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Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

1975 - 2025

Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis

From Elsevier
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Volume 450, issue C, 2016

Signals on graphs: Transforms and tomograms pp. 1-17 Downloads
R. Vilela Mendes, Hugo C. Mendes and Tanya Araújo
On the construction of a functional solution method for the infiltration in porous media problems pp. 18-29 Downloads
I.C. Furtado, B.E.J. Bodmann and M.T. de Vilhena
Phase transitions in the majority-vote model with two types of noises pp. 30-36 Downloads
Allan R. Vieira and Nuno Crokidakis
On the structure, masses and thermodynamics of the W± bosons pp. 37-48 Downloads
C.G. Vayenas, A.S. Fokas and D. Grigoriou
Spectral analysis of Chinese language: Co-occurrence networks from four literary genres pp. 49-56 Downloads
Wei Liang and Guanrong Chen
Are transaction taxes a cause of financial instability? pp. 57-70 Downloads
Fulvio Fontini, Elena Sartori and Marco Tolotti
A point-based angular analysis model for identifying attributes of spaces at nodes in street networks pp. 71-84 Downloads
Sang Kyu Jeong and Yong Un Ban
State and group dynamics of world stock market by principal component analysis pp. 85-94 Downloads
Ashadun Nobi and Jae Woo Lee
Delocalization of mechanical waves in the ladder chain of DNA with correlated disorder pp. 95-103 Downloads
O. Farzadian and M.D. Niry
A comprehensive segmentation analysis of crude oil market based on time irreversibility pp. 104-114 Downloads
Jianan Xia, Pengjian Shang, Dan Lu and Yi Yin
The threshold of a stochastic delayed SIR epidemic model with temporary immunity pp. 115-125 Downloads
Qun Liu, Qingmei Chen and Daqing Jiang
Asset price and trade volume relation in artificial market impacted by value investors pp. 126-133 Downloads
K. Tangmongkollert and S. Suwanna
Bosonic binary mixtures with Josephson-type interactions pp. 134-147 Downloads
Valéria de C. Souza, Zochil González Arenas, Daniel G. Barci and Cesar A. Linhares
On the influence of reflective boundary conditions on the statistics of Poisson–Kac diffusion processes pp. 148-164 Downloads
Massimiliano Giona, Antonio Brasiello and Silvestro Crescitelli
Reconfiguration dynamics in folded and intrinsically disordered protein with internal friction: Effect of solvent quality and denaturant pp. 165-179 Downloads
Nairhita Samanta and Rajarshi Chakrabarti
Effects of two different random single-ion anisotropies on the critical properties of a mixed spin-2 and spin-5/2 Ising system pp. 180-192 Downloads
J.S. da Cruz Filho, T.M. Tunes, M. Godoy and A.S. de Arruda
Discriminating bot accounts based solely on temporal features of microblog behavior pp. 193-204 Downloads
Junshan Pan, Ying Liu, Xiang Liu and Hanping Hu
Generalized linear Boltzmann equation, describing non-classical particle transport, and related asymptotic solutions for small mean free paths pp. 205-216 Downloads
Sergey A. Rukolaine
Variational approach and deformed derivatives pp. 217-227 Downloads
J. Weberszpil and J.A. Helayël-Neto
Dynamical behavior of a rumor transmission model with Holling-type II functional response in emergency event pp. 228-240 Downloads
Huo, Liang’an, Jiehui Jiang, Sixing Gong and Bing He
The adaptive dynamic community detection algorithm based on the non-homogeneous random walking pp. 241-252 Downloads
Yu Xin, Zhi-Qiang Xie and Jing Yang
Application of quantum master equation for long-term prognosis of asset-prices pp. 253-263 Downloads
Polina Khrennikova
Interpolating between random walks and optimal transportation routes: Flow with multiple sources and targets pp. 264-277 Downloads
Guillaume Guex
A deterministic model for highly contagious diseases: The case of varicella pp. 278-286 Downloads
L. Acedo, J.-A. Moraño, F.-J. Santonja and R.-J. Villanueva
Analyzing and modeling heterogeneous behavior pp. 287-293 Downloads
Zhiting Lin, Xiaoqing Wu, Dongyue He, Qiang Zhu and Jixiang Ni
A robust nonparametric framework for reconstruction of stochastic differential equation models pp. 294-304 Downloads
Yalda Rajabzadeh, Amir Hossein Rezaie and Hamidreza Amindavar
Architectures engender crises: The emergence of power laws in social networks pp. 305-316 Downloads
Fernando Tohmé and Juan Larrosa
A model for diffusive systems: Beyond the Arrhenius mechanism pp. 317-322 Downloads
A.C.P. Rosa, Pablo Vaveliuk, Kleber C. Mundim and M.A. Moret
Multifractal detrended moving average analysis of particle density functions in relativistic nuclear collisions pp. 323-332 Downloads
Provash Mali, Amitabha Mukhopadhyay and Gurmukh Singh
Effective leadership for crowd evacuation pp. 333-341 Downloads
Yi Ma, Richard Kwok Kit Yuen and Eric Wai Ming Lee
Exploring community structure in networks by consensus dynamics pp. 342-353 Downloads
He He, Bo Yang and Xiaoming Hu
A probable probability distribution of a series nonequilibrium states in a simple system out of equilibrium pp. 354-358 Downloads
Haixia Gao, Ting Li and Changming Xiao
