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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

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Volume 319, issue C, 2003

A sandpile model for the distribution of rainfall? pp. 1-10 Downloads
C.M. Aegerter
Pore-level modeling of immiscible drainage: validation in the invasion percolation and DLA limits pp. 11-35 Downloads
M. Ferer, Grant S. Bromhal and Duane H. Smith
A single step growth model with leapfrog diffusion mechanism pp. 36-48 Downloads
F Hontinfinde, R Ferrando and A.c Levi
Continuum percolation thresholds for mixtures of spheres of different sizes pp. 49-55 Downloads
R. Consiglio, D.R. Baker, G. Paul and H.E. Stanley
Thermally induced coupling of phase separation and gelation in an aqueous solution of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) pp. 56-64 Downloads
Rio Kita, Takeshi Kaku, Hitoshi Ohashi, Tateki Kurosu, Masamori Iida, Shin Yagihara and Toshiaki Dobashi
Morphology diagram of nonequilibrium patterns of ice crystals growing in supercooled water pp. 65-79 Downloads
A.A. Shibkov, Yu.I. Golovin, M.A. Zheltov, A.A. Korolev and A.A. Leonov
Thermodynamic description of geometrical confinement. Application to the glassy state and the glass transition of amorphous polymers pp. 80-98 Downloads
Yiming Zeng, Yanqiao Shi and Guanwen Chen
Theory of the evaporation/condensation transition of equilibrium droplets in finite volumes pp. 99-114 Downloads
K. Binder
Non-ideal effects in highly asymmetric ionic mixtures at moderate coupling pp. 115-124 Downloads
Anatoly B. Schmidt
How to obtain the elongational viscosity of dilute polymer solutions? pp. 125-133 Downloads
Anke Lindner, Jan Vermant and Daniel Bonn
Canonical distribution functions in polymer dynamics. (II). Liquid-crystalline polymers pp. 134-150 Downloads
Patrick Ilg, Iliya V. Karlin, Martin Kröger and Hans Christian Öttinger
Torque balance at a line of contact pp. 151-162 Downloads
Dirk Jan Bukman
Computer simulation of bilayer ice: structures and thermodynamics pp. 163-174 Downloads
Jan Slovák, Hideki Tanaka, Kenichiro Koga and Xiao C. Zeng
Threshold capillary pressure in capillaries with curved sides pp. 175-187 Downloads
Marcelo Lago and Mariela Araujo
Stochastic description for open quantum systems pp. 188-212 Downloads
Esteban Calzetta, Albert Roura and Enric Verdaguer
Quasi-periodic solution of the (2+1)-dimensional Boussinesq–Burgers soliton equation pp. 213-232 Downloads
Jinshun Zhang, Yongtang Wu and Xuemei Li
Generation of higher-order atomic dipole squeezing in a high-Q micromaser cavity. (VIII). Multi-photon interaction pp. 233-244 Downloads
Rui-Hua Xie and Qin Rao
Anomalous diffusion, nonlinear fractional Fokker–Planck equation and solutions pp. 245-252 Downloads
E.K. Lenzi, L.C. Malacarne, R.S. Mendes and I.T. Pedron
A many-particle derivation of the Integral Encounter Theory non-Markovian kinetic equations of the reversible reaction A+B⇄C in solutions pp. 253-269 Downloads
A.B. Doktorov and A.A. Kipriyanov
Quasi-periodic solutions for some 2+1-dimensional discrete models pp. 270-294 Downloads
Xianguo Geng and H.H. Dai
Dynamic spectral analysis of phase turbulence pp. 295-304 Downloads
Raúl Montagne and Leonardo Gregory Brunnet
Squeezing in superposed coherent states pp. 305-310 Downloads
Hari Prakash and Pankaj Kumar
Exact results of an Ising model with three- and five-spin interactions on a square lattice pp. 311-318 Downloads
Silvia Lacková and Tsuyoshi Horiguchi
Surface magnetism: phase transitions in quantum and classical models pp. 319-330 Downloads
