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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 405, issue C, 2014

Percolation modeling of self-damaging of composite materials pp. 1-9 Downloads
Sergii Domanskyi and Vladimir Privman
Time delay induces oscillatory coherence in intracellular calcium oscillation system pp. 10-16 Downloads
Wei-Long Duan
The control gain region for synchronization in non-diffusively coupled complex networks pp. 17-24 Downloads
Liu Gequn, Li Wenhui, Yang Huijie and Gareth Knowles
Delay-induced synchronization transitions in modular scale-free neuronal networks with hybrid electrical and chemical synapses pp. 25-34 Downloads
Haitao Yu, Jiang Wang, Chen Liu, Bin Deng and Xile Wei
A study on modeling the dynamics of statistically dependent returns pp. 35-51 Downloads
Hamed Davari-Ardakani, Majid Aminnayeri and Abbas Seifi
The effect of exclusion on nonlinear reaction–diffusion system in inhomogeneous media pp. 52-62 Downloads
Trilochan Bagarti, Anupam Roy, K. Kundu and B.N. Dev
A parametric, information-theory model for predictions in time series pp. 63-69 Downloads
M.T. Martín, A. Plastino, V. Vampa and George Judge
Detrended minimum-variance hedge ratio: A new method for hedge ratio at different time scales pp. 70-79 Downloads
Gang-Jin Wang, Chi Xie, Ling-Yun He and Shou Chen
Control of the socio-economic systems using herding interactions pp. 80-84 Downloads
A. Kononovicius and V. Gontis
Detecting overlapping communities in networks using the maximal sub-graph and the clustering coefficient pp. 85-91 Downloads
Yaozu Cui, Xingyuan Wang and Junqiu Li
Collective behavior and the identification of phases in bicycle pelotons pp. 92-103 Downloads
Hugh Trenchard, Ashlin Richardson, Erick Ratamero and Matjaž Perc
Fokker–Planck type equations associated with fractional Brownian motion controlled by infinitely divisible processes pp. 104-113 Downloads
Janusz Gajda and Agnieszka Wyłomańska
Network congestion analysis of gravity generated models pp. 114-127 Downloads
Dimitris Maniadakis and Dimitris Varoutas
Nonlinear dynamics of autonomous vehicles with limits on acceleration pp. 128-139 Downloads
L.C. Davis
Urban signalised intersections: Impact of vehicle heterogeneity and driver type on cross-traffic manoeuvres pp. 140-150 Downloads
Puspita Deo and Heather J. Ruskin
Topology of whole-brain functional MRI networks: Improving the truncated scale-free model pp. 151-158 Downloads
E. Ruiz Vargas, D.G.V. Mitchell, S.G. Greening and L.M. Wahl
SICR rumor spreading model in complex networks: Counterattack and self-resistance pp. 159-170 Downloads
Yongli Zan, Jianliang Wu, Ping Li and Qinglin Yu
Which is the better forecasting model? A comparison between HAR-RV and multifractality volatility pp. 171-180 Downloads
Feng Ma, Yu Wei, Dengshi Huang and Yixiang Chen
Scaling of production data obtained from Random Walk Particle Tracking simulations in highly fractured porous media pp. 181-192 Downloads
Ekaterina Stalgorova and Tayfun Babadagli
Multifractal analyses of daily rainfall time series in Pearl River basin of China pp. 193-202 Downloads
Zu-Guo Yu, Yee Leung, Yongqin David Chen, Qiang Zhang, Vo Anh and Yu Zhou
Network centrality measures and systemic risk: An application to the Turkish financial crisis pp. 203-215 Downloads
Tolga Kuzubas, Inci Ömercikoğlu and Burak Saltoğlu
The global financial crisis: Is there any contagion between real estate and equity markets? pp. 216-225 Downloads
Eddie Chi-man Hui and Ka Kwan Kevin Chan
Incorporating profile information in community detection for online social networks pp. 226-234 Downloads
W. Fan and K.H. Yeung
Testing the weak-form efficiency of the WTI crude oil futures market pp. 235-244 Downloads
Zhi-Qiang Jiang, Wen-Jie Xie and Wei-Xing Zhou
Theory of dipolaron solutions pp. 245-251 Downloads
Dima Bolmatov, S. Bastrukov, P.-Y. Lai and I. Molodtsova
Persistence intervals of fractals pp. 252-259 Downloads
Gabriell Máté and Dieter W. Heermann
Quantum correlations from classically correlated states pp. 260-266 Downloads
G. Bellomo, A.P. Majtey, A.R. Plastino and A. Plastino
Tunable path centrality: Quantifying the importance of paths in networks pp. 267-277 Downloads
Cun-Lai Pu, Wei Cui and Jian Yang
Common patterns of energy flow and biomass distribution on weighted food webs pp. 278-288 Downloads
Jiang Zhang and Yuanjing Feng
Stochastic volatility models at ρ=±1 as second class constrained Hamiltonian systems pp. 289-302 Downloads
Mauricio Contreras G.
