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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 162, issue 3, 1990

Reaction-diffusion on a regular array of perfectly absorbing cylindrical sinks pp. 317-333 Downloads
P. Venema
Pattern formation at liquid interfaces pp. 334-361 Downloads
Barbara Heidel and Charles M. Knobler
Cooperative relaxation in glass forming liquids pp. 362-376 Downloads
Udayan Mohanty
Heat conduction and relaxation in liquids of high viscosity pp. 377-404 Downloads
Josef Jäckle
Carrier dynamics in a ring, landauer resistance and localization in a periodic system pp. 405-413 Downloads
Daan Lenstra, Willem Van Haeringen and Richard T.M. Smokers
A BBGKY hierarchy for the extended kinetic theory pp. 414-426 Downloads
Damián H. Zanette
A test particle approach in the stochastic stability analysis of charged particle beams pp. 427-457 Downloads
E. Javier Vitela and A. Ziya Akcasu
The random field Ising model in one and two dimensions: A renormalization group approach pp. 458-476 Downloads
Suzana Moss De Oliveira, M.A. Continentino and P.M.C. Oliveira
Nonlinear damping in spin systems: Ferromagnetic infinite range exchange interactions pp. 477-488 Downloads
T. Plefka
On the invariance of Onsager's reciprocal relations in the thermodynamic theory of dielectric relaxation phenomena pp. 489-498 Downloads
V. Ciancio and L. Restuccia
Iterative treatments for homogeneous fluids pp. 499-512 Downloads
M.-E. Boudh-Hir
On the theory of a superfluid Fermi liquid pp. 513-541 Downloads
V.V. Krasil'nikov, S.V. Peletminskij and A.A. Yatsenko
Structure of the collision integral in the theory of normal fermi liquids pp. 542-560 Downloads
M. Luft and S.V. Peletminskij

Volume 162, issue 1, 1989

Control of the immune response by a threshold automata model on a lattice pp. 1-19 Downloads
Avidan U. Neumann
Simulation of three-dimensional bootstrap percolation pp. 20-26 Downloads
S.S. Manna, D. Stauffer and D.W. Heermann
Damage spreading in 3D Ising model with Swendsen-Wang dynamics pp. 27-30 Downloads
D. Stauffer
Microscopic theory of spin reorientations- thermodynamics and nucleation phenomenon pp. 31-66 Downloads
A.A. Bakasov and V.I. Yukalov
Use of potentials in the study of magnet models of the Heisenberg type pp. 67-87 Downloads
R.A. Leo, G. Mancarella, G. Soliani and L. Solombrino
On the equivalence of different Landau expansions pp. 88-98 Downloads
C.E.I. Carneiro, V.B. Henriques and S.R. Salinas
Dynamics of microemulsion droplets pp. 99-110 Downloads
E. Van Der Linden, D. Bedeaux and M. Borkovec
Symmetry-adapted Liouville space IX. The role of scalar invariants and lexical combinatorics over a ield in the derivation of explicit |kq{K∼K≈}(k1−k4):[λ∼] 〉L4〉 tensor bases under L4/SO(3) duality pp. 111-124 Downloads
F.P. Temme
Dynamical factorization up to arbitrary order in the subdynamics approach pp. 125-137 Downloads
V. Škarka
Slip flow and slip boundary coefficient of a dense fluid via nonequilibrium molecular dynamics pp. 138-144 Downloads
Siegfried Hess and Werner Loose
Cluster formation by inelastically colliding particles in one-dimensional space pp. 145-160 Downloads
Koichiro Shida and Toshio Kawai

Volume 161, issue 3, 1989

Superexchange and superconductivity pp. 385-431 Downloads
Laurens Jansen and Ruud Block
A theory of higher-order correlations: Application to mixed spin systems pp. 432-446 Downloads
L. Šamaj
Uniform-field theory of phase instabilities in absorptive optical bistability pp. 447-456 Downloads
A.J. Van Wonderen and L.G. Suttorp
The growth of ramified clusters by particle evaporation and condensation pp. 457-475 Downloads
Paul Meakin, M. Matsushita and Y. Hayakawa
Theory of q-soliton and phase boundary dynamics in a (2+1)-dimensional O(3)-antiferromagnet pp. 476-507 Downloads
A. Holz and Changde Gong
Semi-classical theory of a doped two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet pp. 508-524 Downloads
A. Holz and Changde Gong
New optical equations for the interaction of a two-level atom with a single mode of the electromagnetic field pp. 525-538 Downloads
A. Sandulescu and E. Stefanescu
A mean-field equation for a cosine interaction on a lattice pp. 539-552 Downloads
Chai Hok Eab and Rangsan Chalermsri

