Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis From Elsevier Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Liu (). Access Statistics for this journal.
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Volume 307, issue 3, 2002
- Microscopic chaos and Gaussian diffusion processes pp. 275-296

- L.Y. Chew and Christopher Ting
- Stochastic model for the dynamics of interacting Brownian particles pp. 297-314

- M. Mayorga, L. Romero-Salazar and J.M. Rubı́
- Controlling chaos in systems of coupled oscillators pp. 315-330

- M. Núñez and G. Mato
- Temporal localization of limit cycles in a noise-driven chemical oscillator pp. 331-353

- Mazen Al-Ghoul
- The relativistic Burnett equations from a moment closure of the Anderson and Witting model equation pp. 354-374

- L.L. Samojeden and G.M. Kremer
- Quantum statistics of superluminal radiation pp. 375-404

- Roman Tomaschitz
- Maxwell's demon. (I) A thermodynamic exorcism pp. 405-420

- Elias P. Gyftopoulos
- Maxwell's demon. (II) A quantum-theoretic exorcism pp. 421-436

- Elias P. Gyftopoulos
- Degree of entanglement for two fields interacting with a two-level system pp. 437-452

- M. Abdel-Aty and M.Sebawe Abdalla
- Equilibrium and nonequilibrium behavior of the spin-1 Ising model in the quadrupolar phase pp. 453-468

- Ahmet Erdinç and Mustafa Keskin
- Self-consistent Ornstein–Zernike approximation for three-dimensional spins pp. 469-493

- D. Pini, J.S. Høye and G. Stell
- The convergence of European business cycles 1978–2000 pp. 494-504

- Paul Ormerod and Craig Mounfield
- Dynamical transition in merging pedestrian flow without bottleneck pp. 505-515

- Takashi Nagatani
- The analogies of highway and computer network traffic pp. 516-526

- Simon Gábor and István Csabai
- Two effective temperatures in traffic flow models: analogies with granular flow pp. 527-547

- M.E. Lárraga, J.A. del Rı́o and Anita Mehta
Volume 307, issue 1, 2002
- Site percolation for a class of constrained honeycomb lattices pp. 1-14

- Jürgen Bendisch, Stefan Reimann and Hartmut von Trotha
- Slowed relaxational dynamics beyond the fluctuation–dissipation theorem pp. 15-26

- P. De Gregorio, F. Sciortino, P. Tartaglia, E. Zaccarelli and K.A. Dawson
- Effects of spatial heterogeneities on the slow dynamics of density fluctuations near the colloidal glass transition pp. 27-40

- Michio Tokuyama, Yayoi Terada and Irwin Oppenheim
- Kinetic phase transitions in different lattices for a dimer-dimer model pp. 41-51

- Xiao Han and Z.R. Yang
- Directing a random walker with optimal potentials pp. 52-62

- Marco A.P. Idiart and Marcelo Trevisan
- Oscillatory finite-time singularities in finance, population and rupture pp. 63-106

- Kayo Ide and Didier Sornette
- Reduced dynamics simulation of trapped classical atoms statistics using an interactive lattice automaton model pp. 107-120

- S.C. Hirata, D.M. Silveira, W.A.M. Morgado, M.E. Cruz and C.L. Cesar
- Hyperbolic theories of dissipation: Why and when do we need them? pp. 121-130

- Luis Herrera and Diego Pavón
- Diffusion on random comb structure: effective medium approximation pp. 131-141

- V.E. Arkhincheev
- Berry's phase in the presence of a dissipative medium pp. 142-156

- K.M.Fonseca Romero, A.C.Aguiar Pinto and M.T. Thomaz
- Inhomogeneity and complexity measures for spatial patterns pp. 157-171

- R. Piasecki, M.T. Martin and A. Plastino
- Statistical origin of quantum mechanics pp. 172-184

- G. Kaniadakis
- Gravothermal catastrophe and Tsallis’ generalized entropy of self-gravitating systems pp. 185-206

- Atsushi Taruya and Masa-aki Sakagami
- Laser block length distribution and influence of its parameters (K and M) on the phase behavior of statistical multiblock copolymers pp. 221-234

- M. Foroutan and M.A. Jafarizadeh
- Three-body correlations in protein folding: the origin of cooperativity pp. 235-259

- Ariel Fernández, Andrés Colubri and R. Stephen Berry
- Method to solve the travelling salesman problem using the inverse of diffusion process pp. 260-268

- Ryuichi Ugajin
Volume 306, issue C, 2002
- Foreword pp. xvii-xviii

- Alberto Robledo and Marcia Barbosa
- Opening Address pp. xxvii-xxvii

- Kurt Binder
- Slow, intermediate and fast dynamics in condensed matter pp. 1-14

- Kyozi Kawasaki
- Forest fires and the structure of the universe pp. 15-24

- Kan Chen and Per Bak
- Statistical physics of the glass phase pp. 25-38

- Marc Mézard
- Denaturation and unzipping of DNA: statistical mechanics of interacting loops pp. 39-50

- Y. Kafri, D. Mukamel and L. Peliti
- Exact integrable spin chains and transfer matrices related to models with stochastic dynamics pp. 51-58