Dynamic analysis of traffic time series at different temporal scales: A complex networks approach pp. 303-315 Downloads
Jinjun Tang, Yinhai Wang, Hua Wang, Shen Zhang and Fang Liu
Comparison of intersecting pedestrian flows based on experiments pp. 316-325 Downloads
J. Zhang and A. Seyfried
Superstatistical fluctuations in time series of leverage returns pp. 326-331 Downloads
Y.A. Katz and L. Tian
A simple stochastic cellular automaton for synchronized traffic flow pp. 332-337 Downloads
Thorsten Chmura, Benedikt Herz, Florian Knorr, Thomas Pitz and Michael Schreckenberg
Message survival and decision dynamics in a class of reactive complex systems subject to external fields pp. 338-351 Downloads
C. Rodriguez Lucatero, A. Schaum, L. Alarcon Ramos and R. Bernal-Jaquez
Crossover effects in dilute magnetic materials by finite-time dynamics method pp. 352-359 Downloads
Wanjie Xiong, Chudong Xu, Zizheng Guo and Xiaoxian Liu
A Bohr-type model of a composite particle using gravity as the attractive force pp. 360-379 Downloads
C.G. Vayenas, S. Souentie and A. Fokas
Simulation of emotional contagion using modified SIR model: A cellular automaton approach pp. 380-391 Downloads
Libi Fu, Weiguo Song, Wei Lv and Siuming Lo

Volume 404, issue C, 2014

Mechanism of complicated volume deformation in polymers and its fractional time-based description pp. 1-7 Downloads
Deshun Yin, Ruifan Meng, Xiaomeng Duan and Yanqing Li
Regression model-based predictions of diel, diurnal and nocturnal dissolved oxygen dynamics after wavelet denoising of noisy time series pp. 8-15 Downloads
F. Evrendilek and N. Karakaya
Effects of intelligent control mechanism on multiple-vehicle collision under emergency pp. 16-25 Downloads
Zhipeng Li and Lizhu Chen
The pricing of credit default swaps under a generalized mixed fractional Brownian motion pp. 26-33 Downloads
Xinjiang He and Wenting Chen
An entropic analysis of approximate quantum error correction pp. 34-46 Downloads
Carlo Cafaro and Peter van Loock
Identifying influential spreaders by weighted LeaderRank pp. 47-55 Downloads
Qian Li, Tao Zhou, Linyuan Lü and Duanbing Chen
Time varying moments, regime switch, and crisis warning: The birth–death process with changing transition probability pp. 56-64 Downloads
Yinan Tang and Ping Chen
Diffusion in an elastic medium: A model for macromolecule transport across the nuclear pore complex pp. 65-78 Downloads