J. Cabral Neto and J.Ricardo de Sousa
Nonclassical statistical properties of finite-coherent states in the framework of the Jaynes–Cummings model pp. 331-354 Downloads
Marcelo A. Marchiolli
Phase diagrams of ferroelectric thin films described by the transverse Ising model pp. 355-361 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi
The two-dimensional ±J Ising spin glass: a model at its lower critical dimension pp. 362-370 Downloads
Fernando D. Nobre
Covariant linear response theory of relativistic QED plasmas pp. 371-403 Downloads
A. Höll, V.G. Morozov and G. Röpke
Critical properties of a spin-32 Ising model with bilinear and biquadratic interactions pp. 404-420 Downloads
Osman Özsoy and Mustafa Keskin
Monte Carlo simulations for a model of amphiphiles aggregation pp. 421-431 Downloads
M Girardi and W Figueiredo
Stratification of the phase clouds and statistical effects of the non-Markovity in chaotic time series of human gait for healthy people and Parkinson patients pp. 432-446 Downloads
Renat Yulmetyev, Sergey Demin, Natalya Emelyanova, Fail Gafarov and Peter Hänggi
Breathing during REM and non-REM sleep: correlated versus uncorrelated behaviour pp. 447-457 Downloads
Jan W. Kantelhardt, Thomas Penzel, Sven Rostig, Heinrich F. Becker, Shlomo Havlin and Armin Bunde
Generalized entropy approach to stable Lèvy distributions with financial application pp. 458-468 Downloads
Ikuo Matsuba and Hiroshi Takahashi
The Pareto law of incomes—an explanation and an extension pp. 469-486 Downloads
William J. Reed
Noisy covariance matrices and portfolio optimization II pp. 487-494 Downloads
Szilárd Pafka and Imre Kondor
Empirical volatility analysis: feature detection and signal extraction with function dictionaries pp. 495-518 Downloads
Enrico Capobianco
A master equation approach to option pricing pp. 519-534 Downloads
D. Faller and F. Petruccione
Multiscale surface roughness description for scattering modelling of bare soil pp. 535-551 Downloads
A.T. Manninen
Gutenberg–Richter law for Internetquakes pp. 552-556 Downloads
Sumiyoshi Abe and Norikazu Suzuki
Modifications of the optimal velocity traffic model to include delay due to driver reaction time pp. 557-567 Downloads
L.C. Davis
Dynamical transitions to chaotic and periodic motions of two shuttle buses pp. 568-578 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
On the distribution of family names pp. 579-590 Downloads
William J. Reed and Barry D. Hughes
Putting relative complexity estimates to work: a simple and general statistical methodology pp. 591-600 Downloads
Lluis nindexLligonaLligoña Trulla, Joseph P. Zbilut and Alessandro Giuliani
Multiple choice minority game pp. 601-615 Downloads
F.k Chow and H.f Chau
Learning by a neural net in a noisy environment—the pseudo-inverse solution revisited pp. 616-632 Downloads
W.A. van Leeuwen and B. Wemmenhove
Spatial structure of the internet traffic pp. 633-642 Downloads
Marc Barthelemy, Bernard Gondran and Eric Guichard

Volume 318, issue 3, 2003

Scaling of cluster mass between two lines in 3d percolation pp. 307-318 Downloads
Luciano R. da Silva, Gerald Paul, Shlomo Havlin, Don R. Baker and H.Eugene Stanley
Quantitative comparison of mean field mixing laws for conductivity and dielectric constants of porous media pp. 319-333 Downloads
J. Widjajakusuma, B. Biswal and R. Hilfer
Density fluctuations in the nuclear reaction–diffusion system and the oscillations inside stars pp. 334-340 Downloads
Du Jiulin
Smoluchowski-like theory for trapping kinetics in a slab pp. 341-346 Downloads
Leonardo Dagdug, Alexander M. Berezhkovskii and George H. Weiss
