Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis
From Elsevier
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Volume 217, issue 3, 1995
- Structure and characteristic length scales in cluster—cluster aggregation simulation pp. 231-260

- M.D. Haw, M. Sievwright, W.C.K. Poon and P.N. Pusey
- Simulating deformations of granular solids under shear pp. 261-288

- Hans-Jürgen Tillemans and Hans J. Herrmann
- Characterisation of the delocalised states in a continuous correlated disorder model pp. 289-301

- Chaitali Basu and Prabhat Kumar Thakur
- Transport coefficients of a simple and dilute gas of hard spheroids having C∞ν symmetry pp. 302-318

- Bijoy Kumar
- Two-dimensional pitting corrosion of aluminium thin layers pp. 319-338

- L. Balázs and J.-F. Gouyet
- Two-dimensional traffic flow problems in inhomogeneous lattices pp. 339-347

- G.Q. Gu, K.H. Chung and P.M. Hui
- Quantum dynamics of a strongly coupled dissipative system toward thermal equilibrium I pp. 348-372

- Mio Murao and Fumiaki Shibata
- Phase diagram of a model of self-organizing hierarchies pp. 373-392

- Eric Bonabeau, Guy Theraulaz and Jean-Louis Deneubourg
- A unified model for hydrogen bonded crystals pp. 393-406

- Colin J. Thompson, Akira Nakanishi and Takeo Matsubara
- Theoretical study of the quenched diluted spin 2 ising ferromagnet in a transverse field pp. 407-418

- M. Saber and J.W. Tucker
- Universal amplitudes in finite-size scaling for an anharmonic crystal pp. 419-428

- E.S. Pisanova and N.S. Tonchev
- On a novel supersymmetric connections between harmonic and isotonic oscillators pp. 429-439

- J. Casahorrán
Volume 217, issue 1, 1995
- Transport properties on a random comb pp. 1-21

- V. Balakrishnan and C. Van den Broeck
- Molecular dynamics simulation of the activation of soft molecules solved in condensed media pp. 22-37

- Werner Ebeling, Victor Yu. Podlipchuk and Alexander A. Valuev
- Interface instability induced by an electric field in fluids pp. 38-52

- Akira Onuki
- Brownian motion in a fluid in simple shear flow pp. 53-74

- Kunimasa Miyazaki and Dick Bedeaux
- On types of vortices in relativistic superfluid systems pp. 75-86

- P.I. Fomin and S.I. Vilchinsky
- A new generalization of Enskog's equation for mixtures of dense gases pp. 87-106

- E. Piña, L.S. García-Colín and Patricia Goldstein
- Traditional transport properties of CO pp. 107-123

- E.L. Heck and A.S. Dickinson
- Phase dynamics of irregular patterns and ultraslow modes in glass-forming systems pp. 124-139

- Kyozi Kawasaki
- Scaling state in froths deduced from a corrected von Neumann's law pp. 140-145

- M. de Icaza-Herrera and V.M. Castaño
- Recursive procedures for measuring disorder in non-periodic sequences pp. 146-160

- K.W. Sulston, B.L. Burrows and A.N. Chishti
- Dielectric function of an electron-ion plasma in the optical and X-ray regime pp. 161-174

- B.U. Felderhof, T. Beński and B. Cichocki
- Collective contribution to the frequency-dependent polarizability of an ion or metallic cluster immersed in a plasma pp. 175-195

- B.U. Felderhof, T. Beński and B. Cichocki
- Frequency-dependent extinction cross section of a spherical ion or metallic cluster immersed in a plasma pp. 196-213

- B.U. Felderhof, T. Beński and B. Cichocki
- Numerical study of 2D ANNNI model in the cluster variation method pp. 214-226

- Yasuo Murai, Kazuyuki Tanaka and Tohru Morita
Volume 216, issue 4, 1995
- Fracture modes in fiber networks pp. 373-381

- Jan Åström and Juhani Kurkijärvi
- A bacterial colony is not self-similar pp. 382-385

- Marek C. Ruzicka, Mirek Fridrich and Martin Burkhard
- Variational solution of a superfluidity model pp. 386-396

- N. Angelescu and A. Verbeure
- The Schouten et al. model applied to polymer mixture solutions pp. 397-406

- Mustafa Gençaslan, Mustafa Keskin and Paul H.E. Meijer
- Hydrodynamics of superfluid turbulence fronts in He II: steady propagation pp. 407-434

- J.A. Geurst and H. van Beelen
- Investigating traffic flow in the presence of hindrances by cellular automata pp. 435-444

- H. Emmerich and E. Rank
- Beam-beam interaction models with a small stochastic perturbation pp. 445-451

