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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 193, issue 1, 1993

Time-power series study of the triplet annihilation model and other cooperative growth models pp. 1-28 Downloads
Douglas Poland
Transfer matrix studies of branching fractals pp. 29-47 Downloads
R.F.S. Andrade
Chaos exponents in spin glasses pp. 48-78 Downloads
M. Ney-Nifle and H.J. Hilhorst
A microscopic theory of the reflection properties of metal-insulator composite films pp. 79-104 Downloads
Thierry Robin and Bernard Souillard
Triplet interactions and the c(2×2) overlayer phase diagram pp. 105-113 Downloads
G. Ceder, H. Dreyssé and D. de Fontaine
Dynamics of the atom in the multiphoton Jaynes-Cummings model with intensity-dependent coupling pp. 114-122 Downloads
Peng Zhou and Jin-Sheng Peng
Surface magnetic properties of an anisotropic free surface in the semi-infinite Ising model pp. 123-132 Downloads
A. Benyoussef, A. El Kenz and H. Ez-Zahraouy
Phase diagrams of transverse Ising film pp. 133-140 Downloads
Xuan-Zhang Wang and Yan Zhao
On the exact solution of two-dimensional spin S Ising models pp. 141-156 Downloads
Adam Lipowski and Masuo Suzuki
Self-duality of the O(2) gauge transformation and the phase structure of vertex models pp. 157-168 Downloads
L. Šamaj and M. Kolesík
The specific heat at reentrancies. Is there a break in its universal behavior? pp. 169-182 Downloads
A. Aguilar and E. Braun
A dynamic Green's function theory for a highly excited direct gap semiconductor pp. 183-196 Downloads
E. Heiner and W. Kleinig

Volume 192, issue 3, 1993

Charge density wave depinning transition: a real space renormalization group approach pp. 309-322 Downloads
E. Caglioti and M. Celino
Kinetic method for waves in random media pp. 323-341 Downloads
V.E. Shapiro
Surface tension, surface stiffness, and surface width of the 3-dimensional Ising model on a cubic lattice pp. 342-374 Downloads
Martin Hasenbusch and Klaus Pinn
Kinetics of phase separation in colloids pp. 375-390 Downloads
Yu.A. Buyevich and A.O. Ivanov
Monte Carlo simulation study of the thicknesses of wetting layers in pure and impure (quenched random-field) environments pp. 391-409 Downloads
G. Langie, M.J.P. Nijmeijer, Y.J. Nikas and J.O. Indekeu
Two-phase bubbly flow through vertical tube: Void-fraction distribution and velocity profiles pp. 410-442 Downloads
A.J.N. Vreenegoor and J.A. Geurst
Intrinsic irreversibility and integrability of dynamics pp. 443-464 Downloads
Ioannis E. Antoniou and Ilya Prigogine
How uniformly a random walker covers a finite lattice pp. 465-470 Downloads
Harald Freund and Peter Grassberger
Monte Carlo study of hysteretic response and relaxation in Ising models pp. 471-485 Downloads
Muktish Acharyya and Bikas K. Chakrabarti
Study of a local RG approximation pp. 486-515 Downloads
S.A. Breus and A.E. Filippov
Antiferromagnetic Potts model in a magnetic field: a finite size scaling study pp. 516-524 Downloads
A. Bakchich, A. Benyoussef and M. Touzani
Surface tension and universality in the Ising model pp. 525-539 Downloads
H. Gausterer, J. Potvin, C. Rebbi and S. Sanielevici

