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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 215, issue 4, 1995

Relaxation to spin glass ground state in one to six dimensions pp. 407-410 Downloads
Dietrich Stauffer and Paulo Murilo Castro de Oliveira
Settling of particles studied by a hydrodynamic cellular automation for granular media pp. 411-419 Downloads
Stefan Vollmar and Hans Herrmann
Discrete models for two- and three-dimensional fragmentation pp. 420-430 Downloads
Gonzalo Hernández and Hans J. Herrmann
Self-organized critical model of biological evolution pp. 431-438 Downloads
H.F. Chau, Louis Mak and Peter K. Kwok
A model of neural control of the heart rate pp. 439-450 Downloads
Michael Rosenblum and Jürgen Kurths
Study of damage spreading in dimer-dimer irreversible surface reaction models pp. 451-460 Downloads
Ezequiel V. Albano
Parallel cluster labeling for large-scale Monte Carlo simulations pp. 461-480 Downloads
M. Flanigan and P. Tamayo
The relevance of chaos for the linear response theory pp. 481-494 Downloads
M. Falcioni and A. Vulpiani
Multiplicative random walks pp. 495-510 Downloads
Claude Aslangul
Absence of re-entrant phase transition of the antiferromagnetic Ising model on the simple cubic lattice: Monte Carlo study of the hard-sphere lattice gas pp. 511-517 Downloads
Atsushi Yamagata
Histogram Monte Carlo approach to thermal properties of the Potts model on planar lattices pp. 518-531 Downloads
Jau-Ann Chen and Chin-Kun Hu
Nonrelativistic calculation of the Lamb shift for non-S-states of the hydrogen atom pp. 532-541 Downloads
J. Seke
Specific heat of the anisotropic rigid rotator within generalized statistics pp. 542-555 Downloads
Sergio Curilef and Constantino Tsallis
Analysis of the master equation for the Dicke model in squeezed vacua pp. 556-576 Downloads
S.S. Hassan, M.R. Wahiddin, R. Saunders and R.K. Bullough
p-adic probability distributions of hidden variables pp. 577-587 Downloads
Andrew Khrennikov

Volume 215, issue 3, 1995

Fixed scale transformation for fracture growth processes governed by vectorial fields pp. 223-232 Downloads
G. Caldarelli, A. Vespignani and L. Pietronero
Long-range correlations between letters and sentences in texts pp. 233-241 Downloads
Werner Ebeling and Alexander Neiman
Finite-size scaling for percolation above six dimensions pp. 242-246 Downloads
Amnon Aharony and Dietrich Stauffer
The distribution of percolating concentrations in finite systems pp. 247-250 Downloads
Ulrich Haas
A computer-simulation study of anomalous diffusion on percolating clusters near to the critical point pp. 251-260 Downloads
Štefan Barta and Peter Dieška
Branch structure of the Bose-condensate excitations spectrum pp. 261-269 Downloads
V.S. Yarunin and L.A. Siurakshina
A model for the formation of foams pp. 270-276 Downloads
S.F. Edwards and K.D. Pithia
Dislocations in two-dimensional liquid foams pp. 277-282 Downloads
K.D. Pithia and S.F. Edwards
Numerical studies on charged particle behavior in a cathode sheath of normal and abnormal glow dc discharge pp. 283-297 Downloads
Zuli Liu and Helin Wei
Simulating the vanishing of northern cod fish pp. 298-304 Downloads
S. Moss de Oliveira, T.J.P. Penna and D. Stauffer
Critical energy relaxation in 2D Ising model pp. 305-307 Downloads
Dietrich Stauffer
Damage spreading and critical exponents for ‘model A’ Ising dynamics pp. 308-310 Downloads
Uwe Gropengiesser
Dynamics of the symmetrically constrained Ising chain pp. 311-330 Downloads
J. Reiter and J. Jäckle
Self-organized criticality in the El Niño Southern oscillation pp. 331-338 Downloads
J.S. Andrade, I. Wainer, J. Mendes Filho and J.E. Moreira
Maximum information entropy approach to non-markovian random jump processes with long memory: application to surprisal analysis in molecular dynamics pp. 339-360 Downloads
Marcel Ovidiu Vlad and Michael C. Mackey
Annihilation of two diffusive species on an anisotropic substrate pp. 361-369 Downloads
Damián H. Zanette
Computation of correlation functions of the two dimensional Ising model pp. 370-377 Downloads
B. Kutlu and N. Aktekin
Critical properties of a diluted mixed spin-12 and spin-32 Ising system in a transverse field pp. 378-386 Downloads
T. Kaneyoshi
Thomas-Fermi model for an atom in a very strong magnetic field: thermal effects pp. 387-393 Downloads
B.K. Shivamoggi and P.P.J.M. Schram
Collective excitations in the anharmonic crystal pp. 394-404 Downloads
A Verbeure and V.a Zagrebnov

Volume 215, issue 1, 1995

Study of percolation in the presence of tunneling bonds pp. 1-9 Downloads
Abhijit Kar Gupta and Asok K. Sen
Vapor-liquid equilibrium of a multipolar square-well fluid II. Effect of a variable square-well range pp. 10-20 Downloads
Fernando del Río, Ana Laura Benavides and Yolanda Guevara
Fluid interfaces in the 3D Ising model as a dilute gas of handles pp. 21-39 Downloads
M. Caselle, F. Gliozzi and U. Magnea
Some generalizations of the trapping problem pp. 40-50 Downloads
A.M. Berezhkovskii and George H. Weiss
Increasing efficiency in Monte Carlo simulations by a killing-and-splitting strategy pp. 51-60 Downloads
Mario M. Jakas and Néstor E. Capuj
Irreducible memory function for dissipative stochastic systems with detailed balance pp. 61-74 Downloads
Kyozi Kawasaki
Analysis of velocity-displacement correlations in correlated random walks on lattices pp. 75-86 Downloads
K. Froböse, T. Steenbock and J. Jäckle
Low field relaxation under dynamical perturbations pp. 87-103 Downloads
Fumiaki Shibata and Yumi Shimoo
Nonlinear dynamics and thermodynamics of two-component scalar field systems at low temperatures pp. 104-122 Downloads
Alain M. Dikandé and Timoléon C. Kofané
A contribution to extended irreversible thermodynamics pp. 123-137 Downloads
Masakazu Ichiyanagi
Accurate estimates of 3D Ising critical exponents using the coherent-anomaly method pp. 138-151 Downloads
Miroslav Kolesik and Masuo Suzuki
Approximations to the two-hole ground state of the Hubbard-Anderson model: a numerical test pp. 152-169 Downloads
M.O. Elout, M.R.M.J. Traa and W.J. Caspers
Nucleation and vitrification of a dense plasma pp. 170-175 Downloads
F.V. De Blasio
Phase transitions and electrical conductivity of TlInS2 pp. 176-180 Downloads
S.B. Youssef
Temporally-quantized theory of exponential radioactive decay: Resolution of Zeno's paradox of quantum theory pp. 181-200 Downloads
Sidney Golden
Newton representation for stationary flows of some class of nonlinear dynamical systems pp. 201-208 Downloads
Maciej Błaszak
Interplay of exciton or electron transfer and relaxation III. Forgetting details of initial conditions pp. 209-220 Downloads
V. Čápek and J. Peřina
Page updated 2025-03-31