- Gamal M. Mahmoud
- Energy eigenvalues for anharmonic and double-well oscillators with even power polynomial potential pp. 452-458

- Mamta, and Vishwamittar,
- The generalized Boltzmann equation pp. 459-468

- Boris V. Alexeev
- Critical exponents of the 3D antiferromagnetic three-state Potts model using the coherent-anomaly method pp. 469-477

- Miroslav Kolesik and Masuo Suzuki
- Transition from the deformed structure to the statistically equivalent ideal structure and an estimate of the basic physical characteristics of the deformed structure pp. 478-488

- B.S. Tošić, Lj.D. Mašković, U.F. Kozmidis-Luburić, V. Jovović and G. Davidović
- Finite-size crossover in systems with slab geometry pp. 489-510

- Dimo I. Uzunov and Masuo Suzuki,
- Can gravity be a thermal reservoir? pp. 511-517

- Carlos E. Laciana
- Measuring correlations in symbol sequences pp. 518-542

- Hanspeter Herzel and Ivo Große
Volume 216, issue 3, 1995
- Simulation of rotating drum experiments using non-circular particles pp. 199-212

- Volkhard Buchholtz, Thorsten Pöschel and Hans-Jürgen Tillemans
- Spreading analysis and finite-size scaling study of the critical behavior of a forest fire model with immune trees pp. 213-226

- Ezequiel V. Albano
- On the avalanche-finiteness of Abelian Sandpiles pp. 227-232

- S.W. Chan and H.F. Chau
- On the Barber dispersion relation for internal waves pp. 233-248

- R.J.A. Tough
- Comments on “mechanodiffusion in slightly rarefied gas mixture” pp. 249-254

- Felix Sharipov
- Relaxation theory of a strongly coupled system pp. 255-270

- Mio Murao and Fumiaki Shibata
- Relaxation in a Duffing potential pp. 271-287

- Surajit Sen and James Christopher Phillips
- Stable spatially localized solutions and holes in optical bistability pp. 288-298

- Helmut R. Brand and Robert J. Deissler
- Moments of the chain reaction distribution pp. 299-315

- Ricardo García-Pelayo
- Groundstate threshold in disordered anisotropic +/−J Ising models pp. 316-332

- J. Bendisch
- Generalized green functions pp. 333-352

- Bratislav Tošić and Stevan Pilipović
- The effect of resonance on the ground-state energy of the Heisenberg Hamiltonian pp. 353-368

- M.O. Elout and W.J.A. Maaskant
Volume 216, issue 1, 1995
- Diffusion on random comblike structures: field-induced trapping effects pp. 1-19

- Noëlle Pottier
- The Hamilton neural network model pp. 20-31

- J.W. Shuai, Z.X. Chen, R.T. Liu and B.X. Wu
- Origin of light scattering from disordered systems pp. 32-44

- P. Benassi, W. Frizzera, M. Montagna, G. Viliani, V. Mazzacurati, G. Ruocco and G. Signorelli
- Existence of cross-over states in electronic transmission due to delta-function potential with inhomogeneous and slowly varying periods pp. 45-58

- Prabhat K. Thakur and Chaitali Basu
- Theory of hydrodynamic convection in soap films pp. 59-76

- R. Bruinsma
- Optical properties of tin-selenid films pp. 77-84

- H.S. Soliman, D.A. Abdel Hady, K.F. Abdel Rahman, S.B. Youssef and A.A. El-Shazly
- On the theory of concentrated hard-sphere suspensions pp. 85-119

- Michio Tokuyama and Irwin Oppenheim
- Relaxation and limit cycles in a global version of the quenched Kauffman model pp. 120-127

- Krzysztof Kułakowski
- Optimum paths for systems subject to internal noise pp. 128-139

- S.J.B. Einchcomb and A.J. McKane
- The interaction between two bags due to fluctuating colour fields pp. 140-147

- I. Brevik
- The distance between Zipf plots pp. 148-150

- Shlomo Havlin
- Variational quantum Monte Carlo ground state of lithium on a Slater orbital basis pp. 151-157

- H. Eckstein and W. Schattke
- New topologies in the phase diagram of the semi-infinite Blume-Capel model pp. 158-168

- Carla Buzano and Alessandro Pelizzola
- On the theory of disordered magnetics pp. 169-184

- M.Yu. Kovalevskii and A.A. Rozhkov
- On the number of degrees of freedom in Schwinger's quantum kinematics pp. 185-194

- Augusto Cesar Lobo and M.C. Nemes
- Comment on “Two disks in a box” [R.J. Speedy, Physica A 210 (1994) 341] pp. 195-195

- W.G. Hoover