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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 167, issue 2, 1990

Self-affine growth of bacterial colonies pp. 315-321 Downloads
Tamás Vicsek, Miklós Cserző and Viktor K. Horváth
Critical dynamics: A consequence of a random, stepwise growth of clusters? pp. 322-332 Downloads
Z. Alexandrowicz
On the Alexandrowicz relation between static and dynamic Ising exponents pp. 333-337 Downloads
D. Stauffer and J. Kertész
Proton exchange activity as a probe for solitons in RNA pp. 338-346 Downloads
Ariel Fernández
Susceptibility of the Potts model on a hierarchical lattice: Renormalization group approach pp. 347-360 Downloads
Edson de Pinho Da Silva and Constantino Tsallis
Computer simulations of nearest-neighbor distribution functions and related quantities for hard-sphere systems pp. 361-383 Downloads
S. Torquato and Sang Bub Lee
The electric contribution to the curvature elastic moduli of charged fluid interfaces pp. 384-394 Downloads
H.N.W. Lekkerkerker
A description of collective degree of freedom as a dynamical variable pp. 395-406 Downloads
Yasushi Takahashi
A description of collective degree of freedom as a dynamical variable pp. 407-416 Downloads
Yasushi Takahashi
A description of collective degree of freedom as a dynamical variable pp. 417-432 Downloads
Yasushi Takahashi
Higher conservation laws for the quantum non-linear Schrödinger equation pp. 433-456 Downloads
B. Davies
Working equation for a capillary viscometer with non-steady compressible flow pp. 457-480 Downloads
H.R. van den Berg, C.A. ten Seldam and P.S. van der Gulik
One-dimensional random field Ising model: Residual entropy, magnetization, and the “perestroyka” of the ground state pp. 481-493 Downloads
Ulrich Behn, Vyacheslav B. Priezzhev and Valentin A. Zagrebnov
Interference effects in superconductor thermal conductivity pp. 494-508 Downloads
Zh.S. Gevorkian and Yu.E. Lozovik
A quantum field theory of crystals and liquids pp. 509-526 Downloads
Toyoyuki Kitamura
A quantum field theory of crystals and liquids pp. 527-538 Downloads
Toyoyuki Kitamura
Anomalous diffusion: A dynamic perspective pp. 539-559 Downloads
R. Muralidhar, D. Ramkrishna, H. Nakanishi and D. Jacobs
Multifractal nature of the first passage time for biased diffusion on percolation clusters pp. 560-564 Downloads
Nikola Mašić and Zorica V. Djordjević

Volume 167, issue 1, 1990

Distribution functions of mesoscopic fluctuations and applicability of the one-parameter scaling pp. 1-14 Downloads
I.V. Lerner
Current relaxation in disordered conductors pp. 15-27 Downloads
B.L. Altshuler, V.E. Kravtsov and I.V. Lerner
Scattering theory and conductance fluctuations in mesoscopic systems pp. 28-42 Downloads
Hans A. Weidenmüller
Singularities in spectra of disordered systems pp. 43-65 Downloads
Th.M. Nieuwenhuizen
Quantum conductance fluctuations and maximum entropy ensembles for the transfer matrix pp. 66-92 Downloads
Jean-Louis Pichard and Marc Sanquer
Dynamic nonlinear σ model of localization theory pp. 93-118 Downloads
Marc Horbach and Gerd Schön
Effective medium approximation in the localization theory: Saddle point in a lagrangian formulation pp. 119-131 Downloads
K.B. Efetov
Fourier inversion theorem in mesoscopic transport pp. 132-139 Downloads
Martin R. Zirnbauer
Covariant approach to the wilson renormalization of nonlinear σ models pp. 140-148 Downloads
V.I. Yudson
Anderson localization in a superstring model representation pp. 149-162 Downloads
Shinobu Hikami
The Anderson transition: New numerical results for the critical exponents pp. 163-174 Downloads
B. Kramer, K. Broderix, A. Mackinnon and M. Schreiber
One-parameter scaling in the lowest Landau band pp. 175-187 Downloads
Bodo Huckestein
Fractal eigenstates in disordered systems pp. 188-198 Downloads
Michael Schreiber
Scaling exponents at the mobility edge pp. 199-214 Downloads
S.N. Evangelou
Classical localization pp. 215-230 Downloads
E.N. Economou
Diagrammatic self-consistent theory of anderson localization for the tight-binding model pp. 231-252 Downloads
J. Kroha
Scaling and eigenfunction correlations near a mobility edge pp. 253-258 Downloads
J.T. Chalker
Magnetic anomalies in disordered electronic systems pp. 259-278 Downloads
D. Belitz and T.R. Kirkpatrick
Anderson transition in two-dimensional systems with spin-orbit coupling pp. 279-287 Downloads
Arisato Kawabata
Effects of weak disorder on strongly interacting electron systems pp. 288-293 Downloads
G. Kotliar and C.M. Varma
The magnetic field crossover exponent problem revisited pp. 294-300 Downloads
C. Castellani and G. Kotliar
Anderson localization problems in gapless superconducting phases pp. 301-312 Downloads
R. Oppenmann