Rajarshi Chakrabarti, Ananya Debnath and K.L. Sebastian
Predicting trend reversals using market instantaneous state pp. 79-91 Downloads
Thomas Bury
Algebraic connectivity of interdependent networks pp. 92-105 Downloads
J. Martín-Hernández, H. Wang, P. Van Mieghem and D’Agostino, G.
A fast and accurate implementation of tunable algorithms used for generation of fractal-like aggregate models pp. 106-117 Downloads
Krzysztof Skorupski, Janusz Mroczka, Thomas Wriedt and Norbert Riefler
Network reconstruction by linear dynamics pp. 118-125 Downloads
Suhong Li, Fan Li, Weiqing Liu and Meng Zhan
Approaching dissipative sandpile behavior from a statistical point of view pp. 126-141 Downloads
Andrés Saiz
Model for Twitter dynamics: Public attention and time series of tweeting pp. 142-149 Downloads
J. Ko, H.W. Kwon, H.S. Kim, K. Lee and M.Y. Choi
Phase diagram and thermodynamic and dynamic anomalies in a pure repulsive model pp. 150-157 Downloads
Andressa A. Bertolazzo and Marcia C. Barbosa
Localization properties of one-dimensional speckle potentials in a box pp. 158-170 Downloads
J. Giacomelli
Multiple-vehicle collision induced by lane changing in traffic flow pp. 171-179 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani and Shoichi Yonekura
Complex dynamics in a singular Leslie–Gower predator–prey bioeconomic model with time delay and stochastic fluctuations pp. 180-191 Downloads
Yue Zhang, Qingling Zhang and Xing-Gang Yan
Rotational temperature measurements in molecular plasmas using nonadditive Tsallis statistics pp. 192-199 Downloads
J.L. Reis, J. Amorim and A. Dal Pino
Comparison of boundary slip for two variants of immersed boundary method in lattice Boltzmann framework pp. 200-216 Downloads
Somayeh Farnoush and Mehrdad T. Manzari
The multi-compensation temperatures for the four-sublattice Heisenberg ferrimagnetic system pp. 217-223 Downloads
Gülistan Mert
The role of information in a two-traders market pp. 224-233 Downloads
F. Bagarello and Emmanuel Haven
Thermal properties of a DNA denaturation with solvent interaction pp. 234-241 Downloads
D.X. Macedo, I. Guedes and E.L. Albuquerque
Application of Non-Equilibrium Thermo Field Dynamics to quantum teleportation under the environment pp. 242-270 Downloads
S. Kitajima, T. Arimitsu, M. Obinata and K. Yoshida
Non-universality of the absorbing-state phase-transition in a linear chain with power-law diluted long-range connections pp. 271-278 Downloads
M.B. da Silva, P.C. Da Silva, A. Macedo-Filho, M.L. Lyra, M. Serva, E.L. Albuquerque and U.L. Fulco
A theoretical characterization of scaling properties in a bouncing ball system pp. 279-284 Downloads
Edson D. Leonel, Andé L.P. Livorati and André M. Cespedes
Percolation of interacting classical dimers on the square lattice pp. 285-290 Downloads
Yang Li, Dayan Wu, Xianshan Huang and Chengxiang Ding
Characterizing vertex-degree sequences in scale-free networks pp. 291-295 Downloads
Wenjun Xiao, Yanxia Liu and Guanrong Chen
Black–Scholes–Schrödinger–Zipf–Mandelbrot model framework for improving a study of the coauthor core score pp. 296-301 Downloads
Giulia Rotundo
On the entropy for unstable fermionic and bosonic states pp. 302-314 Downloads
O. Civitarese and M. Gadella
The hydrogen bonding dynamics and cooperative interactions in aqueous N,N-dimethyl formamide solution studied by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy pp. 315-322 Downloads
Wang Feng and Guo-zhu Jia
WDEM: Weighted dynamics and evolution models for energy-constrained wireless sensor networks pp. 323-331 Downloads
Nan Jiang
Multidimensional aspects of nonlinear electromagnetic solitary pulses pp. 332-340 Downloads
A. Bonatto, R.P. Nunes, C. Bonatto, R. Pakter, S.R. Lopes and F.B. Rizzato
Correlation of automorphism group size and topological properties with program-size complexity evaluations of graphs and complex networks pp. 341-358 Downloads
Hector Zenil, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Kamaludin Dingle and Ard A. Louis
Quantifying randomness in protein–protein interaction networks of different species: A random matrix approach pp. 359-367 Downloads
Ankit Agrawal, Camellia Sarkar, Sanjiv K. Dwivedi, Nitesh Dhasmana and Sarika Jalan
Page updated 2025-03-31