Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis
From Elsevier
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Volume 137, issue 3, 1986
- On the extraction of slow motion pp. 477-501

- J.A.M. Janssen
- Kinetic theory of light-induced drift of gas particles pp. 502-530

- F.Kh. Gel'mukhanov, L.V. Il'ichov and A.M. Shalagin
- On a new thermodynamic description of viscoelastic materials pp. 531-545

- G. Lebon, C. Perez-Garcia and J. Casas-Vazquez
- A comparative analysis of binary fluid mixtures by extended thermodynamics and the kinetic theory pp. 546-572

- M.S. Boukary and G. Lebon
- The zeroth law of thermodynamics pp. 573-602

- Alberto Frigerio, Vittorio Gorini and Maurizio Verri
- The random chessboard model: A mean-field theory pp. 603-622

- Santiago D'Elía
- A variation principle in the quantum theory of irreversible processes formulated in a superspace pp. 623-638

- Masakazu Ichiyanagi
- Shifted ratio method for calculation of critical parameters from power series expansions pp. 639-645

- Francisco M. Fernández, Gustavo A. Arteca and Eduardo A. Castro
- Intrinsic irreversibility of Kolmogorov dynamical systems pp. 646-648

- M. Courbage
Volume 137, issue 1, 1986
- Crossover from dissipative to conservative behaviour in period-doubling systems pp. 1-43

- J.P. Van Der Weele, H.W. Capel, T. Post and Ch.J. Calkoen
- Linear integral equations and multicomponent nonlinear integrable systems I pp. 44-80

- J. van der Linden, F.W. Nijhoff, H.W. Capel and G.R.W. Quispel
- Properties of noise correlation functions of langevin-like equations pp. 81-95

- Peter Schramm and Irwin Oppenheim
- The saddle-point configuration of the symmetric ø4-model pp. 96-110

- Ken Sekimoto
- Linear chain approximation for an anisotropic cubic spin-one Ising model pp. 111-121

- K.G. Chakraborty and J.W. Tucker
- Statistical mechanics of a spin-one Ising model on a Bethe lattice pp. 122-136

- K.G. Chakraborty and J.W. Tucker
- Born approximation for collisional alignment pp. 137-155

- R.F. Snider
- ε-Expansion for the interfacial profile in an external field pp. 156-177

- J.H. Sikkenk and J.M.J. van Leeuwen
- ε-expansion of the surface tension in an external field pp. 178-195

- J.H. Sikkenk and J.M.J. van Leeuwen
- Thermal boson expansion for the Heisenberg ferromagnet pp. 196-208

- M. Brajczewska, C. Fiolhais and J. Da Providência
- Light scattering by a sphere on a substrate pp. 209-242

- P.A. Bobbert and J. Vlieger
- Light reflection from a substrate sparsely seeded with spheres - comparison with an ellipsometric experiment pp. 243-257

- P.A. Bobbert, J. Vlieger and R. Greef
- Quantum crossover behaviour of the N-vector model in the large-N limit pp. 258-270

- K. Walasek
- Self-similarity in electrohydrodynamics pp. 271-281

- Shirish M. Chitanvis
- Nonlinear σ-models with noncompact symmetry group in the theory of a nearly ideal bose gas pp. 282-294

- O.K. Pashaev and S.A. Sergeenkov
- Simulation of two-dimensional diffusive barrier crossing with a curved reaction path pp. 295-305

- Richard S. Larson
- Phase space eigenfunctions of multidimensional quadratic hamiltonians pp. 306-316

- V.V. Dodonov and V.I. Man'ko
- Statistical theory of nonequilibrium open systems pp. 317-336

- Yu Ming-Bao
- Temperature dependence of the structure factor of liquid 4He pp. 337-348

- R. Sridhar and A. Shanthi
- Linear Burnett coefficients and thermodynamic fluctuations in extended irreversible thermodynamics pp. 349-358

- D. Jou, J. Casas-Vazquez, J.A. Robles-Dominguez and L.S. Garcia Colin
- Sequential dynamics for a family of master equations pp. 359-366

- A.K. Rajagopal, K.L. Ngai and S. Teitler
- Effective dynamics of quantum subsystems pp. 367-388

- M.C. Nemes and A.F.R. de Toledo Piza
- Relativistic surface states of a finite crystal pp. 389-406

- C.L. Roy and J.S. Pandey
- Supersymmetry and signal propagation in inhomogeneous transmission lines pp. 407-416

- M.-O. Hongler
- Densities of argon-helium and argon-neon dense mixtures uo to 8000 bar pp. 417-424

