Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
1975 - 2025
Current editor(s): K. A. Dawson, J. O. Indekeu, H.E. Stanley and C. Tsallis
From Elsevier
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Volume 119, issue 3, 1983
- Improved corresponding states principle for the noble gases pp. 387-440

- B. Najafi, E.A. Mason and J. Kestin
- Statistical mechanics of two-dimensional coulomb systems pp. 441-454

- S.W. de Leeuw, J.W. Perram and E.R. Smith
- Approximate solution methods for linear stochastic difference equations pp. 455-484

- J.B.T.M. Roerdink
- Finite correlation time effects in nonequilibrium phase transitions pp. 485-503

- Katja Lindenberg and Bruce J. West
- High-temperature expansion for the longitudinal susceptibility of the spin-12 XY model pp. 504-511

- M. Howard Lee
- A non-linear stochastic differential equation: Exact critical statics and dynamics pp. 512-526

- N. Banai and L. Brenig
- Phase separation in strongly coupled binary ionic mixtures at zero temperature pp. 527-552

- R. Mazighi
- Accroissement d'energie interne et de densite d'energie interne d'un milieu dielectrique polarise pp. 553-568

- B. Blaive and J. Metzger
- First passage time problems for a class of master equations with separable kernels pp. 569-579

- George H. Weiss and Attila Szabo
- Reduced Markov chains at stochastic spin models pp. 580-590

- H. Falk
- Linear response theory of sedimentation and diffusion in a suspension of spherical particles pp. 591-608

- B.U. Felderhof and R.B. Jones
- Exact results for a correlated percolation model pp. 609-614

- Chin-Kun Hu
- The transport properties of binary mixtures of hydrogen with CO, CO2 and CH4 pp. 615-638

- J. Kestin, S.T. Ro and W.A. Wakeham
- On the non-equilibrium entropy pp. 639-645

- W.A. Majewski
Volume 119, issue 1, 1983
- Hamiltonian model for the Brownian motion of a rigid rotor pp. 1-16

- Katja Lindenberg, Udayan Mohanty and V. Seshadri
- Variational approach to dynamics of interfaces and quantized vortex lines pp. 17-40

- Kyozi Kawasaki
- Systematic elimination of fast variables in linear systems pp. 41-52

- U. Geigenmüller, U.M. Titulaer and B.U. Felderhof
- The approximate nature of the Onsager-Casimir reciprocal relations pp. 53-66

- U. Geigenmüller, U.M. Titulaer and B.U. Felderhof
- A quantum field theory of crystals. IV pp. 67-77

- Toyoyuki Kitamura
- Critical point estimates for the spin s Ising model from the high temperature series renormalisation group method pp. 78-82

- K. De'bell and D.D. Betts
- Critical temperature for a random-bond Ising model with frustration on a square lattice pp. 83-91

- Tsuyoshi Horiguchi
- Measurements of the viscosity of compressed gaseous and liquid nitrogen pp. 92-100

- Dwain E. Diller
- On some linear integral equations generating solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations pp. 101-142

- F.W. Nijhoff, G.R.W. Quispel, J. Van Der Linden and H.W. Capel
- Free energy of the random Ising model in terms of the magnetizations of sites pp. 143-152

- T. Morita
- The linear Ising magnet in a strong time-dependent field pp. 153-158

- G.O. Berim and A.R. Kessel
- Parametrization of open systems with effective quadratic Hamiltonians plus stochastic force pp. 159-176

- E.S. Hernández and S.S. Mizrahi
- Generalized Klimontovich theory for fluctuations and correlations in plasmas pp. 177-196

- A.J.D. Lambert
- Time correlation functions for the one-dimensional Lorentz gas pp. 197-211

- R.M. Mazo and Henk van Beijeren
- On Brownian motion in fluids with spin pp. 212-229

- A. Pérez-Madrid, J.M. Rubí and J. Casas-Vázquez
- Phase transitions for the Ising model on the closed Cayley tree pp. 230-242

- John E. Krizan, Peter F. Barth and M.L. Glasser
- General dressed Hamiltonian for a composite particle in a medium pp. 243-273

- R. Fleckinger and Y. Soulet
- Random non-linear electromagnetic waves in vacuo pp. 274-290

- P.H. Roberts
- Exact ground states for a class of linear quantum spin systems pp. 291-294

- W.J. Caspers and W. Magnus
- Bond percolation on the square lattice: Anisotropic systems pp. 295-306

- Arthur R. McGurn
- Brownian diffusion of a small particle in a suspension pp. 307-316

- J.-P. Carton, E. Dubois-Violette and J. Prost
- Asymptotic properties of the Markovian master equations for multi-stationary systems pp. 317-326

- E-Jiang Ding
- Convective instabilities in binary mixtures in a porous medium pp. 327-338

- H. Brand and V. Steinberg
- Semiclassical representation method in statistical physics of interacting molecules pp. 339-355

