-135 Downloads
A.l Gelover-Santiago, R Lima and G Martı́nez-Mekler
A comparative investigation of controlling chaos in a Rössler system pp. 136-139 Downloads
T Braun and I.a Heisler
The rigid rotator with Lévy noise pp. 140-145 Downloads
Manuel O Cáceres
Characterization of the spatio-temporal patterns in the osmosedimentation process pp. 146-150 Downloads
C.Rodrigues Neto, A.o Fortuna, R.r Rosa, F.m Ramos, A Zanandrea and M.a Tenan
Stochastic resonance effects in the scattering of neutrons by modulated two-state systems pp. 151-155 Downloads
P.w Lamberti and C.a Condat
Gradient pattern analysis of Swift–Hohenberg dynamics: phase disorder characterization pp. 156-159 Downloads
R.r Rosa, J Pontes, C.i Christov, F.m Ramos, C.Rodrigues Neto, E.l Rempel and D Walgraef
The thermohydrodynamical picture of Brownian motion via a generalized Smoluchowsky equation pp. 160-165 Downloads
L.a Barreiro, J.r Campanha and R.e Lagos
A nuclear magnetic resonance answer to the Boltzmann–Loschmidt controversy? pp. 166-170 Downloads
H.m Pastawski, P.r Levstein, G Usaj, J Raya and J Hirschinger
Generalized complex entropic form for gradient pattern analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics pp. 171-174 Downloads
Fernando M Ramos, Reinaldo R Rosa, Camilo Rodrigues Neto and Ademilson Zanandrea
Analysis of geomagnetic pulsations using multiwavelets spectral and polarization method pp. 175-180 Downloads
Ademilson Zanandrea, Camilo Rodrigues Neto, Reinaldo R. Rosa and Fernando F. Ramos
Anomalous transport in activated carbon porous samples: power-law trapping-time distributions pp. 181-186 Downloads
G Drazer, M Rosen and D.h Zanette
Stable–unstable crossover in non-Newtonian radial Hele–Shaw flow pp. 187-192 Downloads
S Obernauer, G Drazer and M Rosen
Liquid-drop-like model for cylindrical helium systems pp. 193-197 Downloads
Leszek Szybisz
Differential heat of adsorption in the presence of an order–disorder phase transition pp. 198-203 Downloads
A.j Ramirez-Pastor and F Bulnes
Growing interfaces in quenched media: stochastic differential equation pp. 204-207 Downloads
C.d Archubi, L.a Braunstein and R.c Buceta
Diblock copolymer films: free-energy analysis pp. 208-211 Downloads
W.A.m Morgado, S Martins, M Bahiana and M.S.o Massunaga
A two-level atom and the problem of the radiation reaction in the semiclassical theory: optical Bloch equations revisited pp. 212-217 Downloads
G.i Surdutovich and A.v Ghiner
Surface fluctuations in a slowly driven granular system pp. 218-222 Downloads
N Nerone, M.a Aguirre, A Calvo, I Ippolito and D Bideau
Asymmetric nonlinear amplitude in patterns of porous silicon pp. 223-227 Downloads
A.Ferreira da Silva, R.R. Rosa, P.W.A. Machado, F.M. Ramos, C.Rodrigues Neto, E.L.S. Roman and E. Veje
Numerical simulations of the effect of noise on a delayed pitchfork bifurcation pp. 228-232 Downloads
S Varela, C Masoller and A.c Sicardi
Rayleigh–Bénard convection in binary viscoelastic fluid pp. 233-236 Downloads
J Martinez-Mardones, R Tiemann and D Walgraef
Generation of circularly polarized radio waves within magnetic holes of the solar wind pp. 237-242 Downloads
J.R. Abalde, F.A. Borotto and A.C.-L. Chian
Convection cells in thin electrolytic films pp. 243-249 Downloads
C Anteneodo, E.Ramos de Souza, D Gallez and P.m Bisch
Temporal behavior in Faraday instability pp. 250-254 Downloads
C Cabeza, C Negreira, A.c Sicardi-Schifino and V Gibiat
An analytical study of stochastic resonance in a monostable non-harmonic system pp. 255-260 Downloads
Damián E. Strier, Germán Drazer and Horacio S. Wio
Nitrogen stars: morphogenesis of a liquid drop pp. 261-266 Downloads
D.e Strier, A.a Duarte, H Ferrari and G.b Mindlin
Maximum Lyapunov exponent of highly excited finite systems pp. 267-272 Downloads
P Balenzuela and C.o Dorso
Recovering parameters from self-similar structures in phase space of dissipative systems with constant Jacobian pp. 273-276 Downloads
Paulo C. Rech, Marcus W. Beims and Jason A.C. Gallas
Increasing Absorption Bistability in Coupled Band Quantum Wells pp. 277-280 Downloads
M.f Pereira
Decoherence and localization in the Fermi accelerator pp. 281-284 Downloads
G Abal, A Romanelli, A.c Sicardi-Schifino, R Siri and R Donangelo
Dynamical origin of decoherence in classically chaotic systems pp. 285-289 Downloads
F.m Cucchietti, H.m Pastawski and R Jalabert
Persistent currents in mesoscopic cavities with surface roughness pp. 290-296 Downloads
V.m Apel, M.j Sánchez and G Chiappe
Resonances in Fock space: optimization of a SASER device pp. 297-301 Downloads
L.E.F.Foa Torres, H.m Pastawski and S.s Makler
Anomalous diffusion in quasi-one-dimensional systems pp. 302-305 Downloads
F.m Cucchietti and H.m Pastawski
Page updated 2025-03-31