Volume 161, issue 2, 1989

Clusters in the three-dimensional Ising model with a magnetic field pp. 249-268 Downloads
Jian-Sheng Wang
Order parameter operator and equations of motion for quasi-conserved quantities for orbital 3He-A hydrodynamics pp. 269-283 Downloads
Z.M. Galasiewicz
A variational study of the phase diagram of the potts three state model versus Monte Carlo simulation pp. 284-299 Downloads
L.A. Fernández, U. Marini Bettolo Marconi and A. Tarancón
A manifestly covariant relativistic Boltzmann equation for the evolution of a system of events pp. 300-338 Downloads
L.P. Horwitz, S. Shashoua and W.C. Schieve
Mean spherical approximation equations for a symmetric hard-core two-yukawa mixture pp. 339-356 Downloads
J. Konior and C. Jȩdrzejek
Non-markovian behavior in low-temperature damping pp. 357-384 Downloads
Vittorio Gorini, Maurizio Verri and Alberto Frigerio

Volume 160, issue 3, 1989

A geometrical interpretation of the chaotic state of inhomogeneous deterministic cellular automata pp. 275-297 Downloads
Alex Hansen and Stéphane Roux
Scaling properties of eden clusters in three and four dimensions pp. 298-309 Downloads
Pierre Devillard and H.Eugene Stanley
Swendsen-Wang simulation of Ising spins and a precise definition of critical clusters pp. 310-320 Downloads
Z. Alexandrowicz
Phase-length distributions in intermittent band switching pp. 321-350 Downloads
T. Post, H.W. Capel and J.P. Van der Weele
Subdynamics and nonintegrable systems pp. 351-385 Downloads
T.Y. Petrosky and H. Hasegawa
The magnetized d-dimensional ideal paragas pp. 386-394 Downloads
H.O. Frota and A.C.R. Bittencourt
Plane Poiseuille flow: Near continuum results for a rigid sphere gas pp. 395-408 Downloads
S.K. Loyalka and K.A. Hickey
Symmetry breaking patterns in superfluid 3He pp. 409-441 Downloads
H.W. Capel and Adriaan M.J. Schakel
Dislocation-point defect dynamics in two-dimensional anisotropic liquids: New aspects of melting pp. 442-470 Downloads
Dennis Vigren and Arno Holz
A generalized Vlasov equation pp. 471-481 Downloads
Ademir E. Santana, A. Matos Neto and J.D.M. Vianna
On the effects of an uncertainty on the evolution law in dynamical systems pp. 482-502 Downloads
Andrea Crisanti, Massimo Falcioni and Angelo Vulpiani
Metastable Ising models in crumpled geometries pp. 503-518 Downloads
J.C. Lee
Linearly coupled quantum oscillators with Lévy stable noise pp. 519-526 Downloads
M. Rybaczuk and K. Weron

Volume 160, issue 2, 1989

The phase diagram of the O(n) model pp. 121-134 Downloads
Henk W.J. Blöte and Bernard Nienhuis
Static light scattering by solutions of salt-free polyelectrolytes pp. 135-147 Downloads
R. Krause, E.E. Maier, M. Deggelmann, M. Hagenbüchle, S.F. Schulz and R. Weber
Low-temperature impurity pairing in the frustrated 2D Ising model pp. 148-156 Downloads
Borko Stošić and H.Eugene Stanley
Statistical mechanical theory of polar fluids for all densities pp. 157-165 Downloads
A.V. Zakharov and E.L. Aero
A visual measurement of contact angles in a molecular-dynamics simulation pp. 166-180 Downloads
M.J.P. Nijmeijer, C. Bruin, A.F. Bakker and J.M.J. Van Leeuwen
A quantum field theory of melting pp. 181-194 Downloads
Toyoyuki Kitamura
The shear-thinning behaviour of colloidal dispersions pp. 195-204 Downloads
J.K.G. Dhont, J.C. van der Werff and C.G. de Kruif
The shear-thinning behaviour of colloidal dispersions pp. 205-212 Downloads
J.C. van der Werff, C.G. de Kruif and J.K.G. Dhont
Hamiltonian formulation of the linearized perturbation equations for the Vlasov-Einstein system of relativistic stellar dynamics pp. 213-224 Downloads
Henry E. Kandrup
Exact generating function for the two-dimensional lattice Lorentz gas pp. 225-234 Downloads
C.B. Briozzo, C.E. Budde and M.O. Cáceres
Linear integral equations and multicomponent nonlinear integrable systems II pp. 235-273 Downloads
J. van der Linden, H.W. Capel and F.W. Nijhoff
Page updated 2025-03-31