Path integral approach for electron transport in disturbed magnetic field lines pp. 347-357 Downloads
Ryutaro Kanno, Noriyoshi Nakajima and Hisanori Takamaru
Non-extensive statistical mechanics of compressible turbulence pp. 358-370 Downloads
B.K. Shivamoggi
Thermal 1/f noise from the theory of partitions: application to a quartz resonator pp. 371-386 Downloads
Michel Planat
Gravothermal catastrophe and Tsallis’ generalized entropy of self-gravitating systems. (II). Thermodynamic properties of stellar polytrope pp. 387-413 Downloads
Atsushi Taruya and Masa-aki Sakagami
Numerical study of alternating quantum spin-12 chains pp. 414-422 Downloads
Fei Ye, Guo-Hui Ding and Bo-Wei Xu
Equilibrium and stability properties of a coupled two-component Bose–Einstein condensate pp. 423-434 Downloads
Chi-Yong Lin, E.J.V. de Passos, M.S. Hussein, Da-Shin Lee and Toledo Piza
A statistical model of DNA denaturation pp. 435-446 Downloads
O. Resendis-Antonio, L.S. Garcia-Colin and H. Larralde
A simple model of colonization pp. 447-452 Downloads
Andrzej Pȩkalski
Multifractality of cerebral blood flow pp. 453-460 Downloads
Bruce J. West, Miroslaw Latka, Marta Glaubic-Latka and Dariusz Latka
Sole–Manrubia model of biological evolutions: some new insights pp. 461-468 Downloads
Debashish Chowdhury and Dietrich Stauffer
Black–Scholes model under subordination pp. 469-474 Downloads
A.A. Stanislavsky
Stock market scale by artificial insymmetrized patterns pp. 475-495 Downloads
D. Makowiec
The merchandising mathematician model: profit intensities pp. 496-504 Downloads
Edward Piotrowski and Jan Sladkowski
Quantum English auctions pp. 505-515 Downloads
Edward Piotrowski and Jan Sladkowski
Interference of quantum market strategies pp. 516-528 Downloads
Edward Piotrowski, Jan Sladkowski and Jacek Syska
Volatility in atmospheric temperature variability pp. 529-536 Downloads
R.B. Govindan, Armin Bunde and Shlomo Havlin
Spatio-temporal dynamics of jams in two-lane traffic flow with a blockage pp. 537-550 Downloads
Shingo Kurata and Takashi Nagatani
Seismic ground roll time–frequency filtering using the gaussian wavelet transform pp. 551-561 Downloads
G. Corso, P.S. Kuhn, L.S. Lucena and Z.D. Thomé
A model of information filtration by comparison of randomly chosen sources pp. 562-576 Downloads
I.S. Manida and Yu.M. Pis'mak
Endogenous versus exogenous shocks in systems with memory pp. 577-591 Downloads
D Sornette and A Helmstetter
Anatomy of extreme events in a complex adaptive system pp. 592-600 Downloads
P. Jefferies, D. Lamper and N.F. Johnson
The topology of the transcription regulatory network in the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae pp. 601-612 Downloads
I. Farkas, H. Jeong, T. Vicsek, A.-L. Barabási and Z.N. Oltvai
Parallel dynamics of the fully connected Blume–Emery–Griffiths neural network pp. 613-636 Downloads
D. Bollé, J.Busquets Blanco and G.M. Shim

Volume 318, issue 1, 2003

Professor H.E. Stanley: a tribute pp. 1-2 Downloads
Hans J Herrmann
Professor H.E. Stanley: A tribute pp. 3-5 Downloads
Srikanth Sastry
Quantum Smoluchowski equation: escape from a metastable state pp. 6-13 Downloads
Dhruba Banerjee, Bidhan Chandra Bag, Suman Kumar Banik and Deb Shankar Ray
Magnetization plateaux in a generalized ladder model pp. 14-22 Downloads
Emily Chattopadhyay and Indrani Bose
Jamming in a model glass: interplay of dynamics and thermodynamics pp. 23-29 Downloads
Bulbul Chakraborty, Dibyendu Das and Jané Kondev
Profile-driven interfaces in 1+1 dimensions: periodic steady states, dynamical melting and detachment pp. 30-39 Downloads