- E.P. Gordov and S.D. Tvorogov
- Surface density profile and surface tension of the one-component classical plasma pp. 356-368

- P. Ballone, G. Senatore and M.P. Tosi
- On the Brownian motion of deformable particles pp. 369-379

- A.V. Zatovsky and V. Lisý
- On the higher derivatives of the H-function for a model Boltzmann equation pp. 380-386

- J.O. Vigfusson
Volume 118, issue 1, 1983
- Non-Newtonian behavior of polymeric liquids pp. 3-16

- R.Byron Bird
- Kinetic theory of non-equilibrium fluids pp. 17-42

- E.G.D. Cohen
- Molecular dynamics simulations of the rheological properties of simple fluids pp. 51-68

- Denis J. Evans
- The effect of Brownian motion on the transport properties of a suspension of spherical particles pp. 69-78

- B.U. Felderhof
- Similarities and differences in the nonlinear flow behavior of simple and of molecular liquids pp. 79-104

- Siegfried Hess
- Atomistic nonequilibrium computer simulations pp. 111-122

- William G. Hoover
- Brownian dynamics simulation of systems with transitions, particularly conformational transitions in chain molecules pp. 123-135

- Eugene Helfand
- Growth law dynamics in a phase separating fluid pp. 136-143

- Rashmi C. Desai, S.W. Koch and Farid F. Abraham
- Non-equilibrium molecular dynamics calculations on the shear viscosity of hard spheres pp. 144-156

- Jerome J. Erpenbeck
- Linear and nonlinear response in computer simulation experiments pp. 157-165

- Gianni Jacucci
- Kinetics of fluctuations for systems undergoing phase transitions - interfacial approach pp. 175-190

- Kyozi Kawasaki and Takao Ohta
- A kinetic theory of polymeric fluids pp. 191-204

- C.F. Curtiss and R.Byron Bird
- Kinetic and hydrodynamic theories of nonequilibrium fluctuations pp. 205-216

- M.Cristina Marchetti and James W. Dufty
- Sheared colloidal suspensions pp. 221-249

- Bruce J. Ackerson and Noel A. Clark
- Fluctuations anisotropy arising from velocity or temperature gradients pp. 250-267

- D. Beysens
- Observation of the relaxation of composition fluctuations in a binary liquid mixture pp. 268-281

- N. Easwar, M. Joshua, J.V. Maher and W.I. Goldburg
- Kinetics of phase separation in binary fluids: Nucleation near the critical point pp. 282-282

- J.S. Langer
- Dynamics of compatible polymer mixtures pp. 289-299

- F. Brochard and P.G. de Gennes
- On the Lagrangian formulation of continuum mechanics pp. 300-314

- A. Golebiewska-Herrmann
- Bond orientational order in liquids and amorphous solids pp. 315-316

- David R. Nelson
- Mostly chaos pp. 323-328

- B.A. Huberman
- What causes noise in a convecting fluid? pp. 329-334

- Jerry P. Gollub
- Onset of turbulent convection in large cells pp. 335-335

- Eric Siggia
- On the Burnett and higher order equations of hydrodynamics pp. 341-349

- L.S. García-Colín
- Steady state thermodynamics and spatial correlations pp. 350-359

- Joel Keizer
- Fast pressure quenches near the critical point of a binary liquid mixture pp. 360-370

- E.A. Clerke and J.V. Sengers
- A solvable weak-potential model of a non-Newtonian fluid pp. 371-382

- James C. Rainwater and Siegfried Hess
- The long time tail conundrum in nonequilibrium statistical mechanics pp. 383-394

- Ronald F. Fox
- The description of catastropic changes in tagged particle dynamics by the self-consistent repeated ring equation pp. 395-406

- T. Keyes and A.J. Masters
- Comments on non-equilibrium molecular dynamics pp. 413-418

- B.J. Alder
- Temperature instability of a self-heating slab pp. 441-441

- Dong-Pao Chou and Sidney Yip
- Variational principle in the Kirkwood theory for the nonlinear viscoelasticity of polymer solutions and suspensions pp. 442-442

- Masaa Doi
- Homogeneous algorithm for thermal conductivity: Application of non-canonical linear response theory pp. 443-443

- DenisJ. Evans
- One-dimensional harmonic liquid: A Fokker-Planck description of fluctuations from the nonequilibrium steady state pp. 443-444

- R.A. Guyer
- Dislocations and plastic flow pp. 444-444

- A.J. Ladd
- Long time tails in disordered diffusive media pp. 445-445

- J. Machta and J.R. Dorfman
- Thin films and wetting transitions in binary fluid mixtures pp. 445-446

- J.W. Schmidt and M.R. Moldover
- Neutron scattering in monatomic liquids pp. 446-446

- A.A. van Well, P. Verkerk, L.A. de Graaf and I.M. de Schepper