Volume 192, issue 1, 1993

Quadrupolar and S = 1 Ising spin glasses in local mean field approximation pp. 1-13 Downloads
R.A. Hassan, Marek Cieplak and Mai Suan Li
Exactly solvable one-dimensional models of polymers in turbulent flow pp. 14-26 Downloads
J.M. Deutsch
Dynamical fluctuations of spherically closed fluid membranes pp. 27-46 Downloads
Shigeyuki Komura and Kazuhiko Seki
A two-layer model of an interface between immiscible fluids pp. 47-62 Downloads
Y.D. Shikhmurzaev
Kinetic theory for binary mixtures of monatomic and polyatomic gases pp. 63-84 Downloads
Giselle M. Alves and G.M. Kremer
Theory of metastable state relaxation for non-critical binary systems with non-conserved order parameter pp. 85-106 Downloads
Alexander F. Izmailov and Allan S. Myerson
Comparisons of uncoupled, film theoretical and exact solutions for binary droplet evaporation and condensation pp. 107-123 Downloads
Timo Vesala and Markku Kulmala
Numerical analysis of diffusion of a quasiparticle in a dynamically fluctuating medium based on the path integral method II pp. 124-136 Downloads
Hiromi Ezaki and Fumiaki Shibata
Numerical analysis of diffusion of a quasiparticle in a dynamically fluctuating medium based on the path integral method III pp. 137-151 Downloads
Hiromi Ezaki and Fumiaki Shibata
Non-universal critical behaviour of the two-dimensional Ising model with crossing bonds pp. 152-166 Downloads
Kazuhiko Minami and Masuo Suzuki
Cluster formulation for frustrated spin models pp. 167-174 Downloads
V. Cataudella, A. Coniglio, L. de Arcangelis and F. di Liberto
Group theory of a nonlinear spin field model in 2 + 1 dimensions pp. 175-196 Downloads
G. Profilo, G. Soliani and L. Solombrino
Multi-time Green functions for systems evolving in time under unitary transformations. The linear, quadratic and higher order responses pp. 197-230 Downloads
Z.M. Galasiewicz
The one-dimensional spinless Falicov-Kimball model with periodic configurations of localized electrons pp. 231-248 Downloads
R. Łyżwa
Ionization and recombination coefficients of excited states in nonideal hydrogen plasmas pp. 249-261 Downloads
U. Leonhardt and W. Ebeling
Ionization and recombination coefficients for a dense nonideal hydrogen plasma: effects of screening and degeneracy pp. 262-279 Downloads
M. Schlanges and Th. Bornath
Equilibrium fluctuation formulae for the quantum one-component plasma in a magnetic field pp. 280-304 Downloads
P. John and L.G. Suttorp