Volume 166, issue 3, 1990

Coherent structures in turbulent convection, an experimental study pp. 387-407 Downloads
Giovanni Zocchi, Elisha Moses and Albert Libchaber
Dynamics in a long-range exchange model pp. 408-429 Downloads
Hisao Hayakawa and Fereydoon Family
Surface deformation in films and exciton concentration pp. 430-446 Downloads
V. Sajfert, B.S. Tošić, M.M. Marinković and U.F. Kozmidis-Luburić
Dynamics of pinned charge density waves: Numerical simulations pp. 447-472 Downloads
E. Veermans, A. Erzan, R. Heijungs and L. Pietronero
Dynamic computer simulation of concentrated hard sphere suspensions pp. 473-491 Downloads
B. Cichocki and K. Hinsen
Linear response theory of the motion of a spherical particle in an incompressible fluid pp. 492-504 Downloads
B.U. Felderhof
The thermal conductivity of dense fluids and their mixtures using the effective diameter revised enskog theory pp. 505-516 Downloads
R. Castillo and J.V. Orozco
On the relaxation time hierarchy in dissipative systems: An example from semiconductor physics pp. 517-539 Downloads
A.R. Vasconcellos, A.C. Algarte and R. Luzzi
A statistical mechanical study of smectic a liquid crystals composed of ellipsoidal molecules interacting through angle dependent nonseparable pair potentials pp. 540-548 Downloads
A.V. Zakharov
Cardinality of phase transition of Ising models on closed cayley trees pp. 549-574 Downloads
Toby Berger and Zhongxing Ye
On the quantum dynamics of a compressible Heisenberg chain pp. 575-584 Downloads
Mariusz A. Olko and Łukasz A. Turski
Activated rate processes in a multidimensional case. A new solution of the Kramers problem pp. 585-621 Downloads
A.M. Berezhkovskii and V.Yu. Zitserman
Ising spin glasses with multispin interactions pp. 622-632 Downloads
Daniel A. Stariolo
Linear response theory for a highly excited system far from equilibrium pp. 633-650 Downloads
E. Heiner
The action-angle transformation for soliton equations pp. 651-675 Downloads
Benno Fuchssteiner and Sandra Carillo
Symmetry-adapted liouville space pp. 676-684 Downloads
F.P. Temme
Symmetry-adapted liouville space pp. 685-701 Downloads
F.P. Temme

Volume 166, issue 2, 1990

The three-dimensional dilute Ising magnet pp. 173-179 Downloads
J.-S. Wang, M. Wöhlert, H. Mühlenbein and D. Chowdhury
Equations of state of adsorbates with fractal dimension pp. 180-192 Downloads
Jürgen U. Keller
Multi-spin-flip dynamics of the Ising chain pp. 193-205 Downloads
Nobuyasu Ito and Tetsuhiko Chikyu
Effective medium theory of diffusion-controlled reactions among stationary perfect sinks pp. 206-219 Downloads
Jens Krüger
Characterizations of intrinsically random dynamical systems pp. 220-228 Downloads
Zdzisław Suchanecki and Aleksander Weron
Thermodynamics of mesoscopic soft modes in strongly disturbed lattices pp. 229-262 Downloads
Max Wagner and Theodor Mougios
Dynamical correlation function of polymer density fluctuations in concentrated solutions pp. 263-287 Downloads
A.N. Semenov
Hamiltonian description of nonlinear processes in incompressible liquids with a free boundary pp. 288-304 Downloads
I.M. Khalatnikov and V.L. Pokrovsky
Role of Lagrangian chaoticity on the small scale structure of passive scalars in fluids pp. 305-324 Downloads
Andrea Crisanti, Massimo Falcioni, Giovanni Paladin and Angelo Vulpiani
Diffusion coefficients of internal states for the calculation of thermal conductivity pp. 325-337 Downloads
John R. Ferron
Statistical properties of anti-stokes radiation pp. 338-346 Downloads
S.A. Hadjiagapiou
Intensity dependent, two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model pp. 347-360 Downloads
V. Bartzis
Path-summation approach to the dynamics of radiative phenomena pp. 361-386 Downloads
Petr Chvosta
Page updated 2025-03-31