Evaluating the performance of vehicular platoon control under different network topologies of initial states pp. 359-368 Downloads
Yongfu Li, Kezhi Li, Taixiong Zheng, Xiangdong Hu, Huizong Feng and Yinguo Li
The dynamic critical properties of the spin-2 Ising model on a bilayer square lattice pp. 369-384 Downloads
Ümüt Temizer, Semih Yarar and Mesimi Tülek
The distribution of all French communes: A composite parametric approach pp. 385-394 Downloads
Enrique Calderín-Ojeda
The simulation of the non-Markovian behaviour of a two-level system pp. 395-402 Downloads
I. Semina and F. Petruccione
The optimal dynamic immunization under a controlled heterogeneous node-based SIRS model pp. 403-415 Downloads
Lu-Xing Yang, Moez Draief and Xiaofan Yang
Pedestrian movement analysis in transfer station corridor: Velocity-based and acceleration-based pp. 416-434 Downloads
Xiangfeng Ji, Jian Zhang, Yongkai Hu and Bin Ran
Hypergeometric connotations of quantum equations pp. 435-443 Downloads
A. Plastino and M.C. Rocca
Pinning synchronization of discrete dynamical networks with delay coupling pp. 444-453 Downloads
Ranran Cheng, Mingshu Peng and Jun Zuo
Refined scale-dependent permutation entropy to analyze systems complexity pp. 454-461 Downloads
Shuen-De Wu, Chiu-Wen Wu and Anne Humeau-Heurtier
Stock market stability: Diffusion entropy analysis pp. 462-465 Downloads
Shouwei Li, Yangyang Zhuang and Jianmin He
Chain-reaction crash on a highway in high visibility pp. 466-472 Downloads
Takashi Nagatani
Improving quality of sample entropy estimation for continuous distribution probability functions pp. 473-485 Downloads
Janusz Miśkiewicz
Study of market model describing the contrary behaviors of informed and uninformed agents: Being minority and being majority pp. 486-496 Downloads
Yu-Xia Zhang, Hao Liao, Matus Medo, Ming-Sheng Shang and Chi Ho Yeung
Analysis of traffic congestion induced by the work zone pp. 497-505 Downloads
L. Fei, H.B. Zhu and X.L. Han
Promotion of cooperation by payoff-driven migration pp. 506-514 Downloads
Ya-Shan Chen, Han-Xin Yang and Wen-Zhong Guo
Simulation of DNA in water/ethanol mixture pp. 515-522 Downloads
Jing Wen, Hao Shen, Yan-Rong Zhai and Feng-Shou Zhang
Analysis of community properties and node properties to understand the structure of the bus transport network pp. 523-530 Downloads
Yeran Sun, Lucy Mburu and Shaohua Wang
Fractal analysis of the short time series in a visibility graph method pp. 531-540 Downloads
Ruixue Li, Jiang Wang, Haitao Yu, Bin Deng, Xile Wei and Yingyuan Chen
Representation and simulation for pyrochlore lattice via Monte Carlo technique pp. 541-545 Downloads
André Luis Passos, Douglas F. de Albuquerque and João Batista Santos Filho
Two dimensional velocity distribution in open channels using Renyi entropy pp. 546-559 Downloads
Manotosh Kumbhakar and Koeli Ghoshal
Cooperation in memory-based prisoner’s dilemma game on interdependent networks pp. 560-569 Downloads
Chao Luo, Xiaolin Zhang, Hong Liu and Rui Shao
Information cascade on networks pp. 570-584 Downloads
Masato Hisakado and Shintaro Mori
Irreversibility and complex network behavior of stream flow fluctuations pp. 585-600 Downloads
Francesco Serinaldi and Chris G. Kilsby
Non-consensus opinion model with a neutral view on complex networks pp. 601-608 Downloads
Zihao Tian, Gaogao Dong, Ruijin Du and Jing Ma
Link prediction based on hyperbolic mapping with community structure for complex networks pp. 609-623 Downloads
Zuxi Wang, Yao Wu, Qingguang Li, Fengdong Jin and Wei Xiong
Diffusion processes of fragmentary information on scale-free networks pp. 624-634 Downloads
Xun Li and Lang Cao
Exploring dynamic property of traffic flow time series in multi-states based on complex networks: Phase space reconstruction versus visibility graph pp. 635-648 Downloads
Jinjun Tang, Fang Liu, Weibin Zhang, Shen Zhang and Yinhai Wang
An epidemic spreading model on adaptive scale-free networks with feedback mechanism pp. 649-656 Downloads
Tao Li, Xiongding Liu, Jie Wu, Chen Wan, Zhi-Hong Guan and Yuanmei Wang
Evolutionary features of academic articles co-keyword network and keywords co-occurrence network: Based on two-mode affiliation network pp. 657-669 Downloads
Huajiao Li, Haizhong An, Yue Wang, Jiachen Huang and Xiangyun Gao
Cost effective campaigning in social networks pp. 670-681 Downloads
Bhushan Kotnis and Joy Kuri
A method of characterizing network topology based on the breadth-first search tree pp. 682-686 Downloads
Bin Zhou, Zhe He, Nianxin Wang and Bing-Hong Wang
Targeted attack on networks coupled by connectivity and dependency links pp. 687-699 Downloads
Ruijin Du, Gaogao Dong, Lixin Tian and Runran Liu
Failure of classical traffic flow theories: Stochastic highway capacity and automatic driving pp. 700-747 Downloads
Boris S. Kerner
Effect of marital status on death rates. Part 1: High accuracy exploration of the Farr–Bertillon effect pp. 748-767 Downloads
Peter Richmond and Bertrand M. Roehner
Effect of marital status on death rates. Part 2: Transient mortality spikes pp. 768-784 Downloads
Peter Richmond and Bertrand M. Roehner
Page updated 2025-03-31