Volume 191, issue 1, 1992

Fractal landscapes in biological systems: Long-range correlations in DNA and interbeat heart intervals pp. 1-12 Downloads
H.E. Stanley, S.V. Buldyrev, A.L. Goldberger, J.M. Hausdorff, S. Havlin, J. Mietus, C.-K. Peng, F. Sciortino and M. Simons
Three-dimensional image analysis and fractal characterization of kidney arterial vessels pp. 13-16 Downloads
M. Sernetz, J. Wübbeke and P. Wlczek
Active walker models: tracks and landscapes pp. 17-24 Downloads
D.R. Kayser, L.K. Aberle, R.D. Pochy and L. Lam
Fractal landscape analysis of DNA walks pp. 25-29 Downloads
C.-K. Peng, S.V. Buldyrev, A.L. Goldberger, S. Havlin, F. Sciortino, M. Simons and H.E. Stanley
Self-affine fractal growth front of Aspergillus oryzae pp. 30-34 Downloads
Shu Matsuura and Sasuke Miyazima
Percolation model of the fixation of a mutant in a population pp. 35-40 Downloads
T. Ishinabe
Self-organized criticality in non-conservative models pp. 41-46 Downloads
Per Bak
Self-organized criticality in a forest-fire model pp. 47-50 Downloads
B. Drossel and F. Schwabl
Quaternary climatic fluctuations as a consequence of self-organized criticality pp. 51-56 Downloads
B Grieger
Relation between the earthquake statistics and fault patterns, and fractals and percolation pp. 57-68 Downloads
Muhammad Sahimi, Michelle C. Robertson and Charles G. Sammis
Phase transitions in a spring-block model of earthquakes pp. 69-74 Downloads
Giovani L. Vasconcelos, Maria de Sousa Vieira and Sidney R. Nagel
Some speculations on fractals and railway networks pp. 75-78 Downloads
L. Benguigui
The fractal appearance of interstellar clouds pp. 79-84 Downloads
Thomas Zimmermann and Jürgen Stutzki
Fractals in physics: applications and theoretical developments pp. 85-94 Downloads
L. Pietronero
Plane DLA is not self-similar; is it a fractal that becomes increasingly compact as it grows? pp. 95-107 Downloads
Benoît Mandelbrot
Growth-zone scaling properties and fjord structure of aggregates grown by particle-cluster interaction pp. 108-112 Downloads
W. von Bloh, A. Block and H.J. Schellnhuber
Fractal dimensions of zero-noise diffusion-limited aggregation pp. 113-116 Downloads
M.T. Batchelor and B.I. Henry
Multifractal scaling of 3D diffusion-limited aggregation pp. 117-122 Downloads
Stefan Schwarzer, Shlomo Havlin and H.Eugene Stanley
On the fractal characteristics of the η model pp. 123-127 Downloads
Angel Sánchez, Francisco Guinea, Enrique Louis and Vincent Hakim
Asymptotic screening in the scale invariant growth rules for Laplacian fractals pp. 128-133 Downloads
A. Vespignani, R. Cafiero and L. Pietronero
Eden growth on fractal media pp. 134-138 Downloads
Ricardo Paredes V. and Miguel Octavio
A model for spiral growth of a new phase in a Langmuir monolayer pp. 139-142 Downloads
S.A. Pikin
Diffusion-controlled reaction, A+B→C, with initially separated reactants pp. 143-152 Downloads
S. Havlin, M. Araujo, H. Larralde, H.E. Stanley and P. Trunfio
Reactions at the gas-phase-porous-solid interface: Mechanisms and effects of surface geometry around room temperature pp. 153-167 Downloads
Joshua Samuel, Michael Ottolenghi and David Avnir
Reaction front dynamics of A + B → C with initially separated reactants pp. 168-171 Downloads
Mariela Araujo, Hernan Larralde, Shlomo Havlin and H.E. Stanely
Self-organization in the A + B → 0 reaction of charged particles pp. 172-176 Downloads
V. Kuzovkov and E. Kotomin
Diffusion-controlled reactions in nonstoichiometrical layered systems pp. 177-181 Downloads
I.M. Sokolov and A. Blumen
A new model for the hydrogen dimerization in α-SiO2 pp. 182-185 Downloads
Luca Verdi and Antonio Miotello
Scaling properties of molecular spectra pp. 186-189 Downloads
E. Shalev, J. Klafter, D.F. Plusquellic and D.W. Pratt
Towards universality in the computer simulations of reaction limited colloid aggregation pp. 190-194 Downloads
Agustín E. González
Geometry and dynamics of randomly connected fractal clusters pp. 195-202 Downloads
Z. Alexandrowicz and D. Stauffer
Correlations and fractality in random Ising magnets pp. 203-207 Downloads
U Nowak and K.d Usadel
Fractal fracture pp. 208-212 Downloads
János Kertész
Fractal aspects of the Swiss landscape pp. 213-219 Downloads
Giovanni Dietler and Yi-Cheng Zhang
Anomalous interface roughening in 3D porous media: experiment and model pp. 220-226 Downloads
S.V. Buldyrev, A.-L. Barabási, S. Havlin, J. Kertész, H.E. Stanley and H.S. Xenias
Gradient stabilized and destabilized invasion percolation pp. 227-239 Downloads
Paul Meakin, Aleksandar Birovljev, Vidar Frette, Jens Feder and Torstein Jøssang
Monte Carlo simulation of surface structures during oxide reduction pp. 240-247 Downloads
P. Tigelmann and M. Martin
Saturation coverage in random sequential adsorption of very elongated particles pp. 248-252 Downloads
P. Viot, G. Tarjus, S.M. Ricci and J. Talbot
Tracing interfaces in porous media pp. 253-257 Downloads
Rafael Rangel and J Rivero
A new approach to the determination of the surface fractal dimension of porous solids pp. 258-262 Downloads
A. Neimark
Simulation of granular media pp. 263-276 Downloads
H.J. Herrmann
Generalized Archie law — application to petroleum reservoirs pp. 277-283 Downloads
Constantino Tsallis, Evaldo M.F. Curado, Maria do Socorro de Souza, Vera L. Elias, Claudio Bettini, Maximiano S. Scuta and Rodolfo Beer
Multifractal characterization of petrophysical data pp. 284-288 Downloads
J. Muller
Scaling of the effective permeability in multifractal porous media pp. 289-294 Downloads
Antoine Saucier
Self-similarity law of particle size distribution and energy law in size reduction of solids pp. 295-300 Downloads