- D. Vidal, L. Guengant, P. Malbrunot and J. Vermesse
- Quantum correction to the radial distribution function of a dense fluid with square-well potential pp. 425-438

- B.M. Mishra and S.K. Sinha
- On the microscopic approach of the mean field kinetic Ising model pp. 439-453

- Alex Boeglin, Zhang Xing-Guo and S.H. Lin
- Monte Carlo simulation of relative diffusion in stochastic fields pp. 454-463

- Masako Takasu and Masuo Suzuki
- A magnetic lattice gas of composite particles in a transverse field pp. 464-476

- M. Dudek and A. Pȩkalski
Volume 136, issue 2, 1986
- On the Minkowski tensor and thermodynamics of media in an electromagnetic field pp. 233-254

- Byung Chan Eu and Irwin Oppenheim
- Dynamic spin correlation functions of the XYZ chain at infinite temperature: A study based on moments pp. 255-302

- JoséM.R. Roldan, Barry M. McCoy and Jacques H.H. Perk
- On the critical dynamics of extended-impurity systems in cubic anisotropic crystals pp. 303-315

- Yoshitake Yamazaki, Yoshiichi Fukuda, Arno Holz and Moyuru Ochiai
- The effective dielectric constant of a dispersion of spheres pp. 316-369

- U. Geigenmüller and P. Mazur
- Applications of the transfer integral techniques to two-dimensional lattices pp. 370-392

- R.A. Guyer, P. Serra, C.A. Condat and C.E. Budde
- Stochastic runaway of dynamical systems pp. 393-416

- D. Pfirsch and P. Gräff
- Viscous phenomena in cosmology pp. 417-431

- W.A. Van Leeuwen, G.A.Q. Salvati and E.E. Schelling
- More detailed explication of a number fluctuation model generating 1ƒ pattern pp. 432-452

- Ferdinand Grüneis and Hans-J. Baiter
- Combined Maxwell and kinetic guiding-center theory with polarization drift: Regularized variational formulation with local charge and energy conservation pp. 453-474

- D. Correa-Restrepo, D. Pfirsch and H.K. Wimmel
- Exact treatment of finite diluted spin systems pp. 475-486

- G. Sobotta
- Exact treatment of finite diluted spin systems pp. 487-494

- G. Sobotta
- Exact treatment of finite diluted spin systems pp. 495-524

- G. Sobotta
- Pattern recognition applied to the +/−J-model: Ground states and residual entropy pp. 525-536

- G. Sobotta
- A variational Treatment of the +/− J-model pp. 537-550

- G. Sobotta
- On the nonlinear dynamics of quantum fluctuations pp. 551-574

- K.W. Becker
- Effective Hamiltonians for systems with mixed symmetry pp. 575-587

- V.I. Yukalov
- Exactly solvable models showing chaotic behavior II pp. 588-599

- Wataru Fukuda and Shigetoshi Katsura
- Dynamic screening and the electric conductivity of a fully ionized plasma pp. 600-606

- P.P.J.M. Schram, A.J.D. Lambert, H.H. Brouwer and D.J. Wielaard
- The system-size expansion of the potential of a master equation without detailed balance pp. 607-616

- Gang Hu
Volume 136, issue 1, 1986
- On the reduced description of nonequilibrium states of simple fluids pp. 1-20

- I. Oppenheim, A.I. Sokolovsky and M.Yu. Tseitlin
- Renormalization of the gas-liquid transition pp. 21-46

- F. Van Dieren and J.M.J. Van Leeuwen
- Irreversebility and measurement in quantum mechanics pp. 47-76

- C.M. Lockhart and B. Misra
- Hydrodynamic scattering theory of flow about a sphere pp. 77-98

- B.U. Felderhof and R.B. Jones
- Nonexistence of spontaneous magnetization in Ising models with multiple-spin interactions at high temperatures pp. 99-108

- T. Morita and T. Horiguchi
- Ising model with two-spin interactions and three-spin interactions on a square lattice pp. 109-123

- T. Horiguchi
- Kramers' activation rate for a sharp edged potential barrier: The double oscillator pp. 124-146

- H. Dekker
- Partition function zeros for the two-dimensional Ising model II pp. 147-159

- John Stephenson
- Partition function zeros for the two-dimensional Ising model III pp. 160-175

- John Stephenson and Jan Van Aalst
- Quantum effects in a d-dimensional exactly solvable model for a structural phase transition pp. 176-188

- N.M. Plakida and N.S. Tonchev
- Path integral method applied to the brownian rotation of a symmetric top pp. 189-214

- E. Braun and Emilio Cortes
- Integral properties of the Mössbauer gamma-radiation pp. 215-232

- L.T. Tsankov