- F.C. Alcaraz and R.Z. Bariev
- Quantum Coulomb systems: some exact results in the atomic limit pp. 59-67

- V. Ballenegger and Ph.A. Martin
- Exact results on spin glass models pp. 68-75

- Hidetoshi Nishimori
- Clusters in frustrated systems pp. 76-89

- Antonio Coniglio
- Nonequilibrium phase transitions in epidemics and sandpiles pp. 90-97

- Ronald Dickman
- Critical behavior of spin and polymer models with aperiodic interactions pp. 98-106

- T.A.S. Haddad and S.R. Salinas
- Absorption of a randomly accelerated particle: recent results for partially absorbing and inelastic boundaries pp. 107-116

- Theodore W. Burkhardt
- Particles, maps and irreversible thermodynamics pp. 117-128

- E.G.D. Cohen and L. Rondoni
- Self-consistent rate equation theory of cluster size distribution in aggregation phenomena pp. 129-139

- Fereydoon Family, Mihail N. Popescu and Jacques G. Amar
- Stochastic resonance in spatially extended systems: the role of far from equilibrium potentials pp. 140-156

- H.S. Wio, S. Bouzat and B. von Haeften
- Anomalous diffusion and Lévy distribution of particle velocity in soft-mode turbulence in electroconvection pp. 157-168

- Koyo Tamura, Yoshiki Hidaka, Yusril Yusuf and Shoichi Kai
- Dynamical disorder in diffusion-limited reactions pp. 169-179

- M. Moreau, G. Oshanin and O. Bénichou
- Emergence of order in an oscillated granular layer pp. 180-188

- Daniel I. Goldman, M.D. Shattuck, Harry L. Swinney and Gemunu H. Gunaratne
- Generalized statistical mechanics and fully developed turbulence pp. 189-198

- Christian Beck
- Phase front dynamics in inhomogeneously forced oscillatory systems pp. 199-210

- Christopher Hemming and Raymond Kapral
- Spiral turbulence and spatiotemporal chaos: characterization and control in two excitable media pp. 211-219

- Rahul Pandit, Ashwin Pande, Sitabhra Sinha and Avishek Sen
- Criticality and tricriticality in ionic systems pp. 220-229

- A. Ciach and G. Stell
- Statistical physics and liquid water: “What matters” pp. 230-242

- H.E. Stanley, S.V. Buldyrev, N. Giovambattista, E. La Nave, A. Scala, F. Sciortino and F.W. Starr
- Fundamental measure theory and dimensional interpolation for the hard spheres fluid pp. 243-250

- Pedro Tarazona
- Coarse-graining polymers as soft colloids pp. 251-261

- A.A. Louis, P.G. Bolhuis, R. Finken, V. Krakoviack, E.J. Meijer and J.P. Hansen
- Statistical hydrodynamics of ordered suspensions of self-propelled particles: waves, giant number fluctuations and instabilities pp. 262-269

- R.Aditi Simha and Sriram Ramaswamy
- Globally accurate theory of structure and thermodynamics for soft-matter liquids pp. 270-278

- D. Pini and G. Stell
- Wetting transitions pp. 279-286

- Daniel Bonn, David Ross, Emanuel Bertrand, Karine Ragil, Noushine Shahidzadeh, Daniel Broseta and Jacques Meunier
- An exactly solvable model for a colloid–polymer mixture in one-dimension pp. 287-300

- J.M. Brader and R. Evans
- Stability of curved amphiphilic interfaces pp. 301-315

- C. Varea and A. Robledo
- Nonadditive entropies and quantum entanglement pp. 316-322

- Sumiyoshi Abe
- Statistical wave scattering: from the atomic nucleus to mesoscopic systems to microwave cavities pp. 323-333

- Pier A Mello and Harold U Baranger
- Shear-induced yielding and ordering in concentrated particle suspensions pp. 334-342

- G. Petekidis, P.N. Pusey, A. Moussaı̈d, S. Egelhaaf and W.C.K. Poon
- Thermodynamics and aging in supercooled liquids: the energy landscape approach pp. 343-350

- Francesco Sciortino, Piero Tartaglia and Walter Kob
- Evolutionary computer simulations pp. 351-358

- Paulo Murilo Castro de Oliveira
- Elastic theories of single DNA molecules pp. 359-367

- Haijun Zhou, Yang Zhang and Zhong-can Ou-Yang
- Instabilities of membranes with anchored polymers pp. 368-375

- Joel Stavans
- Uncertainty in oil production predicted by percolation theory pp. 376-380

- P.R. King, S.V. Buldyrev, N.V. Dokholyan, S. Havlin, E. Lopez, G. Paul and H.E. Stanley
- Phase transitions and complexity in computer science: an overview of the statistical physics approach to the random satisfiability problem pp. 381-394

- Giulio Biroli, Simona Cocco and Rémi Monasson
- Statistical Physics for cosmic structures pp. 395-401

- Luciano Pietronero, Andrea Gabrielli and Francesco Sylos Labini
- Aggregation kinetics of popularity pp. 402-411

- S. Redner
- Stochastic multiplicative processes for financial markets pp. 412-422

- Zhi-Feng Huang and Sorin Solomon
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