Moyuru Ochiai, Riko Ozao, Yoshitake Yamazaki and Arno Holz
Anti-red bonds distribution law in 3D percolation pp. 301-308 Downloads
J.-F. Gouyet
Self-avoiding walk on critical percolation cluster pp. 309-312 Downloads
Hisao Nakanishi and Jangnyeol Moon
Critical exponents of continuum percolation pp. 313-315 Downloads
Kaneyasu Maruyama, Koichi Okumura and Sasuke Miyazima
Is the second transition in the hierarchical spin ordering of a heterogeneous magnet CoCl2-GIC of a percolation type? pp. 316-320 Downloads
M. Matsuura, Y. Murakami and M. Hagiwara
Fractal drums and phonons in binary glasses pp. 321-327 Downloads
B. Sapoval
Thermal transport in fractal systems pp. 328-334 Downloads
Jørgen K. Kjems
Reminiscence of the Van Hove singularity in the specific heat of disordered systems pp. 335-338 Downloads
Stefanie Russ
Light scattering in disordered solids pp. 339-347 Downloads
A. Fontana
The fluctuation origin of disorder-induced light scattering pp. 348-351 Downloads
M. Montagna, P. Benassi, W. Frizzera, O. Pilla, G. Villiani, V. Mazzacurati, G. Ruocco and G. Signorelli
Scattering and localization of light on fractals pp. 352-357 Downloads
Vladimir M Shalaev, Martin Moskovits, Andrey A Golubentsev and Sajeev John
Vibrational, reorientational and translational ionic motion in glass pp. 358-364 Downloads
C. Cramer, K. Funke, C. Vortkamp-Rückert and A.J. Dianoux
Multifractal localization pp. 365-378 Downloads
Amnon Aharony and A.Brooks Harris
Multifractality of random walks and localized excitations on linear random fractals pp. 379-385 Downloads
H.Eduardo Roman
Dynamics of random fractals: large-scale simulations pp. 386-393 Downloads
Tsuneyoshi Nakayama
Multifractality of wave functions and wave packets at the metal-insulator transition in the Anderson model of localization pp. 394-400 Downloads
Heiko Grussbach and Michael Schreiber
Multifractal analysis of disorder induced metal-insulator transitions pp. 401-405 Downloads
Ulrich Fastenrath, Martin Janβen and Werner Pook
Multifractal behavior and scaling in disordered mesoscopic QHE-systems pp. 406-409 Downloads
B. Huckestein and L. Schweitzer
Limit distributions in random resistor networks pp. 410-414 Downloads
Rafael F. Angulo and Ernesto Medina
Anomalous ion transport in glasses pp. 415-425 Downloads
Armin Bunde and Philipp Maass
Lattice-gas models of dispersive transport in disordered materials pp. 426-432 Downloads
D. Knödler and W. Dieterich
NMR relaxation in disordered systems pp. 433-437 Downloads
A. Bunde, P. Maass and M. Meyer
A Monte Carlo study of subdiffusive displacements of interacting particles in a percolating system pp. 438-441 Downloads
Ras B. Pandey
On relaxation in disordered materials pp. 442-444 Downloads
M. Massalska-Arodź
Enhanced fluctuations in driven lattice gases pp. 445-448 Downloads
G. Szabó, A. Szolnoki, Z. Juhász and G. Ódor
Fractional diffusion equation and relaxation in complex viscoelastic materials pp. 449-453 Downloads
Massimiliano Giona, Stefano Cerbelli and H.Eduardo Roman
Electron diffusion in percolating gold clusters pp. 454-457 Downloads
A. Carl, G. Dumpich and S. Friedrichowski
Thermal vortices in superconducting fractals pp. 458-463 Downloads
R. Meyer, Ch. Nussbaum, J.L. Gavilano, B. Jeanneret, Ch. Leemann and P. Martinoli
Algebraic decay of fluxoid-dynamics in the BSCCO high-Tc superconductor pp. 464-469 Downloads
R. Behr, J. Kötzler, A. Spirgatis and M. Ziese
High field magneto-transport in a Sierpiński gasket fractal pp. 470-474 Downloads
David J. Bergman and Audrey K. Sarychev
Series expansion for a weakly nonlinear conductivity of random composites pp. 475-478 Downloads
Ohad Levy and David J. Bergman
Some recent variations on the expected number of distinct sites visited by an n-step random walk pp. 479-490 Downloads
George H. Weiss, Ido Dayan, Shlomo Havlin, James E. Kiefer, Hernan Larralde, H.Eugene Stanley and Paul Trunfio
Fractional differentiation of devil's staircases pp. 491-500 Downloads
H.J. Schellnhuber and A. Seyler
Fractal path integrals with applications to quantum many-body systems pp. 501-515 Downloads
Masuo Suzuki
Loop-erased self-avoiding walks in two dimensions: exact critical exponents and winding numbers pp. 516-522 Downloads
Bertrand Duplantier
Fractal phase transport dynamics and relaxations in complex correlated systems pp. 523-531 Downloads
K.L. Ngai, S.L. Peng and Kwok Yeung Tsang
Projections of multifractal measures pp. 532-535 Downloads
Günter Radons
Self-similar drums and generalized Weierstrass functions pp. 536-539 Downloads
Jürgen Gerling and Heinz-Jürgen Schmidt
Threshold lowering for subharmonic generation in Cantor-like composite structures pp. 540-544 Downloads
A. Alippi, G. Shkerdin, A. Bettucci, F. Craciun, E. Molinari and A. Petri
Scattering of light by two-dimensional deterministic Koch islands pp. 545-548 Downloads
Andreas Macke and Frank Tzschichholz
Absence of spontaneous symmetry breaking on fractal lattices with d̃⩽2 pp. 549-553 Downloads
Davide Cassi
Fractally shaped acceptance domains of quasiperiodic square-triangle tilings with dedecagonal symmetry pp. 554-558 Downloads
M. Baake, R. Klitzing and M. Schlottmann
Fractal dimensions of strange attractors obtained from the Taylor-Couette experiment pp. 559-563 Downloads
Th. Buzug, J. von Stamm and G. Pfister
Fractal structures of spheroidal chaotic attractors pp. 564-570 Downloads
Michael Klein and Gerold Baier
A generic mechanism determining the fractality of basin boundary structures pp. 571-575 Downloads
J. Parisi, J. Peinke, A. Kittel, M. Klein and O.E. Rössler
Page updated 2025-03-31