Abhishek Chaudhuri and Surajit Sengupta
A biologically inspired ratchet model of two coupled Brownian motors pp. 40-47 Downloads
Debasis Dan, A.M. Jayannavar and Gautam I. Menon
Vortex transport and voltage noise in disordered superconductors pp. 48-54 Downloads
Jayajit Das, Thomas J. Bullard and Uwe C. Täuber
Inhomogeneous cooling in inelastic granular fluids pp. 55-62 Downloads
Subir K. Das and Sanjay Puri
Effect of long-range interactions on the pure and random quantum Ising transitions pp. 63-71 Downloads
Amit Dutta
Packet transport and load distribution in scale-free network models pp. 72-79 Downloads
K.-I. Goh, B. Kahng and D. Kim
Stripes in sheared non-Brownian suspensions with a free surface pp. 80-84 Downloads
Rama Govindarajan, Prabhu R. Nott and Sriram Ramaswamy
Dynamical and statistical behaviour of coupled map lattices pp. 85-91 Downloads
Neelima Gupte, Ashutosh Sharma and Gauri R. Pradhan
Universality in critical exponents for toppling waves of the BTW sandpile model on two-dimensional lattices pp. 92-100 Downloads
Chin-Kun Hu and Chai-Yu Lin
Exploration of crossover criticality in an aqueous electrolyte solution pp. 101-112 Downloads
J. Jacob, D. Bagchi, A. Kumar and S.L. Oswal
A geometrical model of diagenesis using percolation theory pp. 113-120 Downloads
R. Karmakar, S.S. Manna and T. Dutta
Static and dynamical heterogeneities in supercooled liquids pp. 121-128 Downloads
Charanbir Kaur and Shankar P. Das
Segregation of granular materials in rotating cylinders pp. 129-136 Downloads
D.V. Khakhar, Ashish V. Orpe and S.K. Hajra
Punctuated evolution for the quasispecies model pp. 137-143 Downloads
Joachim Krug and Christian Karl
Generation of new classes of integrable quantum and statistical models pp. 144-153 Downloads
Anjan Kundu
Enhancement of mobility by periodically modulating the slanting slope of a washboard potential pp. 154-160 Downloads
Mangal C. Mahato and A.M. Jayannavar
Extreme value statistics and traveling fronts: various applications pp. 161-170 Downloads
Satya N. Majumdar and P.L. Krapivsky
Does a surface attached globule phase exist? pp. 171-178 Downloads
P.K. Mishra, D. Giri, S. Kumar and Y. Singh
Dynamic multiscaling in fluid turbulence: an overview pp. 179-186 Downloads
Dhrubaditya Mitra and Rahul Pandit
Patterns formed by addition of grains to only one site of an abelian sandpile pp. 187-199 Downloads
Srdjan Ostojic
Controllability of spatiotemporal systems using constant pinnings pp. 200-212 Downloads
Nita Parekh and Somdatta Sinha
Spinodal decomposition in polycrystalline alloys pp. 213-219 Downloads
H. Ramanarayan and T.A. Abinandanan
Dynamics of a semiflexible filament under external force pp. 220-229 Downloads
P. Ranjith and P.B. Sunil Kumar
High density asymptotics of the Poisson random connection model pp. 230-242 Downloads
Rahul Roy and Anish Sarkar
Persistence in an antiferromagnetic Ising system with conserved magnetisation pp. 243-250 Downloads
Moumita Saharay and Parongama Sen
Statistical mechanics of nucleation in solids: a kinetics driven morphological transition pp. 251-261 Downloads
Surajit Sengupta and Madan Rao
Thin liquid films on chemically heterogeneous substrates: self-organization, dynamics and patterns in systems displaying a secondary minimum pp. 262-278 Downloads
Ashutosh Sharma, Rahul Konnur and Kajari Kargupta
Statistical physics and economic fluctuations: do outliers exist? pp. 279-292 Downloads
H.Eugene Stanley
Dynamic proton transfer pathways in proteins: role of sidechain conformational fluctuations pp. 293-301 Downloads
Srabani Taraphder and Gerhard Hummer
Page updated 2025-03-31